But youre giving everyone else at the table a free tutor, and there are a few fun ways to answer your combo if they know what to look for. Whats your favorite black commander? You either go wide or tall in simpler decks, or in more complex decks with creature-centered wincons like Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose and Marionette Master. Whenever Drana deals combat damage to a player, you get to put a +1/+1 on every attacking Creature you control.
A card that rates a 7 in every category will get a rating of 10. Shirei, the guardian of Shizo answers this question by giving you the ability to return creatures from your graveyard during your End Step if their power is 1 or less. The most popular black commander on EDHREC is also the most powerful. But its actually great it means you can cast a spell almost every turn if you have a life. Many commanders are useful because they benefit the rest of your creatures in some way. Paying proverbs with your life may seem counterintuitive. It can allow anyone to discard a card and bring back a creature from your graveyard. Tinybones, Tinybones, Tinybones, Tinybones, Tinybones, Tinybones, Tinybone Tinybones, Trinket Thief is a two-mana 1/2 that lets you draw a card every end step and lose one life if an opponent discards a card that round. Though rats arent frequently mentioned when discussing Magics most powerful tribes, Marrow-Gnawer proves to be one of mono-most Blacks powerful tribal commanders. Each time another creature dies or a creature is put into the graveyard, it deals damage to each opponent. So you either combo off and win in five minutes or get wrecked and lose in five minutes. Gisa, Glorious Resurrector is cheaper and has an automatic resurrection ability. Youll be able to generate massive threats through your graveyard because the ability is both inexpensive and recurring. Abyssal Gatekeeper. The awesome thing is that you dont even have to protect Mari all that much. He also basically gives an Instant flashback whenever an opponents Creature goes into their graveyard. Their ninjitsu abilities dont work from the command zone and they leave off the fun Dimir ninjas, both problems solved by the most popular ninja commander, Yuriko, the Tigers Shadow. It simply implies that all of your dangers are larger and more difficult to eliminate than before.
And weve all had a lot of tough weeks lately, havent we? To begin with, whenever a Human inflicts damage on you, you get to destroy it, which is convenient. At their best, these mono-black decks let us take the edge off. But the best is their final ability, which causes you to take control of a creature at the end of the turn it dies. You gain the ability to more easily play cards with lots of black pips like Necropolis Regent and Vampire Nocturnus, or even Cordial Vampire and Captivating Vampire. After all, Black is the best when it comes to dealing with creatures, which are the creatures you want to get rid of, right? And being able to grab a bunch of nonsense from storage boxes to make a deck that can win is pretty fun. Plus it looks super janky as a card, so it might be a nice way to camouflage the power of your decks engine a bit better than dropping something like Yawgmoth, Thran Physician into the command zone.
Gholcaller Gisa, one of the most popular commanders for mono-black Zombie tribe, is a commander who is more concerned with the amount of zombies he controls than the quality. Liliana, Heretical Healer / Liliana, Defiant Necromancer, #6. In other words: The bigger the creature you sacrifice, the more zombies you can turn them into. There are other partners for these commanders, but this seems like the most fun pairing. Somehow he hurts you by charging you two life and black mana to activate his second ability. For years, Commander players have been asking for a planeswalker card to be added as a possible commander type. Its a fun way to win a game, because you can either steal all of their best stuff and beat them to death, or you can just mill them out.
