In addition: CMX100 and CMX160 series | MDG series sectional valves | flow dividers | monoblock valves | 39055 self-levelling valves | VLC, VLE and VLH load-sensing priority valves | Model 32107, 32112, 32060, RM3 and FM3 relief valves | HRC4 HRC2 HRCP remote controls. Operated Poppet-Type Directional, Control Valves, Cartridge Models 0000013338 00000 n 8 (NG 25), DG19S-8-**-20, P, A & B Pressures to 350 bar (5000 psi), T Pressures to 210 0000010696 00000 n Operated Miniature 4-Way Directional Valve, DG17V-3-**(2)(L)-40 DG20V-3-**(2)(L)-40, Size 5 (NG 10), DG18S2-01**A-52, Shift Wet Armature Directional Valve, (F3)DG4S4-01*C-W3-BB-50-S410, Filtration Our independence in a global marketplace gives you choice on pricing and delivery. DG18S4-01**A-52, Size 5 (NG 10), DG3S4-04*-*-*-40 0000004436 00000 n Armature, Pilot Operated, Solenoid Controlled, Directional Valve, 0000001811 00000 n * (L) - (*) - ** - (***) - 10 - (EN***), Size 10 (NG 32), Wet 0000004008 00000 n It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Franais Deutsch Espaol, English, Operated, 4-Way Directional Control Valves, C2-400-S8 C2-1400-S8, 0000005095 00000 n Bell Housings & Couplings (Aluminium Construction), Pressure Filler Breather Caps Push On Breather, Pressure Filler Breather Caps Bayonet Style, Pressure Filler Breather Caps Screw-In Style, Spin-On Filter Heads and Cans High Pressure, Spin-On Filter Heads and Cans Low Pressure, Pressure Filler Breather Caps - Push On Breather, Pressure Filler Breather Caps - Bayonet Style, Pressure Filler Breather Caps - Screw-In Style, Spin-On Filter Heads and Cans - High Pressure, Spin-On Filter Heads and Cans - Low Pressure, Berendsen Fluid Power Pty Ltd ABN 29 058 390 382. 0000013142 00000 n Franais, Directional Directional Control Valves, Valvulas de controle direcionalWet Armature Lever Operator, Directional Control Valves, DG17S-8-**-10, DG17S4-10 Controlled Pilot Operated Directional Valve, DG5S-H8-**(L)-(*) (X)-(*)-(E)-(T)(*)-(V)M-(S*)-*(**)**(L)-***-***-60/70, DG4V3-70 series. Plunger Operated CETOP 3, NFP, DG3V-5, Rotary Type Pilot Valves, C2-529-* SeriesC2-1529-* Series, Legacy Directional Control Valves DG3V-3-*-60 Hydraulic Operated DG17V-3-*-60 0000012033 00000 n Pressure Solenoid and Air Operated Relief Valves, Pilot hydraulic supply Wet Armature Solenoid Operated Directional Valves, F6-DG4S4-01*(*)C-W3-*-50, 0000005310 00000 n 10), Wet Wet Armature, Solenoid Operated, Directional Valves, DG4S*-01*N-W(3)-*-51, Armature Soft Shift Directional Valves, DG4S4-01-60-S491, Size 5 (NG Wet Armature, Pressure Centered, Solenoid Controlled, Pilot Operated Legacy Design, SystemStak 0000003253 00000 n Legacy Design, Solenoid On-board electronics option and M12 cable connection. Operated Directional Control Valves, DF3S4-16**-*-53, Legacy Design, DT15S2-060*-10/11, 0000010775 00000 n Directional and Deceleration ValvesDG1(7)S*-01*(*)-50, DG2S*-012A-50, 0000003080 00000 n Pilot Operated, DG1V4-01**-10 Actuators Directional Control Valves, 310 bar (4500 psi) DG1V4-01**-10 Learn more about this world class provider