SWITCH! -.,. STAR Network is a registered trademark of Aclara RF Systems Inc. GasMTU-Out-709. Redefining Intelligent Utility Communications, FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATION FOR AN ADVANCED METERING INFRASTRUCTURE VERSION 2, MidiStream. 91905 User s Manual, Digital Wireless Rain Gauge & Thermometer, SmartDiagnostics Application Note Wireless Interference, ITEM 683.1603 11-ITS ASSET INVENTORY MANAGEMENT(SYSTEM) ITEM 683.1604 11-ITS ASSET INVENTORY MANAGEMENT(TAGGING), Design and Certification of ASH Radio Systems for Japan, VARIO PROX CARD READER INSTALLATION MANUAL, DVB-T Television Repeater Jim Andrews, KH6HTV, Wireless Alarm System. Control all Sensors & accessories from one location, Wireless Power for Remote Monitoring Applications, CS848E Receiver for 868GEN2 Devices Installation Sheet, 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink & ipad Ground Station User Guide V1.02, HDMI / Video Wall over IP Transmitter with PoE, General Camera Information and use for NuAire Biological Safety Cabinets (BSC) and Isolators, Installation Instructions. Longest Range Cordless Telephone Systems, Fleets Vehicle GPS Tracker TS20 User Manual.
The FCC allows licensed amateur, RC8021 Indoor Camera Installation Guide P/N: 957YL502GJ Document Version: 1.0 Copyright 2011. As the elderly population continues to, CS848E Receiver for 868GEN2 Devices Installation Sheet EN 1 2 1 3 4 2 3 EN: Installation Sheet Description The CS848E Receiver adds wireless capabilities to the CS line of control panels.
Liberating knowledge. ALKALINE BATTERIES. All rights reserved. Package Contents 3 2. MS-100 series INSTRUCTION MANUAL, ZME_05459 Wall Blind Control Set for Busch-Jaeger DURO 2000 Firmware Version : 1.8, ClearGain Tower Mounted Amplifiers A Deployment Guide for Wireless Carriers, Telephone- and leased line modem for industrial applications TD-36, Avaya WLAN 9100 External Antennas for use with the WAO-9122 Access Point, NETWORK TECHNOLOGY. Battery Compartment. Connect the Blackwirefrom the Neptune Register to the Red Wire on Aclara MTU. Indirect-mount versions are also available Secure and reliable technology Ensures data and network security Long-range power Transmits meter data over a range of at least one mile Hermetically sealed design Stands up to harsh basement and outdoor installations Theft detection and monitoring Signals to alert of possible meter tampering with optional magnetic detection Dual-port operation Adapts to multiple-meter installations, including gas and water combinations Safety in hazardous conditions Delivers Factory Mutual approval as a nonincendiary device Additional data Reports account information, meter identification, meter reading, battery condition, and tamper status Capturing data. Model 407780. It is composed of two distinct elements: Quick Start Guide MRB-KW01 Development Platform Radio Utility Application Demo MODULAR REFERENCE BOARD Quick Start Guide Get to Know the MRB-KW01x Module UART Selector ANT 1 RFIO (TX/RX) USB 2.0 Serial, User's Guide 99 Washington Street Melrose, MA 02176 Phone 781-665-1400 Toll Free 1-800-517-8431 Visit us at www.testequipmentdepot.com Back to the Extech 407780 Product Page Integrating Sound Level Datalogger, BARCODE TICKET SOLUTION RF CARD SOLUTION MAGNETIC TICKET SOLUTION C A R PA R K M A N A G E M E N T S Y S T E M C A R Barcode ticket application PA R K M A N A G E M E N T S Y S T E M RF card application, NARDA BROADBAND FIELD METER NBM-520 Measuring electric and magnetic fields ranging from high frequency to microwaves Non-directional measurement using isotropic probes for applications in the frequency, Digital Active Indoor Antenna SRT ANT 10 ECO Picture similar User Manual Table of contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 PACKAGE CONTENT 1 3.0 SAFETY NOTES 2 4.0 CONNECTING THE ANTENNA 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION Thank, RDF1 RF Receiver Decoder Features Complete FM Receiver and Decoder. It reduces human, RADIO CONTROLLED DIGITAL CLOCK MODELS 88905 / 88906 QUICK SETUP GUIDE IMPORTANT! animations, dialog, and camera movement, Developed core gameplay mechanics for unconscious NPCs using behavior trees to
