bacillus subtilis gb03

(Wang et al., 2005; Ramani et al., 2006). Stein T., Borchert S., Conrad B., Feesche J., Hofemeister B., Hofemeister J., et al. Using lacZ fusions, we examined the effects of abh upon the expression of 10 promoters known to be regulated by AbrB, including five that transcribe well-characterized antimicrobial functions (SdpC, SkfA, TasA, sublancin, and subtilosin). In Bacillus subtilis, the termination of DNA replication via polar fork arrest is effected by a specific protein:DNA complex formed between the replication terminator protein (RTP) and DNA terminator sites. Ramani B., Reeck T., Debez A., Stelzer R., Huchzermeyer B., Schmidt A., et al. Kim, S-Y; Jo, E-K; Kim, H-J; Bai, K; Park, J-K. To investigate the microbicidal mechanisms of high-power microwave (2.0 kW) irradiation on Bacillus subtilis and to determine the effect of this procedure on the ultrastructure of the cell wall. Transmission electron microscopy analysis revealed severe modifications in the plasma membrane and disorganization of the P. fusca cell cytoplasm.

Soil processes affecting crop production in salt-affected soils. Bacillus subtilis WU-S2B is a thermophilic dibenzothiophene (DBT)-desulfurizing bacterium and produces a flavin reductase (Frb) that couples with DBT and DBT sulfone monooxygenases. In this paper, the microscopic regulation mechanisms of B. subtilis grown under different dissolved oxygen tensions were studied by integrating 13 C metabolic flux analysis, metabolomics and transcriptomics.

Effects of GB03 bacterization on leaf osmotic potential of white clover under various concentrations of NaCl. To analyse the morphological and ultrastructural effects of lipopeptides of cell-free liquid cultures from the antagonistic Bacillus subtilis strains, UMAF6614 and UMAF6639, on the cucurbit powdery mildew fungus, Podosphaera fusca, conidial germination. In order to develop the herbicide-resistant plants, the transgenic rice plants were generated via expression of B. subtilis Protox gene under ubiquitin promoter targeted to the cytoplasm or to the plastid using Agrobacterium-mediated gene transformation. Cell surface engineering of Bacillus subtilis improves production yields of heterologously expressed -amylases. Mhadhbi H., Jebara M., Limam F., Aouani M. E. (2004). The transcription level of virulence genes of A. hydrophila SC2005 and its hemolysin activity as well as its cytotoxicity were analyzed when B. subtilis CH9 and A. hydrophila SC2005 were co-cultured. 47logCFUg -1 reduction in colony number of P.expansum on apples. Bacillus subtilis 168 has the ability to metabolize inositol stereoisomers, including MI and SI. Average area per leaf was increased by 125.6% (P < 0.05) under non-saline conditions; compared to corresponding media control, GB03 significantly improved average area per leaf by 159.4% (P < 0.01), 334.5% (P < 0.01), and 81.5% (P < 0.01) with 50, 100, and 150 mM NaCl treatments, respectively (Figure (Figure3C3C). The results indicate that Abh is part of the complex interconnected regulatory system that controls gene expression during the transition from active growth to stationary phase. The influence on growth and surfactin production of culture medium supplementation with yeast extract was also studied. GB03 increased plant biomass of white clover under both non-saline conditions and salinity stress (Figure (Figure2).2). In turn, PGPMori7 inhibited the growth of the Macrophomina mycelium without fungal injury, resulting only in a fungistatic activity. As demonstrated with QCM-D, the bond stiffness between B. subtilis and the quartz surface decreased after FT. This result suggests that the differences in cellular milieu between B.subtilis and B.licheniformis, rather than the intrinsic differences in PerR BS and PerR BL per se, affect the H 2 O 2 sensing ability of PerR inside the cell and the H 2 O 2 resistance of cell. The coat is organized starting from the outside into an outermost amorphous (crust) layer, a rodlet layer, a honeycomb layer, a fibrous layer, a layer of nanodot particles, a multilayer assembly, and finally the undercoat/basement layer. All rights reserved. However, attempts to produce streptavidin using B. subtilis face the problem that cells overproducing large amounts of streptavidin suffer poor growth, presumably because of biotin deficiency.

