So, they want to punish them with an award that exceeds whatever dollar number the company used. And in most of the latter cases, the funds are coming not from an institution or a government, but from public donations. Unter der Regie von Sara Colangelo («The Kindergarten Teacher») adaptierte man die Memoiren von Kenneth Feinberg ("What Is Life Worth?)" And he says to me, he says, “Charles,” in his Boston accent, he says, “Charles, I’ve heard this all before, but I’ve never heard it said so eloquently.” I’m like, is he giving me B.S.? FEINBERG: Yes, he put his thumb on the scale to get it settled. What I do in all of these programs is not rocket science. Once the legislation was passed by Congress and signed by President Bush saying there would be a fund, I suggested to both Senator Kennedy and Senator Chuck Hagel, a good friend of mine, from Nebraska, Republican, I’d be interested. See, this is the thing: unless you’ve been through this —. Im Interview mit der FAZ (Roland Lindner) sagt der Anwalt und Glyphosat-Schlichter Kenneth Feinberg: "Meiner Erfahrung nach bringt diese Einigung dem Unternehmen die Gewissheit, die es braucht." What would Alexander Hamilton say?” So, this was my job for 16 months, to set individual corporate packages of compensation for the top 25 officials in the seven companies that received the most taxpayer bailout assistance. Feinberg, I lost my husband. DUBNER: There were a lot of things about the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund that were unique. And he left me with our two children, six and four. Kenneth Feinberg is a lawyer in private practice in Washington, D.C. FEINBERG: And I have the task after certain tragedies of trying to calculate what amount of public or private compensation should be allocated to particular victims. He says, “Charles,” he says, “my lawyer training taught me how to deal with other lawyers. In the days after September 11, 2001, Kenneth Feinberg took on an unenviable task. Feinberg, if you cut my pay by 90 or 80 percent — how dare you? Jetzt soll er den angeschlagenen Autokonzern Volkswagen retten – mit einer gerissenen Strategie. This job was, for many reasons, different from any other — the scope of the tragedy; the political, economic, and emotional tensions; and, perhaps most distinctively, the source of the settlement money. And at the end of the day, whatever they got, 25 percent of it went to their lawyers. What you do is you move on in your life. In fact, there’s barely ever a settlement like this that leaves everyone happy. Nice man. Auf die Proteste von Opfern überarbeitete er seinen im Dezember vorgestellten ersten Entwurf. A lady comes to see me, 24 years old, sobbing, “Mr. Kenneth Feinberg gilt als einer der erfolgreichsten Verbraucher-Anwälte in den USA. And probably never will.” That raises the emotional stakes of a hearing, of a give-and-take, and makes it all that much more difficult to talk in the cold world of dollars and cents. FEINBERG: Yes, and I make mistakes. It was as emotional as 9/11. As he walked out of the room afterwards, he was just walking by me like this, I said, “You picked the wrong benchmark.”, SALE: I don’t know if you use the word closure when you’re thinking about your own grief, but—, WOLF: I just had a dream about her last night. VISCUSI: I’ve done studies with mock jurors, hundreds of mock jurors, where I presented them with different case scenarios. We accelerated the program. FEINBERG: The 9/11 Fund was fascinating because Congress authorized unlimited funds. If somebody gets hit by an automobile or falls off a ladder, the stockbroker and the banker get more than the waiter, the bus boy, or the fireman. People had their spouses taken, their siblings taken, their parents taken. And now you have made me worthless in my own eyes.”. I was very angry. Another variant was, the company placed a value on life based on the government’s value of statistical life. Congress decided, we better balance it. DUBNER: What did you think of that argument? I thought that the Congress would hang me. (NSQ Ep. But much of his time was spent doing something else: listening to people’s stories. Make sure that 90 percent of that money doesn’t go to 10 percent of the victims. It will bring you some small closure from the incident and the grief.” Dollars don’t do that. Of that, Feinberg distributed more than $17 million to the families of the people who were murdered. FEINBERG: It surprised me. “Whatever Feinberg thinks is appropriate, fine with us. You’ll get your money.”, “I’ll tell you why, Mr. Feinberg, I have terminal cancer. I don’t think he put his thumb on the scale as to what the amount should be, or whether the chemical industry had a better case than the Vietnam veterans. As Feinberg’s career progressed, he got to know many of the chief judge’s other former clerks. Well, that’s all it took. “Gee, you’re giving different amounts to different individuals? Six weeks later, she died. DUBNER: I believe it was Senator Kennedy who said to you, “Listen, you need