In addition, large variations in temperature cause changes in specific gravity that should be accounted for when the pressure is converted to level. Continuous level sensors measure level within a specified range and determine the exact amount of substance in a certain place, while point-level sensors only indicate whether the substance is above or below the sensing point. Which country government introduced the Industry 4.0 concept? x(n)={2, 4, 5, 7, 0, 1}? Float switches use a float, a device that will raise or lower when a product is applied or removed, which will open or close a circuit as the level raises or lowers moving the float. It is known as the "blanking zone", typically 150mm to 1m, depending on the range of the transducer. Laser light is more concentrated and therefore is more capable of penetrating dusty or steamy environments. For both magnetic and mechanical float level sensors, chemical compatibility, temperature, specific gravity (density), buoyancy, and viscosity affect the selection of the stem and the float. As the straight gravimetric dimension of soil moisture needs eliminating, drying, as well as sample weighting. They are used to determine if a liquid or oil exists at a particular level in a container. But with the guided technique the same mechanical constraints exist that cause problems for the capacitance (RF) techniques mentioned previously by having a probe in the vessel. Vibrating level sensors are not affected by dust, static charge build-up from dielectric powders, or changes in conductivity, temperature, pressure, humidity or moisture content. Conductivity (Resistance) Level Sensor. The magnet operates on the sensor which is mounted externally on the gage. In tanks with a small head pressure (less than 100 INWC), it is very important to vent the back of the sensor gauge to atmospheric pressure. In which year did Prime minister Narendra Modi launch Make in India to promote India's manufacturing industry? The paddle can be constructed from a variety of materials, but tacky material must not be allowed to build up on the paddle. Appropriate choice of probe materials reduces or eliminates problems caused by abrasion and corrosion. | Contact Us | Privacy Policy, Please refer to this link to know more about, Automatic Engine Locking System Through Alcohol Detection For Drunken Drivers, Knock Sensor : Circuit, Working, Testing, Types, Failure Causes & Its Applications, What is Transistor-Transistor Logic : Working & Its Applications, What is Inter-Process Communication : Working,Types & Its Applications, What is Class D Amplifier : Working, Types, Characteristics & Benefits, MQ2 Arduino Gas Sensor : Pin Configuration & Its Working, What is DMA Controller : Working & Its Applications, What is Low Noise Amplifier : Working, Types, Design & Its Applications, What is AVR Microcontroller : PinOut, Working & Its Applications, What is I3C Protocol : Working & Its Applications, What is IEEE 488 Bus or GPIB : Working & Its Applications, What is Antenna Array : Architecture & Its Applications, What is Digital Potentiometer : Working & Its Applications, Electromagnetic or Electromechanical Level Measurement, Contacting or Non-Contacting Level Measurement, Liquid metals at very-high temperature range, Dissolved gases at very-low level of temperature, Level Detection Using Capacitance Sensor by, Level Detection by Using Conductivity Probes by, Level Detection Using Ultrasonic Sensor by. It is highly recommended for liquid level measurement applications where ultrasonic, float or microwave techniques have proved undependable. [12] Generally, the higher the frequency, the more accurate, and the more costly. Level sensors are used primarily in the manufacturing and automotive industries, but they can be found in many household appliances as well, such as ice makers in refrigerators. Another special application of a stem type float switch is the installation of temperature or pressure sensors to create a multi-parameter sensor. The probe must continue to be conductive. Two basic signal processing techniques are applied, each offering its own advantages: Pulsed or Time-Domain Reflectometry (TDR) which is a measurement of time of flight divided by the speed of electromagnetic waves in the medium (speed of light divided by the square root of the dielectric constant of the medium [11]), similar to ultrasonic level sensors, and Doppler systems employing FMCW techniques. These level changes are transformed into analog signals. Microwave sensors are ideal for use in moist, vaporous, and dusty environments as well as in applications in which temperatures and pressures vary. What is the set of all values of z for which X(z) attains a finite value?
