If the table saw is the workhorse of the workshop then the table saw blade must be the horse shoes. While you can drill a hole through wood or metal with a variety of tools, there is only one way to roll for industrial use. But, as you start to drill larger holes (1/2 up) in harder metals, youll need to drop your drill speed down. Drilling too fast could cause the drill to bind, breaking the drill bit, the drill, workpiece, or even injuring you. The BILT HARD TL-DP1012-B is a great press featuring a full feature set that will appeal to many buyers.
Finally, if you have a reproducible process, such as a production line, or a large number of similar depth holes to drill. If so, you might need to use some lubricant if you are drilling more than a few mms. You will find a depth stop on all our or picks for the best drill press, but you cant say the same for lasers. In some of drill press ratings, youll find models that have holders to help you keep track of the key while others leave that task to you. We love to use a jigsaw as it can make all the cuts we need day-to-day. We gave this drill afull reviewpreviously, and its certainly an option for the best drill press. This machine features a single-phase 3/4hp motor and is suitable for industrial shop use. With a hand drill, its almost impossible to drill a perfectly vertical hole. These machines are very affordable, small, and will give you the benefits of having a drill press is a great little package. Like a machine with a quality table? With 3/4hp on tap via a 110V motor, this machine has ample power for all drilling applications. Things like drilling pressure control are key as well.
The best machines even include angle gradations to help you measure the correct drilling angle. Well look at workhorse shop tools and high precision machines all the way through to cost-effective DIY units. We think the key consideration is really to just ask yourself if youre working on large or small workpieces and go from there. We also like the spindle distance as its listed at 29-1/8 while the table is spacious at 18-1/2 x 16-inches. There are 12 spindle speeds that can take you from 150 to 4,200 RPMs in seconds which is impressive, to say the least. There are machines that can do more, but not in this class.
While some may argue this point, we feel that a drill press is by far one of the simplest tools you can own. You wont need to take a course to learn the ropes, and setting it up for the first time will be the most difficult part. Finally, if you are using your machine in a commercial environment, its important that its correctly certified. check out the. This keeps constant tension on your belt so youll have stable performance every time. Ah, the laser! Always consider your needs along with the budget, and keep safety in mind at all times. A good drill press will have a stable table, but it should be large enough to accommodate the materials you need to work with. Throw in an adjustable depth stop, and youve got yourself a little workhorse that will be right at home on your bench. Get notified of very the best tool reviews and guides from the experts.
Obviously, you cant easily carry a drill press around with you since they are heavy machines, whereas a cordless drill is designed to be portable. If you want to learn more,we have broken downall the areas to consider and threw in a few options to choose from as well. Owners have reported very little wobble in the drill bit, and straightforward assembly. Measurements like spindle travel and throat depth are just as important with drill presses built for metal as well. This is weaker the JET which is a disappointment considering the price. This is where you put your bit, and unlike handheld drills, all these chucks are metal. Moving a little higher up the WEN range, we have the 4214 laser drill press. Hate dealing with belts? The worktable features 45 degrees of tilt in either direction, and the machine comes equipped with a more basic rotary stop system rather than a full measured depth gauge.