to understand that a life is a life and that while you do need to recompense more in some cases…” — can you talk about that balance you tried to strike? Famous mediator Kenneth Feinberg’s entire videotaped speech is being released months after the Ohio Supreme Court’s Dispute Resolution Conference was postponed over coronavirus concerns. Congress had created the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, and it was his job to figure out who should receive money and how much they should get. DUBNER: Did you try in the beginning to be more empathic perhaps than you realized was a good idea? Senator Kennedy said, flat out, privately, “Now Ken, this is all taxpayer money, coming out of the U.S. Treasury. So, I’m exercising my discretion under the statute and I’m going to reduce it to $6 million. You have a tough job, but those words ring hollow. Unprecedented. FEINBERG: It basically — although the program was voluntary — it encouraged all victims who lost loved ones in the World Trade Center, the airlines, the Pentagon, to divert themselves out of the legal system, come in for a special award, and promise on a signed piece of paper, “I will not sue.” If you’re giving immunity, in effect, to the airlines, who can’t be sued for negligence, or Boeing, “the cockpit door wasn’t secure, the security system was negligently installed” — if you are giving them sort of immunity from suit, well, what about the victims, who paid the price? That is Charles Wolf, whose wife Katherine died on 9/11. Once I did that, everybody started calling me. He sought out that job. As an Amazon Associate, Freakonomics may earn commissions from qualifying purchases made through links on this site. I still think that’s a fair way to do it. One day in 1984, Feinberg got a call from Judge Weinstein. DUBNER: I know every case is different. from going under. WOLF: I understood that. All contents © 2021 Freakonomics, LLC. The film is based on Kenneth Feinberg's 2005 memoir about his work as the head of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. So either implicitly or explicitly, they’re going to be valuing life, and we want them to use the right numbers. Wenn Unternehmen in den USA richtig Mist gebaut haben, rufen sie Anwalt Kenneth Feinberg zu Hilfe. Are you waiting for the call? When you get to that level, it’s about having something in return. I do remember though — because at this point you don’t know who to trust or who not to trust — and I remember, because I went after him several times. Real simply, this did not have a fixed amount of money allocated to it. That doesn’t sound very American.” It is very American. DUBNER: You’ve said in the past that the single, maybe most common, heartache of 9/11 victims’ families was the lack of a body. DUBNER: And what kind of blowback did you get from them? So we shouldn’t be doing it at all. We don’t know how to value these lives.”. You will never see another 9/11 Fund, I do not believe, nor should you. Visit, The Smart Passive Income Online Business and Blogging Podcast. He was a firefighter and he died at the World Trade Center. This was in 1970. FEINBERG: Of course. Doesn’t matter how much money you give me.”, I made the mistake of saying to this very nice man, “This is terrible, I know how you feel.”. Stephen DUBNER: For those who don’t recall or know, Agent Orange was an exfoliant meant to burn the shrubs off to give American soldiers an advantage, yes? You can subscribe to Freakonomics Radio on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts. VISCUSI: Lots of people say that even placing any dollar number on life devalues life. Kenneth Feinberg, the former administrator of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, recently spoke with The Wall Street Journal's Bob Davis about the process of compensating victims. The more time that goes by after a tragedy, you hope there’ll be a dampening of the emotion of the survivors and the victims. Additionally, Feinberg served as the government-appointed administrator of the BP … Apple Podcasts-förhandsvisning. WOLF: No. They wanted to demonstrate their sense of community with the victims. WOLF: Exactly. Does one size fit all, all lives are equal, everybody gets the same? It’s about something. By his early 20s, it had led him to Apple and then to Facebook, where he became employee number 29. DUBNER: Did you hear a lot of complaints from the families of the highest earners? 