I happened to come across these from a local downtown Bozeman business. Once the tape has been removed, its ready to hang.
And no, once you get several coats on it, you cant really see through it from either direction.
This is so cool!
There are so many things you can do to embellish or up-cycle a mirror you already have, but this colorful option is one of my favorites. [] A Color Blocked Mirror DIY from papernstitchblog.com []. Once you have all your coats done and its dry, flip it over and check it out! IMMEDIATELY after you have splattered the mixture, spray your first coat of the mirror spray. I was skeptical, but it worked awesome! Thank you for helping support this website so I can continue to provide free content. A mercury glass mirror is a great addition to your home decor whether hung above a mantel, on a wall or placed on a shelf. I love how you have given this door (and window) new life!! Since I used a stain instead of paint, you can see right through the color. Or are you planning on sanding and staining or painting it? Ive put them up. Check out my color blockedDIY mirroridea that uses transparent glass paints to create unique mirrors with tons of personality. Its my go-to tape for all paint related projects.
Ive taken them down. Then, slowlyremove the tape at a 45 angle and pull the tape back onto itself for best results. When I did my door mirror, I could still see through it after 5 coats. Stay tuned for a fun build coming next week, but until then, happy DIYing! No more mixture or blotting. So, what do I do once I have created one of these beauties? One question: can you see thru the back to front? I placed my glass back in the frame and took a pictureto show you the mirror effect. Gently peel off the painters tape while the paint is still wet. Or check local thrift or antique stores. Very cool! Set aside. .
How to update an old piece of furniture without a ton of prep work! Ive even collected a random assortment of them for decoration purposes. And no, thats not spray paint. I used it recently on a table in my craft room and LOVE how it turned out! This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. Try to do this in different areas than before. }, --10 Must Have Tools for Furniture and Cabinet Building. Check out our shop to browse printable PDF building plans! Then in certain areas such as the corners or at random, I would splatter more heavily to create a more authentic mercury glass look for the final product. Thanks! But I have reenacted the EXACT same process on some small glass picture frames. I needed to share this easy DIY with you because I love how it turned out! Apply the glass stain (I used three 2oz bottles of each of the following colors: pink, orange, and aqua) directly to the mirrors surface, using the applicator. }, 10 Must Have Tools for Furniture and Cabinet Building. Ive been noticing a trend lately that involves using color in a transparent way and became over-the-top obsessed with this idea. DO NOT DO THE WATER/VINEGAR STEP AGAIN!!!!! Normally one can use glass cleaner on a mirror, I would think that is not ideal once it has been stained. Quick Note: I would recommend using ScotchBluePLATINUM Painters Tapespecifically for this project because the tape is made from advanced poly material that helps prevent paint seepage and is perfect foralmost every surface metal, glass, baseboards, and trim.
You want to do this BEFORE the water/vinegar mixture has had a chance to dry!!! Oh, and did I mention that if you already have the mirror, the entire list of supplies will cost you less than $20! Entryway Sources: bench Target // pillow Ferm Living // straw basket // rug Overstock // pie chart DIY artwork // planter vintage (similar) // shoes Loeffler Randall(and these are cool too). They are my FAVORITE! Shara, this is completely ah-MAZ-ing! It creates kind of a whimsical 70s vibe when you look in the mirror, through the colorful parts. Once the glass stain has completely dried, use a sharp blade to score the edge of the tape, along the stain line. I really dont know how much simpler it gets. I have a thing about doors. The results Its a small addition, but Ive really been loving the little pop of transparent color, when I walk by and it catches the light. Any window or door with glass will work for this! If you still see splotches like the picture above, dont recoat yetI mean, you CAN, but it wont look as good. IMMEDIATELY before the mixture dries, spray your third coat of the mirror spray. They were actually the original windows from the restaurant of a friend of mine! Clean the front of the window FIRST and the backside of the window ( the side that will be facing the wall LAST! If youve ever wondering how to make a mirror that has more personality (and maybe even a little color), this DIY mirror project is for you. If you dont get around to removing the tape right away, its totally okay! Allow the mirror spray paint to dry. Thats it! P.S. DIY ball pull boxes from Fall for DIY 3.color blocked mirror DIY 4. color blocked storage lockers DIY from Sugar & Cloth 5. unique DIY planter idea 6. how to [].
