really some good info do you have any pics of your own models nimrod ? Never paint lacquer on top of acrylic based paint without 1-2 layers of protective finish. Lacquer paints are the least commonly used due to their difficulty and risk of use. Lacquer paints are hardest of the three main types and also dry the fastest. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Have you ever wondered why different types of paint lead to different results? Where does AK interactives Acrylic Lacquer paint belongs too? Your email address will not be published. Thanks again. And the scratches are just bad after what was thought to be a cured paint. I should have been wearing gloves while handling the parts! Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. For the text sections on the legs, I start as small as possible and slowly copy from my reference to make sure the spacing is even and centred, and only start filling out the characters once the entire design is laid out. Hi guys! Ive just started painting gunpla (graduated from Warhammer 40k) and airbrushing in general. It takes about 20 minutes to dry, but requires a special kind of paint thinner aptly named lacquer thinner to make it even. Hey, just want to thank you for being the inspiration for the shift. bandai does not make gunpla color paints, but GSI Creos, formally Gunze Sangyo does. Discover more about the small businesses partnering with Amazon and Amazons commitment to empowering them. We recommend using the same kind of primer for the same kind of paint.
Example lacquer brands: Mr. Color, Alclad II, Testors. Lacquer thinner is dangerous and should be used only in controlled areas with proper breathing precautions taken. While there are other kinds outside of these four, these are the most common types used today: This is a plastic polymer paint that is the most common of all paint types. I had to re-do part of the 250ml design and noticed a small amount of the gloss varnish get removed, so use this technique sparingly (and practice your freehand on something else before you tackle the real thing!). What happens if the paint clogs my airbrush? The lacquer paint will melt off the acrylic paint and can even damage the plastic underneath. Hi, for some of the gunpla kits I have i might need to brush pain small details with enamel paint, would using a lacquer based clear coat (Gaianotes) damage it? Hello people! Awesome. But we dont think you need to be one to get the most possible enjoyment out of Gunpla building. These days I use mostly Gaianotes for my metallics, with a hint of SMS (an Australian paint brand) for some shiny parts. Maybe I should have waited a day to let things fully dry? It felt like the paint has really been baked into the plastic rather than sitting on top of it, and the colours are so much more vibrant. | All content on this blog, including articles, artworks, screen shots, graphics, logos, and other files, is the property of their respective owners. Have fun browsing my collection! Check out Gunpla Talk Show, builder interviews and Gunpla reviews, streaming every Friday 8:30PM GMT -5. The small flat brush is the one second to the left. SD DIAO CHAN GUNDAM - ROYAL PURPLE CUSTOM, When Im hand-painting fine details I prefer to use my nice, sable brushes (unless using metallic colours) because they hold the best point and make the work easier. And for suits that have strange color schemes that are hard to find in a paint can (Gundam Ez8), I'd recommend airbrushing the suit, hand painting the details, and using Gundam Markers for the panel lines. Im going for a plastic look on like a wooden bench what do i use. Your article inspired me to invest in some Mr Color lacquer paints but I was wondering what exact clear cotes (flat and gloss) you use? For painting the freehand designs, thinning the paint to the same degree as before is required, as well as a very slow and steady hand, and a lot of patience. As a result. Detail Paint Brushes Set 10pcs Miniature Brushes for Fine Detailing & Art Painting - Acrylic, Watercolor,Oil,Models, Warhammer 40k. isopropyl alcohol (95%+), I believe this works but the parts need to soak for a bit Create a free website or blog at Mixing thinners can cause undesired effects. If your airbrush is okay to spray lacquer paint then the thinner shouldnt harm it. As mentioned, these are mainly used when mixing paint in the bottles and transferring the paint to a mixing palette. Ill be painting more Gunpla with acrylics again soon, but with a different technique! Im always thinning my acrylic paint with water to varying degrees by eye-balling the ratio and testing it on my palette. Im looking for cheaper alternatives for lacquer clean-up and saw you used automotive lacquer thinner will Repcos General purpose thinner work for this and be safe for airbrush? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Please be, This was a buddy build with Anubispla. These days I am using a Sparmax booth: . I had to drop about $100 on various Mr Color colours as well as the following: Mr Hobby Levelling Thinner If you click a link, we may make a small commission.
Im here today to give you an inside scoop on the different types you can use for Gunpla, and what works and what doesnt when combining paints. Dont do that! Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Using the links will incur no additional cost, but will provide me with a small commission that helps support Millennial Model Mayhem!). Enamel paints also often recommended for panel washes.
