The material will focus on the concepts of world-class manufacturing including continuous improvement, synchronous manufacturing, and just-in-time production. mehmet gumus desautels mcgill These costs will depend on your research topic and training needs, but may include: 3 years full-time; 6 years part-time. Bachelors degree with a minimum CGPA of at least 3.3/4.0. It presents a thorough understanding of strategic and operational activities that relate to the creation of goods and services through the transformation of inputs to outputs.
If your country is not listed, you need to contact us and find out the qualification level you should have for this course. We have a special scheme to employ students on campus, wherever possible. You can choose to study for a PhD or an MPhil. This course is designed for students who intend to conduct doctoral level research. The Program of Innovation Management at the College of Graduate Studies, Arabian Gulf University (AGU), aspires to be the regional academic reference program in providing PhD level training in Innovation for Leadership. - participant costs Students will engage in case studies, through which they will learn how and why risk management is a primary strategy for sustainability and success. Youre normally expected to have theequivalent of a UK Masters degree. You cannot combine scores from more than one sitting of the test. Combine an international MBA with a deep dive into management science. This group also initiatedand now runstheMIT Entrepreneurship Center. Emphasis is on practical application and personal development. Grade B or above in English as a Second Language. ITMIM 734 Intellectual Property for Innovation (3 credit hours). 3,000 scholarships available to environmental influencers bringing about real-world behaviour change. mezzanine finance instruments, call/put options, drag/tag along agreements, lock-in agreements). Models and theories of leadership will be presented and assessed. Singapore/Cambridge GCE O-level in English: grades 1-6. A 4-year Bachelor degree with GPA of at least 3.2/4.0. **Students select one pair of research methods and directed research courses based on their own research proposal. This course will allow students to deal with various concrete aspects of the innovation process. The University of Liverpool Management School is a world leading centre for education, management and leadership training, and research. Building capacity in innovation for the GCC region by providing high level doctorate training across all fields where innovation can provide economic and social added value. This course includes a Work-Integrated Learning Experience, in which students knowledge and skills will be applied and assessed in a real or simulated workplace context and where feedback from industry and/or community is integral to students experience. burkhart Get the latest ideas from MIT Sloan here. If awarded before 1993: grades 1-6 in English language. Masters degree witha minimum of1.75/5.0 (where 1 is the highest) or 3.5/4.0. The objective of the course is for students to learn about advanced methods for dealing with a production environment. The course will provide the student with knowledge and experience in research, negotiating with project stakeholders, planning, and monitoring, controlling and delivering successful project outcomes. If taken from 2009 onwards: grade C or above in English Language. Bachelors degree or Ptychion with a minimum final mark of at least 6.5.
ITMIM 7313 Change Management (3 credit hours). The course provides the fundamental concepts and theories of social innovation, including the domain of innovation in a globalized economy.
Evaluate theories of ethics and risk management in computers and emerging technologies. The course will develop the capacity of students to use various tools for foresight. A 4-year Bachelor degree with GPA of at least 3.0/4.0. The Centre for Change, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (CENTRIM) is a Centre for Research and Enterprise Excellence within the Brighton Business School. Cash scholarships available for students who have demonstrated sporting excellence. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to identify various types of risks, perform quantitative risk analysis using risk measurement techniques, and use techniques to manage risk in a holistic and integrated manner. The course will use a blend of teaching approaches ranging from formal lecturing and interactive debates, to case studies and personal research. Do you want hassle-free information and advice? 4,596 per year for full-time students, International students:
Normal time to completion for this program is 83 months. It captures the linkages between corporate and community-based innovation, and the enabling environment for socio-technological innovation. The Department of Management in the Sheffield Business School (SBS) translates research activity into high quality and accessible outputs that inform policy and practice and which enrich our education programmes. Contact our admissions team and we will assess your qualification on an individual basis.
2 years full-time; 4 years part-time.
