This solution has to be mixed just before you use it. Only use cold water for washing anything tainted by skunk odor.
It is advisable tomonitor your pooch for anywhere between 20 and 30 minutes after its exposure to skunk sprayto observe its reaction to getting sprayed.
Actually I'll stay away when this animal close to me, because of the smell, right.
On the other hand, if you are able to observe a skunk from afar, then you might get a chance to see that they are kind of cute. Do not get the solution in your dog's eyes, ears, or mouth! The negative effects of a skunk spraying a dog includes vomiting, nausea, seizures or a corresponding shortage of red blood cells. Depending on the size of the dog, or if you have multiple dogs, you may need several batches. It is that powerful. Obviously, the best way to not have to deal with skunk smell and skunk odor is to avoid exposure! Any avice on that? geat work very well put together and very informative great tips my sister works as a dog groomer we have been lucky we live in the country and none of our dogs have been sunked yet. Potpourri pots with cinnamon and cloves or candles with the same spice scent can minimize skunk odor. Pamela Oglesby from Sunny Florida on July 23, 2011: Great advice if your dog gets sprayed. Audrey is a medical transcriptionist, instructor, writer, photographer, and dog trainer who writes on a variety of topics.
Skunks are remarkably accurate when projecting spray into the perceived threat, and you should also know that a skunks spray can travel for up to15 feet. And it is thisThioacetatethat typically reacts with water and humidity present in the air to strengthen the offensive spray smell, thereby making it last longer! Some dog owners say a tomato juice bath neutralizes skunk smell, but others say that they don't work at all.
Joyce Haragsim from Southern Nevada on July 24, 2011: Great hub. Audrey Kirchner (author) from Washington on August 01, 2011: Hanna - No - I can't help with the 2-legged skunks that skunk around amongst us~ Wish I couldwouldn't it be nice to have a spray for that??? TheEpicJourney from Fairfield, Ohio on August 23, 2011: This is a very helpful article akirchner. Tinknfelix - Stops for coming by and glad to help~! Be careful not to use the mixture close to your dogs eyes. If your dog has ever gotten sprayed by a skunk, you can attest to the putrid and irritating nature of this smell. If the dog was close enough for the oils to be extremely concentrated in the spray, you may have to repeat a second time. Check for bites or scratches, as skunks can be rabid. After all, you only have to drive past a skunk whos unfortunately become roadkill to know they pack a pungent odor. It's been awhile since any of my dogs have been sprayed (thank God) but I'll bookmark this Hub just in case. Otherwise, use a product like Tricotine Liquid Douche Concentration or an over-the-counter feminine douche product to clean the dog's face.
A direct dose of skunk spray to a poochs face can cause burns to sensitive tissues located in the face, which in turn, leads toskin irritationorsores on the face. You might have to repeat the bathing process with dog shampoo if the skunk did a thorough job of covering your pup.
Pamela - would suit me just fine too~! Boiling cinnamon or cloves on the stove in a pan of water can also help reduce skunk smell. Vinegar is the best I think - we burned some Yankee candles as well in a coconut scent, but the smell kind of made me sick after a while! That's why it sticks to surfaces so well and permeates everything it touches. I had never knew about this before, but I knew this animal from television. Good luck and glad you got the smell outit is one you never forget! That probably came in pretty tame considering all the other things that could have befallen them out in the wetlands and amongst the cattle, coyotes, mountain lions here~!
Is it any wonder that, if not treated properly, a dog can carry the smell for up to two years?
You can get rid of the skunk smell on a dog by coating the dog with tomato juice, lemon juice, vinegar or coke! . Now, how can you get rid of the skunk smell on a dog? Apply and the mixture to your dry dog. Skunks can only spray five or six times in a 10-day period.
Great hub with lots of useful information. In addition to tomato juice, lemon juice also doesnt work to get rid of the smell, nor does attempting to cover it up with perfume or household fragrance sprays, like Febreze. They were gone overnight, which was worrisome enough. Audrey Kirchner (author) from Washington on July 25, 2011: KM - What an idiot I am~ Fixed the poll~!!! What a life saver!! It can result in an explosion. Everything you need to get rid of the smell is probably already in your home! You may find yourself even having to dump food from your cupboards and refrigerator or freezer.