Use of multiple sensing rods of different length allows the user to intuitively set up control switches at various water heights. They are worked by producing audio waves at the range of frequency from 20 to 200 kHz. They tend to be less costly, but are prone to material buildup between the tines. This vibration must attenuate (stop) before the echoed signal can be processed. In addition, the transducer is necessary to be increased appropriately to obtain a better response. Conductive level sensors are ideal for the point level detection of a wide range of conductive liquids such as water, and is especially well suited for highly corrosive liquids such as caustic soda, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, ferric chloride, and similar liquids. c) They form among others the base for corporate communication. Pressure in the tube is proportional to the depth (and density) of the liquid over the outlet of the tube.[3]. Typically, fluid level is determined by the pressure at the bottom of the fluid containment (tank or reservoir); the pressure at the bottom, adjusted for the density / specific gravity of the fluid, indicates the depth of the fluid.
Air bubbler systems are a good choice for open tanks at atmospheric pressure and can be built so that high-pressure air is routed through a bypass valve to dislodge solids that may clog the bubble tube. Appropriate use for these sensors would be for signaling high or low levels. In a typical application, a magnetism-sensitive "Hall effect sensor" is affixed to a mechanical tank gauge that has a magnetized indicator needle, so as to detect the indicating position of the gauge's needle. In this variation, the magnet is installed in a float that travels inside a gage glass or tube.
Turbulence and foam prevent the sound wave from being properly reflected to the sensor; steam and chemical mists and vapors distort or absorb the sound wave; and variations in concentration cause changes in the amount of energy in the sound wave that is reflected back to the sensor. Magnetostrictive level sensors are similar to float type sensors in that a permanent magnet sealed inside a float travels up and down a stem in which a magnetostrictive wire is sealed. The choice of float material is also influenced by temperature-induced changes in specific gravity and viscosity changes that directly affect buoyancy.[5]. Conductive level sensors use a low-voltage, current-limited power source applied across separate electrodes. Two floats can be used with each float sized to match the specific gravity of the oil on one hand, and the water on the other. The advantages of using a conductivity level sensor are: The advantage of using this type of sensor is that: The disadvantage of using this type of sensor is that: The advantages of radar sensors are that: The disadvantages of radar sensors are that: Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Introduction to Industry 4.0, Z transform and Properties of Z Transform multiple choice questions, Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on Software Testing, Soil Moisture Sensor working principle and applications, Programmable Logic Controller multiple choice questions. They are also widely used in water treatment applications for pump control and open channel flow measurement. Build-up may occur if the process material becomes tacky because of high moisture levels or high ambient humidity in the hopper. The technique is inherently "self-cleaning".
The requirement for a conductive probe that extends to the bottom of the measured range is problematic. Optical sensors are used for point level sensing of sediments, liquids with suspended solids, and liquid-liquid interfaces. Float switches will only give an indication for a high or low level, they cannot measure a variable level. [10] The technique is frequently referred to as RF for the radio frequency signals applied to the capacitance circuit. Level sensors are used to measure substances that are inside a container or in their natural state, e.g. Just as with ultrasonic level sensors, microwave sensors are executed at various frequencies, from 1GHz to 60GHz. The first is done by monitoring a microwave signal that is transmitted through free space (including vacuum) and reflected back, or can be executed as a "radar on a wire" technique, generally known as Guided Wave Radar or Guided Microwave Radar. Non contact microwave-based radar sensors are able to see through low conductivity 'microwave-transparent' (non-conductive) glass/plastic windows or vessel walls through which the microwave beam can be passed and measure a 'microwave reflective' (conductive) liquid inside (in the same way as to use a plastic bowl in a microwave oven). In the latter technique, performance generally improves in powders and low dielectric media that are not good reflectors of electromagnetic energy transmitted through a void (as in non-contact microwave sensors). Alternately, they are absorbed in various degrees by 'low dielectric' or insulating mediums such as plastics, glass, paper, many powders and food stuffs and other solids. Sensor to detect the level of substances that flow, Point and continuous level detection for solids, Sensors for both point level detection or continuous monitoring, "A Dozen Ways to Measure Fluid Level and How They Work,", "Apparatus for determining liquid levels", "LPG Accounting Specificity During ITS Storage and Transportation", "60GHz FMCW Cloud Level Radar - Staal Instruments B.V.", "Correction technique for guided wave radar lpg level measurement sensors",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 29 June 2022, at 07:13. Conductive probes have the additional benefit of being solid-state devices and are very simple to install and use. The ultrasonic sensor enjoys wide popularity due to the powerful mix of low price and high functionality. Since only one sensing element contacts the powder, bridging between two probe elements is eliminated and media build-up is minimized. A variation of magnetic sensing is the "Hall effect" sensor which utilizes the magnetic sensing of a mechanical gauge's indications. The fork vibrates at its natural resonant frequency. The choice of float and stem materials depends on