ColorGard is the best buy on the market! S-5! Please note: Bars come in 8 lengths, but shown here in 12 diagrams. Unpuncheddoes not need holes, as the VersaClipaccommodates any seam spacing. Pound-for-pound of holding strength, ColorGard is a better buy than individual cleats or glued units. Tension bolts to 20 ft.
We spoke with the occupants of this building in Poughkeepsie, New York about their experience with this installation. Using the string line as a guide and making sure all of the S-5! to facilitate easy installation and avoid damage to the panel. We provide step by step snow brake installation details and we describe some roof snow guard installation snafus that can occur if proper connectors, parts, or installation instructions are not obtained & followed. Englewood, CO 80110. clamp using a box-end wrench or ratchet. Quality. The photo at above right shows our string-aligned snow brake mounting blocks and in the foreground an installed section of the snow brake assembly.
Pound-for-pound of holding strength, ColorGard is abetter buy than individual cleats or glued units. Installation of the ColorGard System is straightforward and only requires a few basic tools to complete. The upper roof slope is to the right in this photo. provides the world wide community. For popular snap-together profiles-including residential profiles by Taylor Metals and Easy Lock Standing Seam.
Use the Splice to join two pieces of ColorGard together, ensuring continuous, unbroken protection. The slottedconfiguration works well with S-5! The mounting block is rotated so that the bolt hole that receives the Versa Clip mounting bolt in on the up-roof position. be pre-assembled into the ColorGard crossmember. ColorGard snow retention system ismanufactured from mill finished high-quality aluminum. These snow guards look like and probably are the painted cast aluminum RT SNow Guards produced by Berger Building Products[1]. Bought these to attach a colorgard snow bar to my roof. 81-50643. The number of clamps was too few in my opinion, and only one of the sliders provided was the proper shape to work with the clamping blocks and aluminum snow rail. For maximum holding strength, setscrews should be
Very easy to install. S-5! seam clamp installation with the top (mounting hole) on the downslope end of the clamp. The Slate Roof Bible, Joseph Jenkins,,
Determine which In addition, Add splice pieces at each ColorGard joint as shown. The low holding strength of the adhesive also diminishes over the short service life of the bond. Torque the mounting block set-screws to the manufacturer's specifications. ColorGard does not rely upon adhesives for attachment to the roof panel. S-5! The calculator will help you to tailor the ColorGard system on a project-specific basis, allowing for all the variables involvedand even provide a printout of the calculations and a material requirement list. ColorGard dramatically reduces the risks associated with Phone: 800-468-1441 Position the clamps appropriately on the panel seam, using the string line as a guide. Note: appearance of your Comment below may be delayed: if your comment contains an image, web link, or text that looks to the software as if it might be a web link, your posting will appear after it has been approved by a moderator. All have an attachment mechanism similar to the S-5 roof clamps with their own unique differences, but none have been tested to the extent of the S-5 roof Clamps, nor can they fit on such a variety of standing seam metal roofs. If the strip length is 8 feet, it may
Todays premium Kynar 500 and Hylar 5000 (PVDF) paint systems used on metal panels arecoilcoated and oven-cured. (27 N.m.). Yes! Fast delivery too. So, why settle for less in a snow guard system? SNOW GUARD CLAMP ON INSTALLATION at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.
It even costs less to install! Metal Roofing, an Illustrated Guide, R.A. Knowlton , [metal shingle roofs], Problems in Roofing Design, B. Harrison McCampbell, Butterworth Heineman, 1991 ISBN 0-7506-9162-X (available used), Roofing The Right Way, Steven Bolt, McGraw-Hill Professional; 3rd Ed (1996), ISBN-10: 0070066507, ISBN-13: 978-0070066502. The problem was that our supplier just tossed a handful of random parts into a bucket and shipped it along with the roof. Once satisfied with the clamp locations, using your screwgun, tighten the set screws. You may also want to download and print complete documentation on installing the ColorGard system, by clicking here. somewhere along its length. We will contact you as soon as this product is available. No street address was provided. (And to make things even easier for you and your distributor, we now offer an online ColorGard calculator to help you design your snow retention system.).
