The department is home to 4 fellows of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1 fellow of the American Astronautical Society, and 2 fellows of IEEE. PM - 5:15
0000018234 00000 n F 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM Centennial Engineering Center 1026, (Also offered as CBE 213) Basic DC and AC circuits including capacitors and inductors and their applications in radiation measurement equipment and chemical process parameter measurements. Excellent research opportunities (even for undergrads!
a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. Experiments using semiconductor devices, MCA/MSCs, sampling techniques, dosimeters, tracer techniques and radiochemistry.
l~2JZn/78IDr8H% There are 36 hours required for the Masters in Nuclear Engineering with a concentration in Medical Physics. {Fall}, Nuclear system heat transfer and fluid flow; convection in single and two phase flow; liquid metal heat transfer, pressure loss calculations; fuel element design and heat transfer; thermal-hydraulics design of nuclear systems. {Fall}, MW 5:00 0000002531 00000 n
Consult the UNM Catalog, our student forms page, and Graduate Studies website for more information. 0000016486 00000 n
communicating effectively in both written and oral media. Through our labs, design projects, research and collaborations with Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and many local high-tech companies, students have fun while putting their skills to work. 0000035810 00000 n Both theory and application will be presented. See Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering (B.S.N.E.) AM - 10:45
Emphasis on selection of sampling techniques and instrumentation for measuring low-levels of radiation in air, soil and water.
0000036142 00000 n 0000007894 00000 n
0000034327 00000 n
Two lectures, 2 hours lab. 0000033967 00000 n Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering. The department is home to 2 fellows of the American Nuclear Society and 1 fellow of the International Association for Advancement of Space Safety. H\n0y
TR 9:30 A student is placed on probation after 2 NC/Fail's and will be removed from the program if a third NC or Fail is received. PMCentennial Engineering Center 1030, In-depth consideration of radiation detection systems and nuclear measurement techniques.
These appointments are usually part-time (25-50%) and out-of-state students awarded assistantships are eligible for resident tuition rate provided they are employed at least 25% time for at least half of the semester. 0000031912 00000 n
0000121551 00000 n
{Fall}, MW 1:00 CivilEngineering. The graduate program is administered through the School of Engineering, Department of Nuclear Engineering, with support provided by the Department of Radiology and the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center. 0000031788 00000 n Students pursing an MS or PhD in nuclear engineering are required to take the core courses listed below. Nuclear engineers are primarily concerned with the control, monitoring, and use of energy released in nuclear processes. 0000005000 00000 n
Oscilloscopes, Op Amps, and Sensors and their use in the CBE and NE laboratories. Prerequisite: *410.
You can find details on the above topics and more in this section. Electrical & ComputerEngineering. An introduction to the profession of nuclear engineering; current research in this field; career choices; guidance and advice on curricular matters and effective study techniques for nuclear engineering students.
Visit 0000001836 00000 n Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
For the MS program there is no formal financial aid. Design and build high-tech structures and transportation systems, Repair and improve infrastructure we depend on every day, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Master of Science in Computer Engineering, Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, Master of Science in Optical Science and Engineering (interdisciplinary program), Ph.D. in Optical Science and Engineering (interdisciplinary program), The department is home to 8 fellows of IEEE, The department is home to 4 UNM Distinguished Professors, Develop solar and other alternative energy systems, Develop new broadcast and communications systems, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Master of Science in Chemical Engineering, Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering, Master of Science in Nanoscience and Microsystems (interdisciplinary program), Ph.D. in Nanoscience and Microsystems (interdisciplinary program), 2 faculty are jointly appointed by UNM and Sandia National Laboratories, 2 faculty are Innovation Fellows, recognized by UNM for their outstanding research discoveries, Conduct research to diagnose and treat disease, Discover new energy sources and better ways to store energy, Create new materials used in medical devices. If you are pursuing an MS with a concentration in Radiation Protection or Medical Physics, please select this concentration in the Interest field. AM, The mechanisms and the related mathematical analysis of momentum and heat transport in both the molecular and turbulent regimes. Apply by the priority deadline for best consideration for research assistantships or other departmental financial aid.
0000120890 00000 n
trailer <<3D22BD8C64194FF79997053CF08B32E4>]/Prev 313815/XRefStm 2193>> startxref 0 %%EOF 283 0 obj <>stream Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering. 0000007023 00000 n
0000032036 00000 n
AM - 10:45 Ive been around construction my whole life, and I wanted to take it to the next level by being an engineer. 207 0 obj <> endobj xref 0000006379 00000 n If you are not pursuing either concentration, please select Undecided from the drop-down list. Electrical and computer engineers design and create materials, devices and systems that are found in technology both big and small that affects everyone. 0000035524 00000 n
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
{GeDQCdER/ 2!E7zlPPkw@dZUx6e8vc!(N{h1`Qsco&9N*V2~@q@m#g8$i/5~KoBF=_=VQXI+Q2ene? Freshmen, transfer students and readmits must first apply to UNM through the Office of Admissions (
With the renewed concern in environmental science, nuclear engineers are working on safe disposal concepts for radioactive waste and on methods for the reduction of radiation releases from industrial facilities. Control radioactive waste and industrial radiation releases, Find new ways to diagnose and treat diseases, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Master of Engineering in Manufacturing Engineering. However, an oral comprehensive exam is required for this program in the area of medical radiation physics. Nuclear reactions, decay, interactions of physical radiation with matter, methods of radiation detection and biological effects of radiation, external and internal dosimetry. Radwaste management technologies and disposal options. Visit
PMNuclear Engineering Laboratory LAB, MW 10:00 0000038907 00000 n
Please enter your recommendation providers right away to help expedite your application (online submission only).
