haha saying they can make 500 rwhp on a stock bottom end 302 with jsut heads cam and intakeHA! I am by NO MEANS a purist. I hate to ask this (because I'm a diehard mustang person) but I threw a rod in my 2003 mach1 4v 4.6 and came across a ls1 with a trans from a friend for VERY cheap. I know on the 95 cluster there was literally a spot on the diagram that said Tachometer, and you could hard wire it from your hei distributor. th400 3l swap mustang ls silver ls1tech Look up the guy called stangkiller on youtube..rapes mustangs all day long haha and yea dude if you have a price on that ls let me know! Come join the discussion about performance, horsepower, modifications, troubleshooting, racing, and more! Advertising -
Rofl, I'd join a new club, sounds like you've got a bunch of real winners in that one. Id rather do it the stock way but it be kinda cool to have a unique Mach I can say I built myself.
I assumed i could do the same but im starting to think otherwise. LS Swap Components for 1994-04 Ford Mustangs. You can always tell when a Mustang is sporting a Bow Tie under the hood because of the unique camshaft profiles as well as the firing order, which is usually a dead giveaway. The 5.0L Coyote V-8, on the other hand, is a viable option to swap into any late-model Mustang because you can actually make it smog legal without too much hassle, provided you use all the required smog equipment from the engine you are swapping in. Thanks for the reply. Yup, we sure did! When people swap newer or different engines into a 99-04 Ford, the new PCM will not talk to the instrument cluster. If youre buying the GMPP controller kit, itll come included, but you can expect to pay more for the kit than the typical price of a used LS-series engine. Contact Us -
Even Fox-body guys have swapped to modular engines when it comes to making serious power at the track.
Yeah if you want to stay NA, its hard to really compete with a modular motor. The 01 cluster gets its engine speed data from the PCM via the car's data bus. Holley has engineered these parts to work as a system to deliver the most power and proper fit. You will still have to figure out a way to mount it to the firewall, and if youre sourcing all the parts from a junkyard or the classifieds, youll need to make sure the ECM has the ability to control the throttle. Manage Preferences -
The data has to come from a crank trigger wheel signal going into the stock PCM. Theres a guy in modded mustangs in the project section doing the swap right now. Well they also have the cast block ls motorsim looking at going N/A everyone in my mustang club just gave me sh!t out the ass..bad!
Were not going to bash the LS engine family and claim its not one of the greatest engines ever built, but we will tell you why it isnt the best option to make your Mustang haul the mail down the road. dbc Cookie Policy -
Any input is takin seriously. The C4, AOD, AODE, and 4R70W transmission will not bolt up to an LS engine without a custom transmission adapter, so youll have to reach in your pockets for a GM transmission that will fit in the transmission tunnel. Do Not Sell My Personal Information -, By logging into your account, you agree to our, Just wondering if anyone ever put a chevy in a 99-04 Mustang , Just want to get some input first.
dbc ecm rb25det rb20det r33 lq4 lq9 seems wiring ls1 ls6 It will be good to know which way you go and how it works. I thought id run the coil wire from my hei distributor directly to the cluster harness but the diagrams dont say anything about the tach. {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"https://ir.ebaystatic.com/cr/v/c1/thirtysevens.jpg","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. Privacy Statement -
Thats really great info though, i really appreciate it, when i decide on what route to go ill give some feedback and let you know how either route goes. You are using an out of date browser. Come join the discussion about performance, production numbers, VIN decoders, modifications, troubleshooting, power adders, DIY tutorials, and more! The stock 1979-present Mustang Exhaust system will not work with the LS engine, so you can expect to purchase some pricey swap headers or build an even pricier set of headers around your setup to work with your application. ls6 standalone vortec The 5.0L Coyote on the other hand is getting plenty of aftermarket support from Ford Racing Performance Parts as well as many aftermarket companies that cater to making late-model Mustangs get moving in a hurry.
swap ls wiring expert advice starting before heroes Gunna go carberated so wont have to worry about wiring nightmares, but other than that 8.8 rearend diff motor mounts and maybe k member ? obs With that said, I don't see why anyone would stay NA when a turbo/supercharged built modular will assrape just about anything you'll come across while retaining stock street manners and not requiring any swap parts. JavaScript is disabled. But was hoping to find someone who has done this or someone who knows about them. Also need a custom drive shaft. If the stock PCM is left in place and the stock sensors are used on the new motor (temp and OSS for example) then the stock PCM drives the stock instrument cluster with no problem. He then ran the crank position sensor wires to the PCM and he got his stock tach to work. I'm going to look into that, thanks for the input bud. If it has a trigger wheel with a different number of teeth from the V6 trigger wheel, you will either need to add a V6 trigger wheel to your crank pulley or you might try a speedometer calibrator such as a Dakota Digital SGI-5 to scale the frequency by a factor of the ratio of the number of teeth in the two different trigger wheels.
