One thing that can influence the quality of your prints is the cooling. This will grant access to printing more specialized materials but could create issues for the more basic ones like PLA. But the Ultrabase clone of the bed was working fine for me most of the times, you just have to clean it often and give it a scrub from time to time, I did not wish to disable it by placing the magnet sheet on top. This way the PI is in the way of the airflow cooling the printer and it does not go over 50C even without a radiator. Make your own PEI 3D printer bed and get every print to stick! There is a good reason for that which we will discuss a bit later, but for now dont do any upgrades to the firmware. A list of upgrades and replacement parts can be found on 3D Nexus' article Artillery 3D Printers, Parts, Upgrades And Mods, 3dprintbeginner's pick at his favourite upgrades Sidewinder X1 Upgrades Paid and Free, Next step: Troubleshooting common issues and how to fix them. Upgrade went well, for now nothing has blown up! Just keep in mind that since the shroud will be close to the nozzle you have to print it in PETG or better yet ABS or ASA.
I managed to find some documentation on the mainboard, the MKS GEN L V1.0, and in particular this line: HOT-END and FAN use HY1403D, parameters is 30V/42A, (from 3dprintbeginner Artillery Sidewinder Firmware, 3dprintbeginner Artillery Genius Firmware, Waggster Firmware for Artillery Sidewinder, Firmware that I use for my Artillery Genius, Upgrade Artillery Genius or Sidewinder to a MKS SGEN L 32bit board, Artillery 3D Printers, Parts, Upgrades And Mods, Troubleshooting common issues and how to fix them, S-Curve Acceleration, Adaptive Step Smoothing and Quick Home, Bilinear Auto Bed Level for BLTouch (or compatible) probes, Manual feature set that you can customize, Requires building your own mainboard firmware, TFT build (BTT clone) with support for filament change (M600) and other improvements, You can use the TFT firmware from Waggster's version, I was worried a bit because the sprint steel sheet is shaped a bit like an ark (so not perfecly flat in it's initial shape) but. Ging alles sehr schnell. But dont think that adding a bed probe will magically solve your leveling issues as unfortunately is not a straight forward process, it requires some calibration and a firmware update for both the mainboard and the TFT. There are no new features in Marlin 2.x just yet, but probably there will be in the future as more 32bit only content evolves. 3dprintbeginner Artillery Sidewinder Firmware, 3dprintbeginner Artillery Genius Firmware, Waggster Firmware for Artillery Sidewinder, Firmware that I use for my Artillery Genius, Upgrade Artillery Genius or Sidewinder to a MKS SGEN L 32bit board, Artillery 3D Printers, Parts, Upgrades And Mods, Troubleshooting common issues and how to fix them, S-Curve Acceleration, Adaptive Step Smoothing and Quick Home, Bilinear Auto Bed Level for BLTouch (or compatible) probes, Manual feature set that you can customize, Requires building your own mainboard firmware, TFT build (BTT clone) with support for filament change (M600) and other improvements, You can use the TFT firmware from Waggsters version, I was worried a bit because the sprint steel sheet is shaped a bit like an ark (so not perfecly flat in its initial shape) but. But feel free to experiment with the designs you find on thingiverse and see what works for you. Replacing it with a fan that distributes the air flow from 2 directions will help reduce this stringing issue and improve the cooling of your part during the printing process. Budget 3D Printer Battle: Voxelab Aquila vs Artillery Hornet vs Ender 3 V2, How to Install a Magnetic PEI Sheet Artillery Hornet Print Surface Upgrade, Artillery Hornet IdeaMaker Profiles: PLA, PETG, TPU, Artillery Hornet Review: Budget 3D Printer from Artillery. Very handy and easy to install upgrades that will save you a lot of trouble in the long run. For the Genius that would be the 235x235mm. I cant really recommend it since I cannot compare with others but so far its been really good to me. Main reason you want to upgrade your firmware are the new features. But don't go for the steel nozzles just yet as their main purpose is printing abrasive materials which you will not be doing any time soon. The numbers you entered don't match the image. They are basically everywhere. You can check the, If youve been a regular visitor on my blog, then you know Im somewhat of an Artillery fan. Overhang quality drastically improved, at the cost of silence (but maybe my fans aren't of the best quality). At the moment theese boards dont bring anything ground breaking to the table but as Marlin 1.x firmware is no longer developed this is more of a future proof upgrade. Changing the default PTFE lined heatbreak with an all metal one will allow you to use extruder temperatures above the 240C recomended for the one that comes with the printer. Artillery X1 and Genius: Why Haven't I Done a Marlin 2.x.x Firmware yet? Another feature is StallGuard4 which does load measurement so it can detect when the motor is not moving or has dificulties in moving. When it comes to stepper drivers, best available right now is the TMC2209. How to setup a BLTouch probe on your Artillery printer, PTFE lined heatbreak with an all metal one, Original Prusa