Course credit determined for each student based on the extent of related laboratory work in his or her undergraduate program.
AM - 12:15 PM Mechanical Engineering 208. Others are helping in the exploration and utilization of outer space by developing long-term, reliable nuclear energy sources. AM Mechanical Engineering 300, (Also offered as CE 539) Introduction to the nuclear fuel cycle emphasizing sources, characteristics and management of radioactive wastes. Also, the proximity to Sandia and all of its opportunities is a huge selling point. {Offered upon demand}, M 4:00 MS in Nuclear Engineering, Plan I (thesis), Plan II (non-thesis/practicum) options, and Plan III (Coursework only). Some teaching and research assistantships may be available and are awarded on a semester basis to graduate students.
{Fall}, TR 9:30 For each of these fields, there are numerous opportunities for nuclear engineers in basic research, applications, operations, and training. In addition, nuclear engineers research and design optimal ways to safely control and store radioactive waste.
AM - 9:15
{Fall}, TR 11:00 Corequisite: 315. {Fall}, Monte Carlo methods for nuclear criticality and reactor analysis and radiation shielding calculation using production Monte Carlo codes, understand basics of probability and statistics and of particle transport in the context of Monte Carlo methods.
HUKn0 ~$:F`eMPHQX65UKjT%f+L;!& |f!9wP=o +q |pf4+].('5^I'IT(< hZ^: SfM\w!F G
The Department of Civil Engineering has extensive collaborations with design and construction firms, federal agencies, and Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
0000016698 00000 n Schedule as of Core courses differ for students pursuing a Masters with a concentration in Radiation Protection Engineering or Medical Physics.
Prerequisite: 410. 0000004567 00000 n
an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, nuclear physics, and engineering. Letter of intent that summarizes your qualifications, professional goals, and indicates the area of nuclear engineering which you want to pursue. The graduate nuclear engineer will find a wide variety of career opportunities or will be well prepared to pursue advanced graduate studies.
0000195875 00000 n 0000011155 00000 n Design robots that can make manufacturing more efficient. 0000028253 00000 n
0000081947 00000 n MS in Nuclear Engineering, concentration in Radiation Protection Engineering (Plan II), MS in Nuclear Engineering, concentration in Medical Physics (Plan II), PhD in Engineering, concentration in Nuclear Engineering, NE 501: Graduate Seminar (required every semester up to 3 semesters for MS students, up to 6 semesters for PhD students) (1 cr), NE 525: Methods of Analysis in Chemical and Nuclear Engineering (3 cr), Two of the following courses: NE 511, NE 520, NE 524, NE 564, or NE 571, NE 510: Nuclear Reactor Theory (required for those students who do not have the equivalent completed in Nuclear Reactor Theory) (3 cr), Material Behavior in Extreme Environments, Accident-tolerant fuel, Radiation Damage in Materials, Structure-Property Relations, Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety Analysis of Nuclear Reactors, Space Nuclear Power and Thermal Propulsion, Radiation Detection and Detector Development for Nuclear Safeguards and Nonproliferation. Effect of radiation on typical materials used in the nuclear industry.
By the time our graduates complete our program they will have successfully demonstrated: * Nuclear engineering problems include nuclear processes (fission, fusion, decay, etc.
Students have fun while learning, designing experiments and projects in electronics laboratories, and getting experience measuring electrical components. 0000081908 00000 n
My freshman year, I was already in the zone. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineerings strength is found in its research laboratories and centers, where students can apply what theyve learned in the classroom. As a public Carnegie university, the curriculum includes general educational courses to enhance our students communication, critical thinking, information analysis, quantitative skills, and responsibility towards local and global communities.
Every student who wishes to pursue a BS in Nuclear Engineering (BSNE) must be formally admitted to UNMand to the Nuclear Engineering (NE) Department. All application materials must be received by 5:00 pm on the day of the deadline. UNMs American Nuclear Society student chapter receives national awardJuly 7, 2022The student section of the American Nuclear Society (ANS) at The University of New Mexico has been awarded the 2022 Samuel Glasstone Award, which is given annually to outstanding student chapters. For complete details visit the accreditation section of our website. July 7, 2022, Advanced studies in various areas of nuclear engineering. Prerequisite: (CHEM 1215 or CHEM 1217) and CHEM 1215L. While there is no minimum GRE, competitive applicants earn a Quantitative score of approximately 160. 0000012061 00000 n 0000003719 00000 n 0000002372 00000 n an ability to design, conduct, and analyze experiments involving nuclear* and non-nuclear processes, interpret data, and report the results. PM - 2:15
207 77 Types of radiation, radioactive decay calculations, shielding requirements. AM - 8:50 AM - 11:50 Read More Nuclear engineering faculty awarded part of $61 million in funding from Department of EnergyJune 24, 2022Several researchers from The University of New Mexico School of Engineering have been selected for funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for various nuclear-related projects as part of $61 million awarded to 74 nuclear energy projects across the country. {Summer, Fall, Spring}. Approaching the conclusion of the degree, students must notify the Senior Academic Advisor prior to the beginning of their final semester. 0000013285 00000 n HTnG}4bEQ[6*ggA `37~7dwI}S &vLL{,VnZ\GvnfK'}w J[W[r|m486z53Xt2&A~YC'vs~v3t,/fUbsclL- r -WO A6K..jf] At least two weeks prior to the thesis defense, students submit an Announcement of Exam (form is located under "Examination/Grades"). AM Farris Engineering Center 2500, Nuclear system heat transfer and fluid flow; convection in single and two phase flow; liquid metal heat transfer, pressure loss calculations; fuel element design and heat transfer; thermal-hydraulics design of nuclear systems. 0000082025 00000 n Some nuclear engineers work on the design and safety aspects of environmentally sound, passively safe nuclear fission reactors.
