0000088123 00000 n
Refresh your browser window to try again. Ltd. All rights reserved. 0000105566 00000 n
(Cat no - SPTT), Flexible Silicon Tubing 1 mtr. (Cat. 0000010318 00000 n
MULTI-BRANCH MANIFOLD FILTRATION APPARATUS (Cat no - FF2000), Filter Funnel PC with Cover Capacity 250 ml. The holder utilizes a 25mm filter membrane yet concentrates the, Sintered Glass or Stainless Steel support Borosilicate glass filter holder assemblies for the microanalysis of small volumes of liquids for biological or particulate contamination under vacuum. For large value and fast filtration, ultrafiltration with high product
contamination analysis. 0000056287 00000 n
(Cat no - 160047X), Vacuum Flask two litre. 0000002018 00000 n
The filter manifold is used for liquid filtration. Operate and improve the efficiency of the use of anti-suction safety buffer bottles and water-blocking protectors, as well as vacuum pumps that can facilitate observation of the working status of the equipment, and control valves that can adjust suction and filtration speed according to actual needs. (Cat no - 160047X), Vacuum flask two liters Capacity. The unit is easy to assemble, disassemble, glass filtration apparatus accomodates 25mm membrane filters. Simply, General description Same as Z290432 but with NS 40/35 jont (male on flask, female on funnel support) instead of rubber stopper. Use to vacuum filter small volume for particulate or biological
Vacuum filtrations are equipped with a separate valve that can filter single or multiple samples simultaneously, saving a lot of test time. The aluminum alloy clamp assures complete leak-proof system. The 90mm holder offers an increased filtration area making it ideal for viscous samples and liquids with a heavy particle, volumes 3 funnel sizes Concentrate samples in small area Borosilicate glass filter holder assembly for microanalysis of small volumes of liquids under vacuum. The All-Glass design restricts contact with reactive surfaces such as steel or rubber to minimize contamination of filtrate. This is a private listing and your identity will not be disclosed to anyone except the seller. 2 is compatible with the patented Autofil Pedestal and NEW Cradle Ring 2. 0000005413 00000 n
Apparatus can withstand high pressure & absolutely leak-proof system. contamination analysis. H\0F~ Stainless steel holders and manifolds can withstand temperature to 180C and resistant to acids and alkali assures no corrosion and possibility of sterilization at high temperature and pressure. No filter holders, funnels and attachments to assemble and sterilize. hb`````[<9AX,
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0000012415 00000 n
The new design utilizes a PTFE Ace-Thred adapter to join the glass funnel, filter flask and fritted disc together. Suitable for one time use, 2022 BioEra Life Sciences Pvt. (Cat no - FF2000), Vacuum pump diaphragm type-oil free. With vacuum filtration at 100 mbar, 90% of the atmospheric pressure is available as the driving force for filtration. The disposable vacuum filter utilizes a vacuum pump to provide pressure differentials for processing large volumes of tissue culture fluids and other laboratory fluid solutions. Low hold up volume & Widely compatible.
, includes membrane diaphragm, a graduated, transparent polystyrene funnel connected to a receiving bottle by a connector. 0000011011 00000 n It is available in 316L type Stainless Steel material and Extra hard glass form. However, in some cases two-stage pumps with their high pumping speed may accelerate the filtration process. Applications : Foxx has developed the world's first single piece polypropylene funnel, designed to withstand, Glass Vacuum Holder Assemblies , and 47mm Stainless Steel Vacuum Holder , see1177G36 and 1177G60 For accessories that work with 47mm Sterility Test Filter Holder , see1177G36 For accessories that work with 47mm All-Glass Filtration Assemblies , vacuum pump exhaust Prevent oil accumulation in ductwork Recover expensive lubricating oils Eliminate potential OSHA and EPA violations High-efficiency filter cartridge continuously drains the collected liquids, allowing the user to recover lubricating fluid. 0000094579 00000 n recovery & tangential flow microporous filtration. Cat no - SPTT), Filter Funnel S.S.316 with external S.S. Clamp & Neoprene lid& cork Capacity 250 ml ( Cat No. Simply snap a Microfil V filtration device off the convenient carrying tray and you're ready to test.