Anyone else love Pottery Barn or Restoration Hardware but maybe not the price tag? But here is a much nicer picture of the door mirror: I used this same method on an old window years ago afterI finished this door. I used a little over two cans for the door. Take a look at what you are working with. I actually bought another one just like it a few weeks after that, but thats another door story for another day. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I am a mama of many different hats in a small ski town in Montana. But whatever you are turning into a mirror, the process is so easy and is the same whether its a huge door, or a tiny picture frame glass. No paint brush needed the pointy tip works great for evenly applying the stain. For my door mirror, I did NOT remove the glass panel, but just cleaned it in its place. I put together a new Pinterest board to keep track of it and everything. With the exception of painting directly onto walls and wood floors thats when I would useScotchBlue WALLS + WOOD FLOORS Painters Tape, which is for delicate and freshly painted (24 hrs. I did the first time I did this projectwhich was a major flop btw! In a short, wide-rimmed cup that your hand can fit in, make a 50/50 mixture of normal temperature water and vinegar.
Any specs that are left on the glass will keep the mirror product from adhering to the glass and leave specs on your final product. Ive partnered with3MandScotchBluePainters Tapeto share a color blocked mirror DIY that literallycouldnt be any easier to recreate at home. It resulted in my husband spending hours with a razor scraping off the glass. This method will leave you with a reflective aged or antique mirror look. Ever wondered how to make a mirror that is colorful, quirky, or has even an ounce of personality, without having to spend a fortune? Such an easy project What do you guys think?
I found that I liked the result of a small amount of splatter over the entire glass. After the entire surface is a matte gray color, you are ready for a second coat. And thats it! Dont worry about these drying. I love the little bit of history that goes along with a DIY project like this one! I need to make one for my entryway (for checking my lipstick on the way out the door) immediately. Take the time and using painters tape, tape off all the wood surrounding the glass. You will notice that there will be wet bubbles where the mirror coat is covering the water mixture droplets. But I liked the hand effect better for the water/vinegar mixture. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Does it just need to be cleaned to knock off the years of dirt and chipping paint? Again, using your hands, dip your fingers and at random splatter the mixture over the glass. What projects have you tried this method out with? Using a scrunched up paper towel, GENTLY blot up the water mixture droplets. Just ignore that. So if you love the look of these high-end mirrors, then keep reading for the step by step tutorial on how to make this faux mercury glass mirror for a fraction of the cost! Total character blitz! Not sure which type ofScotchBluePainters Tape to use for a project?
If you purchase from one of these links,I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your tips!! If youre not going to see any of the back part of the window/mirror if its hanging on a wall, why do you have to tape it off? :))) It goes on shiny silver and as it dries, you will see it transform fairly quickly to a foggy/matte gray color when it dries. I wanted clean lines and for it not to cover the wood. Whichever direction you go with, make to clean your window well! Although this step is optional, I like the look of the flecks of gold in the final piece. I did a cup of each. I love how this one turned out with the natural wood. But I hated to throw perfectly good glass away, so I did some research and found a way to turn regular glass into a mirror simply with spray paint. If you want to avoid a store run and have all the items shipped straight to you, here is the complete list of what is needed to complete this project! So not necessary, just personal preference!
