U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, FLORASULAM WET CAKE TECHNICAL, 09/28/2009 Author: U.S. EPA, Office of Pesticide Programs Subject: Pesticide Product Label, FLORASULAM WET CAKE TECHNICAL Keywords: pesticide product label,florasulam wet cake technical,dow agrosciences llc,06271900559 Created Date: 9/28/2009 12:00:00 AM florasulam: N-(2,6-difluorophenyl)-8-fluoro-5-methoxy (1,2,4)triazolo(1,5-c)pyrimidine-2- Defendor specialty herbicide provides postemergence control of label may determine the suitability for use by treating a small area at a specified rate. MATERIALS: 1. FLORASULAM 50 HERBICIDE | 2 of 15 APVMA Approval No. Preliminary results.
Send Inquiry Chat Now. Paradigm is a very efficacious herbicide and is a great tool used by agronomists and farmers around Australia. However, typical symptoms (discolouration) of dying weeds may not be noticeable for 1 to 2 weeks after application, depending upon growing conditions and weed susceptibility. HERBICIDE ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 750 g/kg CHLORSULFURON GROUP B HERBICIDE A selective herbicide for the control of Annual (Wimmera) Ryegrass and certain broadleaf weeds in Wheat, Barley, Oats, Cereal Rye and Triticale. Apply Huskie Herbicide by ground or air alone or with other herbicides in the fallow period to provide control or partial control of broadleaf weeds and sizes listed on this label. Country Ukraine. May be frozen. It has a low mammalian toxicity and is not thought to bioaccumulate. Download Free PDF Download PDF Download Free PDF View PDF. Dow Study No. Florasulam WDG Herbicide stops growth of susceptible weeds rapidly. Priority Tech Note.
CB RN 66411. F.S.A. Plantback flexibility susceptible winter crops can be planted the following season. FLORASULAM-For Internal Use Only -Do Not Reference or Cite: Honey bee acute contact toxicity I. MATERTALS AND METHODS GUIDELINE FOLLOWED: FIFRA Subdivision L Guideline No.
Manufacturer : Dow AgroSciences. Active Ingredients : Halauxifen-methyl 10.4%. Florasulam works well in cooler temperatures. What is Agrochemical Pesticide Florasulam 10% Wp Selective Herbicide Factory Wholesale Price, Flumioxazin 7% + Glufosinate-Ammonium 70% 77% Wp manufacturers & suppliers on Video Channel of Made-in-China.com. IMPORTANT: READ THIS LEAFLET BEFORE USE Landmark Operations Limited Suite 3, Level 1, Building B 11 Talavera Road, Related Documents All Documents Priority SDS.
Look through Florasulam MSDS details show. AXIAL BOLD HERBICIDE 1. Quelex herbicide with Arylex active provides wheat growers broadleaf weed control, including ALS- and glyphosate-resistant weeds. Desktop users may then choose the Download option (see top of screen) to save Herbicide: Label 445 bytes. READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. Filter. Thus, transformed bacteria, plants, plant cells, plant tissues and seeds are provided. Switch: Fungicide: Label 121.09 KB. 30814 PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ACT . KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN . Wildlife International Ltd. (Easton, MD). The signal word on the label applies to the most serious method or route of exposure. Labels.
Keeping clean fields year over year helps reduce the opportunity for herbicide resistant weeds to develop, set seed, and propagate. Florasulam (Ref: DE 570) Florasulam is a post-emergence herbicide. A wettable granule formulation for post-emergent control of broadleaf weeds in wheat, Non-imi canola. florasulam is an als mode of action group 2 herbicide any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to this product and other als herbicides the resistant biotypes may dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly in the same field other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of Florasulam 10%. : 91607/134432 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS DO NOT apply to crops or weeds which may be stressed due to prolonged periods of extreme cold, sustained high temperature within 48 hours of application, moisture stress (water logging or drought), nutritional stress, root disease PubMed:Primus (florasulam 50 G/L), a new triazolopyrimidine sulfonanilide herbicide to control broad-leaved weeds in maize when applied in early postemergence (1 to 6 leaf stage of maize). Paradigm contains Florasulam and Halauxifen and is manufactured by Corteva. Upon registration, Relzar specialty herbicide combines two different modes of action, the power of new active ingredient Arylex active, a synthetic auxin, and florasulam, an ALS inhibitor. Rimfire Max herbicide offers unsurpassed control for 30 of the toughest-to-handle, resistant grasses and broadleaf weeds in wheat that other herbicides miss. A locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Priority Label. Boxer Florasulam 02048 Systemic Butisan S Metazachlor 04631 Residual Cadou Star Isoxaflutole + Flufenecet 03439 Residual Calibre Max Sx Thifensulfuron + Tribenuron 03438 Y Systemic Cameo Max SX Tribenuron 03431 Y Contact Centium 360 Clomazone 05674 Y Residual Chikara Weed Control Flazasulfuron 04203 Residual Compitox Plus Mecoprop-P 02843 Systemic
98967-40-9 145701-23-1. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Manufacturer Address Notes: Do not apply to wet foliage.