The Center for High Technology Materials and the Center for Micro-Engineered Materials offer students nanotechnology cleanroom experience, in addition to research opportunities in optoelectronics, microelectronics, optics, and materials science. In the three-semester program, students take three courses worth 10 credit hours, where they learn how to design, build, and test a race car. Rising to the challenges of today greatest problems the Nuclear Engineering diverse faculty is leading the way in advancing nuclear technology and science. Nuclear engineers research nuclear energy for a variety of uses: energy, medical diagnosis and treatment, and space applications. Program of Interest. Official scores should be submitted to UNM, directly from the testing service.
0000195914 00000 n In 2014, the program was ranked fifth-best in the United States and 17th-best in the world, according to rankings issued by the Formula Student Combustion World Rankings. For Domestic students, official copies should be sent to: For International Students official copies should be sent to the International Admission Global Education Office (GEO). {Fall}, M 1:00
This information should not identify individuals.. Chemical and biological engineers are at the forefront of biotechnology and biomedicine, from making better fuel-cell technology to creating new ways to deliver medicines. They also work in developing a wide variety of applications for radioisotopes such as the treatment and diagnosis of diseases, food preservation, manufacturing development, processing and quality control, and biological and mechanical process tracers.
PM, Problem solving techniques, nuclear systems, design, interactions of parameters and the importance of trade-offs and optimization in design. 0000158266 00000 n Since 2009, 12 students have graduated from the accredited program and have found positions in the clinic, academia, industry, and government. Others are looking to future energy solutions through the development and implementation of nuclear fusion systems. ?
Radiation interaction with matter and detection techniques for nuclear radiations. 0000159316 00000 n
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
{Fall}, TR 3:30 0000121707 00000 n {Offered upon demand}, TR 4:00 Experiments will be performed using gas, scintillation and semiconductor counters and include the design of experiments and identification of unknown radionuclides.
CBh+qtH#DxqIEl/$ush\?CFsxM7}fhJL3FU|PrOvJ%ob ;;yf*X$E|fW%BE XgJ_n@)qO>vJB6R3a)rcgx6p.J^&h=j;IA?_HA"a3A[/Qs}!J9Mg"D"zer)K'B)Y T'" Two lectures, 3 hours lab. Offered on a CR/NC basis only. PM - 3:15
Academic Advisor ME 436 505-277-1004, Phone: 505.277.5431Fax: 505.277.5433Email:, Physical Location:Farris Engineering Center 1200, Mailing Address:Department of Nuclear EngineeringMSC01 11201 University of New MexicoAlbuquerque, NM 87131-0001, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, (505) 277-0111 New Mexico's Flagship University, Summary of Admissions Procedure and Documents, Admission to NE without a BS in Nuclear Engineering, Must be in good academic standing (cumulative UNM GPA of 2.20 or higher), Completion of a minimum of19 credit hours of technical courses required in the first year curriculum (see below), A minimum technicalGPA of a 2.5 and grades of "C" or better in each of those 19 hours, Completion of English 110 (or its equivalent) with a "C" or better. The Department of Mechanical Engineering is all about getting down (and sometimes dirty) applying the concepts learned in class. GRE General Exam Scores: Official GRE scores sent directly from the testing center to UNM are required. An official score report is required, sent directly from the testing center to UNM. NuclearEngineering.
lXN$Lip7F VO`-gtuh\ic|OMzwv A]c%SP)PN;Zwh63lXlGY@6)-8\=#N}0K^GGB|!%K)S0rzK)Gs:fduS(^vf):Popn`5 X S GI)A04@.333Q/Tv[r ]a6 kG&KB}]*cD6. Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering. The completed thesis must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies by their final deadline.
AM - 10:50
Evidence of English language. Visit 0000008421 00000 n ), radiation interaction with matter, radiation transport, thermal hydraulics, and radiation detection and measurement. PMNuclear Engineering Laboratory LAB, Nuclear models and energy levels, cross sections, decay processes, range/energy relationships for alphas, betas, gammas, neutrons and fission products.
Three (3) online letters of recommendation are required. Improve our drinking water and wastewater treatment systems. UNM has great professors and a good partnership with Sandia, and in my mind, that's what sets the program apart.
It was one of the few schools in the country that offered a nuclear engineering program, and the tuition couldnt be beat. Prerequisite: 312 and 313L and 410.
