The Department of Logisitics is currently expressly not offering any more thesis topics except the ones listed below. PLoS One, in press. Merging these two transportation modes, a new futuristic delivery concept called Drone Delivery using Public Transport (DDPT) is proposed.
Further reading: What do efficiency and robustness mean in each class? Research into optimization represents one of the most potentially groundbreaking (and lucrative) specialties in software development. The job of an engineer, regardless of their particular specialization, is to eliminate waste from a traditional industry or digital software process. .css-1puhnsk-Text{display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;white-space:nowrap;border:none;-webkit-clip:rect(0,0,0,0);clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;padding:0;width:1px;color:var(--text-default-base);}By .css-16y60jz-TextLink{font-size:1rem;line-height:1.5;color:var(--text-default-base);-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}.css-16y60jz-TextLink:hover,.css-16y60jz-TextLink:focus{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1cqcain-TextLink-TextLink{border-bottom-left-radius:0.125rem;border-bottom-right-radius:0.125rem;border-top-left-radius:0.125rem;border-top-right-radius:0.125rem;display:-webkit-inline-box;display:-webkit-inline-flex;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;font-size:1rem;line-height:1.5;color:var(--text-default-base);-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}.css-1cqcain-TextLink-TextLink:hover,.css-1cqcain-TextLink-TextLink:focus{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Aamir Kamal.css-zi41ep{font-size:0.8125rem;line-height:1.5384615384615385;color:var(--text-default-mute);}.css-k4hbk2-Text{display:inline-block;font-size:0.8125rem;line-height:1.5384615384615385;color:var(--text-default-mute);}.css-1fkqll5-TimeAgo{display:inline-block;color:inherit;}2 years ago in .css-yn6q8s-TextLink{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}.css-yn6q8s-TextLink *{display:inline !important;}.css-yn6q8s-TextLink:hover,.css-yn6q8s-TextLink:focus{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1rec7bi-TextLink{color:inherit;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}.css-1rec7bi-TextLink *{display:inline !important;}.css-1rec7bi-TextLink:hover,.css-1rec7bi-TextLink:focus{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-wd7xqx-TextLink-TextLink{border-bottom-left-radius:0.125rem;border-bottom-right-radius:0.125rem;border-top-left-radius:0.125rem;border-top-right-radius:0.125rem;display:inline;color:inherit;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}.css-wd7xqx-TextLink-TextLink *{display:inline !important;}.css-wd7xqx-TextLink-TextLink:hover,.css-wd7xqx-TextLink-TextLink:focus{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Education. This factory school that sent low income kids to Ivy League schools was a viral sensation in 2017. The purpose of this thesis is to extend these findings. Bahrain French Polynesia For further information about the admissions process, contact: The Value of Environmental Sustainability, pants to make decisions (weighing time, cost, and CO, Each scenario can be a separate thesis topic. Further reading: Togo Industry 4.0 marketplace platform Paraguay France Want to show your support? Armenia Japan South Korea In this project the few exceptions in the academic literature, where non-Gaussian fluctuations are studied are identified and contextualized. The application of lean or six-sigma in Hospitals and services related industries. Burkina Faso The starting point will be a survey of publicly available databases about company sizes and infrastructures. hybrid models of scrum, kanban, etc. The course of research can involve conducting an online survey or interviews. The course of research can involve conducting an online survey or interviews. European Physical Journal B 86, 473. Czech Republic
Peru Cote dIvoireCroatia/Hrvatska Resource:30 Best Online Masters in Industrial or Systems Engineering Degrees. CB03. We have published some stories that could interest an Industrial engineering student. The course of research involves conducting a simulation study. IC01. TEL: +9613299655, Otter International Sdn Bhd e: [emailprotected] Anatomy and efficiency of urban multimodal mobility. Then the network architectures will be statistically analyzed in order to establish relationships between product diversity and network structure. GC04. I love writing on Vocal. Malta Botswana URL: Use process mapping to assist the supply chain. Sharing some good examples of Industrial Engineering thesis topics. In a series of small investigation we want to understand this phenomenon more deeply and apply the findings to manufacturing. URL: Thailand, Societe IDHEM Amenagement et Agencement Israel What is the trade-off between time, money and CO. By carefully selecting a currently viable research topic to go along with your engineering career path, you can boost the value of your Masters degree once youve completed your graduate program. Iraq TEL: +39 0363.33201, e: [emailprotected] Antigua and Barbuda Sluban, B., Mikac, M., Novak, P. K., Battiston, S., and Mozetic, I.
