-----end: 57
-----name: Curb Bracelets
--optimizedCheckout-formField-shadowColor: #e5e5e5
From shop BohoStones, ad by LILAFLOREjewelry --optimizedCheckout-buttonPrimary-borderColorActive: transparent
-----name: Bangles
5.91, 7.39 By definition, 1 carat is exactly 200 milligrams.
CultandGlint ----stock_level:
----0: [object Object] ---children: [object Object] Ad from shop LeSophisticate -----annotation:
----name: 14k Gold Bead Link Chain, 1mm Wide 18 Inches ---token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.eyJjaWQiOjEsImNvcnMiOlsiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2FycmFmLmNvbSJdLCJlYXQiOjE2NTkzNzI4MTIsImlhdCI6MTY1OTIwMDAxMiwiaXNzIjoiQkMiLCJzaWQiOjk5OTg4NzM2Nywic3ViIjoiYmNhcHAubGlua2VyZCIsInN1Yl90eXBlIjowLCJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoxfQ.3BKJCDPpS05hcNsA2dSK6OXUn26d7i11Teif52xvvwt2z-U0kfn1Bb0exoggjmhlURKZ-q159UU9Keq-aN3I-Q -----id: 5679
----rating: 5
--optimizedCheckout-headingPrimary-color: #333333
-----count: 0
---name: Ball -----formatted: 1.00 LBS
-----url: https://www.sarraf.com/landing-pages/bead-ball-chains/ Original Price 61.49 --homepage_featured_products_count: 4
160.10, 177.89 ---image: ----has_options: false Diamonds of this clarity are much less expensive than flawless diamonds, and will not contain inclusions that would reduce from the splendor of the diamond. Ball. ----rating: 5 From shop BeadsbyloShop, ad by CastellanoJoyeros
-----image: [object Object]
----1: [object Object]
-----number: 4 ----save_new_return: /account.php?action=save_new_return
-----id: 5218
--color-greyLightest: #e5e5e5 ----show_cart_action: true
----16: [object Object] --fontSize-h1: 28 -----url: https://www.sarraf.com/alternative-metals/palladium/
-----name: Necklace Ad from shop Creaxy
----category: 14K Selection/14k Yellow Gold/Chains/Ball data-store-id="stores/8mvvgj1pds"
---children: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object] ----id: 132619 ---10: [object Object]
---host: www.sarraf.com ---image: -----url: https://www.sarraf.com/landing-pages/diamond-earrings/
-----url: https://www.sarraf.com/landing-pages/byzantine-bracelet/
From shop MiracleLivesGiftShop, Sale Price 39.04 -----id: 5102 ---selected_zip: -----url: https://www.sarraf.com/landing-pages/byzantine-chains/
-----rrp_without_tax: [object Object] this._trackTrans = gtagTrackTrans; fbq('track', 'PageView', {}, {"eventID":"store-5-prd-us-central1-134528672209"}); -----id: 5546
-----url: /sterling-silver/bracelets/ --sitemap: /sitemap.php return cartJson[0].id; From shop LesPascotines, ad by TheYogaWitchCrafts
-breadcrumbs: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
--3: [object Object] ---children: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] ---name: Sarraf.com -----rrp_without_tax: [object Object] -----alt: 14k Gold Bead Link Chain, 1mm Wide 16 Inches
-----count: 0
--select-arrow-color: #757575
} -----url: https://www.sarraf.com/charms/
ga('ecommerce:addItem', { } else {
Look for a clarity plot on a diamond certificate, or grading report, to get a clear idea of the number and size of inclusions in a particular diamond.
---count: 261
--show_copyright_footer: true -----name: 18k White Gold
---image: ----add_to_cart_url: https://www.sarraf.com/cart.php?action=add&product_id=141959 ----0: [object Object] -----url: https://www.sarraf.com/landing-pages/panther-necklaces-and-bracelets/ -----0: 14K Selection/14k Yellow Gold/Chains/Ball --carousel-dot-color: #333333 metailoring ----add_to_cart_url: https://www.sarraf.com/cart.php?action=add&product_id=132889 -----url: https://www.sarraf.com/landing-pages/snake-chains/ ----weight: [object Object] -----name: Omega Bracelets
From shop IRBISPARIS, ad by labelleauboisFrance
----custom_fields: [object Object],[object Object] From shop lesbijouxdebambou, ad by EmieByEmily -----name: Sarraf.com --alert-backgroundColor: #ffffff --pdp-retail-price-label: MSRP:
FREE shipping, ad by EmmaFashionStyle --active_currency_flag:
-----name: Platinum
From shop Creaxy, 22.00
-----count: 0 ----id: 151943
--color-textLink--hover: #757575
--carousel-arrow-bgColor: #ffffff
----3: [object Object]
---url: https://www.sarraf.com/benchmark/
--is_eu_ip_address: true
----custom_fields: [object Object],[object Object] Ad from shop Attayabijoux
----sku: 14KY-PBEAD012-30IN
--color-secondaryDark: #e5e5e5
--optimizedCheckout-buttonSecondary-colorHover: #333333 Those rated J to M have a trace of color, while any diamond with an N or higher carries a noticeable yellow tint, The charts above are clarity plots, which is a representation of the number and size of inclusions typically present in diamonds of a particular clarity grade. LILAFLOREjewelry
-----image: [object Object] Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy.
