From shop CreativeSolutionsInc, $65.00 Start in the openings, pouring in a small puddle of finish and spreading it into all the tight corners. I had to choose between red oak and poplar (I chose the latter). 25 Little Girl Hairstylesyou can do YOURSELF! Thats amazing!! Here are the measurements for the above wood pieces: Now, arrange your wood pieces from #2 on top of wood piece #3 and make sure that everything fits correctly. Be sure to have a scrap piece of wood under your project wood to avoid break out or chipping. All it is, is a few pieces of wood glued together and then pretty it up a bit! 3 years ago Then, cut your dowel(s) into the appropriate pieces shown below. Looks great, just not sure how to adapt it for my Galaxy S4 my speaker is on the bottom left of the back of my phone (about 1 from bottom edge and 1.5 from left edge of back) so sound comes out of back of phone. Use 120-grit paper to remove the saw marks in the channel, creating a smooth path for the sound. Good luck! Whether its built as a gift project or for your own home, this gently sweeping curved tray is sure to look great with any decor. Dont see this option? Original Price $35.26 We have a bluetooth speaker in the kitchen that works great but sometimes its a pain to haul around to different rooms, the garage, outside, etc. From shop SchroederWoodworking, $98.00 Please. Ad from shop WinfieldCollection On one of my many trips to the home center, I found something called project boards, available in various thicknesses. Original Price $55.44 From shop numcraft, ad by JTWoodDesigns Even better, slide your phone carefully onto the slot and check to be sure it fits and that the speaker is above the opening. Plus, the intro is written by Nick Offerman, soenough said! Original Price $34.99 BixDesignShop The thickness of the dowel and the front and back pieces is listed under the Supplies list. Drop the hole down over the spinning bit, without touching it, and then move the block until you feel the bearing riding the edge of the hole. Help us spread the word about Woodsmith Plans & earn money at the same time. DTVentures Ad from shop UNEEKExpressions Wipe off the excess and let each coat dry for a few hours before sanding it lightly with 220-grit paper, folded and held in your hand. Pretty cool, right?!?! Can you please convert those measurements in either mm or cm because those measurements are confusing since I live in New Zealand. You can also change your Spotify volume or disable the "Reduce Loud Sounds" option in Settings.3. But, I bet that if the chambers were made larger and the wood use had a better resonance, it could be louder! Can you make a tutorial of how to make the amplifier speakers? If your speaker is on the back of your phone, this speaker may not work as well for your phone. Place the #1 piece right on top and make sure all edges are even.
Its also home to a whole host of one-of-a-kind items made with love and extraordinary care. **This speaker was made to custom fit my IPHONE 5S with its bulky Otter Box case. I noticed a very minimal increase in sound. $31.49, $34.99 but- is it really loud enough? I bought it because it was the only TML phone that the big box store was carrying (triple your minutes for life). This is the one you probably want if you are in the United States, and it is the one we have traditionally offered on this website. Found something you love but want to make it even more uniquely you? It probably only amplifies the sound 2x. bigbluelaserdesigns and then finishing it up with some wood finisher! I used my jigsaw to cut a nice rectangle space ensuring to leave the small lip at the bottom. Should I measure my phone I got an android it sucks but imma try to make it tho so please let me know ASAP TY. Keeping it narrow like this will help keep the sound condensed until it reaches the larger areas to swirl around and resonate out the circle openings. This clever project boosts the sound coming from your smartphone. Great work. CraftInnovation Mark the edges of the speaker, sliding the phone side to side in its pocket to make sure none of the speaker holes will be covered. So since this whole project was done from scrap I worked with what I had. The tiny brads will let you make slight shifts. After tracing, add 1/16 in. Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with my craft clutter) husband. MartletMercantile Ecospeakers Ad from shop SysbroGlobal Whew! Now, glue the #2 pieces on top of the #3 piece, using wood glue. adjustable bed frame slatted wood frames comfortable position storiestrending from the nail hole. Press steadily against the bearing as you run the bit down one edge, along the bottom, and back out the other side. Good luck! From shop SysbroGlobal, $38.99 Reset an Oil Change Light [Easy Steps for American-Made Vehicles], A Guide to Wood Finishes That Are Food Safe, Top Household Jobs Every Homeowner Should Know How to Do, How to Start A Fire in the Wild [4 Methods You Should Know], 5 Best Ways To Get Sweat Stains Out of Hats. On the roundovers, a flexible backer is the ticket. A piece of a rubber mat makes a good backer for smoother sanding. Now that all the spacer pieces are cut, go ahead and glue and nail them into place. The unique design dramatically increases the volume coming from the speaker located on the bottom of the phone. WildAtlanticWood Start with the big hole. Ad from shop SchroederWoodworking 0714: Careful gluing. ManMadeWoods SpeakerBlock Since you are an affiliate, you can use this url to link people to this page and get credited for it: If you want to use an image thumbnail link, you can copy and paste something like this into the source code of your page: Woodsmith Plans provides hundreds of high-quality, shop-tested plans for makers of all skill levels to build projects for their home, workshop, or give as gifts. So I decided to make a sound amplifier for it out of only materials I had around my shop. Worked great.because I didnt have actual stain on hand. TopKnotWoodShop This will change depending upon the size phone you have! This is a very simple build that anyone can do.
This compact block, inspired by old-time radios, will hold your phone and amplify its sound, without a power cord in sight. MokuLasercut **Also, its important to note (if youre changing the measurements for your phone), the small channel that carries the sound to the right or the left, is only 1/2 inch wide. great job. The layered design lets you divide and conquer the construction. I just want to add some extra tips that may boost volume for an iPhone :) 1. on Step 12. Asa is sharing a complete project from the book: this cool passive speaker that amplifies your phones audio without any electricity. If you notice the blade starting to flex left or right, the tape will let you steer the saw a little bit to correct its course. Next, grab your #1 piece and find the exact center of the two ends and use a Hole Saw to cut a 2 1/8 inch hole into each side. (including Chloe's wacky hair!). But dont bother clamping outside the end lines. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. From shop CraftInnovation. I used a 1/2-in. (You can also use a jig saw with a fine blade.). Ad from shop LenaDavisDesignsLDD From shop NoisyWood, $48.00 Ad from shop CraftInnovation Great job, clear instructions, will try many thanks x. However, with a little shop time, you can create an amplifier like this one. Question Whats the width of the #2 wood in the middle???????!!!?? ), 25 CLEVER IDEAS for "Wacky Hair Day" at SCHOOL!! I started with the holes, I used a 1" Forstner bit on my drill press to cut them out. Thanks, it will really help me out a lot. I'd like to be able to play music for 8 - 10 people sitting at a table.
Can you please give measurements for Samsung galaxy s5. I kept missing calls; my phone would be ringing; it could be right in my vest pocket and I wouldn't hear it! :). Im trying to figure out the same thing. Sellers looking to grow their business and reach more interested buyers can use Etsys advertising platform to promote their items. Share it with us! From shop EcoQuote, $25.00 After I assembled the amplifier box I thought it would look better if the edges had a slight round over. The solution was layers. All power tools can be substituted for hand tools and if you really wanted to, you could change the scrap wood for some very nice exotics. With powerful tools and services, along with expert support and education, we help creative entrepreneurs start, manage, and scale their businesses. From shop morydesignstore, ad by DTVentures (10% off), ad by TopKnotWoodShop Ad from shop WoodCraftbyKR I wonder if the current design could get easily knocked over when manipulating the screen. $3.00, $6.00 FREE shipping, ad by NavneetCrafts Ad