Developed by Aetherwise Solutions, BE/CI/VFA/SF-01-Solvent Filtration Apparatus|BE/CI/VFA/ MB/GL-Multi-branch Manifold Filtration Apparatus (Extra Hard Glass)|BE/CI/VFA/ MB/SS-Multi-branch Manifold Filtration Apparatus (Stainless Steel), Incubator & Oven Dual Mode Model Twin, Single Beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer with Software, Double Beam UV-Vis Spectorphotometer with Software Model Elite, Fluorescence Spectrophotometer Model QUO NEO, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer Model Dulce, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer Model Flare, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer Model Vigor, Programmable Microcentrifuge Model Minlyn, High Speed Programmable Centrifuge Model Neopace, High Speed Refrigerated Programmable Centrifuge Model Pace, High Speed Refrigerated Programmable Centrifuge Model Sprint, Gene Electroporation Assembly (Electroporator), Steam Sterilizer (Autoclave) Model Curio (16 Lit), Steam Sterilizer (Autoclave) Model Stance (18 Lit), Steam Sterilizer (Autoclave) Model Despot (23 Lit), Steam Sterilizer (Autoclave) Model Moxie (45 Lit), Lyophilizer (Vacuum Freeze Dryer) Model Clout (-55C), Lyophilizer (Vacuum Freeze Dryer) Model Marvel (-80C), Heating Mantle & Magnetic Stirrer Dual Mode Model Binal. 0000087868 00000 n Hawach single solvent filters can be passed through a single sample, and reasonable design. Copyright 2020 All right reserved by Axiva Sichem Biotech, Filter Funnel PC with Cover capacity 250 ml . no FFSSN 47), Membrane Filter C. N. 47 mm/0.45 m pack of 100 . Product recommendations for your application, Rotary vane pumps and chemistry-HYBRID pumps, Vacuum valves and small flange components, Lyophilization and drying with minimal residues, Local area vacuum networks for laboratories, Fore-vacuum generation for turbo molecular pumps, OEM products: According to individual requirements, Sets of diaphragms and valves for diaphragm pumps, Perfect for single filtrations down to 100mbar, extraordinary chemical resistance (ME 1C), Higher pumping speed for single and multiple filtrations, high chemical resistance, Multiple filtration down to 70 mbar, with pump protection and condensate collection, modest vacuum, at best medium requirements, depending on filter size and leakage rate, the pumping speed of the pump is an important parameter, the speed of filtration is partly influenced by the consistency of the filter cake, limited need for vacuum control for filtration, for solid-phase extraction, a defined flow or drip rate is needed that may require control, single-stage diaphragm pump with up to 70 mbar ultimate vacuum is ideal, outstanding chemical resistance and superior vapor tolerance for solid phase extraction or filtration samples containing solvents, for a defined flow or drip rate, a manual control valve and a vacuum gauge is helpful, vacuum inlet catch pot (AK) recommended to protect the pump from particles and liquid droplets, emission condenser for solvent recovery to minimize the impact of solvent vapors on environmental and laboratory air, the automation of a filtration process is possible with chemistry pumping units that are equipped with electronic vacuum controllers. AXIVA SICHEM BIOTECH is an ISO 9001:2015 certified multi product specialty company with expertise in Lab Filtration, Lab Plasticwares, Lab Glass-wares & Lab Instruments. (Cat no - 160047X), Air vent filter- Hydrophobic PTFE 50 mm/ 0.2 m 252 0 obj <>stream No sterilizing the filter support after each filtration. Use to vacuum filter small volume for particulate or biological
Assemblies with Teflon faced bases and funnels allow the assembly to be autoclaved with the filter membrane in place. Applicable for Filter Assembly Assembly is designed for use with vacuum manifolds or optional plastic coated filtering flask. 0000012586 00000 n 201 52 The item you've selected was not added to your cart. 0000012485 00000 n Applications : Flexible Silicon Tubing 1 mtr. MULTI-BRANCH MANIFOLD FILTRATION APPARATUS (EXTRA HARD GLASS), Unique Leak Proof Design no.MPSS/3S), Membrane Filter C. N. 47 mm/0.45 m pack of 100 . 0000004696 00000 n 0000236282 00000 n The 300mL graduated funnel mounts on, strength needed for vacuum filtration Side-arm accepts standard 1/4" (6mm) i.d. - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new window or tab. Applications : 0000056217 00000 n The new design utilizes a nylon Ace-Thred adapter to join the glass funnel, filter flask and fritted disc together. TP3/SWN1 as above.
0000005670 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n tubing for connection to vacuum sources. 0000006792 00000 n 0000056389 00000 n endstream endobj 202 0 obj <>/Metadata 22 0 R/Pages 21 0 R/StructTreeRoot 24 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 203 0 obj >/PageWidthList<0 576.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 576.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 204 0 obj <> endobj 205 0 obj <> endobj 206 0 obj <> endobj 207 0 obj <> endobj 208 0 obj <> endobj 209 0 obj <> endobj 210 0 obj [229 0 R] endobj 211 0 obj <>stream We Believe You Are Important, How Can We Help?
