Pinned! Carrie Im planning to make a similar set of coasters for my daughter with maps of ports shes visited with the Navy. Orginially published on March 14, 2015. Heck, I like them all. Hows that for easy. Rated up, useful and beautiful! This is a project that you can easily customize to fit your personal taste and its a great handmade gift idea, too. Then apply Mod Podge to the back of the paper and allow to dry. Off to Home Depot I go . Coasters are essentially a necessity for any wooden surface it seems, so personalizing some small tiles to be coasters would make a great gift for nearly anyone.
Mona Sabalones Gonzalez from Philippines on April 19, 2014: These are lovely ideas for coasters, especially the marble tiles and the alcoholic ink coasters. Carrie gave you some great resources and tips. I have, however, contacted ETI and reached out to the Resin Crafts Blog to see if they have any information or recommendations I can share with you. Are you asking this question because youve experienced an issue with colors bleeding and smearing or are you just wondering how to prevent it, just in case? Hi, Rick. Im not sure, but Ill ask Pam from The Birch Cottage to see if she knows. If you dont mind, please let us know what you decide and how it turns out. Personally, Id try using a oil based paint pen for the lettering rather than a marker or ink pen to do the lettering. This hub is truly a treasure that I'll keep returning to! It sets up pretty quickly and you pour slowly. If you share a picture on social media, please use the hashtag #ideasforthehome and #ahandmadehome so we can celebrate and share your results. So in a weird kind of way, I am glad to hear that someone else had the same issue. Want more ideas like this? The tiles come in a variety of sizes, colors and finishes. I am a bit of a coaster nut and have quite the collection. Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 07, 2014: grand old lady, both great points! Between Easter, weddings, birthdays, family reunions, Independence Day well, Im sure I dont need to tell you how busy we get during the spring and summer months with all the different family activities. Good luck with your project and happy crafting! Fortunately ceramic tiles like this are fairly inexpensive so I encourage you to give it a try again. I like the Scrabble one! These DIY Coasters would make for a great gift for just about any occasion. They are so easy to put together, too. But an even easier solution is to add corner bumper guards to them. So, I grabbed a few of my favorite finishes (the samples are free) and took them home to play around with them. Tracy Lynn Conway from Virginia, USA on August 14, 2012: So many great ideas! The videos are very helpful. Per your recommendation, I purchase environtex lite and am ready to make my tiles. peachy from Home Sweet Home on November 28, 2014: using tiles as the coaster is a good idea. Give that a try and let us know if it helps fix the issue! That's great. Disclosure: This blog post containsaffiliatelinksfor products or services we think youll like. My question is did you then apply coats of mod podge ontop of the photo as well and then the envirotex. Wine cork coasters have taken off in popularity almost as much as tile coasters. I'm also impressed with the "Cork" coasters. I'd make the beer cap one if it meant my husband would actually use coasters! Thanks. Thanks for inquiring! My supply list has grown exponentially thanks to your aticle - mod podge, tiles, cork, glass. Hi, Kelly! I have seen people use acrylic paint and even nail polish to create some fun coasters. Will be following you. Very clever with the floor samples! I will be adding them to Christmas gift baskets I am putting together. I would never think of half of these but I might just try some next week. Once you own many of the supplies required for these projects, such as Mod Podge, you'll be able to use them for lots of different crafts. If you are using these coasters for seasonal home dcor and don't want to make a set for every season, or you simply get tired of the current designs, you can soak the coasters in water, peel off the paper, and start over. Do I apply the sealant after I placed the monogram on the coaster or before? I would suggest, if you havent already, that you reach out to the manufacturer of Envirotex Lite, Environmental Technology, Inc. (ETI), and share your experience with them. StrictlyQuotes from Australia on August 31, 2014: Audrey Hunt from Pahrump NV on August 30, 2014: I'm back again for more inspiration and boy oh boy am I ever inspired. I'm so glad that you enjoyed this hub and hope that it will be useful for you many times.