from shop WildAtlanticWood Ad from shop ShenanigansByNick We do this with marketing and advertising partners (who may have their own information theyve collected). dowel to form smooth curves at the bottom edgesand then a narrow block to flatten the bottom edge. Saying no will not stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. Hope this helps and good luck! It is a square dowel that is 3/4 inch thick that you will use for #2. The forstner bit will give you cleaner edges but can cost more depending on the size of the bit. Time to slide your phone right inside and play your favorite tunes!! FREE shipping, $140.00 Ad from shop numcraft Clamp all your pieces together and let dry completely. I'm making this for a school project but it doesn't say the mesurements please help. While the speakers on smartphones have improved over time, the sound coming from them doesnt project very well. I hope this helps! The book is written by Asa Christiana, the former editor of Fine Woodworking magazine, and, Im proud to say, a close friend of mine and all-around good guy. FREE shipping, ad by VermontWoodenToy I thought maybe it was because my phone had a case. You do want to make sure to use your phone as a spacer this way you know that your phone will fit comfortably into the space it's needed. Next, I moved onto the phone cutout. P.s This a present for my sister. About: I am a husband, father and DIY'er. There are plenty of passive speakers online that you can buy and pinterest will have a bunch of DIY plans too Im sure. The only downside is limited wood selection. From shop DTVentures, ad by beUAtiful Ad from shop JTWoodDesigns I know that you already put it on YouTube but then it does kind of make it easier to fallow if its made with a video. Because its pretty amazing how much the sound improves, with no actual speaker wiring or electricity. WinfieldCollection From shop NavneetCrafts, Sale Price $29.97 Same concept here. As always, Ashley thank you so much for making the instructions so simple, clear and easy to follow. Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript.
Pathwayswoodworking We used a hole saw for this. The United States Customary System of Units (USCS or USC), more commonly referred to as the English or Imperial system, is the standard set of units for our plans. Just make sure to give a light sand to all the edges as well! ! Sand it smooth. It fit the phone perfectly, just enough lip at the bottom to keep the phone snug, while still showing the whole screen. FREE shipping, ad by happinessforchildren Ad from shop Enterneo Ad from shop KonisaStudio I don't think that this version would be loud enough in a room with that many people. FREE shipping, ad by WoodCraftbyKR Ive copied and pasted it here so you dont have to go find it. JTWoodDesigns Save the speaker hole for later. Ad from shop DTVentures Ad from shop Beyond3DCreationsB3D :)) However, if you have a different size phone, youll have to tweak these measurements to fit your phone just right. or so on each side so the phone will slide in easily. ), Once the glue has dried, sand all of the edges and wipe off any dust with a damp cloth. Love it! UpAllLight FREE shipping, ad by DecentLiving FREE shipping, ad by ShenanigansByNick These come with additional shop diagrams that we drew when creating the prototypes. Ad from shop bigbluelaserdesigns
Great! The project gets chopped to final length only after the layers are glued together. Fill out the requested information. Try it out with scrap wood first to get the best size. Be sure to double-check the plan before building. It would just take a bit longer.
2. You would not have to use the same cone they did because really you could use any bowel/cone shaped device to do the same thing. morydesignstore Ad from shop ZwoodBoutique
Well, its actually much cooler when you hear it for yourself. Now to figure out where the phone would go on the front I just held the front and back pieces together while I laid the whole thing face down.Then I removed the back and this showed me where the phone would be once assembled. Then, you can either paint, varnish, or stain your wood. However, this does not impact our recommendations.). So! Use asanding block to do the flat areas, working up through the grits from 120 to 220 (LOC). Also, that the spacer board was as thick as my phone. Great photos and narrative - thanks! ~Hazel.
