With an electric mower, troubleshooting is a bit different, although some things remain the same. From there, try a different extension cord. Does your strimmer keep flooding? Slide the blade onto the fan shoulder with the blade ends pointing at the front and rear of the mower deck. However, a few components we havent mentioned in detail that are relevant here are its start switch and motor. Is your strimmer cutting out constantly? If it does, do you have the appropriate number of batteries installed? This post may include affiliate links.
Follow all safety instructions provided in your equipment operators manual prior to diagnosing, repairing or operating. Unfortunately, you might. Black and Decker USA Black & Decker MM1800 Craftsman 17.5 hp 42 in. If possible, remove the casing with the air vents to clean it. When enough debris has clogged them up, air circulation to the engine is cut off and the mower overheats. You get your hat and sunglasses, pull the mower out, and get to mowing. Appliance Analysts is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. If it still won't start, it may be a connection within the mower itself. problems contact [emailprotected]. When you install the new blade, look at it to see if it is marked "grass side" if it is not marked, the sharpened area on the blade should have the "beveled" edge toward the housing and remember the nut will turn to the left (counter-clockwise) to install and tighten.
does it have a main fuse besides a breaker ? Gently rotate the blade clockwise until it makes contact with the wood and moves no farther.
You might have heard that its never a good idea to pull your mower backward and wonder if this is just a common myth or legitimate advice.
1/2 hpYou can get another one from ebay or craigslist, SOURCE: replace blade on electric lawn mower, IF IT IS A CORDED MOWER MAKE SURE IT IS NOT PLUGGED IN -IF IT IS CORDLESS, MAKE SURE SAFETY DEVICE (KEY) IS REMOVEDIf you have a work bench, place your mower on the bench on its side or upside down where you can see what you are doing. Try to use a clean, dry cloth to wipe off anything that might be on the vent, and refrain from using any liquids as they disintegrate your motors lubrication. This is where a battery tester comes in handy. This common reason for your lawn mower not starting is most likely the item people dont want to see listed first, but not fully inserting your lawn mower key happens more often than you would think. Check the switch and make sure its put in the RUN mode, or whatever your manufacturer calls it. Replacing lawn mowers can be a vicious cycle if youre doing so frequently, especially considering how pricy they are. Website operating Is it very stiff or fairly free? You are not alone. If it says its charged but theres no power, you may have to replace the battery. Is that possible? Now lets take a look if the situation is a power failure at the motor itself. Get a small 2 x4 block, a C-Clamp or some other device to keep the blade from spinning. Unplug your mower and check all other connections. So, if you find that you have trouble getting your lawn mower to start more often than youd like and are wondering what you can do, the best advice we can give is maintenance. If your mower stops in mid-cut all of a sudden, it may have too much grass built up on the underside of the deck. Not only are these components usually pricy, but they are best handled by individuals with extensive mechanical and electrical knowledge who can safely remove the damaged parts and reinstall new ones. If whatever you plugged in works, you know its not an outlet problem. Mary Lougee has been writing for over 10 years. We recommend you test all those reasons first before resigning yourself to a professional. Sometimes, if you have paired them improperly or something goes wrong with breakers and fuses, the cord will automatically shut off as a safety feature, and you will need to reset it before using it again. Sep 20, 2012, SOURCE: black & decker electric mulching lawn mower won't start. Disclaimer | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | About Us | Contact Us. It will also increase your lawn mowers longevity drastically, so you arent constantly purchasing replacements every few years, which of course, is beneficial for your wallet as much as your mental sanity. the blades should not hit only reason a blade hit a blade is if the spindle bearing is out so check that out see if there worn out should be no movement in spindle bearing side to side, you are going to need a impact gun to get it off. All rights reserved. This will disrupt your lawn mowers power supply and prevent it from starting. The bad news is, if this is what youre experiencing, its probably one of three. This is where a battery tester comes in handy. Does it still have time on its expected service life? If you have a corded motor, make sure the connection of the cord at the mower is good and not loose. Generally, pulling your lawn mower doesnt yield any benefits apart from simple maneuvering or turning around. It might need gas or more priming but youd have an idea if the engines were cycling and blades rotating. The lip should be over the blade and gripping it perpendicular to the blade length. IF IT IS A CORDED MOWER MAKE SURE IT IS NOT PLUGGED IN -. When you turn on a gas-fueled lawn mower, you hold down the engine stop lever while pulling the recoil starter handle. Okay, youve cleared up any issues with the source. So, before doing any other Google searches or checking for YouTube videos, check out that manual that was written for your specific model of mower.