Quick overview Chaser Turf Herbicide is a superior cool weather broadleaf herbicide. ALS is found in the chloroplast where it catalyses branch chained amino acid biosynthesis. REGISTRATION NO. Florasulam is a post-emergence herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds in cereals. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. 121704 To be used only in the manufacturer of an herbicide which is registered under the Pest Control Products Act.
Features and Benefits: Packaging: 50 pound bag . Huskie Herbicide may be utilized in fallow cropping systems to control broadleaf weeds. Active Ingredient: Contains 0.1 lb of florasulam (N-(2,6-difluorophenyl)-8-fluoro-5methoxy[1,2,4] triazolo [1,5-c]pyrimidine-2-sulfonamide) Keep Out of Reach of Children CAUTION Agricultural Use Requirements Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR Part 170.
145701-23-1. florasulam 99% white powder 145701-23-1 EXN. Amended crop rotation interval for sugarcane. Specifically, the present invention provides soybean plants havi Product. A selective herbicide for the control of broadleaved weeds in winter and spring cereal crops. Solvent: 261.3 g/L Liquid Hydrocarbon Group: Formulation Type: Emulsion, Oil-in-Water: Overview: For the control of certain annual broadleaf weeds in winter cereals and Pyrethrum. See DIRECTIONS FOR USE section of this label for complete use details. SDS 2.1 MB. ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: 200 g/kg HALAUXIFEN as the methyl ester.
It is highly soluble in water, volatile and there is a possibility, under certain conditions of it leaching to groundwater. Product Identifier: BROADBAND Herbicide. PDF. No.
Florasulam is a broad-spectrum Systemic herbicide.It is used to control broadleaf weeds in wheat fields, such as cleavers, chickweed and Polygonum weeds, Asteraceae weeds. Clean fields improve your yield potential. Boxer Label MAPP 19536; 50 g/litre (4.84% w/w) florasulam. Stability of compound: not provided Compositions and methods for controlling pests are provided. Filter. Affinity Force Herbicide. Florasulam EF-1343 Suspension Concentrate Herbicide The active ingredient florasulam and associated end-use product EF-1343 Suspension Concentrate Herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds in spring wheat, including durum, spring barley and oats (tankmix only) have been granted temporary registration under Section 17 of the Pest Control Climbing Buckwheat. Formulation. It is not persistent in soil but may be persistent in aquatic systems.
F.S.A. FMC Florasulam Technical Herbicide Solid PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ACT READ THE LABEL BEFORE USING PREVENT ACCESS BY UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL CAUTION POISON IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, CALL 1-800-331-3148 (24 HOURS) FMC of Canada Limited 6755 Mississauga Road, Suite 204 Mississauga, ON L5N 7Y2
Go Back. USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT IS Avoid using herbicides with a single mode of action, such as ALS herbicides, in the same Florasulam, N-(2,6-difluorophenyl)-8-fluoro-5-methoxy[l,2, 4]triazolo[l, 5-c]pYlimidine-2 sulfonamide, is a sulfonamide herbicide that is currently registered in Europe and Canada for use in cereal weed control. Product Name Florasulam 50 SC Other means of identification SDS # ADAMA-267 Registration Number(s) Pest Control Product Reg. Our herbicides are formulated to help you control the toughest, most resistant weeds in a wide variety of crops. A post-emergence herbicide for use on all varieties of winter and spring wheat, barley and oats for the control of cleavers and other broad-leaved weeds. It is an ester formulation that controls a wide spectrum of broadleaf weeds including hard-to-kill weeds that other herbicides will not. SDS 156.41 KB. because of its relatively high degree of potential human and/or environmental hazard even when used according to label directions. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. 10. th. Effective against yield-robbing broadleaf weeds, Orion herbicide offers superior rotational crop flexibility and simplifies broadleaf weed control. MSDS prepared by: Department of Regulatory & Biological Assessment .
Over the past number of years, I have been asked to visit and observe cereal crops in the spring that have been seeded to fields treated with burn-off herbicides containing residual products such as florasulam or metsulfuron.These products are often added to a glyphosate to improve control of dandelion, narrow-leafed hawks Herbicide Resistant Weeds Classification When there, they stop cell division and deregulate cell growth, leading to the weed twisting and dying. GB RN 1657;721. Tank mixing Olympus herbicide with your pre-seed Roundup application and following it with an in-season application of Varro or Velocity m3 herbicide provides exceptional control of flushing foxtail barley, downy and Japanese brome in your wheat.. Additionally, you get enhanced control of wild oats, and volunteer canola and many of your other toughest weeds, ultimately