i3 MK3 ENCLOSURE - Ikea Lack table. There are no new features in Marlin 2.x just yet, but probably there will be in the future as more 32bit only content evolves. - Artillery distributor Germany The TFT can be updated via a SD Card (16Gb or less), so its a bit easier. Make sure you use your real E-mail address since registration cannot be completed without a valid one and is manually checked. One thing that can influence the quality of your prints is the cooling. Mine is Eryone Magnetic Flexible Printing Surface and I got it from Amazon. Had to buy a crimping tool for JST-XH to shorten the fans cables, I guess I could have cut them and used heat-shrinkable tubing, but I wanted a clean result Hope that helps! As there is a lot of empty space inside the base of the printer, I have installed my PI next to the vents on the left side, behind the TFT. The TFT can be updated via a SD Card (16Gb or less), so it's a bit easier. All of the modded files are can be downloaded here. It also makes sense to add one if you are using different printing surfaces like magnetic PEI sheets on top of your bed and keep swapping between them. 3D-Nexus (3DN) Printer firmware for Sidewinder X1 and Genius, 3dprintbeginner Artillery Sidewinder Firmware Sehr schnelle Lieferung und perfekter Preis. Well, I got one just about as soon as I got my printer. There are 2 fans. A list of upgrades and replacement parts can be found on 3D Nexus article Artillery 3D Printers, Parts, Upgrades And Mods, 3dprintbeginners pick at his favourite upgrades Sidewinder X1 Upgrades Paid and Free, Next step: Troubleshooting common issues and how to fix them. Refresh your browser window to try again. I am still experimenting with different shroud designs but I still have not found a perfect one so I cant really make a recommendation here. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. When it comes to stepper drivers, best available right now is the TMC2209. I built myself an adapted version of the Original Prusa i3 MK3 ENCLOSURE - Ikea Lack table with modified top supports to which I added 60mm in height to match the height of the Genius. The Lack tables are cheap but also hallow inside so I had to add some 3D printed L shaped brackets to all the legs for more stability. Main reason you want to upgrade your firmware are the new features. While there are not many radical improvements from the stock firmware there are a few quality of life ones. But, just to be safe you can drill a hole in the bottom table where the printers case fan is just to make sure its got enough room to vent. You are using an out of date browser. My only complain so far with the default Ultrabase-like bed surface was the fact that you have to wait a lot for it to cool down so it can release the prints, and even at room temperature (24C) I had a hard time removing my PLA ones. And now Im glad I did and a bit sorry it took me so long to do it. As there is a lot of empty space inside the base of the printer, I have installed my PI next to the vents on the left side, behind the TFT. Many people online will recommend geting a flexible spring steel sheet covered in a layer of PEI.
Upgrading the firmware will not magicaly solve your problems with the machine (if you have any) and wont make your prints any better (whith some exceptions like Linear Advance). The default fan shroud is fine in most situations but it does have a small flow derived from the fact that it blows all the air from one direction. ABL Sensors? The item came in the week of ordering, and it works perfect. So, when I heard that about the, With Black Friday around the corner and the popular 11.11 sale, I think its a good idea to have a buying guide for some of. After that you connect your printer to a PC and use Prusa Slicer to upload the .hex firmware to the mainboard. Once signed in, you'll be able to participate on this site by adding your own topics and posts, as well as connect with other members. This shared serial port design unfortunately blocks the USB firmware upgrade process for the mainboard. getting-started-with-your-artillery-printer, Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. Read more about this in the Review Guidelines. So do yourself a favor and order some good quality nozzles to have handy. So, after about 10 weeks of staring at that PEI sheet every day thinking of alternative ways to attach it to the bed I decided it's time to experiment so I went ahead and installed the magnetic sticker that on the bed. This will create more stringing on the back of your print when using materials such as PETG that loves to string. Most of them include an instalation guide and also a TFT firmware companion. {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. ABL Sensors? Of course the plexiglass panels are now 500mm in height instead of the 440mm specified in the guide. The most popular boards are the SKR series from BigTreeTech (BTT) but other options exists such as the MakerBase MKS SGEN L which is a direct replacement for the MKS GEN L 8bit board the Genius and the Sidewinder are both equiped with. There is some controversy regarding the benefit of adding a bed probe like the BLTouch or clones. One thing I still struggle with this printer is overhangs: no matter how I configure the speed on parts with overhangs in Cura, no matter the filament temp, I just can't get acceptable overhangs quality. Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. On the Sidewinder on the other hand it makes more sense as the bed is biger. Very handy and easy to install upgrades that will save you a lot of trouble in the long run. Creality CR-10 3d printer review Large format, quality output, at a low price! This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. JavaScript is disabled., US : Should you need out of warranty replacement parts (or just dont want to wait for Artillery to send them to you), here is a list of suppliers of original Artillery Sidewinder and Genius spare parts across the world: International: As mentioned in the 3d printer overview there are 2 components (the mainboard and the TFT) that work independently and have separate firmwares and only communicate with each other via a serial port which is also shared with the external USB of the mainboard. Some of the surprises this month blow me away. - Official Artillery 3D partner for Germany, - Machined aluminium print beds. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Leaving asside the fact that its a low quality nozzle and it will wear out over time, mine was already partially clogged from the factory. But whichever you get, measure your bed to see the minimum size you need. All of the modded files are can be downloaded here. I'm planning on doing a fan upgrade, but I have a doubt: The defaults fans are 24V / 0.05A, and the new ones are 24V / 0.1A. Fear not, there is a much better way of doing things! This means no print time, no pause and no way to abort the print from the TFT in case something goes wrong. But don't think that adding a bed probe will magically solve your leveling issues as unfortunately is not a straight forward process, it requires some calibration and a firmware update for both the mainboard and the TFT. Should you need out of warranty replacement parts (or just don't want to wait for Artillery to send them to you), here is a list of suppliers of original Artillery Sidewinder and Genius spare parts across the world: International: This shared serial port design unfortunately blocks the USB firmware upgrade process for the mainboard. If your a bit OCD like me and like to keep things organized, you can print yourself some lables that can be atached to the cables inside your 3D printer to make them more easy to recognize so you dont mix them up. In my experience of about 6 weeks since I upgraded to an all metal heatbreak I did not experiece such issues but I guess its too early to tell. It also makes sense to add one if you are using different printing surfaces like magnetic PEI sheets on top of your bed and keep swapping between them. Waggster Firmware for Artillery Genius, G2Barbours M600 Enabled Firmware for both Sidewinder X1 and Genius, Firmware that I use for my Artillery Genius (more or less same as Waggster but on Marlin 1.x and with my own personal tweaks), Original Artillery Sidewinder Firmware (source code only), Original Artillery Genius Firmware (source code only). The budget 3D, The best way to improve your printing experience is to upgrade your print surface and install a magnetic PEI sheet. 5* seller. Upgrading the Wanhao Di3 from Good to Amazing, How to Install and Set Up Octopi / Octoprint. The default fan shroud is fine in most situations but it does have a small flow derived from the fact that it blows all the air from one direction. Of course the plexiglass panels are now 500mm in height instead of the 440mm specified in the guide. I know the current difference between the defaults fans and the new ones are only 0.1A, but better safe than sorry, I prefer to ask experimented people first, hope this kind of question doesn't annoy anyone. Get yourself a Raspberry PI and install OctoPrint. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. And now I'm glad I did and a bit sorry it took me so long to do it. There is some controversy regarding the benefit of adding a bed probe like the BLTouch or clones.
Unfortunately just placing magnets on the sides is not enough to keep the spring steel sheet flat as the middle tends to deform while heating. My only complain so far with the default Ultrabase-like bed surface was the fact that you have to wait a lot for it to cool down so it can release the prints, and even at room temperature (24C) I had a hard time removing my PLA ones. I though I can put some mangets under the bed to keep the spring steel on top of the Ultrabase and test it like that (just like it works on Prusa printers). Top gerne wieder. I can't really recommend it since I cannot compare with others but so far it's been really good to me. There is a good reason for that which we will discuss a bit later, but for now don't do any upgrades to the firmware. By using this website, you consent to the use of cookies. Something went wrong. Please try again. I rode this might be due to insufficient part cooling, and the default part cooling fans are pretty weak. You can also get them textured if you want and even double sided (one side flat and the other textured). On the Sidewinder on the other hand it makes more sense as the bed is biger. They are basically everywhere. In this article I will do a comparison between three budget 3D printers: Voxelab Aquila, Artillery Hornet and the Ender 3 V2.
