Three ceramic single coil pick-ups controlled by a 5 way selector , two tone controls , one master volume. **LOL - yeah I know, I'm dropping in parts that cost 4x what I paid for the guitar. You need to host the picture somewhere on the internet and then share by embedding a link to it, like you did the link to the Monoprice website. Ok thanks for the input! You are using an out of date browser. The guitars I've bought so far were setup and highly playable right out of the box. Gear: Aparicio AA30, Ibanez AS103, Simon&Patrick Woodland Mini Jumbo, Cube X20. These products are the same as Harley Benton. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to receive exclusive offers & promotions, news & reviews, and personalized tips for buying and selling on Reverb. How bad can it be? Began the adventure Dec 2016 expecting little,achieved more than I imagined, and now I'm a happy advancing beginner. Plus, you can safely take it to lessons, rehearsals, or gigs with the included gig bag. I was tempted but I'm building a Warmoth Strat tele hybrid baritone so I got to put my money into that as just *one* of the two pickups is nearly $200 all by itself lol (Fralin). on Reverb for more guitars. Just for fun, I'm trying some cheap noiseless pickups from Dragonfire. It is set up to standard specifications. Powered by Invision Community, $79.99 ($20 off) Indio by Monoprice Cali Classic Electric Guitar with Gig Bag. So you should get some eyes on it. The Cali Classic features 22 frets, a 25.5" scale, and a 9.5" radius. Yeah Mike you're right, I see you can get that same guitarvhe reviewed for $100 every day. Classic Vibe and have less to fix or replace; and a strat shaped headstock! Can't help with your particular issue, but I am a fan of the Monoprice guitars, including the Indios. My friend who needed a guitar real quick just ordered the red one for 80 bucks.. thanks for the tip! You really can't go wrong with this guitar at this price point. And if you pick the right link when editing the image will appear in your post. I use I did this mod on a Squier Classic vibe strat which has a not standard printed circuit pickup selector, however it was still pretty obvious where to put the jumper. Nut width: 42 mm. Your purchases also help protect forests, including trees traditionally used to make instruments. At first,I could only see a thumb nail and now I can't see the picture. Go for it. **LOL - yeah I know, I'm dropping in parts that cost 4x what I paid for the guitar. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. Picture not accessible after clicking the link. I still have one of the original sunburst strats that they gave me for free to make up for a problem on another order. Monoprice sends questions into my email inbox on products that I have purchased. You will be able to leave a comment after signing in, Copyright 2022 BandLab Technologies It looks like that piece of gear is gone.
The other thing I'm curious about is the pickups. The other thing that's good to know from the video is that the Monoprice bodies are thick and have deep pickup cavities allowing most any type of swap. I have the Indio DLX tele and have done some mods (new pickups & four-way switch). Or I guess you could use something like a folder in Google Drive, with the appropriate Share settings. Setup was perfect out of the box. Ceramic pickups. If I love the pickups but hate the guitar might have to get a real Strat. A great circuit and even a surprisingly good speaker. A really nice guitar wether its your first guitar or a second guitar to customize. Include gig bag and clip on tuner. 7.7 lbs. They used to sell for $70 a set, which is cheap enough, but they're blowing them out right now for $35. Looks like a good vessel for a beginner to start with and upgrade as he scales up.
I think standard strat pick guards come loaded with whatever configuration you want, and any of them should fit in the Cali. My one time putting expensive pickups in a cheap guitar showed it was worth every penny and the pickups sounded great in the cheap guitar. Even the headstock I think.
Strat Talk is the leading online community and marketplace for Stratocaster guitars. Looks like that noiseless set is no longer on sale. Haven't had a chance to tinker with the strat yet. Main Stratocaster Guitar Discussion Forum. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Clint posted a video awhile back that you can pull up and hear it. Whether you're just getting started on guitar or need a good second instrument as a backup or for use with alternate tunings, the Indio Cali Classic is a solid instrument. I did find out though that PayPal will reimburse the return shipping fee to you. I bought the Indio Helix awhile back which is similiar to a Strat. - plastic, Pickup routing configuration in the body: 5-position switch fir 1st position; 1st & 2nd position; 2nd position 2nd & 3rd position; 3rd position. Reviews looked solid and loved the price. According to the Q&A, it has the "bathtub" route, so anything should work. Full mahogany body with over 1/2" thick maple cap.