It can even permeate your skin and your body.
Mighty Petz 2-In-1 Oatmeal Dog Shampoo and Conditioner. Lastly, consider some of the deterrents listed above to keep skunks at bay and away from your home. Wet your dog thoroughly with water then apply the mixture.
The most obvious aftereffect of a skunk spraying your dog is the pungent odor, but skunk spray typically comes with several other effects that can be potentially harmful to a pooch. Leave the solution on your pooch for, at least,five minutesor longer until the offensive odor does not linger anymore.
So she is always on the leash when we are near their house. It's recommended that you get rid of any rags or towels you use for drying because it's next to impossible to get the skunk odor out of them.
Didn't work out very well, Lilly got sprayed but good. lol. Rated up and useful. It should only be made up for the circumstance at hand, then discarded. I don't have to see this animal in person. In our case, we were able to get the dogs out into the backyard and begin removing the smell right away, so the household damage was relatively minor.
Great informative article! But I have to say that the use of baking soda is also very good, and cheap! Once the solution is prepared, the resulting mixture will start to fizz and it is important that you apply it on the dog immediately. Let's take a look at some sure-fire methods of dealing with skunk odor and how to get rid of it both on your dog and in your home. Kristin Tamke from Frederick, MD on January 26, 2012: My lab was sprayed for the first time this year. The combination of the ingredients causes a foaming action that actually loosens the skunk oil from the dog's coat. When the skunk sprays, it comes out in an oily form. Love Pepe LePew - tried to find a public domain photo but alas.I was stuck with the 'real deal'.thanks for the read! When it comes to keeping yourself in the clear, take a flashlight with you outdoors for nighttime activities, like taking the garbage out, so you can be on the lookout. In short, skunk odor will go everywhere in your house. Mix a can of coke with a bucket of water and some detergent.
I used the baking soda receipe, had to use if a few times, but it worked!!
Question: We have 4 boxers that got sprayed.
Audrey Kirchner (author) from Washington on January 26, 2012: Nothing quite like the experience~~ It's not one you forget for a while. Sometimes that smell from a skunk can make you sick. This means things like food in boxes if they smell and includes anything that is not canned or in a tightly lidded jar. 2022 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. However, by doing this, you are only going to transfer the skunk smell into your home, and trust us, this is actually way worse.
You can try the formula on them but most likely they will be saturated with the smell.
And the shampoo is also effective at keeping the poochs skin soft and moisturized. When your pooch gets sprayed by a skunk, your natural reaction will be to get such a doggie inside and attempt to get rid of the odor. We have not seen them this year, probably because they might have noticed two dogs occupying the backyard now. ACV Solution for sensitive skin: 2 parts water to one part ACV. Hence, as long as possible, try as much as possible tokeep your pooch outdoors till you can apply any of the remedies to get rid of skunk odorthat have been provided in earlier sections. Those smelly, precise glands are akin to the anal glands of a dog or cat. We are only on day 4. Cindy A Johnson from Sevierville, TN on July 23, 2011: Thankfully I've never had to deal with this.
A skunks spray is composed ofseven different sulphur and Thioacetate-based compounds. Thanks so much for the read~. Luckily Magz stayed outside the whole time and I was able to get rid of the smell treating her in the backyard.
Instead, just try this simple recipe made from everyday household products: Mix all of the ingredients together, work the solution through your dogs coat be sure to wear rubber gloves and let it sit for five minutes before rinsing with warm water. We have a TON of them here so always a worry - even had one close to the street once that was sick - that was an awful thing! Garbage cans can be an invitation for a skunk to have dinner at your house. Rated up. She is a lab with short fur, so we were able to get the scent mostly out,, then a nice shampoo with Pert finished off. I put them into their dog crates and closed the door but that didn't stop the inevitable. Some people swear that by placing moth balls or ammonia-soaked rags at the edges of property deters skunks from visiting. If your dog gets sprayed by a skunk, you should examine such a pooch to closely observe its reaction to getting sprayed, before deciding on the appropriate course of action. If your dog is sprayed by a skunk, then you will want to first give their eyes a once over. It can be extremely unpleasant having to deal with skunk smell, but with those remedies listed above, you can get rid of this stench relatively fast. That said, these are the steps to take to apply tomato juice in getting rid of skunk odor on a dog: You may need torepeat the processdescribed above till the skunk odor is greatly reduced, but you should note that the poochs furmay get stained in the process. Your tips to keep skunks away will come out handy. Plan on throwing out your dog's collars and tags, as they are pretty well ruined by skunk spray.