This is the Number that Allows ABT to Identify which Meter Goes ZME_05459 Wall Blind Control Set for Busch-Jaeger DURO 2000 Firmware Version : 1.8 Quick Start A This device is a Z-Wave Actuator. SmartMeter Program Overview. 91905 User s Manual BASE STATION REMOTE SENSOR FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS BASE STATION Indoor / wireless outdoor temperature, C / F selectable Indoor, 2753 Digital Wireless Rain Gauge & Thermometer Indoor/Outdoor Thermometer with Remote Rain Gauge Leading the Way in Accuracy Required: Screw Driver & 4 AAA Batteries Instruction Manual Welcome to the Taylor, safe, smart, protected en Safety, Regulatory, &Legal Charging Dock Operation Charging Dock Operation The charging dock is designed for tabletop use. Specifications Network type Transmit/receive frequency Antenna Installation locations Read interval Transmit interval Inputs Wire length Battery life End point to end point time difference Physical characteristics Weight Color Operating temp range Operating humidity Transmit power options Approvals Warranty Meter compatibility Network topology Network compatibility Handheld interface Meter interface Data resolution Maximum meter pulse frequency Two-way MHz (FCC licensed) Internal Interior wall mount, exterior wall mount, pit/vault 2 Hourly top of the hour readings default Four times per day default Single or dual 12 feet-22 AWG solid wire 20 years 3,4 < 1 min 6.38 W x 4.25 H x 1.44 D 1 lb Gray -30C to +70C 0% - 100% condensing Standard and extended range available FCC part 90 : Industry Canada RSS years 5 All major manufactures of water meters STAR Network Aclara DCU IIJ Windows Mobile handheld Pulse or encoder 4-8 digits 6 Three pulses per second 7 Standard System Reports Duplicate meter serial number request Duplicate MTUs report Reception report Tamper report Total consumption Zero consumption Missing reads MTU:DCU redundancy Notes: 1: Two-way communication for time synchronization and time management 2: Pit/vault installation under non-metallic lid 3: Battery life is stated at default settings 4: Standard range 5: Refer to Aclara standard warranty for details 6: Reports all digits that are electronically available from register 7: Pulse input only Specifications are subject to change without notice. The. As you can see above, the Example MTU ID # Is: 41230402 All rights reserved. PO Box 128 Oak Creek, CO 80467, FOR MORE INFORMATION. Spotting the Differences in Utility Billing Companies, Water Meter Fittings Installation Work and Options. 1. GETTING TO KNOW YOUR Telstra Pre-paid 4G USB LET S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD WHAT S INSIDE Your Telstra Pre-Paid 4G USB has been tested to the highest standards to deliver you the best possible coverage, VARIO PROX CARD READER INSTALLATION MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION2 1.1 Legend3 1.2 Terminology4 2.0 MOUNTING5 3.0 WIEGAND CONNECTION6 4.0 AUX BUTTON INPUT7 5.0 INSTALLER PROGRAMMING8, AN-23 DTV Rptr.doc (6/1/2015) p. 1 of 5 Application Note AN-23 June, 2015 DVB-T Television Repeater Jim Andrews, KH6HTV Fig. All Rights Reserved. Make Sure that the MTU is Mounted Horizontally, Like Shown Above. DESCRIPTION. The Sprint AIRAVE is, APPLICATI NOTE Tower Mounted Amplifiers, Diagnostics and Isolation Measurements Site Master Introduction The use of Tower Mounted Amplifiers (s) in cellular, PCS, GSM and G Base Stations has offered significant, Novel AMR technologies and Remote Monitoring Marios Milis, SignalGeneriX Ltd marios.milis@signalgenerix.com 1 AMR Overview AMR is the technology of automatically collecting consumption, diagnostic, and, (v1.0r) TRENDnet s Wireless Day / Night Cloud Camera, model, takes the work out of viewing video over the internet. AMR stands for Automated Meter Reading. Range A RBW Dual Pulse, 12' wire, Ext. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. All rights reserved. Digital Migration Radio. INSTALL BATTERIES IN THE OUTDOOR TRANSMITTER BEFORE INSTALLING BATTERIES IN THE RADIO-CONTROLLED CLOCK. create believable reactions and responses towards the player and other NPCs, Worked independently to transform prototype into shipping sandbox physics game on both iOS and Android (Google Play and Amazon) using cocos2d-x and Box2d, Lead team of programmers, testers, artists, and producers to design and implement new features, fix bugs, utilize in-app purchase, and develop a help system for Creatorverse, Programmed, designed, and scheduled all game systems, Lead the collaborative effort of a writer, artist, and musician remotely, Modeled, textured, and rigged characters and environments, Initiated and led the improvement of debugging tools and processes across the entire company, Drafted, reviewed, and tracked technical specifications for all areas of the game, Implemented improved message center and Facebook Open Graph functionality in order to increase monetization using Python/Pylons, AS3, Javascript, MySQL, Supported release of new weekly content packs, Interacted with design, art, and project management to coordinate weekly releases, Modeled, textured, and rigged all characters and environments, Organized and collaborated with several writers remotely, Handled outsourcing and scheduling of music, Integrated Anark Gameface into existing next generation engine, Worked closely with UI artist to iterate and implement front end, in-game HUD, pause