Then wait at least 24 hours for the mirror tocompletely dry before moving onto the next step. BE CAREFUL to not scrub with the entire paper towel or you will remove too much of the mirror spray and will lose the great effect that you are working towards. Proper prep-work pays off, so start by cleaning the mirror with glass cleaner and a rag to make sure the mirror is clean and free of debris and dust. I went with 7-8 coats. Last but not least, spray a thin coat of black spray paint over the entire glass area. See policies page on this site for more information. Wow, they look so cool! This will create areas with no mirror coat and you will just see the glass which is what you want. The windows I used were original windows from a historic building, and so I didnt want to change them but they did need a good cleaning! What do you think of the finished project? And fake antique mirrors. And it was SO EASY. I put the glass jar in here because I was going to spray it, then changed my mind. Make sure to clean both sides of the glass. Not too bad for a full mirror revamp, right? I have to tell you that I completed this project YEARS ago, so I dont have pictures of me actually painting the door. The can says it will take 5 coats. 1. Looks nice and simple going to have to give it a try! This will give you an ultra sharp line. It creates an effect that adds a fun pop in home decor, Christmas decorations or in a mirror such as this . Yea! Click through for the tutorial. I love doors, I hate doors. 2. You have to see this DIY mirror project! A combination of a mirror and silver look, over time it acquires a crumbly appearance. Here are the links to where you can pick up all 3beveled mirrors on Amazon Prime, just in case (24 inch round mirror/12 inch square mirror/18 inch round mirror). Choose your favorite glass cleaner and get that glass really clean. Think you might give this color blocked mirror DIY a try? January 5, 2017 by Shara, Woodshop Diaries. Glass you want to turn into a mirror (for this example, I used picture frames with glass inserts). All images and text on this site are property of Woodshop Diaries, LLC. You totally should give it a try, Karlijn. Depending on the look you are going for and your personal taste, you can GENTLY rub a corner of the paper towels at random over the glass to create a scratched look. Again following the spray paint can directions, apply a second coat of the mirror. Note: you can use a spray bottle. The only thing you have to remember here is that you MUST SPRAY THE BACK SIDE OF THE GLASS. See, even my youngest likes my mirror . Then,press down firmlyover the tapes surface with your fingers to make sure the tape is secure. You will get MUCH better results if you let each coat dry well before recoating. You dont even need a paint brush, so its perfect for any skill level. Its super easy! So I was excited when I found a hack to get that same look of their mercury glass mirrors without the high price! [] for more colorful inspiration? Using any information provided is to be at your own risk. Yes thats me and my camera in the mirror. old) surfaces. As much as I love to dream and make plans, my #1 priority is my family. You can do this on picture frame glass, old doors with glass, old windows with glass, and even glass jars. This is the most time-consuming step of the process, but the end result will be worth it! Curious?! Allow the paint to dry completely taking care that nothing will touch the back part of your window before it is dry. As the back is where you will be spraying and you want that cleanest! Awesome DIY idea! This site uses cookies to provide you with a better experience. It wont be a perfect mirror (you probably wouldnt want to do this for a bathroom mirror or anything), but its surprisingly really good for spray paint. To add this to yours, simply repeat steps 9-12 one last time but replace the mirror coat with a coat of gold spray paint. It resulted in a more natural effect with water droplets in varying sizes. I removed the glass panels from the frames and cleaned them with Windex. I used just painters tape for the small wooden sections and then I used butcher paper strips to cover the larger frame sections held down with more painters tape. Theres a bit more to it than that. I understand that you have lots of options when you shop. Full of character, this will be sure to be an eye-catcher and a gorgeous alternative to a standard mirror! I like the antique effect.
How to make a DIY chalkboard for under $10, 5 simple steps to keep your skoolie organized, Short, wide-rimmed cup (for water/vinegar mixture). Again, make sure you are taping the BACK of the frame. 5. It actually is composed of two panes of glass with a silvering formula inserted between the two panes. Will you try it? Rustoleum chalk paint is a great way to add a pop of color without the cost of other chalk paint brands. I'm Shara, the designer, maker, and videographer behind Woodshop Diaries. I cant tell you how many extra holes in the wall they have saved me from .
Now your mirror should be done! This will cover all areas of the glass left and create a backing to the mirror! How much or how little you use is up to your discretion. https://www.makeandmess.com/, Wow, this is cool! Place the order and have your box full of goodies arrive at your door in just a few days!
Following the directions on the spray can spray a light coat on all areas of the glass in a sweeping left to right motion. See disclosure policy for more details. This is a genius idea. Just apply gentle, consistent pressure to the bottle, without lifting up the applicator from the glass, for even coloringand less chance for air bubbles. However, if you plan on sanding and either staining or painting to get the exact finish you want, here are my favorite tips on doing that! Letting it transform from shiny silver to a matte gray, let the coat dry. Im just dying to know what does your pie chart say!? You should be left with an awesome mercury mirror for a fraction of the price! But it was so easy and the result was amazing; so Im planning on trying it again but this time using chalk paint for the frame! 3. You may also want to put some scrap paper underneath the mirror all the way around to catch any glass stain run off. And yes, I think I will try it.