In these cases control of the vacuum, e.g., by a manual vacuum regulator valve unit with a vacuum gauge is recommended to avoid evaporation of solvents from the filtration bottle.
Place the device on a standard number 8 stopper or a vacuum syringe with, funnel, protective lid, and filtration support so routine microbiological testing is fast and easy. <]/Prev 660178/XRefStm 1679>> The 15mL filtration funnel mounts on the, Borosilicate glass filter holder assemblies for the microanalysis of liquids for biological or particulate contamination under vacuum.
(Cat no - V-300), Air vent filter- Hydrophobic PTFE 50 mm/ 0.2 m Clamp seals filter membrane between flanges on funnel top and funnel stem.Includes: Funnel top, funnel, The labForce Solvent Filtration Bottle Top Vacuum Filters offer a revolutionary approach to bulk solvent filtration. High vacuum performance Thanks to its innovative design, the EZ-Stream pump can provide vacuum up to 600-700 mbar,, or particulate contamination under vacuum filtration. High product recovery for superfine filtration. 0000006110 00000 n
(Cat no - 200050RI), PTFE Syringe Filter 25mm /0.2 m with needle . For large and fast filtration, ultrafiltration with high product 0000003633 00000 n They come with a liquid inlet trap and vacuum regulator making it a perfect choice for vacuum filtration, desiccation, and other mid-range vacuum applications. Autoclavable Autoclavable %PDF-1.4 % a coarse porosity fritted glass filter support base, an aluminum clamp and a 300 mL glass funnel Screen is removable in assemblies with stainless steel support screen. Support base has a sealed-in coarse porosity fritted disc.
Applications : Terms & Conditions, Sigma-Aldrich vacuum filtration assembly, Solvent Filtration Disposable Vacuum Bottle Top Filters, Autofil 2 Bottle Top Filtration Device Full Assembly, 47mm Phase/Fraction Collector Filtration Assemblies, 47mm Filtration Assembly with Standard Taper 40/35 Joint Connection and Fritted, Autofil PP Bottle-Top Filters for Solvent Filtration, Accessories for Vacuum Holder and Filtation Assemblies, PILOT5000 Chemical Resistant Diaphragm Vacuum Pumps. Applications : 0000006367 00000 n 0000027319 00000 n This design eliminates the need for the clamping device, stopper and base. A second flask should be connected between the filtering flask and the vacuum source to prevent accidental entry of the filtrate into the vacuum line or pump.
xref 0000004054 00000 n Unique Features : The PTFE Seal holder eliminates the problem of the membrane adhering to the ground glass surface post, PILOT5000 and PILOT5000C-02 diaphragm vacuum pump are durable and chemical resistant. 0000004810 00000 n
It is designed to filter several samples at the same time & each filter holder in this apparatus has individual control valve. Neoprene cover and Cork Capacity- 250 ml (FFG47)), Filter Funnel S. S. 316 with inbuilt S. S. Clamp & Neoprene lid & cork Capacity-250 ml (Cat. Filter Funnel Glass with Aluminium Clamp,Neoprene cover and Cork Capacity- 250 ml (FFG47), Membrane Filter C. N. 47 mm/0.45 m pack of 100 . (Cat no - V-410), Air vent filter- Hydrophobic PTFE 50 mm/ 0.2 m, PTFE Syringe Filter 25mm/0.2 m with needle . 0000069915 00000 n
(Cat. Unique Features : Vacuum filtration is available in both glass and stainless steel. The, Related Products: Glass Vacuum Filtration, glass filtration apparatus accomodates 75mm membrane filters. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. For superfine filtration. 201 0 obj <> endobj 0
recovery & tangential flow microporous filtration. Axiva Sichem Biotech have a rich experience of more than 30 years in this field which makes an edge at the manufacturing level. 0000007546 00000 n
Low hold up volume. Axiva products are available in each & every part of India apart from 50+ other countries across the globe.
These optional docking stations allow for hands free filtering and provide a stationary vacuum hose connection, allowing for efficient set-up and quick use while preventing spills and tissue culture hood contamination.