It's a great guitar. I can't find any 2018 with the same headstock decal and fender doesnt have serial number. Cakewalk by BandLab: Early Access Program, General Music Discussion: Computer Systems, General Music Discussion: Production Techniques, General Music Discussion: The Coffee House,, Fishman Fluence Stratocaster Loaded Pickguard. You can share pictures after making 5 posts. These things are like 100 bucks.
I'm in pretty deep on the Monoprice gear.
Basswood body. Even the trem seemed to do OK in the original video, although I can see upgrading that, or at least upgrading the block. Watch this gear and we'll notify you if it becomes available again. All color except black - black is $99 Easy to Play:Indio Classic guitars are perfect for beginners or for players that need a practice or back-up axe. Neck thickness at nut, 12th fret: 41.5 mm @ nut; 53mm @ 12th fret, The tuners or machineheads are chrome and filled-in. JavaScript is disabled. I have 3 Monoprice guitars (their old strat model, their old Route 66 model, and an electric acoustic).
What drew me to it was both the body and the neck was bound. That and an old Roland Cube 30 are my default practice amps. Please go and discover the new Community! String spacing at the bridge: The distance from the 1st string to the 6th is 51.5 mm, so the distance between strings is about a hair over 10 mm. Alnico 5 pickups. Ill be sure to try it out soon.
I was considering the white one but they were out of stock at the time. Thank you so much! I've been happy with all 3, but their Indio models have been just a hair too expensive as you get in range of squiers and epiphones, whereas their older models were really low. I guess I saved $30. Oops, looks like you forgot something. I think this link should work, and then you can see if it is the same as your Squier! They feature easy-to-play, "fast" satin necks and quiet, full sounding pick-ups. Needed nothing out of the box except tuned up and played. I didn't realize Indio dipped so low price, but I haven't been looking to buy cheap guitars in a while. Specific Customer Questions for Both Types of Guitars: What are the testing procedures for Route 66 Solid Body Electric Guitars? JavaScript is disabled. If you can scrap together some more money you could buy a Fender Affinity or Sq. Page created in 0.215 seconds with 27 queries. At some point i may do some upgrades, but It looks good and is very playable. You are using an out of date browser. Even, came with brand new D'addario 9's on it. The width at the nut - The nut width is 43 mm, The width of the neck at the base 56.8 mm, The radius of the fretboardboard Between 14 & 15 but closer to 14, Mounting of the neck to the body (wood screws or metal inserts) - metal, Nut material (plastic or bone), etc. It was gorgeous. The words Fender, Telecaster, Stratocaster and the associated headstock designs are registered trademarks of the Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. See my store, Mike's Gear Depot. Trouble was, use the tremelo even a little bit, it would return half a note off. Your purchases help youth music programs get the gear they need to make music. Still fooling around with it. Rosewood fretboard and maple neck. It is a great way to experiment with tone and aftermarket hardware, without destroying your primary piece. HSS with a tremelo, carved top in a purple burst. But the reality is that a genuine newbie probably doesn't know enough about guitars to even undertake the upgrades. They're supposed to be copies of Fender Vintage Noiseless, made for them by Artec. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. While I'm going to check them out and try to get a feel for them - I've already got a Fishman Fluence Stratocaster Loaded Pickguard to drop in**, been itchin' to use it. Mint items are in essentially new original condition but have been opened or played., Re: Tone Knob for Strat Bridge (Monoprice Indio Cali Classic),,,, Quote from: TheDireStrat on July 08, 2020, 11:11:26 pm, Quote from: CT on July 08, 2020, 11:15:58 pm,,, You're always learning about guitars-Keef Richards. The 15W tube amp has worked out really well for me, I'm also happy with the DLX tele and Cherry Burst DLX ash strat. Condition: This model is in Mint /Open Box original clean condition and has had no modifications/repairs made to the instrument. You must log in or register to reply here. Mine was absolutely perfect. You must log in or register to reply here. My 15w combo came with JJ Tubes, as well. I have an old Carvin I use for that. I don't recall the price hitting the $80 range though. Industry Standard Features:Indio Classic guitars boast industry standard features and sizes, just like the big name guitar companies, but at a fraction of the price. I've replaced pretty much everything but the body and neck on my Monoprice Strat. You need to set up the permissions on the folder so that anybody with the link has view access.
