Also Wedding Bibles,Large Print Bibles andluxury Bibles you will find in ourproduct range. Most significant in light of the researchs leading questions, was that Bible usage among Dutch Bible readers no longer appears to follow the traditional lines of denominational segmentation but is rather to be categorized according to active or passive reading habits (reading the Bible once a month versus less than monthly) and radical or liberal attitudes towards the Bible (viewing the Bible as literally Gods Word versus inspirational literature). Reading the Bible together, on the basis of a shared sense of its importance and/or spiritual value, seemed to represent something to fall back on in the midst of lifes insecurities and societal changes. [1] This helplessness is paired with a surprising scarcity of knowledge in the realms of academia, churches, and society at large concerning the actual use of the Bible by ordinary readers in the Netherlands. Fourth, as the secularization thesis is currently being revised, and a transformation of religion in a post-secular age seems to become a more realistic way of assessing religion in the Global North (or even just Western European) societies than to speak of its disappearance, insight into such processes can also be enhanced by knowledge of the manner in which the use of spiritual resources such as the Bible are subject to change through the practices of ordinary readers.. When you call us, our purchaser can tell you everything about all the different English Bibles and English Bible translations. Based on their religious backgrounds and characteristics, people were selected and invited to attend one of the focus groups in their city. Lastly, the position of the Bible and the ways it was used in Christian education seemed to a large degree to be dependent on the student population of that specific school. 2018. Therefore, alongside regular Bible-reading habits, the Bible was also opened in search of comfort, support, encouragement, admonition, and so forth. They did not read the Bible regularly. Mainline protestant participants (five in total) described the Bible both as the Word of God and the story of God and humans. They believed the Bible to be divinely inspired but not necessarily divine in and of itself: they allowed for human influence (next to divine inspiration) as to the contents of the stories. Bijbelgebruik en bijbelbezit in Nederland. In, van Urk, E., and P.-B. (2018). This both helps to identify sites for research, for instance for those interested in empirical hermeneutics and biblical reception studies, and to find potential allies and audiences for research into the Bible and the reception of this research. As far as Bible-reading practices are concerned, three opposing (although not mutually exclusive) practices stood out across the whole range of participants. De religieuze kaart van Nederland, 20102015. Your documents are now available to view. That's why audio Bibles are a necessity and why audio Bibles on solar power are a great missionairy tool. [36] Participants were asked about the frequency with which they read the Bible, in what sort of situations (alone, with family members, with a study group, and so on), what prompted a reading moment (habit, specific [life] events, certain emotions, and so on), what they hoped to gain from reading the Bible, how the reading actually affected them, whether they preferred print or digital media (both for reading the Bible itself and also for auxiliary media such as reading plans, devotionals, and so forth), and how they would describe the Bible (that is, literally Gods Word, truth, culturally relevant, inspirational, dangerous, trustworthy, a book that teaches wisdom, a way to get to know Jesus). However, in order to be able to properly grasp its message, it must be read carefully while guided by Gods spirit. The second was the practice of reading the Bible due to historical and cultural interests versus reading the Bible in order to apply it to ones personal life. In what follows, the results of each denominational group will be presented. In addition, other creative forms were used to contemplate or process the biblical texts, such as painting or drawing. The results reveal considerable diversity in Bible usage and the stated objectives between the participating schools and the teachers. Frequently mentioned barriers to reading the Bible appear to consist of the perceived difficulty of the Bibles language (that is, in translation); the confrontational and/or contradictory character of the Bible, and unpleasant memories associated with Bible practices. Barnard, M., ed. Eugene: Wipf and Stock.Search in Google Scholar, van Dam, P. 2008. Teachers with sufficient knowledge of the Bible seemed more inclined to let students work with independently the Bible and, subsequently, they appear to have a more positive influence on Bible usage. Thus, depended on the particular focus group, PKN may refer to either group of believers. At the end of each focus group, the conversation leader thanked the participants for their contributions, repeated how the research data would be processed, and opened up the room to any final questions from participants.
