As of 2019, Deworm the World no longer formally provides technical assistance to Ethiopia's deworming program. ", Focus on a program with a strong track record and excellent cost-effectiveness. "Overall, Deworm the World plans to continue to focus on STH rather than, e.g., schistosomiasis, though it will continue to support schistosomiasis treatment in those places where it overlaps with STH, and to coordinate with the Global Schistosomiasis Alliance to adopt complementary strategies. ", Note that it is not actually dangerous to give the deworming pills to sick children; Deworm the World simply prefers not to deworm sick children to avoid causing people to associate the deworming pills with illness: "Deworming pills should not be distributed to sick childrenThis is not because deworming pills could harm sick children. Nigerian Tribune, "Panic in Ogun schools over deworm exercise," December 2017.
Deworm the World notes that there are relevant methodological differences between the prevalence surveys, which makes them difficult to compare;59 The DCs collated information on shortfall or surplus of drugs at district level and shared information with the DtWI state team, who coordinated with SHS to ensured-distribution [sic] or fresh supplies to districts facing drug deficits. In the sections below, we focus on the following questions to understand whether Deworm the Worlds activities are having the intended impact. Sources for the information in the table: "RPs tend to have enough capacity that adding further school health programs would not take away from the work they do for other school-based health programs." Provide coaching, motivation, and inspiration to direct reports and colleagues. We feed this quantitative data back into our decision making processes, allowing us to make evidence-informed decisions in real time.
With whom is the organization sharing feedback?
There is a cap within the National Health Mission budgets on M&E M&E cannot exceed 10% of the overall budget. The potential of these interventions is incredible, with more than 1.8 billion people using contaminated water sources, causing more than 1/3 of all diarrhea deaths globally. These MLE outputs drive the decision-making of program teams and support their operations. See this spreadsheet for more information. We are also actively seeking to build a broader portfolio of safe water interventions. Subsequently, we started to select replacement schools based on proximity to the sampled school that couldn't be monitored to reduce travel time. Key to this interview was to gauge awareness of the upcoming MDA, as well as their sources of information for the MDA. In Kenya, Nigeria, and Vietnam, Deworm the World interviews a sample of all children, regardless of whether they were present on Deworming Day or Mop-up Day or whether they are enrolled or non-enrolled.82. Additionally, Deworm the World noted that the surveys in India are looking at a much larger population than the Miguel and Kremer 2004 and Croke 2014 studies examined and there may be substantial variation in prevalence across a given area. This estimate is very rough and uses the same approach that we use in estimating the total cost per treatment for, We adjust the number of treatments reported by Deworm the World-supported programs by the attendance and coverage rates found in Deworm the World's monitoring. Room for more funding analysis is a key part of our grant investigation process. Unfortunately, the damage to the SBD which coincided with the period had been done." "We train monitors to interview children in private by taking them aside for interviews. We have reviewed data from each of its major programs, which overall indicate strong results.
This organization is required to file an IRS Form 990 or 990-EZ.
SMSs were also used to reinforce precautions on drug administration, such as not giving drugs on an empty stomach, but only after midday meals and not giving drugs to sick children. Inspire, engage with, and update donors, including regular calls and written reports to maintain and build their support. There are many places that need treatment for STH but not schistosomiasis." Note that we make several adjustments to these figures to get our estimate of total cost per treatment (see sheet "Summary" in this spreadsheet). It is expected that a clear articulation of need will be an important factor in building a strong case to the government in favor of deworming programs, and it may be best to wait until the results of the surveys are available in the second quarter of 2016 before beginning discussions with the government on a scaled school-based program.
Delhi 2015: Deworming Day and Mop-up Day (N = 147 schools).
The WHO states that the cost of screening is four to ten times that of the treatment itself. Strong relationships with prospective funders. For example: "As part of their training, school headmasters/teachers were instructed to share information on the deworming program in the morning prayer sessions at their respective schools on a daily basis from October 6, 2013 onwards. GiveWell's understanding is that training cascades involve a series of trainings that start at high levels in the government, and proceed in a step-wise fashion down to local levels, where teachers are eventually trained. Issues at the district, block, and school levels were shared with the state government to ensure that the government was able to take corrective action to address the gaps in real time as necessary. An archived version of the link is here.