Try Febreze or a similar spray to spray down crates or surfaces, although this didn't work particularly well on our dogs' crates. Dab the dogs coat with the old clothes or paper towels to rub off some of the excess oil. I would not want to go through that again - ever! Massage it through the hair to saturate its coat and skin. By the way I couldn't take your poll because there is not tomato juice option. Trust me. So he gets a de skunking bath and hopefully he learns his lesson to stay away from skunks curious yes loud yup but I guess he spooked the poor thing and it got him. The good news for you is that people are not skunks most common targets. Luckily, dogs don't go after them like they do for after seeing squirrels. Because its tough to train your dog to keep his nose out of a skunks business, you might want to learn a bit more about the local skunk scene in order to steer clear during peak hours.
The materials youll need to create a homemade bath to get rid of skunk smell on your pooch include: All these materials are readily available and can be gotten at local stores or pet stores near you. Thanks.
Clean other surfaces or destroy if they have skunk odor, such as dog crates or dog beds. Thanks for the tips; hope I never have to use them.
It was the house that reeked for about 2 weeks though and poor Kodi's face! Aside from the mess it created on the dogs, the smell also permeated our home, their crates, the garage, and even their collars and dog tags. Once youve succeeded in eliminating the offensive skunk smell, you shouldrinse the solution off the poochs body with lukewarm water. Additionally, it is advisable that you bath the doggie with lukewarm water and high-quality dog shampoo like theMighty Petz 2-In-1 Oatmeal Dog Shampoo and Conditioner, after rinsing off the solution. It's important to note as well that the hydrogen peroxide should be unopened and fresh. Audrey Kirchner (author) from Washington on July 23, 2011: BJ - I hear ya - skunks come in all sizes and some wear suits~ Coca Cola probably works because it bubbles up - I guess it'd be worth a try but now that I know the other worksI'm sticking with it! To say that the experience was devastating would be putting it mildly. Additionally, skunk spray typically contains harmful toxins, that when ingested by a pooch, can explode red blood cells, thereby resulting inanemia, and also causedamage to vital body organs. In this instance,you can actually use the same solution you mixed up for your dog on yourself.
Audrey Kirchner (author) from Washington on February 05, 2012: Wasn't it though??? haha just really well done. :). Fortunately, with a number of quick home remedies, you can eliminate this horrible smell and get your pooch smelling nice again. Heating apple cider vinegar on the stove is said to help rid the air of skunk smell.
Once the spraying has occurred, there are some effective treatments as noted above for both your home and your dog. Ozone attachments to your central heating and air conditioning system can also work.
Suhail Zubaid aka Clark Kent from Mississauga, ON on September 03, 2011: Those skunk pups / kittens (?) Pay attention to these signals and lead your pooch away before it gets sprayed by a skunk. Skunk spray is a form of sulfur. It works instantly and there is no water involved. No way out of your yard for a skunk means trouble. But tomato worked great and was fairly inexpensive and obviously safe for the dog and me too. Got rid of everything from fridge and freezer, have baking soda in there and a bowl of vinegar, and it still smells. After all, it is strong enough to remove rust from the chrome bumpers of cars. Add a little white vinegar or lemon juice. Its not exactly newsthat skunks are rather smelly creatures. It is the solution with hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and a small squirt of dishwashing liquid.
Wipe down surfaces as appropriate with bleach and water solution. Did the smell eventually leave the fridge? However, since there was a gaping hole in the fence, I couldn't leave them in the backyard and without thinking, I brought them into the house so I could summon help. I think dogs are just naturally inquisitive and don't think twice about going after something that moves!