While it certainly is not ideal its inevitable that, at some point or other, components on your lawn mower are going to wear down and will need to be replaced. While your mower may cut well, it can take a toll on the lawn mower as it collects excess amounts of cut grass, twigs, leaves, and other trimmings in its cutting bag. Something has the motor unable to turn. It sounds like bearings are seized and need to be replaced. If its full, empty the bag, reconnect it to your electric lawn mower, and see if the issue is resolved. While pulling may present problems such as restricting blade rotation, it is usually not the root cause of a starting problem. If its either one of these, youre going to have to get repairs done before any mowing will be possible in the future. Copyright James
Most electric motor problems are caused by the bearings failing. These components are much trickier to remove and install without proper knowledge and could result in personal injury or damage to your lawn mower if done improperly. If you dont have power, whether its a corded mower or battery-operated mower, you will absolutely not get any spinning blades. Electric lawn mowers can have a similar problem with their plug-ins. The most significant factor of this question isnt whether or not you can pull your lawn mower, but if it is safe. Feel free to unplug and reconnect the plugs you see so youre sure they make a good connection. home improvement and repair website. If your lawn mower isnt turning on and you realize you havent emptied it in a while, its probably the cause of the issue. If the breaker looks good, test another outlet with the same device. The majority of electric lawn mowers dont rely on power from an electrical outlet to run, but rather, they draw it from a battery. That doesnt necessarily mean it is because you can get a false reading. Having an electric mower is a good thing. Whenever you get a new electric lawn mower, or one that is just new to you, make sure you check its user manual to ensure you arent supposed to be engaging a safety handle while you flip the machines on switch.
- Provide details, support with references or personal experience.
So, check and maintain your lawn mower regularly and remember that in the event that where it doesnt start, the reason is usually something simple and easy you can solve yourself.
Most riding electric lawn mowers require keys for you to turn them on, and sometimes, the cause of your problem is not having your key fully inserted into the lawn mower. Regularly maintaining your electric lawn mower will do wonders in preventing common issues, such as the inability to start. If you have a self-propelled lawn mower, you should disengage the self-propelled function before pulling the lawn mower backward, as it also could cause significant damage to various components. Your lawn mower being filled with debris, debris restricting the blade rotation, damaged components and clogged vents can also cause your lawn mower to not start. It is possible to pull your electric lawn mower backward. Considering blades arent the cheapest component on a lawn mower to replace, youll want to do everything you can to keep them clean and sharp.
You can take your lawn mower to home and garden retail stores, like Home Depot, some hardware stores, or a lawn mower specialist for help.
Also check the circuit breaker to be sure the power is on. Make minor adjustments if necessary to align all holes in the center of the blade, insulator and spacer. If it cant be removed, use an air compressor to blow the debris out. A reason for gas-fueled lawn mowers not starting is that the spark plug is damaged or needs adjustment. First, check to make sure any extension cord(s) you are using are in prime condition and still functioning. The short answer is it isnt advisable to pull your lawn mower backward. Your electric mower may not start due to the key not being fully engaged, the plug connections are loose, safety handles are not engaged, or an insufficient power source. Other signs include slowing of the blades with increased motor noise before shutting off. Did your riding lawn mowers battery die unexpectedly? suggestions. SOURCE: I have an old Black and Decker 18 electric mower, Here is the black and decker website:http://www.blackanddecker.com/ProductGuide/CategoryOverview.aspx?cPath=1498.1670Most the old models where 6 amps. Side Note: Almost all corded mowers dont come with their own cord. Our goal is to save you time, stress, and money through our informational guides. Yes, thats a bit of an exaggeration but does it hurt to remind yourself of that tip?
Doing it in short spurts probably will not cause any issues, but your lawn mower is really built to be pushed. The connection part is simple. Some electric lawn mowers have a display showing you the charged level of the battery while others do not. Know how it feels and reacts. Below are six things to consider and tips to follow when troubleshooting why your electric lawn mower blades arent spinning. This may remove small amounts of corrosion and dirt that can cause a faulty connection. The piece of wood should be above the blade at the top of the mower as it is lying on its side. Whether you have a riding or push electric lawn mower, youll want to check underneath the deck near the blades to ensure there arent any trimmings built up that need to be cleared. Because the average U.S. lawn is approximately a 1/4 acre, it is highly unlikely youll be able to mow your entire lawn using just the cord length your lawn mower provides. Because it is such a common issue for lawn mowers to have trouble starting, we have put together a full list of what you should check the next time your lawn mower doesnt start. Hopefully, this isnt a pattern, but if it is, you might be wondering if the issue is something beyond your abilities and requires a professional. on The Mower Runs but Vibrates Badly and the Blades Barely Spin, Electric Lawn Mower Blades Not Spinning? Heck, you might even get lucky and fix the problem right off the bat. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that your lawn mower wont start if your battery is dead. ), Complete. They are extremely hefty lawn care machines that draw a great deal of power to operate. When this happens, the drag on the blade increases, and the motor attempts to compensate for it. I am trying to figure out if a cordless electric mower or an electric s Building a Home Office Series: Electrical Wiring Wiring the Outlet, Troubleshooting Problems with a Steam Shower Generator, How to Repair a Hole in a Chain Link Fence, Mower Engine Runs for 10 Minutes and Stops, 5 Tips to Reduce Transmission Repair Cost, RV Air Conditioner Parts: How to Replace the Thermostat. Get a male plug end and, using the wiring pattern that comes with it, wrap the three wires around the appropriate contacts (your green wire is always the ground wire).