Ad from shop happinessforchildren very simple. I know.weird measurement, but we just went with it and built around the measurement.) Keep the block moving steadily and youll minimize the burn marks. It does make a decent phone holder though. Original Price $55.00 From shop ArtisansArthropods, $36.00 Also, the placement of the speaker on your phone may effect your design. A passive speaker has three jobs: It needs to hold your device, direct its sound down a small channel, and send it into a big opening that broadcasts outward. From shop BixDesignShop, Sale Price $49.89 From shop WoodCraftbyKR, $39.00 You can pick up an inexpensive tape measure with markings included down to a 32nd on the internet or a local hardware store which can help with measuring. Enterneo From shop AmazingDecorUA, $29.50 Original Price $18.00 Most of our music is on our phones, so we can easily turn on something to listen to driving in the car, while doing dishes, when were outside playing, while showering and getting ready, etc. You know the middle part I wanna make it but its too much like information yah now what I mean? From shop Pathwayswoodworking, ad by LenaDavisDesignsLDD Now, I can either grab this and take it with me, or create a few more. on the sides (LOC). Now that all pieces are cut go ahead and glue the front piece on. But, I also think it is because of the resenance of the wood I used and that the holes releasing the sound could be larger. OKTIEofficial Because there are so many different phones with varying shapes, sizes and speaker locations we chose to just do the written tutorial. Start with 120-grit paper and work up to 150 grit. FREE shipping, ad by MokuLasercut I am thinking about making this with black walnut!
NoisyWood Sand the sides. You will definitely want to measure your phone as most phones are not the same shape or size. Ad from shop KStoryUS From shop ManMadeWoods, Sale Price $31.49 Conor if youll look in the tutorial under the Supplies list it will let you know #2 piece is a square dowel that is 3/4 inch thick. FREE shipping, ad by WinfieldCollection The International System of Units (SI), more commonly referred to as the metric system, is the alternative set of units that we have available for some of our plans. (We may receive commission when you use our affiliate links.
Its also home to a whole host of one-of-a-kind items made with love and extraordinary care. **This speaker was made to custom fit my IPHONE 5S with its bulky Otter Box case. I noticed a very minimal increase in sound. $31.49, $34.99 but- is it really loud enough? I bought it because it was the only TML phone that the big box store was carrying (triple your minutes for life). This is the one you probably want if you are in the United States, and it is the one we have traditionally offered on this website. Found something you love but want to make it even more uniquely you? It probably only amplifies the sound 2x. bigbluelaserdesigns and then finishing it up with some wood finisher! I used my jigsaw to cut a nice rectangle space ensuring to leave the small lip at the bottom. Should I measure my phone I got an android it sucks but imma try to make it tho so please let me know ASAP TY. Keeping it narrow like this will help keep the sound condensed until it reaches the larger areas to swirl around and resonate out the circle openings. This clever project boosts the sound coming from your smartphone. Great work. CraftInnovation Mark the edges of the speaker, sliding the phone side to side in its pocket to make sure none of the speaker holes will be covered. So since this whole project was done from scrap I worked with what I had. The tiny brads will let you make slight shifts. After tracing, add 1/16 in. Ashley Johnston is a professional DIY costume maker, sewist, crafter, and owner of Make It & Love It. She is a mom of 5 and a wife to a very patient (with my craft clutter) husband. MartletMercantile Ecospeakers Ad from shop SysbroGlobal Whew! Now, glue the #2 pieces on top of the #3 piece, using wood glue. adjustable bed frame slatted wood frames comfortable position storiestrending from the nail hole. Press steadily against the bearing as you run the bit down one edge, along the bottom, and back out the other side. Good luck! From shop SysbroGlobal, $38.99 Reset an Oil Change Light [Easy Steps for American-Made Vehicles], A Guide to Wood Finishes That Are Food Safe, Top Household Jobs Every Homeowner Should Know How to Do, How to Start A Fire in the Wild [4 Methods You Should Know], 5 Best Ways To Get Sweat Stains Out of Hats. On the roundovers, a flexible backer is the ticket. A piece of a rubber mat makes a good backer for smoother sanding. Now that all the spacer pieces are cut, go ahead and glue and nail them into place. The unique design dramatically increases the volume coming from the speaker located on the bottom of the phone. WildAtlanticWood Start with the big hole. Ad from shop SchroederWoodworking 0714: Careful gluing. ManMadeWoods SpeakerBlock Since you are an affiliate, you can use this url to link people to this page and get credited for it: If you want to use an image thumbnail link, you can copy and paste something like this into the source code of your page: Woodsmith Plans provides hundreds of high-quality, shop-tested plans for makers of all skill levels to build projects for their home, workshop, or give as gifts. So I decided to make a sound amplifier for it out of only materials I had around my shop. Worked great.because I didnt have actual stain on hand. TopKnotWoodShop This will change depending upon the size phone you have! This is a very simple build that anyone can do.