The M.S. 0000159160 00000 n 0000159238 00000 n
PM - 3:46 AM - 12:15 PM Mechanical Engineering 220, A course which permits various faculty members to present detailed examinations of developing sciences and technologies in a classroom setting. Neutronics, computer models and impact of cross sections and materials on fissile systems. 0000121205 00000 n 0000032152 00000 n Prior to admission, if necessary, students may be required to seek approval for appropriate course equivalencies from the academic departments outside of theNE Department. The goal of nuclear engineering education is to give the student an excellent understanding of nuclear processes and fundamentals and to provide the physical and engineering principles which lead to applications of the basic processes. 0000017439 00000 n ComputerScience. Research assistantships are limited, and the selection process is very competitive.
Mechanical engineers design and develop many of the products, systems, and technologies we use in everyday life, from cars and other transportation systems to energy systems to medical devices and implants.
an ability to design a nuclear system, reactor, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. 0000012843 00000 n 0000013657 00000 n General Chemistry I (or Principles of Chemistry), General Chemistry II (or Principles of Chemistry), Computer Programming Fundamentals for Non-Majors. See Graduate Programs section for total credit requirements. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools (such as neutronics codes) necessary for nuclear or radiological engineering practice. Attention Transfer Students: The Registrar's Office, in conjunction with UNM's academic departments, evaluates most courses for transfer, while the NE Department assesses transcripts to determine possible acceptance of any NE courses. Chemical & BiologicalEngineering, The University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131, (505) 277-0111 New Mexico's Flagship University, Please fill in a valid value for all required fields. The Institution Code is 4845 if you send your score report directly from the testing service ( (V^^Bl0Ue+. Send to GEO address above.
hb``g`c`c`xAXX8^0,s`rdRIIl0l ^y&d)]2.a,`adtfdf`z81qi&33dP((1F-DF @ u2g^1(g312V$ #e`9H36 '9 endstream endobj 282 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[22 185]/Length 29/Size 207/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Includes data analysis; solution of ODEs and PDEs for nuclear criticality problems, and point kinetics with and without delayed neutrons. Grade Point Average (GPA): An undergraduate baccalaureate degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (or equivalent) over the last two undergraduate years in science, math, and engineering courses. 0000005390 00000 n
Where possible, information on the subsequent positions of graduates must also be provided, i.e., residencies, industrial positions, etc. AM - 9:15
0000014874 00000 n
0000009595 00000 n
Phone: 505.277.5431Fax: 505.277.5433Email:, Physical Location:Farris Engineering Center 1200, Mailing Address:Department of Nuclear EngineeringMSC01 11201 University of New MexicoAlbuquerque, NM 87131-0001, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, (505) 277-0111 New Mexico's Flagship University, M.S. The Graduate School requires a Master's Comprehensive Examination that can be either written or oral, or both. PM - 6:45
NE Plan II (Radiation Protection Concentration).
} Z2Pk(CJlUph;vcA\5=^ @!!
Many of our students also work as interns, research assistants, or part-time employees at nearby Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the Air Force Research Laboratory. PM - 4:45 0000008875 00000 n Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering. {Fall, Spring}, T 2:00
Many of our students also work at Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the Air Force Research Laboratory.
Admissions information for all Nuclear Engineering programs is also included in a PDF on the Office of Graduate Studies website here. 0000118786 00000 n @j$PUFhtt%g0e:^`->dLI0eB Plus, the weather is awesome! Fundamentals of radiation damage and long term evolution of damage structure in structural materials for nuclear applications. 0000010854 00000 n {Fall}. Graduates of the undergraduate program in Nuclear Engineering will be successfully progressing in their careers by: The program outcomes, listed below, summarize the key skills and capabilities that we expect of our graduates at or before the time of graduation. 0000010283 00000 n TR 11:00 Corequisite: 311. PM - 6:15 Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
Types of radiation, radioactive decay calculations, shielding requirements.
0000021949 00000 n
16 in U.S. News & World Reports 2015 Best Graduate Schools list. Assistantship Interest. For graduates of the Medical Physics program, the transcript will clearly indicate medical physics as the Major Concentration. I was able to get the hang of programming right away. Civil engineers design and build the infrastructure and transportation systems that are all around us, from roads, bridges, and water systems, all with a goal of making the systems as efficient and sustainable as possible.
PM, (Also offered as CE 539) Introduction to the nuclear fuel cycle emphasizing sources, characteristics and management of radioactive wastes.
Many of our faculty are awarded grants from organizations such as the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, DARPA, and the National Institutes of Health, among others.
0000002193 00000 n 0000158851 00000 n
Prerequisite: 314 and MATH **316. Nuclear Engineering Graduate Degree programs: Admission to our graduate program is based upon academic performance, professional background, career objectives, letters of recommendation, and test scores.
Students without an undergraduate degree in Nuclear Engineering may be eligible for admission to the graduate program. 0000121629 00000 n BUXn,yYSsYochq+2UAyU)t_>K62cqR >
Recent topics have included convective diffusion, reactor safety, inertial confinement fusion and nuclear waste management. In addition to the final examination, the student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better and meet the residence requirement of the Graduate School (two full-time semesters). PM - 3:45 0000024149 00000 n
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering. (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve nuclear* and related engineering problems. AM Nuclear Engineering Laboratory LAB. A maximum of 3 credit hours can be applied toward degree. Please submit a short paragraph stating your ability to be self-supporting or highlighting your financial needs.
