Human Health. Activity Group: Group H5 FRAC Code 40. Click here to View Product Label (revision date: 2/1/2016 1:58:24 PM) Click here to View MSDS (revision date: 2/1/2016 1:58:28 PM) Click here to view the EPA Stamped Labels for the selected product (external link to website). Fast Free Ground Shipping! 130000012055 3 / 12 SECTION 4. REI Group 33 Downy mildew, Phytophthora, Pythium oz./A Rhyme A systemic fungicide for the control of fungal diseases in various crops including chickpeas, lentils, faba beans and macadamia nuts. It is the only wettable granule fungicide/bactericide that contains 75% metallic copper the highest percent of bio-active copper available today. Formulation Type. The crop safety of all tank mixtures with FONTELIS which may include physically compatible GROUP 7 FUNGICIDE Fontelis Fungicide SUSPENSION FOR USE ON ALFALFA, LOW GROWING BERRIES, BULB VEGETABLES, BRASSICA (COLE) LEAFY COMMERCIAL READ THE LABEL AND ATTACHED BOOKLET BEFORE USING ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Penthiopyrad 200 g/L Contains 1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one at 0.019% as a preservative OR SECTION 14. Population, Professionals, Trained personnel.
The fungicide Luna Sensation has been registered for use on peach. Then, select the report format you want from the list below and press the Report button. Crop protection. REGISTRATION NO. The label is attached and should you have any specific questions please let us know as we have had tested this material for several years. Composition: 250 g/l. number of group 13 fungicide sprays per crop should not exceed 50% of the total number of powdery mildew sprays. 3 Fontelis Fungicide ( 80 oz.) Approved Use Fontelis, a suspension concentrate containing penthiopyrad, is recommended for use as a spray for the control or suppression of many important listed plant diseases. 86,1* 5(*,67(5(' /$%(/ 3djh kruvhudglvk ehhwv uhg jdughq sxpsnlqv vtxdvk ]xffklql fxfxpehuv phorqv doidoid exvkehuulhv fdqhehuulhv jlqvhqj Container Disposal : Refer to the product label for instructions. Always read the entire label including the Limitation of Warranty and Liability. Annemiek Schilder, Michigan State University Extension, Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences - May 10, 2016. The benefits of Sercadis Fungicide. Fontelis, 1 litre. Check on Amazon. Manufactured from the highest grade copper source available oz./A Velum Prime fungicide - drip 17 fl. We specialize in products you need to grow your agricultural, greenhouse, or produce business. Contact fungicide. Lance fungicide contains a Group 7 active ingredient and controls alternaria black spot and sclerotinia. And this kind of consistent performance delivers higher potential yields. Novel mode-of-action fungicide for superior control of soilborne and foliar diseases. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS GROUP 7 FUNGICIDE DuPont Fontelis fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide, recommended for control of foliar and soil-borne plant diseases, and has preventive, curative, and locally systemic activity. Recent changes to the Luna fungicide labels for grapes and berry crops are discussed and summarized. If you find erroneous data, please e-mail the department at Check on Amazon. Click on the Label or SDS icons to open the desired PDF file. per acre in a minimum of 50 gallons per acre. Pageant Intrinsic Brand Fungicide is a specially formulated fungicide containing two fast-acting active ingredients, Pyraclostrobin and Boscalid to provide broad-spectrum control of fungal diseases in plants. Out of stock . When using systemic chemical fungicides (Pristine, Vangard, Elevate, Medallion, etc. 130000012055 8 / 9 disposal facility. Early application of FITNESS fungicide will help maximize the ability to have a healthy flag leaf. (US 48 States Only) DuPont Fontelis Fungicide Penthiopyrad - 2.5 Gallons provides fast-acting and long-lasting protection thats preventive and curative against a range of important diseases in different fruit, nut and vegetable crops. SDS 148.44 KB.
pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) (Terraclor 400) REI 12h, Group 14 We are currently enrolling students for on-campus classes and scheduling in-person campus tours. Resources Xemium. Labels/SDS. Fungicide(s)/disease activity Pre-plant Georgia 3-way or WSP or Paladin Pic 1. Click here to View Product Label (revision date: 2/1/2016 1:58:24 PM) Click here to View MSDS (revision date: 2/1/2016 1:58:28 PM) Click here to view the EPA Stamped Labels for the selected product (external link to website). Container Disposal : Refer to the product label for instructions. Many vegetables (see label) Systemic fungicide. Fungicide. Put a check by all the products you would like more details on. FONTELIS must be used only in accordance with instructions on this label, in separately issued labeling or exemptions under FIFRA 18 exemptions), or as otherwise permitted by FIFRA. Composition: 250 g/l. DuPont FONTELIS fungicide (i.e., FONTELIS) is a suspension concentrate containing penthiopyrad for the control or sup-pression of many important listed Sercadis is a highly systemic fungicide that offers horticultural growers flexible disease control. 1: Group numbers are assigned by the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) according to different modes of actions. Summary of New fungicides, by David Rosenberger The SDHI fungicides Fontelis, Luna Tranquility, and Merivon are effective against scab, rust, and mildew, but only Fontelis and Luna Tranquility are currently registered in NY (via special local needs labels), and none of these products are labeled on Long Island due to concerns about the potential for ground water Fontelis Fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide, recommended for control or suppression of foliar and soil-borne plant diseases and has curative and locally systemic activity. All are FRAC 7, meaning they are succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor. Always check product labels before use. The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) recently announced the approval of a minor use label expansion registration for Fontelis fungicide for suppression of Sclerotinia Stem Rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on Crop Group 1B (Root Vegetables). Kusabi has strong vapour activity which supports optimal spray coverage. 1. 10182-415 DIRECTIONS Crop protection. FONTELIS must be used only in accordance with instructions on this label, in separately issued labeling or exemptions under FIFRA 18 exemptions), or as otherwise permitted by FIFRA. REVUS Product Label (116.38 KB) REVUS Tank Mix List (28.2 KB) REVUS Safety Data Sheet (259.19 KB) Related news. Tank mixture partner to enhance the performance of synthetics and reduce resistance development. Mancozeb Flowable from Bonide is a fungicide concentrate that is known for its efficiency against a wide range of fungal diseases on plants. Buy 2 or more quantities: $584.95 per each. Do not transport if this container is damaged or leaking. It has protectant activity with extended residual control. Fontelis Fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide, recommended for control or suppression of foliar and soil-borne plant diseases and has curative and locally systemic activity. BEFORE USING DUPONT FONTELIS FUNGICIDE, READ AND FOLLOW ALL APPLICABLE DIRECTIONS, RESTRICTIONS, AND PRECAUTIONS ON THE EPA-REGISTERED LABEL. The Group 7 formulation powering Fontelis provides residual, preventative and post-infection activity against key fruit and vegetable diseases. Provides translaminar and locally systemic protection, with good redistribution to protect both treated and untreated parts of the plant. This bulletin contains new or supplemental instructions for use of this product which do not appear on the package label. Penthiopyrad, the active ingredient in Fontelis fungicide, is one of EPAs target site of action Group 7 fungicides (carboxamides). It is a combination of two other dithiocarbamates: maneb and zineb. . 5. This use is subject to a CropLife Australia fungicide resistance management strategy: 1. In the event of a major spill, fire or other emergency, call 1-800-441-3637 day or night. 1. Buy 2 or more quantities: $584.95 per each. Dave Rosenberger . Value = 50 points. Additionally, it works as well under heavy disease pressure . Pack size: 10 Litres. FONTELIS is a broad-spectrum fungicide, recommended for control 5962 (1.42 MB) Registrations; Apply a protectant fungicide as a high volume foliar spray before planting out, then Rovral Liquid immediately after planting. *** Postharvest fruit registrations in California include: TBZ, Alumni, Penbotec, Scholar, and BioSpectra. Active Ingredient: 462 g/Kg Prochloraz Present As The Manganese Chloride Complex: Group: Formulation Type: Wettable Powder. To delay fungicide/bactericide resistance, take one or more of the following steps: Pack size: 10 Litres. Group 7 fungicide. Click here to View Product Label (revision date: 2/1/2016 1:58:24 PM) Click here to View MSDS (revision date: 2/1/2016 1:58:28 PM) Click here to view the EPA Stamped Labels for the selected product (external link to website). Fungicide. Go Back. Apply Inspire Super on a 