After the ColorGard crossmember & VersaClip has been installed, it should look like the photo to the left. S-5! If you are installing un-punched ColorGard, plan your S-5! clamp onto the standing roof seam. ColorGard can be installed any time of year. The staff confirmed that in eight years of winter snow collecting on the roof, this snow retention system had functioned without fail - important because customers park their cars quite close to the eaves of this building. Slate Roofing in Canada (Studi4es in archaeology, architecture, and history), Tile Roofs of Alfred: A Clay Tradition in Alfred NY, "Weather-Resistive Barriers [copy on file as /interiors/Weather_Resistant_Barriers_DOE.pdf ] - ", how to select and install housewrap and other types of weather resistive barriers, U.S. DOE, Wood Shingle Roofs, Care and Maintenance of wood shingle and shake roofs, (EC), Stanley S. Niemiec (out of print), Our recommended books about building & mechanical systems design, inspection, problem diagnosis, and repair, and about indoor environment and IAQ testing, diagnosis, and cleanup are at the. Or use the SEARCH BOX found below to Ask a Question or Search InspectApedia. seam clamp installation with the top (mounting hole) on the upslope end of the clamp. [19] Asphalt Roofing Residential Manual from ARMA the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association Website , [20] Terry Anderson, "Snow Retention - the Invisible Code", web search 7/13/12, original source: [copy on file as: Anderson Dec 2011 Interface.pdf ], Building Pathology, Deterioration, Diagnostics, and Intervention, Samuel Y. Harris, P.E., AIA, Esq., ISBN 0-471-33172-4, John Wiley & Sons, 2001 [General building science-DF] ISBN-10: 0471331724 Product is excellent as listed. ColorGard crossmember as shown. setscrews to all clamps, being careful that the bolt hole will be in We first placed the mounting blocks lightly onto the standing seams, and then used the actual snow brake rail with its fittings to slide the blocks into perfect position to align the fastening bolts with clamp holes by loosely screwing the bolt down through the rail into the clamping block, keeping the block just lightly touching the string. They functioned exactly as promised. The holding strength of S-5! clamps is highly dependent upon setscrew tension. can be concealed, if desired by offsetting the joints of the color ColorGard has greaterholding strength, better aesthetics, longer service life, and lower installed cost than anyother bar-type system on the market. Before installing the clamps, prepare them by loading the set screws into the appropriate holes, taking care to make sure all clamps will be oriented the same way when installed and the top mounting bolt will be on the upslope side as pictured. user-friendly installationthis all equates to higher cost, right? Always use the provided allen-driver bit that is included in the boxes with your S-5! Write a review! How to select & install snow fences & snow brakes on a standing-seam metal roof. Thanks Matt. installing at clip locations should be avoided. Call us with your panel/clamp info and we will provide that information. patented, round-point setscrews grip the seamsecurely without penetration and without damage to the panels protective finishes. The item you are trying to purchase is currently out of stock.Please enter your name, email, and phone number below. These would be tightened to proper torque setting. If you want to give it a try, contact the S-5! Company at but be sure that you've got compatible parts before you start climbing the ladder. Maybe we can make something else out of this stuff but this bucket of parts and the aluminum rails were worthless as a snow brake until we obtain the proper clips from the manufacturer. Measure along the first standing seam on one side of the roof, from eave up to the distance where the snow guard or rail or brake is to be installed. length. Allentown, Pennsylvania 18106 expedite this work. Historic Preservation Technology: A Primer, Robert A. Colorgard is easy to install with a little care and attention to detail. Aspen Office & Shop, All other clamps will use the string line for alignment, so you dont want sags in the string. Consult building codes or a qualified professional for roof snow load.
Slide the color strip into the After the ColorGard has been installed, it should look like the photo to the left.
