0000006850 00000 n
The steps are easy to follow. Measure and adjust one end of the coil, then measure and adjust the other. trailer
0000025440 00000 n
(see video)(stainless requires more force). 0000046700 00000 n
Its a welding project using standard structural steel and common hardware items to build a compact portable bending brake.
0000122748 00000 n 0000093503 00000 n Use heavier metal stock for a stronger brake for bending heavier sheet metal or longer widths. RETURN POLICY PRIVACYPOLICY, HEATING ELEMENT FOR THE PLASTIC VACUUM FORMING MACHINE. This site is owned and operated by GizmoPlans.com LLC. This is a quick and easy project, no welding required, just a drill and a few other tools were used. 0000004402 00000 n
When covering existing wood, you want the trim pieces to fit a little loosely when possible, maybe by 1/8 in. The cover and pages can be hole-punched and put into a book form if desired or the pages can be printed out and tacked up on your shop wall!) Nail sill trim close to the weather strip, and then slide the trim piece into the sill trim. This is a wide sheet metal brake that needs only 4 materials to build: an angle iron, square tube, a flat stock, and a hinge. Hi, I'm Allison! ? I almost left this one out of the series and I would have if it were not for my friends who tell me they are always wanting to bend some sheet metal for a project. Lock the coil into place and pull the handles up as far as they will go. This is another wide metal brake that requires an angle iron, some threaded rods, square tubes, nuts, and hinges.
And we can sell them for a fraction of the price because we cut out the middleman and pass the savings on to you. It's a simple sheet metal brake. OH Well here is a standard metal brake made by a creator who spent $217 to make it from scratch. Perfect Bound. xref See The DIY Metal Brake Video Below FREE email support, email address of inventor on most pages of drawings. Click the image below to send us your Pro Tips! Students and community members can qualify for financial support on a range of projects. If the exposed surface on a fascia or other trim profile is more than 8 in., create a rib to stiffen it. Cover treated wood with house wrap or felt paper before wrapping it in aluminum. Thats where sill trim comes in handy. No wood was used yet it is still a sturdy and durable metal bending brake. 0000085694 00000 n xb``c``A,@r10p\SV6y]Q#4"80.$ 2. 0000053894 00000 n For California consumers: more information about our privacy practices. Complete parts list included. Why not share it with your construction comrades? %%EOF This sheet metal brake will clamp and bend with just ONE STROKE. Published by David J.Gingery Publishing, LLC. The link is in the description of this video. Capacity (Tensile strength 55,000 pounds at rated capacity), Capacity (Yield strength 30,000 pounds at rated capacity). This project doesn't require welding so it's super easy and simple to follow. 0000137531 00000 n 0000002827 00000 n Cut an opening along one side of the box and pull out just the lengths you need. The total cost for the materials and hardware tools is $49.
Its hard to keep wide pieces of trim from buckling and looking wavy. 0000010139 00000 n It cost $55 for the entire build, but just $25 from the initial amount is for the materials you'll use. 0000003941 00000 n Research source 0000006433 00000 n Double your production, reduce labor costs, and finish your job faster with this DIY Sheet Metal Brake. Our clients needs vary from steel grates to complete turnkey solutions. If you have made or bought a metal brake before with C-clamps and vise grips, here is a guide that will teach you how to modify that brake without using only inserting materials like a knob, knob screws, coil springs, and lots more. A dull blade wont score the metal deep enough to separate the pieces easily. This project is super easy to build, and it's not even expensive. Mark the appropriate measurements on the side of the template that should be facing up when the coil is in the brake. 0000031042 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n For the materials, you'll need hinges, wood, and angle iron. 0000132005 00000 n The blueprints of this project are available via a link in the description of this video, you can choose to use it and get more understanding of how the brakes work and what must be put in place to make it. 0000016334 00000 n This sheet metal brake is great, it requires no welding, and it's easy to build. 0000005928 00000 n 0000014729 00000 n Learn more Sheet metal brakes are machines designed to make bending thin metal into shapes for use in projects such as house siding, eaves, air conditioning ductwork, and others. [1] 0000004800 00000 n Software Integration & Quality Assurance Testing, Supply Chain Management, Warehousing & Fulfillment, Southern Specialties Outdoor Living Products. The process of making sill trim is exactly the same as for fascia trim except you overbend the bottom lip and then collapse it in on itself. Don't get scammed by websites pretending to be Harbor Freight. Please include an image if you can. All rights reserved. Cleveland, 0000051749 00000 n You can get this stuff at axon at a cheap rate. 1517 0 obj<>stream Sears think[box] is Case Western Reserve Universitys seven-story, full-service innovation center. ? wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Dispensing coil from the box is the best way to keep it clean and prevent dents and scratches. 0000122305 00000 n wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Before bending the real deals, take the template to the wall to see if it fits properly. Programming for these machines is performed offline to ensure parts are formed to exact specifications and are right the first time. 0000028090 00000 n Limitations apply. With business support, office space and more, we can help you take your ideas to market. 0000002723 00000 n Please speak with a member of the Sears think[box] staff for more information. ?? Legal Notice | Privacy Policy, Richey Mixon Building