The course uses various teaching formats including discussion forums, pointers to readings and resources and group problem analysis. ITMIM 731 Innovation Strategy and New Business Model. Through case studies, the course will highlight how institutional IP policy, IP strategies and good licensing practices can create competitive edge and sustainable returns. The teaching methodology for the course is based on analytical research, critical thinking, comparative analysis and benchmarking within countries. Find out how to write a research proposal. Licenciado with aminimum final mark of at least 4.5-5.0/7 depending on your university. An in-depth knowledge of innovations nuts and bolts (theories, methodologies, hard and soft tools). Overseas fees are subject to an annual Note that qualifications obtained by distance learning or awarded by studying outside these countries cannot be accepted for English language purposes. Brighton, If you are applying for a PhD on a self-funding basis, youll need to write a research proposal. You'll receive details of how to claim this additional funding. Grade C or above in English as a First Language (Grade 4 or above in GCSE from 2017). A minimum of 48 credit hours of graduate instructions must be completed through NCU, GPA of 3.0 (letter grade of B) or higher, Satisfactory completion of the PhD-TIM Portfolio, University approval of Dissertation Manuscript and Oral Defense completed, Submission of approved final dissertation manuscript to the University Registrar, including the original unbound manuscript and an electronic copy, Official transcripts on file for all transfer credit hours accepted by the University, All financial obligations to the University paid in full. ITMIM 7310 Innovation Adoption (3 credit hours). American Student Loans and Federal Student Aid, Find out tips for budgeting as a student here. The course will then present the processes of moving discoveries to the market from the invention disclosure phase, through the intellectual property protection, promotion and commercialization phases to the process of licensing and business planning. In this course, the knowledge life cycle is presented in a way to show how it ensures sustainable added value to an organization. Bring a business perspective to your technical and quantitative expertise with a bachelors degree in management, business analytics, or finance. This course examines advanced and emerging topics in technology and innovation management. Bachelors degree from a university with a minimum overall grade of at least 70%. Sussex uses the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities to determine offer levels. Students will study research and theories in leadership, risk, and management of multiple projects.
Bachelors degree with a minimum CGPA of at least 2.8/4.0 or 75%. Upon successful completion of this work-integrated learning (WIL) course, students will be able to: Understand various organizational structures and explore issues related to organizational change, and to apply team work to plan a project. The School of Management is one of the UK's leading business schools. This course will emphasize how to deal with uncertainty and risks in a dynamic and competitive marketplace. The impact of e-business on market configuration, industries and network relationships and the strategies for e-business innovation are also studied from a research perspective. The past few years have witnessed the rapid rise of a new type of information technology, commonly known as Web 2.0 or social media and typified by such sites as Facebook, Wikipedia, and Twitter, These new tools both present immense opportunities and pose considerable threats for businesses of all kinds companies. Contribute to the body of theory and practice in technology and innovation management. Bachelors with a minimum final mark of at least 7/10. The students will discuss the methodology of corporate evaluation such as net present value (NPV) and discounted cash- flow (DCF) and their role in venture capital, private equity, mergers and acquisitions and Initial Public Offering (IPO). Upon completion of the course, it is expected that the student will be able to: use a new approaches for managing change; identify the different drivers for change and strategies to cope with change; develop and evaluate management strategies and describe the major roles and responsibilities of senior management in managing change. estanislao jesus iese This course covers the concept of foresight studies and highlights its applications and use in a variety of professional domains (scientific, technological, environmental, economic, political, and societal) on a variety of scales (personal, organizational, societal, global, and universal). Through the study of real cases, the course will show how big data and big data analysis can be leveraged to stimulate the innovation process. The role of the different stakeholders will be presented and the multidisciplinary nature of technology transfer will be discussed. ITMIM 739 Advanced Risk Management (3 credit hours). Please enable Javascript for full functionality. on a separate version of this degree which does not include the possibility of distance learning which is Get the latest ideas from MIT Sloan here. The purpose of the course is to improve students' abilities to analyze, prepare for, and practice win-lose, win-win, dialogic, and third party negotiating methods as appropriate. The course materials emphasize analytic tools and quantitative approaches that are useful in the design and operation of logistics systems and integrated supply chains. The course will also provide students with the ability to read the literature in innovation-related scientific articles and critically evaluate the study design and the data analysis. For 40 years, MIT Sloan faculty and their graduate students have distinguished themselves with the breadth and depth of their managerial research and curriculum on all aspects of the management of research, development, technology-based innovation, and technological entrepreneurship. Visit campus and chat to staff and students.Book your place, +44 (0)1273, Find out about theUniversity of Sussex Business School, +44 (0)1273 877773 This course will introduce students to real case studies and methods for foresight. The qualification must be jointly awarded by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES). +44 (0)1273 606755 internationalization, franchise agreements) and exit strategies (e.g. This involves developing and delivering tools to improve the management of innovation within organisations and between organisations and their suppliers and customers. ITMIM 7326 Digital Marketing and Commerce ( 3 credit hours), This course provides a framework for students to analyze the drivers and enablers for Digital Marketing and Commerce. Bachelors degree with a minimum CGPA of at least 3.0/4.5 or 2.8/4.3 or B. Licenciado with a minimum final mark of at least 2/4 or 6/10. The course provides exposure to research design and methodologies in Management and, Technology and Management with particular emphasis on examples from innovation. Topics include identifying customer needs, design thinking approach, front-end innovation, conceptual design, risk assessment and development. Sussex House, PhDs in Hospitality, Tourism, Events, Food & Nutrition. Youll graduate with the degree title Master of Philosophy.
