Our approach to temporary HVAC and power goes beyond the typical 2018 Trane Brea California 0753_932x932_Services-Operate Maintain and Repair-Rental.jpg, No sales office associated with that zip code, please click the link for all locations, Renewable Energy & Distributed Energy Resources, Energy Conservation Measures (energy efficiency), CoolSense Integrated Outdoor Air Systems, Controls Solutions for Light Commercial Contractors. or portable AC unit, we have the fleet and people where and when you Our indirect fired gas heaters offer benefits such as: Air makeup units benefit work environments in a variety of ways by: Air makeup systems provide fresh air supply as well as a variety of benefits to minimize the impact of negative building pressure including: Some ideal environments for makeup air systems include: Were your source forair makeup unitsand were ready to discuss yourindustrial gas heatingneeds. and make-up air. Additional heating options include indirect-fired, electric, hot water, and steam. }B_W+ Options include 2" double wall limited through metal construction and corrosion resistant construction. Mounting:Floor or Suspended, Vertical/Horizontal 0000005495 00000 n
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Which sales territories are you interested in? B) High Quality & Performance Controls
Mounting:Floor or Suspended, Horizontal SCFM:2,000-20,000 Custom condensing units are available for specific performance or construction requirements. Cooling Process on the Psychrometric Chart, Operation & Installation Manual (Spanish), Heat Pump Option - Ideal for small heating needs and where gas is not available, AC Option - Sized for 150-300 CFM/ton of Cooling, AC Option with Warm Liquid Reheat - Sized for 150-300 CFM/ton of Cooling and Dehumidification, High Efficiency Nominal 14 SEER Rating Condensers, Multiple Stage cooling for lower energy usage, Pre-Piped and Charged Refrigeration Circuits, Cooling requires no additional roof footprint, Coils and Condensers sized to comfort cool make-up air, R-410A Environmentally Friendly Refrigerant, Thermal Expansion Valves and Filter/Dryer Kits, External Equalization Lines for Thermal Expansion Valves, Vacuum Tested and Leak Checked Lineset/Coils, Thermostat Prewired and Interlocked with Heater. H) Commercial or Industrial Construction
0000056282 00000 n
Titan Air's packaged DX units are designed using a conservative application of coil and blower manufacturers design recommendations to meet a customer's specific requirements. Are you interested in representing CaptiveAire and selling our products? 2022 Titan Air LLLP. yw 2)1!gE[a!6G?QAK]K-VTC1
All Rights Reserved. All refrigerant is environmentally friendly R-410A and condensers have a nominal SEER rating of 14 for greater efficiency. Digital scroll compressors, modulating hot gas re-heat, and low acoustic options are available. Contact the factory for larger custom equipment. Ultimate flexibility in construction and control options, including variable volume for energy savings.
41 0 obj <> endobj Optional direct-fired burner is 92% efficient with a 25:1 turn down and is a lower cost that indirect-fired heat. Compact Direct-fired Gas Heaters Standard features include self-adjusting profile plates allowing 2 speed and variable speed applications. 0000051911 00000 n By using the site, you consent to the placement of these cookies. A) Outside Air Intake / Mixing Box Multiple optional fan configurations are available with additional options including air flow monitoring and vibration isolation. Trane gas-fired indoor make-up air handling units are designed for Trane gas-fired indoor make-up air handling units are designed for indirect fired applications requiring heating, cooling, ventilating and make-up air. 0000001335 00000 n Schofield, WI 54476|, Phone 800.333.1400| Flexible control sequences to meet customer requirements including DDC or PLC controls. #?#?'?llllll:::::::gFEFRoWWWWWWWl`62f#l`62f#l`6abUu>|L'`Yt4l]e # 0000011911 00000 n This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Visit ourResource Libraryfor more information. Optional cooling includes DX, chilled water or evaporative cooler. SysTech offers a variety of industrial gas heaters to serve a host of HVAC application needs. Multiple filter combinations are available to achieve the customer indoor air quality requirements. Industrial gas heaters provide an excellent heating solution for industrial facility needs such as: Direct fired gas make-up air systems deliver tempered air for industrial environments requiring frequent air changes. Testimonials, 2022 SysTech Design Inc. | 300 North Pottstown Pike | Exton, PA 19341 | 800-456-9460, Ventilation for Large Industrial Facilities, Ventilation Equipment and Systems Integration, On-site Inspection and Walkthrough Services, Ventilation Equipment & System Integration, Focused heating for specific areas or special equipment, Economical alternative to running the main heating system, Freeze protection for inventory and equipment.
