[58][59] Prior to the 2022 outbreak, the United Kingdom had recorded only seven previous cases of monkeypox,[60] all of which were imported cases from Africa or healthcare workers involved in their treatment. "[120], As of May 2022, public health authorities have aimed to target resources and education to affected groups, but avoid stigma which could discourage people with symptoms or who have been exposed from seeking help. But surveillance isn't what it should be", "Monkeypox: Nigeria records 558 cases, eight deaths in five years", "Nigeria records first monkeypox death in 2022 as cases rise to 21", "Multi-country monkeypox outbreak: situation update (10 June 2022)", "Multi-country monkeypox outbreak: situation update (17 June 2022)", "Weekly Bulletin on Outbreaks and Other Emergencies", "Liberia reports first monkeypox case since 2018", "Update on Monkeypox (MPX) in Nigeria, Epi-week: 24, June 19, 2022 Nigeria | ReliefWeb", "The changing epidemiology of human monkeypox A potential threat? [17][18] As of 28 July, there were a total of 20,846 confirmed cases. [29][30] The duration of symptoms is typically two to four weeks. [69][128] The BBC also made it clear that the genetic sequences of the virus, as far as is known, date back to a West African strain. J h 14 casos de varola dos macacos em Portugal", "Sanidad confirma que los anlisis de los siete primeros casos sospechosos de viruela del mono han dado positivo", "Massachusetts confirms rare monkeypox case, the first in the US this year", "Variole du singe: au moins 13 cas en cours d'examen Montral", "Ett fall av apkoppor rapporterat i Sverige Folkhlsomyndigheten", "Eerste besmetting met apenpokkenvirus vastgesteld in ons land", "Italy reports first case of monkeypox infection, two more suspected", "Monkeypox cases investigated in Europe, US, Canada and Australia", "Erster Fall von Affenpocken in Deutschland besttigt", "France, Germany, Belgium report first monkeypox cases amid unusual spread in Europe", "Dutch health agency confirms first monkeypox case in the Netherlands", "Austria's first case of monkeypox confirmed, Vienna health authority says", "Det frste tilflde af abekopper er nu pvist i Danmark", "Czech Republic detects its first case of monkeypox", "Switzerland confirms its first case of monkeypox", "Viruela del mono: confirman primer caso en Mxico", "Considerations for Monkeypox Vaccination", "As monkeypox cases emerge in US and Europe, Bavarian Nordic inks vaccine order", "Britain offers smallpox shot as monkeypox cases spread in Europe", "ACAM2000 (Smallpox Vaccine) Questions and Answers", "South Africa: No need for mass monkeypox immunisation experts", "U.S. government places $119 million order for 13 million freeze-dried Monkeypox vaccines", "HHS says recent U.S. smallpox vaccine order not related to monkeypox outbreak", "Espaa prepara la compra de miles de vacunas contra la viruela tradicional para hacer frente al brote del virus del mono", "Germany orders 40,000 vaccine doses as precaution against monkeypox spread", "Britain's UKHSA says it has procured 20,000 doses of vaccine against monkeypox", "US in process of releasing monkeypox vaccine from national stockpile for 'high-risk' people, CDC says", "Use of JYNNEOS (Smallpox and Monkeypox Vaccine, Live, Nonreplicating) for Preexposure Vaccination of Persons at Risk for Occupational Exposure to Orthopoxviruses: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices United States, 2022", "Monkeypox Vaccine Clinic for People Who May Have Been Exposed to Monkeypox NYC Health", "UNAIDS warns that stigmatizing language on Monkeypox jeopardises public health", "Analysis: Media must separate monkeypox risk from stigma", "Monkeypox: UNAIDS 'concerned' about stigmatizing language against LGTBI people", "As monkeypox panic spreads, doctors in Africa see a double standard", "Five conspiracy theories about monkeypox debunked as false claims start to spread online", "A Rssia tem uma tese nova: diz que a Monkeypox uma arma biolgica desenvolvida pelos EUA", "Following the 'Covid playbook': How conspiracy theorists are using old tricks around Monkeypox", "WHO to hold emergency meeting on monkeypox on Friday -sources", "Monkeypox has spread to more than 20 countries, but the outbreaks are containable, WHO says", "WHO calls emergency meeting as monkeypox cases top 100 in Europe", "WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the COVID-19 media briefing 1 June 2022", "Monkeypox has likely spread undetected 'for some time': WHO", "WHO says monkeypox has been spreading undetected as global cases rise to more than 550", "WHO Will Rename Monkeypox Virus to Minimize Stigma, Racism", "Meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the multi-country monkeypox outbreak", "WHO declares highest alert over monkeypox", "La variole du singe .. Pasteur Algrie publie une dclaration importante", "Chief Medical Officer declares