We first rinsed her with the garden hose, then brought her into the bathtub and used the commercial skunk deodorizer on her. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. RELATED: Does your dog run off a lot? It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional.
Thanks for the read! :). Note that time is of the essence, when dealing with skunk spray, and you should apply these remedies, as soon as possible, to get rid of the smell. Susan Zutautas from Ontario, Canada on July 23, 2011: Oh your hub has brought back smelly memories for me. Below are some measures to put in place to prevent your dog from getting skunked and having to deal with the offensive odor that comes afterwards: Skunks typically give warning signals such asstomping, hissingortail-liftingbefore they spray. Kodi was sick for three solid days while Denaya bounced back immediately.


On the other hand, if you are able to observe a skunk from afar, then you might get a chance to see that they are kind of cute. Do not get the solution in your dog's eyes, ears, or mouth! The negative effects of a skunk spraying a dog includes vomiting, nausea, seizures or a corresponding shortage of red blood cells. Depending on the size of the dog, or if you have multiple dogs, you may need several batches. It is that powerful. Obviously, the best way to not have to deal with skunk smell and skunk odor is to avoid exposure! Any avice on that? geat work very well put together and very informative great tips my sister works as a dog groomer we have been lucky we live in the country and none of our dogs have been sunked yet. Potpourri pots with cinnamon and cloves or candles with the same spice scent can minimize skunk odor. Pamela Oglesby from Sunny Florida on July 23, 2011: Great advice if your dog gets sprayed. Audrey is a medical transcriptionist, instructor, writer, photographer, and dog trainer who writes on a variety of topics.
Skunks are remarkably accurate when projecting spray into the perceived threat, and you should also know that a skunks spray can travel for up to15 feet. And it is thisThioacetatethat typically reacts with water and humidity present in the air to strengthen the offensive spray smell, thereby making it last longer! Some dog owners say a tomato juice bath neutralizes skunk smell, but others say that they don't work at all.

A direct dose of skunk spray to a poochs face can cause burns to sensitive tissues located in the face, which in turn, leads toskin irritationorsores on the face. You might have to repeat the bathing process with dog shampoo if the skunk did a thorough job of covering your pup.
Pamela - would suit me just fine too~! Boiling cinnamon or cloves on the stove in a pan of water can also help reduce skunk smell. Vinegar is the best I think - we burned some Yankee candles as well in a coconut scent, but the smell kind of made me sick after a while! That's why it sticks to surfaces so well and permeates everything it touches. I had never knew about this before, but I knew this animal from television. Good luck and glad you got the smell outit is one you never forget! That probably came in pretty tame considering all the other things that could have befallen them out in the wetlands and amongst the cattle, coyotes, mountain lions here~!
Is it any wonder that, if not treated properly, a dog can carry the smell for up to two years?
You can get rid of the skunk smell on a dog by coating the dog with tomato juice, lemon juice, vinegar or coke! . Now, how can you get rid of the skunk smell on a dog? Apply and the mixture to your dry dog. Skunks can only spray five or six times in a 10-day period.
Great hub with lots of useful information. In addition to tomato juice, lemon juice also doesnt work to get rid of the smell, nor does attempting to cover it up with perfume or household fragrance sprays, like Febreze. They were gone overnight, which was worrisome enough. Audrey Kirchner (author) from Washington on July 25, 2011: KM - What an idiot I am~ Fixed the poll~!!! What a life saver!! It can result in an explosion. Everything you need to get rid of the smell is probably already in your home! You may find yourself even having to dump food from your cupboards and refrigerator or freezer.
It can even permeate your skin and your body.
Mighty Petz 2-In-1 Oatmeal Dog Shampoo and Conditioner. Lastly, consider some of the deterrents listed above to keep skunks at bay and away from your home. Wet your dog thoroughly with water then apply the mixture.
The most obvious aftereffect of a skunk spraying your dog is the pungent odor, but skunk spray typically comes with several other effects that can be potentially harmful to a pooch. Leave the solution on your pooch for, at least,five minutesor longer until the offensive odor does not linger anymore.
