Launder inside out with hook and loop engaged.
6938 New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable). La nouvelle gnration de vtements de combat comprend un tissu RIPSTOP VTX stretch innovant et personnalis. - Top Rated Plus - opens in a new window or tab. THE G4 COMBAT UNIFORM from Crye Precision on Vimeo. Das G4 Combat Shirt wurde fr das Tragen unter schwerer Ballistik entwickelt und verfgt ber intergrierten Stretch, der einen noch schlankeren Schnitt bei maximaler Bewegungsfreiheit garantiert. See the seller's listing for full details. Get the item you ordered or get your money back. Something went wrong. Geben Sie mglichst einen allgemeinen Suchbegriff ein, wie z.B. 2022 Spearpoint Online. lasticit globale pour plus de mobilit et de confort. Vous pouvez galement nous faire part de votre satisfaction ou insatisfaction via le formulaire de contact de notre site web. Designed for use withCrye's removableAIRFLEX IMPACT ELBOW PADS(sold separately). DESCRIPTION The G4 Female Field Pant features innovative, custom stretchVTX RIPSTOPfabric. Delivery times may vary, especially during peak periods. Soyez le premier laisser votre avis sur Crye Precision Chemise Combat G4, Ops-Core Velcro de Remplacement Extrieur (KIT A), Crye Precision Genouillres Combat AirFlex. Vous pouvez soit accepter tous les cookies (notre recommandation), soit uniquement les cookies essentiels. Torso constructed with lightweight, high performance, flame-resistant jersey fabric. Lead time will be subject to Crye's stockholdings at time of order.DESCRIPTION, Crye'sFR Combat Apparel features theirinnovative High Strength Commando Twill fabric in the sleeves. Seller collects sales tax for items shipped to the following states: * Tax applies to subtotal + shipping & handling for these states only, After receiving the item, contact seller within, - eBay Return policy - opens in a new tab or window, - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new tab or window. Zip collar for easy donning/doffing. Crye Precision G4 Combat Shirt - Multicam - XL Long, {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. Triple Aught Design | Primer Cotton Henley. All Rights Reserved. Invistas T420 high tenacity nylon fiber makes it lighter and stronger in the sleeves. Nous nous efforons constamment d'avoir en stock les quipements les plus importants de la gamme Crye Precision. Select PayPal Credit at checkout to have the option to pay over time. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Located in: Haysville, Kansas, United States, *No Interest if paid in full in 6 months on $99+. Wash/Laundering Instructions: Remove items from the pockets and all patches along with any excess dirt or mud from the garment. Don't miss our exclusive offers and our promotions! Made in the US from US materials. Attention: En raison des diffrentes dispositions lgales, notre assortiment n'est pas le mme dans tous les pays. Visit our Privacy Policy to learn more. Ils intgrent plusieurs technologies spcifiques la marque Crye Precision. Notify me when this product is available: Please note that Special Order items are not ordinarily kept on hand and will need to beorderedin from Crye Precision in the US. >>Voir les 173 produits de Crye Precision. Designed and developed by industry professionals for industry professionals. Conu pour tre utilis avec les coudires amovibles AirFlex Impact (vendues sparment). Poches intrieures pour coudires. Hand or machine wash cold using mild detergents. Trusted seller, fast shipping, and easy returns. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the balance is not paid in full within 6 months. Renforts sous les bras conus pour une mobilit accrue. Attention : dernires pices disponibles ! Your browser's Javascript functionality is turned off. Meinungen. Nous utilisons des cookiessur cesiteinternet. Attention: En raison des diffrentes dispositions lgales, notre assortiment n'est pas le mme dans tous les pays. Nos bureaux sont ouverts de 9h 12h et de 14h 17h. Hello! include seller's handling time, origin ZIP Code, destination ZIP Code and time of acceptance and will depend on shipping service selected and receipt of cleared payment. Les vtements de combat Crye Precision ont t conus spcifiquement pour une utilisation dans des environnements oprationnels extrmes. La quantit minimale de commande d'achat pour le produit est 1. Set in shoulder pocket with internal expansion, set in loop, Underarm panels shaped for enhanced mobility, Internal elbow pad