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Song Zhaoyi said, Tian Tian, have you been working hard for the exam recently As the college entrance examination approached recently, Song Zhaoyi heard that Shen Qingtian had been working very hard these days.Her eyes swept across Shen Qingtian s desk inadvertently, and she found a book of teaching aids for art students in her drawer.Shen Qingtian followed Song Zhaoyi s line of sight, and his eyes suddenly changed.She subconsciously wanted to close the drawer, but stopped in cannava cbd gummies a flash.Shen Qingtian raised his eyes, clenched the handle of the drawer, and looked at Song where to but cbd gummies Zhaoyi with a complicated expression.Sister Yiyi, I don t want to deceive you.Song Zhaoyi raised her eyebrows and asked her, Do you want to apply to art school Shen Qingtian said um.She has passed the art exam cbd gummies groupon sale without telling her family, and as long as her literacy score is high enough, she can go to the music college in Ben Thanh. Only Song Zhaoyi, who was in front of him, had delicate eyebrows and bright eyes.Under the shining white moonlight, her fair and delicate cheeks seemed to shine through, dyed with a gentle color.Pei Yan s heart sank deeply.He thought that she was the sweetness he was looking for in this vast world. I m going, are you really here Xie Yun said in a low voice, You re not afraid to come to school and meet your family Before he could finish speaking, Xie Yun knew that he had said something wrong.The end was so silent that even the air seemed to be smeared with ice.Xie Yun shook his body unconsciously across the phone I see, I ll send you the time and place of the performance.After a long silence, Pei Yan made a sound of um.Xie Yun didn t dare cbd gummies for quiting smoking to let out his anger until he hung up the phone.He clutched his chest, thinking that cbd gummies family video love is great.For the goddess, Pei Yan really worked hard Xie Yun shook are cbd gummies proven his head and continued to watch the rehearsal of the students. skittles lifesavers walgreens starburst forthemommas