12 STAR Extended-Range MTU STAR Network Extended Range MTU System Diagram Client workstations Network Control Computer Application server Database server Data Collector Unit Water MTU The water MTU links the meter to the STAR Network system, capturing valuable data and providing the benefits of reliable AMI. Datasheet. Building Technologies. Aclara and STAR are registered trademarks of Aclara. The BigPond Ultimate Mobile Broadband Wi-Fi is designed, Solar Weather Station Model: BAR806 / BAR806A EN CONTENTS USER MANUAL Overview 2 Front view 2 Back view 3 Remote sensor 3 Getting started 3 Solar panel 3 Insert batteries 4 Remote, 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink & ipad Ground Station User Guide V1.12 Thank you for purchasing DJI products. STAR Network is a registered trademark of Aclara RF Systems Inc. PulseMTU-In-709. Installation Instructions 5420/90F, WIRELESS WEATHER STATION Model 81690 USER'S INSTRUCTIONS, BOSE. 7 // SUBMETERING STAR Network Water MTU METER TRANSMISSION UNIT OUTDOOR The STAR Network water MTU makes meter reading more efficient and allows reduced costs, improved billing, and managed resources. Long Range Radio Networks, COMPATIBILITY AND SHARING ANALYSIS BETWEEN DVB T AND RADIO MICROPHONES IN BANDS IV AND V, Smart meters: Compliance with radio frequency exposure standards, http://www.sprint.com/landings/airave/files/airave_access_point_faqs.pdf?intmkt=mkt:ms:20131 030:AIR:MSU:EEE:FAQs, Tower Mounted Amplifiers, Diagnostics and Isolation Measurements, Novel AMR technologies and Remote Monitoring, Wireless Day / Night Cloud Camera TV-IP751WIC (v1.0r), Quick Start Guide. Compatible with almost all commercially available gas meters, the STAR Network gas MTU provides the benefi ts of the industry s most reliable AMI/AMR product to gas customers. This allows a utility to take a complete system read and use the data to reconcile the amount of water entering the system to the billable water that is consumed, thus identifying the probability of system leaks. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Aclara. Use These Steps If The Meter Has Wiring coming off of the Register: Identify Which Meter Type You have. These limits are designed, 2 732 Synco living Water detector QFP910 Wireless radio sensor to record water puddles RF communication based on KNX standard (868 MHz unidirectional) Battery operation with standard 1.5 V batteries Use, Microwave Meter 840046 Instruction Manual Microwave Meter 840046 Copyright 2009 by Sper Scientific ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Printed in the USA The contents of this manual may not be reproduced or transmitted, Digital Migration Radio Wall Mount Repeater for Indoor Light, Small, Compact Design RF Power 1~25W with 100% Duty Cycle DMR & Analogue Auto Switch http://support.hytera.com www.hytera.com is a 25W, DMR, Fleets Vehicle GPS Tracker TR-11E User Manual (Version 1.0) Index Contents 1. Choose a location 6 feet or more from electronics such as cordless phones, wireless gaming systems, televisions, December 19, 2014. Any, software or firmware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the, The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Aclara. Antennas transmit radio, Modular, Customizable Wire Replacement 128 / 256 Bit AES Encryption Software Selectable RF Transmit Power Software Selectable Over-the-air Data Rate Modbus ASCII /RTU Compatible Wide Operating Temperature, BS&B WIRELESS, L.L.C. Aclara 945 Hornet Drive, Hazelwood, MO P: F: Aclara. CE1N2732en 2016-03-01. Design and Certification of ASH Radio Systems for Japan RFM s second-generation ASH radio hybrids are being used in a wide variety of applications in Japan, operating under the Japanese BIJAKU radio regulations. PowerLogic ION meters are compatible, 309-2273-001AA.fm Page 1 Monday, February 3, 2003 4:54 PM Quick Start Guide Wireless LAN Outdoor Bridge Solution 3CRWEASY96A Outdoor solution for secure long-distance wireless connections The 3Com Wireless. What Do Antennas Do? Water detector. RADIO CONTROLLED DIGITAL CLOCK MODELS 88905 / 88906, Short Range Wireless Switch System Handheld 8 Installation and Operations Guide, IN-OUT Thermometer with Cable Free Sensor and Clock, Network Communications System. Mechanical Size 4 4. RF Receiver Decoder. These limits, SmartDiagnostics Application Note Wireless Interference Publication Date: May 27, 2015 KCF Technologies, Inc. Background The SmartDiagnostics wireless network is an easy to install, end-to-end machine, DESCRIPTION This work shall consist of furnishing and installing a new, fully functional ITS Asset Inventory Management System capable of creating, updating, and maintaining RFID electronic records and. 1 // SUBMETERING STAR Network Pulse MTU METER TRANSMISSION UNIT INDOOR The STAR Network pulse MTU makes meter reading more efficient and allows for reduced costs, improved billing, and managed resources. Wireless Adapter/Repeater. Knowledge before Usage: 4 2.1Factory, BIGPOND ULTIMATE MOBILE BROADBAND WI-FI QUICK START GUIDE WARNINGS AND SAFETY NOTICES Please read all the safety notices before using this device. Please Note: Do NOT Attach to Metal Siding or Skirting. Connect the Red Wire to the screw labeled B December 2008, Battery Life in Water Communication Modules. 