Now that you got your printer up and running and spitting out calicats like there's no tomorrow, you might be inclined to do a firmware upgrade to get the latest and greatest. Collection of resources to get new people started with 3D printers. Upgrading the firmware will not magicaly solve your problems with the machine (if you have any) and won't make your prints any better (whith some exceptions like Linear Advance). This is useful for providing sensorless endstops. I have also made a quick Upgrade Artillery Genius or Sidewinder to a MKS SGEN L 32bit board overview guide. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Play with the slicer settings, experiment with different materials, see what works and what doesn't and try to understand why. 3dprintbeginner Artillery Genius Firmware, Waggster Firmware for Artillery Sidewinder Great article explaining why Marlin 1.x is enough for our printers: Artillery X1 and Genius: Why Havent I Done a Marlin 2.x.x Firmware yet? I built myself an adapted version of the Original Prusa i3 MK3 ENCLOSURE - Ikea Lack table with modified top supports to which I added 60mm in height to match the height of the Genius. If your a bit OCD like me and like to keep things organized, you can print yourself some lables that can be atached to the cables inside your 3D printer to make them more easy to recognize so you don't mix them up. One other thing those drivers have in common is that they can comunicate with the board via UART (serial) so their parameters can be configured from the firmware and you don't have to go around setting jumpers or adjusting v-ref trimmers. It features StealthChop2 which makes your printer even quieter belive it or not, and makes you wanna replace your extruder fans with something silent cause that's all you will be hearing from now on. Great article explaining why Marlin 1.x is enough for our printers: Artillery X1 and Genius: Why Haven't I Done a Marlin 2.x.x Firmware yet? If that's not a thing for you, the TMC2208 is also a good choice. Artillery X1 and Genius: Why Havent I Done a Marlin 2.x.x Firmware yet? ABL Sensors? It can be found, Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International, 3DN Artillery 3D Printers Premium Custom Aluminum Bed Replacements, 3DN's "Vision X2" TFT UI for Artillery Sidewinder X2, BigtreeTech SKR1.4 Turbo Install Guide (Hemera and Bltouch ). The Cura plugin even allows you to monitor the webcam (if you have one on your PI) and control your printer. - Official Artillery 3D partner for Germany, - Machined aluminium print beds. 3D Nexus Community and Development Forums. This way the PI is in the way of the airflow cooling the printer and it does not go over 50C even without a radiator.
Mine is Eryone Magnetic Flexible Printing Surface and I got it from Amazon. What is the BEST fan for your Sidewinder X1 3d printer? As mentioned in the setup procedure, print a bed cable strain relief, flat ribbon strain relief and a dust filter. Then feel free to start modding and upgrading. There is no need for extra cooling of the printers electronics as the temperature inside does not go over 40C which is fine as most components start having issues only above 50C. SKR 1.3 Upgrade for Sidewinder X1 covered by 3dprintbeginner is a detailed guide on how to install the BTT SKR board. The item you've selected was not added to your cart. As explained in the 3D printer overview, Artillery printers run on Marlin 1.x firmware (1.1.9 to be more precise). After that you connect your printer to a PC and use Prusa Slicer to upload the .hex firmware to the mainboard. I had to design a custom fan duct, if you want to use it: The fans I bought are basic cheap 5015 radial fans, I bought them on Amazon because next-day delivery, but I guess there are similar or best ones on Aliexpress, etc. One other thing those drivers have in common is that they can comunicate with the board via UART (serial) so their parameters can be configured from the firmware and you dont have to go around setting jumpers or adjusting v-ref trimmers. Do not upgrade your firmware until your machine is fully functional using the firmware it came with. Because the printers use an 8bit board there is no real advantage to using Marlin 2.x as all the features the board can handle are implemented in the 1.x version. Unfortunately Artillery only provides one firmware based on Marlin 1.1.9 which is the latest version of Marlin 1.x released in August 2018. I have now ordered a BuildTak foil to place on the other side of the spring steel sheet and make it double sided. And the isolation underneath the bed heating silicone element is not helping with cooling (but can't argue with it's pro's during printing). Gute Ware,guter Preis,schneller Versand,gerne wieder. Changing the default PTFE lined heatbreak with an all metal one will allow you to use extruder temperatures above the 240C recomended for the one that comes with the printer. Hello everyone! Leaving asside the fact that it's a low