0000025235 00000 n This site uses cookies to store information on your computer. The unit can either have a down or end discharge, and can be used with both electric and gas heat. M) Low Ambient Operation trailer Offers flexibility of condenser performance and controls. Operation
mMNNONN$- For more information, visit www.greenheck.com. Horizontal Direct-fired Industrial Available with single or twin blowers, and in re-circulating models, Vertical Direct-fired Industrial Configurations include single or twin blowers, as well as re-circulating models, Compact Indirect Fired Gas Heaters Bent tube heater with a constant 83% efficiency design and up to a 28:1 turndown, Indirect Fired Industrial Vertical Configurations include single or twin blowers, as well as re-circulating models, Direct-fired make-up air units to 85,000 CFM, Indirect-fired make-up air units to 57,000 CFM, Adverse safety and performance effects on combustion processes, Manufacturing facilities that house industrial processes, Buildings that accommodate large concentrations of people, Environments with forced air exhaust systems. endstream endobj 42 0 obj <>>> endobj 43 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 44 0 obj <> endobj 45 0 obj <> endobj 46 0 obj <> endobj 47 0 obj <> endobj 48 0 obj <> endobj 49 0 obj <> endobj 50 0 obj <>stream 0000012893 00000 n Need help finding the best unit for your commercial kitchen project? Multiple heating and humidity control options are available to suit jobsite gas, water, or power supplies. 0 0000075873 00000 n Approvals:ETL, Mounting:Floor or Suspended, Vertical/Horizontal, Configurations:100% Fresh Air, VAV (Variable Air Volume), 80/20,50/50, Cooling:DX or CW (Chill Water)Coil Sections Available, Note:Condensing Unit Packages available for split DX systems, Product Specifications Read our Privacy Statement to learn more. 41 35 Additional options include variable air volume or flood control. aJ`bWljdlBCA\rpq;y&,`hf],XH3v %#5 Additional options include modulating hot gas re-heat, low ambient operation, upgraded refrigeration components and special circuiting. Industrial gas heating units improve the overall efficiency of ventilation systems, making environments more comfortable and consistent. Additional options include hot gas bypass for commercial applications. n7 ES/a&V!.1o?NwtL!\0S9+R*2ik.w\gj1='B,'9S|kbjZ2V Privacy Policy | Terms of Use Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC), More on Building Automation & Management Systems, Indoor Gas-Fired Make-Up Air Handlers Standard and High Efficiency, Packaged Rooftop Arrangements: Heating, Cooling and Ventilating Systems, Indoor Make-Up Air Unit Arrangements: Heating, Cooling, and Ventilating Systems, Separated Combustion Indoor Gas Fired Make-Up Air Units: Heating, Cooling and Ventilating Systems, Horizon Water-Source Heat Pumps and Air-Source Heat Pumps, Indirect FiredMake-Up Air Gas Heating System. Location:Indoor or Outdoor 0000004630 00000 n 0000057866 00000 n These direct-fired gas heaters are designed for outdoor and indoor industrial applications using natural or LP gas. SBDR Model-Up to 80% Return Air Capacity Trane Horizon Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems are designed to condition up to 100% of outdoor air year-round, reduce latent loads, enhance comfort and energy efficiency, and maintain your buildings health. Click Here To Email Us, SysTech Design Inc. drop-off. Options include; 45 intake hood, hood filter combo, mushroom hood, wind driven rain louvers, and mixing boxes with flat or angled filters. 0000024320 00000 n