14- to 21-day schedule, making no more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to another fungicide with a different mode of action. REI 12h, Group 7. Product No: 3427: Product Name: FONTELIS: Product Size: 4 x 3.79 L: Product Type: Fungicides: Product Supplier: E. I. du Pont Canada Company: Product PCP#: 30331 Sercadis fungicide with the active ingredient Xemium provides highly systemic, continuous and consistent control against key diseases with the flexibility you can count on. Fontelis fits easily into many crop management programs because of a single mode of action. Luna fungicide labels changed for grapes and berry crops. Martins Produce Supplies LLC, located in the beautiful Cumberland Valley near Shippensburg, PA. We are a locally owned and family run business and strive for a friendly personal experience. Mancozeb Flowable with Zinc Fungicide Concentrate. per acre rather than the traditional tsp/tbsp per gallon ratios used for smaller scale gardeners. Buy it online from Nexles United Kingdom. **0 (no effect) no difference from control plots that receive no fungicide; + (poor) inconsistent control and/or some effect at reducing; ++ (OK to good) consistent control, does not perform as well as +++ products in all years; +++ (very good) Fontelis, 1 litre. Always refer to the product labels for complete details and directions for use. Scala. Stop injection equipment after treatment is completed and continue to operate irrigation equipment until all FONTELIS is flushed from system. SPRAY DRIFT MANAGEMENT The interaction of many equipment and weather-related factors determines the potential for spray drift. No. Population, Professionals, Trained personnel. Buy it online from Nexles United Kingdom. Fontelis Fungicide label 2nd June 2022 READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 200 g/L PENTHIOPYRAD GROUP 7 FUNGICIDE For the control of certain fungal diseases in fruit, nut and vegetable crops as per the Directions for Use. Labels. Please submit by Wednesday, 12/11/2019, at 11:59 PM. 130000012055 8 / 9 disposal facility. Primary Documents. Do not transport if this container is damaged or le aking. Make sure to check the label and follow the directions to avoid burning your tomato plants with too much fungicide. If you continue to see this page, please contact our Customer Interaction Centre for assistance. Chocolate Spot. Cheminova Chlorothalonil 720 Fungicide, 60939/61843 131112-T Page 2 of 6 DIRECTIONS FOR USE RESTRAINTS DO NOT mix spraying oils or wetting agents with this product. Now, without further ado, here are the gardeners favorite fungicides for tomatoes: 1. Daconil Fungicide Concentrate. Wear personal protective equipment (long FONTELIS must be used only in accordance with this label. Active ingredient, fungicide group (FRAC), pre-harvest interval (PHI), and product name are listed. For example, apply a fungicide with FRAC Groups 7 and 11, FRAC Group 3, and FRAC Groups 7 and 11. SC (Suspension Concentrate) AMISTAR contains azoxystrobin for the control of a range of fungal diseases in a range of crops. (Fontelis) 12 hr. REVUS Product Label (116.38 KB) REVUS Tank Mix List (28.2 KB) REVUS Safety Data Sheet (259.19 KB) Related news. Copper fungicide + mancozeb + Endura or Switch or Fontelis/BS + EB + BOT + TS 1 Chlorothalonil (Bravo, Echo, Equus, etc) Always read the label for detailed application instructions or consult the Georgia Pest Control Handbook. 130000012055 8 / 9 disposal facility. NORDOX 75 WG copper fungicide/bactericide provides more copper protection, with less product, at a great price!
The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) recently announced the approval of a minor use label expansion registration for Fontelis Fungicide for suppression of Sclerotinia Stem Rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on Crop Group 1B (Root Vegetables). WSSA mode of action Complex II of fungal respiration: succinate-dehydroenase. Appropriate resistance management strategies should be followed. Fungicide. The page you were looking for could not be found. FMC, FMC logo and Rhyme are Fontelis fungicide - drip 20 fl. Always read and follow all label directions, restrictions and precautions for use. sativa) Almond Apple Apricot Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) Asparagus Bean Bean, Broad (Phaseolus spp.) Its the power and flexibility you need to improve your odds for high-quality and high-yielding fruit FONTELIS FOLIAR AND ROOT APPLICATION: Use 10ml per gallon of water and spray onto leaves of plants. PRISTINE FUNGICIDE Label Page APVMA Approval No 61377/101853 (V10/11/2015) Page 1 of 7 . Fontelis Fungicide Registered in New York. May 11, 2016Luna fungicide labels changed for grapes and berry crops. DuPont Fontelis Fungicide Version 2.7 Revision Date 03/05/2012 Ref. Make no more than 3 sequential applications of Fontelis fungicide before switching to a fungicide with a different mode of action. Pulse Fungicide Guide PDF0.6MB. If you continue to see this page, please contact our Customer Interaction Centre for assistance. See label for plant safety precautions and use directions. For medical emergencies involving this product, call toll free 1-800-441-3637.
