Objectives: Students will compare daily life in two different city-states in ancient Greece. Create your account, {{courseNav.course.topics.length}} chapters | How were direct democracy and education related in ancient Athens? While hegemon, Athens was the center of culture and intellectual development in the Mediterranean. ... Athens was the more relaxed way of living compared to the Spartans. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Athens took its name from the goddess Athena, the goddess of wisdom and knowledge.Sparta, a town near the river Evrotas, is located in the center of t… Academia.edu uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. Types of Hybrid Learning Models During Covid-19, Creating Routines & Schedules for Your Child's Pandemic Learning Experience, How to Make the Hybrid Learning Model Effective for Your Child, Distance Learning Considerations for English Language Learner (ELL) Students, Blunt Force Trauma: Definition, Symptoms & Examples, Why Were Medieval Castles Built? In true Greek spirit, Sparta refused to burn the city of Athens. Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. Athens has been known for the birth of democracy while Sparta has been known for its … Learn about the roles of women, what sort of education they received and their duties as a citizen. Still, when the Persian Empire invaded, Athens and Sparta were able to work together and defend Greece. However, it remained an independent city-state until Greece was conquered by the Roman Empire in 146 BC. The activities in the two Greece Poleis were very much affected by type of leadership they chose. compare and contrast life in Athens and Sparta. By Philip Chrysopoulos. Athens was an intellectual center with thriving philosophy, art, and architecture, as well as the first true system of democratic government. It is famous for its powerful army as well as its battles with the city-state of Athens during the Peloponnesian War. Even though Athenian women mostly get married by the age of fourteen to sixteen while Sparta women marry at the age of eighteen, both Athenian and Sparta’s marriage were arranged by their fathers. Athens. Sparta began to decline in the coming years and lost the Battle of Leuctra to Thebes in 371 BC. Life for a Spartan man: When a baby boy was born in Sparta, it was taken to some elders to be checked for strength and health. History >> Ancient Greece. They won most wars because of their strict training requirements. By age 18 all boys were expected to attend military school. Use your impressions of Athens and Sparta to discuss and compare daily life in the two city-states. Dictatorship, COMPARE AND CONTRAST ANCIENT AND MODERN DEMOCRACY, ИЗБРАННАЯ БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ ПО ИСТОРИИ И КУЛЬТУРЕ ДРЕВНЕЙ СПАРТЫ ANCIENT SPARTA : SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY / Cост. Special Education in Texas Public Schools, Tech and Engineering - Questions & Answers, Health and Medicine - Questions & Answers. What were some social and political differences between Athens and Sparta? Activities. Learn about the roles of women, what sort of education they received and their duties as a citizen. (2 points) Athenian girls usually weave and learn how to run a household. Ancient Greece: Growing up in Athens and Sparta. Although both Athens and Sparta were powerful Greek city-states, they were very different. Sparta's inland location and its culture made it more isolated than Athens. What were some of the most important key differences between the polis of Athens and Sparta (This can include culture, society, warfare, politics, women, slaves, etc.). The people of Sparta valued strength, simplicity, and military skills. The Spartan military was famous for its skill and efficiency, and Spartan children trained rigorously from a young age. How different can they be? ... Daily Life Daily Lives of the Ancient Greeks Typical Greek Town Food Clothing Women in Greece Science … Differences Of Daily Life In Ancient Athens And Athens Spartan women were not treated like their Athenian counterparts. Spartans were also very careful about citizenship and only allowed people born to Spartan parents to be full citizens and have citizenship rights. Life in Sparta in summary. Additionally, Athens had been the main supporter of democracy, so the fall of Athens was met with the end of democracy across Greece. Your students will love learning about Athens and Sparta with this resource! They also did sports and physical training. Just as with war, the Spartans were excellent at most things they really enjoyed, and their passions were often just as physical as fighting. Daily Life Of Athenian Men Essay 865 Words | 4 Pages Compare the relationship between the state and the individual in Sparta and Athens. The city-state of Sparta was very different. Approximately 140,000; Approximately 40,000 men were citizens; and slaves (about 40,000). The