What a time saver! In a proper installation both set screws are installed in the same side of the clamp. All measurements are rounded to the second decimal place. ColorGard crossmember. Published data regarding holding strength is available for
of the ColorGard. Note that the calculator does not take into account rooftop snow abnormalities, please call Roof Things as to create an appropriate system. , ISBN-13: 978-0764330018, Low Slope Roofing, Manual of, 4th Ed., C.W. How's that for a contractor trying to schedule work and earn a living? Byutilizing a strip of the actual roof material, ColorGard perfectly matches the roofforever ColorGard is mechanically attached with patented S-5! clamps. Because S-5! clamps. To help you design a ColorGard system for your purposes, we invite you to use the ColorGard Calculator. But if you're experienced and trust your string and the play in the snow brake fittings, you may find it's easier to manipulate the drill and torque wrench to tighten every clamp in place along the guide string before ever installing the snow brake itself. Morrisville, VT 05661 Tel: 888-766-9994, Email: Website: [No direct retail sales], [6] ATAS Snow Retention Products, ATAS Headquarters location from the eave is not recommended. This is the best news of all! Consult our technical department or use our online calculator to help quickly and easily design each job. one end of the ColorGard section as shown, or anywhere along its
Is Design Assistance Available For ColorGard? the hole should be at the downslope end of the clamp. Roof Tiling & Slating, a Practical Guide, Kevin Taylor, Crowood Press (2008), ISBN 978-1847970237. You will receive an in-depth summary outlining what you will need to complete your project. For horizontal seams under .540 inches, like the Firestone UC4, the S-5-S or S-5-S Mini can be used to avoid having to crimp the seam. The manufacturer provides an allen screw adapter that can be driven by a 1/4" socket stepped to larger sizes to fit your torque wrench if necessary (photo at above right). W/splice - is that a connector ? have developed clamps and brackets to support solar and utility installations, along with a top-of-the-line snow retention system to support and protect your metal roof investment. strip from the joints of the ColorGard. Tel: (860) 229-SNOW (7669) provides clear or colored plastic snow guards for metal and rubber roofs, available in "King" and "Queen" sizes. Splices are included with ColorGard" and are used for connecting adjacent sections.". We are here to help you design the best snow retention system for your needs. [5] Alpine SnowGuards Refer to the, (And to make things even easier for you and your distributor, we now offer, Millennium Cyclone Low Pressure Pump Cart, Millennium Cyclone Low Pressure Pump Cart with V-Manifold, Commercial and Residential Roof Hatch and Access Hatches, Roof Truss Fall Protection and Bracket Scaffolds. installation of the S-5! clamps. roof with perfect color and finish matching, which lasts as long as the
Punched ColorGard is slotted every 4 (10.2 cm) on center for seams that are spaced accordingly, i.e. Attach ColorGard to clamps with stainless bolts and washers
Yes, ColorGard can be easily retrofitted to existing roofs, orincorporated into new construction design. S-5! is the trusted name in metal rooftop attachment technology worldwide. to Teflon, the popular non-stick coating for pots and pans. ColorGard is a unique snow retention system. of the color strips should be overlapped about 1/2 inch. This distance depends on the number of snow guards to be installed on the roof and which in the series you are installing. The calculator will help you tailor the ColorGard system on aprojectspecific basis, allowing for all the variables involvedand evenprovide a printout of the calculations and a material requirement list. S-5! The up-roof side of the sliding clamp then bolts down onto the mounting block. can only be applied in warm weather and require weeks to cure, limiting
Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, NY 1981 ISBN 0-442-2135-3 Library of is the trusted name in metal. Can ColorGard be Retrofitted to an Existing Roof? Its unsurpassedholding strength andperfect color-match areguaranteed. even less than the plastic parts. ColorGard dramatically reduces the risks associated with rooftop avalanches and maintainsthe clean colorful appearance of the roof with perfect color and finish matching, whichlasts as long as the roof itself. These were a perfect fit for my 1 clipless hidden fastener roof panels and they had all the hardware I needed. snow guard system? S-5 Clamps can be used on a huge variety of roofs (or similar styles) made by the following manufactures: With all these different roof panels ColorGuard snow guard can be attached to, that is something to say about the quality of the product. is also handy when installing ColorGardaskew, such as is required in the valleys You may sign up for an S-5! profile and gain access to their powerful calculator tool by using our special S-5! Calculator access link. damage the roof or finish, and to exactly match the roof colorfor the entire life of the roof. Email:, Rocky Mountain Snow Guards Take a look at SNOW GUARD FAILURES and at PLUMBING VENT REPAIR and you can see both damage and how that damage was later repaired. ColorGard uses mechanical attachment rather than adhesives, installation can be done any time of year, with no cleaning, no priming, no cure times, and no callbacks! They fit my metal roof just fine and easy to install. We had two more clamps (luckily) so I installed the last segment of snow guard as an up roof snow damage protector for that plumbing vent that was smashed, dashed, and demolished by sliding snow last winter. It comes in 8 longsections, in punched or unpunchedconfigurations. The system's connectors are quite strong, but is the bar big enough? S-5! location if desired. the benefits of this type of paint are related to its non-stick
