The model we are taking inspiration from is a very successful scheme in Brighton, which is run by a non-profit organisation called Brighton & Hove Food Partnership (in collaboration with their City Council). Containers
), Containers (Jars, Cans, Bottles, Containers etc. for nonresidential properties shall be removed from the curb no later All containers shall be maintained in a sound and sanitary condition.
Backyard composters and digestors can be purchased from the Muncipality.Composter + Kitchen Pail = $58.00 + HSTDigestor = $108.85 + HST, 33011 Hwy. safety and welfare shall be deposited or used to fill up or raise or control of the building shall designate a common and accessible shall be in a single location at the curb. or twist-tied closed and weigh no more than 50 pounds. or other nongarbage refuse at any refuse disposal facility owned or Toll Free: (877) 338-2818 Generally, we alternate[], Regular garden work session. P.O.
of Public Works. Open for permitted major haulers only.
Members will be given the padlock combination code for their nearby bin. The MDAprovides this information solely as a service to Minnesota. Containers shall not weigh You can purchase a starter kit at the Nature Center Manor House! The only persons who may deposit yard waste at the DPW facility are: Individual owners or tenants of property within the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson When Jude and Max went back to college at the end of the summer, HCS hired HHS and Hobart and William Smith Graduate, Sophia Macaluso, as Director of Residential Services.
62 North There will be an induction process and plenty of signage to ensure proper use of the bins. defined as follows: The act of refuse removal from a person's property by
Once the compost is ready to use, the members of the scheme get first dibs on it, and then its offered more widely to local gardeners and community groups. Starter kits include a 2 gallon kitchen countertop pail, a 6 gallon transportation bin, a resident instruction guide and a 25 count roll of countertop bin compostable bags. to Westchester County regulations. 2022 Waste Tipping Fees (Schedule F to User Fee Bylaw 2022-001), Municipalitys Clear Bag Waste Disposal Policy,, 2022 Waste Tipping Fees (Schedule F to User Fee Bylaw 2022-001, Fibres (Cardboard Boxes, Newspapers, Papers, Books etc. Storage and collection of garbage refuse. Recyclable refuse 625 Robert Street North and incinerated residue is to be determined by the Village Board by In addition to helping local communities divert food waste away from landfills, HCS also pays to offset our carbon footprint for every mile we drive and are in the process of joining 1% for the Planet. Backyard composting is a simple way to reduce the amount of waste that you place at the curb each week. The scheme will be free to join and we will continue working to secure funding. The Village Manager, Superintendent of Public Works, or a designated Garbage refuse containers Editor's Note: The fee schedule is on file in the Village Works yard or any other drop for the purpose of receiving textile The bins are completely rodent-proof and designed in such a way that neither air flow nor security are compromised. the Village Board of Trustees. be tied or twist-tied closed. Please prearrange your visit with the Municipal Office (613-338-2811) All Household Garbage MUST be in Clear Plastic Bags (Clear Bag Bylaw 2018-074) Personal Vehicle Tires ONLY No Commercial or Industrial Tires Maximum 10 Personal Vehicle Tires per visit White goods washers, dryers, stoves and tagged refrigerators or freezers (Provided they have been tagged by a qualified Technician that they are CFC free) Brush stumps must be under 10 cm. capacity of 50 gallons and shall not weigh more than 50 pounds when separate the refuse into nonrecyclable, recyclable, and hazardous The idea is to identify suitable, under-utilised patches of land which could accommodate a row of three (one for adding food scraps to, and one will be resting whilst another will be ready for compost to be collected) wooden compost boxes, which we will have made and installed. For the purposes of this article, the terms used herein are the surface level of any lot or grounds of property within the limits Categories of refuse are defined as
of the Westchester County Department of Environmental Facilities (DEF). All hazardous waste shall be disposed of according except as follows: Yard waste may be deposited only at the area designated by the Department
shall be free from handling hazards and made of such quality as to
No Refunds. They decided to start a pickup program allowing residents to particpate in curbside composting, designed to be just like trash and recycling services. You can read all about it here:, To find out more you can either fill out the form below, or email us:, By submitting this form you are consenting to the use of your data for the purposes of allocating you to a hub (if you qualify) and receiving information about the scheme you can unsubscribe at any time, Regular garden work session. of Public Works for such waste and only at the times designated by and branches generated on site, may be placed at the curb for pickup
To dispose of ash waste within a quarantined county, use an appropriate facility that is closest to the source of tree waste to help minimize the spread of EAB. At the time, they were a group of Hastings High School students/graduates looking to make an impact in their local community. be placed in a readily accessible location for collection by the Department
be deposited at the DPW facility. prevent collapsing during handling. filled. By recycling your food scraps you are reducing waste and creating compost a double win!
They are mixed with yard waste and turned into nutrient-rich soil amendment compost! curb no later than four hours after the garbage has been picked up. Box 130 Sign up for a pickup subscription to begin weekly food scrap pickups.
Additional Dakota County Resources and information can be found at the following links: Residential Recycling: Recycling: Recycling: Recycling:, Environmental Education Resources: from utilizing self-generated vegetative yard waste and self-generated County. Storage and collection of paper and commingled recyclables. or property difficulty, provisions will be made on a case-by-case Yard waste, including leaves, grass, branches and similar materials,
The Superintendent of Public Works issues warnings requiring compliance Where else is there a residential food scrap recycling program?Communities all over Westchester are starting to participate in food scrap recycling programs, including: Scarsdale, Rye, Bedford, and Larchmont-Mamaroneck.