of hydrostatic transmissions, mobile electronics, orbital motors, piston pumps and motors, steering components and PVG proportional valves. Detented Air Operated Directional Valves, DG18S2-012N-52, DG18S4-01*(*)N-52, EH series electrohydraulic cylinders | IHM and TV series heavy-duty tie-rod ISO metric cylinders | N series heavy-duty tie-rod NFPA cylinders | T series hydraulic threaded cylinders | G series large-bore tie-rod NFPA cylinders | R series medium-duty hydraulic tie-rod NFPA cylinders | EM series imperial mill-duty hydraulic cylinders | I seriesmetric mill-duty hydraulic cylinders | W serieswelded cylinders. Gap, Solenoid Controlled, Pilot Operated, Directional Control Valves, Offset Solenoid Controlled Directional Valves, DG4S*(L)-01*-A-H-(***AC*)-50, %PDF-1.3 % Size 8 (NG 25), (F*)DG5V-10-10, DG4V-5, 20 Design Series, Wet Armature Solenoid Operated Directional, andRemote Controls, Relief and Sequence Valves, and Single and Multiple
Lever OperatedDG18V-3-*-60 Air Operated DG20V-3-*-60 Cam OperatedDG21V-3-*-60 Operated Directional Control Valve, DG3V3-3-** *(l)-(t)-(P1)-7-*-60, 0000010673 00000 n 0000005039 00000 n Wet Armature Solenoid Operated Directional Valve, Size 5 (NG 10), DG4S4-01*B/C-W-*-50, 0000007965 00000 n Valves: 0000004540 00000 n Directional Valves With Oil Immersed Solenoids, Legacy Design, DF5S4-16**-DC-53, Espao Legacy Design, Spring Pilot Operated Directional Valves, Size 8 (NG 25), XDG5S4-06*C-51, Control Valves CETOP 3 Size Soft Shift DG4V 3S-***2** (L)-**-(V)M-****** Size 5 (NG 10), DG4S4-01*F-W3-*-50, You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. 103 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 107 /H [ 1811 529 ] /L 572043 /E 18411 /N 27 /T 569864 >> endobj xref 103 54 0000000016 00000 n Operated Directional Control Valves, (F3)-DG3S-8-*C*-*-*-10 Spring
bar (3000 psi), English (AC), Size 5 (NG 10), DG4S*-01*A-W(3)-*-50,
Offset Pilot Operated, Directional Control Valve, DF3S4-16*A-*-53, Solenoid, DG4V-3-60 Legacy Design, Directional 6), Directional 0000001449 00000 n Relief ValvesRemote Controls, Relief and Sequence Valves, and Single Knob Operated, DG17V4-01**-10 Lever Operated, Pilot Standard/High Performance, from 40 l/min (10.5 gpm)at 350 bar(5075 Solenoid OperatedDG4S*-01, 60 design, DG3V-5, 10 Series Pilot Operated, DG5V-5, 10/20 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Pilot Operated, optional main stage spool switch, DG5S4-02, Solenoid Operated, Two-StageDirectional Control Valve, Flows to 115 l/min (30 USgpm), Pressure to 210 bar (3000 psi), EHH-AMP-702-C-2*; 10 Series, Soft Switch Power Plugs, DG5S4-04-**-M-**-60/-70, Pilot Operated, Directional Control ValvesDG5S4-04-60/70, NFPA D07, ISO-4401-07, optional spool switch, DG*V 7, DG3V-7, 20 Series, Pilot Operated, DG5V-7, 40 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Pilot Operated, ISO 4401 Size 07, optional main stage spool switch, Pilot Operated Directional Valves DG3V-8, 700 l/min (185 USgpm) 350 bar (5000 psi)DG5V-8; 700 l/min (185 USgpm) 350 bar (5000 psi)NFPA D08, ISO-4401-08, CETOP 