Students who do not complete their program in accordance with these policies may be dismissed. Licenciado with a minimum final mark of at least 7/10. trade sale, IPO). The main pillar of equity and debt financing is a comprehensive and consistent business plan and accordingly, based on case studies, the students will develop fully fledged business plans/ Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) on specific projects in team work. Lisans Diplomasi with a minimum CGPA of at least 2.6 - 2.8/4.0 or equivalent depending on your university. If you're self funded, or if your scholarship doesnt cover these costs, check with the Research and Enterprise Co-ordinator in your School for details of School or Doctoral School funding that may be available. Time to completion varies depending upon the pace in which a student completes courses and the number of transfer credits accepted. freemium strategy). The PhD in Technology and Innovation Management requires the following courses for every specialization: This specializationprepares students with the knowledge needed to contribute to innovation in the conception, planning, implementation, and deployment of a variety of information technology-related projects. Grades A1-C6 (1-6) in English language whenawarded by the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) or the National Examinations Council (NECO). Bachelors degree with a minimum C/GPA of at least 3.0/4.0 or equivalent. Teaching methods used are role-playing, discussion of readings, discussion with practitioners, original student projects, and discussion of current events. Bachelors degree from an 'A' accredited university with a minimum CGPA of 2.8/4.0. Indeed, after significantly changing the management of private companies, ICT is now creating important modifications in the management of all the management processes. *Those whose writing skills need additional practice, as determined by three or more items scored as needs improvement, will be required to take TIM -7200.
Licence with mention bien or Matrise with a minimum final mark of at least 12. This course will cover concepts of and approaches to risk management and the process of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks. We would normally expect the CAE test to have been taken within two years before the start of your course. The course will use various teaching techniques ranging from lectures and workshops in Knowledge Management technologies, to case studies discussions, and a hands-on development project of a KM solution for an organization. This course introduces the process and context of innovation policy, political context, stakeholder analysis, and the role of leadership in innovation. Experience Sussex life in our virtual tour.
It will include lectures, discussions, case studies and reviews of research papers in change management. For details about part-time study, contact us at The course is structured around case studies and critical inquiry from global and regional contexts. The E-Center, with its extensive multi-disciplinary curriculum and its wide-ranging program of student activities, also sponsors the nation's premier business plan competition, theMIT $100K. A special opportunity for partner and affiliate schools only. Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management. This course presents the basic guidelines of scientific writing skills and then trains the student in how to apply these guidelines to writing research papers, reviewing articles, and writing grant proposals, research statements, and rsums and preparing academic presentations and posters. The students will learn about various economic options and legal instruments to conclude an investor agreement (e.g.