The strain was identified to produce bacteriocin by stab overlay assay. The application of the mutation reporter system in combination with microfluidics might be helpful to elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying TR (in)stability in bacteria. 1 PMID:2104610, The Antimicrobial Properties of Silver Nanoparticles in Bacillus subtilis Are Mediated by Released Ag+ Ions, Hsueh, Yi-Huang; Lin, Kuen-Song; Ke, Wan-Ju; Hsieh, Chien-Te; Chiang, Chao-Lung; Tzou, Dong-Ying; Liu, Shih-Tung, The superior antimicrobial properties of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) are well-documented, but the exact mechanisms underlying Ag-NP microbial toxicity remain the subject of intense debate. Effect of water and salt stresses on growth, chlorophyll, mineral ions and organic solutes contents, and enzymes activity in mung bean seedlings. Overall, the cycle (migration-plus-consolidation) time seems to be constant, and does not depend so much on both Cn and Ca. Soil salinity is known to increase the level of reactive oxygen species in plant leaves, which are well recognized for membrane lipid peroxidation and cause an increase in leaf malondialdehyde (MDA), a product of membrane lipid peroxidation (Koca et al., 2006; Yazici et al., 2007). HPLC purification revealed that the extracts are bacteriocin. PMID:9603817. Previous studies have determined the extracellular polymeric substances present in the matrix of biofilms formed by Bacillus subtilis NCIB 3610. The elucidation of Bacillus spore coat assembly, architecture, and function is critical to determining mechanisms of spore pathogenesis, environmental resistance, immune response, and physicochemical properties. Our novel, systematic multigene deletion approach designed to inhibit cell lysis significantly increased the biomass yield and the production of recombinant proteins by B. subtilis.

Ma, Yingfang; Yang, Haiquan; Chen, Xianzhong; Sun, Bo; Du, Guocheng; Zhou, Zhemin; Song, Jiangning; Fan, You; Shen, Wei. Conversion of protein wastes into biofuels and ammonia by engineering nitrogen flux in Escherichia coli has been demonstrated as a method to reclaim reduced-nitrogen and curb its environmental deposition.

Importantly, B. subtilis facilitates the careful adjustment of expression levels and genetic background required for full functionality of the introduced regulators. Alkaline protease activity has been detected with optimum temperature at 50C and is insensitive to ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Bacillus subtilis biofilms contain TasA as major proteinaceous component in addition to exopolysaccharides. We demonstrate that the LytST two-component system is responsible for the induction of pftAB in the presence of pyruvate by binding of the LytT response regulator to a palindromic region upstream of pftAB We show that both glucose and malate, the preferred carbon sources for B.subtilis , trigger the binding of CcpA upstream of pftAB , which results in its catabolite repression. coli) shuttle vector has been developed to achieve stable production of recombinant nattokinase in B. subtilis (Chen; et al. Tavassoli, Setareh; Hinc, Krzysztof; Iwanicki, Adam; Obuchowski, Michal; Ahmadian, Gholamreza. Bacillus mojavensis, a species recently distinguished from this broad Bacillus subtilis grou Twin-arginine signal peptide of Bacillus subtilis YwbN can direct Tat-dependent secretion of methyl parathion hydrolase.

The major acid-soluble spore proteins (ASSPs) of Bacillus subtilis were detected by immunoprecipitation of radioactively labeled in vitro- and in vivo-synthesized proteins. Therefore, we propose that bacteriocin-producing B. subtilis KKU213 could be used as a potential probiotic strain or protective culture. Meyer, Hanna; Weidmann, Hendrikje; Mder, Ulrike; Hecker, Michael; Vlker, Uwe; Lalk, Michael. In this system, T7 RNA polymerase regulated by the thermosensitive repressor drives the expression of the phage lysis genes. Here, we revealed that the soil bacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens A50 is tolerant to the non-canonical amino acid D-tyrosine (D-Tyr), in contrast to the closely related Bacillus strain B. subtilis 168, which is a widely used "domesticated" laboratory strain. & Itoh, Y. Castellen, Patricia; Nogueira, Maria Luiza C.; Bettini, Jefferson; Portugal, Rodrigo V.; Zeri, Ana Carolina M.; Gueiros-Filho, Frederico J. Both operons are under the control of the repressor SinR. Geraskina, Natalia V; Butov, Ivan A; Yomantas, Yurgis A V; Stoynova, Nataliya V. Genetically engineered microbes are of high practical importance due to their cost-effective production of valuable metabolites and enzymes, and the search for new selectable markers for genetic manipulation is of particular interest.