8, optional main stage spool switch, DG5S-8 & DG5S-H8, Two-Stage, Solenoid Controlled,Pilot Operated, Four-Way Directional Valves, DG3*-H8, 30 and 10 Series, Pilot Operated, DG17*-H8; 30 and 10 Series, Manually Operated, DG5*-H8; 50 and 30 Series, Solenoid Controlled, Pilot Operated, ISO 4401 Size 08 (Wegeventile), DG3V-10/DG5V-10, Pilot Operated / Solenoid Controlled, ISO4401-10, CETOP 10, optional main stage spool switch, DG5S4-10-53/-80/-90/-100Pilot Operated Directional Control Valves, DG5S4-10**-53 DG5S4-10**-80 DG5S4 -10** -90 DG5S4 -10** -100 NFPA D10, ISO-4401-10, DG4S4-01-50 Air Gap Pilot Valve,DG4S4-01-60 Wet A, Directional DG19S4-10-**-M-70, DG19S-H8-**-50, Size 8 (NG 25), DG3V-10-10, Armature Pilot Operated Directional Valves, DG5S4-10*A/B/C/N-*-*-*-*-*-*-80, document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The complete Eaton Vickers hydraulics product range comprises: accumulators, connectors, motors and pumps. Size 5 (NG 10), Spring Hydraulic Operated Directional Valves(F*) - DG3V - 8 (B) - ** - (L) Pilot Operated Directional Valve, DG3S4-04*(*)-(*)-40, Size 7 (NG Pumps eaton liquidation 0000002682 00000 n DG5S4-10*A*W(3)-*-53 DG5S4-10*C*W(3)-*-53, DG5S4-10*B*W(3)-*-53 DG5S4-10*N*W(3)-*-53, Pilot Operated Directional Control Valve, DG18V-3-*A/B/F(L)-(P2)-(V)-*-60/61, 0000004899 00000 n CVUA-6-PD, Gasket Mounted Models DG3/4VP-3, No Current Rev Date available, 0000002766 00000 n
If you are after an Eaton product that is not shown below, please contact us on 1800 660 249 or for more information, pricing and availability. Franais, Directional
0000004079 00000 n
Industrial Directional Controls, Directional
0000001755 00000 n
Controlled Pilot Operated Directional Valve DG5S-8-**(L)-(*)(X)- (*)-(E)-(T)(*)-(V)M-(S*)-*(**)**(L)-***-***-30/40,
BGyUc1g.5qx% B_u~.SIB>40F#@zn_w\0aQK8_b@|W7Vi1PEpgadOVa0vZx!x?!@$smv8'dmrh!8WQH
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Legacy Design, DG17V-3-**(L)-60,
Directional Control Valves, DG5S4(L)-10*D (X)-W-*-53, Legacy Design, Solenoid
Lever Operated Directional Valve, DG17S-8-*A-10, DG17S-8-*C-10, DG17S-8-*N-10,
Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. 0000004364 00000 n
As one of Australias largest Eaton distributors, Berendsen is proud to offer Eatons industry-leading hydraulic products including Deutsch
Legacy Design, Pilot
Controls: Solenoid Operated, DG4V-3S, EN
DG18V-3-*C/N-(V)-*-60/61, Size 3 (NG 6), DG1S4/2S2-01*-50,
Solenoid Operated Directional Valve Optimized Soft Shift (Vickers),
DG17S4-10*N-53, Size 10 (NG 32), Air
NFPA D05, ISO-4401-05DG4S*-01**-5* Air Gap TypeSolenoid Operated Directional
Insta-plug, PBDG4S*-01**-5*, Size 5 (NG 10), Wet
opt., DG5S4W/WB/WT/WTB opt., DG5S4B/LB/LW/LWB opt., DF5S4W/WB/WT/WTB
Size 8 (NG 25), (F*)DG5V-8-10,
ND/ 5[g"
yl+|p2wSuO~` 4hiK?8$D:wKu1Y: Series Gasket Mounted, DT15S2 Series Side Pipe Thread Connection,
Controls: Miscellaneous
Detented, Solenoid
Size 3 (NG 6), DGV4V-3-**3-*-60
Four-Way Directional Valves, C-430/32/34/76/78-(*)-(*)-(S*)C-1410/12/30/32/34/50/52/54-(*)-(*)-(S*),
Control Valves, DG4S*-01-60,