Albendazole dosage is the same for all children aged 2 and above; it is only children aged 1-2 that require a different (half) dose. We sat for hours hunched over laptop screens to develop detailed five-year budgets, talking through row after row of spreadsheets and reviewing everything from the cost of fuel for drug transport to the needs of teachers. The prevalences in the table may not be directly comparable to one another. How is your organization collecting feedback from the people you serve? In Kenya, Nigeria, and Pakistan, coverage validation takes place at households as well as schools in order to evaluate coverage for both enrolled and non-enrolled children.75 Our top recommendation to GiveWell donors seeking to do the most good possible is to donate to the Maximum Impact Fund, which we allocate quarterly to the charity with the highest-priority funding gap(s). We get this from treatment forms that schools submit back via the reverse cascade. Together with the Federal Ministry of Health, we were able to think and act boldly. Deworm the World's track record in Kenya and India is strong. In general, mass deworming programs treat everyone in a targeted demographic, regardless of whether each individual is infected (more). At the state level training sessions, training videos on three types of soil transmitted [sic] helminths (ascaris, trichuris and hookworm) and worm infestation cycle were also used. During school-based coverage validation, monitors randomly select a small sample of students to interview, asking the children questions about their experience on Deworming Day, which are largely the same questions as those asked during household interviews.77
DtWI Madhya Pradesh 2015 program report, Pg 16. All of these were adapted and contextualized by Evidence Action.". Deworm the World told us that the cost per treatment in India is unusually low.111 Build, manage and mentor a high performing team. While Evidence Action has strict criteria around cost-effectiveness, evidence and scale which guide our work, the Program Director will have latitude to explore a range of possible interventions, with the aim of scaling additional highly cost-effective interventions that will join DSW and ILC as a portfolio of safe water interventions.
Our understanding is that the most likely cause of this decrease was the national deworming program, which Deworm the World supports; alternative explanations for the decrease, such as the existence of other large-scale deworming programs or widespread changes in water and sanitation facilities or practices, seem to us to be unlikely.
Deworm the World attributes fainting to taking praziquantel on an empty stomach: "We had an instance where as high as 5 pupils from one school were reported to have fainted after taking PZQ in Ogoja LGA.
This is why, in addition to continuing refinement of our Deworm the World and Dispensers for Safe Water programs, we are working through our Accelerator to select, optimize and scale interventions that can measurably improve the lives of millions of people in the worlds poorest places. Help us get you more of the nonprofit information you need, including: An email has been sent to the address you provided. ", "Drug distribution: As per NDD operational guidelines, and established best practice, drug distribution was integrated with the training cascade (as detailed in the training section below), whereby NDD kits were provided to health functionaries at the district level trainings for onward distribution.
or recommend that another fundertypically Open Philanthropy123 At the state level, State Health Society Bihar, in coordination with the Department of Public Relation, Government of Bihar, published newspaper advertisement in four dailies one day prior to deworming and mop up [sic] day, i.e., on 20 and 25 February (Annexure E.2). S/he will have exceptional problem-solving skills and be adept at understanding evidence and cost-effectiveness analyses.
However, this statistic alone is not accounting for the fact that only 86% of children were in attendance on DD or MUD. Note that if the chosen school is closed on the day of the deworming, they are generally instructed to go to an assigned backup school instead. Radio jingles, customized into three local dialects, were aired from 15 to 26 February on the All India Radio to maximize outreach to the community. See this spreadsheet, sheet "[2019] Summary by country," column F. "Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) is pleased to announce the launch of a new organization created with IPAs support and dedicated to taking cost-effective programs to scale to improve the lives of millions in Africa and Asia. and who do the programs serve? Approximately 4,840 successful[13] calls were made from February 1 to 14, including 1,097 calls to schools across 313 blocks and 51 districts, and another 3,586 calls to block and district officials. Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills, and an understanding of evidence and cost effectiveness. J-PAL initiatives concentrate funding and other resources around priority topics for which rigorous policy-relevant research is urgently needed. For areas that have existing LF treatment programs, the effect of Deworm the Worlds support may be to transition an area from once-per-year deworming treatment (for STH) to twice-per-year treatment.62.
Strong alignment with core Evidence Action. Typically, the government must rely on government officers to monitor school health programs. "We help governments design monitoring systems to measure effectiveness in achieving intended program results.