the liquid in terms of chemical compatibility as well as specific gravity and other factors that affect buoyancy. Microwave Optical sensors can notice conductive water & metallic substances. rivers. a) 2007 b) 2010 c) 2013 d) 2016 Answer: 2013 3. But, stainless steel probes are extremely responsive and hence they are appropriate for measuring non-conductive substance granular or materials with low dielectric constant. Optical level sensors are used to detect liquids including poised materials, interface between two immiscible liquids and the occurrence of sediments. When choosing float and stem materials for magnetostrictive level sensors, the same guidelines described for magnetic and mechanical float level sensors apply. A simple inspection of the probe will require an ohmmeter connected across the suspect probe and the ground reference. With magnetically actuated float sensors, switching occurs when a permanent magnet sealed inside a float rises or falls to the actuation level. Lasers remain limited in use in industrial applications due to cost, and concern for maintenance. What is the z-transform of the following finite duration signal? The difference between online and offline PLC programming is a) whether the PLC i, 3. Magnetic float switches are popular for simplicity, dependability and low cost. Turbulence, foam, steam, chemical mists (vapors), and changes in the concentration of the process material also affect the ultrasonic sensor's response. ITG stands for ___________ a) Integration Testing Group b) Instantaneous Test Group c) Independent Test Group d) Individual Testing Group Answer: Independent Test Group. With a mechanically actuated float, switching occurs as a result of the movement of a float against a miniature (micro) switch. They are also largely unaffected by high temperature, pressure, vacuum or vibration. This changes the admittance of this imperfect capacitor and this change is measured to detect change of level. For use in open air applications, where the sensor cannot be mounted to the bottom of the tank or pipe thereof, a special version of the hydrostatic pressure level sensor, a level probe, can be suspended from a cable into the tank to the bottom point that is to be measured.
Since the point of measurement has no electrical components, the technique is a good choice for classified "Hazardous Areas". The measurement of the stabilized air pressure indicates the pressure at the bottom of the tank, and, hence, the mass of fluid above.[6][7][8][9][3][4]. The power source frequently incorporates some aspect of control, such as high-low or alternating pump control. The microwave emission which is reflected can be influenced by the moisture of soil as well as mainly used in agriculture and remote sensing within hydrology. Due to the presence of a microprocessor and relatively low power consumption, there is also the capability for serial communication from to other computing devices making this a good technique for adjusting calibration and filtering of the sensor signal, remote wireless monitoring or plant network communications. The interference from the produced light can be reduced by using a high energy IR diode and pulse modulation methods. A microprocessor controlled frequency state change detection method uses a low amplitude signal generated on multiple sensor probes of differing lengths. The electronic monitoring system does not come in contact with the fluid and is considered Intrinsic safety: or explosion proof.
Rotating paddle level sensors are a very old and established technique for bulk solid point level indication. A good application for a timed interrupt in a PLC program would be a) A communications function block b) A PID function block c) A math function block d) A motor start/stop rung Answer: A PID function block 4. Float sensors operate well in a wide variety of liquids, including corrosives. The substance to be measured can be inside a container or can be in its natural form (e.g., a river or a lake). The Regression test case is not a _, Soil Moisture Sensor What is a Soil Moisture Sensor? As these sensors do not require physical contact with the process material, so the transmitter /receiver can be mounted a safe distance above/from the process, even with an antenna extension of several meters to reduce temperature, yet still respond to the changes in level or distance changes e.g. They are operated by using a probe for checking level changes. A fixed flow of air is passed through the tube. Float-type sensors can be designed so that a shield protects the float itself from turbulence and wave motion. a) |z|r 1 c) r 2 <|z|r 1 4. Conductive sensors are extremely safe because they use low voltages and currents. The sensor contains no moving parts, is rugged, simple to use, and easy to clean, and can be designed for high temperature and pressure applications. Costly, limited detection range, and can be affected by the environment. An RF admittance level sensor uses a rod probe and RF source to measure the change in admittance. Ideal for high-accuracy, continuous level measurement of a wide variety of liquids in storage and shipping containers, these sensors require the proper choice of float based on the specific gravity of the liquid. With the proper choice of two floats, resistive chain level sensors can also be used to monitor for the presence of an interface between two immiscible liquids whose specific gravities are more than 0.6, but differ by as little as 0.1 unit. As the float moves up the motion and location are transmitted as the angular position of the magnetic field. Once the liquid level is detected, the sensor converts the perceived data into an electric signal. The probes are generally made of conducting wire by PTFE insulation. 2. Such installations will frequently result in a cable breakage. Level sensors are useful devices that are used to detect the level of substances such as liquids, powders and granular materials. Selection of an appropriate type of sensor suiting to the application requirement is very important. However, price has reduced significantly over the last few years, to match those of longer range ultrasonics, with simplified set up of both techniques also improving ease of use.