While you can make an LS engine smog legal, youll have to jump through a lot of hoops to get it certified as a smog legal swap. Sorry that I don't know about V6 or older 5.0 trigger wheels.
I thought about it for the Bullitt, then i decided to just make it a show car. Archive -
Youll also need to fabricate a set of custom LS motor mounts or swap in a K-member that will accept an LS engine. However, since the stock PCM is not running the motor, the tach does not work. Its not that GM LS series engines dont sound good; they just have a different firing order. Nothing beats the power of modernizing with a complete LS swap system. harnesses on3performance t56 Then a transmission crossmember and wiring.
I'm getting the ls and trans for 600 bucks. harness assy trx400ex durable wiring pcs wire 2000 I think in the later 90s the ford explorer 5.0 had a trigger wheel but im not completely sure. Its a very popular swap for muscle cars and hot rods, as well as trucks and 4x4s, and it is easy to see why. View cart for details. Location: I reside in a near constant state of amazment. I appreciate a fine build regardless of brands.
Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Apparently this seems like a pretty simple swap.
Its called mixed breed tech. He welded the original crank position trigger wheel to his crank pulley and made a bracket to hold the crank position sensor next to the trigger wheel teeth. The only way to make your stock tachometer work is to give your stock PCM a crank position sensor signal with the same frequency that the original 01 V6 had. Here's the top 10 reasons why an LS engine swap could be a recipe for disaster in a Mustang! Like me I Would be happy with an 03 04 Mystic with a hell raiser kit,However Mystic cobras are $$$$.So my next best option is to build a mystic Fobra (LOL) and swap a ls3 turbo in it. Isnt that easier then putting it in a mustang? swap ls1 ls6 cts Since i didnt have one ive been wondering if there is some way i can just wire my coil wire off my hei distributor to the tach. ANY help id greatly appreciated.
Not a bad set up. ls1 ls6 standalone wiring ls harness psi ls1 swap psiconversion engine dbc mustang harnesses lsx The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo, AJE Racing - Anthony Jones Engineering - Racing Suspensions, Texas Speed Camshaft Package w/ Dual Valve Spring Kit, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. By comparison, a 5.0L Coyote V-8 will bolt up to a 4R70W transmission and will work with the stock Modular motor K-member. ls6 ls1 There is no tachometer signal in your 01 car. The fuel plumbing as well as the fuel pump will also require custom work to make an LS live in a Mustang, so you can expect that to drive up the cost significantly, which makes an affordable takeout LS-series engine a fair bit more expensive in the long run. Also in Tools, Shop Equipment & Chemicals, Cataclean - Fuel and Exhaust System Cleaner, Cataclean Diesel - Fuel and Exhaust System Cleaner, Distribution Blocks, Filters, Adapters and Fittings, Microswitch and Solenoid Mounting Brackets. JavaScript is disabled. GM Small Block Gen III/IV/V (LS/LT Based), 1994-1995 Mustangs Use 71221013HKR Mounts (with Clamshell style mounts) and Either Crossmember (Choose based on Desired Transmission), 1996-2004 Mustangs Use 71221011HKR Mounts and Either Crossmember (Choose based on Desired Transmission), The factory LS Oil Pans don't fit or hang too low during an engine swap, LS Swap oil pans provide maximum clearance to the chassis and ground, OE (original equipment) style fitment for durability, strength, and proper sealing, Choose from natural aluminum casting, or carbon black ceramic finish, 1996-2004 Mustangs Use Oil Pans 302-1, 302-2, or 302-3, Choose from Long Tube Headers or Exhaust Manifolds, Headers are 304 Stainless Steel w/ 1-3/4" or 1-7/8" Primary Tubes & 3" Collectors, Exhaust Manifolds are Available in a Variety of Finishes & 2-1/4" or 2-1/2" Collectors, Choose from 304 or 409 Stainless Steel Material, 3" Systems Available w/ Turn Downs or Rear Exit, Upgrade the In-Tank Fuel Pump to Handle the Extra Horsepower of the LS Engine, Mount Your Holley ECU Under the Passenger Seat on Your Mustang, Choose from Brackets for Dominator, HP, or Terminator X ECU's, Choose from High Mount, Low Mount, or Mid Mount Accessory Drive Kits, Choose from Natural Aluminum, Black, or Polished Finish, Bracket Kits - Allow Reuse of Factory Components (High Mount & Low Mount), Standalone Plug and Play Engine Control for GM LS Engines, Terminator X Features Real-Time Fuel Learn, High Impedance Injector Drivers, Integrated 1bar MAP Sensor & 4 Programmable Inputs and Outputs, Terminator X Max - also Controls GM Automatic Transmission (4L60/4L65/4L70/4L75/4L80/4L85), Inputs & Outputs Are Ideal for Electric Fans, Boost Control Solenoids, Progressive Nitrous Control & More. 79 04 Mustang LS1 5 3L 6 0L Engine Swap 4 6L Adapter Plates Upr | eBay. It really doesnt make sense to swap an LS engine into a Mustang when you can buy a rebuilt small-block Ford 302ci from companies like Late Model Restoration for $1,000 and spend the rest of your budget buying some sweet go-fast parts.