So she is always on the leash when we are near their house. It's recommended that you get rid of any rags or towels you use for drying because it's next to impossible to get the skunk odor out of them.
Didn't work out very well, Lilly got sprayed but good. lol. Rated up and useful. It should only be made up for the circumstance at hand, then discarded. I don't have to see this animal in person. In our case, we were able to get the dogs out into the backyard and begin removing the smell right away, so the household damage was relatively minor.
Great informative article! But I have to say that the use of baking soda is also very good, and cheap! Once the solution is prepared, the resulting mixture will start to fizz and it is important that you apply it on the dog immediately. Let's take a look at some sure-fire methods of dealing with skunk odor and how to get rid of it both on your dog and in your home. Kristin Tamke from Frederick, MD on January 26, 2012: My lab was sprayed for the first time this year. The combination of the ingredients causes a foaming action that actually loosens the skunk oil from the dog's coat. When the skunk sprays, it comes out in an oily form. Love Pepe LePew - tried to find a public domain photo but alas.I was stuck with the 'real deal'.thanks for the read! When it comes to keeping yourself in the clear, take a flashlight with you outdoors for nighttime activities, like taking the garbage out, so you can be on the lookout. In short, skunk odor will go everywhere in your house. Mix a can of coke with a bucket of water and some detergent.
I used the baking soda receipe, had to use if a few times, but it worked!!
Question: We have 4 boxers that got sprayed.
Audrey Kirchner (author) from Washington on January 26, 2012: Nothing quite like the experience~~ It's not one you forget for a while. Sometimes that smell from a skunk can make you sick. This means things like food in boxes if they smell and includes anything that is not canned or in a tightly lidded jar. 2022 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. However, by doing this, you are only going to transfer the skunk smell into your home, and trust us, this is actually way worse.
You can try the formula on them but most likely they will be saturated with the smell.
And the shampoo is also effective at keeping the poochs skin soft and moisturized. When your pooch gets sprayed by a skunk, your natural reaction will be to get such a doggie inside and attempt to get rid of the odor. We have not seen them this year, probably because they might have noticed two dogs occupying the backyard now. ACV Solution for sensitive skin: 2 parts water to one part ACV. Hence, as long as possible, try as much as possible tokeep your pooch outdoors till you can apply any of the remedies to get rid of skunk odorthat have been provided in earlier sections. Those smelly, precise glands are akin to the anal glands of a dog or cat. We are only on day 4. Cindy A Johnson from Sevierville, TN on July 23, 2011: Thankfully I've never had to deal with this.
A skunks spray is composed ofseven different sulphur and Thioacetate-based compounds. Thanks so much for the read~. Luckily Magz stayed outside the whole time and I was able to get rid of the smell treating her in the backyard.
Instead, just try this simple recipe made from everyday household products: Mix all of the ingredients together, work the solution through your dogs coat be sure to wear rubber gloves and let it sit for five minutes before rinsing with warm water. We have a TON of them here so always a worry - even had one close to the street once that was sick - that was an awful thing! Garbage cans can be an invitation for a skunk to have dinner at your house. Rated up. She is a lab with short fur, so we were able to get the scent mostly out,, then a nice shampoo with Pert finished off. I put them into their dog crates and closed the door but that didn't stop the inevitable. Some people swear that by placing moth balls or ammonia-soaked rags at the edges of property deters skunks from visiting. If your dog gets sprayed by a skunk, you should examine such a pooch to closely observe its reaction to getting sprayed, before deciding on the appropriate course of action. If your dog is sprayed by a skunk, then you will want to first give their eyes a once over. It can be extremely unpleasant having to deal with skunk smell, but with those remedies listed above, you can get rid of this stench relatively fast. That said, these are the steps to take to apply tomato juice in getting rid of skunk odor on a dog: You may need torepeat the processdescribed above till the skunk odor is greatly reduced, but you should note that the poochs furmay get stained in the process. Your tips to keep skunks away will come out handy. Plan on throwing out your dog's collars and tags, as they are pretty well ruined by skunk spray.