Obviously, there are going to be a few drawbacks with its size, so youll only get 5-speeds and a smaller 6.5 x 6.5 work area. In summary, this is a good shop drill at a very competitive price point for the industrial standard. Wed be remiss if we didnt mention the table capacity. We cant tell you what to dial it in at, but consider your stock and the thickness as well. You can replicate the outcome by using a hand drill in a vice. Some people find it easier to use when drilling small workpieces. Needless to say, its a beefier machine that packs more punch, but still manages to remain affordable. You can easily support your workpiece on the tilting drill table. Below well discuss some of the main features youll likely need to consider when purchasing your drill press. Another very solid machine from JET, the J-2530 is a lot of drill for the money. Lower speeds are also necessary when using specialist drill bits like a Forstner bit. It has an adjustable depth stop and not one, but two laser beams. The removable safety key is a nice addition, however, and will give homeowners with children some additional comfort in knowing they cannot activate it without you being present. Beautifully machined work table and quick speed changing. It has the distinction of being one of a handful of models that give consumers a choice as well when it comes to size. The trouble is the workpiece can often move as you secure it to the work table, or adjust the table height, and this means youll find yourself checking and rechecking to ensure accuracy. With the motor, look for a press with at least a 1 HP motor if you want the best. Drill speeds are also critical to selecting the right drill press for your needs. Motor power is in many ways closely linked to drilling speeds. Or whether youll need to use a smaller drill to drill a pilot hole. Simply consider your budget, and then think about the important buying areas weve covered inour guide.Once you do that, the decision will become much clearer. Some believe that this category has missed out on some of the innovation which has occurred in cordless tools. That said, it is very impressive for its size, and nobody is going to complain about the price. When all else fails, the traditional solution is to measure your drill bit and wrap some tape around it to ensure the correct drilling depth. Another drill press, another solid option from WEN. Metal shavings are tiny and can embed themselves in your hand in an instant. Drill presses are very simple to use. You can really appreciate the design and experience that went into this machine from the MDF table insert to the lip on the front of the worktable for securing the workpiece with a clamp. For accurate drilling, nothing beats a quality drill press. Right behind our top choice, youll find the Delta 18-900L. This 12-inch press has a speed range of between 580 and 3,200 RPMs. Your email address will not be published. All in all, this is a great little performer at a very reasonable price point and will be a great fit for home users looking for a solid entry-level drill press. If you can fit one into your workshop, we generally prefer a floor standing machine. First off, unlike other drills in this review, you can change the speed of this machine by turning the nob, rather than manually changing the belt position, which is a huge plus. Larger chucks are obviously for larger drill bits and larger holes, and wont be as accurate for small drill bits. They may not be unique, but can easily be lost.
Thats a nice feature you wont often find on an economic drill press. We do believe WEN drill presses are good, yes. Starting with the key functions the drilling this unit has 5 speeds, ranging from 740 to 3140 RPM. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a04db9b52810e1e41ace953cfcd85e8f" );document.getElementById("f4901818fd").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. While all of our choices will work with all types of material, certain drill presses are made for woodwork. Tighten it down with your key and ensure theres no wiggle and it is firmly in place. Taking a look through the other elements of this drill press, youve got a laser to help you align your drill, which is a feature we cant recommend enough. The traditional solution was to use a centerfinder. The motor is rated at 2/3 HP while the spindle travel distance is set at 3-1/8. If you want drill press capable of lower speeds, you will be thrilled to know the Delta 18-900L can hit 200 RPM. Our guide to thebest drill press for woodworkingwill take you down the rabbit hole, but here are a few quick tips to remember. You want lower speeds for metal, while wood can be drilled at a faster rate. Aimed primarily at the enthusiast and DIY market, this is a relatively inexpensive drill press with basic features. We always recommend you look for the best basic features of the drill press above all else speeds, power, accuracy, etc but if you can find a drill with a laser it certainly helps. This one is from SKIL and is a 10-inch model with a 3.2 amp motor. When you have your bit and table locked down, its time to do the same with your stock. It may struggle to get through some material due to the motor size, but it will make short work of most materials put in its path. Do you plan to work with thick metal stock or will the press sit in your woodshop? In our opinion, this might be a better choice in a metalworking shop or any other setting where you find yourself drilling infrequently to high precision. Make sure you equip the right saw blade for the job by following our buyers guide. I share my best tips about woodworking and DIY., Enable registration in settings - general, Considerations before buying a drill press, Best Drill Press Overall: JET 354170/JDP-20MF, Best Router Circle Jig for Routing Small And Large Circles, The Best Router Edge Guides [Reviews & Buyers Guide]. This is because youll have to drill a hard piece of metal with several passes and lubricate the drill as you go. Another important feature of this drill is the beveling worktable so that you can drill your workpiece at an angle. Thats not necessarily due to the power, but the speed range.
