Substances with high. This is done by a process called fractional distillation which is based on the fact that the different components of petroleum have distinctly different boiling points. No single oil possesses all the properties needed to be a good lubricant. This distills the vapor along the length of the column, and eventually, the vapor is composed solely of the more volatile component (or an azeotrope). This is supplied to the top of the column at the boiling temperature and is variable in composition. - a typical careful fractionation would employ a reflux ratio of around 4:1 (4 parts returned condensate to 1 part condensate take off). Vacuum distillation systems operate at reduced pressure, thereby lowering the boiling points of the materials. Some mixtures form azeotropes, where the mixture boils at a lower temperature than either component. Calculate the common difference of the AP: 1/b, 3b/3b, 32b/3b, What is the least number by which 8640 is divided so that the quotient is a complete cube number? Each collected fraction comprises a large number of components with close boiling points. Sodium Peroxide Formula - Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions, School Guide: Roadmap For School Students. Note that, for example, the density of naphthene group in C6 is higher than that of the paraffin group in C9. The name Kerosene is derived from the Greek word Keros meaning Wax. Blended petroleum oils are further classified depending upon their constituent hydrocarbon chain. LPG is formed from refining petroleum. [7] The Jabirian experiments with fractional distillation of animal and vegetable substances, and to a lesser degree also of mineral substances, formed the main topic of the De anima in arte alkimiae, an originally Arabic work falsely attributed to Avicenna that was translated into Latin and would go on to form the most important alchemical source for Roger Bacon (c. In this example, a mixture of 96% ethanol and 4% water boils at 78.2C (172.8F); the mixture is more volatile than pure ethanol. Coal was formed from the remains of ancient forests. Findel Education Limited (trading as Philip Harris). The foremost amongst mineral oil is the petroleum oil. crude distillation fractional blueringmedia [6], The fractional distillation of organic substances played an important role in the 9th-century works attributed to the Islamic alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan, as for example in the Kitb al-Sabn ('The Book of Seventy'), translated into Latin by Gerard of Cremona (c. 11141187) under the title Liber de septuaginta. It can be burned in power stations. The bulk of the coal reserves are in the southeastern quadrant in West Bengal, Jharkhand, Orissa, Chhattisgarh & Madhya Pradesh. We know that resources like coal and petroleum take billions of years to be formed as a result of natural processes. By using this site you agree to these cookies being set. Ever stopped and thought how useful petroleum is in our daily lives? A form of kerosene known as RP-1 is burned with liquid oxygen as rocket fuel. Primarily, there are two types of mining methods being used for the extraction of minerals and ores surface/opencast mining and underground mining. It can serve as fuel for cooking, central heating and water heating and is a particularly cost-effective and efficient way to heat off-grid homes. Most of these uses of kerosene create thick black smoke because of the low temperature of combustion. Due to an uneven distribution of hydrocarbon homologues in SCN groups, all the properties of SCN groups should not necessarily follow the same trend. As you go up the fractionating column, the hydrocarbons have: Natural gas mainly consists of methane. Fractional distillation is also used in air separation, producing liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen, and highly concentrated argon. distillation fractional crude Methods, relying on material balance and empirical correlations, have been proposed [4,13] to estimate the PNA content, using the specific gravity and molecular weight of each fraction. Thus, petroleum literally means rock oil. distillation fractional lyden oil column The hydrocarbons in this range are composed of C8H18, C14H30. distillation fractional petroleum fractions For a multi-component feed, simulation models are used both for design and operation. It has a very wide variety of uses, mainly used for cylinders across many different markets as an efficient fuel container in the agricultural, recreation, hospitality, industrial etc. And how it gets from it's natural state, deep underground, to the familiar fuels and chemicals we use it for? Question 4: What is the full form of CNG? It is being manufactured during the refining of petroleum (crude oil) or extracted from petroleum or natural gas streams as they emerge from the ground. Depending upon the major constituents, the lubricating oil is called either paraffinic oil or naphthalenic oil. Fractional distillation in a laboratory makes use of common laboratory glassware and apparatuses, typically including a Bunsen burner, a round-bottomed flask and a condenser, as well as the single-purpose fractionating column. Generally the component parts have boiling points that differ by less than 25C (45F) from each other under a pressure of one atmosphere. Question 6: Which are the two main techniques of mining? Note that the gases leave at the top of the column, the liquids condense in the middle and the solids stay at the bottom. The two major types of distillation columns used are tray and packing columns.