CONTACT US! All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. 44106, 10900 Euclid Ave. 0000014446 00000 n 0000012916 00000 n To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Won't you love that? The wood part keeps the structure steady, and the iron part keeps the wood from being crushed or ruined. This blog generates income via ads. I have being doing all sorts of projects my whole life and Im always saying, Hey, that would make a good blog post! Finally, I decided to take the leap and put myself out there. Thick or brittle materials may be unsuitable for bending or cutting. 216.368.2000 Double Your Sheet Metal Bending Production rolls. Cleveland, Practice on a small piece first. Flip the piece again and bend it back 30 degrees, or so the face of the fascia is straight. 0000037643 00000 n 19 DIY Battery Box Projects: How To Build A Battery Box, 14 DIY Slant Board Projects: How To Build A Slant Board, 15 DIY Simple Dimple Projects: How To Make A Simple Dimple, 14 DIY Paracord Jig Projects: How To Make A Paracord Jig, 7 Homemade Dovetail Jigs You Can DIY Easily, 23 DIY Micro Camper Plans You Can Build Easily, 25 Brilliant and Easy to Build DIY Computer Desks, 23 DIY Computer Case - How To Build A Computer Case, 15 DIY Target Stand Projects - How To Build A Target Stand For Shooting, 25 DIY Shower Wall Panels Plans You Can DIY Easily, 19 DIY Slide Projects - How To Build A Play Slide, Diy Game & Recreation Room Furniture Projects, 20 DIY Metal Brake Ideas: How To Make A Metal Sheet Brake, 15 DIY Scaffolding Ideas: Perfect For In & Outdoor Projects, 25 DIY Deer Blind Projects: Homemade Deer Hunting Blind Ideas. 0000015659 00000 n Ready to start your next project? See how Southern delivers on a fabricated chassis for a heavy equipment manufacturer. Here are a few items the fill the spaces between. Definitely not a heavy duty brake but you can make neat bends in 26 gauge metal to form duct, boxes, drawers, belt guards and dozens of items for your shop projects Some have beefed up the leaves and pivots so that metal as heavy as 20 gauge can be bent sharply. Here is another video guide with a different and unique method of making a sheet metal bending brake. This was the creator's second attempt at making this metal brake so you can be sure it's sturdy, super durable, and solid. Theres nothing worse than perfectly executing a difficult profile only to realize that the proper color is on the wrong side. Fill out the form below to best assess your needs or contact us. Set the coil close to where you think it needs to be and pull the hemming handle forward, but not all the way into the locking position. 0000065094 00000 n bending brake is a quality tool for working on furnace ductwork, shutters, auto body projects and more! The ONLY One-Stroke Sheet Metal Brake in the world! Its a must-have tool for a full-time tin-bender but not worth $370 for one or two projects. I know it says 14-gauge galvanized steel, but would this be strong enough to bend 1/8" aluminum? There are? 0000005776 00000 n Do you feel that all these cheap metal brakes on the list above aren't as strong as the guides say they are? This guide also has a video tutorial for more clarity on the matter so don't fail to check it out. 0000016534 00000 n This is a simple video guide that requires a simple making process, but the tools used are pretty advanced, if you have them, then it's a plus for you, if not you should probably try another guide. We offer the tools and resources you need to bring your idea to life. Hold the tape measure sideways so the numbers line up with the edge of the metal. 0000142355 00000 n The rugged steel construction of the bending brake allows it to bend metal up to 90 degree and has the versatility to bend with ease and safety. So, I wish you all the best metal brake making time, bye. Full-size essential parts-drawings can be used for templates or to CNC-plasma cut parts. The brake and shear can be used on metal and plastic sheets depending on their material properties. The brake is unique, easy to build, and easy to use. 0000087897 00000 n or so. Just pull it far enough so the locking anvil holds the coil snug but doesnt pinch it tight. First, you'll need a mobile workbench, a mobile welding table, and a casting custom aluminum drawer pull. The creator used some angle irons, hinges, and a welding kit. Step 3: The last step is to bend up the hemmed bottom lip. The first step involves cutting the grove for the hinges, then welding it, cutting the angle iron, and welding it upside down, attaching the threaded rods, and completing the rest of the steps to finish. 0000007909 00000 n The video and the description section. This is a unique sheet metal brake, it's easy to build and the making process is simple from scratch. Score the coil with a utility knife at the desired length. Swap out your utility knife blades as soon as they become dull. 0000025402 00000 n Ratings and prices are accurate and items are in stock as of time of publication.