Packed with features, this machine creates an unrivaled opportunity to do things you previously didnt think possible. Thats impressive, but you may be wondering how to go about changing the speeds. Needless to say, you want a high-quality depth stop if you care about precision. Also, keep the throat depth in mind and check to see how much of an angle the table tilts at. This is because you can set the drill press up, position the work table correctly, and then just drill unit after unit very fast. In a setting where precision is less critical, a simple gauge is probably better than the simplest solution which is the basic rotary stop. This is really a question of what youll be drilling and how that may or may not change in the future. Massive 170-3000RPM speed range across 16 settings, Work table with bevel and tilt adjustments. You can fit a sanding attachment to any drill press and use it for light sanding work. BILT HARD includes in the drill press package a 5/8 keyed chuck and key, hex wrenches, tools for assembly, vise, and drill bit set. This is the smallest machine our list at only 8-inches. While that may sound strange, its easier to pay a little more now than to upgrade entirely a few months down the line. In commercial settings, this is likely less of a concern because youll probably have a sander already. The spindle travel distance is listed at 3-1/4, and the machine has a 5/8 chuck. In tight situations (like working on the interior of boats for instance), using a drill press just isnt possible. What it lacks in size, it makes up for in performance, and it certainly wont break the bank. That is simple on some models and difficult on the rest if you are a beginner. The straightforward depth stop ensures precise drilling depth, and a solid-feeling feed handle gives the user added reassurance. I started Workshopedia in the hope of sharing some of my experiences with a wider community, and to encourage younger people to dive into DIY projects of their own. In retirement I have more time than money. Building on a wealth of experience, Delta really has produced an exceptional drill in the 18-900L and although by no means a cheap piece of equipment, you wont be disappointed about a performance standpoint. Some drills in this review have larger chucks than others as standard, others just have the ability to take larger chucks later as an additional accessory. A few other factors come into play as well, but quill travel is key and something to always keep in mind. Highlights for this machine include a 6.5 x 6.5 square work table, a 1/3 HP motor and a 1/2 keyed chuck. This will keep your options open for the future when investing in a tool like this. With a 12-speed range from 300 to 2900 RPM, this machine will cover you across a wide range of drilling materials and drill sizes. Were going to get a little repetitive here. The goals are to help you assess what features are important and find the perfect drill press for you. The particular model also sports a removable center insert for when you need to drill deep. You will want a machine that can blow through things on the high side but needs lower speeds to deal with certain types of metal. If you want to learn more about the WEN 4214, give ourfull reviewa good look. Cast iron tables are the best way to go as well, although stamped steel is also an option. It may be tempted to simply swipe it away with your hand, but we advise against that. Well, we are also pleased to say they are safe than other tools due to their design. The other area to consider is an obvious one the size. To get consistently reliable results and you cant afford any breakages. Alignment is taken care of using a laser, and the worktable is very large to accommodate big workpieces. It isnt often you find a drill press for under $100 bucks. But there have been some subtle leaps forward, and these do mean some machines are better than others. The sturdy table offers 45 degrees of tilt to allow off-axis drilling, and the sturdy base helps to keep the machine stable. Workshopedia.com is reader-supported and fully independent. Thats also important for intricate work or when youre drilling through brittle material. Thats provided you have the right bit you dont want to scorch your wood. While this machine does not incorporate some of the bells and whistles you might find on more expensive machines, its a solid performer that will be perfectly adequate for the vast majority home DIY use cases. On the flipside, you will only get a 2-year warranty on this drill press which is a downer in our eyes.
Shop Fox has even included a dust vacuum attachment on the work table. It has one of those, and the rack & pinion system makes the table easy to maneuver. Just let that sink in for a minute. Thatll be fine for wood, plastic, and soft metals, although if you are regularly drilling hard metals with large drill bits youll be needing to look for slower speeds in the 300rpm range. For ease of use, look for a drill press with a speed control knob or system. Diving right in, the Shop Fox boasts a 12-speed setup with a range of 250-3050RPM. Its better to drill slowly and steadily, occasionally removing the drill to clear it. This one is a 13-inch press, but we think you will be pleasantly surprised by its power. I'm the guy you call to get the job done. It has 5-speeds ranging from 740 all the way up to 3,140 RPMs as well so wood and metal wont be an issue. For metal, you need a press that you can slow down. Drill presses come in all shapes and sizes, and some are better for performing specific tasks than others. If youre looking for the best drill press out there, you can look no further the JDP-17 is the machine. Also whether the drill can be positioned to drill the hole you require. If you dig those features but are tight on space, the smaller model doubles as a sander as well! It is the userss responsibility to apply for any required permits or consents and to build in accordance with the local building code.Although all due care is taken, no responsibility is accepted by Buildeazy for any wrongful information, omissions, or any other irregularities regarding any plan set or Buildeazy article. Your email address will not be published. Now youre ready to go. Our first mini drill press comes from RIKON in the form of the 30-120. In this review, well break down some of the top performers in each category. A floor model bench press may take up more space in your shop, but they are safe and stable machines. Required fields are marked *. We dig the Shop Fox W1668 so much it gotits ownfull review, and its well worth a spot on our list of the best drill presses for your money. Secure the workpiece to the drill table and line the drill up appropriately. Its the WEN 4214, and its 4-inches taller than the 4208. Simply put, you probably dont need a laser, but it is a great feature to have if you dont have to spend up to get it. Want a drill with a long quill stroke? The company is a fan favorite for a reason, and the JET 354170/JDP-20MF is a press we think youll dig for its mix of power and performance. First up, youve got a powerful laser to help you align your workpiece correctly in the drill press, along with a LED to help light the workpiece nicely. The table is tough and tiltable up to 45-degrees, and you can rotate it as well. It packs a punch, and almost any material can be drilled with ease. With a 204-3050RPM range, the G7943 will happily accommodate a wide range of drilling materials and bit sizes. You must also begin lubricating the drill to prevent overheating. This monster can handle up to 80 pounds, which should be more than enough for most folks. Bench top drills, on the other hand, are more compact. Mainly aimed at the DIY market, this unit nonetheless features a bunch of great features that allow it to punch well above its weight category.



