2022 A Groundworks Company. Should You Bury Your Sump Pump Discharge Pipe, or Not? Whats the risk of running a sump pump into the sewer line? If you don't have one, you should consider having one installed. You will see a steel or plastic lid on the can. Its this natural flow that allows the pipe to completely drain, even after the pump turns off.. If you still cant locate the line, Yes! Pumping sump pumps into the sewer system overwhelms these systems and forces cities to dump untreated wastewater into our rivers. It starts with locating the sump pump in the basement or crawlspace. The question of how far your sump pump should discharge isnt exactly the right one to be asking because it will depend heavily on lawn gradation. All Rights Reserved. Control, Gutter
There are a few reasons that an unsavory individual may choose to take the easy way out here. When it discharges too closely to your home, the water just ends up right back where it started, causing the sump pump to work for no reason. The entire purpose of the drainage line is to move the water away from your home, because otherwise, it will pool around your home and seep back into your basement or crawl space. The sewer system doesnt account for the sump pump discharge line because its not legal for you to run the discharge line into the sewer. Her goal is to share the knowledge and experience of the Acculevel team with homeowners, in a way that is both engaging and informative. Before you sign a contract for any service, you should, verify the company is reputable, insured, and accredited by the, for you with one of our experienced project managers. COMPLETE BASEMENT SYSTEMS, PEAK STRUCTURAL AND FOUNDATION REPAIR OF WESTERN COLORADO HAVE JOINED UNDER ONE COMPANY, GROUNDWORKS, TO COVER THE ENTIRE STATE OF COLORADO. In this blog, were going to review the best practices of installing and maintaining a discharge line to help you prevent a common winter issue: a frozen drainage line. First and foremost, you need a sump pump. Then go to that spot on the outside of the home and locate the same pipe coming through the wall. The treatment plant of your local sewer system can only handle so much water. Caulking, Concrete
One solution to this problem is to run the discharge line as deep as possible while installing an air gap at the point of discharge.
This can be accomplished by shooting grades in your discharge area to determine at what pint in your yard water runs away from, rather than towards, the home. Please enter the state of the address you need service at.
This will be in a pit that looks like a round garbage can buried in the floor. Experiment with different placements for your sump pump until you find one in which all of the water is absorbed by nearby soil. The Most Common Causes of Kitchen Sink Leaks July 8, 2021, What is the difference between a sewer line and a water line? You may even have water that rushes through the streets and around your homes foundation. For plumbing in Winnipeg choose Clean Line. Weve covered the use of sump pits and pumps, extensively on this blog you can read more. Most commonly, someone whos trying to cut corners by running your sump pump into the sewer system doesnt really care about whether you end up having problems in the future. How Far Should Your Sump Pump Discharge From Your House? Unfortunately in our area, that depths is 5 feet and most lots dont allow for that kind of depth when installing an underground discharge line. Unfortunately, that isnt the case. This might seem counterintuitive, but its actually an important part of making sure your home stays safe. An escape path in case of clogging or freezing is a must. On the contrary, if you run the discharge line as its supposed to be run into your homes yard, youll reunite the floodwater with the rest of the water as it runs through the streets and out of your home. After, Photo 707 County Line Rd. Part of a solid basement waterproofing system is understanding that its unreasonable to assume you wont have any water that comes into your basement. Cracked That means that many homeowners assume the plumber did whats best. Again, in our area, freezing becomes a big consideration. While looking for a new home, you find a place that checks all the boxes: its in a good school [], Originally posted 1/21/19, revised 5/24/21 I watch a lot of how-to TV shows, because I like to learn new things: [], Originally posted 4/3/19, revised by Kelly Kater 9/24/20 If you go into your crawl space, youre likely to see []. For that reason, it's vital to make sure you buy a high-quality sump pump and ensure the discharge is run in a way that won't cause you problems. Many people dont know much about sump pump systems, including what a sump pump discharge line is in the first place. Youre looking to find a perfect balance discharging the water far enough from your home so that it doesnt just cycle back, but not so far that it ends up in the sewer system. We provide 24/7 Emergency services and offer CAA Rewards. That way, you don't have to make changes later. The problem is that when water accumulates in your basement, it will often just remain there, causing water-related problems and humidity concerns until you remove it. Thrasher Foundation Repair has been in the sump pump business since 1975 and can provide a comprehensive review of your options. Instead, they just care about making it appear as though they fixed your problems right now. One of the tricky things about sump pumps is figuring out what to do with the water. Discharge lines should also never be run into a septic system, as it will overwhelm the septic system and cause damage and potentially a gigantic mess. Lastly, many unscrupulous plumbers assume youll never really find out. Low points will create pockets that can hold water and allow it to freeze. While sump pumps are standard in most homes, the quality of pumps does vary. If you discharge water next to the foundation, it'll just cycle back into the sump pump and may overwhelm the system, causing a flooded basement.