Learned that the hard way. Share your pictures in the comments below! [] DIY ways to makeover your shoes (colorfully) 2. I taped it off only because of personal preference. 4. I bought this door three years ago from a local junk store that I frequent. Ill show you how . I absolutely do it now <3. [] things like fake fur are totally cool (becausebunnies!!). If you get any air bubbles, pop them as you go. This website is for entertainment purposes. If youve been around very long, you know that already. This productcan be removed cleanly up to 14 days after painting, so youre good to go. Woodworking Tips: How to Square Board Edges and Make Your Own 2x2s, DIY Farmhouse Side Table With StorageAKA The Diaper Cabinet, Tips for Surviving a RemodelAnd Tetanus Shots, 5 Secrets to Professional Looking DIY Furniture, How to Properly Finish Raw Wood Furniture {Without a Sprayer! But, I do recommend using more coats than the can says (I used 7-8, but the can said 5) because I could still see through it a little bit after just 5 coats. This is the final step. But today, I want to tell you about one door in particular. For my frame glass, it doesnt matter because both sides are the same, but if you are spraying a door and you didnt remove the glass panel, make sure to spray paint the BACK SIDE, not the front. Find the right type of tape in four quick clicks, using the tapeselector tool on ScotchBlue.com/tapeselector. It actually looks like an antique mirror, which is even better! This is great! This is so simple and cheap anyone can do it yet looks so unique and chic. Please be respectful and don't steal this content. Its easy to do, looks super professional, and provides a transparent color (unlike regular paint), so the entire mirror is still fully functional. Once the paint is on, its the reverse side that is actually mirrored. You wont want the grit from the wood to transfer to the glass as you are making your mirror and affect the finished product. Super fun. Definitely want to make this now , 3 Easy Summer Salads Perfect for Entertaining Read more , Yay or Nay: Moody Green Interiors Read more , Organize Your Entryway with these DIY Wall Hooks Read more , 9 Clever Ideas for Small Space Organizing and Storage (That Actually Looks Cool Too) Read more , Punch It Up: A Pineapple Mango Rum Punch Recipe Inspired by the Caribbean, How to Create a Modern + Feminine Mirror - Paper and Stitch, 20+ Modern DIY Mirrors to Inspire You and Beautify your Home, 7 DIYs to Try This Weekend - Paper and Stitch, Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: An Easy Color Blocked Mirror DIY for the Entryway, DIY Artwork for the Studio (in Under an Hour) Inspired by My New Obsession, A Modern DIY Bathroom Organizer (with Mirror), Color Me Geometric: The Makings of a Colorful (DIY) Studio Mural, How to Make a DIY Console Table (Its Easy), A (DIY) Hanging Wall Organizer Pretty Enough to Take Pictures Of (But Still Functions Like a Champ), Where to Buy Art: My Favorite Sources for Artwork, any mirror (mine is a 24 inch roundmirror available on, 4-6 ounces of transparent glass stain (also available on, glass cleaner and a clean rag (for cleaning mirror surface). How does one clean the mirror once the stain has cured? So, I started playing around with a few waysto incorporate transparent, see-through color into a home decor DIY and landed on todays project. Enter your email address below to subscribe to my newsletter. Next, set the mirror on an even surface that can stay put for at least 24 hours. You literally spray paint the glass and thats it. I always seem to be drawn to all those amazing decor pieces that have the expensive price to go along with them! If you want the easiest way to hang up anything on your wall with no need to find studs or pre-drill.then you need to get these Wall Dog screws. Add 2 of these picture hangers to the back and you are ready to hang it up! After you have blotted the back one last time, you are ready for the final step. The mixtures of the wood, with the silver mercury glass, will leave you with a stunning result. Once the Painters Tape has been placed, tear the tape with your hands (thepatented micro-replication technology of PLATINUM allows for precise 90 degree hand-tears, making prep and removal quick and easy). This is a beautiful idea! If you watch the sides of the roads, people often will put out free windows that they are getting rid of! So I got it home and it sat in my garage for a while while I decided its fate. It looks great and I am SO glad you didnt paint either the door or the window. Seriously, so good! I have included these affiliate links for your shopping convenience. Its weird. When you choose to shop using these links, it doesnt cost you anything, helps support our blog and I appreciate it! Mirror Note:I used 3 sizes of mirrors in total, but ended up only using two of the three for the finished entryway setup. If you find a window that