monkeypox a disease of national significance", "Monkeypox: Government put ports on alert", " ", "Bangladesh becomes first nation to bar shore passes over monkeypox fears", "Monkeypox patients must spend 21 days in isolation", "Governo cria grupo para monitorar varola dos macacos e acompanha caso de brasileiro", "Brasil assina memorando com a Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Porto para intercmbio em sade pblica e biotica", "Africa and the West join forces against Monkeypox", "Monkeypox deadly with lack of care, says Vandine", "Monkeypox screening at all entry points Khmer Times", "Third Generation Smallpox Vaccine (6D024-215700/A)", "Canada considering smallpox vaccine for monkeypox cases, says Dr. Theresa Tam", "Statement from the Minister of Health on Canada's Response to Monkeypox", "We're seeing a 'ripple effect' in monkeypox cases, McGill's Vinh says", "Viruela del mono: Colombia se declara en riesgo moderado por la propagacin", "Alerta en Norte de Santander por la viruela del mono", "Viruela del mono (monkeypox): en qu pases se han detectado casos? [60], On 12May two new cases of monkeypox were confirmed by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), both in London,[79] living together in the same household, with no known link between either of them and either the index case or travel to endemic regions. Countries listed below had only suspected cases at the time of reporting. [88][89], On 19 May, Sweden, Belgium[90][91] and Italy confirmed their first cases. A "small number" of people in Scotland were ordered to self-isolate following close contact with the person initially reported to have been infected, although overall risk to the general public remained "very low".
[123], On 24 May, The Washington Post published an article that pointed out the lack of global attention to the disease when it only affected Africans, compared to the attention directed at it when a small number of cases started affecting Western countries.
[51], The following table shows 2022 cases in countries which experienced endemic monkeypox before the current outbreak, as of 17 June according to the WHO:[52][53]. [92] On 20 May, Australia,[93][94] Germany, France and the Netherlands confirmed their first cases. It does not include countries where suspected cases were reported but later discarded such as Afghanistan,[202][203] Costa Rica,[204] and Fiji.[205]. [72] Monkeypox is not primarily a sexually transmitted disease. [25][26] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has emphasized the importance of reducing stigma in communicating about the demographic aspects of monkeypox, specifically with regards to gay and bisexual men. [23] A significant proportion of cases, although not all, are in men who have sex with men (MSM), notably in Canada, Spain, and the UK,[23] with many cases diagnosed in sexual health clinics. [80], Also on 20 May, UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid reported that another eleven cases had been confirmed, bringing the total in the country to twenty. [118][119], On 23 June, the New York City Department of Health announced a clinic at the Chelsea Sexual Health Clinic to offer the two dose JYNNEOS vaccine to "all gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (cisgender or transgender) ages 18 and older who have had multiple or anonymous sex partners in the last 14 days. [7][130] Its European chief, Hans Kluge, expressed concern that infections could accelerate in Europe as people gather for parties and festivals over the summer.
Monkeypox infection was immediately suspected, and the patient was hospitalised at a specialist clinical unit of the Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust[60] and isolated, then tested positive for the virus on 6May. [65] The genomic sequence of the virus associated with this outbreak was first published on 19 May by Portuguese researchers. [22] In Nature, Anne Rimoin and Raina MacIntyre speculate that the higher percentage of MSM affected is a result of coincidental introduction to the community and then sexual activity constituting "close contact" rather than the virus itself becoming sexually transmitted. [67], The 2022 outbreak has a different pattern of spread compared to prior monkeypox outbreaks outside Africa. [135] A meeting convened on 23 June determined that the outbreak did not constitute a Public Health Emergency of International Concern for the time being,[136] but that decision was overturned by a later meeting on 23 July. [45][46], The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention has alerted several members of the African Union in May 2022 about cases of monkeypox. [29][31] The classic presentation of fever and muscle pains, followed by swollen glands, with lesions all at the same stage, has not been found to be common to all outbreaks. [22] Most cases have been in men. [129] Initial