Voted up and interesting. Youll save time and be way ahead of the game for your gift giving! Make sure that you use a non-porous coaster material, such as old CDs, so the ink will not bleed through. Thanks! Thanks for a fun-filled Hub. There is an abundance of tile coaster tutorials online. There are tons of projects, tips and even a FAQ page. DIY ceramic tiles make the perfect handmade gift! Im definitely a fan of free projects, whenever possible. Thanks again. Have fun with your coasters! Im also thinking about making her some coasters using pages from an old Harry Potter book as an Easter present (her birthday is just too far away). This is a great project for using up smaller scraps. Now I know what I can do with all of our wine corks - make a coaster for my husband as a birthday gift! I especially like the photograph set; they give a really nice personal touch. Ha! What a great assortment of coaster ideas for the crafty person. Absolutely, Robyn! Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on August 31, 2014: Audrey, good for you getting a start on your Christmas projects this early! I was going to test try one first but if you have any tips or somethings you just know wont work, please let me know. 20 Cool Ways on How To Make Coasters | Its Jello! I hope this helps! Did the tiles in your pictures yellow at all over time? Now I wish I had kept them to make one of your coasters. The tiles cost a little more than a dollar a piece (like $1.24). great advice. Our daughter Heather loves Elvis, so I think Ill make her some coasters with an Elvis theme. Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on November 05, 2012: That's great, themadimadimadi! Happy crafting! The finish is heat and alcohol resistant and completely waterproof. I might even be able to manage the cork coasters on my own. Follow PamonFacebook,Twitter,PinterestandInstagram. I've never seen any like those. You're right that coasters can be a fun project for the whole family. Youll also want to make your coasters waterproof. My coasters were unsuccessful. The fridge is getting full and I think coasters are next on the list :). Place a book or something somewhat heavy on top of the tile and allow the glued felt to dry. 2022 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Subscribe today to get our weeklyIdeas in Your Inboxnewsletter plus other exclusive gifts and offers all for FREE! Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on September 02, 2013: Yasmin Crawford-Hunt from Shenyang, China on September 02, 2013: I especially love the beer top ones; never seen those before!
Ive also tried using natural stone tile., [] Geometric DIY Coasters Made from Free Floor Samples via Paper & [], [] Geometric Coasters that are absurdly easy and cheap []. Happy crafting!! Is it necessary to sand the tile before collaging it if using glazed tiles? It would also make a wonderful wedding gift. Thanks for sharing! Then continue with your project. Actually, there is very little waste. Others sites said they applied a glossy mod podge on top then the envirotex. Cut scrapbook paper (book pages, wrapping paper whatever youre using to decorate your tile coasters) into 4 x 4 squares. Id rather redo the tiles with darker paper than waste a bunch of this environtex and ruin the project. The Mod Podge does a great job of applying and holding the paper or fabric material in place. Photo coasters: Just a couple of cautions. Do you think this sealant will hold up against the heat of pans? I love the bottle caps! EnviroTex also has a blog called Resin Crafts Blog. So, I might have to go back and do a second round of these. For Ideas for the Home by Kenarry. This is a great option for those who enjoy re-purposing. Hi Anna, Thanks for showcasing some excellent ideas. I also highly recommend the Enviro Tex sealant. Some of the floor samples are really thick, so you may need a box cutter for those thicker floor samples. Hope these ideas help! This tutorial takes the popular tile Mod Podge idea to an extra level with photos printed on tissue paper and felt with adhesive backing. No guessing or eyeballing. I spent a lot of money on the materials only to have a bunch of sticky, useless coasters and a completely ruined piece of plywood from the massive amounts of spilled sealant. Thanks for reaching out to Ideas for the Home by Kenarry! If you spend any time on Pinterest or Etsy, you probably know how popular Scrabble tile crafts are right now. Thanks again! Thats a great question, Emily! Please try again. Coasters do make a great gift, and they are fun to make. Hi Amber, Emilia Riera from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on November 30, 2014: I love, love, LOVE these suggestions. I also found this great article where they used an automotive type acrylic spray sealant. Terrye Toombs from Somewhere between Heaven and Hell without a road map. As I was planning what to share with you this month, I had a few ideas, but finally decided to share this DIY project on how to make coasters from ceramic tiles. They do make different formulas, such as glossy and matte, of the Mod Podge. It's nice to upcycle items whenever we can. But your scrabble and wine cork coasters are really inviting me to try them. How sweet are these little citrus slices? It is really easy. Genius , So cool and easy! You could, of course, post a question on the website. Voted up on everything but funny. Thanks so much. (Allow time for the Mod Podge to dry before applying the sealant.). Hi Karen, Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on February 26, 2012: Thanks!