Try Febreze or a similar spray to spray down crates or surfaces, although this didn't work particularly well on our dogs' crates. Dab the dogs coat with the old clothes or paper towels to rub off some of the excess oil. I would not want to go through that again - ever! Massage it through the hair to saturate its coat and skin. By the way I couldn't take your poll because there is not tomato juice option. Trust me. So he gets a de skunking bath and hopefully he learns his lesson to stay away from skunks curious yes loud yup but I guess he spooked the poor thing and it got him. The good news for you is that people are not skunks most common targets. Luckily, dogs don't go after them like they do for after seeing squirrels. Because its tough to train your dog to keep his nose out of a skunks business, you might want to learn a bit more about the local skunk scene in order to steer clear during peak hours.
The materials youll need to create a homemade bath to get rid of skunk smell on your pooch include: All these materials are readily available and can be gotten at local stores or pet stores near you. Thanks.
Clean other surfaces or destroy if they have skunk odor, such as dog crates or dog beds. Thanks for the tips; hope I never have to use them.
It was the house that reeked for about 2 weeks though and poor Kodi's face! Aside from the mess it created on the dogs, the smell also permeated our home, their crates, the garage, and even their collars and dog tags. Once youve succeeded in eliminating the offensive skunk smell, you shouldrinse the solution off the poochs body with lukewarm water. Additionally, it is advisable that you bath the doggie with lukewarm water and high-quality dog shampoo like theMighty Petz 2-In-1 Oatmeal Dog Shampoo and Conditioner, after rinsing off the solution. It's important to note as well that the hydrogen peroxide should be unopened and fresh. Audrey Kirchner (author) from Washington on July 23, 2011: BJ - I hear ya - skunks come in all sizes and some wear suits~ Coca Cola probably works because it bubbles up - I guess it'd be worth a try but now that I know the other worksI'm sticking with it! To say that the experience was devastating would be putting it mildly. Additionally, skunk spray typically contains harmful toxins, that when ingested by a pooch, can explode red blood cells, thereby resulting inanemia, and also causedamage to vital body organs. In this instance,you can actually use the same solution you mixed up for your dog on yourself.
Audrey Kirchner (author) from Washington on February 05, 2012: Wasn't it though??? haha just really well done. :). Fortunately, with a number of quick home remedies, you can eliminate this horrible smell and get your pooch smelling nice again. Heating apple cider vinegar on the stove is said to help rid the air of skunk smell.
Once the spraying has occurred, there are some effective treatments as noted above for both your home and your dog. Ozone attachments to your central heating and air conditioning system can also work.
Suhail Zubaid aka Clark Kent from Mississauga, ON on September 03, 2011: Those skunk pups / kittens (?) Pay attention to these signals and lead your pooch away before it gets sprayed by a skunk. Skunk spray is a form of sulfur. It works instantly and there is no water involved. No way out of your yard for a skunk means trouble. But tomato worked great and was fairly inexpensive and obviously safe for the dog and me too. Got rid of everything from fridge and freezer, have baking soda in there and a bowl of vinegar, and it still smells. After all, it is strong enough to remove rust from the chrome bumpers of cars. Add a little white vinegar or lemon juice. Its not exactly newsthat skunks are rather smelly creatures. It is the solution with hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and a small squirt of dishwashing liquid.
Wipe down surfaces as appropriate with bleach and water solution. Did the smell eventually leave the fridge? However, since there was a gaping hole in the fence, I couldn't leave them in the backyard and without thinking, I brought them into the house so I could summon help. I think dogs are just naturally inquisitive and don't think twice about going after something that moves!
We first rinsed her with the garden hose, then brought her into the bathtub and used the commercial skunk deodorizer on her. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. RELATED: Does your dog run off a lot? It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional.
Thanks for the read! :). Note that time is of the essence, when dealing with skunk spray, and you should apply these remedies, as soon as possible, to get rid of the smell. Susan Zutautas from Ontario, Canada on July 23, 2011: Oh your hub has brought back smelly memories for me. Below are some measures to put in place to prevent your dog from getting skunked and having to deal with the offensive odor that comes afterwards: Skunks typically give warning signals such asstomping, hissingortail-liftingbefore they spray. Kodi was sick for three solid days while Denaya bounced back immediately.