quality nozzle and it will wear out over time, mine was already partially clogged from the factory. There is no need for extra cooling of the printer's electronics as the temperature inside does not go over 40C which is fine as most components start having issues only above 50C. I am still experimenting with different shroud designs but I still have not found a perfect one so I can't really make a recommendation here. Get yourself a Raspberry PI and install OctoPrint. Some of them require a different fan tho. I will list a few of the things noticed during my first weeks of using the felxible PEI sheet: You can get this kind of spring steel PEI sheet from Amazon, Aliexpress, Banggood, your local retailers etc. A good comparison between different shroud models can be found in the video What is the BEST fan for your Sidewinder X1 3d printer?. This will also prevent draft from ruining your prints and protect the printer from dust. In my experience of about 6 weeks since I upgraded to an all metal heatbreak I did not experiece such issues but I guess it's too early to tell. SKR 1.3 Upgrade for Sidewinder X1 covered by 3dprintbeginner is a detailed guide on how to install the BTT SKR board. At the moment theese boards don't bring anything ground breaking to the table but as Marlin 1.x firmware is no longer developed this is more of a future proof upgrade. One way to make your printer blend in your living room is by building an enclosure. I spent about 4 days trying to tune my slicer settings and the presure of the extruder idler lever until I decided to replace it with the spare provided with the printer. Most of them include an instalation guide and also a TFT firmware companion. 3D-Nexus (3DN) Printer firmware for Sidewinder X1 and Genius, 3dprintbeginner Artillery Sidewinder Firmware This upgrade will improve adhesion, The following Artillery Hornet IdeaMaker Profiles have been fine tuned for printing in PLA, PETG and TPU, during my review period. Unfortunately Artillery only provides one firmware based on Marlin 1.1.9 which is the latest version of Marlin 1.x released in August 2018. While there are not many radical improvements from the stock firmware there are a few quality of life ones. As mentioned in the 3d printer overview there are 2 components (the mainboard and the TFT) that work independently and have separate firmwares and only communicate with each other via a serial port which is also shared with the external USB of the mainboard. 3D Printed Tardis with Arduino Lights and Sounds, Anet A8 Review Budget ($200 or less!) Waggster Firmware for Artillery Genius, G2Barbour's M600 Enabled Firmware for both Sidewinder X1 and Genius, Firmware that I use for my Artillery Genius (more or less same as Waggster but on Marlin 1.x and with my own personal tweaks), Original Artillery Sidewinder Firmware (source code only), Original Artillery Genius Firmware (source code only). The Cura plugin even allows you to monitor the webcam (if you have one on your PI) and control your printer. I though I can put some mangets under the bed to keep the spring steel on top of the Ultrabase and test it like that (just like it works on Prusa printers). So do yourself a favor and order some good quality nozzles to have handy. Because the printers use an 8bit board there is no real advantage to using Marlin 2.x as all the features the board can handle are implemented in the 1.x version. I spent about 4 days trying to tune my slicer settings and the presure of the extruder idler lever until I decided to replace it with the spare provided with the printer. They also give a lot of feedback to the firmware so it can also adjust various things on the fly. The most popular boards are the SKR series from BigTreeTech (BTT) but other options exists such as the MakerBase MKS SGEN L which is a direct replacement for the MKS GEN L 8bit board the Genius and the Sidewinder are both equiped with. Do not upgrade your firmware until your machine is fully functional using the firmware it came with. One way to make your printer blend in your living room is by building an enclosure. Here are some of the options: If you feel adventurous or have nothing better to do, you can try to upgrade the mainboard to a 32bit version. I used our 3DN Simplify 3D profiles @ 0.16 using the dead on match for the Hornet's color, Kodak PLA. I will try to keep this list as up-to-date as possible, but its better check on each site what each firmware has to offer. And the isolation underneath the bed heating silicone element is not helping with cooling (but cant argue with its pros during printing). We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. As explained in the 3D printer overview, Artillery printers run on Marlin 1.x firmware (1.1.9 to be more precise). 3dprintbeginner Artillery Genius Firmware, Waggster Firmware for Artillery Sidewinder Fear not, there is a much better way of doing things! After that everything magicaly worked like it should have from the begining.