It is grated to prevent animals and leaves from clogging it. Fortunately, your lawn can be enormously helpful here, as the soil will readily intake all of that water. Monday, February 22nd, 2021 by Trevor Stokes. Although creating a sump pump discharge system isnt extremely expensive, its true that it is cheaper overall. & After, Old
Particularly dense grasses might obstruct flow. The cost of installing a high-quality pump is usually around $350- 500 if there is an existing sump basin. About Why You Should Not DIY Repair Your Homes Foundation, About How to Fix Sagging Crawl Space Insulation, Crawl Space Repairs: Ultimate Homeowners Guide. This is why its so important to get an installation expert who really cares about your problems holistically. The line can freeze or get buried by snow, causing it to block the water flow. That means we can repair your sump pump if thats the most cost-effective route. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. However, its important to note that even just a few people running their sump pump system into the sewer system can cause the same problem during a natural disaster. Plumbing can help with an electronic locator. Sealing, Wet
Please enter your phone number including the area code.
Trace it from there to the end. The discharge line is how the sump pump removes water entirely from the building. Basements are a hole in the ground. That is, if its not already oversaturated. We are certified, insured, experienced and reliable RED SEAL Plumbers Serving Winnipeg Area and surrounding for over 35 years. Not only does the plumber not have to purchase the elements of the discharge system, but they also dont have to spend time installing the sump pump discharge system. How to Install a Sump Pump Discharge Line, Three Steps To Follow To Prevent Freezing, You will need to make certain the drainage line is free of dips and curves (no high or low points), as these can interfere with the natural flow of discharge. Maybe you have flower beds that could use the water from the sump pump. In fact, allowing some water to come in and drain out will help alleviate hydrostatic pressure on your walls, which can otherwise cause them to crack.
Without the discharge line, you would have nowhere for the water to go once you pumped it out. Many homeowners want the pipe connected to their sewer, but this is against code. This cycle will keep the sump pump running continuously, processing the same water over and over without the ability to properly discharge the water at a safe distance. Eventually, the pump will be overwhelmed and burn out, the space will flood, and and this sounds oddly familiar probably because this is what were trying to prevent! This is more work than just putting the sump pump discharge line into your homes sewer system. The buried portion of the pipe should be at least double the diameter of the rest of the discharge line. . Studies, The Thrasher Please enter the street portion of the address you need service at. Maintenance, Before & Cutting corners may save you a few dollars up front, but it can lead to real problems both for yourself and for the community as a whole. A sump pump is a device placed in the lowest point of your house, which is often your basement or crawl space. Most sump pumps only require a 1 inch pipe, but a larger pipe is more rigid and less likely to compress or allow any dips to form., The ground around your home should have a gentle downward slope, from your home. This is the easiest and most natural way to direct water flow in the right direction. This is important for two reasons., First, because a good slope helps the water drain completely out of the line., Second, the slope will encourage the water to continue draining away, Things to Avoid When Installing a Sump Pump Discharge Line, Some contractors will install a freeze guard on the side of your house where the discharge line is routed. This is not something we do, nor do we advise you to do it. Freeze guards are overflow devices that attach to the drainage line, . Its true that these allow water to escape if your drainage line freezes; but if this happens, the water will be released, The entire purpose of the drainage line is to move the water. These extra holes help drain any water that might collect at the bottom, and having the water release into gravel helps disperse it more gradually. All of this makes the water less likely to form puddles or (in warmer weather) wash out your soil., Sometimes, the actions you avoid taking are as useful as the ones you do!, Some contractors will install a freeze guard on the side of your house where the discharge line is routed. This is not something