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The Festo one-way flow control valves GRxA and GRxZ have proven themselves time and again for their precise flow rate adjustment. "item_category3":"function valves flow", endobj "material_number": "11638542", /Im12 12 0 R "item_variant": "pce", 0000003157 00000 n One-way flow control valves are used, among other things, to set the speed of pneumatic cylinders. wDg1xL,][8aI!Q2LK;PI]!2 0\F@\iW%A`h$s>JmFrj9D4,_aR1\J( \2)>!d80 &r'0{s h!`fkSDXAi-zzDQ4!AAHmv|~'7{XOb#UB I.+ "@>&jm2(@1c@Nq%! "item_name": "flow control valve gro-1/8-b 151216", "item_variant": "pce", "item_category":"pneumatic components", 0000003617 00000 n 0000024951 00000 n /Contents 3 0 R hb```f``-qaU{Rm\i]5>xYI ->E&(rpd9mqzQL`P^ue""*:Csm>E c73U 93fU)fi8L_ % JLx@ft@YHa ((vh. "price": "23.02", 0000023164 00000 n }, {"itemTrackPD":{ 0000000976 00000 n %%EOF "item_category2":"valves", ;wu|4pUkQ!o|;rFl9At];8Ny~wJk7C*V=$4l~b~nETP~E "item_variant": "pce", 0000025563 00000 n :z%Y2%LWNhzO4zn>zcO}o.TgtuSM2 $HtG +~Q>yzf4DW~%{__F(gK We help you to keep your processes running smoothly and without downtimes. "index": "6", 0000021107 00000 n /Filter/FlateDecode @)+4'016\`gVx!F! 8^p:h9>XPT9 !;lf-q@rWOa`eA|F ` r "item_category2":"valves", 8B j1PELy#P}C_8NrzE2:bV^H+blk)KW61j]T$oRKk`X@e^/Q!x 0000001555 00000 n 0000021446 00000 n
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>> For more than 2,200 products worldwide: always in stock, attractively priced and delivered quickly. "quantity": "" xref 0000003624 00000 n }, {"itemTrackPD":{ 0000010596 00000 n nH|C/4j6j?!UteSlg8jCbLfFEa*,c6*&SL}]ZLqU-Ju#E^~Pgje;{ v&4!uoe(vqD{Sn70I8#ABK jYgMIf]%X|_op_ZlrggcKhX-D/uu[Ey>kQ\\+H-1=n=c=U^M3K76"hROkv'. /XObject "material_number": "1067026", %PDF-1.7 % } "item_id": "gr0000000406332", >> ] e Always in stock worldwide: the core product range for 80% of your applications, Generally ready for dispatch from the factory, Biotech, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, Functional combination of one-way flow control valve and piloted check valve, Flow control valve, flow control at one end, Low-cost solution for standard applications, Simple and reliable adjustment of pneumatic cylinder speed. 0 The piston speed of both advancing and retracting pneumatic cylinders can be regulated using one-way flow control valves from Festo. The polymer-metal combination makes them light, compact and sturdy and they are available as ISO and NPT variants. 0000025069 00000 n "material_number": "11638541", trailer "item_name": "flow control valve gro-1/4 2109", "item_name": "flow control valve gro-qs-4 193972", :Nj1L^3pD%cWLI?3&/{. Compact, lightweight and easy to install the one-way flow control valve for direct mounting on the actuator. |,1|5G00`,^ Vq]$8LGRtKuy%`'-zUNTupD2`TDLWh{5)m`J}]#s#EOB0Szt6H,hCfx"~RmSgoSF(Nd= M =bC^QuF1!*]#U}kJ;K* [z2 ]>U3xvn 8v*A%q" /F4 16 0 R
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Look for the star when selecting products in the catalogue. }
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However, should you ever need a repair service, we have numerous service options to provide you with the support you need. Repairs are particularly recommended for high-value components as it reduces costs and is good for the environment.
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By having our experts analyse your entire compressed air system, including pneumatic applications, and determine where you can save the most energy, you can reduce operating costs by up 60%. 0000022178 00000 n "quantity": "" 0000001900 00000 n "quantity": "" "item_category3":"function valves flow", startxref /Im11 11 0 R } "item_brand": "festo", /CropBox[0 0 612 792] 0000023423 00000 n "quantity": "" 0000022046 00000 n << "quantity": "" startxref "item_id": "gr0000000351828", h|yxn, $JKK{eZ;3L2ss|eY%,,$N\&dqaJgY-twi{zJ;y6c;/{?eKm?zG?89qh?.rW-?7|Uzy`}]aik-}>wO__}m}\7w?X>[}/~cKbK[[kOZ/lnoim?_/]1a{WbW~#WW}+?\k}eB>f 7g3gPL8?=69O$>[SS&G\$>1,f[s$Dm$$$,s)X }f^KUERemySi~M8c:kK$D,}%Fl"zIajOY6~u$wV[,]! 0000020823 00000 n "price": "23.02", hkO0?n7v\$T-P)c1$ql%.' M}}nsb,`K%I)NK:nQpHOWlV2gsNc1g@8SN+-vcH0Q.7cq1)TZ(54OPx,VphF[+*8'nJc c[h'DmOX6jMJ/7Druqmr_)}cp=fg,0v?Z$cI:5UojfvjbM~1m\,->4el1+f/M|X(^G}.\n/Ld2aa0o"N'`2,\287s#5)S|4KL2FizKsSga&'c=?Ai 0000026195 00000 n "item_variant": "pce", /Im13 13 0 R "price": "59.15", The non-return function works in the opposite direction. r].m\F % +] 5:K%$lZYWg49n*-j+MuVQgPj2 "item_category2":"valves", 0000023400 00000 n 0000022791 00000 n "item_category3":"function valves flow",