Voted up and interesting. Youll save time and be way ahead of the game for your gift giving! Make sure that you use a non-porous coaster material, such as old CDs, so the ink will not bleed through. Thanks! Thanks for a fun-filled Hub. There is an abundance of tile coaster tutorials online. There are tons of projects, tips and even a FAQ page. DIY ceramic tiles make the perfect handmade gift! Im definitely a fan of free projects, whenever possible. Thanks again. Have fun with your coasters! Im also thinking about making her some coasters using pages from an old Harry Potter book as an Easter present (her birthday is just too far away). This is a great project for using up smaller scraps. Now I know what I can do with all of our wine corks - make a coaster for my husband as a birthday gift! I especially like the photograph set; they give a really nice personal touch. Ha! What a great assortment of coaster ideas for the crafty person. Absolutely, Robyn! Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on August 31, 2014: Audrey, good for you getting a start on your Christmas projects this early! I was going to test try one first but if you have any tips or somethings you just know wont work, please let me know. 20 Cool Ways on How To Make Coasters | Its Jello! I hope this helps! Did the tiles in your pictures yellow at all over time? Now I wish I had kept them to make one of your coasters. The tiles cost a little more than a dollar a piece (like $1.24). great advice. Our daughter Heather loves Elvis, so I think Ill make her some coasters with an Elvis theme. Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on November 05, 2012: That's great, themadimadimadi! Happy crafting! The finish is heat and alcohol resistant and completely waterproof. I might even be able to manage the cork coasters on my own. Follow PamonFacebook,Twitter,PinterestandInstagram. I've never seen any like those. You're right that coasters can be a fun project for the whole family. Youll also want to make your coasters waterproof. My coasters were unsuccessful. The fridge is getting full and I think coasters are next on the list :). Place a book or something somewhat heavy on top of the tile and allow the glued felt to dry. 2022 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Subscribe today to get our weeklyIdeas in Your Inboxnewsletter plus other exclusive gifts and offers all for FREE! Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on September 02, 2013: Yasmin Crawford-Hunt from Shenyang, China on September 02, 2013: I especially love the beer top ones; never seen those before!
Ive also tried using natural stone tile., [] Geometric DIY Coasters Made from Free Floor Samples via Paper & [], [] Geometric Coasters that are absurdly easy and cheap []. Happy crafting!! Is it necessary to sand the tile before collaging it if using glazed tiles? It would also make a wonderful wedding gift. Thanks for sharing! Then continue with your project. Actually, there is very little waste. Others sites said they applied a glossy mod podge on top then the envirotex. Cut scrapbook paper (book pages, wrapping paper whatever youre using to decorate your tile coasters) into 4 x 4 squares. Id rather redo the tiles with darker paper than waste a bunch of this environtex and ruin the project. The Mod Podge does a great job of applying and holding the paper or fabric material in place. Photo coasters: Just a couple of cautions. Do you think this sealant will hold up against the heat of pans? I love the bottle caps! EnviroTex also has a blog called Resin Crafts Blog. So, I might have to go back and do a second round of these. For Ideas for the Home by Kenarry. This is a great option for those who enjoy re-purposing. Hi Anna, Thanks for showcasing some excellent ideas. I also highly recommend the Enviro Tex sealant. Some of the floor samples are really thick, so you may need a box cutter for those thicker floor samples. Hope these ideas help! This tutorial takes the popular tile Mod Podge idea to an extra level with photos printed on tissue paper and felt with adhesive backing. No guessing or eyeballing. I spent a lot of money on the materials only to have a bunch of sticky, useless coasters and a completely ruined piece of plywood from the massive amounts of spilled sealant. Thanks for reaching out to Ideas for the Home by Kenarry! If you spend any time on Pinterest or Etsy, you probably know how popular Scrabble tile crafts are right now. Thanks again! Thats a great question, Emily! Please try again. Coasters do make a great gift, and they are fun to make. Hi Amber, Emilia Riera from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on November 30, 2014: I love, love, LOVE these suggestions. I also found this great article where they used an automotive type acrylic spray sealant. Terrye Toombs from Somewhere between Heaven and Hell without a road map. As I was planning what to share with you this month, I had a few ideas, but finally decided to share this DIY project on how to make coasters from ceramic tiles. They do make different formulas, such as glossy and matte, of the Mod Podge. It's nice to upcycle items whenever we can. But your scrabble and wine cork coasters are really inviting me to try them. How sweet are these little citrus slices? It is really easy. Genius , So cool and easy! You could, of course, post a question on the website. Voted up on everything but funny. Thanks so much. (Allow time for the Mod Podge to dry before applying the sealant.). Hi Karen, Rose Clearfield (author) from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on February 26, 2012: Thanks!