you like the shape of but arent in love with wood finish, try using chalk paint! Never thought of this! For more tips and tricks on masking, etc visit the How to Tape section on ScotchBlue.com. []. I am sorry thatI dont have actual pictures of whenI did my door mirror, but that was at least a year beforeI evenknew what a blog was! Mercury glass, also known as silvered glass, in reality, contains neither mercury or silver! The process is exactly the same. I like it! Ithought about having a large mirror cut to replace the glass panel in this old door to make it a floor mirror. I had no idea what I was going to do with it, but when I saw it, I had to have it. Once clean andcompletely dry, decide how big of a color blocked area you want to create and applyScotchBlue PLATINUM Painters Tapedirectly to the mirror. One of my favorites are their variety of mercury glass mirrors. Using your hands, dip your fingers into the cup of the water/vinegar mixture and splatter onto the glass/glass panes. And fake fireplaces (because sometimes putting in a real one just isnt worth [], Hi! Let's get building, friends :), --5 Secrets to Professional Looking DIY Furniture, --How to Properly Finish Raw Wood Furniture {Without a Sprayer!
And no, once you get several coats on it, you cant really see through it from either direction.




You want to do this BEFORE the water/vinegar mixture has had a chance to dry!!! Oh, and did I mention that if you already have the mirror, the entire list of supplies will cost you less than $20! Entryway Sources: bench Target // pillow Ferm Living // straw basket // rug Overstock // pie chart DIY artwork // planter vintage (similar) // shoes Loeffler Randall(and these are cool too). They are my FAVORITE! Shara, this is completely ah-MAZ-ing! It creates kind of a whimsical 70s vibe when you look in the mirror, through the colorful parts. Once the glass stain has completely dried, use a sharp blade to score the edge of the tape, along the stain line. I really dont know how much simpler it gets. I have a thing about doors. The results Its a small addition, but Ive really been loving the little pop of transparent color, when I walk by and it catches the light. Any window or door with glass will work for this! If you still see splotches like the picture above, dont recoat yetI mean, you CAN, but it wont look as good. IMMEDIATELY before the mixture dries, spray your third coat of the mirror spray. They were actually the original windows from the restaurant of a friend of mine! Clean the front of the window FIRST and the backside of the window ( the side that will be facing the wall LAST! If youve ever wondering how to make a mirror that has more personality (and maybe even a little color), this DIY mirror project is for you. If you dont get around to removing the tape right away, its totally okay! Allow the mirror spray paint to dry. Thats it! P.S. DIY ball pull boxes from Fall for DIY 3.color blocked mirror DIY 4. color blocked storage lockers DIY from Sugar & Cloth 5. unique DIY planter idea 6. how to [].
Anyone else love Pottery Barn or Restoration Hardware but maybe not the price tag? But here is a much nicer picture of the door mirror: I used this same method on an old window years ago afterI finished this door. I used a little over two cans for the door. Take a look at what you are working with. I actually bought another one just like it a few weeks after that, but thats another door story for another day. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I am a mama of many different hats in a small ski town in Montana. But whatever you are turning into a mirror, the process is so easy and is the same whether its a huge door, or a tiny picture frame glass. No paint brush needed the pointy tip works great for evenly applying the stain. For my door mirror, I did NOT remove the glass panel, but just cleaned it in its place. I put together a new Pinterest board to keep track of it and everything. With the exception of painting directly onto walls and wood floors thats when I would useScotchBlue WALLS + WOOD FLOORS Painters Tape, which is for delicate and freshly painted (24 hrs. I did the first time I did this projectwhich was a major flop btw! In a short, wide-rimmed cup that your hand can fit in, make a 50/50 mixture of normal temperature water and vinegar.
Any specs that are left on the glass will keep the mirror product from adhering to the glass and leave specs on your final product. Ive partnered with3MandScotchBluePainters Tapeto share a color blocked mirror DIY that literallycouldnt be any easier to recreate at home. It resulted in my husband spending hours with a razor scraping off the glass. This method will leave you with a reflective aged or antique mirror look. Ever wondered how to make a mirror that is colorful, quirky, or has even an ounce of personality, without having to spend a fortune? Such an easy project What do you guys think?