Powerful management of hard-to-control diseases sclerotinia, botrytis and powdery mildew mandipropamid. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN . Scala has become a mainstay of botrytis management programs in Australian vineyards, and it can also be used to control botrytis or grey mould in strawberries and ornamentals. Always check the most current label before use as labels can change. Description: Size: Quantity/case: 20692: Fontelis Fungicide: 9.6L: 2 : Resource Centre : SDS: Label : By viewing this page you agree to the Plant Products website terms and conditions. See label for plant safety information. ENTMLGY 5800: FINAL WORKSHEET Directions: this is an open-internet, open-book, open-notes worksheet, but you must work independently and not discuss the questions, answers, or procedures with any people inside or outside of the class. Rotate with fungicides in other groups Do not alternate with Miravis or Fontelis Microthiol Diperss (sulfur) 5 lb. Summary of New fungicides, by David Rosenberger The SDHI fungicides Fontelis, Luna Tranquility, and Merivon are effective against scab, rust, and mildew, but only Fontelis and Luna Tranquility are currently registered in NY (via special local needs labels), and none of these products are labeled on Long Island due to concerns about the potential for ground water Crops Fontelis helps you stop disease in its tracks. Group M5 Fungicide. READ THE LABEL AND ATTACHED BOOKLET BEFORE USING . BLOCKER 4F provides soil-applied foundation for management of scab* in potatoes. Part 1: Please show your ability to navigate 1-877-964-3682 or SECTION 14. Actigard at 0.33 oz/acre in 30-50 gallons of water copper fungicide + mancozeb + Quadris or Cabrio/BS + EB + TS 4. REI . NET CONTENTS: 0.5 L 1500 L . mandipropamid. Do not exceed 72 fl oz/A per year of Fontelis. Controls downy mildew and certain foliar diseases. This f ungicide was already labeled for management of diseases on a wide range of crops in Current Products. Suspension Concentrate - SC . The problem is that the label gives mixes in terms of lbs. Similar products. Penthiopyrad and DuPont Fontelis Fungicide are currently registered for use in the USA, Canada and This f ungicide was already labeled for management of diseases on a wide range of crops in If disease pressure is high, use the shortest interval and highest rate. Due to its recent release this spring for peach disease control, Luna Sensation was not included in the latest 2016 publication of the New Jersey Commercial Tree Fruit Production Guide.Thus, below is a discussion of its It can be applied early at the 2 to 6 leaf stage. PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ACT . Mancozeb Flowable with Zinc Fungicide Concentrate. Fontelis fungicide. FONTELIS fungicide contains mineral oil in the formulation. Key Targets. Resistance Management: Incognito can be applied alone or as a tank mix with a variety of fungicide products for added protection. May 7, 2015 By Press release. Group 4 Fungicide. At the higher label rates Fontelis was also effective as an eradicant fungicide. Supplemental Label for Use of QUADRIS Flowable Fungicide on Bulb Vegetables, Carrots, Celery, Christmas Trees, Corn, Cotton, Cucurbits, Leafy Vegetables, Potatoes, Vegetable - Leaves of Root and Tuber Group, Vegetables - Root Subgroup and Vegetables - Tuberous and Corm Subgroup QUADRIS Flowable Fungicide EPA Reg. For disease control in avocados, apples, onions, peas, ornamentals and nursery stock. Fontelis, 1 litre is a Dupont Fungicide that works against Powdery mildew, Venturia and contains Penthiopyrad. Fungicides Tested. ), it can sometimes be unclear from the label exactly how much to mix when applying to a small garden. 13. Population, Professionals, Trained personnel. Kusabi contains the active ingredient pyriofenone and belongs to the fungicide activity Group 50. Is mancozeb a systemic fungicide? ELATUS PLUS AMISTAR Tank Mix List (88.29 KB) ORONDIS PLUS + AMISTAR Tank Mix List (83.36 KB) AMISTAR Safety Data Sheet (285.51 KB) AMISTAR Tank Mix List (34.71 KB) AMISTAR Product Label (145.05 KB) Prolonged skin contact may cause allergic reactions in some individuals. Fontelis Fungicide E 30331 Mar20f C SPECIMEN Page 1 READ THE LABEL AND THIS BOOKLET BEFORE USING ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Penthiopyrad 200 g/L Contains 1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one at 0.019% as a preservative OR Contains 5-Chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one at 0.0011%, 2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one at Always check product labels before use. English - MSDS. 661 product labels match. Similar products. Fontelis delivers strong, reliable control of difficult soil-borne and foliar diseases such as white mold, botrytis, powdery mildew, leaf spot and rhizoctonia, as well as a new tool for resistance management. *Not all products may be registered for this crop-disease combination.