70%, [Download
Please strictly follow this user guide to mount and connect the 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink, install the, To make this website work, we log user data and share it with processors. The CS848E allows, 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink & ipad Ground Station User Guide V1.02 Thank you for purchasing DJI products. Features & Benefits: Display 3 Setup 4 Sensor, Traditional Video Surveillance ($50,000+) vs. Event-Based Videofied Solution ($2,500) Executive Summary: Totally Wireless Video Security has been effective but cost and complexity has limited deployment, Dale Pennington, Managing Director, Utiliworks Consulting LLC, New York, USA Meter Data from Cradle to Grave, do you know where your Data is? MJxlW]'X\{an. www.hytera.com, Fleets Vehicle GPS Tracker TR-11E User Manual (Version 1.0), BIGPOND ULTIMATE MOBILE BROADBAND WI-FI QUICK START GUIDE, Solar Weather Station Model: BAR806 / BAR806A, 2.4G Bluetooth Datalink & ipad Ground Station User Guide V1.12. Knowledge before Usage 4 4.1 Factory, Rack mounted telephone- and leased line modem for industrial applications TR-6 Rack modem for industrial PSTNand /-wire leased line applications The TR-6 is an analogue V. 9 -rack PSTN modem as well as, Page 1 of 12 8-Port PoE Network Switch User s Guide Document Number 91I00-1 Rev A August, 2009 FCC Warning: Page 2 of 12 This devices has been tested and found to comply with the regulations for Class, WIRELESS MULTI-ZONE DIGITAL WEATHER CENTER Model No. 125 8880 or from a non-telstra phone 13 2200 and say pre-paid telstra.com/ppmbb visit a telstra store or partner, Wireless Voice and Data Solutions. This is the first in a series of whitepapers that explain distinctive design, function and applications of MOSAIC. The MTUs transmit accurate meter readings on customer-defined schedules. Identifying and mitigating water loss represents the single greatest, MOSAIC: A Fresh Approach to AMR Networking By Ken Milburn Product Manager, MOSAIC This is the first in a series of whitepapers that explain distinctive design, function and applications of MOSAIC. Introduction: 3 1.1 Features 3 1.2 Specification 3 1.3 Mechanical Size: 3 2. %PDF-1.6 % The MTU supports up to 8-digit registers and delivers time-stamped reads on a time-synchronized network, allowing for advanced water distribution management. DES MOINES WATER WORKS Board of Water Works Trustees 2201 George Flagg Parkway Des Moines, Iowa 50321-1190 (515) 283-8700 www.dmww.com MEMORANDUM DATE: February 4, 2015 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: William Stowe, Model: 308-1412 Manual DC: 080215 WIRELESS COLOR FORECAST STATION FRONT VIEW SENSOR TX141TH-Bv2 LED TX Sensor Battery Cover Sensor Battery Compartment 2 AA Buttons Battery Compartment 3 AAA BACK VIEW Battery, smart stewardship Water lost through broken or aging distribution pipes amounts to 20 percent, conservatively, for the water industry. Zlinx Wireless I/O. Before, Enterprise WiFi System Models: UAP, UAP-LR, UAP-Pro, UAP-Outdoor, UAP-Outdoor5 Unlimited Indoor/Outdoor AP Scalability in a Unified Management System Breakthrough Capacity up to 750 Mbps Intuitive UniFi, INSTALLATION GUIDE 1 Setting information MAC-558IF-E address(mac) MAC-558IF-E serial number(id) MAC-558IF-E code(pin) Indoor unit model name Indoor unit serial number Outdoor unit model name Outdoor unit, HDMI Switch USER MANUAL VS481A FCC Information This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Battery Life in Water Communication Modules Satish Bhakta Ph.D. Advisor, Hardware Solutions WHITE PAPER Battery Life in Water Communication Modules TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 3 Battery Technology Antenna Basics This Antenna Basics reference guide includes basic information about antenna types, how antennas work, gain, and some installation examples. Manual will be automatically added to "My Manuals". Its powerful, narrow-band transmitter broadcasts over FCC-licensed, 450- to 470-MHz radio frequencies.