I would take some sand paper and rough up the surface then glue the magnets on. It dries in 3 minutes, so get ready to get the job done quickly.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'gluecare_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',109,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gluecare_com-banner-1-0')};if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'gluecare_com-banner-1','ezslot_8',109,'0','1'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gluecare_com-banner-1-0_1')}; .banner-1-multi-109{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Or I'll find magnets that are manufactured with threaded hardware.
If your business is tax exempt, learn more. Two-part epoxy is the best adhesive to search for attaching magnets to metal. Use very LITTLE of it under the magnet itself. K&J Magnetics, Inc. will process your credit card order quickly, easily and securely. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He has minerals I like to play with as well as magnets. Another important thing you have to mind is not using this compound outside unless under protection. Strong rare earth magnets glued INSIDE the container have always worked well for me. Also, remember to hit the plastic with sandpaper to rough it up prior to gluing. If you require maximum power, go with metal coated: if you plan on playing with neodymium magnets A LOT these are the magnets for you!". I'm yet another advocate for GOOP. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. [Top 5] Best Glue For Shoes Of 2022: Reviews & Guide With Top Picks, 5 Best Glue For Ceramic In 2022 To Proper Repair [Experts Choice], Top-Rated 5 Best Glue For Plastic: Top Picks and Reviews [2022 Version], Experts Choice: Top 5 Best Glue For Vinyl Passed Our Test [Updated 2022], Net Wt: 2.1 fl oz Bonds: Wood, glass, ceramic, plastic, metal Color: Clear, Net Wt: 0.47 fl oz Bonds: Metal, glass, ceramic, wood, many rigid plastics, china, tile, fiberglass, concrete, stone Color: Translucent amber, Net Wt: 14 fl oz Bonds: Wood, ceramic, paper, leather, plastic, metal, rubber Color: Clear, Net Wt: 14.2 fl oz Bonds: Brick, glass, metal Color: White, Net Wt: 0.7 fl oz Bonds: Wood, glass Color: Clear, Bonds: Wood, glass, ceramic, plastic, metal. Before use, it is necessary to mix the components with nine portions of epoxy to 1 portion of hardener. I bought a batch of epoxy coated magnets before. JustFolks, Many epoxies and adhesives suggest roughening the smooth surface you intend to glue, as that makes the adhesive bond better. While they never seem to have specific recommendations for nickel-plated neodymium magnets, we've followed their recommendations for metals. But, Loctite adhesive has a low level of toxicity. The K&J site mentioned above supplies pre-drilled and counter-sunk magnets. However, on the negative side, this relatively thick coating reduces the effective power of the magnet due to the logarithmic drop in magnet strength as the distance increases from the surface of magnet. I just had an epiphany while I was playing with magnets and trying to figure the best way to glue a magnet to a plastic container. For bonding to steel, it says: All epoxies and many other adhesives call for roughening of an especially smooth surface. You can post now and register later. Neo mag on inside with adhesive and then put duct tape over it. After sanding, be sure to clean the dust off the magnet first! I tried to glue some magnets to the outside of an acrylic box. The spacing of a magnet from the surface to which it is expected to "stick" has everything to do with the strength of the hold of the magnet, and it's already going to be holding through the thickness of the plastic container you are using. Today, cyanoacrylate glue is increasingly used to join glass fragments, plastic, rubber, and even metal parts. But, most people arent aware of the best glue for magnets. You should be able to buy this product in most good R/C model shops in the USA. For specific details, be sure to read the instructions on the exact adhesive you're using. Upload or insert images from URL. Since the product is made of resin, you will be happy with the result of your gluing work very soon. Loctite Ultra Gel Super Glue Best For Gluing Magnets To Wood, 4. All of these adhesive brands and types are strong and long-lasting, ensuring that the magnet remains firmly attached to the surface of your choice for a long time. If the container is flexible ya need a flexible glue not a hard glue like epoxy/JB weld/ super glue. Good point depending on the size of the magnet and the weight of the container. August 12, 2009 in General geocaching topics. Loctite Plastic Bonder Epoxy has been shown to have successful outcomes, working well with many plastics such as ABS, PVC, Acrylic, Nylon, Polycarbonate, and Mylar. Once you get the drive open, the magnet(s) will be glued to a Stainless Steel bracket. Fill the bottom of the container with the glue/adhesive and cover it with a layer of Gorilla Tape. The product consists of two components: resin and hardener contained in two separate tubes. Thanks for the info, I'll check his ebay listings. For some sizes, you can even just scratch the surface a little with a sharp nail, which works almost as well. Have not tried gluing magnets to plastic, but I find a lot of uses for Liquid Nails construction glue (the regular, not the indoor type). Both have ceramic magnets adhered to the outside of the containers. There's some pretty wicked plastic glue fumes going on in my place right now. Tried again with Gorilla Glue.applied per directions, clamped and let set.tested this a bit more thoroughly and two of the magnets popped off quickly. Nobody has mentioned this yet so thought that I"d ask -- what about a magnet that has been encased in plastic?