0000018234 00000 n F 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM Centennial Engineering Center 1026, (Also offered as CBE 213) Basic DC and AC circuits including capacitors and inductors and their applications in radiation measurement equipment and chemical process parameter measurements. Excellent research opportunities (even for undergrads!
a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning. Experiments using semiconductor devices, MCA/MSCs, sampling techniques, dosimeters, tracer techniques and radiochemistry.
l~2JZn/78IDr8H% There are 36 hours required for the Masters in Nuclear Engineering with a concentration in Medical Physics. {Fall}, Nuclear system heat transfer and fluid flow; convection in single and two phase flow; liquid metal heat transfer, pressure loss calculations; fuel element design and heat transfer; thermal-hydraulics design of nuclear systems. {Fall}, MW 5:00 0000002531 00000 n
Consult the UNM Catalog, our student forms page, and Graduate Studies website for more information. 0000016486 00000 n
communicating effectively in both written and oral media. Through our labs, design projects, research and collaborations with Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and many local high-tech companies, students have fun while putting their skills to work. 0000035810 00000 n Both theory and application will be presented. See Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering (B.S.N.E.) AM - 10:45
Emphasis on selection of sampling techniques and instrumentation for measuring low-levels of radiation in air, soil and water.
0000036142 00000 n 0000007894 00000 n
0000034327 00000 n
Two lectures, 2 hours lab. 0000033967 00000 n Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering. The department is home to 2 fellows of the American Nuclear Society and 1 fellow of the International Association for Advancement of Space Safety. H\n0y

TR 9:30 A student is placed on probation after 2 NC/Fail's and will be removed from the program if a third NC or Fail is received. PMCentennial Engineering Center 1030, In-depth consideration of radiation detection systems and nuclear measurement techniques.

{Fall}, MW 1:00 CivilEngineering. The graduate program is administered through the School of Engineering, Department of Nuclear Engineering, with support provided by the Department of Radiology and the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center. 0000031788 00000 n Students pursing an MS or PhD in nuclear engineering are required to take the core courses listed below. Nuclear engineers are primarily concerned with the control, monitoring, and use of energy released in nuclear processes. 0000005000 00000 n

You can find details on the above topics and more in this section. Electrical & ComputerEngineering. An introduction to the profession of nuclear engineering; current research in this field; career choices; guidance and advice on curricular matters and effective study techniques for nuclear engineering students.
Visit 0000001836 00000 n Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
For the MS program there is no formal financial aid. Design and build high-tech structures and transportation systems, Repair and improve infrastructure we depend on every day, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Master of Science in Computer Engineering, Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, Master of Science in Optical Science and Engineering (interdisciplinary program), Ph.D. in Optical Science and Engineering (interdisciplinary program), The department is home to 8 fellows of IEEE, The department is home to 4 UNM Distinguished Professors, Develop solar and other alternative energy systems, Develop new broadcast and communications systems, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, Master of Science in Chemical Engineering, Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering, Master of Science in Nanoscience and Microsystems (interdisciplinary program), Ph.D. in Nanoscience and Microsystems (interdisciplinary program), 2 faculty are jointly appointed by UNM and Sandia National Laboratories, 2 faculty are Innovation Fellows, recognized by UNM for their outstanding research discoveries, Conduct research to diagnose and treat disease, Discover new energy sources and better ways to store energy, Create new materials used in medical devices. If you are pursuing an MS with a concentration in Radiation Protection or Medical Physics, please select this concentration in the Interest field. AM, The mechanisms and the related mathematical analysis of momentum and heat transport in both the molecular and turbulent regimes. Apply by the priority deadline for best consideration for research assistantships or other departmental financial aid.
0000120890 00000 n
trailer <<3D22BD8C64194FF79997053CF08B32E4>]/Prev 313815/XRefStm 2193>> startxref 0 %%EOF 283 0 obj <>stream Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering. 0000007023 00000 n
0000032036 00000 n
AM - 10:45 Ive been around construction my whole life, and I wanted to take it to the next level by being an engineer. 207 0 obj <> endobj xref 0000006379 00000 n If you are not pursuing either concentration, please select Undecided from the drop-down list. Electrical and computer engineers design and create materials, devices and systems that are found in technology both big and small that affects everyone. 0000035524 00000 n

{GeDQCdER/ 2!E7zlPPkw@dZUx6e8vc!(N{h1`Qsco&9N*V2~@q@m#g8$i/5~KoBF=_=VQXI+Q2ene? Freshmen, transfer students and readmits must first apply to UNM through the Office of Admissions (
With the renewed concern in environmental science, nuclear engineers are working on safe disposal concepts for radioactive waste and on methods for the reduction of radiation releases from industrial facilities. Control radioactive waste and industrial radiation releases, Find new ways to diagnose and treat diseases, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Master of Engineering in Manufacturing Engineering. However, an oral comprehensive exam is required for this program in the area of medical radiation physics. Nuclear reactions, decay, interactions of physical radiation with matter, methods of radiation detection and biological effects of radiation, external and internal dosimetry. Radwaste management technologies and disposal options. Visit
PMNuclear Engineering Laboratory LAB, MW 10:00 0000038907 00000 n
Please enter your recommendation providers right away to help expedite your application (online submission only).