The influence on [Insert anything] on Driving. Seeing the general manager puzzled, the young man explained in less than proficient English that he happened to pass by here, and rushed in. Beber, M., Armbruster, D. and Htt, M.-Th. Australia Barbados 2015) quantify activity patterns in a graph, and thus calibrate these measures. Portugal Germany In the case of production systems, nodes can be machines, processes, inventories, products at intermediate stages of production, or check points. Algeria Saudi Arabia 2013) has shown that the network architecture is strongly affected by the complexity of the networks required output pattern. TEL:+56225823983, Pinnakaitse O Estonia Industry 4.0 in agriculture precision farming, GC01. The use of operation research techniques to reduce cost or improve efficiency. Links can represent material flow, regulation, control and decision alternatives. Computer science is a rapidly growing field as it has impacts on each and every sector of society. e: [emailprotected] The purpose of this project is to compile a list of publicly accessible databases of relevance to production and distribution logistics and, furthermore, to delineate the debates about such databases in the academic literature. Choosing the right subject for your thesis topic is very important for a very extended period of time, for over 2 semesters in undergrad if you are doing a final-year project or a two years master's degree. Uruguay Towards Harmonised Characterisation Methodologies and Data Formats The purpose of this thesis is to explore how millennials evaluate corporate social responsibility (CSR). Gallotti, R. and Barthelemy, M. (2014). Applied Network Science, 3(1):44. Further reading: What Is The Average Time to Obtain a Ph.D.? There is literally no rule that says you have to get married & start a family. The best thing to do is to select a thesis or research topic that you are passionate about. How Do I Become a College Teaching Assistant (TA)? For details on all topics of Prof. Wicaksono, please download this file. Hong Kong The various concepts of synchronization attempt to capture the pattern of activity in a production network. This is not the case in logistics. IC02. Often these fluctuations are modeled as white noise (i.e., as independent random events following a Gaussian distribution). Smart decisions here will help your qualifications to stand out from those of other engineers, and highlight your personal abilities in your preferred field of specialization. Serbia 2008) to simulate activity patterns and then analyze the synchronization measures as a function of network architecture and parameters of the dynamics. Finland Belgium Maslov, S., Krishna, S., Pang, T. and Sneppen, K. (2009) Toolbox model of evolution of prokaryotic metabolic networks and their regulation. Luxembourg, Macedonia Readiness vs. willingness to change for industry 4.0 2009). Across many disciplines, the formal language of nodes and links provides an efficient data structure for representing complex systems. TEL: +9647705858031, Arcoplex Trading SPA e: [emailprotected] (2015) Node survival in networks under correlated attacks. +90 212 670 13 95 Zimbabwe, Algeria P: This project requires strong programming skills. TEL: +358207351061, Taks Marketing Ltd. Besides, urban public transport allows accessibility and connectivity among various locations within a city. South Africa Dominican Republic, Ecuador TEL: +27825559753, DAEHO Trading What Are the Different Business Master Degree Types?
What is a Capstone Project in Graduate School?