assessments expressed the expectation of the outbreak to be contained, and of low impact to the general population in affected countries. [33], The disease is caused by the monkeypox virus, a zoonotic virus in the genus Orthopoxvirus. [9] The outbreak marked the first time monkeypox has spread widely outside Central and West Africa. [78] Following this contact tracing effort, the World Health Organization (WHO) considered further transmission of the virus within the United Kingdom to be of "minimal" risk. [131] On 1 June, a WHO statement acknowledged that undetected transmission had occurred for some time,[132] and called for urgent action to reduce transmission. [30] There may be mild symptoms, and it may occur without any symptoms being known. [83] Dr. Susan Hopkins from the UKHSA urged watchfulness among men who have sex with men. [23], As of 23 July, 99% cases outside endemic regions in Africa were in men. [48] Nigeria's surveillance of various diseases, including monkeypox, had to focus on the global COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021, missing many cases and resulting in a drop in official statistics. The first three such cases were in 2018,[60] followed by a further case in 2019[61] and three more in 2021. Canada cases can be aggregated from the following sources: Peru cases can be aggregated from the following sources: Spain cases can be aggregated from the following sources: Learn how and when to remove this template message, Public Health Emergency of International Concern, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 2022 monkeypox outbreak in the United Kingdom, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, conspiracy theories used during the COVID-19 pandemic, Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population, National Institute for Communicable Diseases, 2022 monkeypox outbreak in the Netherlands, 2022 monkeypox outbreak in the United States, Monkeypox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, "Discussion of on-going MPXV genome sequencing", "Monkeypox spreads in West, baffling African scientists", "A Massachusetts Man Is Infected With Monkeypox", "WHO: 14,000 monkeypox cases worldwide, 5 deaths", "Brazil reports first monkeypox death outside Africa in current outbreak", "Spain confirms first monkeypox-related death in the country -reports", "Multi-country monkeypox outbreak in non-endemic countries", "Monkeypox United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "Viruela del mono: confirmaron el primer caso del virus en el pas", "UAE reports first case of monkeypox in the country", "Israel Confirms First Case of Monkeypox Virus", "Monkeypox confirmed in Melbourne and Sydney", "5 cases of monkeypox confirmed in Ghana", "WHO declares global health emergency over monkeypox outbreak", "Monkeypox declared global health emergency by WHO as cases surge", "Largest monkeypox study to date highlights new symptoms", "Second meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) Emergency Committee regarding the multi-country outbreak of monkeypox", "Epidemiological update: Monkeypox outbreak", "Should Monkeypox Be Considered an STD? [127] The Institute for Strategic Dialogue stated about this as "Reviving the spread of a set of cut-and-paste conspiracies", referring to conspiracy theories used during the COVID-19 pandemic. [19], Monkeypox is a viral infection that manifests a week or two after exposure with fever and other non-specific symptoms, and then produces a rash with lesions that usually last for 2-4 weeks before drying up, crusting and falling off. Bolezen ne predstavlja veje nevarnosti", "Three people with indications of Monkeypox were admitted to de martino hospital", "South Africa confirms third monkeypox case in tourist from Switzerland", "South Africa confirms first monkeypox case, not linked to travel", "Monkeypox case identified in South Africa", "Monkeypox comes to Korea in traveler from Germany", "S.Korea reports first confirmed monkeypox case, steps up monitoring", "Aumentan a 345 los casos activos del viruela del mono en Andaluca, con 72 ms en investigacin", "Baleares acumula 84 casos de viruela del mono, con 26 diagnsticos nuevos", "Baleares confirma 100 casos de viruela del mono hasta este jueves", "Canarias notifica dos nuevos casos de viruela del mono y cuatro en estudio en el ltimo da", "CyL registra seis nuevos casos de viruela del mono en CyL", "Castilla-La Mancha registra once nuevos casos de viruela del mono la ltima semana y suma ya 26", "Extremadura detecta hasta la fecha una veintena de casos de viruela del mono y administra una vacuna", "Galicia tiene confirmados 31 casos de viruela del mono y cuatro ms en estudio", "Salud notifica al Ministerio de Sanidad el segundo caso de viruela del mono en La Rioja", "La Comunidad registra 1.695 casos de viruela del mono y la vacunacin avanza con 388 dosis inyectadas", "Alerta sobre