Team dynamics, personal, communication and leadership styles are integral to this course. You cannot combine scores from more than one sitting of the test. kasia These activities lead smoothly into the writing and oral presentation of the dissertation. Brunei/Cambridge GCE O-level in English: grades 1-6. The course may be offered as an independent study course to suit the academic needs of a student based on a supervisors recommendation. Bakalavr or Specialist Diploma with a minimum average mark of at least 4. Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management (TIES) embraces two areas: the organization, development, and commercialization of technology-based innovation in existing firms; and the formation, development, and growth of technology-based new enterprises. Furthermore, this course covers the principles of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) on national and international levels (WIPO) and will teach the importance of IPR to secure the commercial success of intellectual property, to attract investors and to serve as collateral for debt financing. Check your IELTS qualification meets all of our language requirementsandfind out more about IELTS. Bachelors degree with a minimum overall mark of 3.75 or better (on a scale of 1-5)/CGPA 2,67. The program learning outcomes for the Doctor of Philosophy in Technology and Innovation Management degree: Admission to the Doctor of Philosophy in Technology and Innovation program requires a masters degree from a regionally or nationally accredited academic institution. This course will expose students to topics related to the design and management of supply chains, from incoming raw materials to final product delivery. Accelerated MS in Organizational Leadership, Mission, Vision, Values, & Strategic Plan, Center for the Advancement of Virtual Organizations, Print Degree Planner (opens a new window), TIM-7001 - Changing Times: Leading Technology & Innovation in the 21st Century, TIM-7200 - Scholarly Communication for Technology Leaders, TIM-7010 - Computer Networks & Mobile Computing, TIM-7020 - Databases & Business Intelligence, TIM-7030 - Managing Risk, Security, & Privacy in Information Systems, TIM-7100 - Statistics with Technology Applications, TIM-7210 - Introduction to Research Design & Methodology for Technology Leaders, TIM -7220 Quantitative Research Design & Methodology for Technology Leaders, TIM -7230 Qualitative Research Design & Methodology for Technology Leaders, TIM -7240 Constructive Research Design & Methodology for Technology Leaders, DIS-9901A - Components of the Dissertation, DIS-9903A - Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Data Collection, DIS-9904A - The Dissertation Manuscript and Defense, TIM-8630 - Managing Risk in Project Management, TIM-8610 - Leadership in Project Management, TIM-8620 - Project Management Systems & Technology, TIM-8640 - Program & Portfolio Management, Acalog Academic Catalog Management System (ACMS), Developknowledge in technology and innovation based on a synthesis of current theories. (Advert Reference: SF21/BL/MOS/SA), Decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) supply chains: Investigating the impact of distributed ledger technologies: An innovation assimilation perspective, Weekly advice, student stories and study fairs. ITMIM 703 Scientific Writing & Communication. A doctoral candidate must be continuously enrolled throughout the series of dissertation courses. Funding opportunities for September 2022 entry. This includes the models of decision making, decision making under uncertainty and the value of information. It presents and explains the concepts used in innovation management. The course examines how social media is affecting the social landscape and potential business strategies that are enabled by these tools. Earn your masters degree in engineering and management. A doctoral program that produces outstanding scholars who are leading in their fields of research. To develop applied research in innovation and contribute in generating innovative solutions to GCC countries actual problems. Bachelors degree with a minimum overall CPGA of at least 2.8 (on a scale of 4).
University of Bradford. ITMIM 7311 Marketing of Innovation: (3 credit hours). Falmer Smart. The course will discuss the specific needs of specific types of markets such as the internet economy, B2B-, or B2Cbusiness and will include how to deal with governments, semi-governmental agencies and regulators. ITMIM 7319 Globalization and Sustainability (3 credit hours)., General enquiries: In the PhD program in Technology and Innovation Management, student scholar-practitioners will learn how to become such leaders and be champions for new technologies and positive change in public and private organizations. On top of your PhD fees and living costs, you may also need to cover some research and training costs, relevant to your research project. ITMIM 732 Innovation Policy and Effective Leadership for the 21st Century. ITMIM 7312 E-Business Strategies (3 credit hours). Our site uses cookies. The other module provides an introduction to management viewed through the lens of technology. The course will provide insights into how corporations are competing to be more global through green business, CSR, mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances, outsourcing and networks. To support our mission, NCU now offers a dissertation completion pathway for students who have successfully completed their doctoral coursework and achieved doctoral candidacy at a previous institution but were unable to complete their dissertation. Case studies on global and regional innovation policy will be reviewed. Bachelors degree with a minimum overall mark of at least 70% - 80% depending on your university. Also, the course covers