Upgrading the firmware will not magicaly solve your problems with the machine (if you have any) and wont make your prints any better (whith some exceptions like Linear Advance). The default fan shroud is fine in most situations but it does have a small flow derived from the fact that it blows all the air from one direction. ABL Sensors? The item came in the week of ordering, and it works perfect. So, when I heard that about the, With Black Friday around the corner and the popular 11.11 sale, I think its a good idea to have a buying guide for some of. After that you connect your printer to a PC and use Prusa Slicer to upload the .hex firmware to the mainboard. Once signed in, you'll be able to participate on this site by adding your own topics and posts, as well as connect with other members. This shared serial port design unfortunately blocks the USB firmware upgrade process for the mainboard. getting-started-with-your-artillery-printer, Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. Read more about this in the Review Guidelines. So do yourself a favor and order some good quality nozzles to have handy. So, after about 10 weeks of staring at that PEI sheet every day thinking of alternative ways to attach it to the bed I decided it's time to experiment so I went ahead and installed the magnetic sticker that on the bed. This will create more stringing on the back of your print when using materials such as PETG that loves to string. Most of them include an instalation guide and also a TFT firmware companion. {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. ABL Sensors? Of course the plexiglass panels are now 500mm in height instead of the 440mm specified in the guide. The most popular boards are the SKR series from BigTreeTech (BTT) but other options exists such as the MakerBase MKS SGEN L which is a direct replacement for the MKS GEN L 8bit board the Genius and the Sidewinder are both equiped with. There is some controversy regarding the benefit of adding a bed probe like the BLTouch or clones. One thing I still struggle with this printer is overhangs: no matter how I configure the speed on parts with overhangs in Cura, no matter the filament temp, I just can't get acceptable overhangs quality. Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. On the Sidewinder on the other hand it makes more sense as the bed is biger. Very handy and easy to install upgrades that will save you a lot of trouble in the long run. Creality CR-10 3d printer review Large format, quality output, at a low price! This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. JavaScript is disabled., US : Should you need out of warranty replacement parts (or just dont want to wait for Artillery to send them to you), here is a list of suppliers of original Artillery Sidewinder and Genius spare parts across the world: International: As mentioned in the 3d printer overview there are 2 components (the mainboard and the TFT) that work independently and have separate firmwares and only communicate with each other via a serial port which is also shared with the external USB of the mainboard. Some of the surprises this month blow me away. - Official Artillery 3D partner for Germany, - Machined aluminium print beds. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Leaving asside the fact that its a low quality nozzle and it will wear out over time, mine was already partially clogged from the factory. But whichever you get, measure your bed to see the minimum size you need. All of the modded files are can be downloaded here. I'm planning on doing a fan upgrade, but I have a doubt: The defaults fans are 24V / 0.05A, and the new ones are 24V / 0.1A. Fear not, there is a much better way of doing things! This means no print time, no pause and no way to abort the print from the TFT in case something goes wrong. But don't think that adding a bed probe will magically solve your leveling issues as unfortunately is not a straight forward process, it requires some calibration and a firmware update for both the mainboard and the TFT. Should you need out of warranty replacement parts (or just don't want to wait for Artillery to send them to you), here is a list of suppliers of original Artillery Sidewinder and Genius spare parts across the world: International: This shared serial port design unfortunately blocks the USB firmware upgrade process for the mainboard. If your a bit OCD like me and like to keep things organized, you can print yourself some lables that can be atached to the cables inside your 3D printer to make them more easy to recognize so you dont mix them up. In my experience of about 6 weeks since I upgraded to an all metal heatbreak I did not experiece such issues but I guess its too early to tell. It also makes sense to add one if you are using different printing surfaces like magnetic PEI sheets on top of your bed and keep swapping between them. Waggster Firmware for Artillery Genius, G2Barbours M600 Enabled Firmware for both Sidewinder X1 and Genius, Firmware that I use for my Artillery Genius (more or less same as Waggster but on Marlin 1.x and with my own personal tweaks), Original Artillery Sidewinder Firmware (source code only), Original Artillery Genius Firmware (source code only). The budget 3D, The best way to improve your printing experience is to upgrade your print surface and install a magnetic PEI sheet. 5* seller. Upgrading the Wanhao Di3 from Good to Amazing, How to Install and Set Up Octopi / Octoprint. The default fan shroud is fine in most situations but it does have a small flow derived from the fact that it blows all the air from one direction. Of course the plexiglass panels are now 500mm in height instead of the 440mm specified in the guide. I know the current difference between the defaults fans and the new ones are only 0.1A, but better safe than sorry, I prefer to ask experimented people first, hope this kind of question doesn't annoy anyone. Get yourself a Raspberry PI and install OctoPrint. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. And now I'm glad I did and a bit sorry it took me so long to do it. There is some controversy regarding the benefit of adding a bed probe like the BLTouch or clones.