Laser light will reflect off most solid, liquid surfaces. Low power consumption of the controls is consistent across large and small field applications. This universal technology is used in applications with wide-ranging liquid quality. A danger exists from build-up and discharge of a high-voltage static charge that results from the rubbing and movement of low dielectric materials, but this danger can be eliminated with proper design and grounding. The time of flight can be measured with precise timing circuitry, to determine the range or distance of the surface from the sensor. Additionally, they solve some of the application limitations of ultrasonics: operation in high pressure and vacuum, high temperatures, dust, temperature and vapor layers. Microwave sensors are executed in a wide variety of techniques. Tuning-fork style vibration sensors are another alternative. They are worked based on the changes of transmission in infrared light emitted from an IR LED. The last point level sensor that we will talk about is a float switch. The vibration of the probe tends to eliminate build-up of material on the probe element. a) 1950s b) 1960s c) 1970s d) None of the above Answer: 1960s 5. Point level sensing of adhesives and high-viscosity materials such as oil and grease can result in the build-up of material on the probe; however, this can be minimized by using a self-tuning sensor. [2], Typical systems for point level detection in liquids include magnetic and mechanical floats, pressure sensors, electroconductive sensing or electrostatic (capacitance or inductance) detectorsand by measurement of a signal's time-of-flight to the fluid surface, through electromagnetic (such as magnetostrictive), ultrasonic, radar or optical sensors.[3][4].
A level sensor is a device that is designed to monitor, maintain, and measure liquid (and sometimes solid) levels. a) 2009 b) 2010 c) 2011 d) 2012 Answer: 2011 4. Ultrasonic level sensors are used for non-contact level sensing of highly viscous liquids, as well as bulk solids. It is also frequently applied on magnetic sight gages. The principle behind magnetic, mechanical, cable, and other float level sensors often involves the opening or closing of a mechanical switch, either through direct contact with the switch, or magnetic operation of a reed. Fine particles or dust must be prevented from penetrating the shaft bearings and motor by proper placement of the paddle in the hopper or bin and using appropriate seals. Since the ultrasonic transducer is used both for transmitting and receiving the acoustic energy, it is subject to a period of mechanical vibration known as "ringing". Due to the presence of a microprocessor and low power consumption, there is also capability for serial communication from to other computing devices making this a good technique for adjusting calibration and filtering of the sensor signal. The requirement for electronic signal processing circuitry can be used to make the ultrasonic sensor an intelligent device. These sensors work well for liquid level measurements in marine, vehicle, aviation, chemical processing, pharmaceuticals, food processing, waste treatment, and other applications. Petrochemical and Chemical Making & Refinery Units, Beverage and Food Manufacturing Factories, Solid-state, compact, can be non-invasive, accurate, Can only be used in certain liquids, May require calibration.