(I know 30 degrees x 3 doesnt equal 180 degrees, but the point of reference changes with every bend.). This should be one of the simplest ways to make a metal brake. All dimensions are in inches , use your calculator or digital calipers to convert to Metric or other dimension. Chemically treated wood is extremely corrosive to aluminum. 0000069001 00000 n 0000015216 00000 n Heres how to make fascia trim with a hemmed bottom lip: Step 1: Align the outside edge of the coil with the rubber strip on the moving hingeno need to measure. This is a pretty Amazing video guide. The prototype has been tested on 31 x 26 guage galvanized steel and will bend shorter pieces of 24 guage. The creator used an automatic center punch, a vertical/horizontal bandsaw, and a CRC cutting fluid. 0000078434 00000 n Also indicate in which order the bends should be completed. If you do, the coil will start to unroll and be difficult to control. An eraser wont fix a scratch in the paint, but a mar is another story. The creator started by cutting and welding some square tubing, cut an angle iron into smaller pieces, and welded all to form one big structure, before assembling the hinges to finish the project. It's better and at the same time challenging to build a metal brake with welding, but if you can't do it yourself, this guide will assist you with the knowledge of the materials and tools required that will replace the welding aspect of the project. By using our site, you agree to our. Click on pictures above to enlarge. Connect with us through an upcoming workshop, skills class or training session. Drawings come with intellectual property license to build 2 brakes. This one uses no castings. We recommend our users to update the browser. 0000112797 00000 n Please contact us if you have questions. 0000122964 00000 n 44106-7017, university policy for instructional spaces. This brake should facilitate braking clean corners if assembled correctly, but mastering the use of it will take practice, so start out with scrap metal to test and fit before braking your finished pieces. Sheet Metal Brake Plans: After you download the file you can print them out on any desktop printer. A mar on a trim piece is most often caused by the aluminum coil rubbing against a sharp aluminum edge of the brake. Set up the brake in a garage or on a side of the house protected from wind. This metal brake is effective and super durable. 0000122381 00000 n Designed/invented by a AC /ornamental-metals contractor.? Step 2: Once youve scored the entire length, pull up on the handles connected to the moving hinge, and bend the metal at about a 90-degree angle. Speak with a member of the Sears think[box] staff and they will help you prepare your files, get set up, instruct you on safe operation of the equipment, and supervise. Stainless steel 16 gauge: 0.06299 inches. After 13 detailed steps, you'll be able to make this small sheet metal brake with ease. 0000011230 00000 n This 30 in. Its a 15" brake as detailed but you can scale up or down in size within limits. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer), Do Not Sell My Personal Information CA Residents. 1515 81
And just because its not on the shelf at the home center doesnt mean its not available. Anyone can start a successful blog, so why cant I (or you, too!)? We have invested millions of dollars in our own test labs and factories, so our tools will go toe-to-toe with the top professional brands. The creator of this video tutorial guide made a mobile metal brake. Sometimes when you slide one end in or out, the other end tends to move a bit as well, so its important to double-check your first measurement to see if the coil is still where it needs to be. 0000015687 00000 n We use cookies to make wikiHow great. 0000023079 00000 n Gizmoplans.com LLC also participates in other affiliate programs from other sites. 0000075229 00000 n Note: Specifications are approximate and subject to change. Pull up on the hinge handles to completely collapse the metal. 0000005486 00000 n Score the coil with a utility knife along the edge of the anvil. Most window and door trim fasteners get hidden under the siding, but thats not always the case. 0000112367 00000 n Step 1: Lock the coil into place with the hemming handle located at the top of the brake. You can buy an accessory that makes ribs in one pass. Mars look like scratches, but they can be removed with an eraser. 0000005814 00000 n Loosen two wing nuts, unhook return spring and take the top clamp off for transport or storage. 0000040445 00000 n Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 160,893 times. Wunstroke will do any bending, paneling, hemming that an old fashioned brake can, with one stroke versus six! The making process is pretty easy to follow. 0000022964 00000 n 0000054152 00000 n 0000001916 00000 n ? We guarantee this product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship 90 days from the date of purchase. and welding. You basically create a double hem. He used angle iron, square tubing, a flat bar, spring, bolts, nuts, washers, and lots more. 1515 0 obj <> endobj The creator made this with angle iron and a pretty long and reinforced hinge of the same size as the angle iron.