18), A Rescue Plan for Black America (Ep. Kenneth FEINBERG: My name is Kenneth Feinberg, I’m a lawyer here in Washington, D.C. Feinberg grew up near Boston — in Brockton, MA. Now I’ve got to get this money while I still have my faculties. VISCUSI: The value of statistical life refers to how much it’s worth to prevent one expected death. "Mono" – der neue Podcast von Deezer in Kooperation mit stern ... Artikel zu: Kenneth Feinberg Defekte Zündschlösser. After every mass shooting or terrorist attack, victims and survivors receive a huge outpouring of support — including a massive pool of compensation money. They discuss grief and compensation. Our staff also includes Alison Craiglow, Greg Rosalsky, Greg Rippin, Harry Huggins, and Zack Lapinski. Very emotional, because these corporate officials viewed their compensation as the sole barometer of self-worth. So what they did is they gave us what they would have made in the future. FEINBERG: Congress bailed out corporate America after the 2008-09 financial crisis, in order to prevent Bank of America, or G.M., or Chrysler, or Citibank, A.I.G. You have no idea how I feel. It's against the rule of law. I don’t have much time. Writing on a blank slate. WOLF: I will tell you this. Is he trying to placate me? I had to say things in a certain way. I remember one 83-year-old man came to see me after 9/11. Now he was in private practice. And then I was asked by the Chief Judge of New York State to clerk for him. FEINBERG: That’s correct. A stockbroker or a banker or a high-priced lawyer or accountant — their survivors expect more from the 9/11 Fund in return for a promise not to sue than the waiter, the busboy, the fireman, the cop, the soldier. 42), Robert Sapolsky: “I Don’t Think We Have Any Free Will Whatsoever.” (People I (Mostly) Admire, Ep. All rights reserved. It was Kenneth Feinberg’s job to distribute that money, assigning a monetary value to each of those lives. DUBNER: They sued within the corridor of the settlement, having agreed to the settlement? Some of may have got less. Not at that time. The depth of the emotional angst when mothers and fathers would come to see me and say, “You know Mr. Feinberg, you’re offering me $4 million, and they haven’t even found my daughter’s body. By this time, Feinberg had put in time as a federal prosecutor and as chief of staff for Senator Ted Kennedy. We speak with the man who’s done that job after many tragedies, including 9/11. But, based on the data and what your husband was earning, and what he was likely projected to earn, you are going to be a high-end compensated individual. They don’t like to probe new ground. Film über sein Wirken. Now, when you cut the check from the 9/11 Fund, I’m going to get $2.4 million, tax-free. They’re a hollow substitute, I can tell you, for loss. And you’ll find credits for the music in the episode noted within the transcript. Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jan 14, 2021 / 04:01 pm MT ().-The Archdiocese of New York responded Thursday to questions about its victims’ compensation program. Let’s start with the way it used to be: VISCUSI: So, used to be, the government agencies — such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration — did not want to explicitly say that they are placing a value on life. Thanks also to Charles Wolf, Anna Sale, and Kip Viscusi. He is an Amway distributor; Katherine worked with him on that business and had just started a new job as an executive assistant in the north tower of the World Trade Center. After 9/11, Congress authorized unlimited funds to compensate the families of victims. He helped the company innovate, pursuing a deeply-held mission: letting people be themselves and share their lives on the internet. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema Kenneth Feinberg … I want it in 30 days.”, “Mrs. WOLF: A lot of it, yeah. Yet, at the same time I didn’t want to bite the hand that would feed me. What about those who didn’t suffer any physical injury, but are now so mentally incapacitated they can’t get out of bed? Somebody initiates it, then the very next question you have to ask: how much money do you have to distribute? Now they’re going to be orphans. June 18, 2012 in Claims. Until you know whether you’ve got a billion dollars, $5 billion, $20 billion, $3 million, $8 million, there’s nothing to plan; you can’t decide and design a program until you know how much money there is that you’re going to allocate to victims. How Does When You Are Born Affect Who You Are? FEINBERG: Weinstein had assigned to him the Agent Orange litigation brought by Vietnam veterans against the chemical industry — Dow, Monsanto — alleging certain physical injuries and deaths attributable to inhaling or swimming in the herbicide Agent Orange while serving in Vietnam. Die anstehende Kirchenspaltung der Methodisten weltweit sieht der für Deutschland zuständige Bischof Harald Rückert als schmerzlich, aber als eine "unausweichliche Realität" an. And if you do that, you come up with the number in current dollars of about $10 million. But, as a routine practice, government agencies have to make decisions. VISCUSI: Everybody who thinks that life should have an infinite value should instead ask themselves the question, “How much would you pay for a car that’s safer but by a trivial amount?” And most people are not willing to pay an unlimited amount of money for this slightly safer car. These are the areas where we need more government regulation and more vigorous enforcement of the regulatory standards. We’ll make it very difficult to sue the airlines or the World Trade Center, but at the