Those of us who play this game at least partially for story will always be drawn to black decks. While blue is typically linked with milling strategies, Syr Konrad the Grim is one of the most powerful milling commanders in the game, as well as being adaptable enough to be used with others and may deal a lot of damage over the course of the game by activating his ability whenever a creature dies, a card is put into a graveyard from a library, or even when a card leaves your graveyard. You can also pay two to regenerate him, so he wont die if something else kills him. Its not difficult to equip or enchant Skithiryx to boost his power to ten and kill enemies with a single strike. The difference between Hexproof and Enchantment is explained in-depth as to why each cards playstyle would vary. Rat ninjas are fun, especially the ones from the first Kamigawa block. So, today, well speak about the finest that Black has to offer in terms of potential Commander decks. Stack the deck with spells that lose life and add in spells that gain life to stay alive and survive the inevitable Bolass Citadel youll find while powering through your deck. Its a lot of fun to play, but a horrible thing to fight against. How Much has the Video Game Industry Grown in 2022? Homelands! A card that rates a 4 in one category and a 10 in another will get an 8. For example, many black cards have added value. Iname, Death Aspects deck kind of wants to be able to power up Mausoleum Secrets and find Mortal Combat and, wait for it, finish them! It seems like it shouldnt work, but it often does. This article will list 10 of the best black cards in MTG that make for good Commander cards. I might still play the two commanders above, but knock yourself out. Black can be a little tricky if youre not careful. Its a lot of fun in any case. The more tools like Veinwitch Coven they print, the better it gets. And I think we all should have at least one sleeved up when headbanging is on the menu. But an 8-drop doesnt play as well as it did five years ago. This way you can easily fill your hand by playing the cards you want. Ghoulcaller Gisa, if there was a single commander that really embodied the notion of creating a zombie army, it would be her. I guess this pairing is better than Jeren if thats what youre doing? And black can be pretty good at that, I hear. You can either build this as a card draw plus Treasure machine looking to win with Disciple of the Vault, Marionette Master, and Revel in Riches, or you can lean into the tapping and untapping thing using your artifact synergies. Rats dont seem like a noble tribe, so many new players might disregard them. Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose combos with Exquisite Blood all on its own. Thats where cards like Toxic Deluge and Snuff Out thrive. You still need something like Revel in Riches to actually win, but this can be fun. In this list alone, we have included a large number of mono-black variants of Commander. However, you might consider including cards with life gain in a Krrick deck. Skitrhiryx allows for highly aggressive decks to be built, with infect-focused tactics or voltron strategies bolstering Skithiryxs own efficacy. Krrik effectively transforms every black mana symbol in spell and ability costs into Phyrexian mana symbols, based on the broken Phyrexian mana mechanism that allows players to pay life instead of mana. The zombie tribal is a popular theme in black. Toshiro Umezawa is a very unusual and underappreciated commander that can supply instants in your graveyard with flashback if a creature controlled by an opponent dies. Weve picked ten of our favorites, and listed them below! Sling-Gang Lieutenant. Up until now, the rules had stated that planeswalkers didnt fit this criteria, since they can be used to cast spells and not just be used as a creature. With competitive, casual, and multiplayer Commander decks at $40, $50, and even $60 a pop, youre bound to want to get your moneys worth out of your new decks. Its very reminscent of Krenko, but the advantage here is that all of those Rats are likely unblockable, which makes them very dangerous. Read more about mtggoldfish commander 2021 and let us know what you think. Its not going to be a good night for you with Massacre Girl if no one brought creature decks. Black can do what most other colors can do magic, but that often comes at a price. Its exile ability still goes off in a board wipe situation. You can use it to force players to discard cards, force someone to sacrifice a creature, or destroy a large number of your opponents permanents. You receive a +1/+1 on every attacking Creature you control whenever Drana causes combat damage to a player. Are you afraid of losing your life points? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, and their logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. Dont get me wrong, I have three different green and/or white enchantment decks sleeved up right now, but I feel a little dirty playing them, and so should you. Unlike multi-color decks, you dont have to use tons of mana stones or mana fixers to make sure you have access to all colors. Either way, though, its a lot of fun.
Phyrexian mana, as the card says, can be paid with life or black mana in this case. Irini Sengir is from Homelands. Thats when she becomes a planeswalker. Aside from being a jerk, you can spend X and one Black mana to bring an Artifact or Creature from an opponents graveyard into play, and that player then mills X cards.