distillation fractional crude The column is very hot at the bottom and gets cooler as the gas travels up the column, this allows different fuels to drain out at different temperatures up the column, with the exception of Bitumen, which is used to surface roads, this stays liquid and is drained off at the bottom of the column. This is known as continuous, steady-state fractional distillation. [1][2] In most cases, the distillation is operated at a continuous steady state. We have detected that your IP address is not UK based. In Developments in Petroleum Science, 1998. ), in external reboilers, or in a reboiler situated at the base of the fractionating column. These data are not, however, commonly available for petroleum fractions. A measured detailed analysis would be more appropriate in such cases instead of estimating them from the correlations. Petrol is used in automobiles. In this article, we will be learning about fractions of Petroleum in this article. It cannot be used in this made form either as a fuel or a basic material to produce other useful components. This packing material can either be random dumped packing (13in (2576mm) wide) such as Raschig rings or structured sheet metal. chemistry distillation fractional crude oil gcse science teaching key column organic resources poster pdf carbon a3 level resource tes experiments The heating capacity of pipe stills varies from 0.5 to 2 MJ s1, of which 55 to 60% is supplied by radiation. This is liquid withdrawn from the column and cooled before returning. Balasubramanian Viswanathan, in Energy Sources, 2017. The above explanation reflects the theoretical way fractionation works. Get access to ad-free content, doubt assistance and more!
The length of the hydrocarbon chain varies from C12 to C50. The reflux flowing downwards provides the cooling required for condensing the vapors flowing upwards. The purity of SCN groups can further be improved by using a more efficient distillation apparatus. By turning the cow or pig, the distillates can be channeled into any chosen receiver. Each time the vapor condenses and vaporizes, the composition of the more volatile component in the vapor increases. Such oils containing additives are called blended oils. In order to use petroleum oil as a good lubricant, some additives must be added to obtain certain desirable properties. The molecular weight, however, is expected to increase with increasing carbon number. But this oil contains lot of impurities, like wax, asphalt, etc., which prevent it from being used as single oil. distillation fractional aqa fractionating chemical refinery refining bitesize coursework hdimagelib oilfield But before that, we should be familiar with the basic term i.e fossil fuels. It is derived from petroleum. The more reflux is provided for a given number of theoretical plates, the better the tower's separation of lower boiling materials from higher boiling materials. The boiling point is taken at its mid-volume, Figure 6.1 As the boiling points of the neighbouring normal alkanes are close and the distillate recovery is almost linear over a SCN range, the mid-volume temperature is about the same as the arithmetic average of the boiling points of the two normal paraffins at the boundaries. Coal is mainly carbon but it may also contain sulfur compounds, which produce sulfur dioxide when the coal is burned.
A more reliable characterisation factor, especially for complex fluids, may be obtained by including a third physical property, such as the viscosity or the refractive index. Copyright 2022 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. The crude oil is evaporated and its vapours condense at different temperatures in the fractionating column. distillation fractional crude oil distillation fractional diagram crude oil labeled shutterstock vector Practice Problems, POTD Streak, Weekly Contests & More! Payment providers - Visa, Visa Electron, Maestro, SOLO, Fractional distillation of petroleum experiment. distillation crude fractional What is this process called? The boiled-off fractions are collected as distillates, each within a temperature band at the column top. Their data, revised by Whitson [9], to improve consistency in the reported molecular weight, are given in Table 6.1. Reflux refers to the portion of the condensed overhead product that is returned to the tower. Fractions are commonly collected within the temperature range of two consecutive normal alkanes, where each cut begins and ends at the boiling point of normal Cn1 and normal Cn, respectively, and is referred to by the carbon number n. For example, the reported C9 fraction, nonanes, comprises all the compounds collected as distillate, within the temperature range of normal octane and normal nonane boiling points, as shown in Figure 6.1 The fractions are called, hence, single carbon number (SCN) groups. Other characterisation factors, not widely used, have also been proposed [14]. When we move from bottom to top in fractionating column hydrocarbons with lower molecular mass and boiling points are separated. Mostly it contains the hydrocarbons with C5H12, C6H14. In this article, the author has explained the fractional distillation of petroleum products. fractional distillation crude The boiling point range of hydrocarbons in this family is 40-222 C. The existence of living beings is known to exist for millions of years now. The distillation towers have liquid outlets at intervals up the column which allow for the withdrawal of different fractions or products having different boiling points or boiling ranges. There are many types of fuels in this crude oil. distillation petroleum fractional ppt It is inexpensive and is available in abundance. It is methane gas that we use in household activities. Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons. crude oil distillation fractional which lives virtually runs without daily The Graham condenser is a spiral tube within a water jacket, and the Allihn condenser has a series of large and small constrictions on the inside tube, each increasing the surface area upon which the vapor constituents may condense. By increasing the temperature of the product inside the columns, the different products are separated. So, by heating the mixture, the most volatile component (ethanol) will concentrate to a greater degree in the vapor leaving the liquid. The calculated critical properties of generalised SCN groups, using correlations described in Section 6.2, are given in Table A.2 in Appendix A. Haaland [10], Osjord et al. at the bottom and substances with lower boiling points condense on the way to the top. A tall fractionating column is fitted above the mixture, with several condensers coming off at different heights. It is a non-renewable resource. and its vapours condense at different temperatures in the fractionating column. Figure 13.15. The above relation is particularly useful for the last fraction, referred to as the plus fraction, where its boiling point is not known. Peat, lignite, bituminous, anthracite are the four varieties of coal. In most oil refinery operations, tray columns are mainly used for the separation of petroleum fractions at different stages of oil refining. The residue is reported as Cn+ e.g., C30+ when the last drop of distillate is collected at the boiling point of nC29. For this reason, ethanol cannot be completely purified by direct fractional distillation of ethanol-water mixtures. The distillation begins at the atmospheric pressure, but the column pressure is lowered stage-wise to vaporise heavier compounds to avoid high temperatures which can cause hydrocarbon cracking, hence, compositional changes. True boiling point (TBP) distillation curve of a North Sea condensate sample. The liquid phase contains many components with properties varying in small increments. [8] on the average boiling point, molecular weight and density of SCN groups of a large number of reservoir fluids. Paraffinic oil versus Naphthenic lube oil. Definition, Types, Complexity, Examples, Types of Quadrilaterals - Rectangle, Square, Rhombus, Parallelogram | Class 8 Maths. Read about our approach to external linking. Any petroleum happens to be mixture of paraffin (CnH2n+2) naphthalene (CnH2n) and aromatics (CnH2n-6) The presence of aromatics is undesirable. Petroleum can be separated into various types of fuel, by a process called refining, using fractional distillation. [12] have also reported average SCN group properties for North Sea oil and condensate samples, which differ somewhat from those given in Table 6.1.. Table 6.1. It can be also used to prevent air from re-dissolving in a boiled liquid and to store highly reactive metals like potassium, sodium etc. For example, fractional distillation is used in oil refineries to separate crude oil into useful substances (or fractions) having different hydrocarbons of different boiling points. The plot clearly demonstrates that the density of a SCN group can be lower than its preceding neighbour. It is often spelt as kerosine in scientific and industrial usage. Schematic diagram of fractional distillation of petroleum. For example, it can be related to the molecular weight (M) and specific gravity (S) [9], using the Riazi-Daubert correlation, Eq.(6.4). Gradually heat the flask. In practice the boundaries are selected about 0.3-0.7 C, depending on the distillation unit and the fraction, above the normal alkane boiling points, mainly to counteract the liquid hold-up in the apparatus for improved purity. Chemical compounds are separated by heating them to a temperature at which one or more fractions of the mixture will vaporize. This is not a satisfactory method, because hot reflux can only exchange latent heat with the rising vapour and ca.5 volumes are required per volume of overhead product. Methods, such as using empirical correlations [4], have been suggested to extrapolate the TBP curve to 100% distillate. Also read: The sources of organic compounds. In recent years, however, a considerable amount of work has been done to develop efficient and reliable computer-aided design procedures for fractional distillation. It is dark brownish to green coloured viscous liquid fossil fuel. distillation fractional column diagram crude oil vacuum schematic britannica process chemical chemistry apparatus industry rosin methods still The characterisation factor for a mixture can be estimated by the weighted average mixing rule. Their boiling points range is < 20 C . Substances with high boiling points condense at the bottom and substances with lower boiling points condense on the way to the top. It also contains water, salt and rocky materials. The column is hot at the bottom and cool at the top. Distillation of chlorosilanes also enable the production of high-purity silicon for use as a semiconductor. However, detailed information on the content of each SCN group may be required in special cases, e.g., when two hydrocarbon liquid phases or liquid-solid hydrocarbons are formed. The average boiling point of the residue, if required, may be estimated from the correlations given in Section 6.2. If the vapor is totally condensed, with no sub-cooling, the rate of heat removed in the condenser is: where is the molar heat of evaporation. It is used in domestic boilers, cookers and Bunsen burners, as well as in some power stations. The hole is drilled in the Earths crust & when it reached the rock cap, the natural gas comes out first with great pressure. A deviation of about 2 units of molecular weight can typically be expected in a carefully conducted test. Huthig-Fachveriage Copyright. A comparison of these two types of lubricant is given in Table 10.1. Initially, the condensate will be close to the azeotropic composition, but when much of the ethanol has been drawn off, the condensate becomes gradually richer in water.