infeccin de viruela de los monos en Espaa y otros pases no endmicos", "Monkeypox cases investigated in Europe, US and Canada", "Ett fall av apkoppor rapporterat i Sverige", "Affenpocken: erster Fall im Kanton Bern", "Taiwan confirms second monkeypox infection", "Taiwan confirms first imported case of monkeypox", "Thailand confirms first monkeypox infection", "Turkey records first case of monkeypox health minister", "Ministry of Health detects five new cases of Monkeypox", "MoHAP announces three new monkeypox cases", Ministry of Health (United Arab Emirates), "MoHAP announces first case of monkeypox in UAE", "Current epidemiological situation as of 28 July 2022", "NBC News: Second person tests positive for monkeypox in United States", "Viruela del mono en Uruguay: dos de las tres muestras tomadas dieron resultado negativo", "Venezuela confirms first case of monkeypox", "We're investigating a suspected monkeypox case: Zambia", "Los casos sospechosos de viruela del mono en Bolivia fueron 'totalmente descartados', "Hati: les cas suspects de variole du singe sont ngatifs", "Descartan en Paraguay primer caso de viruela del mono", "Tests confirm no local cases of monkeypox", "La variole du singe inclue dans la liste des maladies dclaration obligatoire", " ", "Uganda says no monkeypox outbreak after samples test negative", "Segundo caso sospechoso de viruela del mono en Ecuador es descartado", "Suspected monkeypox case in Nepal confirmed as Leprosy", "Negative test for third suspected monkeypox case", "Kolkata youth tests negative for monkeypox, is being treated for chickenpox", 2022 Monkeypox and Orthopoxvirus Outbreak Global Map, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2022_monkeypox_outbreak&oldid=1101197003, Disease outbreaks in the Republic of Ireland, Disease outbreaks in the United Arab Emirates, CS1 European Portuguese-language sources (pt-pt), CS1 Canadian French-language sources (fr-ca), CS1 Brazilian Portuguese-language sources (pt-br), Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, London, England (first outside West Africa), 4 May 2022 present (2months and 25days), This page was last edited on 29 July 2022, at 19:58. On 25 July, Japan reported its first case of Monkeypox. [9] While monkeypox can cause large numbers of lesions, in the current outbreak, some patients experience only a single lesion in the mouth or on the genitals, making it more difficult to differentiate from other infections. [7] The initial cluster of cases was found in the United Kingdom,[8] where the first case was detected on 6May2022 in an individual with travel links to Nigeria (where the disease is endemic). 75% were white, 57% were on pre-exposure prophylaxis, and 41% had HIV/AIDS, of which 96% were on antiretroviral therapy. [69][70] Given the unusually high frequency of human-to-human transmission observed in this event, and the probable community transmission without history of traveling to endemic areas, spread of the virus through close contact is more likely, with transmission during sexual activities being the most common route. Rivers State was the most affected, followed by Bayelsa and Lagos. [35] Diagnosis can be confirmed by testing a lesion for the virus's DNA. ", "Thailand reports first case of monkeypox in transit passenger to Australia", "UK Confirms Local Transmission of Monkeypox", "Monkeypox could have 'big detrimental effect' on access to sexual health services, experts warn", "Monkeypox: Doctors concerned over impact on sexual health", "Biden says 'everybody' should be concerned about spread of monkeypox", "CDC officials sound alarm for gay and bisexual men as monkeypox spreads in community", "Monkeypox outbreak is primarily spreading through sex, WHO officials say", "CDC Issues Travel Warning Amid Spread of Monkeypox Virus What to Know", "Sonic Healthcare USA Begins Monkeypox Testing, Increasing Nationwide Testing Capacity", "Vietnam tightens entry surveillance over fears of Monkeypox", "Gibraltar Government prepares for Monkeypox, as UK cases rise", "IEA denies reports of monkeypox in Afghanistan", "WHO to provide MoPH kits for monkeypox tests", "Costa Rica descarta caso de viruela del mono en turista noruega", "3 people under investigation for monkeypox test negative and released from isolation", "Joint ECDC-WHO Regional Office for Europe Monkeypox Surveillance Bulletin", "Argentina registra 24 casos de viruela del mono", "Salud informa que el resultado de la muestra PCR tomada por ANLIS Malbrn al primer caso sospechoso de viruela smica dio positivo", "The Bahamas confirms first case of monkeypox", "Health Ministry confirms first case of Monkeypox in Barbados", "Bermuda confirms first case of monkeypox", "First monkeypox case confirmed in Bosnia", "Card Situao Epidemiolgica de Monkeypox no Brasil n 10 SE 30 - 28-07-22", "Man in Sao Paulo hospital with Brazil's first monkeypox case -officials", "So Paulo