Course credit determined for each student based on the extent of related laboratory work in his or her undergraduate program.
AM - 12:15 PM Mechanical Engineering 208. Others are helping in the exploration and utilization of outer space by developing long-term, reliable nuclear energy sources. AM Mechanical Engineering 300, (Also offered as CE 539) Introduction to the nuclear fuel cycle emphasizing sources, characteristics and management of radioactive wastes. Also, the proximity to Sandia and all of its opportunities is a huge selling point. {Offered upon demand}, M 4:00 MS in Nuclear Engineering, Plan I (thesis), Plan II (non-thesis/practicum) options, and Plan III (Coursework only). Some teaching and research assistantships may be available and are awarded on a semester basis to graduate students.
{Fall}, TR 9:30 For each of these fields, there are numerous opportunities for nuclear engineers in basic research, applications, operations, and training. In addition, nuclear engineers research and design optimal ways to safely control and store radioactive waste.
AM - 9:15
{Fall}, TR 11:00 Corequisite: 315. {Fall}, Monte Carlo methods for nuclear criticality and reactor analysis and radiation shielding calculation using production Monte Carlo codes, understand basics of probability and statistics and of particle transport in the context of Monte Carlo methods.
HUKn0 ~$:F`eMPHQX65UKjT%f+L;!& |f!9wP=o +q |pf4+].('5^I'IT(< hZ^: SfM\w!F G
The Department of Civil Engineering has extensive collaborations with design and construction firms, federal agencies, and Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
0000016698 00000 n Schedule as of Core courses differ for students pursuing a Masters with a concentration in Radiation Protection Engineering or Medical Physics.
Prerequisite: 410. 0000004567 00000 n
an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, nuclear physics, and engineering. Letter of intent that summarizes your qualifications, professional goals, and indicates the area of nuclear engineering which you want to pursue. The graduate nuclear engineer will find a wide variety of career opportunities or will be well prepared to pursue advanced graduate studies.
0000195875 00000 n 0000011155 00000 n Design robots that can make manufacturing more efficient. 0000028253 00000 n
0000081947 00000 n MS in Nuclear Engineering, concentration in Radiation Protection Engineering (Plan II), MS in Nuclear Engineering, concentration in Medical Physics (Plan II), PhD in Engineering, concentration in Nuclear Engineering, NE 501: Graduate Seminar (required every semester up to 3 semesters for MS students, up to 6 semesters for PhD students) (1 cr), NE 525: Methods of Analysis in Chemical and Nuclear Engineering (3 cr), Two of the following courses: NE 511, NE 520, NE 524, NE 564, or NE 571, NE 510: Nuclear Reactor Theory (required for those students who do not have the equivalent completed in Nuclear Reactor Theory) (3 cr), Material Behavior in Extreme Environments, Accident-tolerant fuel, Radiation Damage in Materials, Structure-Property Relations, Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety Analysis of Nuclear Reactors, Space Nuclear Power and Thermal Propulsion, Radiation Detection and Detector Development for Nuclear Safeguards and Nonproliferation. Effect of radiation on typical materials used in the nuclear industry.
By the time our graduates complete our program they will have successfully demonstrated: * Nuclear engineering problems include nuclear processes (fission, fusion, decay, etc.
Students have fun while learning, designing experiments and projects in electronics laboratories, and getting experience measuring electrical components. 0000081908 00000 n
My freshman year, I was already in the zone. The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineerings strength is found in its research laboratories and centers, where students can apply what theyve learned in the classroom. As a public Carnegie university, the curriculum includes general educational courses to enhance our students communication, critical thinking, information analysis, quantitative skills, and responsibility towards local and global communities.
Every student who wishes to pursue a BS in Nuclear Engineering (BSNE) must be formally admitted to UNMand to the Nuclear Engineering (NE) Department. All application materials must be received by 5:00 pm on the day of the deadline. UNMs American Nuclear Society student chapter receives national awardJuly 7, 2022The student section of the American Nuclear Society (ANS) at The University of New Mexico has been awarded the 2022 Samuel Glasstone Award, which is given annually to outstanding student chapters. For complete details visit the accreditation section of our website. July 7, 2022, Advanced studies in various areas of nuclear engineering. Prerequisite: (CHEM 1215 or CHEM 1217) and CHEM 1215L. While there is no minimum GRE, competitive applicants earn a Quantitative score of approximately 160. 0000012061 00000 n 0000003719 00000 n 0000002372 00000 n an ability to design, conduct, and analyze experiments involving nuclear* and non-nuclear processes, interpret data, and report the results. PM - 2:15
207 77 Types of radiation, radioactive decay calculations, shielding requirements. AM - 8:50 AM - 11:50 Read More Nuclear engineering faculty awarded part of $61 million in funding from Department of EnergyJune 24, 2022Several researchers from The University of New Mexico School of Engineering have been selected for funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for various nuclear-related projects as part of $61 million awarded to 74 nuclear energy projects across the country. {Summer, Fall, Spring}. Approaching the conclusion of the degree, students must notify the Senior Academic Advisor prior to the beginning of their final semester. 0000013285 00000 n HTnG}4bEQ[6*ggA `37~7dwI}S &vLL{,VnZ\GvnfK'}w J[W[r|m486z53Xt2&A~YC'vs~v3t,/fUbsclL- r -WO A6K..jf] At least two weeks prior to the thesis defense, students submit an Announcement of Exam (form is located under "Examination/Grades"). AM Farris Engineering Center 2500, Nuclear system heat transfer and fluid flow; convection in single and two phase flow; liquid metal heat transfer, pressure loss calculations; fuel element design and heat transfer; thermal-hydraulics design of nuclear systems. 0000082025 00000 n Some nuclear engineers work on the design and safety aspects of environmentally sound, passively safe nuclear fission reactors.