we do, nor do we advise you to do it. Freeze guards are overflow devices that attach to the drainage line as it exits the basement. Its true that these allow water to escape if your drainage line freezes; but if this happens, the water will be released directly next to the foundation.. You can learn more about lawn sloping on this wonderful blog post by Toro. Additionally, a discharge line that is run into the sewer may delay a home's sale, as it will be flagged during a home inspection. Back when sump pumps were hooked up to the sewer, they became inundated whenever it rained due to all the water from sump pumps being discharged into the sanitary sewers. Sooner or later, youll almost certainly have to run your sump pump into a proper discharge system. If they are in the yard, they are susceptible to being broken. All Rights Reserved. Many factors can influence how water flows through your lawn. Once the pipe runs outside, you'll want to ensure it lands in a place where the water will be able to run off without causing a pool or a muddy mess. They will evaluate your home and recommend the best course of action for you, to keep your home strong and healthy for years to come..
Gutters, Structural However, discharging the sump pump into the sewer system isnt the right answer. Even the most well-waterproofed crawl space or basement areas can then end up with large amounts of water. Yes! Weve covered the use of sump pits and pumps pretty extensively on this blog you can read more here and here for an overview of the basics of basement flooding and sump pumps. This is one of the reasons homes in flood-prone areas typically have flood vents, which allow the water to enter and exit the basement or crawl space more freely. for an overview of the basics of basement flooding and sump pumps. Damage, Dry Concrete, Concrete You should make sure that whoevers installing your sump pump knows they need to do just that. Fortunately, we offer sump pump repair in Winnipeg. When you install a sump pump, it does need to discharge somewhere. Acculevel is a family-owned and operated company that specializes in foundation repairs and waterproofing since 1996. Weve helped more than 35,000 homeowners restore health and stability to their homes, and we have installed tens of thousands of water drainage systems.. The costs of basement flooding are so high that the City of Winnipeg has a by-law stating that all homes built after 1990 must be built with a sump pump and sump pit. If that pipe goes underground after it comes out of the outside wall, then look in the yard for a spot where the water is flowing (you can run a hose into the pit downstairs to if the pump has no water to pump). Repair, Interior The line will then run through a hole in the foundation or your rim joist. The Drainage Line Should Not Be Near Your House. The costs of basement flooding are so high that the City of Winnipeg has a by-law stating that all homes built after 1990, be built with a sump pump and sump pit.
Its common for homeowners not to know much about their homes sump pump system, which is why problems like this can often go unnoticed for years. But theres a key difference between the water pipes running inside your home (used for drinking water) and a drainage line outside your home. The water lines inside your home need to be buried deeper underground because they hold water all the time. They have to, because when you turn on the tap, you expect water to flow immediately. Code enforcement officers in many communities were tasked with ensuring that all sump pumps within their boundaries were permanently disconnected and made to discharge to exteriors of homes. Too often, Complete Basement Systems finds problems with sump pumps where the previous sump pump installer ran the pumps discharge into the homes sewer line. You can learn more about lawn sloping on this, , theres very little that placing it differently will do. Most sump pumps have a recommended discharge size of 1.5 inches. Sign up for email notifications about new articles. In order to minimize the pollution of waterways, laws were passed to make direct connection of sump pumps to the sewer illegal. Ensure the discharge exits the home in a place where the buried line can be run downhill the entire way to the exit location. We often experience a cycle of freeze, thaw, and re-freeze in this region. And these temperature fluctuations can cause water lines to freeze and back up. Youre probably already familiar with the concept of letting a faucet drip to keep your water pipes from freezing. But how do you avoid ice forming in a drainage line outside? The line must be run to the outside of the house.