I found that I liked the result of a small amount of splatter over the entire glass. After the entire surface is a matte gray color, you are ready for a second coat. And thats it! Dont worry about these drying. I love the little bit of history that goes along with a DIY project like this one! I need to make one for my entryway (for checking my lipstick on the way out the door) immediately. Take the time and using painters tape, tape off all the wood surrounding the glass. You will notice that there will be wet bubbles where the mirror coat is covering the water mixture droplets. But I liked the hand effect better for the water/vinegar mixture. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Does it just need to be cleaned to knock off the years of dirt and chipping paint? Again, using your hands, dip your fingers and at random splatter the mixture over the glass. What projects have you tried this method out with? Using a scrunched up paper towel, GENTLY blot up the water mixture droplets. Just ignore that. So if you love the look of these high-end mirrors, then keep reading for the step by step tutorial on how to make this faux mercury glass mirror for a fraction of the cost! Total character blitz! Not sure which type ofScotchBluePainters Tape to use for a project?
If you purchase from one of these links,I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your tips!! If youre not going to see any of the back part of the window/mirror if its hanging on a wall, why do you have to tape it off? :))) It goes on shiny silver and as it dries, you will see it transform fairly quickly to a foggy/matte gray color when it dries. I wanted clean lines and for it not to cover the wood. Whichever direction you go with, make to clean your window well! Although this step is optional, I like the look of the flecks of gold in the final piece. I did a cup of each. I love how this one turned out with the natural wood. But I hated to throw perfectly good glass away, so I did some research and found a way to turn regular glass into a mirror simply with spray paint. If you want to avoid a store run and have all the items shipped straight to you, here is the complete list of what is needed to complete this project! So not necessary, just personal preference!
Then wait at least 24 hours for the mirror tocompletely dry before moving onto the next step. BE CAREFUL to not scrub with the entire paper towel or you will remove too much of the mirror spray and will lose the great effect that you are working towards. Proper prep-work pays off, so start by cleaning the mirror with glass cleaner and a rag to make sure the mirror is clean and free of debris and dust. I went with 7-8 coats. Last but not least, spray a thin coat of black spray paint over the entire glass area. See policies page on this site for more information. Wow, they look so cool! This will create areas with no mirror coat and you will just see the glass which is what you want. The windows I used were original windows from a historic building, and so I didnt want to change them but they did need a good cleaning! What do you think of the finished project? And fake antique mirrors. And it was SO EASY. I put the glass jar in here because I was going to spray it, then changed my mind. Make sure to clean both sides of the glass. Not too bad for a full mirror revamp, right? I have to tell you that I completed this project YEARS ago, so I dont have pictures of me actually painting the door. The can says it will take 5 coats. 1. Looks nice and simple going to have to give it a try! This will give you an ultra sharp line. It creates an effect that adds a fun pop in home decor, Christmas decorations or in a mirror such as this . Yea! Click through for the tutorial. I love doors, I hate doors. 2. You have to see this DIY mirror project! A combination of a mirror and silver look, over time it acquires a crumbly appearance. Here are the links to where you can pick up all 3beveled mirrors on Amazon Prime, just in case (24 inch round mirror/12 inch square mirror/18 inch round mirror). Choose your favorite glass cleaner and get that glass really clean. Think you might give this color blocked mirror DIY a try? January 5, 2017 by Shara, Woodshop Diaries. Glass you want to turn into a mirror (for this example, I used picture frames with glass inserts). All images and text on this site are property of Woodshop Diaries, LLC. You totally should give it a try, Karlijn. Depending on the look you are going for and your personal taste, you can GENTLY rub a corner of the paper towels at random over the glass to create a scratched look. Again following the spray paint can directions, apply a second coat of the mirror. Note: you can use a spray bottle. The only thing you have to remember here is that you MUST SPRAY THE BACK SIDE OF THE GLASS. See, even my youngest likes my mirror . Then,press down firmlyover the tapes surface with