Optional gas or electric steam generators can be added for humidification. 0000003392 00000 n endstream endobj 51 0 obj <> endobj 52 0 obj <> endobj 53 0 obj <>stream The Titan Air packaged direct-fired and DX cooling unit combines the high efficiency of direct-fired heat with the convenience of packaged DX cooling. When air is removed from a facility by a dust or mist collection exhaust system, it needs to be replaced with make-up air to prevent negative pressure within the building and during winter months, to provide the necessary heat. Standard equipment is available up to 14,000 CFM and 60 tons. An email has been sent to our team with your feedback. Its a multi-disciplinary collective of experts using world class technologies and services to improve the viability of your building. - Firing:Direct K) Custom Air Cooled Condensing Unit We can configure these units with electric or hot water coil heating, and cooling options include chilled water coil, direct expansion and evaporative coolers. The condensers are top mounted on the make-up air unit to minimize roof space requirements, and are situated for optimal airflow and serviceability. aw?} D) Factory Packaged Refrigeration This certification mark indicates that the product has been tested to and has met the minimum requirements of a widely recognized (consensus) U.S. and Canadian products safety standard, that the manufacturing site has been audited, and that the applicant has agreed to a program of periodic factory follow-up inspections to verify continued performance. Direct-fired heat is 92% efficient and lower cost than indirect-fired heat. You can be assured of proper heating / cooling and airflow without paying for an undersized or oversized "standard" units. H\@w+l{-!K|0}F The combustion is so complete that any remaining combustion products are well within code prescribed safety limits. M0]_ha>utxilYVCmCwtx{4)>gc]0Mnks*VyIxI{=1DWK}oCU.1+X=,vjv:1+Aoo QG}_PC@ We apologize for the inconvenience and have notified a member of the team. The unit has 2-inch, double-wall cabinet construction, hinged access doors, an airfoil plenum fan, 2-inch prefilters, and optional high-efficiency postfilters. One benefit of this unit is the multiple cooling stages. Options include HEPA and carbon filters. 0000020569 00000 n startxref 0000024796 00000 n LU Model-100% Fresh Air Application Indirect fired gas heaters use a secondary heat exchanger to separate breatheable air from combustion air. 300 North Pottstown PikeExton, PA 19341
No heat exchanger is involved. Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Specifications. 0000003279 00000 n E) Dehumidification Which product lines are you interested in? The MPU for Direct Fired Heaters, Electric Heaters, Indirect Fired Heaters and Untempered Units are ETL listed under file number 100746688COL-001 and comply with UL 1995 and CSA C22.2#236-05. Trane Horizon Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems offer Water-Source Heat Pumps and Air-Source Heat Pumps, two of the most sustainable, environmentally responsible ways to heat and cool buildings. We design, deliver, install and even monitor safe and 0000051948 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n
75 0 obj <>stream L) Compressor Control right-hand control configurations, Optional cooling available on packaged units (DX, Left- and right-hand control configurations. Negative building pressure is exhibited when doors are hard to open or where doors slam closed, creating a safety issue. Looking for Revit files? Additional options include electric, hot water or steam coils and indirect fired heat. All rights reserved. G) High Efficiency Heating Firing:Direct SBDF Model-Duct Furnace. Location:Indoor or Outdoor
Additional options include direct evaporative cooling. VAeh ~eRhy8BcAPaZ^[7Qi(,iA=vn>;Ek.ki=aDJVXu6{KC[u^'~ 0\O7! Multiple casing construction materials and components are available to meet the application requirements. 0000074289 00000 n 0000002782 00000 n HVao6_q&"JdA6!f V-])vC"{xO[\*y:{q %PDF-1.5 % 0000017168 00000 n
Btu/Hr:117,000-5,635,000 Output Accurexs non-gas-fired make-up air units provide fresh air to restaurants and commercial kitchens in any climate when gas-fired equipment is not an option. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. C) Supply Fan / Power Return Fan Because of these benefits, direct fired units are ideal formake-up airorheating and ventilatingapplications. Box 410 | Btu/Hr:117,000-2,690,000 Output 0000008615 00000 n Engineers Newsletters & Engineers Newsletters Live!