From a society that is often described as intensively religious, especially in the period 18501950, Dutch society developed, at an increasingly rapid speed since the 1950s, to a situation in which more than half of the population is religiously unaffiliated. Utrecht: Ten Have.Search in Google Scholar, de Groot, K. 2013. De Refoband of Refogordel als onderdeel van de Protestantenband. In, Stoffels, H. 2004. Orthodox individuals seek clarification or explanation when confronted with difficult texts or ambiguity, whereas liberals seem to appreciate the ambiguity and enjoy encountering different voices or viewpoints in the Bible. Zrich: Theologischer Verlag.Search in Google Scholar, Snel, J.D. 2007. The BasisBijbel is the most easy to read Dutch Bible, We arethe Dutchdistributor of MegaVoice audio Bibles. Moreover, younger participants approached the Bible in concrete and pragmatic ways, valuing simplicity and direct applicability, whereas older participants dealt with the Bible in more abstract and theoretical ways, appreciating nuance and in-depth study. A summary of the overall results, as based on the totality of the focus groups, is taken up in Section 3.[34]. The six liberal participants did not view the Bible as a holy/divine book, in the sense that it would be inspired by God. aThe Protestant Church in the Netherlands (PKN) houses both mainline and orthodox Protestants. ZakBijbelBond-Gospel for Guests translates both the postcard calendar Life, as the postcard calendar Life for you. It could thus very well be the case that an awareness of being marginalized as a Christian believer, in a society in which church attendance and church life is less and less firmly structured and taken for granted, might coincide with a need to find or hold onto common religious grounds such as a shared Bible, however these may be variously perceived. The more traditional schools, in this research called type 1 schools, often seek new ways to articulate the relevance of the Bible to their students, whereas schools with students and teachers from more diverse religious backgrounds choose to embody their Christian identity in new ways, in which the Bible plays a subordinate role. Subsequently, each person was invited to comment on his or her catchwords. Heerenveen: Groen.Search in Google Scholar, Stoffels, H. 2004. There is, however, a (presumably short-lived) resurgence of both figures (bible ownership and readership) around 2005, briefly after the introduction of the Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling (published in late 2004). Third, for forms of theological scholarship that wish to take into account the voice of the church at large, that is, the entire community of the faithful, for instance along the lines of the concept of the sensus fidelium in Catholic theology, insight into what such faithful do with one of the sources of their faith, and developing ways of listening to such faithful, are needed the research presented here is one form of doing just this. Leiden: Brill.Search in Google Scholar, de Hart, J., and P. van Houwelingen. The ZakBijbelBond is the Dutch office of the Pocket Testament League. [29] On the basis of this mapped vocabulary range, customized and relevant questions for the quantitative survey were developed.
Families with children still living at home were more represented in the active segments versus the passive segments (39 vs. 17%). Medium sized edition with Bible text from Revised Staten translation. Haarlem: Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap/Brussel: Belgisch Bijbelgenootschap.Search in Google Scholar, Klomp, M. 2018.
Participants have different motives for reading the Bible. With regard to ones personal religious/spiritual life, the Bible was used to obtain inspiration and wisdom, alongside other holy writings. Biblical stories and genres in which people develop themselves psychologically and spiritually were the most appreciated aspects, like Job, Psalms, Proverbs, and Parables. Barnhoorn, F., S. Stoppels, and A.-M. Schol-Wetter, eds. How many Bibles did they possess/use, and which translations and editions? Solar powered pocket sized audio Bible. Wie is religieus, en wie niet? Regarding views of the Bible, significant distinctions were found between participants differing in the degree of orthodoxy and age. The actual focus groups were structured as follows. In spoken form we have nowadays over 6.000 languages available in our Bible webshop.Click here for solar poweredaudio Bibles, We have a wide offer of Wedding Bibles in stock. Before turning to extant empirical research, it should be acknowledged that other quantitative studies on the role of the Bible in the Netherlands exist. Bible stories that appeal to people are particularly captivating narratives and texts concerning human experience. The second, evaluative goal was to investigate whether it is still useful in a de-pillarized[8] and church-hopping society to divide the Bible-reading (predominantly Christian) segment of Dutch society along church denomination lines, or whether another means of categorization has become more appropriate. Amsterdam/Elkhart: Dom Hlder Cmara Chair, VU University Amsterdam/Institute for Mennonite Studies.Search in Google Scholar, de Wit, H., and G. O. In more liberal contexts, the Bible is foremost a human book in which religious experiences are depicted. Smit. In particular, in more orthodox Protestant communities, typically found in the Dutch Bible belt,[25] a strong tradition persists of reading the Bible regularly, even daily, in private settings, outside of formal worship. Foppen, A., Schol-Wetter, A., Smit, P. & van Urk-Coster, E. (2021). Descriptive data of the participants of the six panels. In our webshop you will find about 160 languages. Examining the material intended to stimulate Bible engagement, individuals who already qualify as active readers appear to be more interested in such materials than individuals in the passive segments do, for example 3257% of the participants in the passive segments do not appear to be interested in reading guides, as opposed to 1720% of the active readers. Since the aim was to investigate the way in which the Bible is read as a source of faith, potential participants had to affirm that they regarded themselves as Christians and attributed some measure of relevance of the Bible to their personal lives (as opposed to, for example, as exclusively a source of culture). We will give you a quotation on the shipping costs and an easy way to finish the order. Amsterdam: Athenaeum.Search in Google Scholar, Luteyn, M.