your fingers to make sure the tape is secure. You will get MUCH better results if you let each coat dry well before recoating. You dont even need a paint brush, so its perfect for any skill level. Its super easy! So I was excited when I found a hack to get that same look of their mercury glass mirrors without the high price! [] for more colorful inspiration? Using any information provided is to be at your own risk. Yes thats me and my camera in the mirror. old) surfaces. As much as I love to dream and make plans, my #1 priority is my family. You can do this on picture frame glass, old doors with glass, old windows with glass, and even glass jars. This is the most time-consuming step of the process, but the end result will be worth it! Curious?! Allow the paint to dry completely taking care that nothing will touch the back part of your window before it is dry. As the back is where you will be spraying and you want that cleanest! Awesome DIY idea! This site uses cookies to provide you with a better experience. It wont be a perfect mirror (you probably wouldnt want to do this for a bathroom mirror or anything), but its surprisingly really good for spray paint. To add this to yours, simply repeat steps 9-12 one last time but replace the mirror coat with a coat of gold spray paint. It resulted in a more natural effect with water droplets in varying sizes. I removed the glass panels from the frames and cleaned them with Windex. I used just painters tape for the small wooden sections and then I used butcher paper strips to cover the larger frame sections held down with more painters tape. Theres a bit more to it than that. I understand that you have lots of options when you shop. Full of character, this will be sure to be an eye-catcher and a gorgeous alternative to a standard mirror! I like the antique effect.
How to make a DIY chalkboard for under $10, 5 simple steps to keep your skoolie organized, Short, wide-rimmed cup (for water/vinegar mixture). Again, make sure you are taping the BACK of the frame. 5. It actually is composed of two panes of glass with a silvering formula inserted between the two panes. Will you try it? Rustoleum chalk paint is a great way to add a pop of color without the cost of other chalk paint brands. I'm Shara, the designer, maker, and videographer behind Woodshop Diaries. I cant tell you how many extra holes in the wall they have saved me from .
Now your mirror should be done! This will cover all areas of the glass left and create a backing to the mirror! How much or how little you use is up to your discretion. https://www.makeandmess.com/, Wow, this is cool! Place the order and have your box full of goodies arrive at your door in just a few days!
Following the directions on the spray can spray a light coat on all areas of the glass in a sweeping left to right motion. See disclosure policy for more details. This is a genius idea. Just apply gentle, consistent pressure to the bottle, without lifting up the applicator from the glass, for even coloringand less chance for air bubbles. However, if you plan on sanding and either staining or painting to get the exact finish you want, here are my favorite tips on doing that! Letting it transform from shiny silver to a matte gray, let the coat dry. Im just dying to know what does your pie chart say!? You should be left with an awesome mercury mirror for a fraction of the price! But it was so easy and the result was amazing; so Im planning on trying it again but this time using chalk paint for the frame! 3. You may also want to put some scrap paper underneath the mirror all the way around to catch any glass stain run off. And yes, I think I will try it.
Learned that the hard way. Share your pictures in the comments below! [] DIY ways to makeover your shoes (colorfully) 2. I taped it off only because of personal preference. 4. I bought this door three years ago from a local junk store that I frequent. Ill show you how . I absolutely do it now <3. [] things like fake fur are totally cool (becausebunnies!!). If you get any air bubbles, pop them as you go. This website is for entertainment purposes. If youve been around very long, you know that already. This productcan be removed cleanly up to 14 days after painting, so youre good to go. Woodworking Tips: How to Square Board Edges and Make Your Own 2x2s, DIY Farmhouse Side Table With StorageAKA The Diaper Cabinet, Tips for Surviving a RemodelAnd Tetanus Shots, 5 Secrets to Professional Looking DIY Furniture, How to Properly Finish Raw Wood Furniture {Without a Sprayer! But, I do recommend using more coats than the can says (I used 7-8, but the can said 5) because I could still see through it a little bit after just 5 coats. This is the final step. But today, I want to tell you about one door in particular. For my frame glass, it doesnt matter because both sides are the same, but if you are spraying a door and you didnt remove the