Unfortunately just placing magnets on the sides is not enough to keep the spring steel sheet flat as the middle tends to deform while heating. My only complain so far with the default Ultrabase-like bed surface was the fact that you have to wait a lot for it to cool down so it can release the prints, and even at room temperature (24C) I had a hard time removing my PLA ones. I though I can put some mangets under the bed to keep the spring steel on top of the Ultrabase and test it like that (just like it works on Prusa printers). Top gerne wieder. I can't really recommend it since I cannot compare with others but so far it's been really good to me. There is a good reason for that which we will discuss a bit later, but for now don't do any upgrades to the firmware. By using this website, you consent to the use of cookies. Something went wrong. Please try again. I rode this might be due to insufficient part cooling, and the default part cooling fans are pretty weak. You can also get them textured if you want and even double sided (one side flat and the other textured). On the Sidewinder on the other hand it makes more sense as the bed is biger. They are basically everywhere. In this article I will do a comparison between three budget 3D printers: Voxelab Aquila, Artillery Hornet and the Ender 3 V2.
Now that you got your printer up and running and spitting out calicats like there's no tomorrow, you might be inclined to do a firmware upgrade to get the latest and greatest. Collection of resources to get new people started with 3D printers. Upgrading the firmware will not magicaly solve your problems with the machine (if you have any) and won't make your prints any better (whith some exceptions like Linear Advance). This is useful for providing sensorless endstops. I have also made a quick Upgrade Artillery Genius or Sidewinder to a MKS SGEN L 32bit board overview guide. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Play with the slicer settings, experiment with different materials, see what works and what doesn't and try to understand why. 3dprintbeginner Artillery Genius Firmware, Waggster Firmware for Artillery Sidewinder Great article explaining why Marlin 1.x is enough for our printers: Artillery X1 and Genius: Why Havent I Done a Marlin 2.x.x Firmware yet? I built myself an adapted version of the Original Prusa i3 MK3 ENCLOSURE - Ikea Lack table with modified top supports to which I added 60mm in height to match the height of the Genius. If your a bit OCD like me and like to keep things organized, you can print yourself some lables that can be atached to the cables inside your 3D printer to make them more easy to recognize so you don't mix them up. One other thing those drivers have in common is that they can comunicate with the board via UART (serial) so their parameters can be configured from the firmware and you don't have to go around setting jumpers or adjusting v-ref trimmers. It features StealthChop2 which makes your printer even quieter belive it or not, and makes you wanna replace your extruder fans with something silent cause that's all you will be hearing from now on. Great article explaining why Marlin 1.x is enough for our printers: Artillery X1 and Genius: Why Haven't I Done a Marlin 2.x.x Firmware yet? If that's not a thing for you, the TMC2208 is also a good choice. Artillery X1 and Genius: Why Havent I Done a Marlin 2.x.x Firmware yet? ABL Sensors? It can be found, Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International, 3DN Artillery 3D Printers Premium Custom Aluminum Bed Replacements, 3DN's "Vision X2" TFT UI for Artillery Sidewinder X2, BigtreeTech SKR1.4 Turbo Install Guide (Hemera and Bltouch ). The Cura plugin even allows you to monitor the webcam (if you have one on your PI) and control your printer. - Official Artillery 3D partner for Germany, - Machined aluminium print beds. 3D Nexus Community and Development Forums. This way the PI is in the way of the airflow cooling the printer and it does not go over 50C even without a radiator.
Mine is Eryone Magnetic Flexible Printing Surface and I got it from Amazon. What is the BEST fan for your Sidewinder X1 3d printer? As mentioned in the setup procedure, print a bed cable strain relief, flat ribbon strain relief and a dust filter. Then feel free to start modding and upgrading. There is no need for extra cooling of the printers electronics as the temperature inside does not go over 40C which is fine as most components start having issues only above 50C. SKR 1.3 Upgrade for Sidewinder X1 covered by 3dprintbeginner is a detailed guide on how to install the BTT SKR board. The item you've selected was not added to your cart. As explained in the 3D printer overview, Artillery printers run on Marlin 1.x firmware (1.1.9 to be more precise). After that you connect your printer to a PC and use Prusa Slicer to upload the .hex firmware to the mainboard. I had to design a custom fan duct, if you want to use it: The fans I bought are basic cheap 5015 radial fans, I bought them on Amazon because next-day delivery, but I guess there are similar or best ones on Aliexpress, etc. One other thing those drivers have in common is that they can comunicate with the board via UART (serial) so their parameters can be configured from the firmware and you dont have to go around setting jumpers or adjusting v-ref trimmers. Do not upgrade your firmware until your machine is fully functional using the firmware it came with. Because the printers use an 8bit board there is no real advantage to using Marlin 2.x as all the features the board can handle are implemented in the 1.x version. Unfortunately Artillery