Some level sensors can be used for any fluid and others can only be used for certain substances. Proper mounting of the transducer is required to ensure the best response to reflected sound. For example, larger floats may be used with liquids with specific gravities as low as 0.5 while still maintaining buoyancy. They are also excellent with very low microwave reflectivity products like liquid gasses (LNG, LPG, Ammonia) which are stored at low temperatures/high pressures, although care needs to be taken on sealing arrangements and hazardous area approvals. This technique can use application specific waveguides to get more accurate results or additional information required for sensor application (e.g. In addition, the hopper, bin, or tank should be relatively free of obstacles such as weldments, brackets, or ladders to minimise false returns and the resulting erroneous response, although most modern systems have sufficiently "intelligent" echo processing to make engineering changes largely unnecessary except where an intrusion blocks the "line of sight" of the transducer to the target. What is the ROC of a causal infinite length sequence? These sensors measure the volumetric water content not directly with the help of some other rules of soil like dielectric constant, electrical resistance, otherwise interaction with neutrons, and replacement of the moisture content. [3] The sensor must be specially designed to seal the electronics from the liquid environment. An alternate approach for continuous optical level sensing involves the use of a laser. Microwave transmitters also offer the same key advantage of ultrasonics: the presence of a microprocessor to process the signal, provide numerous monitoring, controls, communications, setup and diagnostic capabilities and are independent of changing density, viscosity and electrical properties. Depending on their design, multiple electrodes of differing lengths can be used with one holder. The water-cooled mold is arranged with a source of radiation, such as cobalt-60 or caesium-137, on one side and a sensitive detector such as a scintillation counter on the other. These types of sensors are used for applications like varying temperature, pressure, dirty and moist environments, as microwaves can easily go through under these situations without involving air molecules for energy transmission. Continuous optical level sensors, on the other hand, use the highly intense laser light that can infuse dusty environments and notice liquid substances. Since the current and voltage used is inherently small, for personal safety reasons, the technique is also capable of being made "Intrinsically Safe" to meet international standards for hazardous locations. When Industry 4.0 starts?
Ultrasonic level sensors are used to detect the levels of sticky liquid substances and bulkiness materials as well. The choice of float and stem materials depends on the liquid in terms of chemical compatibility as well as specific gravity and other factors that affect buoyancy of the float. Float-style sensors should not be used with high viscosity (thick) liquids, sludge or liquids that adhere to the stem or floats, or materials that contain contaminants such as metal chips; other sensing technologies are better suited for these applications. These sensors work well for liquid level measurements in marine, chemical processing, pharmaceuticals, food processing, waste treatment, and other applications. However, in chemical tanks, and other non-grounded wells, the installer must supply a ground return, typically an earth rod. They are commonly used in applications like Tank level monitoring in chemical, water treatment, food, battery industries and involving high pressure and temperature. Applications such as inside stilling tubes or external bridles or cages, offer an excellent alternative to float or displacement devices, as they remove any moving parts or linkages and are unaffected by density changes or build up. Guided Wave Radars can measure in narrow confined spaces very successfully, as the guide element ensures correct transmission to and from the measured liquid. [14] The technique is used to regulate the level of molten steel in a continuous casting process of steelmaking. In which year was the term Industry 4.0 first introduced? Sensors are commercially available from 10mbar to 1000bar. If buildup insulates the probe from the medium, it will stop working properly. Invasive as the sensor needs get in touch with the liquid needs power, certain wide substances can reason coating on the Prism. It can be permitted by an agency of weights and measures for conducting commercial transactions. a) 2 + 4z + 5z 2 + 7z 3 + z 4 b) 2 + 4z + 5z 2 + 7z 3 + z 5 c) 2 + 4z -1 + 5z -2 + 7z -3 + z -5 d) 2z 2 + 4z + 5 +7z -1 + z -3 Answer: 2z 2 + 4z +, Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on Software Testing 1. Microwaves, as electromagnetic energy, are reflected by objects with high conductive properties, like metal and conductive water. A nuclear level gauge or gamma ray gauge measures level by the attenuation of gamma rays passing through a process vessel. Exploratory testing is a ___________ a) Experience-based Test Design Technique b) White Box Test Design Technique c) Black Box Test Design Technique d) Grey Box Test Design Technique Answer: Experience-based Test Design Technique 3. Multiple switch controls can be built in to small package while providing complex, application specific functionality using the microprocessor. a) 2013 b) 2014 c) 2015 d) 2016 Answer: 2014 6. The sensors for point level indication are: The sensors for continuous level measuring are: These sensors are used to detect the liquid levels like slurries and aqueous liquids. Sensor cleaning requirements are minimal or eliminated. These types of sensors are very simple to use and clean as they do not have any moving components. The relation among the calculated property as well as moisture of soil should be adjusted & may change based on ecological factors like temperature, type of soil, otherwise electric conductivity. The sensors emit high frequency (20kHz to 200kHz) acoustic waves that are reflected back to and detected by the emitting transducer.[3]. With the proper choice of construction materials and mounting location, these sensors can be used with aqueous, organic, and corrosive liquids. A variety of sensors are available for point level detection of solids. they are ideal for measurement of molten metal products at over 1200C. This has the additional benefit of being a relatively low cost technique for point level monitoring. The technique allows non-contact measurement where the heat of the molten metal makes contact techniques and even many non-contact techniques impractical. The ultrasonic level sensors are used to control the liquid level, fine-grained solids within mining and powders, food and beverage industries and chemical processing. Microwaves (also frequently described as RADAR), will penetrate temperature and vapor layers that may cause problems for other techniques, such as ultrasonic.