pocket, darted for shaping, Flatlock seam at front and back of side panel. Constructed with inherently FR fibers, it is incredibly light yet strong. Nous utilisons des cookies pour amliorer votre exprience sur notre site web. DRIFIRE WELCOMES WILD THINGS TO THE FAMILY! We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. Subject to credit approval. Qualifying purchases could enjoy No Interest if paid in full in 6 months on purchases of $99 or more. FASTER Systems provides Court Accounting, Estate Tax and Gift Tax Software and Preparation Services to help todays trust and estate professional meet their compliance requirements. Nous utilisons un outil de modration et que les avis client seront modrs. Will usually ship within 1 business day of receiving cleared payment. Disponible en 3 longueurs (courte, normale et longue) de la taille XS XXXL. Previous. Designed for use with all removable Crye Precision AIRFLEX ELBOW PADS (sold separately). Designed by Out of the Sandbox. Nous nous efforons constamment d'avoir en stock les quipements les plus importants de la gamme Crye Precision. 2022 TMH Trading GmbH / All rights reserved. READ MORE HERE., Kostenloser Versand ab 99 innerhalb Deutschlands. Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, US. FASTER ASP Software is ourcloud hosted, fully integrated software for court accounting, estate tax and gift tax return preparation. Inscrivez-vous pour recevoir les dernires nouvelles et mises jour directement dans votre bote de rception, Si vous payez votre commande en plusieurs fois, vous acceptez les, Pr-commande / Expdi habituellement sous 7 10 jours, Bien entendu, c'est vous qui dcidez. 49000 ECOUFLANT Parc dactivits de Beuzon Torso constructed with lightweight, high performance, flame- resistant jersey fabric. Conu pour tre utilis avec les coudires Crye Precision Airflex Impact Elbow Pad (vendues sparment). Copyright 2020 US Patriot Tactical, All Rights reserved, For A Limited Time, Take $25 Off of Orders $129+ with Coupon Code 'JULY25' Valid Online Only July 16-31,, New lightweight, highly durable VTX RIPSTOP stretch fabric, Overall stretch for increased mobility & comfort, Set in shoulder pockets with internal expansion, set in loop, low profile pen pockets, zippered welts, Underarm panels shaped for enhanced mobility. Certains sont essentiels (par exemple pour le panier d'achat), tandis que d'autres servent des fins de marketing et d'analyse. Please turn it on so that you can experience the full capabilities of this site. Learn more about earning points with eBay Mastercard. The Crye Precision GB4 Combat Shirt is designed to be worn under body armor, the integrated stretch allows for a slimmer cut with maximum mobility. The PayPal Credit account is issued by Synchrony Bank. ist bewertet mit La chemise de combat Crye Precision est un vtement professionnel prvu pour tre port sous le gilet balistique. Ourlet plus long dans le dos. Designed in partnership with Crye Precision for superior fit, Pair with the DRIFIRE/Crye Precision Combat Pant for entire ensemble, DRIFIRE FORTREX lightweight, durable, and FR woven fabric, Inherent and permanent flame resistance, moisture management, and odor control, Capillary action, and multi-directional wicking for quick dry rates, Cool, breathable FR fabric minimizes heat build up, Comfort placket behind 1/4 length front zipper, Double later bicep pocket with eye-pro holder and pen pockets, Streamlined elbow pad configuration designed for use with removable AIRFLEX elbow pads (sold separately), Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. Crye Precision Multicam Regular Size Hunting & Tactical Clothing, Crye Precision Hunting & Tactical Clothing, No Interest if paid in full in 6 mo on $99+. Tout propos raciste o Politique seront supprims. Crye Precision est galement l'inventeur du modle de camouflage Multicam. Les poches zippes aux paules sont discrtes et conues pour rduire lencombrement tout en laissant de la place pour tout lquipement essentiel. DO NOT use chlorine bleach or detergents containing bleach. |, - for PayPal Credit, opens in a new window or tab. Zip collar for easy donning/doffing. Triple Aught Design | Misty Mountain Cadillac Tactical Crye Precision | AirFlex Combat Knee Pads, Crye Precision | Jumpable Plate Carrier (JPC), Overall stretch for increased mobility & comfort, Set in shoulder pocketswith internal expansion, set in loop, low profile pen pockets, zippered welts, Underarm panels shaped for enhanced mobility. Ils