Bolivia European Physical Journal B 86, 473. Time to Complete an Online Master's in Education, Great Scholarships for Online Graduate Students, 2022, a Red Ventures Company. TEL: +37256249579, West Clear China From the Basic Laws of Production Logistics by Nyhuis and Wiendahl to the Bullwhip Effect in supply chains and the lead time syndrome in manufacturing the broad discipline of logistics is full of hypotheses, conjectures and laws. When pursuing a Masters degree in engineering, a student will be required to complete various research projects. If you are interested, please read the hints on how to write a thesis with the Department of Logistics and contact the supervisor mentioned below. Trinidad and Tobago [emailprotected]. They were the age range of hospitalization and death, and senior living communities and healthcare workers had to take extreme measures to Nurses have always been in demand, but this is a great time to enter the field if youre considering a career as a nurse. Enders, M., Htt, M. T., and Jeschke, J. M. (2018). This thesis analyses recent shortcomings in medical supply with antibiotics and other vital pharmaceutical products in Germany and why that is due to problems in international supply chain management. Seniors were greatly affected during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main purpose of the project is to develop some intuition, how relevant non-Gaussian fluctuations are in the study of supply and production systems. Poland This software specialty relates to the design and implementation of software algorithms, which are capable of both gathering and processing data. Dominica Argentina Scientific reports, 4:6911. Georgia Writing or performing a certain topic or subject is way easier compared to others. That year, the school uploaded a series of videos showing their students reacting to getting into the college of their choice. Advanced manufacturing techniques like Additive manufacturing. In a series of small investigation we want to understand this phenomenon more deeply and apply the findings to manufacturing. Nasiol is the registered brand of Artekya Technology. Gabon The goal of the project component described here is to study, whether similar relationships are also observed in real manufacturing systems.
This project uses the general model paradigm of avalanches on graphs to study this phenomenon further: How does the network architecture facilitate such avalanches? supply/demand ratio, the ratio between the number of crowd couriers delivering packages and the number of packages, maximum detour time accepted by crowd couriers. Bulgaria .css-1sq3fp7-TextLink{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1sq3fp7-TextLink:hover,.css-1sq3fp7-TextLink:focus{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}.css-2zzn7c-TextLink{color:var(--text-default-mute);-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-2zzn7c-TextLink:hover,.css-2zzn7c-TextLink:focus{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}.css-1dxw7b6-TextLink-TextLink{border-bottom-left-radius:0.125rem;border-bottom-right-radius:0.125rem;border-top-left-radius:0.125rem;border-top-right-radius:0.125rem;display:-webkit-inline-box;display:-webkit-inline-flex;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;color:var(--text-default-mute);-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1dxw7b6-TextLink-TextLink:hover,.css-1dxw7b6-TextLink-TextLink:focus{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}How does it work? Netherlands Prof. Htt (Professor of Systems Biology at Jacobs University) has agreed to supervise the following thesis topics. Finland Slovak Republic, Slovenia TEL: +66995395556, Magic Ukraine Ltd. Brazil TEL: +966542311230, Silcor Trading Iran Saudi Arabia e: [emailprotected]
Iceland Azerbaijan Uttar Pradesh, India 201301 TEL:+16043533713, EasySupply Comercial Limitada The purpose of this project is to access data from these and other sources and build up an internal database of multilayer networks relevant to production and distribution logistics. Chankov, S., Bendul, J. and Htt, M.-Th. Jordan, Kuwait Tunisia (2015) Synchronization in Manufacturing Systems: Quantification and Relation to Logistics Performance. Colombia Andriani, P., and McKelvey, B. Fretter, C., Krumov, L., Weihe, K., Mller-Hannemann, M. and Htt, M.-Th. URL: Scheduling problem for health care patients. Costa Rica Spain (2018). Myanmar All logistics systems are exposed to fluctuations. Bahamas Libyan Arab Jamahiriya They use the ever-advancing state of modern technology to develop new and more efficient ways of accomplishing important tasks, saving big corporations and government agencies billions of dollars each year worldwide. CB02. Ghana URL: Industrial engineering is a fascinating engineering disciple. Denmark Saint Vincent and the Grenadines e: [emailprotected] TEL: +6591052255, Epik Trading Drawing a map of invasion biology based on a network of hypotheses. Guadeloupe Beyond Gaussian averages: redirecting international business and management research toward extreme events and power laws. T: This project requires reading theoretical (mathematical) literature. Industrial engineering is an exciting subject, and some of the research topics or thesis topics we mentioned are very much interesting, and you will love to work on a thesis project. Montenegro CAD Based optimization in any manufacturing environment. Guatemala Bosnia and Herzegovina Here, a simple model for random material flows, based on random walks, will be explored. Qatar Production and logistics is a combined area of focus for many engineers, including students pursuing their Masters degree. J. Stat. e: [emailprotected] A comparatively unexplored aspect of manufacturing is the relationship between the production network and the diversity of the manufactured products. URL: The following classification for the topics applies: A comparatively unexplored aspect of manufacturing is the relationship between the production network and the diversity of the manufactured products. We have taken our project in Industrial engineering and our Final year project was in.css-u6hpqs-Italic{font-style:italic;} "Matt Manufacturing firm using Gap Analysis" In this article, we will share a list of 21 best Industrial Engineering thesis or research topics. The goal of this project is to review the different network representations of production systems and analyze, how these network representations can help understand the functioning of these systems. (2013) The prescribed output pattern regulates the modular structure of flow networks.