Obviously, you cant easily carry a drill press around with you since they are heavy machines, whereas a cordless drill is designed to be portable. If you want to learn more,we have broken downall the areas to consider and threw in a few options to choose from as well. Owners have reported very little wobble in the drill bit, and straightforward assembly. Measurements like spindle travel and throat depth are just as important with drill presses built for metal as well. This is weaker the JET which is a disappointment considering the price. This is where you put your bit, and unlike handheld drills, all these chucks are metal. Moving a little higher up the WEN range, we have the 4214 laser drill press. Hate dealing with belts? The worktable features 45 degrees of tilt in either direction, and the machine comes equipped with a more basic rotary stop system rather than a full measured depth gauge.
Obviously, there are going to be a few drawbacks with its size, so youll only get 5-speeds and a smaller 6.5 x 6.5 work area. In summary, this is a good shop drill at a very competitive price point for the industrial standard. Wed be remiss if we didnt mention the table capacity. We cant tell you what to dial it in at, but consider your stock and the thickness as well. You can replicate the outcome by using a hand drill in a vice. Some people find it easier to use when drilling small workpieces. Needless to say, its a beefier machine that packs more punch, but still manages to remain affordable. You can easily support your workpiece on the tilting drill table. Below well discuss some of the main features youll likely need to consider when purchasing your drill press. Another very solid machine from JET, the J-2530 is a lot of drill for the money. Lower speeds are also necessary when using specialist drill bits like a Forstner bit. It has an adjustable depth stop and not one, but two laser beams. The removable safety key is a nice addition, however, and will give homeowners with children some additional comfort in knowing they cannot activate it without you being present. Beautifully machined work table and quick speed changing. It has the distinction of being one of a handful of models that give consumers a choice as well when it comes to size. The trouble is the workpiece can often move as you secure it to the work table, or adjust the table height, and this means youll find yourself checking and rechecking to ensure accuracy. With the motor, look for a press with at least a 1 HP motor if you want the best. Drill speeds are also critical to selecting the right drill press for your needs. Motor power is in many ways closely linked to drilling speeds. Or whether youll need to use a smaller drill to drill a pilot hole. Simply consider your budget, and then think about the important buying areas weve covered inour guide.Once you do that, the decision will become much clearer. Some believe that this category has missed out on some of the innovation which has occurred in cordless tools. That said, it is very impressive for its size, and nobody is going to complain about the price. When all else fails, the traditional solution is to measure your drill bit and wrap some tape around it to ensure the correct drilling depth. Another drill press, another solid option from WEN. Metal shavings are tiny and can embed themselves in your hand in an instant. Drill presses are very simple to use. You can really appreciate the design and experience that went into this machine from the MDF table insert to the lip on the front of the worktable for securing the workpiece with a clamp. For accurate drilling, nothing beats a quality drill press. Right behind our top choice, youll find the Delta 18-900L. This 12-inch press has a speed range of between 580 and 3,200 RPMs. Your email address will not be published. All in all, this is a great little performer at a very reasonable price point and will be a great fit for home users looking for a solid entry-level drill press. If you can fit one into your workshop, we generally prefer a floor standing machine. First off, unlike other drills in this review, you can change the speed of this machine by turning the nob, rather than manually changing the belt position, which is a huge plus. Larger chucks are obviously for larger drill bits and larger holes, and wont be as accurate for small drill bits. They may not be unique, but can easily be lost.