fabriquent des quipements oprationnels sans compromis et d'excellente qualit. Vous devez tre connect pour publier un avis. Torse en matire anti-flammes. MwSt. Ils fabriquent des quipements oprationnels sans compromis et d'excellente qualit. FEATURES New lightweight, highly durable VTX RIPSTOP stretch fabric Overall stretch for increased mobility & comfort Set in shoulder pockets with internal expansion, set in loop, low profile pen pockets, zippered welts VELCRO tab closure at cuff Mid height zip collar Underarm panels shaped for enhanced mobility Internal elbow pad pockets Sleeves shaped for enhanced mobility Flatlocked seams for comfort Shaped hem, longer in the back, Decrease quantity for Crye Precision GB4 combat shirt multicam, Increase quantity for Crye Precision GB4 combat shirt multicam. Wir freuen uns ber Ihre konstruktiven Anregungen! En naviguant sur ce site, vous acceptez que nous utilisions des cookies. if you receive an item that is not as described in the listing. View cart for details. 4.95 Das G4 Combat Shirt wird aus innovativem VTX RIPSTOP-Stretchmaterial in Verbindung mit flammhemmendem Jerseygewebe gefertigt. The item you've selected was not added to your cart. Flame tested on NC States Pyroman (in accordance with ASTM F1930) for an optimized thermal protection level. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Please click Accept Cookies to continue to use the site. Tout est fabriqu en Amrique partir de matriaux amricains. Fermeture par languette VELCRO au poignet. WWW.LWPATENTS.COM, Next DO NOT wring or twist the garment. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Das G4 Combat Shirt verfgt ber einen Kragen mit Reiverschluss fr schnelles und bequemes An- und Ablegen, volle Kompatibilitt mit allen Crye Elbow Pads (separat erhltlich) und wird vollstndig in den USA aus US-Materialien gefertigt. Line dry. FRANCE. Earn up to 5x points when you use your eBay Mastercard. Die Oberarmtaschen sind absolut flach und so konzipiert, dass sie das Volumen reduzieren und gleichzeitig Platz fr alle wichtigen Ausrstungsgegenstnde bieten. Poche externe avec zip au niveau du biceps. Crye Precision est apprci par de nombreux soldats d'lite dans le monde entier et est sans doute l'une des marques amricaines les plus connues pour les vtements militaires oprationnels. wenige lagernd (International: +5 Werktage). - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new window or tab. >>Voir les 173 produits de Crye Precision. Nous utilisons des cookiessur cesiteinternet. If contaminants cannot be removed after laundering, it is best to discontinue use of garment. Conu pour tre port sous le gilet pare-balles, llasticit intgre permet une coupe plus mince avec une mobilit maximale. Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. No Interest if paid in full in 6 months on $99+. Nos entrepts sont ferms du 28.07.22 aux 22.08.22 pour les vacances estivales, toutes les commandes passes durant cette priode seront trait partir du 23.08.22. Veuillez vous connecter ou crer un compte. THE G4 COMBAT UNIFORM from Crye Precision on Vimeo. Das neue Crye Precision G4 Combat Shirt ist die nchste Generation berlegener Hochleistungs-Einsatzhemden. Oprationnel du lundi au vendredi de 9h00 19h00(Hors jours fris). All rights reserved. Merci de renseigner les informations concernant les variantes lies au produit demand (tailles, couleurs, armeetc) ou toute information complmentaire votre demande dans le champsuivant: Fait en tissu riptsop VTX et en fibres de nylon Invista T420 solides et lgres. VTX RIPSTOP basiert auf Invistas hochfester T420 Nylonfaser und ist deutlich leichter und leistungsstrker als herkmmliches 50/50 NYCO Mil-Spec Ripstop. 2018 OUTPOST-SHOP.COM. Designed to be worn under body armor, the integrated stretch allows for a slimmer cut with maximum mobility. Vous pouvez soit accepter tous les cookies (notre recommandation), soit uniquement les cookies essentiels. Coutures plates pour plus de confort. Torse en jersey lger, haute performance et ignifuge. Designed to be worn under body armor. XL Long (See description for measurements), Barbados, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Guadeloupe, Libya, Martinique, New Caledonia, Reunion, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Venezuela, Expedited Shipping (USPS Priority Mail Express. Es sind noch keine Actionshots vorhanden. Made in Europe specifically for NATO forces. Wash according to the instructions aboveto remove any contaminants in order to maintain