The best rules of thumb to prevent freezing and plugging of the discharge line are: bigger is better, deeper is better and shorter is better. However, if theres a plug in your sewers drain line and your sump pump discharges into the sewer system, its going to push water into the homes sewer system.
Clean Line Plumbing, Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance. This is exactly what would happen if every community member ran their sump pump into the sewer system. Its important that when you install the sump pump, you have a professional that wont cut corners. Just be sure not to unload any water onto your neighbours yards, or they might get (rightfully) upset. So bury the line as deep as you can; make it as short as you can while ensuring the water wont circle back to the basement,and dont scrimp on materialsa few extra bucks spent on bigger pipe and fittings will pay off in the long run. As always, Yes! The sump pump discharge line will ensure the water in your basement or crawl space, no matter where it comes from, wont remain there. Now, a damp-proof coating, drainage system, and sump basin are all required in most jurisdictions. Please let us know any details you can give about the problem. The purpose of a sump pump, of course, is to expel any rainwater that seeps into your home. You may think that water intrusion is less of an issue during the winter months, but thats not true in the Midwest. In addition to rain, you also have to deal with melted snow and ice. If you need professional advice, find an experienced local foundation company and make an appointment. AFTER: This photo shows an upgraded sump basin and pump. The line can get buried by mulch, dirt, or grass. This is exactly why its often so important to learn more about your homes system before you request a fix. Keep in mind that the shallower the pipe in the ground, the more quickly it will get below freezing in the winter time. For plumbing in Winnipeg choose Clean Line.
This can be accomplished by shooting grades in your discharge area to determine at what pint in your yard water runs away from, rather than towards, the home. Please enter the state of the address you need service at.



This will be in a pit that looks like a round garbage can buried in the floor. Experiment with different placements for your sump pump until you find one in which all of the water is absorbed by nearby soil. The Most Common Causes of Kitchen Sink Leaks July 8, 2021, What is the difference between a sewer line and a water line? You may even have water that rushes through the streets and around your homes foundation. For plumbing in Winnipeg choose Clean Line. Weve covered the use of sump pits and pumps, extensively on this blog you can read more. Most commonly, someone whos trying to cut corners by running your sump pump into the sewer system doesnt really care about whether you end up having problems in the future. How Far Should Your Sump Pump Discharge From Your House? Unfortunately in our area, that depths is 5 feet and most lots dont allow for that kind of depth when installing an underground discharge line. Unfortunately, that isnt the case. This might seem counterintuitive, but its actually an important part of making sure your home stays safe. An escape path in case of clogging or freezing is a must. On the contrary, if you run the discharge line as its supposed to be run into your homes yard, youll reunite the floodwater with the rest of the water as it runs through the streets and out of your home. After, Photo 707 County Line Rd. Part of a solid basement waterproofing system is understanding that its unreasonable to assume you wont have any water that comes into your basement. Cracked That means that many homeowners assume the plumber did whats best. Again, in our area, freezing becomes a big consideration. While looking for a new home, you find a place that checks all the boxes: its in a good school [], Originally posted 1/21/19, revised 5/24/21 I watch a lot of how-to TV shows, because I like to learn new things: [], Originally posted 4/3/19, revised by Kelly Kater 9/24/20 If you go into your crawl space, youre likely to see []. For that reason, it's vital to make sure you buy a high-quality sump pump and ensure the discharge is run in a way that won't cause you problems. Many people dont know much about sump pump systems, including what a sump pump discharge line is in the first place. Youre looking to find a perfect balance discharging the water far enough from your home so that it doesnt just cycle back, but not so far that it ends up in the sewer system. We provide 24/7 Emergency services and offer CAA Rewards. That way, you don't have to make changes later. The problem is that when water accumulates in your basement, it will often just remain there, causing water-related problems and humidity concerns until you remove it. Thrasher Foundation Repair has been in the sump pump business since 1975 and can provide a comprehensive review of your options. Instead, they just care about making it appear as though they fixed your problems right now. One of the tricky things about sump pumps is figuring out what to do with the water. Discharge lines should also never be run into a septic system, as it will overwhelm the septic system and cause damage and potentially a gigantic mess. Lastly, many unscrupulous plumbers assume youll never really find out. Low points will create pockets that can hold water and allow it to freeze. While sump pumps are standard in most homes, the quality of pumps does vary. If you discharge water next to the foundation, it'll just cycle back into the sump pump and may overwhelm the system, causing a flooded basement.