Yes, its an electric mower, and maybe youve had it for a while. You can also use a leaf blower for this. Now lets talk about push lawn mowers. There are two lips opposite each other on the blade insulator; one points down, and one points up. You can also keep track of your batterys age and charge, so you know when it will likely need to be replaced in the future. If noticeable corrosion is still found, it will have to be removed or the part will need replacing. Rinse off the underneath of a lawn mower after using it with a garden hose. This is for the safety of the user and to prevent blade damage. Thankfully, if you are looking for reasons why your lawn mower isnt starting, you can check this off the list because it is highly unlikely its the root cause. Know all the safety precautions and warnings. Its your responsibility to provide the cord that runs from the outlet to the mower so ensure the cord youre using is functional. Sure, it might stall out or never fully engage but youd still have an idea. Hopefully, your electric lawn mower starting troubleshooting doesnt come to this point, but if it does, you might have a pricy solution on your hands. We do not recommend pulling your mower around the yard. As a result, most electric lawn mower owners will pair their lawn mower with an extension cord which is where a common issue derives. So I am looking for thoughts on this before I get my hands dirty so I can k Got this motor from a mower someone was throwing out. There are two reasons why your lawn mower might not start regarding insufficient power, and both are likely regardless of whether you own a riding or push model. Clean out your deck (after unplugging, of course), and reset the breaker. What Does That Manufacturers Manual Recommend? Hi. If the blades on your lawn mower cant turn properly, the machine will use safety features to prevent itself from turning on. Do this when the electric mower is off with the safety mode is engaged if your mower has a safety. So, make sure you check and clear your electric lawn mowers deck after every use so this issue doesnt occur in the future. Click "Add" to insert your video. You might remember something you forgot by reviewing, like dont put your hands, or worse, your face close to the blades without making sure the mowers source of power is secured. Another sign your battery is going bad is when it becomes very hot. You can't post answers that contain an email address. Wedge a 2-foot-long block of 2-by-4-inch board above the rear of the blade and the mower deck. However, remember dont give in to temptation and start troubleshooting without considering safety items first. Allow rinsed blades to dry thoroughly before storing your electric lawn mower in a garage. Need to check blade and replace.Blade is out of balance causeing vibration. Place an adjustable wrench on the nut and turn it clockwise until it is tight. However, that doesnt mean it wont experience similar issues that will affect its operational capability. Consult a professional if you dont have the skills, knowledge or are not in the condition to perform the repair safely. Tell us some more! There are more extensive repairs that may be necessary, for which youll need new mower parts and possibly professional help. These vents help keep your electric lawn mowers motor cool and maintain an optimal temperature during use. Add, See all Black & Decker Black and Decker Mm575 18" Mulching Questions. In the event that you cant clean or unclog your vent with a rag, opt for an air-related tool, like a compressed air can, to spray inside and dislodge any remaining debris. Here are some reasons why and what you can do to stop it from backfiring again. Safety gear should always be worn before working with sharp parts. What Does That Manufacturers Manual Recommend? Were going to assume that since the question relates to pulling the lawn mower, those asking dont have riding lawn mowers. If everything appears to be in order you can test your outlet by plugging in a simple appliance, like a lamp. So your electric lawn mower is putting up a fight again and wont start. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. To ensure this isnt the case, simply remove the detached bag from your lawn mower to check its status. Thankfully, the majority of common reasons we listed previously can all be fixed by yourself and are likely to be the reason behind your problem. Even new blades can be out of balance, but my guess would be either the other blade spindle, or the tensioner pulley bearing. View our Privacy Policy here. Just because youre sure you know it all, dont give in. Some common pieces that often need replacing on an electric lawn mower include: Weve already discussed most of these components and detailed how they can prevent your lawn mower from starting if they are damaged or out of place. If you're using an electric mower with a power cord, check that the cord is plugged in properly at both ends, and that the outlet carries enough power for that particular electric mower. The Mower Runs but Vibrates Badly and the Blades Barely Spin. When your lawn mower key isnt fully inserted into the mower you will find it difficult to turn the key or it might feel as if it gets stuck at some point in the turning process.