same time we’ll make it very easy for victims to get compensated without suing. They’re pretentious, they’re robotic.” Well, I’ll never do that again. That meant — the minute I saw that, that voluntary applicants have to sign a paper, “I will not sue” — well, that means everybody who filed a claim has to receive a different amount of money. FEINBERG: Surprised me? So that was the balance that was struck. Congress passed a law, and the law said, “Well, now that we have protected these companies and bailed them out from bankruptcy, we are now a creditor.” And until the companies pay us back with interest, we will appoint the Treasury Department to fix corporate pay, the annual compensation of private corporate officials. But I think the 9/11 Fund is better studied in a history class, not a law-school class. When something terrible happens — something truly terrible, a mass shooting or a terrorist attack — there is a man whose phone, eventually, will ring. Corporate officials, if I go to them and say, “You’re making $5 million a year, now I’m going to cut it back to a million,” I waited for them to say, “Oh, that means I’ll have to sell a third car. And Judge Weinstein had that case — very complicated, very complex medical case — and on the eve of trial, he asked me would I be willing to come to Brooklyn to mediate a settlement of that case and then design and administer a compensation program for eligible Vietnam veterans? I’ll never be the same. DUBNER: So, Judge Weinstein knew that you very much admired him. The music you hear throughout the episode was composed by Luis Guerra. was the most valuable company in the world, a conglomerate that included everything from light bulbs and jet engines to financial... New York Times columnist Charles Blow argues that white supremacy in America will never fully recede, and that it’s time for Black people to do something... Freakonomics ® is a registered service mark of Freakonomics, LLC. In Western countries, lives are inherently unequal in the eyes of the law - Kenneth Feinberg, attorney and … My husband was going to take care of our two children. Congress had created the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, and it was his job to figure out who should receive money and how much they should get. I knew the ins and outs of the whole thing, and I’m making sure that I attack his policies and rules, not him personally. VISCUSI: What I’ve found is that whether you get paid or not depends in part on who you are. That drives everything. SALE: Did you feel like he knew how to communicate with people who were in deep grief? Oct. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg View columnist Barry Ritholtz interviews Kenneth Feinberg, who is best known for serving as the Special Master of the Federal September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001. Regisseurin Jurschick, die auf einen erklärenden Kommentar verzichtet, spielt Archivaufnahmen aus den achtziger Jahren ein. (Photo: Wally Gobetz/flickr), Our latest Freakonomics Radio episode is called “Who Decides How Much a Life Is Worth?” (You can subscribe to the podcast at Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or elsewhere, get the RSS feed, or listen via the media player above.). FEINBERG: No. FEINBERG: No. Walk us through how you get involved, how you assess the landscape, and then how you begin to make it happen. They don’t capture how much you value your own life and how much you value staying alive. Closure might be for something you go through in a divorce, and remember that old song, “I’m going to wash that man right out of my hair?”. He had the entire United States Treasury at his disposal. No, there’s no closure in this. 150 Menschen arbeiten auf Donald Trumps Golfanlage in Schottland – nun möchte die Firma die britische Regierung für sie zahlen lassen. I won’t be able to send my kids to Exeter and Andover,” that’s what I expected. Looking at it now, he had one hell of a hard job. FEINBERG: That’s right, so the Viet Cong couldn’t hide and ambush American soldiers. Ich habe keine Autorität, ich kann niemanden zwingen, ich kann keine Lösung aufoktroyieren. Dave Morin’s love for the internet began when he was a geeky kid in Montana. And, instead, the Congress was very, very satisfied. Jones, why do you need the money in 30 days? They made it exactly like it would happen for a wrongful-death lawsuit, they calculated it based on lost future earnings, and pain and suffering. Nun soll er dem in Bedrängnis geratenen … There was one tragedy that differed from the rest — on several dimensions. Kenneth Feinberg gilt als Amerikas größter Verhandler für Entschädigungszahlungen. In a perfect world, the compensation for risky work would inevitably price in that risk. DUBNER: Do you feel it’s a more complicated calculation to do the kind of calculations that economists like Kip Viscusi do that try to put a price on, among other things, public goods, clean air and water and so on.
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