Ancient City Life In Classical Athens Amp Rome Ecu. In Athens and Attica, there were at least 150,000 Athenians, around 50,000 aliens, and more than 100,000 slaves. Then, you can test your understanding with a brief quiz. These weren't the only powers in the Mediterranean, however, and the Persian Empire was growing so powerful that they conquered some Greek city-states in modern-day Turkey. Their lives were centred on the home. As Athens took more control, the Peloponnesian League grew more resentful, leading to a war between the two leagues between 431 and 404 BCE, called the Peloponnesian War. Use an analogy from everyday life that can define the term half-life. After many years of hard fighting, Sparta won the war. Around 500 BCE, Athens and Sparta were both powerful city-states, although Sparta was stronger and considered itself to be the hegemon. The life of a Spartan citizen would be built around a life of physical activity, whether it was hunting, athletics or dancing. Linkedin. Daily Life. Athens is the capital and the largest city of Greece. One of the other similarities is that all Athenian and Sparta women have to get married. What was the most powerful polis in ancient Greece? Only Sparta was able to resist and remain independent. Daily life in Athens. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. This quiz and corresponding worksheet gauge your understanding of daily life in Ancient Athens and Sparta. Growing up in Athens . Athens also developed the first true system of democracy around 508 BCE. … Athens was large, with its population numbering in the hundreds of thousands. Much of the daily life in Sparta consisted of military/warrior training for the men starting at the age of seven (Brand, n.d., pg 4,5). It is a center for economic, political, financial and culture life in Greece. Actually, very different. Materials: Venn Diagram, copies of the articles on Athens and Sparta or computer access to the articles, A vs S worksheets, pencils, the story of Athena, Poseidon, and Athens, board, chalk or markers. Even though Sparta and Athens were geographically close to each other, there was a drastic difference in their ideologies, societies, forms of governance and the basic way of life. In Sparta, the child is educated and cared for by the state, whereas in Athens, there is only 2 years of military service then the adult male is expected to serve on Sociology 110: Cultural Studies & Diversity in the U.S. By age 20 they graduated. 's' : ''}}. Thus, because both parts of Athens' government had leaders who were elected, Athens is said to have been the birthplace of democracy. Sparta, also called Lacedaemon, was a city in ancient Greece, and one of the most famous ancient Greek cities of the Peloponnesus. | {{course.flashcardSetCount}} Although Sparta and Athens were both Greek cities, their societies were different. By 432 BC, Athens had become the most populous city-state in Hellas. Although there are massive differences between Athenian and Sparta women, still there are some similarities among these two women group since they are both Greek. In Athenian households, the men are always in charge of the house, even though women primarily do all of the work. Ancient Greece was never a single unified culture, but rather a collection of independent cities, each with their own governments called city-states. Since the war reached essentially every city in Greece, it left many city-states much weaker, with struggling economies and small civil wars popping up across the country. athens and sparta: comparism of daily life in the two city-states Athens and Sparta are two Greek-city states that are close to each other in terms of geographical proximity. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Physical education was extremely important in Athens as well as Sparta, and sports included Archery, wrestling and swimming. They were raised to be soldiers, loyal to the state, … flashcard set{{course.flashcardSetCoun > 1 ? To learn more, view our, HOW ATHENIAN DEMOCRACY PAVED THE WAY FOR THE DEFEAT OF ATHENS IN THE PELOPONNESIAN WARS, Athens & Sparta: Democracy vs. Athens’government structure. But their livelihoods were not as close. This was not an official position, and a city-state became hegemon through a combination of political and military dominance. Which city state was more prosperous: Athens or Sparta? Sparta also had slaves but these belonged to the city as a whole, rather than to individual families. Whilst men were expected to take an active part in the public life of their city, women were expected to lead a private life as wives and mothers. For both Athens and Sparta, a lot of their power came from the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars. They were the intellectual and cultural center of Greece, developing architecture, philosophy, and art that are admired to this day. There was no other profession but militarism. Facebook. Daily life in Sparta. Use your impressions of Athens and Sparta to discuss and compare daily life in the two city-states. SPARTA. 