Some are essential to make our site work; others help us improve the user experience. 2022 Accurex, LLC All Rights Reserved|, P.O. hb``P```qg`b`t/a`@ 6 0``2B %@ ]H!2s7v1,~1+A6;`b~JQ1!oFU CIyyFKKDj#C O%2/VB{\Xn( J{ Approvals: N/A. endstream endobj 54 0 obj <>stream Industrial space heating with natural or LP gas is typically provided with air makeup units. For 100 percent clean air without the energy expense of an electric heater, indirect fired gas heaters are an effective option. Wellsphere from Trane is a holistic approach to building wellness. Selecting a language changes the language and content on the Trane site. Our high skilled employees take care of all wiring, piping, and refrigeration making the installation as simple and hassle free as possible. efficient rental solutions. Copyright 20002022 CaptiveAire Systems. F) Humidification 0000002372 00000 n I")L?Hz"/b1m7MG_=H3Z4SZ$Ian=Sa1TN/Y+EDtH> vBSWCA?k.kt}?l+.P|7_q& Cd\!f;m0 thLv.v8&.g5plp4<>OQt>%o7DOm S1n+kC;&e`A8buqPjkb45iDqRIMMuFBF*Vi3GC/`-eVSl`m!ZUGQ-3 E(E;;fBpP[F%qWQZhcc66r:hahmZF9|#'Cn@|#Y}egWt]g#}Xn9e_. Fuels:Natural or LP Gas
0000006612 00000 n Digital scroll compressors are available for greater cooling control and energy efficiency. Fuels:Natural or LP Gas xref
The MPU for Recirculating Direct Fired Heaters is ETL listed under file number 100746688COL-002 and complies with UL 1995. Product Specifications Additional options include air flow monitoring station, and building management integration. 0000025652 00000 n Multiple configurations and layouts are available for space or height restrictions. J) High Efficiency Final Filter Section https://www.pinterest.com/buildingsmedia/, https://www.linkedin.com/company/buildings/, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE5_ObbmJvEjQtmS5TUxm2Q/videos, 5 Money-Saving Plumbing & Washroom Products, 10 Money-Saving Life Safety & Security Products. Optional modulating hot gas re-heat provides accurate and efficient method for controlling humidity using the excess heat from the refrigeration process. 0000009425 00000 n We support clients throughout the United States and Canada, while serving an immediate area that covers: Phone: 800-456-9460 Established in 1983, Titan Air is a leading manufacturer of HVAC equipment serving both industrial and commercial applications, providing both "quick-ship" standard equipment, and custom, application-specific air handlers, controls, and accessories. The modular packaged cooling unit is optimized to work in conjunction with highly efficient make-up air delivery methods, such as perimeter supply plenums. <<417C5485EE11FD44BA8F28704F4C3C9E>]/Prev 210466>> 0000007705 00000 n 0000003503 00000 n Left- and 0000004029 00000 n
Chilled water, or Evaporative cooler). Multiple cooling stages increase the efficiency by not using 100% of the cooling capacity when this is not needed, thus allowing lower energy usage. indirect fired applications requiring heating, cooling, ventilating All indirect fired units are completely package, rail-mounted, wired, piped, and test-fired to assure smooth installation and easy start-up. All heating and cooling components are factory wired, piped, and tested to make your jobsite installation as easy as possible. 0000023905 00000 n 0000010304 00000 n %%EOF The same thermostat has a built in adjustable differential to energize the second stage of cooling when required. 0000011114 00000 n EBD Model-100% Fresh Air Application 0000001767 00000 n
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Standard temperature control options include discharge or room DDC control with optional building management interfaces or PLC controls for industrial or process applications. An internal make-up air cooling thermostat automatically energizes the first stage when cooling of the make-up air is required. SBD Model-100% Fresh Air Application All Rights Reserved. Equipped for either suspension or slab mounting. Please fill out the following form, and we will contact you soon. Model MPX is a 100% outside make-up air unit with an integral packaged DX cooling system ideal for kitchens, corridor ventilation, and areas where energy recovery is not permitted. Fax 715.241.6191|, Fire Suppression Systems Options & Accessories, Utility Distribution Systems Options & Accessories, Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems (DOAS) Options & Accessories, Modular Packaged Cooling Options & Accessories. 2022 Endeavor Business Media, LLC. 0000000996 00000 n
0000001236 00000 n Negative pressure issues have been shown to affect process ovens or furnace ignition and flame stability. Standard industrial equipment can operate to 20 F by condenser fan cycling.
Our local, certified technicians get your system back up and running, fast. SysTech Design Inc. is regionally positioned with offices in the cities of Downingtown, Exton, Baltimore, Lancaster, Piscataway, and Pittsburgh. This design results in an extremely efficient system that achieves 100% combustion efficiency and a 92% overall thermal efficiency (with 8% of the total heat lost in the latent heat of water formed in combustion). Get catalogs, manuals, warranty information and more. All trademarks referenced are the trademarks of their respective owners. need them. In a direct fired make-up air unit, the air that is to be heated is passed directly over an open flame. Short term, long term, chiller, generator, The Trane direct fired outdoor heating units are designed for relieving negative pressure conditions inside industrial and commercial facilities.