We have personally tested it on magnet-to-wood, magnet-to-ceramics, and other porous surfaces. Such options might include 3M's VHB Tape, or our own Adhesive Dots, which are pre-cut for a number of disc sizes. I've already thought of this one myself, but had rejected the idea without trying it because my past experience with shrink wrap tube is that it gets to be quite brittle when subjected to the cold and it will crack. Do not use a hot glue gun on neodymium magnets. How to Glue Fabric to Wood: Effective Materials and Methods, Top 5 Best Glue For Mirrors In 2022: Ultimate Reviews And Rankings. Its biggest advantage is the included self-mixing tool. Make sure to read the instructions of the adhesive youre using. Trying to adhere magnets to plastics is a sticky issue that quickly gets complicated. How much of a difference? I've used magnets from KJ for years. For cleaning up, its really easy to wash it off just with water. At Glue Care, we have compiled some of the best recommendations right here to assist you with a similar chore. Other plastics like Polypropylene (milk jugs) or Polyethylene (plastic shopping bags) are practically impossible to get a strong bond with.
The easiest thing without messing with glue, or tape, inside or out is simply TWO magnets. This Loctite super glue is resistant to shock, vibration, and extreme temperatures. The best glue for magnets is Gorilla 2 Part Epoxy in most circumstances. Its colorless consistency can do practically everything needed in everyday life and production.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'gluecare_com-leader-3','ezslot_11',113,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gluecare_com-leader-3-0')}; Everything is simple. The plastic coating would help prevent the glue from suffering the heat/cold expansion failure issues but you will have a new problem. By That can't be stressed enough. I usually glue magnets inside, with gorilla glue, which seems to stick to everything. One of our customers wrote in about good results with a high peel strength Double/Bubble Orange epoxy adhesive. Here's a list of a few of the basics you might choose from: In a majority of applications we see, epoxy works best. So after work, it is advisable to ventilate the room. But, it emits a strong odor. What Is The Best Way To Get Metal To Stick To A Magnet? For application, we give it 10 out of 10. You may use super glue and silicone adhesives to help you finish your magnet projects. Next Article . Now I wonder why I bothered testing because I'm making an acrylic box from scratch and can poor it so the magnets are in the wall. How are steel strike plates and magnets used most effectively? Magnetic adhesives are increasingly becoming common to connect smoke detectors. Some folks will say skip the glue and just use the tape, but I find that the magnets sometimes "drift" in hot weather if there's not a solid disk of flexible glue/caulk to keep them in place. Two-Part Epoxy (majority of the time, epoxy works best), choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Leave your project alone for 5 minutes. This will very often cause the any brittle adhesive to crack at the junction. The product was originally designed to repair Lexan (polycarbonate) bodies of radio-control model cars and, once cured, seems unaffected by vibration, fuel, water, and temperatures up to just under the melting point of Lexan and down to at least a few degrees below freezing. I haven't used it for a geocache but I've used it for gluing/sealing stuff on the inside of a couple of kayaks I've built. Clear editor. First, you need to understand how important surface preparation is. Make sure to clean the dust off afterwards. Click Here for our Shipping Policy Details, Sticky Business - How to Glue Neodymium Magnets, Induction Stove - Frying Eggs with Magnets, Does Steel Block or Improve Magnetic Strength. There are a number that usually work quite well. The other great thing is that it does dry clear. ", Avoid gluing magnets to plastics with 3M thin transfer tape. Then I apply JB Weld to the surface allowing it to get into the holes (you can use tape on the other side of the plastic so the JB Weld will stop at the inside surface). I buy them from an Ebay seller named emovendo. It doesnt ooze out quickly. Dont be surprised if the glued part is stronger than the new one. If your also degrease your magnet with a little alcohol swab and let it dry then the bond should be very good. Suitable for the magnet to metal, rubber, ceramics, wood, leather, paper, and some plastics.