Sometimes thats flat out playing stuff for free, but there are other ways to do it, like paying life instead of mana. To compensate for this, Krrick has a life line, so an attack or block from him can restore almost any hit points you lost from his use. Anowon only has one ability: each player must sacrifice a non-vampire creature during each of your upkeeps. Yawgmoth can put -1/-1 counters on creatures, serve as a sacrifice outlet, and even proliferate, making him the ideal commander for a variety of strategies ranging from Aristocrats to mono-black control, and even infect! I dont see those kinds of games as much as I did five years ago, so its possible the game has gotten too fast for Umezawa. Magic The Gathering 101: Best Commander Flip Cards, Choose The Best Betting Site For Amazing Experience. However, there are advantages to making monochrome games. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. If that also describes you, maybe youll find your next commander below. However, this gives you a -1/-1 creature with which to destroy your opponents small creatures. In a game where players start with forty lives, one of the most commonly debated topics is whether or not Infect should be modified. Once, the decks of Skeetirix, Dragon of Destruction were numerous. Persist and undying tribal turns out to be pretty resilient to most everything except Farewell. While this ability can easily throw off many creature-light decks, and can even deal with resilient creatures with hexproof or indestructible, Anowon may lead a vampire-themed deck that will have little trouble dealing with it. Throw in some zombie tribal synergies while you wait to find your Triskelion or Walking Ballista to go infinite with. But what do you do with an older, well-used deck? You put like 90 Swamps in the deck. Yawgmoth is a commander with a wide range of skills and a great degree of versatility who can lead a variety of strategies. Thats the first thing Krrick gets right: You can pay for almost half of it with your life if you need to. Being able to reduce the cost of cards is a very easy way to kind of cheat in MTG. The copyright for Magic: the Gathering and all associated card names and card images is held by Wizards of the Coast. You can pay black mana, touch it, and sacrifice a creature.
Read More:The best alternate win conditions in MTG.
Even faster than Yawgmoth, Krrik, Son of Yawgmoth is also more flexible if you can find the combo pieces since it can gain and lose life basically at will. You pack fast mana instead of the combat and removal package. Take just shy of 30 Apostles, drop in a Razaketh, the Foulblooded, a toolbox of demons like Lord of the Void, Archfiend of Depravity, and other cards that sound like Slayer albums from the 80s, and go to town. Dont you just want to cause chaos, punish players for trying to defeat you, and win the game while sacrificing everything you have to do so? Sore neck. His loyalty skills are not to be sneezed at either. This is a pretty unique approach, and its a lot of fun to play around with, given how effective Black is at having others discard cards. It combos off on its own with a Blood Artist, Butcher Ghoul, and a card that makes a token when a creature dies, including Nest of Scarabs, Pawn of Ulamog, and Sifter of Skulls. Read More:The MTG crossovers wont be off-putting for the majority of players. Read More:The Black and Green cards you need in your life gain deck. A black commander feels story-laden and impactful. Yahenni, Undying Partisan wants some sweepers, Reassembling Skeleton-type cards, and Massacre Girls win conditions. Many commanders, like Anowon, The Ruin Sage, profit from generating an all-encompassing impact that severely hampers your opponents while being completely harmless to their controller. Vito, the Pink Spike of Twilight, will be particularly strong in a deck that focuses on gaining life or creatures with a life saver.
Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon, is the only legendary monster with infect in either case. That was a lot! You can have Irini as a backup commander for almost any black deck if your playgroup keeps playing too many enchantress decks, which have become the thing I loathe. The first of these characteristics is flexibility, while the second is the ability to avoid mana costs. To begin, Marrow-Gnawer can sacrifice a rat you control to generate an equal number of 1/1 rat tokens as the number of rats you control. Mikaeus, the Unhallowed is another six mana 5/5 with intimidate, but this time around, theres no mana needed for the special abilities. Add in some backup tutors and you have a combo deck. If youre building a deck with one color, limit yourself to the specific advantages and disadvantages of that color. With a monochrome game, you know what to work with. Few mono-black recursion commanders are as successful as Chainer, Dementia Master. Having the ability to sacrifice a creature and produce an equal number of 2/2 black zombie tokens as the sacrificed creatures power. I know the number doesnt line up with the title. For starters, anytime a Human deals damage to you, you get to destroy it, which is nice. But if you choose your deck carefully, you can create something that hurts your opponents far more than it hurts you and thats ultimately the key to creating a solid black deck.When the Commander format was created in 2011, it was without question a huge hit among Magic: The Gathering players. Sony recently released their new PS4 Pro, a more powerful version of the original. On the other hand, at the beginning of your turn, you can return a creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield. Liliana, Heretic Healer is an interesting card because it is two-sided. But this deck might honestly be the fastest way to pump out some of the other powerful commanders in this tier if you stick a few in this cards 99. Marrow-Gnawer is a five mana 2/3 Rat Rogue that gives all of your Rats fear.