confirma 1 caso de varola dos macacos no Brasil", "Health Ministry: Two monkeypox cases confirmed in Bulgaria", "Epidemiological Summary Monkeypox in Ontario", Toronto investigating first suspected case of monkeypox, "Viruela del mono en Chile: Ministerio de Salud report 45 casos confirmados en el pas", "MINSAL confirma el primer caso de Viruela del Mono en Chile", "Minsalud e INS confirman tres casos de viruela smica en Colombia", Ministry of Health and Social Protection (Colombia), "Costa Rica confirma 3 casos de la viruela del mono", "Costa Rica confirma primer caso de viruela del mono", "Factbox: Monkeypox cases around the world", "Denmark registers first case of monkeypox infection", "Dominican Republic confirms first case of monkeypox", "Salud Pblica notifica dos nuevos casos de la viruela del mono en el pas", "Ecuador confirms first case of monkeypox", "First case of monkeypox diagnosed in Estonia", "Suomi varautuu apinarokkoon ostamalla rokotteita, ensimmiset saapuvat maahan lhipivin", "First case of monkeypox confirmed in Finland", "Suomen ensimminen apinarokkotapaus vahvistettu", "Cas de variole du singe: point de situation au 28 juillet 2022", " ", "Internationaler Affenpocken-Ausbruch: Fallzahlen und Einschtzung der Situation in Deutschland", "Monkeypox declared a global emergency: Ghana records 34 cases across 6 regions", "GHA confirms first case of monkeypox in Gibraltar", "Greece detects first case of monkeypox infection", " ", "Hungary reports first case of monkeypox", "Delhi reports first case of Monkeypox today", "India reports first monkeypox case from Kerala", "Live updates: Child with monkeypox-like symptoms admitted to Vijayawada hospital", "Fyrstu tilfelli apablu a lkindum veri greind slandi", "First case of monkeypox confirmed in Ireland", "First Case Of Monkeypox In Jamaica Identified", "Japan confirms second case of monkeypox after man tests positive in Tokyo", "First case of monkeypox detected in Japan -media", "Monkeypox: 'Highly probable' case in Jersey", "2022 Monkeypox Outbreak Global Map | Monkeypox | Poxvirus | CDC", "Lebanon announces first monkeypox case state news agency", "First Monkeypox Case Confirmed in Luxembourg", "Martinique Confirms First Monkeypox Case", "Detectan el primer caso de viruela del mono en Mxico", "Minister: Monkeypox Situation in Morocco Is 'Under Control', "Un cas de variole du singe dtect en Nouvelle-Caldonie", "Second Monkeypox case confirmed in New Zealand", "New Zealand's first Monkeypox case in isolation at home", "Norway reports its first case of monkeypox", "Panam confirma el primer caso de viruela del mono", "Viruela del mono | Casos confirmados | Informacin acumulada al 26 de julio de 2022", "Barranca: Dos casos sospechosos de viruela del mono en Paramonga", "Viruela del mono: Se report el primer caso sospechoso en Cajamarca", "Investigan posible caso de viruela del mono en una joven en Tumbes", "Viruela del mono en Puno: 2 posibles casos se reportan en Juli y Juliaca", "Identifican cuatro casos sospechosos de viruela del mono en Lambayeque", "MINSA confirma primer caso de la viruela del mono en el Per", "Philippines detects first case of monkeypox", "Poland reports first case of monkey pox PAP news agency", "Informao semanal sobre Infeo Humana por vrus Monkeypox N 004", "Confirman tres casos ms de la viruela del mono en Puerto Rico", "Puerto Rico confirma el primer caso de viruela del mono", "Monitorean a dos personas como posibles casos de viruela del mono en Puerto Rico", "MOPH Announces the First Case of Monkeypox in Qatar", "Al treilea caz de variola maimuei n Romnia", "Russia registers first case of monkeypox", "Saudi Arabia detects first case of monkeypox", "Singapore reports 11th case of monkeypox", "Singapore confirms imported case of monkeypox after flight attendant develops fever and rashes", "Slovakia confirms first case of monkeypox -public health authority", "Okube z virusom opijih koz v Sloveniji", "V Sloveniji potrjen prvi primer opijih koz. Smallpox vaccines containing vaccinia such as Imvanex (Jynneos) and ACAM2000 can provide around 85% effectiveness against monkeypox. An ongoing outbreak of monkeypox, a viral disease, was confirmed in May 2022. [124], Misinformation and conspiracy theories spread online in various social media networks. [28][32] Cases may be severe, especially in children, pregnant women or people with suppressed immune systems. [133][134] On 14 June, the WHO announced plans to rename the monkeypox virus in order to combat stigma and racism surrounding the disease. [78] Testing of patient swab samples by polymerase chain reaction revealed the outbreak to be of the West African clade of monkeypox, which is the less deadly of the two known monkeypox variants with a case fatality rate of around 1%. [110] According to the CDC the vaccination with Jynneos/Imvanex is "[a]dministered as two subcutaneous injections four weeks apart."