Thailand (2015) Network heterogeneity and node capacity lead to heterogeneous scaling of fluctuations in random walks on graphs. A good starting point is, The Role of Disclosing Ones Sexuality: Positive and Negative Discrimination, Using Social media analytics in product development processes, Smart 3D printing (Integrating CAD, CAPP and 3D printing ), Using Blockchain technology in supply chain network, Developing VRP models for Drone based last mile delivery concept, Adaptive manufacturing operation scheduling using stochastic processes in industry 4.0, how to write a thesis with the Department of Logistics,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Prof. Htt (Professor of Systems Biology at Jacobs University), Production & Logistics Networks Workgroup, How much more money would customer spend in order to reduce their CO, How much more time would customers be willing to travel to reduce 1 kg of CO. Whats the best way to visualise the CO2 emissions so that consumers are inspired to behave in a more environmentally friendly way?

Peru Cote dIvoireCroatia/Hrvatska Resource:30 Best Online Masters in Industrial or Systems Engineering Degrees. CB03. We have published some stories that could interest an Industrial engineering student. The course of research involves conducting a simulation study. IC01. TEL: +9613299655, Otter International Sdn Bhd e: [emailprotected] Anatomy and efficiency of urban multimodal mobility. Then the network architectures will be statistically analyzed in order to establish relationships between product diversity and network structure. GC04. I love writing on Vocal. Malta Botswana URL: Use process mapping to assist the supply chain. Sharing some good examples of Industrial Engineering thesis topics. In a series of small investigation we want to understand this phenomenon more deeply and apply the findings to manufacturing. URL: Thailand, Societe IDHEM Amenagement et Agencement Israel What is the trade-off between time, money and CO. By carefully selecting a currently viable research topic to go along with your engineering career path, you can boost the value of your Masters degree once youve completed your graduate program. Iraq TEL: +39 0363.33201, e: [emailprotected] Antigua and Barbuda Sluban, B., Mikac, M., Novak, P. K., Battiston, S., and Mozetic, I.
The influence on [Insert anything] on Driving. Seeing the general manager puzzled, the young man explained in less than proficient English that he happened to pass by here, and rushed in. Beber, M., Armbruster, D. and Htt, M.-Th. Australia Barbados 2015) quantify activity patterns in a graph, and thus calibrate these measures. Portugal Germany In the case of production systems, nodes can be machines, processes, inventories, products at intermediate stages of production, or check points. Algeria Saudi Arabia 2013) has shown that the network architecture is strongly affected by the complexity of the networks required output pattern. TEL:+56225823983, Pinnakaitse O Estonia Industry 4.0 in agriculture precision farming, GC01. The use of operation research techniques to reduce cost or improve efficiency. Links can represent material flow, regulation, control and decision alternatives. Computer science is a rapidly growing field as it has impacts on each and every sector of society. e: [emailprotected] The purpose of this project is to compile a list of publicly accessible databases of relevance to production and distribution logistics and, furthermore, to delineate the debates about such databases in the academic literature. Choosing the right subject for your thesis topic is very important for a very extended period of time, for over 2 semesters in undergrad if you are doing a final-year project or a two years master's degree. Uruguay Towards Harmonised Characterisation Methodologies and Data Formats The purpose of this thesis is to explore how millennials evaluate corporate social responsibility (CSR). Gallotti, R. and Barthelemy, M. (2014). Applied Network Science, 3(1):44. Further reading: What Is The Average Time to Obtain a Ph.D.? There is