To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. 0000015836 00000 n A carpenters square works great as a guide to keep the line straight. Build a cutting table out of a piece of plywood and a couple sawhorses. Starting Monday, April 18, individuals using Floors 3 and 4 of think[box] are required to wear masks in accordance with university policy for instructional spaces. 0000122847 00000 n This article has been viewed 160,893 times. %PDF-1.5 % For any difficulty using this site with a screen reader or because of a disability, please contact us at 1-800-444-3353 or cs@harborfreight.com. Here is another amazing sheet metal brake that is easy to make and inexpensive. 0000014140 00000 n You might be working on a project that requires you to bend some tin or sheet metal, instead of paying someone to do it for you or go buy a metal brake, with a piece of wood, Dremel tool, orbital sander, miter saw, welding kits and lots more you can. Clamp to any substantial workbench or a pair of sawhorses. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. Bring your material and drawings of your project to Floor 4 of Sears think[box]. This is a simple homemade sheet metal brake, it's meant to bend sheet metals with ease. % of people told us that this article helped them. 0000051479 00000 n The creator of this guide made his metal brake with a piece of wood, hinges, and some woodworking tools. 0000007797 00000 n After scoring, bend the coil back and forth to separate the pieces. Every editorial product is independently selected, though we may be compensated or receive an affiliate commission if you buy something through our links. You may have to open one end of the box in order to cut the tape that secures the roll, and then reseal it with tape. 0000034429 00000 n When you have a lot of flashing or trim to bend, its best to buy your coil stock in 50-ft. x 24-in.
0000122748 00000 n 0000093503 00000 n Use heavier metal stock for a stronger brake for bending heavier sheet metal or longer widths. RETURN POLICY PRIVACYPOLICY, HEATING ELEMENT FOR THE PLASTIC VACUUM FORMING MACHINE. This site is owned and operated by GizmoPlans.com LLC. This is a quick and easy project, no welding required, just a drill and a few other tools were used. 0000004402 00000 n

And we can sell them for a fraction of the price because we cut out the middleman and pass the savings on to you. It's a simple sheet metal brake. OH Well here is a standard metal brake made by a creator who spent $217 to make it from scratch. Perfect Bound. xref See The DIY Metal Brake Video Below FREE email support, email address of inventor on most pages of drawings. Click the image below to send us your Pro Tips! Students and community members can qualify for financial support on a range of projects. If the exposed surface on a fascia or other trim profile is more than 8 in., create a rib to stiffen it. Cover treated wood with house wrap or felt paper before wrapping it in aluminum. Thats where sill trim comes in handy. No wood was used yet it is still a sturdy and durable metal bending brake. 0000085694 00000 n xb``c``A,@r10p\SV6y]Q#4"80.$ 2. 0000053894 00000 n For California consumers: more information about our privacy practices. Complete parts list included. Why not share it with your construction comrades? %%EOF This sheet metal brake will clamp and bend with just ONE STROKE. Published by David J.Gingery Publishing, LLC. The link is in the description of this video. Capacity (Tensile strength 55,000 pounds at rated capacity), Capacity (Yield strength 30,000 pounds at rated capacity). This project doesn't require welding so it's super easy and simple to follow. 0000137531 00000 n 0000002827 00000 n Cut an opening along one side of the box and pull out just the lengths you need. The total cost for the materials and hardware tools is $49.