-J., M. Klomp, and P.-B. However, perceived importance does not automatically translate into actual significance: a deeper look reveals that churches and society at large seem to be somewhat at a loss as to how to actually use the Bible, either as a source of culture in general or as a source of religious and spiritual inspiration. Engelse Bijbel in de New International Version (NIV) - JOURNALING BIBLE FOR COLOURING IN - Harde kaft met elastieken BASISBIJBEL - The Bible in easy Dutch - Hardcover, Oekraens, Ansichtkaart, 12 verschillende tekstkaarten met foto, Dutch Gospel of John in easy to read BasisBijbel translation, BASISBIJBEL - The Bible in easy Dutch - NT Standard, BASISBIJBEL - The Bible in easy Dutch - Vivella. The aim of this quantitative part was fivefold. Based on their research, Nagel-Herweijer and Visser-Vogel suggest a number of factors that are associated with such extensive diversity in Bible usage. During the focus groups, it became clear that the Bible is viewed and used differently by various individuals. Foppen A, Schol-Wetter A, Smit P, van Urk-Coster E. The Most Significant Book of the Netherlands And Its Ordinary Readers. On top of that we ship the Dutch Wedding Biblesfree of any shipping costs within The Netherlands.Click here forWedding Bibles. When asked about the preferred content of the material, across all segments, the majority favored interesting perspectives above an unambiguous statement about the meaning of the text. Amsterdam: Wereldbibliotheek.Search in Google Scholar, van Dam, P., J. Kennedy, and F. Wielenga, eds. Therefore, the Bible, containing a variety of religious experiences, was viewed as a source of inspiration rather than presenting truths that one should believe literally. They frequently made use of daily Bible-reading plans (with or without added commentaries) and various kinds of devotional writings on the Bible. Religion in Liquid Modernity: Collective Manifestations of Religion in Seculaizing Dutch Society. In Religion beyond its Private Role in Modern Society, edited by W. Hofstee, and A. van der Kooij, 171282. Many reported the desire to participate in some form of reading group or shared their positive experiences with such a group. J.S. We are glad to help you. Your purchase has been completed. The use and the significance attributed to the Bible in the Netherlands and the manner of its reception, is, of course, tightly bound up with the development of the Dutch religious landscape in general.
As to gender, active and radical readers were more often women (63%) than men (37%). In the first round, participants talked about why they read the Bible or not (in their personal lives) and how their attitudes and opinions towards the Bible had changed over the course of their lives. Secularisatie: een kleine geschiedenis van een groot verhaal. One lead and facilitated the conversation, whereas the other took notes and had no other active role. 1994. As indicated, the research project that this article reports aimed to acquire more knowledge of contemporary practices of ordinary Bible reading in the Netherlands. Vertaald verleden: beknopte geschiedenis van Bijbelvertalen in Nederland. However, more traditional Protestants were also represented in this segment. It is difficult to summarize peoples Bible reading practices as they are all so different. The first was to generate up-to-date knowledge of the societal and denominational profiles of Bible readers and of current Bible-reading practices. One of the most significant results is that biographical factors appear more indicative for how the Bible is approached than more conventional denominational factors such as church affiliation. Each participant was asked to explain why he or she chose their three particular cards. In so doing, this article provides new, empirically-based, insight into the reception and usage of the Bible in the Netherlands among ordinary readers..
Reading the Bible was part of contemplation or meditation and done in the context of rituals such as prayer or the burning of candles. They were asked to write down, by means of free association, some catchwords that they associated with the word Bible. [7] The research had two main goals. Rembrandts Biblische Frauenportrts: Eine Begegnung Von Theologie Und Malerei. Another perceived obstacle was the considerable number of Bible translations available, which means that anyone can distill from the biblical text what he or she likes and, consequently, arbitrariness is introduced. The online version of this article offers supplementary material ( Kampen: Kok.Search in Google Scholar, Verhulst, D. 2015. More literary Biblical translations were favored over more simple and straightforward (ordinary) translations aimed at broader audiences. Bijbel en dogmatiek, Schriftbeschouwing en Schriftgebruik in het dogmatisch werk van A. Kuyper, H. Bavinck en G. C. Berkouwer. Furthermore, they tended to see the Bible as a time-bound collection of beautiful, interesting, but also troublesome, ancient stories.
In addition to the God in Nederland report, this has been evidenced by two other research projects. The research project that this contribution is based on, consisted of both a qualitative and a quantitative part. For the second creative assignment, participants were assigned the task of picking out three cards featuring a picture (from a bigger collection that was spread out on the table) that for them best depicted the associations they had with the Bible. They derived intellectual challenge from using various Bible translations simultaneously and studying external (non-dogmatic) literature on the Bible. Questions asked in the research project included: What size is the group of Bible readers in the Netherlands?
[19] Also, recent research has shown that not only is the number of people who affiliate themselves with a religious tradition declining, but also those who do believe less firmly in the doctrines that their parents or grandparents accepted unquestioningly. [2] This article addresses the gap in knowledge concerning the actual usage of the Bible by presenting a recent empirical research project on the topic. [9], In this article, we will, in turn, outline the state of research regarding the use of the Bible in the Netherlands, present the research project on which this study is based (including a description of the qualitative and quantitative methodologies that were used) along with its results, and offer a conclusion which summarizes the main outcomes.