literally no rule that says you have to get married & start a family. The best thing to do is to select a thesis or research topic that you are passionate about. How Do I Become a College Teaching Assistant (TA)? For details on all topics of Prof. Wicaksono, please download this file. Hong Kong The various concepts of synchronization attempt to capture the pattern of activity in a production network. This is not the case in logistics. IC02. Often these fluctuations are modeled as white noise (i.e., as independent random events following a Gaussian distribution). Smart decisions here will help your qualifications to stand out from those of other engineers, and highlight your personal abilities in your preferred field of specialization. Serbia 2008) to simulate activity patterns and then analyze the synchronization measures as a function of network architecture and parameters of the dynamics. Finland Belgium Maslov, S., Krishna, S., Pang, T. and Sneppen, K. (2009) Toolbox model of evolution of prokaryotic metabolic networks and their regulation. Luxembourg, Macedonia Readiness vs. willingness to change for industry 4.0 2009). Across many disciplines, the formal language of nodes and links provides an efficient data structure for representing complex systems. TEL: +9647705858031, Arcoplex Trading SPA e: [emailprotected] (2015) Node survival in networks under correlated attacks. +90 212 670 13 95 Zimbabwe, Algeria P: This project requires strong programming skills. TEL: +358207351061, Taks Marketing Ltd. Besides, urban public transport allows accessibility and connectivity among various locations within a city. South Africa Dominican Republic, Ecuador TEL: +27825559753, DAEHO Trading What Are the Different Business Master Degree Types?
What is a Capstone Project in Graduate School?
Bolivia European Physical Journal B 86, 473. Time to Complete an Online Master's in Education, Great Scholarships for Online Graduate Students, 2022, a Red Ventures Company. TEL: +37256249579, West Clear China From the Basic Laws of Production Logistics by Nyhuis and Wiendahl to the Bullwhip Effect in supply chains and the lead time syndrome in manufacturing the broad discipline of logistics is full of hypotheses, conjectures and laws. When pursuing a Masters degree in engineering, a student will be required to complete various research projects. If you are interested, please read the hints on how to write a thesis with the Department of Logistics and contact the supervisor mentioned below. Trinidad and Tobago [emailprotected]. They were the age range of hospitalization and death, and senior living communities and healthcare workers had to take extreme measures to Nurses have always been in demand, but this is a great time to enter the field if youre considering a career as a nurse. Enders, M., Htt, M. T., and Jeschke, J. M. (2018). This thesis analyses recent shortcomings in medical supply with antibiotics and other vital pharmaceutical products in Germany and why that is due to problems in international supply chain management. Seniors were greatly affected during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main purpose of the project is to develop some intuition, how relevant non-Gaussian fluctuations are in the study of supply and production systems. Poland This software specialty relates to the design and implementation of software algorithms, which are capable of both gathering and processing data. Dominica Argentina Scientific reports, 4:6911. Georgia Writing or performing a certain topic or subject is way easier compared to others. That year, the school uploaded a series of videos showing their students reacting to getting into the college of their choice. Advanced manufacturing techniques like Additive manufacturing. In a series of small investigation we want to understand this phenomenon more deeply and apply the findings to manufacturing. Nasiol is the registered brand of Artekya Technology. Gabon The goal of the project component described here is to study, whether similar relationships are also observed in real manufacturing systems.