Thats a nice feature you wont often find on an economic drill press. We do believe WEN drill presses are good, yes. Starting with the key functions the drilling this unit has 5 speeds, ranging from 740 to 3140 RPM. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a04db9b52810e1e41ace953cfcd85e8f" );document.getElementById("f4901818fd").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. While all of our choices will work with all types of material, certain drill presses are made for woodwork. Tighten it down with your key and ensure theres no wiggle and it is firmly in place. Taking a look through the other elements of this drill press, youve got a laser to help you align your drill, which is a feature we cant recommend enough. The traditional solution was to use a centerfinder. The motor is rated at 2/3 HP while the spindle travel distance is set at 3-1/8. If you want drill press capable of lower speeds, you will be thrilled to know the Delta 18-900L can hit 200 RPM. Our guide to thebest drill press for woodworkingwill take you down the rabbit hole, but here are a few quick tips to remember. You want lower speeds for metal, while wood can be drilled at a faster rate. Aimed primarily at the enthusiast and DIY market, this is a relatively inexpensive drill press with basic features. We always recommend you look for the best basic features of the drill press above all else speeds, power, accuracy, etc but if you can find a drill with a laser it certainly helps. This one is from SKIL and is a 10-inch model with a 3.2 amp motor. When you have your bit and table locked down, its time to do the same with your stock. It may struggle to get through some material due to the motor size, but it will make short work of most materials put in its path. Do you plan to work with thick metal stock or will the press sit in your woodshop? In our opinion, this might be a better choice in a metalworking shop or any other setting where you find yourself drilling infrequently to high precision. Make sure you equip the right saw blade for the job by following our buyers guide. I share my best tips about woodworking and DIY., Enable registration in settings - general, Considerations before buying a drill press, Best Drill Press Overall: JET 354170/JDP-20MF, Best Router Circle Jig for Routing Small And Large Circles, The Best Router Edge Guides [Reviews & Buyers Guide]. This is because youll have to drill a hard piece of metal with several passes and lubricate the drill as you go. Another important feature of this drill is the beveling worktable so that you can drill your workpiece at an angle. Thats not necessarily due to the power, but the speed range.
Packed with features, this machine creates an unrivaled opportunity to do things you previously didnt think possible. Thats impressive, but you may be wondering how to go about changing the speeds. Needless to say, you want a high-quality depth stop if you care about precision. Also, keep the throat depth in mind and check to see how much of an angle the table tilts at. This is because you can set the drill press up, position the work table correctly, and then just drill unit after unit very fast. In a setting where precision is less critical, a simple gauge is probably better than the simplest solution which is the basic rotary stop. This is really a question of what youll be drilling and how that may or may not change in the future. Massive 170-3000RPM speed range across 16 settings, Work table with bevel and tilt adjustments. You can fit a sanding attachment to any drill press and use it for light sanding work. BILT HARD includes in the drill press package a 5/8 keyed chuck and key, hex wrenches, tools for assembly, vise, and drill bit set. This is the smallest machine our list at only 8-inches. While that may sound strange, its easier to pay a little more now than to upgrade entirely a few months down the line. In commercial settings, this is likely less of a concern because youll probably have a sander already. The spindle travel distance is listed at 3-1/4, and the machine has a 5/8 chuck. In tight situations (like working on the interior of boats for instance), using a drill press just isnt possible. What it lacks in size, it makes up for in performance, and it certainly wont break the bank. That is simple on some models and difficult on the rest if you are a beginner. The straightforward depth stop ensures precise drilling depth, and a solid-feeling feed handle gives the user added reassurance. I started Workshopedia in the hope of sharing some of my experiences with a wider community, and to encourage younger people to dive into DIY projects of their own. In retirement I have more time than money. Building on a wealth of experience, Delta really has produced an exceptional drill in the 18-900L and although by no means a cheap piece of equipment, you wont be disappointed about a performance standpoint. Some drills in this review have larger chucks than others as standard, others just have the ability to take larger chucks later as an additional accessory. A few other factors come into play as well, but quill travel is key and something to always keep in mind. Highlights for this machine include a 6.5 x 6.5 square work table, a 1/3 HP motor and a 1/2 