18.Compare the daily life of Athenian and Spartan girls. More wealthy were taught to ride a horse. Athens sent troops to help the conquered Greeks rebel against Persia in 499 BCE, starting the Persian Wars. Looking at the map closely, we could notice that the both cities were relatively close to each other. Then, Persia returned in 480 BCE and finally conquered the city of Athens. After the Persian Wars, Athens became the hegemon and dominated the new coalition of city-states called the Delian League. Sparta was ruled by two kings, who ruled until they died or were forced out of office. Why Ancient Athens Was A City Of Creativity The Atlantic. The two city-states fought from 431 BC to 404 BC with Sparta eventually triumphing over Athens. Population & Map. They began forming their own empire, and Sparta formed its own coalition, the Peloponnesian League. Thus, because both parts of Athens' government had leaders who were elected, Athens is said to have been the birthplace of democracy. Spartan life was simple. All of Greece centered around Athens, with other city-states paying taxes to the powerful hegemon. Posted on January 17, 2021 January 17, 2021 by January 17, 2021 January 17, 2021 by Sparta. Sparta was focused on having a perfect military, whereas Athenian daily life revolved learning and knowledge. Life in Athens and in Sparta was very different. In Sparta, the child is educated and cared for by the state, whereas in Athens, there is only 2 years of military service then the adult male is expected to serve on Boys were taken to school by a male slave called a paidagogos who sat behind them during class. There are 3 informational articles on the following topics: ⭐Life in Athens ⭐Life in Sparta ⭐The Way of Life for Boys and Girls This unit Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. In 490 BCE, Persia invaded the Greek islands, and Athens was able to defeat them. - Definition & Conversion, Stereotype Overview: Quiz & Worksheet for Kids, Quiz & Worksheet - Symbolism of Starbuck in Moby-Dick, Quiz & Worksheet - Business Globalization & Local Cultures, Quiz & Worksheet - Maria in Twelfth Night, Flashcards - Real Estate Marketing Basics, Flashcards - Promotional Marketing in Real Estate, Positive Behavior Support | PBIS Tips for Teachers, ESL Conversation Questions & Topics for ESL Students, General Chemistry for Teachers: Professional Development, Common Core ELA - Literature Grades 11-12: Standards, ILTS Music (143): Test Practice and Study Guide, Physical Science - Water Balance: Homework Help, Controlling in Organizations: Help and Review, Quiz & Worksheet - Female Reproductive System External Anatomy, Quiz & Worksheet - Necessary & Proper and Interstate Commerce Clauses, Quiz & Worksheet - Pathogens & Antibiotic Resistance, Quiz & Worksheet - Original and Appellate Jurisdiction in the Courts, Quiz & Worksheet - Search & Seizure in the Fourth Amendment, Patrilocality vs. Matrilocality Residency Rules Within Societies. Life in ancient Greece was quite different for men and women. It is a center for economic, political, financial and culture life in Greece. At its largest, Sparta never had a population greater than 9000. It includes reading passages and activities to compare and contrast these two ancient Greek city-states! The Athenians joined together with Sparta's powerful military and started an alliance with other major city-states to fight the Persian Empires. An error occurred trying to load this video. Μ. Эд. As the lesson concludes, ensure that you can: To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. Here women led more active lives, as this would improve their physical strength and their ability to have healthy babies. The activities in the two Greece Poleis were very much affected by type of leadership they chose. Procedures: Read the Myth of Poseidon and Athena to the class as an introduction to the study of Athens and … Menu; how did daily life differ between athens and sparta? Found in the hills of Mount Taygetus many would consider was a brutal group of militaristic people. Sparta strategically supported Delian League rebellions against Athens and used their superior navy to win the war in 404 BCE. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. Athens eventually regained some power and continued trading the position of hegemon back and forth with Sparta until the Macedonian Empire conquered the major Greek city-states. GreekReporter.com Ancient Greece Ancient Greece: Growing up in Athens and Sparta. Teaching Financial Literacy & Personal Finance, Overview of Blood & the Cardiovascular System, Electrolyte, Water & pH Balance in the Body, Sexual Reproduction & the Reproductive System, How Teachers Can Improve a Student's Hybrid Learning Experience. Sparta had recently organized several city-states on the Peloponnesian Peninsula of Greece into their own coalition, the Peloponnesian League. There they were taught math, to read and write and to play a musical instrument. Compare the relationship between the state and the individual in Sparta and Athens. October 25, 2018. While both Sparta and Athens were admired, the values held by each of the two city states differed greatly. Discussion & Comparison of Daily Life of Athens and Sparta Athens and Sparta in competition of ancient Greece, are some of the most widely and popularly known city-states to have ever existed. Schools in Athens were private and boys learnt reading, writing, mathematics, music and literature. Therefore, this article will outline the main aspects of … Both Athens and Sparta hold historic value for Greece and the world. Both Athens and Sparta hold historic value for Greece and the world. Daily Life in Athens and Sparta Unit: Compare and Contrast Passages and Activities. Everyday Life Ancient Athens. Life is Sparta was heavily focused on their military and the hoplite warriors, but the Spartans had plenty of other pursuits. Growing up in Athens . Twitter. This propelled Athens to become the new hegemon, and for a decade. To learn more about this topic, review the accompanying lesson on daily life in Ancient Athens and Sparta. This shows that the life of Sparta women were more colorful but they could barely see their husbands. Daily Life in Ancient Sparta Sparta, also called Lacedaemon, was a city in ancient Greece, and one of the most famous ancient Greek cities of the Peloponnesus. Sophocles, Herodotus, Hippocrates, Socrates, and Pericles, some of the most influential intellectuals in history, were Athenians. Sparta was located in a valley on the banks of the Eurotas River in … Spartan life was simple and ascetic while Athenian life was more creative. Athens, on the other hand, wanted to control more and more of the land around them. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually. Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Athens VS. Sparta . Курилов (2005). Spartan life was simple. Schools in Athens were private and boys learnt reading, writing, mathematics, music and literature. ATHENS. They're both parts of ancient Greece, right? All rights reserved. Sparta was centered around training and perfecting its military, which was strong and effective. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually. They also did sports and physical training. It includes reading passages and activities to compare and contrast these two ancient Greek city-states! Found in the hills of Mount Taygetus many would consider was a brutal group of militaristic people. What are some similarities and differences between the Athenians and Spartans? They were less concerned with philosophy or art than Athenians and had no trouble living underneath a powerful king. Women living in Sparta had more education and rights when compared to women in Greece. The people of Athens valued art, culture, and education. Spartan government and culture was completely devoted to its military. Also they sometimes learn how to read, write and even learn a little music. Sparta was one of the most powerful city-states in Ancient Greece. Athens was also an economic center for trading and production. In this paper, I will try to analysis the government structure, and daily life in both Athens and Sparta, then finalize by deciding which of the city-states I will choose to live in if I had the choice. However, daily life in Sparta was rather different from most other city-states. The classic works of philosophy and art from Greece are largely products of Athens, including major architectural achievements like the giant temple called the Parthenon. It is believed that the helots were laconic, which were commissioned by the Spartans when their needs for farmers to grow food and support the growing Spartan community arose. An overall conclusion will then end the paper. This was a high point for Athens. What was life like for a women in ancient Greece or Sparta? Entertainment "A day in a life" Teachers Page. Do Private Schools Take Standardized Tests? Although, this to some extent may be true most of the written information was derived from the ancient city-state of Athens, who were great enemies of the … The war lasted nearly 30 years and involved almost every one of the Greek city-states. ... they were similar in that most imitated the rules and relationships that existed in Sparta and Athens. Discussion & Comparison of Daily Life of Athens and Sparta Athens and Sparta, the two biggest rivals of ancient Greece, are some of the most prominent city-states to have ever existed. More. They were given an education, they were allowed great social and economic freedom, and were not shunned for spending large portions of their time outdoors. This was too much for some city-states, particularly Sparta.
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