I can't tell you how many times I've come up to a "silver bullet" cache and found it on the ground with the magnet separated from the mini-bison to which it was attached. Two-part epoxy, Gorilla glue as well as liquid nails, and any sort of silicone adhesive, are the finest types of glue for gluing magnets on other surfaces. I haven't tried this, but could you not drill through a non ceramic magnet and then rivet them on with a washer that has a tiny hole in it to hold the other side? Bonds: Metal, glass, ceramic, wood, many rigid plastics, china, tile, fiberglass, concrete, stone, Bonds: Wood, ceramic, paper, leather, plastic, metal, rubber. Your third problem will be outdoor use where the plastic and magnet will exhibit very different coefficients of expansion with temperature changes. I recently found one that tried to use ceramic magnets inside of a Lock 'n Lock to help hold rare-earth magnets to the outslde. Keep the newly glued magnets separate from other magnetic surfaces that might pull it away from the drying bond. Less if the quality of metal is lower. You can use isopropyl alcohol with a swab or cloth. Place the neodymium magnets onto that surface, and you get around one hour for bond-forming. I must be the only one with this method but..I usually drill some small holes into the plastic in the area the magnet will cover. Is It Possible To Use Hot Glue To Bond Magnets? One is a Lock & Lock and the other is a film can. How To Choose An Adhesive For Neodymium Magnets? For example, check out the top of page 4 of this spec for 3M's DP-100 Epoxy Adhesive. This adhesive is the best for these applications because of its strength and endurance.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'gluecare_com-leader-2','ezslot_3',119,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gluecare_com-leader-2-0')}; If you dont have access to this precise sort of adhesive, Gorilla glue, crazy glue, super glue, liquid nails, or any other type of liquid silicone adhesive can help.
. It means you have to use a waterproof grout on the instruction for a WeldBond. Paste as plain text instead, Here's what he says in the listing: "The biggest drawback to Neodymium magnets is while magnetically very strong, they are very physically fragile. Loctite says it works well with, "ABS, PVC, Acrylic, Nylon, Polycarbonate and Mylar. We are now required to collect sales tax in several states. http://www.sciplus.com/category.cfm/subsection/11/category/117.
Tinkerers have long been fond of gluing.You can use the magnetic adhesive to bond magnets to various surfaces, including wood and plastic. In Europe and many other parts of the world GOOP isn't available because of it's Toluene base, but Eclectic Products, Inc. also makes the E6000 series of adhesives which are the same as GOOP except they uses PERC (Perchloroethylene) as a solvent instead of Toluene. But, it takes a certain amount of time for the adhesive before it hardens. When it comes to mounting permanent magnets to various surfaces, most forms of strong adhesive or even strong tape will suffice.You cant go wrong with magnet adhesives as long as you dont use hot glue, which employs heat, causing magnets to lose their magnetic properties. But, the thing we dislike about this particular bottle is that its hard to open the lid. N45 magnets are usually strong enough that having just one or two magnets inside is strong enough to hold a container to steel.
Thanks to everyone who wrote in! However, I have used a product called "FenderMender" to glue smooth, flexible plastic things to rigid surfaces with great success. Don't let the freshly assembled product cure near steel products or other assemblies that might pull the magnet away while the adhesive dries. It's generally good at bonding with both the nickel plating of our magnets and many other surfaces. and see that he sells some that are encased in plastic - N48 grade, impact resistant hard plastic shell. If you follow the instructions above, you will keep the item for more than two years. In some areas you can get defunct Hard Drives from a technology recycling businessmaybe for free, maybe for $1 each. Rare earth magnets. There are a lot of options with the right magnetic compound. At least the magnet will be inset, so it's surrounded by glue. That will certainly help. Therefore, wearing gloves when working with this compound in a ventilated area. Again, we're not adhesive experts, so consider contacting technical support at an adhesive company for your specific needs. The RTV will remain flexible in temperature shifts, and flexible when the magnet and plastic change size with temperature.
These are super magnets so you can get ALOT of magnetic power from a very SMALL physical size. However, after repeated impacts with each other or other surfaces, even the best metal coatings will fail. You may use it to attach any material, including glass, wood, and metal. Wipe free of dust with oil-free solvent such as acetone or isopropyl alcohol. I also used this glue to make some micro containers out of plastic pop bottle caps and necks. NdFeB-N45 or stronger magnets "inside" the container with a little JB weld or even a lot of super glue gel will keep them in place. Sandpaper the plastic where you will apply the epoxy. If you are looking for a super-strong epoxy adhesive, Gorilla 2 Part Epoxy is your perfect bonding aid! Some have been out in the elements for 6 months and the adhesive has yet to fail. Look here for mags with holes (http://www.sciplus.com/category.cfm/subsection/11/category/117). JB Weld is a popular epoxy adhesive with steel filler material. All you may need is ONE magnet on the INSIDE and it could hold almost anything you wanted! It really does depend on the plastic.