Trace it from there to the end. The discharge line is how the sump pump removes water entirely from the building. Basements are a hole in the ground. That is, if its not already oversaturated. We are certified, insured, experienced and reliable RED SEAL Plumbers Serving Winnipeg Area and surrounding for over 35 years. Not only does the plumber not have to purchase the elements of the discharge system, but they also dont have to spend time installing the sump pump discharge system. How to Install a Sump Pump Discharge Line, Three Steps To Follow To Prevent Freezing, You will need to make certain the drainage line is free of dips and curves (no high or low points), as these can interfere with the natural flow of discharge. Maybe you have flower beds that could use the water from the sump pump. In fact, allowing some water to come in and drain out will help alleviate hydrostatic pressure on your walls, which can otherwise cause them to crack.
Without the discharge line, you would have nowhere for the water to go once you pumped it out. Many homeowners want the pipe connected to their sewer, but this is against code. This cycle will keep the sump pump running continuously, processing the same water over and over without the ability to properly discharge the water at a safe distance. Eventually, the pump will be overwhelmed and burn out, the space will flood, and and this sounds oddly familiar probably because this is what were trying to prevent! This is more work than just putting the sump pump discharge line into your homes sewer system. The buried portion of the pipe should be at least double the diameter of the rest of the discharge line. . Studies, The Thrasher Please enter the street portion of the address you need service at. Maintenance, Before & Cutting corners may save you a few dollars up front, but it can lead to real problems both for yourself and for the community as a whole. A sump pump is a device placed in the lowest point of your house, which is often your basement or crawl space. Most sump pumps only require a 1 inch pipe, but a larger pipe is more rigid and less likely to compress or allow any dips to form., The ground around your home should have a gentle downward slope, from your home. This is the easiest and most natural way to direct water flow in the right direction. This is important for two reasons., First, because a good slope helps the water drain completely out of the line., Second, the slope will encourage the water to continue draining away, Things to Avoid When Installing a Sump Pump Discharge Line, Some contractors will install a freeze guard on the side of your house where the discharge line is routed. This is not something we do, nor do we advise you to do it. Freeze guards are overflow devices that attach to the drainage line, . Its true that these allow water to escape if your drainage line freezes; but if this happens, the water will be released, The entire purpose of the drainage line is to move the water. These extra holes help drain any water that might collect at the bottom, and having the water release into gravel helps disperse it more gradually. All of this makes the water less likely to form puddles or (in warmer weather) wash out your soil., Sometimes, the actions you avoid taking are as useful as the ones you do!, Some contractors will install a freeze guard on the side of your house where the discharge line is routed. This is not something we do, nor do we advise you to do it. Freeze guards are overflow devices that attach to the drainage line as it exits the basement. Its true that these allow water to escape if your drainage line freezes; but if this happens, the water will be released directly next to the foundation.. You can learn more about lawn sloping on this wonderful blog post by Toro. Additionally, a discharge line that is run into the sewer may delay a home's sale, as it will be flagged during a home inspection. Back when sump pumps were hooked up to the sewer, they became inundated whenever it rained due to all the water from sump pumps being discharged into the sanitary sewers. Sooner or later, youll almost certainly have to run your sump pump into a proper discharge system. If they are in the yard, they are susceptible to being broken. All Rights Reserved. Many factors can influence how water flows through your lawn. Once the pipe runs outside, you'll want to ensure it lands in a place where the water will be able to run off without causing a pool or a muddy mess. They will evaluate your home and recommend the best course of action for you, to keep your home strong and healthy for years to come..