Grace Hollister, email to GiveWell, June 9, 2016, "Note that there are not single deworming days in all countries, nor do all countries have a mop-up day. Based on elevations and other climatic factors, it is estimated that hookworm is a lot more prevalent in the Eastern part of the state. Investigation surrounding the likely cause of their death was conducted at a teaching hospital in a nearby LGA, and it was confirmed that the kids died of food poisoning resulting from consumption of fruits sprayed with herbicides. ", For example, a description of the training cascade in Kenya: "The National School-Based Deworming Programme uses a cascade implementation model that efficiently and cost-effectively delivers training materials, deworming tablets, monitoring forms, funds, trainings other programme materials and resources from the national level to schools. The number of lives significantly improved is a function of a number of difficult-to-estimate factors, which we discuss in detail in a separate report. We believe that there is strong evidence that administration of deworming drugs reduces worm loads but weaker evidence on the causal relationship between reducing worm loads and improved life outcomes; we consider deworming a priority program given the possibility of strong benefits at low cost. In general, we assess top charities' funding needs over a three-year period.117 Rajasthan 2015: "Telephone Monitoring and Cross Verification for Process Monitoring: Evidence Actions tele-callers tracked the status of training sessions and availability of drugs and IEC materials at the district, block, and school/anganwadi levels through approximately 14,485 successful[19] calls.
S/he will bring experience managing and growing at-scale programs, ideally in the WASH sector, including working in close partnership with donors, governments and partner organizations. We have made several adjustments to Deworm the World's estimates: We start with this total cost figure and apply adjustments in our cost-effectiveness analysis to account for cases where we believe the charity's funds have caused other actors to shift funds from a less cost-effective use to a more cost-effective use ("leverage") or from a more cost-effective use to a less cost-effective use ("funging"). On cost-effectiveness grounds we believe that it clearly is, as the cost of treatment is cheaper than individual screening. ", For examples, see this spreadsheet, sheets "Methods (Nigeria 2019 CV)" and "Methods (Pakistan 2019 CV).". Tele-callers made 258 calls to the Department of Health and 7,717 calls to ICDS at district, project, and sector level.
In Kenya, the LF program is housed within the countrys neglected tropical disease (NTD) unit, which has asked Deworm the World if it might support its process monitoring and coverage validation (PMCV) operations for LF. Note: We have not seen this type of monitoring from Jharkhand for 2016, and are uncertain whether Deworm the World did monitoring on Deworming Day or just coverage validation (described below).
Note that we do not feel like we have a strong understanding of Deworm the World's activities in this area; for example, we have not asked Deworm the World what it has brought to the planning, budgeting, or logistics processes that would not have otherwise been included. How has asking for feedback from the people you serve changed your relationship? Oversee early implementation activities, including surveys and pilots, to prove the concept and optimize the model.
Deworm the World notes that there are relevant methodological differences between the prevalence surveys, which makes them difficult to compare;59 The DCs collated information on shortfall or surplus of drugs at district level and shared information with the DtWI state team, who coordinated with SHS to ensured-distribution [sic] or fresh supplies to districts facing drug deficits. In the sections below, we focus on the following questions to understand whether Deworm the Worlds activities are having the intended impact. Sources for the information in the table: "RPs tend to have enough capacity that adding further school health programs would not take away from the work they do for other school-based health programs." Provide coaching, motivation, and inspiration to direct reports and colleagues. We feed this quantitative data back into our decision making processes, allowing us to make evidence-informed decisions in real time.

There is a cap within the National Health Mission budgets on M&E M&E cannot exceed 10% of the overall budget. The potential of these interventions is incredible, with more than 1.8 billion people using contaminated water sources, causing more than 1/3 of all diarrhea deaths globally. These MLE outputs drive the decision-making of program teams and support their operations. See this spreadsheet for more information. We are also actively seeking to build a broader portfolio of safe water interventions. Subsequently, we started to select replacement schools based on proximity to the sampled school that couldn't be monitored to reduce travel time. Key to this interview was to gauge awareness of the upcoming MDA, as well as their sources of information for the MDA. In Kenya, Nigeria, and Vietnam, Deworm the World interviews a sample of all children, regardless of whether they were present on Deworming Day or Mop-up Day or whether they are enrolled or non-enrolled.82. Additionally, Deworm the World noted that the surveys in India are looking at a much larger population than the Miguel and Kremer 2004 and Croke 2014 studies examined and there may be substantial variation in prevalence across a given area. This estimate is very rough and uses the same approach that we use in estimating the total cost per treatment for, We adjust the number of treatments reported by Deworm the World-supported programs by the attendance and coverage rates found in Deworm the World's monitoring. Room for more funding analysis is a key part of our grant investigation process. Unfortunately, the damage to the SBD which coincided with the period had been done." "We train monitors to interview children in private by taking them aside for interviews. We have reviewed data from each of its major programs, which overall indicate strong results.