fabric performance when garment becomes soiled with dirt, greases, oils, etc. Crye Precision est apprci par de nombreux soldats d'lite dans le monde entier et est sans doute l'une des marques amricaines les plus connues pour les vtements militaires oprationnels. DO NOT iron, dry clean, starch, or commercially hot press. Subscribe to our newsletter and always be the first to hear about what is happening. Ventilation en filet sous les poches pour un maximum de ventilation. Ecommerce Software by Shopify. Please note that Special Order items are not ordinarily kept on hand and will need to beorderedin from Crye Precision in the US. Il se peut donc que des produits soient masqus ou supprims du panier. US Patriot Tactical, veteran owned and managed military and law enforcement supplier, is the nation's largest off-post retailer of military and tactical goods, with over 70 retail locations worldwide. von 5 "Alpha Jacket". Invistas T420 high tenacity nylon fiber makes it lighter and stronger in the sleeves. Crye G4 Female Fit Combat Pant [SPECIAL ORDER], Crye G4 Female Fit Combat Shirt [SPECIAL ORDER], Crye G4 Female Fit Field Pants [SPECIAL ORDER], Innovative and lightweight High Strength Commando Twill fabric. Aufgrund unseres Lagerumzuges und Urlaubsphase kann es derzeit zu lngeren Versandzeiten kommen. READ THE GARMENT LABEL AND LAUNDER PER INSTRUCTIONS ON GARMENT LABEL. Sternen basierend auf Minimum monthly payments are required. zzgl. MultiCam, MultiCam Black, MultiCam Tropic, MultiCam Arid, X-Small Regular, Small Short, Small Regular, Small Long, Medium Short, Medium Regular, Medium Long, Large Short, Large Regular, Large Long, X-Large Regular. La fibre de nylon haute tnacit T420 dInvista le rend plus lger et plus rsistant dans les manches. Zippered shoulder pockets are low profile and engineered to reduce bulk while still allowing room for all essential gear. FASTER Accounting Services provides court accounting preparation services and estate tax preparation services to law firms, accounting firms, trust companies and banks on a fee for service basis. Alle Preisangaben inkl. Lead time will be subject to Crye's stockholdings at time of order. Good news we ship to your country. DO NOT use fabric softeners. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Schreiben Sie uns, was Ihnen am neuen tacwrk-Onlineshop gefllt oder wo wir noch besser werden knnen. Crye Precision est galement l'inventeur du modle de camouflage Multicam. 1 route de la Confluence Torso constructed with lightweight, high performance, flame-resistant jersey fabric. Si vous dsirez des informations sur un produit (caractristiques, prix, accessoiresetc) prcisez nous sa rfrence pour que nous puissions vous rpondre rapidement. Constructed with Invistas T420 high tenacity nylon fiber to be light yet strong. Verpasse keine Top-Angebote, Sales & Neuheiten mehr! 2022 DRIFIRE is a National Safety Apparel Brand. Fiduciary Accounting Software and Services. Certains sont essentiels (par exemple pour le panier d'achat), tandis que d'autres servent des fins de marketing et d'analyse. Vous pouvez, Prvenez-moi lorsque le produit est disponible, conditions particulires Alma pour les clients de Ms Distribution SAS, Prometheus Design Werx | SPD Rashguard LS, Prometheus Design Werx | DRB Woodsman Werx Shirt, Triple Aught Design | Tradecraft Ventile Shirt, Triple Aught Design | Huntsman Short Sleeve Henley, Prometheus Design Werx | DRB Woodsman Shirt - Black Solid. Wir bitten um Euer Verstndnis! Il se peut donc que des produits soient masqus ou supprims du panier. Versand** UVP = unverbindliche Preisempfehlung des Herstellers, * ehemaliger Verkaufspreis von TACWRK. Tout est fabriqu en Amrique partir de matriaux amricains. By continuing to use our site, you agree to ourPrivacy Policy and to our use of cookies. Other offers may also be available. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Crye Precisions next generation of GB4 Combat Apparel features innovative, custom stretch VTX RIPSTOP fabric. Zippered shoulder pockets are low profile and engineered to reduce bulk while still allowing room for all essential gear. The cookie settings on this website are set to 'allow all cookies' to give you the very best experience. 2022 TMH Trading GmbH / All rights reserved. Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item is handmade or was packaged by the manufacturer in non-retail packaging, such as an unprinted box or plastic bag. Col zipp pour un enfilage / retrait facile.