After building your first few Gundam kits, there will come a time when you may feel the need to step up your game. Enamel washes also dont stain the paintwork as bad, and for the first time Im also needing to use Mr Mark Setter as the surfaces are smoother. Jesus M. If mistakes are made, the weaker nature of acrylics thankfully makes it possible to erase markings. DArtisan Shoppes four-piece miniature paint brush set is the best 000 size set for hobbyists looking for specialized fine-tipped tools. Not only that, but right after Id finished, the paint had already dried to a nice hard finish and I was able to handle the parts without leaving any fingerprints. Also planning to get a fume extractor as backup for the oversprays. Price and other details may vary based on product size and color. I recommend using the same brand paint thinner with your paints. Sign up for early Sale access plus tailored new arrivals, trends and promotions. I'd like to say thanks to him for giving me the motivation, This was a quick detox build to help keep me motivated during my GaoGaiGar buddy build with Anubis, This is a 2020 build that I finally managed to go back and take pictures of. How much are the paint brushes? Example of Lacquer paint are Mr.Color and Modo paint. Even though I was regularly washing the Dorito dust off my fingers, and there was a gloss varnish projecting the airbrushed paint, oils from my skin were still transferring to the model. January release: Full Mechanics Mailes Kenbu (First Limited) (Plastic model), January Release: SDW Heroes Ryuson Ryubi Unicorn Gundam (Gundam Model Kits), Creative Burnout and You: Mental Health for the Aspiring Builder, CUSTOM BUILD | REBORNS GUNDAM | HG 1/144 BUILD, MECHARON REVIEWS: RG EVANGELION UNIT-01 DX TRANSPORT PLATFORM SET, The Gunpla Chef Little Plastic Rascals: Animagear Vol. Its used for painting smaller generic details and small areas like hydraulics and pipes. What is your process for stripping the paint if you make an error? Enamel is special also in that a turpenoid-based lighter fluidlike Zippo lighter fluidcan be used to thin it out for use with panel lines and clean up. Then, when Im done painting, I use cheap lacquer thinner to clean all my parts after using them. Here is the gunpla hand painting tutorial that I wrote for fromjapan, I cant post its content on my own site so Ill just put the link here:, Enjoy! If youre talking about armor-on-armor contact, then as a guy whos destroyed many a kit posing painted builds, I can say this is unavoidable regardless of what paint you are using. I should have been wearing gloves while handling the parts! Your email address will not be published. My initial concerns about fumes and cleanup were also allayed pretty quickly. Ill be painting more Gunpla with acrylics again soon, but with a different technique! However, this depends on how many layers have already been applied, and there is still a chance of the layers of stranger paint underneath affected. Always wear a dust mask or a respirator when using this type of paint. Use discount code SAINTISM07 for 7% off your order! If you are airbrushing with multiple paint types, make sure you clean between each color even more thoroughly than normal. This is a very slow drying paint. Mar 29, 2021. Gloss vs flat is a personal choice. Fine Detail Paint Brush Set - 7 Pieces Miniature Brushes for Watercolor, Acrylic Painting, Models, Airplane Kits. As for transitioning, the other challenge I found is stripping paint, and I would make sure you find or have your solution to this ready before you start. My current biggest concern if the fumes will be too nasty as Im spraying in my bedroom.