Most of the substitutions that gave rise to Min resistance clustered around the H9 and H10 helices in the C-terminal domain of FtsZ. In a sheep farm, two groups of milking ewes with identical genetic material, management, nutrition, health status and similar production characteristics were formed. In Escherichia coli this step is carried out by oligoribonuclease (Orn), a DEDD-family exoribonuclease that is conserved throughout eukaryotes. We report the crystal structure of a replication terminator protein homologue (RTP.C110S) of B. subtilis in complex with the high affinity component of one of its cognate DNA termination sites, known as the TerI B-site, refined at 2.5 A resolution. We constructed the multiple deletion mutant LM2531 (skfA sdpC lytC xpf) and found that after 4 h of culture, its biomass yield was significantly increased compared with that of prototypical B. subtilis 168 (wild-type) strain and that 15% and 92% of the cells were lysed in cultures of LM2531 and wild-type, respectively. Finally, motility assays revealed that 0.01 and 1g/ml AgNPs, respectively, promoted surface movement in E. coli and B. subtilis under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. (A) shoot fresh weight, (B) shoot dry weight, (C) root fresh weight, and (D) root dry weight. This study is attempted to produce protease from Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 6633) after optimization of various process parameters with the aid of solid-state fermentation using a cheap nutrient source such as wheat bran. Root length was increased by 23.9% (P < 0.05) under non-saline conditions; compared to corresponding media control, GB03 significantly improved root length by 28.0% (P < 0.01), 15.4% (P < 0.01), and 16.9% (P < 0.05) with 50, 100, and 150 mM NaCl treatments, respectively (Figure (Figure1B1B). The dtd gene from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens encodes a putative D-tyrosyl-tRNATyr deacylase and is a selectable marker for Bacillus subtilis. Production of surfactants with antagonistic activity could provide a powerful competitive advantage during surface colonization and in competition for resources. Adsorption edge and XAS experiments were performed at high bacteria-to-metal ratio, analogous to Cu uptake in natural geologic and aqueous environments. Rogers M. E., Noble C. L., Halloran G. M., Nicolas M. E. (1997). Effect of deletion of 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase gene (bdhA) on acetoin production of Bacillus subtilis. Streptavidin is a biotin-binding protein which has been widely used in many in vitro and in vivo applications.

Cells grown at pH 9.0 survived 40 to 100% at pH 10, whereas cells grown at pH 7.0 survived <5%. We modeled the potentiometric data using a four and five-site non-electrostatic surface complexation model (NE-SCM). Columns with different letters indicate significant difference at P < 0.05 (Duncan test). Gageostatins 1-3 exhibited good antifungal activities with MICs values of 4-32 g/mL when tested against pathogenic fungi (R. solani, B. cinerea and C. acutatum) and moderate antibacterial activity against bacteria (B. subtilis, S. aeureus, S. typhi and P. aeruginosa) with MICs values of 8-64 g/mL. Isolated enzyme required calcium for its activity and/or stability and was readily inhibited by EDTA. Cell wall structural dynamics allowing growth and division, while maintaining integrity is a basic problem governing the life of bacteria. Effect of different solvents extracts and mode of action of Loktanella spp. Thereby, we characterize a structural change from a globular state to a fibrillar form in a functional prokaryotic system on the molecular level. Bacteriocin was extracted by organic solvent extraction using chloroform, further purified by HPLC and physical, and chemical characterization was performed. Torres, M J; Brandan, C Prez; Petroselli, G; Erra-Balsells, R; Audisio, M C. The antifungal effect of Bacillus subtilis subsp. Invitro and invivo studies indicate that PerR BL , like PerR BS , uses either Fe 2+ or Mn 2+ as a corepressor and only the Fe 2+ -bound form of PerR BL senses low levels of H 2 O 2 by iron-mediated histidine oxidation. Wang, Xindan; Le, Tung B.K. The phylogenetic tree analysis results showed that the isolate was 99% related to B. subtilis BSF01. The strain B. subtilis are found to be safe for use and these antimicrobial peptides can be used as an antimicrobial in humans to treat DFU bacterial pathogens.