-----0: [object Object]
Ad from shop SarahEliseJewelry
--1: [object Object]
--price_ranges: true
---url: https://www.sarraf.com/18k-selection/ --color-secondaryDarker: #cccccc -----url: /diamond/bracelets/ ----weight: [object Object]
---name: Chains
---image: A 1.00 Carat diamond weighs 0.2 gm on scales weighs.
----id: 132887
-----url: /alternative-metals/palladium/wedding-bands/
----name: 14k Gold Bead Link Chain, 1mm Wide 20 Inches
----image: [object Object]
----25: [object Object] ----add_to_wishlist_url: /wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=132891
---next: https://www.sarraf.com/14k-selection/14k-yellow-gold/chains/ball/?sort=featured&page=2 39.04, 55.78
--carousel-title-color: #444444
----summary: Graceful 14K Gold Bead Link Chain, 1.2mm wide 16 inches in length; features a lobster clasp, perfect for pendants or stand-alone Made in Italy.
function gaAddItems(orderID, sku, product, variation, price, qty) {
---count: 6 -in_production: true
--color-black: #ffffff -----children: [object Object] ---id: 5249
-----name: Titanium
-----service: twitter
Saying no will not stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. ----stock_level:
-----value: 1
---value: 0
From shop EmmaFashionStyle, ad by MydreamJewelShop ----summary: Graceful 14K Gold Bead Link Chain, 1.2mm wide 30 inches in length; features a lobster clasp, perfect for pendants or stand-alone Made in Italy. --data_tag_enabled: false
----demo: false -----id: 5402
--show_newsletter_summary: 0 -----0: [object Object]
--optimizedCheckout-formField-placeholderColor: #999999
FREE shipping, ad by labrocanteamusette
----show_cart_action: true
---id: 5200 -----name: Byzantine Chains ---name: Benchmark
There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. ---count: 0 ---id: 5477 ----images: [object Object],[object Object] ---add_address: /account.php?action=add_shipping_address
---url: https://www.sarraf.com/sterling-silver/ --button--primary-color: #ffffff ----category: 14K Selection/14k Yellow Gold/Chains/Ball
-----name: Curb Bracelets
--optimizedCheckout-formField-shadowColor: #e5e5e5
From shop BohoStones, ad by LILAFLOREjewelry --optimizedCheckout-buttonPrimary-borderColorActive: transparent
-----name: Bangles
5.91, 7.39 By definition, 1 carat is exactly 200 milligrams.
CultandGlint ----stock_level:
----0: [object Object] ---children: [object Object] Ad from shop LeSophisticate -----annotation:
----name: 14k Gold Bead Link Chain, 1mm Wide 18 Inches ---token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.eyJjaWQiOjEsImNvcnMiOlsiaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2FycmFmLmNvbSJdLCJlYXQiOjE2NTkzNzI4MTIsImlhdCI6MTY1OTIwMDAxMiwiaXNzIjoiQkMiLCJzaWQiOjk5OTg4NzM2Nywic3ViIjoiYmNhcHAubGlua2VyZCIsInN1Yl90eXBlIjowLCJ0b2tlbl90eXBlIjoxfQ.3BKJCDPpS05hcNsA2dSK6OXUn26d7i11Teif52xvvwt2z-U0kfn1Bb0exoggjmhlURKZ-q159UU9Keq-aN3I-Q -----id: 5679
----rating: 5
--optimizedCheckout-headingPrimary-color: #333333
-----count: 0
---name: Ball -----formatted: 1.00 LBS
-----url: https://www.sarraf.com/landing-pages/bead-ball-chains/ Original Price 61.49 --homepage_featured_products_count: 4
160.10, 177.89 ---image: ----has_options: false Diamonds of this clarity are much less expensive than flawless diamonds, and will not contain inclusions that would reduce from the splendor of the diamond. Ball. ----rating: 5 From shop BeadsbyloShop, ad by CastellanoJoyeros
-----image: [object Object]
----1: [object Object]
-----number: 4 ----save_new_return: /account.php?action=save_new_return
-----id: 5218
--color-greyLightest: #e5e5e5 ----show_cart_action: true
----16: [object Object] --fontSize-h1: 28 -----url: https://www.sarraf.com/alternative-metals/palladium/
-----name: Necklace Ad from shop Creaxy
----category: 14K Selection/14k Yellow Gold/Chains/Ball data-store-id="stores/8mvvgj1pds"
---children: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object] ----id: 132619 ---10: [object Object]
---host: www.sarraf.com ---image: -----url: https://www.sarraf.com/landing-pages/diamond-earrings/
-----url: https://www.sarraf.com/landing-pages/byzantine-bracelet/
From shop MiracleLivesGiftShop, Sale Price 39.04 -----id: 5102 ---selected_zip: -----url: https://www.sarraf.com/landing-pages/byzantine-chains/
-----rrp_without_tax: [object Object] this._trackTrans = gtagTrackTrans; fbq('track', 'PageView', {}, {"eventID":"store-5-prd-us-central1-134528672209"}); -----id: 5546
-----url: /sterling-silver/bracelets/ --sitemap: /sitemap.php return cartJson[0].id; From shop LesPascotines, ad by TheYogaWitchCrafts
-breadcrumbs: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
--3: [object Object] ---children: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object] ---name: Sarraf.com -----rrp_without_tax: [object Object] -----alt: 14k Gold Bead Link Chain, 1mm Wide 16 Inches
-----count: 0
--select-arrow-color: #757575
} -----url: https://www.sarraf.com/charms/
ga('ecommerce:addItem', { } else {
Look for a clarity plot on a diamond certificate, or grading report, to get a clear idea of the number and size of inclusions in a particular diamond.