As a result, mineral spirits are usually used to thin oil paints to make them dry a little more quickly. If youd like to see the entire project from start to finish, as well as some extra-spicy memes, I encourage you to check out my Youtube video: (Disclaimer - Ive included Amazon Affiliate links for some of the products included in this project. In general there are four major types of paints used in all of model painting. Check out my range of Gunpla and Gundam related tees based on my work here! After the orange layer is done, I continue to add thin layers with yellow mixed in, then eventually pure yellow, and white. Hi there, I use both Mr Color Super Clear III UV cut flat (GX113), Mr Color Super Smooth clear flat (GX114) on all my kits. It took a series of botched kits that I built during Autumn, and seeing the paint scratch off the joints on my MG Astray Noir was the straw that broke the camels back for me. Even though I was regularly washing the Dorito dust off my fingers, and there was a gloss varnish projecting the airbrushed paint, oils from my skin were still transferring to the model. on I had to re-do part of the 250ml design and noticed a small amount of the. LoBakGo How can I avoid breaking the plastic? Today Im going to show you how I hand painted my Grimoire Red Beret, over a rattle can primed base. They range from 50php to 200php depending on the size and brand. Hi! However, its good to note that you probably dont need to use a primer when painting grey joint parts using the metallic paints like Gun Metal because metallic paints are easier to adhere to the plastic surface for some reason compared to normal opaque paints. The thinning ratio was different to Mr Hobby acrylics, but I soon found that even if Id overthinned the lacquer paint, it dried so fast that you could get a really build a nice super gloss finish using light coats that would be quite hard with acrylic. I'll be back with more great content for you soon! Other ones Ive heard of are: Of the three its also the most toxic, so make surethat you are in a well-ventilated area as well as using a mask when handling lacquer. Rawr, I handpaint also. I paint in my garage and the room will smell for a bit after a painting session. Other metallics such as Tamiya spraycans / Gaianotes Starbright line / any other metallic paint with larger flakes are pretty durable if sprayed straight onto bare plastic, and I have no real issues with using them on internals. When the paint is wet it will look brighter than the final result, so this stage requires patience as you wait for the paint to dry and add multiple thin glazes to reach a satisfying gradient. As you will risk paint spilling on the rims that can dry up and lock up your bottle. (LogOut/
The decision was made, but my main concerns were mainly with cleanup. Maybe Ill make another painting tutorial when I have the time. A great brand for Gundam model enthusiasts is Tamiya Acrylic Paint, due to the wide selection of colors to choose from. Once dry its extremely hard to remove without damaging the plastic as well. Simply Green (stripping parts) Do not shake your paint bottle, too! There are more metallic colors to choose from like metallic blue, its up to your discretion which combination you would like to use. How much does a tamiya acrylic paint cost? (LogOut/ Painting the glowing effects on the legs, chest, and eyes started with a base layer of white to help keep the colours vibrant. With acrylics I usually just dunk it in alcohol and start over, but I understand lacquer solvents can be harsher on plastic. You can buy them at Lils hobby shop. Also, may I ask what metalics you use (or indeed your experiences with Mr Color lacquer/Aclad II metalics) please? However, there are still a couple of things I could have improved on in this project. When Im hand-painting fine details I prefer to use my nice Winsor and Newton sable brushes (unless using metallic colours) because they hold the best point and make the work easier. Just wondering if Im doing something wrong, because in some ways the acrylic I was using seemed more scratch resistant than the lacquers Ive experimented with. PAINTING GLOW EFFECTS AND FREEHAND ON GUNPLA. get removed, so use this technique sparingly (and practice your freehand on something else before you tackle the real thing!). After all with acrylics, I could easily dunk parts in Windex and start over if needed. Do you have any experience with these? One of the most basic techniques is to paint the joints, hydraulics, pipes and any other parts that should look like metal with Gun Metal, then paint the smaller details using the combination of Gold Leaf, Copper and Flat Aluminum. Unlike acrylic paint, which can be thinned with water, you need to use paint thinner to be thin enamel properly. One of the things that you can do to improve your Gunpla kit is painting. by GSquad Community Blog Or else, you will end up one day needing one of your paints but cant open it anymore because the lid is dried shut. Even then there are still other factors involved, for example, thicker paint has a higher tendency to scratch off than thin coats. I dont have much experience with the Mr Color metallics or Alclad so I cant comment on those.
Just use the paint mixing spoon that is discussed below when mixing paint that has begun to separate. Secondly, I have not used Alclad before so it is tough for me to comment. Instead, I decided to just paint the rough outline of a bull shape in the same orange as the glow effects, then work up the same gradient to the middle of the shape. | Gunpla. Your email address will not be published. The bonus content section for our awesome sauce supporters is on painting and weathering the backpack, available here. brake fluid Hello friends!
Furthermore, the weaker paint means its easier to clean up any mistakes made; and the areas Ill be painting are at low risk of rubbing against other parts. To read the recap of, Lets Play! However, there are still a couple of things I could have improved on in this project. The Sanc Kingdom 5 Kit Review. The problem with nice sable brushes is the hair used is more fragile than cheaper. Dont let the paint dry on your brush, as soon as youre done using the brush, dip it in water and let it sit there for a while for the paint to soften. Hugo F. Fong Y. They are easy to clean, just use some paint thinner and cotton swabs. Acrylic paints tend to be the thinnest of the three, which is great for keeping details but poor for durability. Brandon J. My background is in miniature painting, so I already have a variety of paints designed for miniatures that are relatively affordable and readily available. As with advice on this kind of stuff please test on spare parts first! How to hand brush paint Gunpla on the Red Beret Grimoire with no airbrush! If you must use a different paint type on top of another that can be affected by thinner, be sure to use a protective gloss topcoat before doing your next layer as this will help protect the bottom coat as well as prevent the thinner from damaging the paint job below.