However, an additional CcpA-independent mechanism represses pftAB in the presence of malate. This study initiated a biocontrol approach to limit the internalization using endophytic Bacillus subtilis strains, which were isolated from the inner tissue of mung bean seeds or lettuce stems. Because of the ease of protein recovery and availability of protease-deficient strains, the Bacillus subtilis expression-secretion system is an attractive system for streptavidin production. A detailed study of gerJ mutants of Bacillus subtilis. Furthermore, both live and autoclaved cells of three strains efficiently adsorbed artificially spiked PAT from medium. Antibiotics obtained from B. subtilis DJM-51 inhibited the growth of Tomato pathogen Cmm ATCC 7429.

Drilling resistance values were similar to those obtained for freshly quarried limestone (9N) and increased up to 15N. Treatment resulted in a high resistance to salt deterioration and a slow rate of water absorption. Costs and benefits of priming for defense in. However, recent in vivo studies of E. coli and Bacillus subtilis suggested that the BioF proteins of the two bacteria could have different specificities for pimelate thioesters in that E. coli BioF may utilize either pimeloyl coenzyme A (CoA) or the pimelate thioester of the acyl carrier protein (ACP) of fatty acid synthesis. PhyC did not have the conserved RHGXRXP sequence found in the active site of known phytases, and therefore PhyC appears not to be a member of the phytase subfamily of histidine acid phosphatases but a novel enzyme having phytase activity. The sensitivity of three Encephalitozoon spp. Purified enzyme had maximal phytase activity at pH 7 and 55C. Importantly, insertion of parS sites on opposing arms indicates that these zip-up interactions only occur between adjacent DNA segments. Hansen, Denmark) at the approximate dose of 2.56 x 10(9) viable spores per ewe per day. Data of the study using the cat-tagged strains demonstrated that both the two vegetable-associated and the laboratory B. subtilis strains could internalize in mung bean sprouts during the sprouting, but the latter displayed about 1.2 lg CFU/g of seeds lower in internalization. Preliminary data point to a molecular interaction between the two gene products. Bacillus subtilis as a platform for molecular characterisation of regulatory mechanisms of Enterococcus faecalis resistance against cell wall antibiotics. Recent work established that E. coli MinC interacts with two regions of FtsZ, the bottom face of the H10 helix and the extreme C-terminal peptide (CTP). To gain a comprehensive insight into the metabolism of B. subtilis, global metabolite analyses were performed during growth with glucose alone or glucose with either malate, fumarate or citrate as carbon/energy sources. Although surfactin and mycosubtilin stimulated grapevine innate immune responses, they differentially activated early signalling pathways and defence gene expression. A strain probably carrying a lacZ fusion to the gerJ promoter demonstrated increased expression between t2 and t4. subtilis 168. DPA productivity was significantly improved up to 29.14 g/L in 72 h culture by improving the medium composition using a two-step optimization technique with the Taguchi methodology. Copyright 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. It was revealed that the glucose metabolic flux through pentose phosphate (PP) pathway was lower as being confirmed by smaller pool sizes of metabolites in PP pathway and lower expression amount of ykgB at transcriptional level. Due to the extreme resistance of these bacterial biofilms to antibiotics and mechanical stresses, biofilms are of growing interest not only in microbiology but also in medicine and industry. To explore the possibility of further enhancing the secretion potential of this model bacterium, a library of engineered strains with modified cell surface components was constructed, and the corresponding influences on protein secretion were investigated by analyzing the secretion of -amylase variants with either low-, neutral- or high- isoelectric points (pI). BsPhyARRMK33 recombinant plasmid in pET-28a(+) was expressed in Rosetta gami B DE3 cells and the maximum phytase activity 15.3 U mg(-1) obtained. It was found from macroscopic observations that the characteristic quantities for the periodic growth such as the migration time, the consolidation time and the terrace spacing do not depend so much on nutrient concentration Cn, but do on agar concentration Ca. A level of gluconate was selected to allow enhanced intracellular production of biotin without getting it released into the culture medium. To facilitate the tracking of the three B. subtilis strains (LCA1, M24, and 168) in the mung bean sprouts, the three strains were genetically engineered to carry the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (cat), generating the strains LCA1-cat, M24-cat, and 168-cat, respectively.