crude distillation oil fractional ratios resulting fuel chemistry petroleum refining Each cut is characterised by its molecular weight, density and normal boiling point. Kerosene is obtained from the fractional distillation of petroleum between 150 and 275C (carbon chains from C12 to C15 range). So industrially used petroleum oils mainly consist of paraffin and naphthalene types of hydrocarbons. The PNA analysis of SCN groups is not generally required for modelling of vapour-liquid equilibria using equations of state. The Philip Harris specialist team are here to help with any technical questions you have about this experiment, or any other support you need. Average normal boiling point, specific gravity, molecular weight and Watson characterisation factor of single carbon number groups [9]. This point can be recognized by the sharp rise in temperature shown on the thermometer.
Table 10.1. CNG stands for Compressed Natural Gas. Such a column can be calibrated by the distillation of a known mixture system to quantify the column in terms of number of theoretical trays. Even then, 530% of the Cn fraction could be lighter than the normal Cn1 [5]. In fractional distillation, crude petroleum is heated to a temperature of, 400C or slightly above in a furnace. Fractional distillation towers or columns are designed to achieve the required separation efficiently. The different hydrocarbons in the mixture will have different boiling points, and will start to evaporate at different temperatures.
Over the next billions of years under high pressure and high temperature, the organic matter transformed into what we know today as Petroleum or simply Petrol. As the distance from the still pot increases, a temperature gradient is formed in the column; it is coolest at the top and hottest at the bottom. experiment oil distillation fractional crude resources related Alternate set-ups may use a multi-outlet distillation receiver flask (referred to as a "cow" or "pig") to connect three or four receiving flasks to the condenser. Bitumen is a by-product of the fractional distillation of crude oil, but is also found in natural deposits. The distillation is commonly conducted using a column with 15 theoretical equilibrium stages at a reflux ratio of 5 and is known as the true boiling point (TBP) distillation. The apparatus is assembled as in the diagram.

The length of the hydrocarbon chain varies from C12 to C50. The reflux flowing downwards provides the cooling required for condensing the vapors flowing upwards. The purity of SCN groups can further be improved by using a more efficient distillation apparatus. By turning the cow or pig, the distillates can be channeled into any chosen receiver. Each time the vapor condenses and vaporizes, the composition of the more volatile component in the vapor increases. Such oils containing additives are called blended oils. In order to use petroleum oil as a good lubricant, some additives must be added to obtain certain desirable properties. The molecular weight, however, is expected to increase with increasing carbon number. But this oil contains lot of impurities, like wax, asphalt, etc., which prevent it from being used as single oil. distillation fractional aqa fractionating chemical refinery refining bitesize coursework hdimagelib oilfield But before that, we should be familiar with the basic term i.e fossil fuels. It is derived from petroleum. The more reflux is provided for a given number of theoretical plates, the better the tower's separation of lower boiling materials from higher boiling materials. The boiling point is taken at its mid-volume, Figure 6.1 As the boiling points of the neighbouring normal alkanes are close and the distillate recovery is almost linear over a SCN range, the mid-volume temperature is about the same as the arithmetic average of the boiling points of the two normal paraffins at the boundaries. Coal is mainly carbon but it may also contain sulfur compounds, which produce sulfur dioxide when the coal is burned.