---count: 261
--show_copyright_footer: true -----name: 18k White Gold
---image: ----add_to_cart_url: https://www.sarraf.com/cart.php?action=add&product_id=141959 ----0: [object Object] -----url: https://www.sarraf.com/landing-pages/panther-necklaces-and-bracelets/ -----0: 14K Selection/14k Yellow Gold/Chains/Ball --carousel-dot-color: #333333 metailoring ----add_to_cart_url: https://www.sarraf.com/cart.php?action=add&product_id=132889 -----url: https://www.sarraf.com/landing-pages/snake-chains/ ----weight: [object Object] -----name: Omega Bracelets
From shop IRBISPARIS, ad by labelleauboisFrance
----custom_fields: [object Object],[object Object] From shop lesbijouxdebambou, ad by EmieByEmily -----name: Sarraf.com --alert-backgroundColor: #ffffff --pdp-retail-price-label: MSRP:
FREE shipping, ad by EmmaFashionStyle --active_currency_flag:

-----name: Platinum
From shop Creaxy, 22.00
-----count: 0 ----id: 151943
--color-textLink--hover: #757575
--carousel-arrow-bgColor: #ffffff
----3: [object Object]
---url: https://www.sarraf.com/benchmark/
--is_eu_ip_address: true

----custom_fields: [object Object],[object Object] Ad from shop Attayabijoux
----sku: 14KY-PBEAD012-30IN
--color-secondaryDark: #e5e5e5
--optimizedCheckout-buttonSecondary-colorHover: #333333 Those rated J to M have a trace of color, while any diamond with an N or higher carries a noticeable yellow tint, The charts above are clarity plots, which is a representation of the number and size of inclusions typically present in diamonds of a particular clarity grade. LILAFLOREjewelry
-----image: [object Object] Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy.
-----0: [object Object]
Ad from shop SarahEliseJewelry
--1: [object Object]
--price_ranges: true
---url: https://www.sarraf.com/18k-selection/ --color-secondaryDarker: #cccccc -----url: /diamond/bracelets/ ----weight: [object Object]
---name: Chains
---image: A 1.00 Carat diamond weighs 0.2 gm on scales weighs.
----id: 132887
-----url: /alternative-metals/palladium/wedding-bands/
----name: 14k Gold Bead Link Chain, 1mm Wide 20 Inches
----image: [object Object]
----25: [object Object] ----add_to_wishlist_url: /wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=132891
---next: https://www.sarraf.com/14k-selection/14k-yellow-gold/chains/ball/?sort=featured&page=2 39.04, 55.78
--carousel-title-color: #444444
----summary: Graceful 14K Gold Bead Link Chain, 1.2mm wide 16 inches in length; features a lobster clasp, perfect for pendants or stand-alone Made in Italy.
function gaAddItems(orderID, sku, product, variation, price, qty) {
---count: 6 -in_production: true
--color-black: #ffffff -----children: [object Object] ---id: 5249
-----name: Titanium
-----service: twitter
Saying no will not stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalization technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. ----stock_level:
-----value: 1
---value: 0
From shop EmmaFashionStyle, ad by MydreamJewelShop ----summary: Graceful 14K Gold Bead Link Chain, 1.2mm wide 30 inches in length; features a lobster clasp, perfect for pendants or stand-alone Made in Italy. --data_tag_enabled: false
----demo: false -----id: 5402
--show_newsletter_summary: 0 -----0: [object Object]
--optimizedCheckout-formField-placeholderColor: #999999
FREE shipping, ad by labrocanteamusette
----show_cart_action: true
---id: 5200 -----name: Byzantine Chains ---name: Benchmark
There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. ---count: 0 ---id: 5477 ----images: [object Object],[object Object] ---add_address: /account.php?action=add_shipping_address
---url: https://www.sarraf.com/sterling-silver/ --button--primary-color: #ffffff ----category: 14K Selection/14k Yellow Gold/Chains/Ball