This project uses the general model paradigm of avalanches on graphs to study this phenomenon further: How does the network architecture facilitate such avalanches? supply/demand ratio, the ratio between the number of crowd couriers delivering packages and the number of packages, maximum detour time accepted by crowd couriers. Bulgaria .css-1sq3fp7-TextLink{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1sq3fp7-TextLink:hover,.css-1sq3fp7-TextLink:focus{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}.css-2zzn7c-TextLink{color:var(--text-default-mute);-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-2zzn7c-TextLink:hover,.css-2zzn7c-TextLink:focus{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}.css-1dxw7b6-TextLink-TextLink{border-bottom-left-radius:0.125rem;border-bottom-right-radius:0.125rem;border-top-left-radius:0.125rem;border-top-right-radius:0.125rem;display:-webkit-inline-box;display:-webkit-inline-flex;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;color:var(--text-default-mute);-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-1dxw7b6-TextLink-TextLink:hover,.css-1dxw7b6-TextLink-TextLink:focus{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}How does it work? Netherlands Prof. Htt (Professor of Systems Biology at Jacobs University) has agreed to supervise the following thesis topics. Finland Slovak Republic, Slovenia TEL: +66995395556, Magic Ukraine Ltd. Brazil TEL: +966542311230, Silcor Trading Iran Saudi Arabia e: [emailprotected]
Iceland Azerbaijan Uttar Pradesh, India 201301 TEL:+16043533713, EasySupply Comercial Limitada The purpose of this project is to access data from these and other sources and build up an internal database of multilayer networks relevant to production and distribution logistics. Chankov, S., Bendul, J. and Htt, M.-Th. Jordan, Kuwait Tunisia (2015) Synchronization in Manufacturing Systems: Quantification and Relation to Logistics Performance. Colombia Andriani, P., and McKelvey, B. Fretter, C., Krumov, L., Weihe, K., Mller-Hannemann, M. and Htt, M.-Th. URL: Scheduling problem for health care patients. Costa Rica Spain (2018). Myanmar All logistics systems are exposed to fluctuations. Bahamas Libyan Arab Jamahiriya They use the ever-advancing state of modern technology to develop new and more efficient ways of accomplishing important tasks, saving big corporations and government agencies billions of dollars each year worldwide. CB02. Ghana URL: Industrial engineering is a fascinating engineering disciple. Denmark Saint Vincent and the Grenadines e: [emailprotected] TEL: +6591052255, Epik Trading Drawing a map of invasion biology based on a network of hypotheses. Guadeloupe Beyond Gaussian averages: redirecting international business and management research toward extreme events and power laws. T: This project requires reading theoretical (mathematical) literature. Industrial engineering is an exciting subject, and some of the research topics or thesis topics we mentioned are very much interesting, and you will love to work on a thesis project. Montenegro CAD Based optimization in any manufacturing environment. Guatemala Bosnia and Herzegovina Here, a simple model for random material flows, based on random walks, will be explored. Qatar Production and logistics is a combined area of focus for many engineers, including students pursuing their Masters degree. J. Stat. e: [emailprotected] A comparatively unexplored aspect of manufacturing is the relationship between the production network and the diversity of the manufactured products. URL: The following classification for the topics applies: A comparatively unexplored aspect of manufacturing is the relationship between the production network and the diversity of the manufactured products. We have taken our project in Industrial engineering and our Final year project was in.css-u6hpqs-Italic{font-style:italic;} "Matt Manufacturing firm using Gap Analysis" In this article, we will share a list of 21 best Industrial Engineering thesis or research topics. The goal of this project is to review the different network representations of production systems and analyze, how these network representations can help understand the functioning of these systems. (2013) The prescribed output pattern regulates the modular structure of flow networks.
Thailand (2015) Network heterogeneity and node capacity lead to heterogeneous scaling of fluctuations in random walks on graphs. A good starting point is, The Role of Disclosing Ones Sexuality: Positive and Negative Discrimination, Using Social media analytics in product development processes, Smart 3D printing (Integrating CAD, CAPP and 3D printing ), Using Blockchain technology in supply chain network, Developing VRP models for Drone based last mile delivery concept, Adaptive manufacturing operation scheduling using stochastic processes in industry 4.0, how to write a thesis with the Department of Logistics,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Prof. Htt (Professor of Systems Biology at Jacobs University), Production & Logistics Networks Workgroup, How much more money would customer spend in order to reduce their CO, How much more time would customers be willing to travel to reduce 1 kg of CO. Whats the best way to visualise the CO2 emissions so that consumers are inspired to behave in a more environmentally friendly way?