only provides one firmware based on Marlin 1.1.9 which is the latest version of Marlin 1.x released in August 2018. I have now ordered a BuildTak foil to place on the other side of the spring steel sheet and make it double sided. And the isolation underneath the bed heating silicone element is not helping with cooling (but can't argue with it's pro's during printing). Gute Ware,guter Preis,schneller Versand,gerne wieder. Changing the default PTFE lined heatbreak with an all metal one will allow you to use extruder temperatures above the 240C recomended for the one that comes with the printer. Hello everyone! Leaving asside the fact that it's a low quality nozzle and it will wear out over time, mine was already partially clogged from the factory. There is no need for extra cooling of the printer's electronics as the temperature inside does not go over 40C which is fine as most components start having issues only above 50C. I am still experimenting with different shroud designs but I still have not found a perfect one so I can't really make a recommendation here. Get yourself a Raspberry PI and install OctoPrint. Some of them require a different fan tho. I will list a few of the things noticed during my first weeks of using the felxible PEI sheet: You can get this kind of spring steel PEI sheet from Amazon, Aliexpress, Banggood, your local retailers etc. A good comparison between different shroud models can be found in the video What is the BEST fan for your Sidewinder X1 3d printer?. This will also prevent draft from ruining your prints and protect the printer from dust. In my experience of about 6 weeks since I upgraded to an all metal heatbreak I did not experiece such issues but I guess it's too early to tell. SKR 1.3 Upgrade for Sidewinder X1 covered by 3dprintbeginner is a detailed guide on how to install the BTT SKR board. At the moment theese boards don't bring anything ground breaking to the table but as Marlin 1.x firmware is no longer developed this is more of a future proof upgrade. One way to make your printer blend in your living room is by building an enclosure. I spent about 4 days trying to tune my slicer settings and the presure of the extruder idler lever until I decided to replace it with the spare provided with the printer. Most of them include an instalation guide and also a TFT firmware companion. 3D-Nexus (3DN) Printer firmware for Sidewinder X1 and Genius, 3dprintbeginner Artillery Sidewinder Firmware This upgrade will improve adhesion, The following Artillery Hornet IdeaMaker Profiles have been fine tuned for printing in PLA, PETG and TPU, during my review period. Unfortunately Artillery only provides one firmware based on Marlin 1.1.9 which is the latest version of Marlin 1.x released in August 2018. While there are not many radical improvements from the stock firmware there are a few quality of life ones. As mentioned in the 3d printer overview there are 2 components (the mainboard and the TFT) that work independently and have separate firmwares and only communicate with each other via a serial port which is also shared with the external USB of the mainboard. 3D Printed Tardis with Arduino Lights and Sounds, Anet A8 Review Budget ($200 or less!) Waggster Firmware for Artillery Genius, G2Barbour's M600 Enabled Firmware for both Sidewinder X1 and Genius, Firmware that I use for my Artillery Genius (more or less same as Waggster but on Marlin 1.x and with my own personal tweaks), Original Artillery Sidewinder Firmware (source code only), Original Artillery Genius Firmware (source code only). The Cura plugin even allows you to monitor the webcam (if you have one on your PI) and control your printer. I though I can put some mangets under the bed to keep the spring steel on top of the Ultrabase and test it like that (just like it works on Prusa printers). So do yourself a favor and order some good quality nozzles to have handy. Because the printers use an 8bit board there is no real advantage to using Marlin 2.x as all the features the board can handle are implemented in the 1.x version. I spent about 4 days trying to tune my slicer settings and the presure of the extruder idler lever until I decided to replace it with the spare provided with the printer. They also give a lot of feedback to the firmware so it can also adjust various things on the fly. The most popular boards are the SKR series from BigTreeTech (BTT) but other options exists such as the MakerBase MKS SGEN L which is a direct replacement for the MKS GEN L 8bit board the Genius and the Sidewinder are both equiped with. Do not upgrade your firmware until your machine is fully functional using the firmware it came with. One way to make your printer blend in your living room is by building an enclosure. Here are some of the options: If you feel adventurous or have nothing better to do, you can try to upgrade the mainboard to a 32bit version. I used our 3DN Simplify 3D profiles @ 0.16 using the dead on match for the Hornet's color, Kodak PLA. I will try to keep this list as up-to-date as possible, but its better check on each site what each firmware has to offer. And the isolation underneath the bed heating silicone element is not helping with cooling (but cant argue with its pros during printing). We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. As explained in the 3D printer overview, Artillery printers run on Marlin 1.x firmware (1.1.9 to be more precise). 3dprintbeginner Artillery Genius Firmware, Waggster Firmware for Artillery Sidewinder Fear not, there is a much better way of doing things! After that everything magicaly worked like it should have from the begining.