Its hard to keep wide pieces of trim from buckling and looking wavy. 0000010139 00000 n It cost $55 for the entire build, but just $25 from the initial amount is for the materials you'll use. 0000003941 00000 n Research source 0000006433 00000 n Double your production, reduce labor costs, and finish your job faster with this DIY Sheet Metal Brake. Our clients needs vary from steel grates to complete turnkey solutions. If you have made or bought a metal brake before with C-clamps and vise grips, here is a guide that will teach you how to modify that brake without using only inserting materials like a knob, knob screws, coil springs, and lots more. A dull blade wont score the metal deep enough to separate the pieces easily. This project is super easy to build, and it's not even expensive. Mark the appropriate measurements on the side of the template that should be facing up when the coil is in the brake. 0000031042 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n For the materials, you'll need hinges, wood, and angle iron. 0000132005 00000 n The blueprints of this project are available via a link in the description of this video, you can choose to use it and get more understanding of how the brakes work and what must be put in place to make it. 0000016334 00000 n This sheet metal brake is great, it requires no welding, and it's easy to build. 0000005928 00000 n 0000014729 00000 n Learn more Sheet metal brakes are machines designed to make bending thin metal into shapes for use in projects such as house siding, eaves, air conditioning ductwork, and others. [1] 0000004800 00000 n Software Integration & Quality Assurance Testing, Supply Chain Management, Warehousing & Fulfillment, Southern Specialties Outdoor Living Products. The process of making sill trim is exactly the same as for fascia trim except you overbend the bottom lip and then collapse it in on itself. Don't get scammed by websites pretending to be Harbor Freight. Please include an image if you can. All rights reserved. Cleveland, 0000051749 00000 n You can get this stuff at axon at a cheap rate. 1517 0 obj<>stream Sears think[box] is Case Western Reserve Universitys seven-story, full-service innovation center. ? wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Dispensing coil from the box is the best way to keep it clean and prevent dents and scratches. 0000122305 00000 n wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Before bending the real deals, take the template to the wall to see if it fits properly. Programming for these machines is performed offline to ensure parts are formed to exact specifications and are right the first time. 0000028090 00000 n Limitations apply. With business support, office space and more, we can help you take your ideas to market. 0000002723 00000 n Please speak with a member of the Sears think[box] staff for more information. ?? Legal Notice | Privacy Policy, Richey Mixon Building
CONTACT US! All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. 44106, 10900 Euclid Ave. 0000014446 00000 n 0000012916 00000 n To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Won't you love that? The wood part keeps the structure steady, and the iron part keeps the wood from being crushed or ruined. This blog generates income via ads. I have being doing all sorts of projects my whole life and Im always saying, Hey, that would make a good blog post! Finally, I decided to take the leap and put myself out there. Thick or brittle materials may be unsuitable for bending or cutting. 216.368.2000 Double Your Sheet Metal Bending Production rolls. Cleveland, Practice on a small piece first. Flip the piece again and bend it back 30 degrees, or so the face of the fascia is straight. 0000037643 00000 n 19 DIY Battery Box Projects: How To Build A Battery Box, 14 DIY Slant Board Projects: How To Build A Slant Board, 15 DIY Simple Dimple Projects: How To Make A Simple Dimple, 14 DIY Paracord Jig Projects: How To Make A Paracord Jig, 7 Homemade Dovetail Jigs You Can DIY Easily, 23 DIY Micro Camper Plans You Can Build Easily, 25 Brilliant and Easy to Build DIY Computer Desks, 23 DIY Computer Case - How To Build A Computer Case, 15 DIY Target Stand Projects - How To Build A Target Stand For Shooting, 25 DIY Shower Wall Panels Plans You Can DIY Easily, 19 DIY Slide Projects - How To Build A Play Slide, Diy Game & Recreation Room Furniture Projects, 20 DIY Metal Brake Ideas: How To Make A Metal Sheet Brake, 15 DIY Scaffolding Ideas: Perfect For In & Outdoor Projects, 25 DIY Deer Blind Projects: Homemade Deer Hunting Blind Ideas. 