The Center for High Technology Materials and the Center for Micro-Engineered Materials offer students nanotechnology cleanroom experience, in addition to research opportunities in optoelectronics, microelectronics, optics, and materials science. In the three-semester program, students take three courses worth 10 credit hours, where they learn how to design, build, and test a race car. Rising to the challenges of today greatest problems the Nuclear Engineering diverse faculty is leading the way in advancing nuclear technology and science. Nuclear engineers research nuclear energy for a variety of uses: energy, medical diagnosis and treatment, and space applications. Program of Interest. Official scores should be submitted to UNM, directly from the testing service.
0000195914 00000 n In 2014, the program was ranked fifth-best in the United States and 17th-best in the world, according to rankings issued by the Formula Student Combustion World Rankings. For Domestic students, official copies should be sent to: For International Students official copies should be sent to the International Admission Global Education Office (GEO). {Fall}, M 1:00
This information should not identify individuals.. Chemical and biological engineers are at the forefront of biotechnology and biomedicine, from making better fuel-cell technology to creating new ways to deliver medicines. They also work in developing a wide variety of applications for radioisotopes such as the treatment and diagnosis of diseases, food preservation, manufacturing development, processing and quality control, and biological and mechanical process tracers.
PM, Problem solving techniques, nuclear systems, design, interactions of parameters and the importance of trade-offs and optimization in design. 0000158266 00000 n Since 2009, 12 students have graduated from the accredited program and have found positions in the clinic, academia, industry, and government. Others are looking to future energy solutions through the development and implementation of nuclear fusion systems. ?
Radiation interaction with matter and detection techniques for nuclear radiations. 0000159316 00000 n
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
{Fall}, TR 3:30 0000121707 00000 n {Offered upon demand}, TR 4:00 Experiments will be performed using gas, scintillation and semiconductor counters and include the design of experiments and identification of unknown radionuclides.
CBh+qtH#DxqIEl/$ush\?CFsxM7}fhJL3FU|PrOvJ%ob ;;yf*X$E|fW%BE XgJ_n@)qO>vJB6R3a)rcgx6p.J^&h=j;IA?_HA"a3A[/Qs}!J9Mg"D"zer)K'B)Y T'" Two lectures, 3 hours lab. Offered on a CR/NC basis only. PM - 3:15
Academic Advisor ME 436 505-277-1004, Phone: 505.277.5431Fax: 505.277.5433Email:, Physical Location:Farris Engineering Center 1200, Mailing Address:Department of Nuclear EngineeringMSC01 11201 University of New MexicoAlbuquerque, NM 87131-0001, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, (505) 277-0111 New Mexico's Flagship University, Summary of Admissions Procedure and Documents, Admission to NE without a BS in Nuclear Engineering, Must be in good academic standing (cumulative UNM GPA of 2.20 or higher), Completion of a minimum of19 credit hours of technical courses required in the first year curriculum (see below), A minimum technicalGPA of a 2.5 and grades of "C" or better in each of those 19 hours, Completion of English 110 (or its equivalent) with a "C" or better. The Department of Mechanical Engineering is all about getting down (and sometimes dirty) applying the concepts learned in class. GRE General Exam Scores: Official GRE scores sent directly from the testing center to UNM are required. An official score report is required, sent directly from the testing center to UNM. NuclearEngineering.
lXN$Lip7F VO`-gtuh\ic|OMzwv A]c%SP)PN;Zwh63lXlGY@6)-8\=#N}0K^GGB|!%K)S0rzK)Gs:fduS(^vf):Popn`5 X S GI)A04@.333Q/Tv[r ]a6 kG&KB}]*cD6. Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering. The completed thesis must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies by their final deadline.
AM - 10:50
Evidence of English language. Visit 0000008421 00000 n ), radiation interaction with matter, radiation transport, thermal hydraulics, and radiation detection and measurement. PMNuclear Engineering Laboratory LAB, Nuclear models and energy levels, cross sections, decay processes, range/energy relationships for alphas, betas, gammas, neutrons and fission products.
Three (3) online letters of recommendation are required. Improve our drinking water and wastewater treatment systems. UNM has great professors and a good partnership with Sandia, and in my mind, that's what sets the program apart.
It was one of the few schools in the country that offered a nuclear engineering program, and the tuition couldnt be beat. Prerequisite: 312 and 313L and 410.