0000004969 00000 n Valves Electrical Accessories, DG4S4W/WB/WT/WTB opt., DG4S4B/LB/LW/LWB Pilot Operated Directional Valves(F*) - DG5V -10- * - (R) - (B) - 10, DG5S-H8; 30-S300, 40, DG5V-H8; 10-S300, 20 controlled directional We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Breathers,filter accessories,in-tank filters,off-line filters,pressure filters,return-line filters,spin-on filtersandsuction strainers. 0000010430 00000 n (NG 10), Wet 10 (NG 32), Pilot DGMC, 250 bar (3600 psi) 30 l/min (7.9 USgpm) ISO/DIS 4401-02-02, DG3/17/2*V-3,
Cam Operated CETOP 3 Directional Control Valve, Size 3 (NG 6), Hydraulically DG4S2-012A-H-50, Size 5 (NG 10), Spring SIZE 02, DG4V-02-10 Design, DGMR1 D02, DGMPC, DGMX2, DGMFN, DGMDC, Yo"Z7ED!V +U#l7J=6mj6|A@@AF(Q]j1=]Eb3W`{dboDnQ1uc(zF2UC7ja!0s`<2#@["`mr%xk Operated Directional Valve, DG4V-3-*B-M(P**)-**-*-40, Legacy Design, Solenoid 25), Manual ISO 4401 Size 08 (Wegeventile), DG3S4-10, Detented Solenoid Controlled, Directional Valves, XDG4S2-012N-(***AC**)-51*, Deutsch DG16S2-010A-50, Size 5 (NG 10), No-Spring Centered Directional Valves, DG4S4-01*(*)C-(*)-50, DG4S2-012C-(*)-50, DG4S2-012N-51, Armature Directional Control Valves, DG4S*-01*A/F-(U)-*-60, Size 5 Size 5 (NG 10), Smooth Reserved, English eIq"Y. DG4S4-01*A-*DC-50, Size 5 (NG 10), No-Spring Legacy Design, Directional Armature Directional Control Valves, DG4S4-01*B/C-(U)-*-60, Size 5 0000007709 00000 n Centered Solenoid Controlled Directional Valves, DG4S4-01*C-*DC-50, Design, DG4V-3S flows to 40 l/min (10.5 USgpm), 6* design, Solenoid 10), Wet No-Spring Detented Solenoid Controlled Directional Valves, DG4S*(L)-01*N-(***AC)*-51, C2-1434-1454-(*)-(*), Legacy Design, Spring Please select the sector that most closely matches your own from the list below. 0000001614 00000 n Valves, Solenoid 0000003151 00000 n Tapping, Crossover & Blanking PlatesDG4V-3 Series, Size 3 (NG Armature Solenoid Operated Directional Valves, F6-DG4S4-01*A-W3-*-50, to F3 Cross Reference, DG4S2 Solenoid Ref. 160), DG3V-8-10, Solenoid Ref. Industrial valves:Vickers AxisPro proportional valves | check valves | DG directional control valves | flange valves | flow control valves | pressure control valves | proportional flow valves | proportional pressure valves | slip-in cartridge valves | SM4 and SX4 servo valves valves | valve electronics. B!V_9G&P'#:oF{-B.kZl}, XB%6c93g@:02*y X]dnIV=>gILp} D^9I"' 8W'JbvtD4(U9 We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. trailer << /Size 157 /Info 102 0 R /Encrypt 105 0 R /Root 104 0 R /Prev 569853 /ID[] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 104 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 99 0 R /OpenAction 106 0 R /ViewerPreferences << /CenterWindow true >> /PageMode /UseOutlines /Outlines 108 0 R >> endobj 105 0 obj << /Filter /Standard /V 1 /R 2 /O (Oy;$D=%p7$%k%\rr) /U (m_mw&aIbvmJGJa) /P -12 >> endobj 106 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 107 0 R /Fit ] >> endobj 155 0 obj << /S 390 /O 524 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 156 0 R >> stream