You may utilize it both inside and outside. All Rights Reserved. Well two part epoxy is the best i have found. Use a flexible adhesive/glue. Silicone or GOOP works well. It's an epoxy formula with acrylic in it. Residue, grease, or dirt can create an unnecessary barrier that doesnt allow the glue to take hold as intended. The strength of glue binding is comparable to that of welding. I like that idea! Top 5 Best Wood Glue In 2022: Which One Win Your Wood? I'm using a small lock-n-lock and small (quarter-size) disc magnets. It is resistant to water and has an effect. There are some products sold as adhesive primers, usually made of alcohol or acetone. The glue seems to stick on to the epoxy coating better than the nickel plating, but I did not do a scientific study, so just take that as "possibly better, but definitely no worse". Have a look at our handy list of suggested adhesives that are suitable for any magnet.
I did replace the duct tape on one after two years. Hot glue often melts (as it's designed to.)
When wet, the fragrance is really strong. After applying the adhesive, a bond will form almost immediately. As an added benefit, the Hard Drive platters make cool swag, and work well as emergency signal mirrors. I've got some great things to try, and will be attempting some more creative hides with the help of your ideas! Thank you for reading! Because the adhesive powder is insoluble in the liquid glue, it produces rough white build-ups where you apply it.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'gluecare_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_14',118,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gluecare_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0')}; PASCOFIX is the strongest metal-to-metal adhesive when compared to Gorilla glue. The good news is that the components are easy to mix, the adhesive does not have an unpleasant odor, and the kit includes a spatula. I used JB weld, but that did't hold up for long either. Thanks to all who responded! It usually just needs a single drop of adhesive! Need some advice from those of you who have successfully glued magnets onto plastic containers. For 5 to 10 seconds, press the components together. Then the plastic of the shrink tube will adhere to the other plastic much easier, thus encasing the magnet in plastic. Continue reading for a fast and easy guide to choose the finest adhesive for your needs. In addition, you can place steel on the other side of the glued surface to help hold the magnet in place while drying. Plastics like ABS (used in many consumer products) and PVC (the white plumbing pipes) work well with many different adhesives. Copyright 2000-2022 Groundspeak, Inc. DBA Geocaching. Gluing a strong magnet to the inside of the container will probably work best. All Rights Reserved. On one of the components, apply a thin coating of PASCO. These features allow it to work with almost all materials you know. All orders $10+ ship free within the United States. Can I solder or weld to neodymium magnets? Because different types of magnets contain different chemical components, certain types of glue used in DIY projects may react negatively. Trying to set your magnet on top of 1/8" of goo is going to space it quite far from the object you're parking your cache on, and the magnetic attraction will be substantially weakened. The tape is a "just in case" measure. It is also a good time to wipe off excess gel. Pasted as rich text. Continue to press your thumb against the pumper during the movement.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'gluecare_com-leader-1','ezslot_16',111,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gluecare_com-leader-1-0')}; When you finish running, check the evenness of the glue line to fill in defects promptly. I've been using Loctite Stick "n Seal Ultra. In addition, you can also choose any suggestion from the mentioned list. It is also called superglue. Even if it comes loose, it can still hold the container in place. Being inside, it won't rip loose when the container is removed. Slight off topic, where do you get your magnets from? Gluing magnets to plastic is trickier due to the difficulty of getting a good adhesive bond to the plastic. All orders placed before 2pm MST on weekdays ship the same day. Dry transparently and provide a neat appearance. Rough up the inside of the container surface where the magnet will rest, and use RTV (silicone seal) material liberally on TOP of the magnet and around its outside edges. Edit: yikes, some of the minerals are really exotic! Its simple to use, and the adhesive dries quickly. Its recommended to keep the bottle upright to prevent the nozzle from becoming blocked inside and wipe any remaining glue off the nozzles exterior to prevent the cap from sticking to the nozzle. The only thing that you have to refrigerate is the blue bottle. Remember that hot glue can damage most types of magnets. It's amazing how a little bit of greasy fingerprints can reduce the strength and repeatability of a glue bond.
Another reported good success holding cylindrical and ring magnets into holes in an anodized aluminum part using Loctite 609 (acrylic adhesive) and Loctite 638 (urethane methacrylate). I have used different glues on my mag caches. So you can work with it in places where it is impossible to avoid water ingress. Below are some tips that may ensure your success the first time around. Your link has been automatically embedded.
Since the glue is toxic, remember to mix two tubes at once. So, you can get your pliers out to lift it. The foam gives enough to "wet out" both surfaces. Remember to rough up [sand] area to glue on plastic, smooth just doesn't grab as much.