Use of multiple sensing rods of different length allows the user to intuitively set up control switches at various water heights. They are worked by producing audio waves at the range of frequency from 20 to 200 kHz. They tend to be less costly, but are prone to material buildup between the tines. This vibration must attenuate (stop) before the echoed signal can be processed. In addition, the transducer is necessary to be increased appropriately to obtain a better response. Conductive level sensors are ideal for the point level detection of a wide range of conductive liquids such as water, and is especially well suited for highly corrosive liquids such as caustic soda, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, ferric chloride, and similar liquids. c) They form among others the base for corporate communication. Pressure in the tube is proportional to the depth (and density) of the liquid over the outlet of the tube.[3]. Typically, fluid level is determined by the pressure at the bottom of the fluid containment (tank or reservoir); the pressure at the bottom, adjusted for the density / specific gravity of the fluid, indicates the depth of the fluid.
Air bubbler systems are a good choice for open tanks at atmospheric pressure and can be built so that high-pressure air is routed through a bypass valve to dislodge solids that may clog the bubble tube. Appropriate use for these sensors would be for signaling high or low levels. In a typical application, a magnetism-sensitive "Hall effect sensor" is affixed to a mechanical tank gauge that has a magnetized indicator needle, so as to detect the indicating position of the gauge's needle. In this variation, the magnet is installed in a float that travels inside a gage glass or tube.

Turbulence and foam prevent the sound wave from being properly reflected to the sensor; steam and chemical mists and vapors distort or absorb the sound wave; and variations in concentration cause changes in the amount of energy in the sound wave that is reflected back to the sensor. Magnetostrictive level sensors are similar to float type sensors in that a permanent magnet sealed inside a float travels up and down a stem in which a magnetostrictive wire is sealed. The choice of float material is also influenced by temperature-induced changes in specific gravity and viscosity changes that directly affect buoyancy.[5]. Conductive level sensors use a low-voltage, current-limited power source applied across separate electrodes. Two floats can be used with each float sized to match the specific gravity of the oil on one hand, and the water on the other. The advantages of using a conductivity level sensor are: The advantage of using this type of sensor is that: The disadvantage of using this type of sensor is that: The advantages of radar sensors are that: The disadvantages of radar sensors are that: Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Introduction to Industry 4.0, Z transform and Properties of Z Transform multiple choice questions, Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on Software Testing, Soil Moisture Sensor working principle and applications, Programmable Logic Controller multiple choice questions. They are also widely used in water treatment applications for pump control and open channel flow measurement. Build-up may occur if the process material becomes tacky because of high moisture levels or high ambient humidity in the hopper. The technique is inherently "self-cleaning".

Since the point of measurement has no electrical components, the technique is a good choice for classified "Hazardous Areas". The measurement of the stabilized air pressure indicates the pressure at the bottom of the tank, and, hence, the mass of fluid above.[6][7][8][9][3][4]. The power source frequently incorporates some aspect of control, such as high-low or alternating pump control. The microwave emission which is reflected can be influenced by the moisture of soil as well as mainly used in agriculture and remote sensing within hydrology. Due to the presence of a microprocessor and relatively low power consumption, there is also the capability for serial communication from to other computing devices making this a good technique for adjusting calibration and filtering of the sensor signal, remote wireless monitoring or plant network communications. The interference from the produced light can be reduced by using a high energy IR diode and pulse modulation methods. A microprocessor controlled frequency state change detection method uses a low amplitude signal generated on multiple sensor probes of differing lengths. The electronic monitoring system does not come in contact with the fluid and is considered Intrinsic safety: or explosion proof.