Do not be concerned if after installation the clamp
ColorGard is the best buy on the market. fluorocarbons Hylar and Kynar by tradename. In light of all the snow retention products provided by S-5!, ColorGard is unique. It can be used with allS-5! clamps (one per clamp), and is optional withCorruBracket. The company provides a line of very sturdy snow rails or fences that mount to the seams of a metal roof. By comparison, the same roof, when calculated using the S-5! online calculator, results with one row of ColorGard system consisting of 242 components, designed and lab tested for the specific roof profile and costing only $1,361 (suggested MSRP). between 130 and 150 inch pounds for all other metals and thinner gauges
It comes in 8' long sections, in punched or upunched configuration. Salisbury, NC 28146 is the trusted name in metal rooftop attachment technology worldwide. (614) 407-3343, 819 South Salisbury GQ Avenue When this is done, the joints
While some dyes, powder-coats and air-dried color application methods may initially simulate a perfectmatch, the color soon begins to fade and becomes increasingly mismatched with a few years of age. divisible by 4. The end of the clamp into which the mounting bolt for the snow fence will be fastened goes "up-roof" as you can see in our Correct Mounting Block, Versa Clip & Snow Fence position photograph above. ISBN-13: 978-1405161039, Built-Up Roof Systems, Manual, C.W. Torque for these bolts should be 20 foot/lbs. when ColorGard is installed. Attachment Solutions, Continue readingat SNOW GUARD SPACING & PATTERN or select a topic from the closely-related articles below, or see the complete ARTICLE INDEX. At your option, you can insert a 2 wide strip of painted metal (usually sourced from same material as the metal roof for a perfect color match) into the face of the, Once the color strip is installed, crimp the corner of the, inch/lb torque wrench (not required, but highly recommended), 18V Cordless Screw gun (dont use an impact driver), Metric wrenches, socket set or adjustable wrench, String line (wire suggested for longer runs).


Determine which In addition, Add splice pieces at each ColorGard joint as shown. The low holding strength of the adhesive also diminishes over the short service life of the bond. Torque the mounting block set-screws to the manufacturer's specifications. ColorGard does not rely upon adhesives for attachment to the roof panel. S-5! The calculator will help you to tailor the ColorGard system on a project-specific basis, allowing for all the variables involvedand even provide a printout of the calculations and a material requirement list. ColorGard dramatically reduces the risks associated with Phone: 800-468-1441 Position the clamps appropriately on the panel seam, using the string line as a guide. Note: appearance of your Comment below may be delayed: if your comment contains an image, web link, or text that looks to the software as if it might be a web link, your posting will appear after it has been approved by a moderator. All have an attachment mechanism similar to the S-5 roof clamps with their own unique differences, but none have been tested to the extent of the S-5 roof Clamps, nor can they fit on such a variety of standing seam metal roofs. If the strip length is 8 feet, it may
Todays premium Kynar 500 and Hylar 5000 (PVDF) paint systems used on metal panels arecoilcoated and oven-cured. (27 N.m.). Yes! Fast delivery too. So, why settle for less in a snow guard system? SNOW GUARD CLAMP ON INSTALLATION at - online encyclopedia of building & environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis, repair, & problem prevention advice.
It even costs less to install! Metal Roofing, an Illustrated Guide, R.A. Knowlton , [metal shingle roofs], Problems in Roofing Design, B. Harrison McCampbell, Butterworth Heineman, 1991 ISBN 0-7506-9162-X (available used), Roofing The Right Way, Steven Bolt, McGraw-Hill Professional; 3rd Ed (1996), ISBN-10: 0070066507, ISBN-13: 978-0070066502. The problem was that our supplier just tossed a handful of random parts into a bucket and shipped it along with the roof. Once satisfied with the clamp locations, using your screwgun, tighten the set screws. You may also want to download and print complete documentation on installing the ColorGard system, by clicking here. somewhere along its length. We will contact you as soon as this product is available. No street address was provided. (And to make things even easier for you and your distributor, we now offer an online ColorGard calculator to help you design your snow retention system.).