This organization is required to file an IRS Form 990 or 990-EZ.
SMSs were also used to reinforce precautions on drug administration, such as not giving drugs on an empty stomach, but only after midday meals and not giving drugs to sick children. Inspire, engage with, and update donors, including regular calls and written reports to maintain and build their support. There are many places that need treatment for STH but not schistosomiasis." Note that we make several adjustments to these figures to get our estimate of total cost per treatment (see sheet "Summary" in this spreadsheet). It is expected that a clear articulation of need will be an important factor in building a strong case to the government in favor of deworming programs, and it may be best to wait until the results of the surveys are available in the second quarter of 2016 before beginning discussions with the government on a scaled school-based program.
Delhi 2015: Deworming Day and Mop-up Day (N = 147 schools).
The WHO states that the cost of screening is four to ten times that of the treatment itself. Strong relationships with prospective funders. For example: "As part of their training, school headmasters/teachers were instructed to share information on the deworming program in the morning prayer sessions at their respective schools on a daily basis from October 6, 2013 onwards. GiveWell's understanding is that training cascades involve a series of trainings that start at high levels in the government, and proceed in a step-wise fashion down to local levels, where teachers are eventually trained. Issues at the district, block, and school levels were shared with the state government to ensure that the government was able to take corrective action to address the gaps in real time as necessary. An archived version of the link is here.
Albendazole dosage is the same for all children aged 2 and above; it is only children aged 1-2 that require a different (half) dose. We sat for hours hunched over laptop screens to develop detailed five-year budgets, talking through row after row of spreadsheets and reviewing everything from the cost of fuel for drug transport to the needs of teachers. The prevalences in the table may not be directly comparable to one another. How is your organization collecting feedback from the people you serve? In Kenya, Nigeria, and Pakistan, coverage validation takes place at households as well as schools in order to evaluate coverage for both enrolled and non-enrolled children.75 Our top recommendation to GiveWell donors seeking to do the most good possible is to donate to the Maximum Impact Fund, which we allocate quarterly to the charity with the highest-priority funding gap(s). We get this from treatment forms that schools submit back via the reverse cascade. Together with the Federal Ministry of Health, we were able to think and act boldly. Deworm the World's track record in Kenya and India is strong. In general, mass deworming programs treat everyone in a targeted demographic, regardless of whether each individual is infected (more). At the state level training sessions, training videos on three types of soil transmitted [sic] helminths (ascaris, trichuris and hookworm) and worm infestation cycle were also used. During school-based coverage validation, monitors randomly select a small sample of students to interview, asking the children questions about their experience on Deworming Day, which are largely the same questions as those asked during household interviews.77
DtWI Madhya Pradesh 2015 program report, Pg 16. All of these were adapted and contextualized by Evidence Action.". Deworm the World told us that the cost per treatment in India is unusually low.111 Build, manage and mentor a high performing team. While Evidence Action has strict criteria around cost-effectiveness, evidence and scale which guide our work, the Program Director will have latitude to explore a range of possible interventions, with the aim of scaling additional highly cost-effective interventions that will join DSW and ILC as a portfolio of safe water interventions.
Our understanding is that the most likely cause of this decrease was the national deworming program, which Deworm the World supports; alternative explanations for the decrease, such as the existence of other large-scale deworming programs or widespread changes in water and sanitation facilities or practices, seem to us to be unlikely.
Deworm the World attributes fainting to taking praziquantel on an empty stomach: "We had an instance where as high as 5 pupils from one school were reported to have fainted after taking PZQ in Ogoja LGA.
This is why, in addition to continuing refinement of our Deworm the World and Dispensers for Safe Water programs, we are working through our Accelerator to select, optimize and scale interventions that can measurably improve the lives of millions of people in the worlds poorest places. Help us get you more of the nonprofit information you need, including: An email has been sent to the address you provided. ", "Drug distribution: As per NDD operational guidelines, and established best practice, drug distribution was integrated with the training cascade (as detailed in the training section below), whereby NDD kits were provided to health functionaries at the district level trainings for onward distribution.
or recommend that another fundertypically Open Philanthropy123 At the state level, State Health Society Bihar, in coordination with the Department of Public Relation, Government of Bihar, published newspaper advertisement in four dailies one day prior to deworming and mop up [sic] day, i.e., on 20 and 25 February (Annexure E.2). S/he will have exceptional problem-solving skills and be adept at understanding evidence and cost-effectiveness analyses.