The All-Glass design restricts contact with reactive surfaces such as steel or rubber to minimize contamination of filtrate. Membrane material includes, Vacuum filtration apparatus for HPLC solvent purification, particulate analysis, bacteriological studies, radiochemical determinations, quantitative gravimetric analysis, and similar applications. 0000008310 00000 n 0000094501 00000 n * 2. to 8. are same as Cat No. High product recovery under negative pressure for superfine filtration. 0000094462 00000 n 0000004584 00000 n The unbreakable 304ss unit may be flame sterilized to sanitize the holder between samples. 0000094836 00000 n Suitable for one time use, Available in various ranges 0000070184 00000 n hbbf`b``3 0@
Filtration is accelerated either with the aid of pressure or vacuum. This design eliminates the need for the clamping device, stopper and base. Improving the vacuum level even further has only a minor impact on the process. FFSSN 50), Membrane Filter C. N. 47 mm/0.45 m S.S Filtration Assembly With Oil Free Vacuum Pump.
0000042326 00000 n The holder utilizes a 25mm filter membrane. 0000001859 00000 n (Cat no - 160047X)), Air vent filter- Hydrophobic PTFE 50 mm/ 0.2 m (Cat no - 200050RI), Filter Funnel S. S. 316 with inbuilt S. S. Clamp no. 0000027590 00000 n
0000070602 00000 n & Neoprene lid & cork Capacity-500 ml . (Cat no - FF1000), Vacuum pump diaphragm type-oil free. glass or Stainless steel support Borosilicate glass filter holder assemblies for the microanalysis of liquids for biological or particulate contamination under vacuum. View cart for details. 0000007683 00000 n 0000001679 00000 n 0000004837 00000 n The 47mm holder is the standard size for microbiology and uses a 47mm filter membrane. With the EZ-Stream a cover protects the pump mechanism, and the assembly has been optimized to reduce the noise down to 60 dB.
High product recovery under negative pressure. Made up of high-quality hard glass with crystal clearness and even thickness. For vacuum filtration the regulation and ultimate vacuum requirements are generally modest. 0000088809 00000 n Filter assemblies, issue when using filtration pumps. (Cat. The locking nut on the funnel secures the assembly together without twisting or tearing, Sintered glass, Stainless steel, or PTFE filter support Borosilicate glass filter holder assemblies for the microanalysis of liquids for biological or particulate contamination under vacuum.
0000008950 00000 n 0000101160 00000 n 0000070575 00000 n
PTFE Syringe Filter 25mm/0.2 m with needle . startxref With solvent-resistant, modular components, the Millicup-FLEX filtration unit offers a safe and efficient, holders to assemble, no filter funnels to clean, and no filter support sterilization is needed after each filtration. Unique Features : Safer, faster, and easier to use than conventional glass filtration assemblies, labForces Solvent Filtration funnels screw onto any vacuum-capable GL45 threaded bottle. 0000088685 00000 n %%EOF * Warning : cannot be used with flammable liquids.
Filtration can be done for single or multi-branch operation through single vacuum pump. (Cat no - KP14U), Manifold three place S. S. with PTFE valve. All contact surfaces are PTFE coated. Transparent Unbreakable Wide Compatibility. 0000003080 00000 n * Check the chemical compatibility before use.
Something went wrong. Normal Phase PR Grade Florisil SPE Cartridges, Disposable Hydrophobic PVDF Syringe Filters, Disposable Hydrophobic PTFE Syringe Filters, Disposable Hydrophilic PVDF Syringe Filters, Disposable Hydrophilic PTFE Syringe Filters, Sterile Cellulose Acetate Syringe Filters, Wet Strengthened Filter Paper Grade: BIO-91, Wet Strengthened Filter Paper Grade: BIO-113, 25 Micron Quantitative Filter Paper Grade: BIO-41, Septa and Cap for Screw Thread Sample Vials, Standard 8/12 Channels Adjustable Pipettes, Standard Single Channel Adjustable Pipettes, Advanced Half Autoclave 8/12 Channels Adjustable Pipettes, Advanced Half Autoclave Single Channel Fixed Pipettes, Advanced Half Autoclave Single Channel Adjustable Pipettes, Advanced Fully Autoclave 8/12 Channels Adjustable Pipettes, Advanced Fully Autoclave Single-Channel Fixed Pipettes, Advanced Fully Autoclave Single-Channel Adjustable Pipettes, Stainless Steel Six-Branches Vacuum Filtrations, Stainless Steel Three-Branches Vacuum Filtrations, Stainless Steel One-Branch Vacuum Filtrations, Room 2408, Building A1, No.32 Jinye Road, Xi'an City 710077, Shaanxi Province, P.R.China, Septa And Cap For Screw Thread Sample Vials, Echroma Series C8/C18 Standard HPLC Columns.