A more reliable characterisation factor, especially for complex fluids, may be obtained by including a third physical property, such as the viscosity or the refractive index. Copyright 2022 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. The crude oil is evaporated and its vapours condense at different temperatures in the fractionating column. distillation fractional crude oil distillation fractional diagram crude oil labeled shutterstock vector Practice Problems, POTD Streak, Weekly Contests & More! Payment providers - Visa, Visa Electron, Maestro, SOLO, Fractional distillation of petroleum experiment. distillation crude fractional What is this process called? The boiled-off fractions are collected as distillates, each within a temperature band at the column top. Their data, revised by Whitson [9], to improve consistency in the reported molecular weight, are given in Table 6.1. Reflux refers to the portion of the condensed overhead product that is returned to the tower. Fractions are commonly collected within the temperature range of two consecutive normal alkanes, where each cut begins and ends at the boiling point of normal Cn1 and normal Cn, respectively, and is referred to by the carbon number n. For example, the reported C9 fraction, nonanes, comprises all the compounds collected as distillate, within the temperature range of normal octane and normal nonane boiling points, as shown in Figure 6.1 The fractions are called, hence, single carbon number (SCN) groups. Other characterisation factors, not widely used, have also been proposed [14]. When we move from bottom to top in fractionating column hydrocarbons with lower molecular mass and boiling points are separated. Mostly it contains the hydrocarbons with C5H12, C6H14. In this article, the author has explained the fractional distillation of petroleum products. fractional distillation crude The boiling point range of hydrocarbons in this family is 40-222 C. The existence of living beings is known to exist for millions of years now. The distillation towers have liquid outlets at intervals up the column which allow for the withdrawal of different fractions or products having different boiling points or boiling ranges. There are many types of fuels in this crude oil. distillation petroleum fractional ppt It is inexpensive and is available in abundance. It is methane gas that we use in household activities. Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons. crude oil distillation fractional which lives virtually runs without daily The Graham condenser is a spiral tube within a water jacket, and the Allihn condenser has a series of large and small constrictions on the inside tube, each increasing the surface area upon which the vapor constituents may condense. By increasing the temperature of the product inside the columns, the different products are separated. So, by heating the mixture, the most volatile component (ethanol) will concentrate to a greater degree in the vapor leaving the liquid. The calculated critical properties of generalised SCN groups, using correlations described in Section 6.2, are given in Table A.2 in Appendix A. Haaland [10], Osjord et al. at the bottom and substances with lower boiling points condense on the way to the top. A tall fractionating column is fitted above the mixture, with several condensers coming off at different heights. It is a non-renewable resource. and its vapours condense at different temperatures in the fractionating column. Figure 13.15. The above relation is particularly useful for the last fraction, referred to as the plus fraction, where its boiling point is not known. Peat, lignite, bituminous, anthracite are the four varieties of coal. In most oil refinery operations, tray columns are mainly used for the separation of petroleum fractions at different stages of oil refining. The residue is reported as Cn+ e.g., C30+ when the last drop of distillate is collected at the boiling point of nC29. For this reason, ethanol cannot be completely purified by direct fractional distillation of ethanol-water mixtures. The distillation begins at the atmospheric pressure, but the column pressure is lowered stage-wise to vaporise heavier compounds to avoid high temperatures which can cause hydrocarbon cracking, hence, compositional changes. True boiling point (TBP) distillation curve of a North Sea condensate sample. The liquid phase contains many components with properties varying in small increments. [8] on the average boiling point, molecular weight and density of SCN groups of a large number of reservoir fluids. Paraffinic oil versus Naphthenic lube oil. Definition, Types, Complexity, Examples, Types of Quadrilaterals - Rectangle, Square, Rhombus, Parallelogram | Class 8 Maths. Read about our approach to external linking. Any petroleum happens to be mixture of paraffin (CnH2n+2) naphthalene (CnH2n) and aromatics (CnH2n-6) The presence of aromatics is undesirable. Petroleum can be separated into various types of fuel, by a process called refining, using fractional distillation. [12] have also reported average SCN group properties for North Sea oil and condensate samples, which differ somewhat from those given in Table 6.1.. Table 6.1. It can be also used to prevent air from re-dissolving in a boiled liquid and to store highly reactive metals like potassium, sodium etc. For example, fractional distillation is used in oil refineries to separate crude oil into useful substances (or fractions) having different hydrocarbons of different boiling points. The plot clearly demonstrates that the density of a SCN group can be lower than its preceding neighbour. It is often spelt as kerosine in scientific and industrial usage. Schematic diagram of fractional distillation of petroleum. For example, it can be related to the molecular weight (M) and specific gravity (S) [9], using the Riazi-Daubert correlation, Eq.