glass panel, make sure to spray paint the BACK SIDE, not the front. Find the right type of tape in four quick clicks, using the tapeselector tool on ScotchBlue.com/tapeselector. It actually looks like an antique mirror, which is even better! This is great! This is so simple and cheap anyone can do it yet looks so unique and chic. Please be respectful and don't steal this content. Its easy to do, looks super professional, and provides a transparent color (unlike regular paint), so the entire mirror is still fully functional. Once the paint is on, its the reverse side that is actually mirrored. You wont want the grit from the wood to transfer to the glass as you are making your mirror and affect the finished product. Super fun. Definitely want to make this now , 3 Easy Summer Salads Perfect for Entertaining Read more , Yay or Nay: Moody Green Interiors Read more , Organize Your Entryway with these DIY Wall Hooks Read more , 9 Clever Ideas for Small Space Organizing and Storage (That Actually Looks Cool Too) Read more , Punch It Up: A Pineapple Mango Rum Punch Recipe Inspired by the Caribbean, How to Create a Modern + Feminine Mirror - Paper and Stitch, 20+ Modern DIY Mirrors to Inspire You and Beautify your Home, 7 DIYs to Try This Weekend - Paper and Stitch, Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: An Easy Color Blocked Mirror DIY for the Entryway, DIY Artwork for the Studio (in Under an Hour) Inspired by My New Obsession, A Modern DIY Bathroom Organizer (with Mirror), Color Me Geometric: The Makings of a Colorful (DIY) Studio Mural, How to Make a DIY Console Table (Its Easy), A (DIY) Hanging Wall Organizer Pretty Enough to Take Pictures Of (But Still Functions Like a Champ), Where to Buy Art: My Favorite Sources for Artwork, any mirror (mine is a 24 inch roundmirror available on, 4-6 ounces of transparent glass stain (also available on, glass cleaner and a clean rag (for cleaning mirror surface). How does one clean the mirror once the stain has cured? So, I started playing around with a few waysto incorporate transparent, see-through color into a home decor DIY and landed on todays project. Enter your email address below to subscribe to my newsletter. Next, set the mirror on an even surface that can stay put for at least 24 hours. You literally spray paint the glass and thats it. I always seem to be drawn to all those amazing decor pieces that have the expensive price to go along with them! If you want the easiest way to hang up anything on your wall with no need to find studs or pre-drill.then you need to get these Wall Dog screws. Add 2 of these picture hangers to the back and you are ready to hang it up! After you have blotted the back one last time, you are ready for the final step. The mixtures of the wood, with the silver mercury glass, will leave you with a stunning result. Once the Painters Tape has been placed, tear the tape with your hands (thepatented micro-replication technology of PLATINUM allows for precise 90 degree hand-tears, making prep and removal quick and easy). This is a beautiful idea! If you watch the sides of the roads, people often will put out free windows that they are getting rid of! So I got it home and it sat in my garage for a while while I decided its fate. It looks great and I am SO glad you didnt paint either the door or the window. Seriously, so good! I have included these affiliate links for your shopping convenience. Its weird. When you choose to shop using these links, it doesnt cost you anything, helps support our blog and I appreciate it! Mirror Note:I used 3 sizes of mirrors in total, but ended up only using two of the three for the finished entryway setup. If you find a window that you like the shape of but arent in love with wood finish, try using chalk paint! Never thought of this! For more tips and tricks on masking, etc visit the How to Tape section on ScotchBlue.com. []. I am sorry thatI dont have actual pictures of whenI did my door mirror, but that was at least a year beforeI evenknew what a blog was! Mercury glass, also known as silvered glass, in reality, contains neither mercury or silver! The process is exactly the same. I like it! Ithought about having a large mirror cut to replace the glass panel in this old door to make it a floor mirror. I had no idea what I was going to do with it, but when I saw it, I had to have it. Once clean andcompletely dry, decide how big of a color blocked area you want to create and applyScotchBlue PLATINUM Painters Tapedirectly to the mirror. One of my favorites are their variety of mercury glass mirrors. Using your hands, dip your fingers into the cup of the water/vinegar mixture and splatter onto the glass/glass panes. And fake fireplaces (because sometimes putting in a real one just isnt worth [], Hi! Let's get building, friends :), --5 Secrets to Professional Looking DIY Furniture, --How to Properly Finish Raw Wood Furniture {Without a Sprayer!