This compact block, inspired by old-time radios, will hold your phone and amplify its sound, without a power cord in sight. MokuLasercut **Also, its important to note (if youre changing the measurements for your phone), the small channel that carries the sound to the right or the left, is only 1/2 inch wide. great job. The layered design lets you divide and conquer the construction. I just want to add some extra tips that may boost volume for an iPhone :) 1. on Step 12. Asa is sharing a complete project from the book: this cool passive speaker that amplifies your phones audio without any electricity. If you notice the blade starting to flex left or right, the tape will let you steer the saw a little bit to correct its course. Next, grab your #1 piece and find the exact center of the two ends and use a Hole Saw to cut a 2 1/8 inch hole into each side. (including Chloe's wacky hair!). But dont bother clamping outside the end lines. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. From shop CraftInnovation. I used a 1/2-in. (You can also use a jig saw with a fine blade.). Ad from shop LenaDavisDesignsLDD From shop NoisyWood, $48.00 Ad from shop CraftInnovation Great job, clear instructions, will try many thanks x. However, with a little shop time, you can create an amplifier like this one. Question Whats the width of the #2 wood in the middle???????!!!?? ), 25 CLEVER IDEAS for "Wacky Hair Day" at SCHOOL!! I started with the holes, I used a 1" Forstner bit on my drill press to cut them out. Thanks, it will really help me out a lot. I'd like to be able to play music for 8 - 10 people sitting at a table.

Pathwayswoodworking We used a hole saw for this. The United States Customary System of Units (USCS or USC), more commonly referred to as the English or Imperial system, is the standard set of units for our plans. Just make sure to give a light sand to all the edges as well! ! Sand it smooth. It fit the phone perfectly, just enough lip at the bottom to keep the phone snug, while still showing the whole screen. FREE shipping, ad by happinessforchildren Ad from shop Enterneo Ad from shop KonisaStudio I don't think that this version would be loud enough in a room with that many people. FREE shipping, ad by WoodCraftbyKR Ive copied and pasted it here so you dont have to go find it. JTWoodDesigns Save the speaker hole for later. Ad from shop DTVentures Ad from shop Beyond3DCreationsB3D :)) However, if you have a different size phone, youll have to tweak these measurements to fit your phone just right. or so on each side so the phone will slide in easily. ), Once the glue has dried, sand all of the edges and wipe off any dust with a damp cloth. Love it! UpAllLight FREE shipping, ad by DecentLiving FREE shipping, ad by ShenanigansByNick These come with additional shop diagrams that we drew when creating the prototypes. Ad from shop bigbluelaserdesigns

2. You would not have to use the same cone they did because really you could use any bowel/cone shaped device to do the same thing. morydesignstore Ad from shop ZwoodBoutique
Well, its actually much cooler when you hear it for yourself. Now to figure out where the phone would go on the front I just held the front and back pieces together while I laid the whole thing face down.Then I removed the back and this showed me where the phone would be once assembled. Then, you can either paint, varnish, or stain your wood. However, this does not impact our recommendations.). So! Use asanding block to do the flat areas, working up through the grits from 120 to 220 (LOC). Also, that the spacer board was as thick as my phone. Great photos and narrative - thanks! ~Hazel.

NoisyWood Sand the sides. You will definitely want to measure your phone as most phones are not the same shape or size. Ad from shop KStoryUS From shop ManMadeWoods, Sale Price $31.49 Conor if youll look in the tutorial under the Supplies list it will let you know #2 piece is a square dowel that is 3/4 inch thick. FREE shipping, ad by WinfieldCollection The International System of Units (SI), more commonly referred to as the metric system, is the alternative set of units that we have available for some of our plans. (We may receive commission when you use our affiliate links.