You can also use it to copy creatures from the graveyard and turn them into zombies. Clattering Augur. #22. On the one hand, you have a standard legendary creature. Plus, you know you want to say: Getting to the win with Underworld Dreams, Fate Unraveler, Ob Nixilis, the Hate-Twisted, Howling Mine, Megrim, and Peer into the Abyss is the stuff janky dreams are made of. Instead, well focus on Tergrid, God of Fright, who is a five mana 4/5 with menace. This year, WotC released a new rules card that confirmed that planeswalkers could be used as a commander type, but only as a one-of. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'affiliatetoybox_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_17',145,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-affiliatetoybox_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0')};if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'affiliatetoybox_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_18',145,'0','1'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-affiliatetoybox_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0_1')};.mobile-leaderboard-1-multi-145{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:0!important;margin-right:0!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Commander is Magics most popular format, and theres one group of cards more popular than any others: the legendary creatures that lead the 99or at least the 99 we all wish we could have.. Read more about best commander decks 2021 and let us know what you think. But almost nothing is resilient to that card to be fair. Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools takes your opponents commanders and Sengir, the Dark Baron takes their life. Syr Konrad works well with a variety of tactics, including simple removal, mill, and even recursion-based strategies, and may amass enormous amounts of damage seemingly out of nowhere. Tinybones, Trinket Thief is a two-mana 1/2 that, every end step, lets you draw a card and lose one life if an opponent has discarded a card that turn. Razaketh is an 8/8 with Flying and Trample, which already makes him hard to defend against as is. Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose | Illustration by Lie Setiawan. There is no shortage of options and themes to choose from. Not surprisingly, Ser Conrad, Grim is one of the most popular black commanders on the market. Black is also a good choice for monochrome decks. Your email address will not be published. Then you grab Ad Nauseam. He likes to think he'd be in Lorehold, but it's probably Silverquill. Youre running low to the ground and just drew four cards. Toshiro Umezawa is the best jank deck in black. There are so many cheap rogues and assassins in black, and a lot of them tap to destroy other creatures or have deathtouch even before Mari hits the table. Yawgmoth, Thran Physician does everything your aristocrats commanders do, but better. Of all the Commander colors, black is one of the toughest to pull off. But this still feels like the deck a grizzled Magic boomer pulls out of the bottom of the backpack to impress the kids at their local game store. Especially when paired with some drain and gain combo cards.
Our Privacy Policy. Skithiryx is a five-mana creature that can regenerate itself as well as give itself haste with extra mana inputs. Marrow-Gnawer has two talents that work in tandem with each other and with the rest of your rat-based approach. The real kicker is this: this might be the best deck to try the Bolass Citadel and Aetherflux Reservoir combo. And whatever other sick combos Im not thinking of. This is another fantastic commander for a zombie-centric deck, forces your opponents to lose life for all zombies you control and allows you to scry the ds engine. Motorola Edge 30 Pro Get Discounts With A Promotional Gift Card On Newegg, Bchangss Camera Lens Protector For iPhones: 50% Off On Amazon Today, NexiGo Air T2 Ultra-Thin Wireless Earbuds Offer 15% Discount On Amazon, Hisense 65-Inch Class U6G Series Quantum ULED 4K UHD Smart Android TV Save Up $50 On Best Buy, PC Requirements for Immortals Fenyx Rising Now Revealed, More Resident Evil 8 details to be revealed this month says Capcom. Most of the time, Magic: the Gathering Commander players will want to build a deck with a specific color or theme, like mono-blue or colorless enchantments. The idea here is to play a series of devices first. Youre rarely going to use Tergrids Lantern, so were just going to sort of ignoring it here, but its nice to have options? Mikaeus, the Unhallowed is another six-mana 5/5 with intimidating, but this time the special abilities dont need any mana. Read More:Challenge MrBeast to try and win a lot of money. But we love it anyway. Cards from the 20 th anniversary set, Magic: The Gathering Commander, are coming to Magic Online, and the community has been buzzing about what cards will make great commander choices for the new format. Read More:The best Artifact Creatures in Commander.