Gutters, Structural However, discharging the sump pump into the sewer system isnt the right answer. Even the most well-waterproofed crawl space or basement areas can then end up with large amounts of water. Yes! Weve covered the use of sump pits and pumps pretty extensively on this blog you can read more here and here for an overview of the basics of basement flooding and sump pumps. This is one of the reasons homes in flood-prone areas typically have flood vents, which allow the water to enter and exit the basement or crawl space more freely. for an overview of the basics of basement flooding and sump pumps. Damage, Dry Concrete, Concrete You should make sure that whoevers installing your sump pump knows they need to do just that. Fortunately, we offer sump pump repair in Winnipeg. When you install a sump pump, it does need to discharge somewhere. Acculevel is a family-owned and operated company that specializes in foundation repairs and waterproofing since 1996. Weve helped more than 35,000 homeowners restore health and stability to their homes, and we have installed tens of thousands of water drainage systems.. The costs of basement flooding are so high that the City of Winnipeg has a by-law stating that all homes built after 1990 must be built with a sump pump and sump pit. If that pipe goes underground after it comes out of the outside wall, then look in the yard for a spot where the water is flowing (you can run a hose into the pit downstairs to if the pump has no water to pump). Repair, Interior The line will then run through a hole in the foundation or your rim joist. The Drainage Line Should Not Be Near Your House. The costs of basement flooding are so high that the City of Winnipeg has a by-law stating that all homes built after 1990, be built with a sump pump and sump pit.
Its common for homeowners not to know much about their homes sump pump system, which is why problems like this can often go unnoticed for years. But theres a key difference between the water pipes running inside your home (used for drinking water) and a drainage line outside your home. The water lines inside your home need to be buried deeper underground because they hold water all the time. They have to, because when you turn on the tap, you expect water to flow immediately. Code enforcement officers in many communities were tasked with ensuring that all sump pumps within their boundaries were permanently disconnected and made to discharge to exteriors of homes. Too often, Complete Basement Systems finds problems with sump pumps where the previous sump pump installer ran the pumps discharge into the homes sewer line. You can learn more about lawn sloping on this, , theres very little that placing it differently will do. Most sump pumps have a recommended discharge size of 1.5 inches. Sign up for email notifications about new articles. In order to minimize the pollution of waterways, laws were passed to make direct connection of sump pumps to the sewer illegal. Ensure the discharge exits the home in a place where the buried line can be run downhill the entire way to the exit location. We often experience a cycle of freeze, thaw, and re-freeze in this region. And these temperature fluctuations can cause water lines to freeze and back up. Youre probably already familiar with the concept of letting a faucet drip to keep your water pipes from freezing. But how do you avoid ice forming in a drainage line outside? The line must be run to the outside of the house.
The best rules of thumb to prevent freezing and plugging of the discharge line are: bigger is better, deeper is better and shorter is better. However, if theres a plug in your sewers drain line and your sump pump discharges into the sewer system, its going to push water into the homes sewer system.
Clean Line Plumbing, Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance. This is exactly what would happen if every community member ran their sump pump into the sewer system. Its important that when you install the sump pump, you have a professional that wont cut corners. Just be sure not to unload any water onto your neighbours yards, or they might get (rightfully) upset. So bury the line as deep as you can; make it as short as you can while ensuring the water wont circle back to the basement,and dont scrimp on materialsa few extra bucks spent on bigger pipe and fittings will pay off in the long run. As always, Yes! The sump pump discharge line will ensure the water in your basement or crawl space, no matter where it comes from, wont remain there. Now, a damp-proof coating, drainage system, and sump basin are all required in most jurisdictions. Please let us know any details you can give about the problem. The purpose of a sump pump, of course, is to expel any rainwater that seeps into your home. You may think that water intrusion is less of an issue during the winter months, but thats not true in the Midwest. In addition to rain, you also have to deal with melted snow and ice. If you need professional advice, find an experienced local foundation company and make an appointment. AFTER: This photo shows an upgraded sump basin and pump. The line can get buried by mulch, dirt, or grass. This is exactly why its often so important to learn more about your homes system before you request a fix. Keep in mind that the shallower the pipe in the ground, the more quickly it will get below freezing in the winter time. For plumbing in Winnipeg choose Clean Line.