0000015659 00000 n Ready to start your next project? See how Southern delivers on a fabricated chassis for a heavy equipment manufacturer. Here are a few items the fill the spaces between. Definitely not a heavy duty brake but you can make neat bends in 26 gauge metal to form duct, boxes, drawers, belt guards and dozens of items for your shop projects Some have beefed up the leaves and pivots so that metal as heavy as 20 gauge can be bent sharply. Here is another video guide with a different and unique method of making a sheet metal bending brake. This was the creator's second attempt at making this metal brake so you can be sure it's sturdy, super durable, and solid. Theres nothing worse than perfectly executing a difficult profile only to realize that the proper color is on the wrong side. Fill out the form below to best assess your needs or contact us. Set the coil close to where you think it needs to be and pull the hemming handle forward, but not all the way into the locking position. 0000065094 00000 n bending brake is a quality tool for working on furnace ductwork, shutters, auto body projects and more! The ONLY One-Stroke Sheet Metal Brake in the world! Its a must-have tool for a full-time tin-bender but not worth $370 for one or two projects. I know it says 14-gauge galvanized steel, but would this be strong enough to bend 1/8" aluminum? There are? 0000005776 00000 n Do you feel that all these cheap metal brakes on the list above aren't as strong as the guides say they are? This guide also has a video tutorial for more clarity on the matter so don't fail to check it out. 0000016534 00000 n This is a simple video guide that requires a simple making process, but the tools used are pretty advanced, if you have them, then it's a plus for you, if not you should probably try another guide. We offer the tools and resources you need to bring your idea to life. Hold the tape measure sideways so the numbers line up with the edge of the metal. 0000142355 00000 n The rugged steel construction of the bending brake allows it to bend metal up to 90 degree and has the versatility to bend with ease and safety. So, I wish you all the best metal brake making time, bye. Full-size essential parts-drawings can be used for templates or to CNC-plasma cut parts. The brake and shear can be used on metal and plastic sheets depending on their material properties. The brake is unique, easy to build, and easy to use. 0000087897 00000 n or so. Just pull it far enough so the locking anvil holds the coil snug but doesnt pinch it tight. First, you'll need a mobile workbench, a mobile welding table, and a casting custom aluminum drawer pull. The creator used some angle irons, hinges, and a welding kit. Step 3: The last step is to bend up the hemmed bottom lip. The first step involves cutting the grove for the hinges, then welding it, cutting the angle iron, and welding it upside down, attaching the threaded rods, and completing the rest of the steps to finish. 0000007909 00000 n The video and the description section. This is a unique sheet metal brake, it's easy to build and the making process is simple from scratch. Score the coil with a utility knife at the desired length. Swap out your utility knife blades as soon as they become dull. 0000025402 00000 n Ratings and prices are accurate and items are in stock as of time of publication.
(I know 30 degrees x 3 doesnt equal 180 degrees, but the point of reference changes with every bend.). This should be one of the simplest ways to make a metal brake. All dimensions are in inches , use your calculator or digital calipers to convert to Metric or other dimension. Chemically treated wood is extremely corrosive to aluminum. 0000069001 00000 n 0000015216 00000 n Heres how to make fascia trim with a hemmed bottom lip: Step 1: Align the outside edge of the coil with the rubber strip on the moving hingeno need to measure. This is a pretty Amazing video guide. The prototype has been tested on 31 x 26 guage galvanized steel and will bend shorter pieces of 24 guage. The creator used an automatic center punch, a vertical/horizontal bandsaw, and a CRC cutting fluid. 0000078434 00000 n Also indicate in which order the bends should be completed. If you do, the coil will start to unroll and be difficult to control. An eraser wont fix a scratch in the paint, but a mar is another story. The creator started by cutting and welding some square tubing, cut an angle iron into smaller pieces, and welded all to form one big structure, before assembling the hinges to finish the project. It's better and at the same time challenging to build a metal brake with welding, but if you can't do it yourself, this guide will assist you with the knowledge of the materials and tools required that will replace the welding aspect of the project. By using our site, you agree to our. Click on pictures above to enlarge. Connect with us through an upcoming workshop, skills class or training session. Drawings come with intellectual property license to build 2 brakes. This one uses no castings. We recommend our users to update the browser. 0000112797 00000 n Please contact us if you have questions. 0000122964 00000 n 44106-7017, university policy for instructional spaces. This brake should facilitate braking clean corners if assembled correctly, but mastering the use of it will take practice, so start out with scrap metal to test and fit before braking your finished pieces. Sheet Metal Brake Plans: After you download the file you can print them out on any desktop printer. A mar on a trim piece is most often caused by the aluminum coil rubbing against a sharp aluminum edge of the brake. Set up the brake in a garage or on a side of the house protected from wind. This metal brake is effective and super durable. 