The more damage Scytirix does, the more poison pieces he puts in. Let me know in the comments below or discuss over in the Draftsim Discord. Read More:Get the best budget Modern cards from Strixhaven. Next turn you cast Ad Nauseam, draw most of your deck including Reliquary Tower, which you play to keep all the cards. Razaketh, the Foulblooded | Illustration by Chris Rallis. But how do you go about building and maintaining a Commander deck? One advantage is that you can build your mana base much easier. The format has received several tweaks since it was released, but in the end, it remains a fan favorite. But replacing Yawgmoth with these cards in the command zone instantly lowers the power and amps up the goofiness of your black sac deck, so they might be nice to have on hand in case you walk into the LGS and everyone is actually opening precon boxes and shuffling them up. Indeed, your opponents lose as many lives as you gain when you win. With Drana, Liberator of Malakir, a three-mana 2/3 with flying and first strike, its time to get back to being aggressive. And youre asking a lot of your enemies graveyards to put you over the top without an on-card wincon. It doesnt matter (to you, that is) that Sheoldred also has a swamp walker. The other ability, though, is the one you actually want, however, the other abilitytures +1/+1 and Undying, which means they may rise from the dead. Erebos, God of the Dead is basically a card draw engine in this deck, using your life gain as you drain to pay to get cards that can close the game. The trouble is that it loves a midrange game where everyone has, like, five creatures out. But your win conditions with black commanders most often come through creatures. Plus, its obviously easier to put something together when you dont have an overwhelming number of options, which can happen when youre building multi-colored decks. Drain the table while drawing cards. Yawgmoth, Thran Physician | Illustration by Mark Winters. And your opponents will be forced to decide whether to block an army of deathtouchers or let you draw cards and make Treasures when this card is down. Each of these characteristics are possessed by Krrik, Son of Yawgmoth, a mono-Black commander. The big old load of text on this card reads, Whenever an opponent sacrifices a nontoken permanent or discards a permanent card, you may put that card from a graveyard onto the battlefield under your control. Its just a good way to keep getting more value out of your discard and sacrifice effects, and youve got a lot of them to use. Cards are rated on several categories, including power, versatility, and fun. This is excellent for always having whatever you need, and you can very swiftly put together combos or unbeatable synergies with ease. Because of their commanders ability, a Toshiro Umezawa player may frequently receive double the value out of their kill spells by using them to take out a threatening monster and then casting the same spell again. Unfortunately for PC gamers who also own that system, the cord connecting your controller to your computer keeps Hey, my name is James and I am the founder of ATB (affiliatetoybox.com). A more streamlined version of the deck above runs Sidisi, Undead Vizier as the commander. Or cards that prevent you from losing the game, either straight-up like Stunning Reversal or by ending the turn before Phages trigger can go on the stack with Sundial of the Infinite. You can get cute with Marrow-Gnawer and play a more straightforward rat tribal. If you can protect him, consider using to clear the board if there are a lot of creatures on the battlefield to do a lot of damage to your opponents. You dont have to be a Magic the Gathering (MTG) expert to know that one of the best parts of the popular trading card game is the ability to customize your deck and play style. 2022 Wizards. And theres always Living Death and Haunting Voyage if that doesnt work and you really wanna rumble. In fact, in the early years, a good number of Magic fans embraced the format as their favored way to play. The ultimate drain and gain commander. In Commander, youre only allowed to use one of each basic land, and only one copy of each legendary card. Timothar, Baron of Bats | Anowon, the Ruin Sage | Drana, Liberator of Malakir, #17. Of course, the creatures in question must have a power of 1 or less, but thats not a difficult constraint to work with. All those mono-black devotion cards from your Gray Merchant of Asphodel decks had to go somewhere, right? Its really useful if you feel like playing aggressive. Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni reanimates things from other players graveyards while Nashi, Moon Sages Scion steals their cards. If youre considering building a monochrome deck, black is definitely one of the most viable colors. This site is Draftsim.com. Geth, Lord of the Vault | Chainer, Dementia Master, #13. Yawgmoth doesnt draw cards quite as efficiently as Vilis does, but its easier to get onto the battlefield and can start doing crazy things pretty quickly. A few mosh bruises. Id usually rather draw cards from my own deck, curated to synergize toward a goal. The other ability on Marrow-Gnawer allows you to sacrifice a Rat top put X 1/1 rats into play where X is the number of Rats you control. Arent you tired of being nice? No doubt about it, Commander is the most popular multiplayer format in Magic right now. All their loyalty skills are good. The rules for the format havent been written yet, but its likely that many of the same rules from the physical version of the format will be adapted for Magic Online. Even if someones thwarting your plan A. Wincons outside of typical black combo pieces, especially the Revel in Riches and Marionette Master pieces to take advantage of those Treasures, are a bit lacking in Maris supported tribes. Tenacious Underdog is a new favorite at the Ayara, First of Locthwain castle, along with Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder and Army of the Damned. Due to their ability to infect, decks with Skithiryx were often able to destroy their opponents with a single attack.
Then, and this is the best part, he translates that Phyrexian mana into black mana cost in spells. Maralen of the Mornsong may be jank, but its top level jank that wins if opponents dont know whats going on. Are you interested in building a mono black deck? All rights reserved. But you can also just hammer down, add an Echoing Return, and bash face. Its hard to pick just one, but if we had to recommend one, we would suggest Krrik, son of Yawgmoth. Black planeswalkers are numerous, and many of them are very strong. If any of these cards is a creature, Ser Conrad deals damage to everyone but you. cEDH decks optimized around the tutors plan with enough things like Lions Eye Diamond can win on turn one. Youve got to get Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire onto the battlefield, attack, and protect it long enough to pick up more than one combo piece. Taborax, Hopes Demise seems like the most reliable commander option for the Shadowborn Apostle deck. When you have enough to bring Scytirixs power up to ten, cast Scytirix, equip all equipment, pay to give him a Rush, and attack him with it.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'affiliatetoybox_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_13',105,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-affiliatetoybox_com-medrectangle-3-0')}; These strange symbols at the top of the book of Kriik, son of Jagmoth, are called phyrexian mana. In these instances, you might want to build a deck full of Black cards. The lower the number, the better the card is for its price. Then you can make it into an artifact with cards like Liquimetal Torque because there are a lot more untap artifact effects, like every card that starts with Voltaic.. Read on for our list of the best black command cards in MTG.. Use these links to navigate through this manual >>.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'affiliatetoybox_com-box-3','ezslot_15',104,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-affiliatetoybox_com-box-3-0')}; As we said before, making a monochrome deck isnt always the best idea when it comes to Commander. Maybe? Its kind of skill testing and rewards precision, just like the ninja at the head of the deck, so its fun to play. You can try to get Phage, the Untouchable into your hand, but its simpler to stack effects that cancel ETB triggers like Torpor Orb. Mono-color legends are often the places where Wizards mainlines the key attributes of a color in the color pie, and this is absolutely true of black. Thats fun in and of itself, but the kicker here is that you can pay six mana to make each opponent who has no cards in hand lose 10 life. This also might be the best home for mono-black superfriends, but I still dont think thats a thing. Remember, this applies to all creatures, not just those in your deck. That makes her a fairly good aggressive Legendary Creature anyway, but the ability is what makes Drana shine. I kind of feel like Ive just survived a death metal concert. There are also many wonderful creatures to choose from, such as zombies, vampires and rats. Ears ringing.
Gisa can construct a large army of zombies that truly pack a punch when combined with zombie lords, monsters who boost the power of each zombie you control.