After the ColorGard crossmember & VersaClip has been installed, it should look like the photo to the left. S-5! If you are installing un-punched ColorGard, plan your S-5! clamp onto the standing roof seam. ColorGard can be installed any time of year. The staff confirmed that in eight years of winter snow collecting on the roof, this snow retention system had functioned without fail - important because customers park their cars quite close to the eaves of this building. Slate Roofing in Canada (Studi4es in archaeology, architecture, and history), Tile Roofs of Alfred: A Clay Tradition in Alfred NY, "Weather-Resistive Barriers [copy on file as /interiors/Weather_Resistant_Barriers_DOE.pdf ] - ", how to select and install housewrap and other types of weather resistive barriers, U.S. DOE, Wood Shingle Roofs, Care and Maintenance of wood shingle and shake roofs, (EC), Stanley S. Niemiec (out of print), Our recommended books about building & mechanical systems design, inspection, problem diagnosis, and repair, and about indoor environment and IAQ testing, diagnosis, and cleanup are at the. Or use the SEARCH BOX found below to Ask a Question or Search InspectApedia. seam clamp installation with the top (mounting hole) on the upslope end of the clamp. [19] Asphalt Roofing Residential Manual from ARMA the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association Website , [20] Terry Anderson, "Snow Retention - the Invisible Code", web search 7/13/12, original source: [copy on file as: Anderson Dec 2011 Interface.pdf ], Building Pathology, Deterioration, Diagnostics, and Intervention, Samuel Y. Harris, P.E., AIA, Esq., ISBN 0-471-33172-4, John Wiley & Sons, 2001 [General building science-DF] ISBN-10: 0471331724 Product is excellent as listed. ColorGard crossmember as shown. setscrews to all clamps, being careful that the bolt hole will be in We first placed the mounting blocks lightly onto the standing seams, and then used the actual snow brake rail with its fittings to slide the blocks into perfect position to align the fastening bolts with clamp holes by loosely screwing the bolt down through the rail into the clamping block, keeping the block just lightly touching the string. They functioned exactly as promised. The holding strength of S-5! clamps is highly dependent upon setscrew tension. can be concealed, if desired by offsetting the joints of the color ColorGard has greaterholding strength, better aesthetics, longer service life, and lower installed cost than anyother bar-type system on the market. Before installing the clamps, prepare them by loading the set screws into the appropriate holes, taking care to make sure all clamps will be oriented the same way when installed and the top mounting bolt will be on the upslope side as pictured. user-friendly installationthis all equates to higher cost, right? Always use the provided allen-driver bit that is included in the boxes with your S-5! Write a review! How to select & install snow fences & snow brakes on a standing-seam metal roof. Thanks Matt. installing at clip locations should be avoided. Call us with your panel/clamp info and we will provide that information. patented, round-point setscrews grip the seamsecurely without penetration and without damage to the panels protective finishes. The item you are trying to purchase is currently out of stock.Please enter your name, email, and phone number below. These would be tightened to proper torque setting. If you want to give it a try, contact the S-5! Company at but be sure that you've got compatible parts before you start climbing the ladder. Maybe we can make something else out of this stuff but this bucket of parts and the aluminum rails were worthless as a snow brake until we obtain the proper clips from the manufacturer. Measure along the first standing seam on one side of the roof, from eave up to the distance where the snow guard or rail or brake is to be installed. length. Allentown, Pennsylvania 18106 expedite this work. Historic Preservation Technology: A Primer, Robert A. Colorgard is easy to install with a little care and attention to detail. Aspen Office & Shop, All other clamps will use the string line for alignment, so you dont want sags in the string. Consult building codes or a qualified professional for roof snow load.
Slide the color strip into the After the ColorGard has been installed, it should look like the photo to the left.