Laser light will reflect off most solid, liquid surfaces. Low power consumption of the controls is consistent across large and small field applications. This universal technology is used in applications with wide-ranging liquid quality. A danger exists from build-up and discharge of a high-voltage static charge that results from the rubbing and movement of low dielectric materials, but this danger can be eliminated with proper design and grounding. The time of flight can be measured with precise timing circuitry, to determine the range or distance of the surface from the sensor. Additionally, they solve some of the application limitations of ultrasonics: operation in high pressure and vacuum, high temperatures, dust, temperature and vapor layers. Microwave sensors are executed in a wide variety of techniques. Tuning-fork style vibration sensors are another alternative. They are worked based on the changes of transmission in infrared light emitted from an IR LED. The last point level sensor that we will talk about is a float switch. The vibration of the probe tends to eliminate build-up of material on the probe element. a) 1950s b) 1960s c) 1970s d) None of the above Answer: 1960s 5. Point level sensing of adhesives and high-viscosity materials such as oil and grease can result in the build-up of material on the probe; however, this can be minimized by using a self-tuning sensor. [2], Typical systems for point level detection in liquids include magnetic and mechanical floats, pressure sensors, electroconductive sensing or electrostatic (capacitance or inductance) detectorsand by measurement of a signal's time-of-flight to the fluid surface, through electromagnetic (such as magnetostrictive), ultrasonic, radar or optical sensors.[3][4].
A level sensor is a device that is designed to monitor, maintain, and measure liquid (and sometimes solid) levels. a) 2009 b) 2010 c) 2011 d) 2012 Answer: 2011 4. Ultrasonic level sensors are used for non-contact level sensing of highly viscous liquids, as well as bulk solids. It is also frequently applied on magnetic sight gages. The principle behind magnetic, mechanical, cable, and other float level sensors often involves the opening or closing of a mechanical switch, either through direct contact with the switch, or magnetic operation of a reed. Fine particles or dust must be prevented from penetrating the shaft bearings and motor by proper placement of the paddle in the hopper or bin and using appropriate seals. Since the ultrasonic transducer is used both for transmitting and receiving the acoustic energy, it is subject to a period of mechanical vibration known as "ringing". Due to the presence of a microprocessor and low power consumption, there is also capability for serial communication from to other computing devices making this a good technique for adjusting calibration and filtering of the sensor signal. The requirement for electronic signal processing circuitry can be used to make the ultrasonic sensor an intelligent device. These sensors work well for liquid level measurements in marine, vehicle, aviation, chemical processing, pharmaceuticals, food processing, waste treatment, and other applications. Petrochemical and Chemical Making & Refinery Units, Beverage and Food Manufacturing Factories, Solid-state, compact, can be non-invasive, accurate, Can only be used in certain liquids, May require calibration.

Some level sensors can be used for any fluid and others can only be used for certain substances. Proper mounting of the transducer is required to ensure the best response to reflected sound. For example, larger floats may be used with liquids with specific gravities as low as 0.5 while still maintaining buoyancy. They are also excellent with very low microwave reflectivity products like liquid gasses (LNG, LPG, Ammonia) which are stored at low temperatures/high pressures, although care needs to be taken on sealing arrangements and hazardous area approvals. This technique can use application specific waveguides to get more accurate results or additional information required for sensor application (e.g. In addition, the hopper, bin, or tank should be relatively free of obstacles such as weldments, brackets, or ladders to minimise false returns and the resulting erroneous response, although most modern systems have sufficiently "intelligent" echo processing to make engineering changes largely unnecessary except where an intrusion blocks the "line of sight" of the transducer to the target. What is the ROC of a causal infinite length sequence? These sensors measure the volumetric water content not directly with the help of some other rules of soil like dielectric constant, electrical resistance, otherwise interaction with neutrons, and replacement of the moisture content. [3] The sensor must be specially designed to seal the electronics from the liquid environment. An alternate approach for continuous optical level sensing involves the use of a laser. Microwave transmitters also offer the same key advantage of ultrasonics: the presence of a microprocessor to process the signal, provide numerous monitoring, controls, communications, setup and diagnostic capabilities and are independent of changing density, viscosity and electrical properties. Depending on their design, multiple electrodes of differing lengths can be used with one holder. The water-cooled mold is arranged with a source of radiation, such as cobalt-60 or caesium-137, on one side and a sensitive detector such as a scintillation counter on the other. These types of sensors are used for applications like varying temperature, pressure, dirty and moist environments, as microwaves can easily go through under these situations without involving air molecules for energy transmission. Continuous optical level sensors, on the other hand, use the highly intense laser light that can infuse dusty environments and notice liquid substances. Since the current and voltage used is inherently small, for personal safety reasons, the technique is also capable of being made "Intrinsically Safe" to meet international standards for hazardous locations. When Industry 4.0 starts?