fundamental issues in new strategy, business models and the link with innovation, the design or architecture of value creation, delivery, and capture mechanisms. It presents models of innovation as well as background and history of innovation theory and covers Science, Technology, and, ITMIM 706 Transfer of Technology Processes. Through intellectual rigor and experiential learning, this full-time, two-year MBA program develops leaders who make a difference in the world. All rights reserved. Choose to start in September 2022, January 2023 or May 2023. This course will tackle the evolution of the technology transfer concept from the original crossing of national boundaries concept to the flow of ideas and knowledge between the technology providers and the innovators within the same economy. Log in. 18,975 per year for full-time students, Home PhD student fees are set at the level recommended by United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI) annually, rising in line with inflation. The necessary changes caused by global risks sources (e.g., persistent, and emerging risks to human health, food waste and security, rising unemployment. See: 4,596 per year for full-time students, Channel Islands and Isle of Man students: Licence or Diplme with a minimum 4.5/6 or 7/10. Licenciado/Titulo with a minimum final mark of at least 6.0-7.0 depending on your university. This course covers Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) policy and strategy. The capacity to use innovative approaches in solving complex problems and developing corporate and public institutional strategies in a variety of specializations and particularly those most relevant to the GCC region. - travel (to archives, collections or scientific facilities) You can contact admissions by email by calling+44 (0)1273 876787. The subject groups of Hospitality, Tourism, Events, Food & Nutrition are in the Department of Service Sector Management in the Sheffield Business School (SBS). The course on Scientific Writing and Communication covers all types of scientific communication from how to write papers and proposals, to how to prepare presentations and deliver talks, and any other issue that the students need to successfully carry out their research and enlarge their scientific background such as data mining and literature survey using computers. Ifawarded between 1993 and 2005: grades A-D in English language. It covers the network and security infrastructure required for business to flourish on the web.
Check your TOEFL (iBT) qualification meets all of our language requirementsandfind out more about TOEFL (iBT). The course covers fundamental issues in conducting empirical research, with a focus on innovation. Find out more about research at the University of Sussex Business School. Alliance Manchester Business School is committed to recruiting the highest calibre Ph.D. The course will also present how additional strategic value can be achieved through the learning perspective and the adoption of information. If you are anationalof one of the countries below, or if you have recently completed a qualification equivalent to a UK Bachelors degree or higher in one of these countries, you will normally meet our English requirement. We are ranked 1st for Marketing (The Complete University Guide 2022), a position we have held since 2017. By continuing to use our website, you agree to our. You might be able to change to a PhD while you study for an MPhil. The mastering of the tools to measure innovation outcome and defining and implementing the use of KPIs. Focus your research on how individuals, businesses and societies can tap into creative and entrepreneurial flair to develop innovative solutions, in order to not only create economic value, but also solve social and environmental problems. Bachelors (honours) degree with a minimum second-class division 2. ITMIM 7318 Advanced Finance of Innovation (3 credit hours). ITMIM 705 Innovation Theories and Practices, This course is designed to provide insights into traditional as well as modern innovation theory and practices. To produce a generation of young professionals endowed with the skills necessary to develop, lead and spread the culture of innovation throughout the GCC countries in both corporate and public institutions. Masters degree with GPA of 2.0/2.5 or equivalent. Upon completion of this course the students should be able to help clients and employers in all fields in anticipating significant changes and in integrating those changes in the decision-making process to achieve their future goals. Have you got time to answer some quick questions about PhD study? Find out more about careers and employability, Home students: Due to your Facebook privacy settings, we were unable to create your account at this time. To offer students in the GCC countries, from a wide range of specializations, the opportunity to access an international level PhD program in the field of innovation. - open-access publication costs. Find out more about Cambridge English: Proficiency, Higher level (115 overall, with no component score below 100), Check your Duolingo English test qualification meets all of our language requirementsandfind out more information about Duolingo English test, Higher level (62 overall, including at least 59 in all four skills), Check your Pearson (PTE Academic) qualification meets all of our language requirementsandfind out more about Pearson (PTE Academic). Ptychion from an AEI with a minimum final mark of at least 6.5. A joint program for mid-career professionals that integrates engineering and systems thinking. This course will focus on developing the students understanding of technological and market forces underlying the development of innovation and the use of new technologies, specifically information technologies.