Pfft build a Fobra with an all aluminum Teksid for cheaper and have a stronger block to boot. 2022 Holley Performance Products, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ls1 ls6 The old man swears by the sayin "Ford makes er and chevy shakes er " thanks guys.
The No.
My next motor setup is going to be a 4l80e 408LS3 with an 88mm. If the 5.0L Coyote is a fair bit out of your price range, you can always find an SN95 or a New Edge Cobra as a donor vehicle and swap that in since 1979-2004 use the same platform. In case you werent aware, the 5.0L HO and the modular 4.6L engines share their firing order with the 5.8L V-8 engine, which is why all late-model Mustangs have that distinct deep and throaty exhaust note that makes a mean sound when you crack open the throttle. th400 3l swap mustang ls silver ls1tech My 5.0 has no trigger wheel.
Did we really just say that an LS engine swap could be a recipe for disaster? Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. The LS engine has plenty of aftermarket support and is a viable alternative to building power reliably in an application that has a very undesirable engine. Something went wrong. 3l th400 swap mustang ls silver ls1tech I'm going to be honest I just don't have the money to fix it with the same motor, that's going to cost a lot with the 4V modular motor. ls6 ls1 ignition
This is actually a recent thread -, LS6 heads and your choice of can with an LSX intake and your set. That makes sense. The guy I worked with in the Philippines who wanted the stock tachometer to work with a diesel swap. Dont get us wrong.
I LOVE ls1s as much as the next guy. According to the guys on LS1tech all you need is a K member and mounts or just mounts. While the LS engine does enjoy extensive aftermarket support, there isnt as much support for it when its dropped in the engine bay of a late-model Mustang.
You dont have to worry about splitting the block at 500 hp when it comes to adding boost to the 4-valve 4.6L mod motor, and its not out of this world to see people running 600 hp on stock bottom ends.
th400 3l swap mustang ls silver ls1tech Thanks! Not only will you run into several challenges but it is a surefire way to anger the Blue Oval purists who would never dream of desecrating their beloved Mustang with a little corporate Bow Tie under the hood.
this I completely understand. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Terms of Service -
Thanks! They can take some serious boost and abuse, so building a junkyard Two-Valve or Four-Valve 4.6L V-8 can be more economical and fun than swapping in a junkyard LS engine. Then consider that the engine likely came out of a beaten-down work truck or a wrecked Camaro/Firebird or even a Corvette that was driven by someone with the same tendencies as Cole Trickle every day of its life. While it is true that you can find LS engines for around $1,000, its not the same as installing a freshly rebuilt engine.
ls engine wiring harness wire gen ls3 swap chevy transmission performance diagram jeep fuel iv systems southern body under power Haha hes a 10 second nitrous car street legal. The following errors occurred with your submission, Tech and Follow-My-Build Threads for members looking to put a different engine in their Mustang, Mustang News, Concepts, Rumors & Discussion, Uncle Sam's American Muscle Club - Buffalo, New York. text me at 3363066865! 99-04 instrument clusters are microprocessor controlled, and much of the information that gets displayed on the cluster comes from the PCM via digital messages over the data bus.
Even then, the gauges will require a little modification to work with an LS engine.