The M.S. 0000159160 00000 n 0000159238 00000 n
PM - 3:46 AM - 12:15 PM Mechanical Engineering 220, A course which permits various faculty members to present detailed examinations of developing sciences and technologies in a classroom setting. Neutronics, computer models and impact of cross sections and materials on fissile systems. 0000121205 00000 n 0000032152 00000 n Prior to admission, if necessary, students may be required to seek approval for appropriate course equivalencies from the academic departments outside of theNE Department. The goal of nuclear engineering education is to give the student an excellent understanding of nuclear processes and fundamentals and to provide the physical and engineering principles which lead to applications of the basic processes. 0000017439 00000 n ComputerScience. Research assistantships are limited, and the selection process is very competitive.
Mechanical engineers design and develop many of the products, systems, and technologies we use in everyday life, from cars and other transportation systems to energy systems to medical devices and implants.
an ability to design a nuclear system, reactor, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. 0000012843 00000 n 0000013657 00000 n General Chemistry I (or Principles of Chemistry), General Chemistry II (or Principles of Chemistry), Computer Programming Fundamentals for Non-Majors. See Graduate Programs section for total credit requirements. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools (such as neutronics codes) necessary for nuclear or radiological engineering practice. Attention Transfer Students: The Registrar's Office, in conjunction with UNM's academic departments, evaluates most courses for transfer, while the NE Department assesses transcripts to determine possible acceptance of any NE courses. Chemical & BiologicalEngineering, The University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131, (505) 277-0111 New Mexico's Flagship University, Please fill in a valid value for all required fields. The Institution Code is 4845 if you send your score report directly from the testing service ( (V^^Bl0Ue+. Send to GEO address above.
hb``g`c`c`xAXX8^0,s`rdRIIl0l ^y&d)]2.a,`adtfdf`z81qi&33dP((1F-DF @ u2g^1(g312V$ #e`9H36 '9 endstream endobj 282 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[22 185]/Length 29/Size 207/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Includes data analysis; solution of ODEs and PDEs for nuclear criticality problems, and point kinetics with and without delayed neutrons. Grade Point Average (GPA): An undergraduate baccalaureate degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (or equivalent) over the last two undergraduate years in science, math, and engineering courses. 0000005390 00000 n
Where possible, information on the subsequent positions of graduates must also be provided, i.e., residencies, industrial positions, etc. AM - 9:15
0000014874 00000 n
0000009595 00000 n
Phone: 505.277.5431Fax: 505.277.5433Email:, Physical Location:Farris Engineering Center 1200, Mailing Address:Department of Nuclear EngineeringMSC01 11201 University of New MexicoAlbuquerque, NM 87131-0001, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, (505) 277-0111 New Mexico's Flagship University, M.S. The Graduate School requires a Master's Comprehensive Examination that can be either written or oral, or both. PM - 6:45
NE Plan II (Radiation Protection Concentration).
} Z2Pk(CJlUph;vcA\5=^ @!!
Many of our students also work as interns, research assistants, or part-time employees at nearby Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the Air Force Research Laboratory. PM - 4:45 0000008875 00000 n Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering. {Fall, Spring}, T 2:00
Many of our students also work at Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the Air Force Research Laboratory.
Admissions information for all Nuclear Engineering programs is also included in a PDF on the Office of Graduate Studies website here. 0000118786 00000 n @j$PUFhtt%g0e:^`->dLI0eB Plus, the weather is awesome! Fundamentals of radiation damage and long term evolution of damage structure in structural materials for nuclear applications. 0000010854 00000 n {Fall}. Graduates of the undergraduate program in Nuclear Engineering will be successfully progressing in their careers by: The program outcomes, listed below, summarize the key skills and capabilities that we expect of our graduates at or before the time of graduation. 0000010283 00000 n TR 11:00 Corequisite: 311. PM - 6:15 Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
Types of radiation, radioactive decay calculations, shielding requirements.
0000021949 00000 n
16 in U.S. News & World Reports 2015 Best Graduate Schools list. Assistantship Interest. For graduates of the Medical Physics program, the transcript will clearly indicate medical physics as the Major Concentration. I was able to get the hang of programming right away. Civil engineers design and build the infrastructure and transportation systems that are all around us, from roads, bridges, and water systems, all with a goal of making the systems as efficient and sustainable as possible.
PM, (Also offered as CE 539) Introduction to the nuclear fuel cycle emphasizing sources, characteristics and management of radioactive wastes.
Many of our faculty are awarded grants from organizations such as the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, DARPA, and the National Institutes of Health, among others.
0000002193 00000 n 0000158851 00000 n
Prerequisite: 314 and MATH **316. Nuclear Engineering Graduate Degree programs: Admission to our graduate program is based upon academic performance, professional background, career objectives, letters of recommendation, and test scores.
Students without an undergraduate degree in Nuclear Engineering may be eligible for admission to the graduate program. 0000121629 00000 n BUXn,yYSsYochq+2UAyU)t_>K62cqR >
Recent topics have included convective diffusion, reactor safety, inertial confinement fusion and nuclear waste management. In addition to the final examination, the student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better and meet the residence requirement of the Graduate School (two full-time semesters). PM - 3:45 0000024149 00000 n
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering. (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve nuclear* and related engineering problems. AM Nuclear Engineering Laboratory LAB. A maximum of 3 credit hours can be applied toward degree. Please submit a short paragraph stating your ability to be self-supporting or highlighting your financial needs.