(6.4). Gradually heat the flask. In practice the boundaries are selected about 0.3-0.7 C, depending on the distillation unit and the fraction, above the normal alkane boiling points, mainly to counteract the liquid hold-up in the apparatus for improved purity. Chemical compounds are separated by heating them to a temperature at which one or more fractions of the mixture will vaporize. This is not a satisfactory method, because hot reflux can only exchange latent heat with the rising vapour and ca.5 volumes are required per volume of overhead product. Methods, such as using empirical correlations [4], have been suggested to extrapolate the TBP curve to 100% distillate. Also read: The sources of organic compounds. In recent years, however, a considerable amount of work has been done to develop efficient and reliable computer-aided design procedures for fractional distillation. It is dark brownish to green coloured viscous liquid fossil fuel. distillation fractional column diagram crude oil vacuum schematic britannica process chemical chemistry apparatus industry rosin methods still The characterisation factor for a mixture can be estimated by the weighted average mixing rule. Their boiling points range is < 20 C . Substances with high boiling points condense at the bottom and substances with lower boiling points condense on the way to the top. It also contains water, salt and rocky materials. The column is hot at the bottom and cool at the top. Distillation of chlorosilanes also enable the production of high-purity silicon for use as a semiconductor. However, detailed information on the content of each SCN group may be required in special cases, e.g., when two hydrocarbon liquid phases or liquid-solid hydrocarbons are formed. The average boiling point of the residue, if required, may be estimated from the correlations given in Section 6.2. If the vapor is totally condensed, with no sub-cooling, the rate of heat removed in the condenser is: where is the molar heat of evaporation. It is used in domestic boilers, cookers and Bunsen burners, as well as in some power stations. The hole is drilled in the Earths crust & when it reached the rock cap, the natural gas comes out first with great pressure. A deviation of about 2 units of molecular weight can typically be expected in a carefully conducted test. Huthig-Fachveriage Copyright. A comparison of these two types of lubricant is given in Table 10.1. Initially, the condensate will be close to the azeotropic composition, but when much of the ethanol has been drawn off, the condensate becomes gradually richer in water.
crude distillation oil fractional ratios resulting fuel chemistry petroleum refining Each cut is characterised by its molecular weight, density and normal boiling point. Kerosene is obtained from the fractional distillation of petroleum between 150 and 275C (carbon chains from C12 to C15 range). So industrially used petroleum oils mainly consist of paraffin and naphthalene types of hydrocarbons. The PNA analysis of SCN groups is not generally required for modelling of vapour-liquid equilibria using equations of state. The Philip Harris specialist team are here to help with any technical questions you have about this experiment, or any other support you need. Average normal boiling point, specific gravity, molecular weight and Watson characterisation factor of single carbon number groups [9]. This point can be recognized by the sharp rise in temperature shown on the thermometer.
Table 10.1. CNG stands for Compressed Natural Gas. Such a column can be calibrated by the distillation of a known mixture system to quantify the column in terms of number of theoretical trays. Even then, 530% of the Cn fraction could be lighter than the normal Cn1 [5]. In fractional distillation, crude petroleum is heated to a temperature of, 400C or slightly above in a furnace. Fractional distillation towers or columns are designed to achieve the required separation efficiently. The different hydrocarbons in the mixture will have different boiling points, and will start to evaporate at different temperatures.
Over the next billions of years under high pressure and high temperature, the organic matter transformed into what we know today as Petroleum or simply Petrol. As the distance from the still pot increases, a temperature gradient is formed in the column; it is coolest at the top and hottest at the bottom. experiment oil distillation fractional crude resources related Alternate set-ups may use a multi-outlet distillation receiver flask (referred to as a "cow" or "pig") to connect three or four receiving flasks to the condenser. Bitumen is a by-product of the fractional distillation of crude oil, but is also found in natural deposits. The distillation is commonly conducted using a column with 15 theoretical equilibrium stages at a reflux ratio of 5 and is known as the true boiling point (TBP) distillation. The apparatus is assembled as in the diagram.