If you find erroneous data, please e-mail the department at It provides the ultimate in longest-lasting disease protection, post-infection disease control and Plant Health benefits. The flutriafol active ingredient offers a strong competitive advantage over other triazole products due to its unique ability to move through the xylem after application. FILAN FUNGICIDE Label Page APVMA Approval No 56362/104393 (V29/08/2016) Page 2 of 11 STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Keep out of reach of children. Partly fill the spray tank with water. *Refer to 2ee for specific directions for Topguard fungicide protects labeled crops from damaging diseases like cercospora leaf spot and powdery mildew. : 30827 PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ACT NET CONTENTS: 1 L 1000 L Syngenta Canada Inc. 140 Research Lane, Research Park Guelph, Ontario N1G 4Z3 Telephone: 1-877-964-3682 Label Mancozeb Flowable w/ Zinc Conc. Tank-mixed fungicides are usually just as effective as pre-mixed fungicides. 9 Fontelis (7) OR Endura z (7) 10 chlorothalonil (M) 11 Inspire Super (3+9) OR strobiluriny (11) 12 chlorothalonil (M) 13 z Fontelis (7) or Endura (7) 14 Finish season with chlorothalonil (M) zUse high rate of Fontelis or Endura if conditions are cool and wet just before or during harvest when there is risk of gray mold. Formulation: Water-dispersable Granule | WG. Product No: 3427: Product Name: FONTELIS: Product Size: 4 x 3.79 L: Product Type: Fungicides: Product Supplier: E. I. du Pont Canada Company: Product PCP#: 30331 Fontelis is a suspension concentrate containing 200 g/L penthiopyrad for disease control in apples and pears. Nexicor fungicide controls blackleg and contains three active ingredients, including Group 3,7 and 11. (Fontelis) 12 hr. Fontelis contains an unspecified amount of mineral oil in its formulation. Spectracide Immunox Multi-Purpose Fungicide Spray Concentrate for Gardens is highly effective when it is used to prevent diseases or applied at the first sign of disease. Any product listed below, which includes the term "Master Label" in front of the product brand name, may not be sold or used in California. Syngenta Canada Inc. 140 Research Lane, Research Park . Features and Benefits: **0 (no effect) no difference from control plots that receive no fungicide; + (poor) inconsistent control and/or some effect at reducing; ++ (OK to good) consistent control, does not perform as well as +++ products in all years; +++ (very good) Bayer Environmental Science 2 T.W. FUNGICIDE CONCENTRATE and other Group M1 (MOA) fungicides. Tom Ouchi - BASF Sercadis on Tree Fruit. Greenhouses; Lathhouses and shadehouses 400 SC Fungicide.
Fontelis, 1 litre is a Dupont Fungicide that works against Powdery mildew, Venturia and contains Penthiopyrad. Alfalfa Alfalfa (Medicago sativa ssp. DuPont Fontelis Fungicide Version 2 .7 Revision Date 03/05/2012 Ref. Spray No. PRISTINE FUNGICIDE Label Page APVMA Approval No 61377/101853 (V10/11/2015) Page 1 of 7 . Buy Now. Fontelis Fungicide label 15th July 2020 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Fontelis fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide, recommended for control of foliar and soil-borne plant diseases, and has preventive, and locally systemic activity. Fontelis must be applied in a regularly scheduled protective spray program in rotation with other Chemical Family: CAA. Many vegetable transplants (see labels . For more info call our Technical hotline: 0800 689 8899 or e-mail: Dithane has been registered for use on dozens of crops for more than 50 years. Join GrowPlus Fontelis Label SDS Almond Product Range Dry Flower in Macadamia Activity Group: Group H5 FRAC Code 40. Fontelis Fungicide must be applied in a regularly scheduled protective spray program in rotation with other fungicides. For those fungicides composed of two active ingredients, simply alternate with the third chemistry. Telephone: 1-877-964-3682 . Consider treating early in the season. Broad-spectrum fungicide. United States. Fungicide. Apply Rovral Liquid as a seedling drench soon after emergence. Six trials on apple Black Spot averaged 89% control on leaves for DuPont Fontelis Fungicide equivalent to the industry standard. Systemic fungicide for listed vegetable transplants grown for retail sale to consumers. Fontelis, 1 litre. Go to Home. Fungicides come in both concentrate and ready to use or RTU solution. Similar results were also obtained in 18 overseas trials. Do not transport if this container is damaged or leaking. Controls downy mildew and certain foliar diseases. Fontelis, 1 litre. Resistance Management: Incognito can be applied alone or as a tank mix with a variety of fungicide products for added protection. Can be used by. Forum (dimethomorph): A fungicide for use against Phytophthora and downy mildew of bulb, cucurbit and fruiting vegetables, lettuce, potatoes, and tomatoes.