Ultrasonic level sensors are used to detect the levels of sticky liquid substances and bulkiness materials as well. The choice of float and stem materials depends on the liquid in terms of chemical compatibility as well as specific gravity and other factors that affect buoyancy of the float. Float-style sensors should not be used with high viscosity (thick) liquids, sludge or liquids that adhere to the stem or floats, or materials that contain contaminants such as metal chips; other sensing technologies are better suited for these applications. These sensors work well for liquid level measurements in marine, chemical processing, pharmaceuticals, food processing, waste treatment, and other applications. However, in chemical tanks, and other non-grounded wells, the installer must supply a ground return, typically an earth rod. They are commonly used in applications like Tank level monitoring in chemical, water treatment, food, battery industries and involving high pressure and temperature. Applications such as inside stilling tubes or external bridles or cages, offer an excellent alternative to float or displacement devices, as they remove any moving parts or linkages and are unaffected by density changes or build up. Guided Wave Radars can measure in narrow confined spaces very successfully, as the guide element ensures correct transmission to and from the measured liquid. [14] The technique is used to regulate the level of molten steel in a continuous casting process of steelmaking. In which year was the term Industry 4.0 first introduced? Sensors are commercially available from 10mbar to 1000bar. If buildup insulates the probe from the medium, it will stop working properly. Invasive as the sensor needs get in touch with the liquid needs power, certain wide substances can reason coating on the Prism. It can be permitted by an agency of weights and measures for conducting commercial transactions. a) 2 + 4z + 5z 2 + 7z 3 + z 4 b) 2 + 4z + 5z 2 + 7z 3 + z 5 c) 2 + 4z -1 + 5z -2 + 7z -3 + z -5 d) 2z 2 + 4z + 5 +7z -1 + z -3 Answer: 2z 2 + 4z +, Multiple Choice Questions & Answers on Software Testing 1. Microwaves, as electromagnetic energy, are reflected by objects with high conductive properties, like metal and conductive water. A nuclear level gauge or gamma ray gauge measures level by the attenuation of gamma rays passing through a process vessel. Exploratory testing is a ___________ a) Experience-based Test Design Technique b) White Box Test Design Technique c) Black Box Test Design Technique d) Grey Box Test Design Technique Answer: Experience-based Test Design Technique 3. Multiple switch controls can be built in to small package while providing complex, application specific functionality using the microprocessor. a) 2013 b) 2014 c) 2015 d) 2016 Answer: 2014 6. The sensors for point level indication are: The sensors for continuous level measuring are: These sensors are used to detect the liquid levels like slurries and aqueous liquids. Sensor cleaning requirements are minimal or eliminated. These types of sensors are very simple to use and clean as they do not have any moving components. The relation among the calculated property as well as moisture of soil should be adjusted & may change based on ecological factors like temperature, type of soil, otherwise electric conductivity. The sensors emit high frequency (20kHz to 200kHz) acoustic waves that are reflected back to and detected by the emitting transducer.[3]. With the proper choice of construction materials and mounting location, these sensors can be used with aqueous, organic, and corrosive liquids. A variety of sensors are available for point level detection of solids. they are ideal for measurement of molten metal products at over 1200C. This has the additional benefit of being a relatively low cost technique for point level monitoring. The technique allows non-contact measurement where the heat of the molten metal makes contact techniques and even many non-contact techniques impractical. The ultrasonic level sensors are used to control the liquid level, fine-grained solids within mining and powders, food and beverage industries and chemical processing. Microwaves (also frequently described as RADAR), will penetrate temperature and vapor layers that may cause problems for other techniques, such as ultrasonic.