0000122381 00000 n Designed/invented by a AC /ornamental-metals contractor.? Step 2: Once youve scored the entire length, pull up on the handles connected to the moving hinge, and bend the metal at about a 90-degree angle. Speak with a member of the Sears think[box] staff and they will help you prepare your files, get set up, instruct you on safe operation of the equipment, and supervise. Stainless steel 16 gauge: 0.06299 inches. After 13 detailed steps, you'll be able to make this small sheet metal brake with ease. 0000011230 00000 n This 30 in. Its a 15" brake as detailed but you can scale up or down in size within limits. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer), Do Not Sell My Personal Information CA Residents. 1515 81
And just because its not on the shelf at the home center doesnt mean its not available. Anyone can start a successful blog, so why cant I (or you, too!)? We have invested millions of dollars in our own test labs and factories, so our tools will go toe-to-toe with the top professional brands. The creator of this video tutorial guide made a mobile metal brake. Sometimes when you slide one end in or out, the other end tends to move a bit as well, so its important to double-check your first measurement to see if the coil is still where it needs to be. 0000015687 00000 n We use cookies to make wikiHow great. 0000023079 00000 n Gizmoplans.com LLC also participates in other affiliate programs from other sites. 0000075229 00000 n Note: Specifications are approximate and subject to change. Pull up on the hinge handles to completely collapse the metal. 0000005486 00000 n Score the coil with a utility knife along the edge of the anvil. Most window and door trim fasteners get hidden under the siding, but thats not always the case. 0000112367 00000 n Step 1: Lock the coil into place with the hemming handle located at the top of the brake. You can buy an accessory that makes ribs in one pass. Mars look like scratches, but they can be removed with an eraser. 0000005814 00000 n Loosen two wing nuts, unhook return spring and take the top clamp off for transport or storage. 0000040445 00000 n Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 160,893 times. Wunstroke will do any bending, paneling, hemming that an old fashioned brake can, with one stroke versus six! The making process is pretty easy to follow. 0000022964 00000 n 0000054152 00000 n 0000001916 00000 n ? We guarantee this product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship 90 days from the date of purchase. and welding. You basically create a double hem. He used angle iron, square tubing, a flat bar, spring, bolts, nuts, washers, and lots more. 1515 0 obj <> endobj The creator made this with angle iron and a pretty long and reinforced hinge of the same size as the angle iron.
To create this article, 10 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. 0000015836 00000 n A carpenters square works great as a guide to keep the line straight. Build a cutting table out of a piece of plywood and a couple sawhorses. Starting Monday, April 18, individuals using Floors 3 and 4 of think[box] are required to wear masks in accordance with university policy for instructional spaces. 0000122847 00000 n This article has been viewed 160,893 times. %PDF-1.5 % For any difficulty using this site with a screen reader or because of a disability, please contact us at 1-800-444-3353 or cs@harborfreight.com. Here is another amazing sheet metal brake that is easy to make and inexpensive. 0000014140 00000 n You might be working on a project that requires you to bend some tin or sheet metal, instead of paying someone to do it for you or go buy a metal brake, with a piece of wood, Dremel tool, orbital sander, miter saw, welding kits and lots more you can. Clamp to any substantial workbench or a pair of sawhorses. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. Bring your material and drawings of your project to Floor 4 of Sears think[box]. This is a simple homemade sheet metal brake, it's meant to bend sheet metals with ease. % of people told us that this article helped them. 0000051479 00000 n The creator of this guide made his metal brake with a piece of wood, hinges, and some woodworking tools. 0000007797 00000 n After scoring, bend the coil back and forth to separate the pieces. Every editorial product is independently selected, though we may be compensated or receive an affiliate commission if you buy something through our links. You may have to open one end of the box in order to cut the tape that secures the roll, and then reseal it with tape. 0000034429 00000 n When you have a lot of flashing or trim to bend, its best to buy your coil stock in 50-ft. x 24-in.