However, this statistic alone is not accounting for the fact that only 86% of children were in attendance on DD or MUD. Note that if the chosen school is closed on the day of the deworming, they are generally instructed to go to an assigned backup school instead. Radio jingles, customized into three local dialects, were aired from 15 to 26 February on the All India Radio to maximize outreach to the community. See this spreadsheet, sheet "[2019] Summary by country," column F. "Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) is pleased to announce the launch of a new organization created with IPAs support and dedicated to taking cost-effective programs to scale to improve the lives of millions in Africa and Asia. and who do the programs serve? Approximately 4,840 successful[13] calls were made from February 1 to 14, including 1,097 calls to schools across 313 blocks and 51 districts, and another 3,586 calls to block and district officials. Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills, and an understanding of evidence and cost effectiveness. J-PAL initiatives concentrate funding and other resources around priority topics for which rigorous policy-relevant research is urgently needed. For areas that have existing LF treatment programs, the effect of Deworm the Worlds support may be to transition an area from once-per-year deworming treatment (for STH) to twice-per-year treatment.62.
Strong alignment with core Evidence Action. Typically, the government must rely on government officers to monitor school health programs. "We help governments design monitoring systems to measure effectiveness in achieving intended program results.
Grace Hollister, email to GiveWell, June 9, 2016, "Note that there are not single deworming days in all countries, nor do all countries have a mop-up day. Based on elevations and other climatic factors, it is estimated that hookworm is a lot more prevalent in the Eastern part of the state. Investigation surrounding the likely cause of their death was conducted at a teaching hospital in a nearby LGA, and it was confirmed that the kids died of food poisoning resulting from consumption of fruits sprayed with herbicides. ", For example, a description of the training cascade in Kenya: "The National School-Based Deworming Programme uses a cascade implementation model that efficiently and cost-effectively delivers training materials, deworming tablets, monitoring forms, funds, trainings other programme materials and resources from the national level to schools. The number of lives significantly improved is a function of a number of difficult-to-estimate factors, which we discuss in detail in a separate report. We believe that there is strong evidence that administration of deworming drugs reduces worm loads but weaker evidence on the causal relationship between reducing worm loads and improved life outcomes; we consider deworming a priority program given the possibility of strong benefits at low cost. In general, we assess top charities' funding needs over a three-year period.117 Rajasthan 2015: "Telephone Monitoring and Cross Verification for Process Monitoring: Evidence Actions tele-callers tracked the status of training sessions and availability of drugs and IEC materials at the district, block, and school/anganwadi levels through approximately 14,485 successful[19] calls.
S/he will bring experience managing and growing at-scale programs, ideally in the WASH sector, including working in close partnership with donors, governments and partner organizations. We have made several adjustments to Deworm the World's estimates: We start with this total cost figure and apply adjustments in our cost-effectiveness analysis to account for cases where we believe the charity's funds have caused other actors to shift funds from a less cost-effective use to a more cost-effective use ("leverage") or from a more cost-effective use to a less cost-effective use ("funging"). On cost-effectiveness grounds we believe that it clearly is, as the cost of treatment is cheaper than individual screening. ", For examples, see this spreadsheet, sheets "Methods (Nigeria 2019 CV)" and "Methods (Pakistan 2019 CV).". Tele-callers made 258 calls to the Department of Health and 7,717 calls to ICDS at district, project, and sector level.
In Kenya, the LF program is housed within the countrys neglected tropical disease (NTD) unit, which has asked Deworm the World if it might support its process monitoring and coverage validation (PMCV) operations for LF. Note: We have not seen this type of monitoring from Jharkhand for 2016, and are uncertain whether Deworm the World did monitoring on Deworming Day or just coverage validation (described below).

Note that we do not feel like we have a strong understanding of Deworm the World's activities in this area; for example, we have not asked Deworm the World what it has brought to the planning, budgeting, or logistics processes that would not have otherwise been included. How has asking for feedback from the people you serve changed your relationship? Oversee early implementation activities, including surveys and pilots, to prove the concept and optimize the model.