keyed chuck. This will keep your options open for the future when investing in a tool like this. With a 12-speed range from 300 to 2900 RPM, this machine will cover you across a wide range of drilling materials and drill sizes. Were going to get a little repetitive here. The goals are to help you assess what features are important and find the perfect drill press for you. The particular model also sports a removable center insert for when you need to drill deep. You will want a machine that can blow through things on the high side but needs lower speeds to deal with certain types of metal. If you want to learn more about the WEN 4214, give ourfull reviewa good look. Cast iron tables are the best way to go as well, although stamped steel is also an option. It may be tempted to simply swipe it away with your hand, but we advise against that. Well, we are also pleased to say they are safe than other tools due to their design. The other area to consider is an obvious one the size. To get consistently reliable results and you cant afford any breakages. Alignment is taken care of using a laser, and the worktable is very large to accommodate big workpieces. It isnt often you find a drill press for under $100 bucks. But there have been some subtle leaps forward, and these do mean some machines are better than others. The sturdy table offers 45 degrees of tilt to allow off-axis drilling, and the sturdy base helps to keep the machine stable. Workshopedia.com is reader-supported and fully independent. Thats also important for intricate work or when youre drilling through brittle material. Thats provided you have the right bit you dont want to scorch your wood. While this machine does not incorporate some of the bells and whistles you might find on more expensive machines, its a solid performer that will be perfectly adequate for the vast majority home DIY use cases. On the flipside, you will only get a 2-year warranty on this drill press which is a downer in our eyes.
Shop Fox has even included a dust vacuum attachment on the work table. It has one of those, and the rack & pinion system makes the table easy to maneuver. Just let that sink in for a minute. Thatll be fine for wood, plastic, and soft metals, although if you are regularly drilling hard metals with large drill bits youll be needing to look for slower speeds in the 300rpm range. For ease of use, look for a drill press with a speed control knob or system. Diving right in, the Shop Fox boasts a 12-speed setup with a range of 250-3050RPM. Its better to drill slowly and steadily, occasionally removing the drill to clear it. This one is a 13-inch press, but we think you will be pleasantly surprised by its power. I'm the guy you call to get the job done. It has 5-speeds ranging from 740 all the way up to 3,140 RPMs as well so wood and metal wont be an issue. For metal, you need a press that you can slow down. Drill presses come in all shapes and sizes, and some are better for performing specific tasks than others. If youre looking for the best drill press out there, you can look no further the JDP-17 is the machine. Also whether the drill can be positioned to drill the hole you require. If you dig those features but are tight on space, the smaller model doubles as a sander as well! It is the userss responsibility to apply for any required permits or consents and to build in accordance with the local building code.Although all due care is taken, no responsibility is accepted by Buildeazy for any wrongful information, omissions, or any other irregularities regarding any plan set or Buildeazy article. Your email address will not be published. Now youre ready to go. Our first mini drill press comes from RIKON in the form of the 30-120. In this review, well break down some of the top performers in each category. A floor model bench press may take up more space in your shop, but they are safe and stable machines. Required fields are marked *. We dig the Shop Fox W1668 so much it gotits ownfull review, and its well worth a spot on our list of the best drill presses for your money. Secure the workpiece to the drill table and line the drill up appropriately. Its the WEN 4214, and its 4-inches taller than the 4208. Simply put, you probably dont need a laser, but it is a great feature to have if you dont have to spend up to get it. Want a drill with a long quill stroke? The company is a fan favorite for a reason, and the JET 354170/JDP-20MF is a press we think youll dig for its mix of power and performance. First up, youve got a powerful laser to help you align your workpiece correctly in the drill press, along with a LED to help light the workpiece nicely. The table is tough and tiltable up to 45-degrees, and you can rotate it as well. It packs a punch, and almost any material can be drilled with ease. With a 204-3050RPM range, the G7943 will happily accommodate a wide range of drilling materials and bit sizes. You must also begin lubricating the drill to prevent overheating. This monster can handle up to 80 pounds, which should be more than enough for most folks. Bench top drills, on the other hand, are more compact. Mainly aimed at the DIY market, this unit nonetheless features a bunch of great features that allow it to punch well above its weight category.