For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I think the main point is that today, by doing this sort of thing, a newbie can get a really decent playing / sounding guitar to learn on for a relative pittance. I don't play it often though, it's waiting for me to get time and I aspiration to turn it into a steampunk guitar. Make it Your Own:Change the pick-ups or change the pots to make this Indio guitar your own. The large open cavity allows for complete customization. Is this tele legit? Worth checking out if you're looking for a nicely made cheap guitar. Thanks for the info guys! Factory plastic film still on pick guard.Due to the high gloss finish on the guitar some lighting reflection and dust may be seen in the photos and are not imperfections on the finish. My Fiesta Red strat was also $60 when they were clearing them out, and I had a small credit from a price adjustment so I think mine was $52 in the end. I keep it at work for practice. I think I am going to get one!
No one responded on the Monoprice site Yeah so did any of you guys see the picture?, May show minor signs of playing/handling from inspection, cleaning, testing, and setup. I dont think there are bad guitars just bad setups. Guess I'll find out when it arrives. It has a solid weight Basswood body 1-3/4" thick , and a Maple neck with a satin finish that feels wonderful in your hands. Can't help with the circuitry but can confirm the picture link now works and hopefully those who understand this side of things will soon comment to help you out. There are no flaws, dings, scratches, repairs, or imperfections noted. Unfortunately that cheap guitar had playability issues so I removed the pickups and sold the guitar on CL for almost nothing. Here his upgrades are mostly "rejects" from MIM. Comes with "whammy bar". If you have them around sure, but it's not like the original pickups were bad. It may not display this or other websites correctly. And they are. By Cant wait!! Which color? I still test each time using the preview option. These can be cool for kicking around the house.. literally kicking around the house. Frets level and ends rounded and polished. Sorry for the late response, I hurt my wrist this week while riding my bike, so guitar wasnt really a priority Guitars, Other Instruments, Accessories etc, Tone Knob for Strat Bridge (Monoprice Indio Cali Classic). I'm hoping that it really feels like a strat. New video about modding it to upgrade it: I probably would only have updated the tuners. According to one of the videos on it, the fretboard has the same radius as a Les Paul (flatter vs rounder). Beautiful Wine Red finish. TheSteven, February 14, 2021 in Deals, $79.99 Indio by Monoprice Cali Classic Electric Guitar with Gig Bag ($20 off) Equipped med jumbo frets on a C style neck. Geez no wonder they are sold out of some of the colors, limit 20 per customer FWIR the prices on these guitars have varied, bouncing from $99 to $129, though possibly maybe more. The Monoprice 5w Stage Right amp is remarkably good. Yes, good idea! This is a great guitar, built for musicians, but priced right for beginners. Well I just ordered monoprice looper pedal and fuzz pedal. I didn't think you could get the Indios for $100, bitbi know you can sometime gets heavy discounts. They're not all $100. The 15W Monoprice stage right is a rebranded Laney amp. If I love the pickups but hate the guitar might have to get a real Strat. Im a Monoprice fan, I have a stage right amp. I've always wanted a strat - this is probably as close as I'm going to get for a while You bought one? If you ever see one of the Indio Helix models anywhere snatch it they are very nice guitars. I could have replaced components and probably eased the problem, but I just returned it. I have to say that having both a MiM strat and a Monoprice strat, this gives me a great idea for the old loaded pick guard that came off of my Fender strat. Picked it up a couple of years ago for a strat clone upgrade project that I abandoned when I found out that the guitar was off scale making my upgrade parts useless. Please check the fields highlighted in red. I paid $250 for my Indio 66 DLX Plus Goldtop and it's phenomenal.