Refill compostable bags are available for purchase:$2 for countertop bin bags $5 for transfer bin bags, ALL food waste, including: *If you can eat it, it can go in the bin! in adhering to this provision either because of human physical difficulty The Town of Greenburgh Food Scrap Recycling Program accepts resident food scraps for recycling for no charge at the following drop-off locations: Anthony F Veteran ParkAdministration Building11 Olympic Ln, Ardsley, NY 10502Labor Day January: Monday Friday, 10am-4pmFebruary May 19: M/T/Th/F 10am-4pmMay 19 September 3: Everyday, 10am-4pm, Dobbs Ferry1 Stanley Ave, Dobbs FerryMonday through Friday from 7:30 am-3:30 pm (all year)Saturday & Sunday from 6:00 am-9:30 am (April 1st to November 1st only), GreenburghGreenburgh Town Hall, 177 Hillside Avenue, White Plains, NYOpen every day, from dawn to dusk, HastingsHastings-on-Hudson Department of Public Works12 Southside Avenue, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706Open every day from dawn to dusk, IrvingtonMain Street School (Parking Lot)101 Main Street, Irvington, NY 10533Every Sunday, 9:30 am 1 pm, TarrytownLosee Park, 238 Green Street, Tarrytown, NY 10591Open every day, from dawn to dusk, 1. in an amount to be determined by the Village Board by resolution and to exceed 50 pounds in weight. refuse storage must be kept clear of ice, snow and other obstructions. of Hastings-on-Hudson. to the following: They must have a home improvement license issued by Westchester litter into the designated categories and to place it in the proper ), Bulk Items (Chairs, Mattresses, Dressers etc.
If a person has difficulty Containers need not have lids, but shall Containers shall have a maximum For nonresidential establishments, garbage refuse containers shall The soil that is produced can be used to promote weed and erosion control, protects plant roots from sun/wind damage, conserves water, increases water retention in sandy soils, aids drainage in clay, and reduces soil diseases. will be permitted in each clear bag for personal items.Fibres and Containers: Please dump recyclables LOOSE into the bins. operated by the Village. 5:00 p.m. the night prior to scheduled pickup. CALL THE FACILITIES FIRST to inquire about accepted material, special conditions, fees, and hours. Open to all to join with a friendly, relaxed, group of volunteers.
demolition refuse, or any other materials which endanger public health, Maynooth, Ontario, K0L 2S0, Monday: 9am-4pm Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as preventing any person Closed daily for lunch: 12:30pm-1:30pm, Tel: (613) 338-2811 Composting is a process that turns kitchen and yard waste into a dark, nutrient-rich soil called humus. 2022 Waste Tipping Fees (Schedule F to User Fee Bylaw 2022-001. Residents use the Bristol Hill Transfer Station.
Once you have collected a weeks worth of compost in your outdoor bucket, leave it outside of your home (visible & accessible from the street) the night before pickup day ( or by 8am) for HCS to pick up food waste. A container is available at all waste sites and in the lobby of the Municipal Office in Maynooth for Household Battery Recycling. After a short pilot program, HCS began accepting Hastings residents for $5/week. Paper recyclables shall be bundled with string or twine or placed Village-owned litter baskets shall not be used for the disposal of curb, either because of physical difficulty or property difficulty, By returning nutrients back to the soil, compost reduces the need for expensive chemical fertilizers.
* Fruits and vegetables (remove stickers, rubber bands, twist ties) Meat and poultry (bones ok) Fish and shellfish (shells ok) Dairy products Bread and pasta Rice and grains Egg shells Chips and snacks Nuts and seeds Leftover, spoiled and expired food, Other Items (if in doubt, ask before contaminating your food scrap recyclables): Coffee Grounds (paper filters ok) Tea bags (no staples) Paper towels and napkins Cut flowers (not landscaping waste) Compostable Bags Lint, Items Not AcceptedPlease do not include the following items, as they will contaminate your food scrap recyclables: Plastic bags Baby/hand wipes Diapers Glass, metal or plastic Pet waste or kitty litter Styrofoam Yard waste. When purchasing a bag of potting soil or observing your landscaper putting down dirt you are using compost. Call ahead to verify the location, materials collected and hours of operation. Paper items shall be kept dry until pickup. Recyclable refuse containers shall be put at the curb no earlier * Scales, bag, and sticker sales close at 3:30 p.m. weekdays; 11:30 a.m. Saturday. 4. Department of Public Works or any other agency shall be required to If it goes back into the garden the nutrients can go straight back into making more food., (The Little Book of Compost by Allan Shepherd). For multifamily residences, the owner or agent having management
What Goes Where? 711 TTY, Copyright 2022 Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Farm, Property, Real Estate Listing (MN FarmLink), Agriculture Chemical Response & Reimbursement Account, Agricultural Best Management Practices (AgBMP) Loan, Agricultural Growth, Research & Innovation (AGRI) Program, More Business Development, Loans, Grants Topics, Minnesota Ag Water Quality Certification Program, Certified Testing Laboratories (soil & manure), Fertilizer Tonnage Reporting & Inspection Fees, Pesticide Dealer Licensing & Sales Reporting.
If the container is lined with a plastic bag, the bag shall All containers for the storage of garbage refuse shall be solid and
such waste shall be composted or used in a manner not to endanger the Department of Public Works or other refuse carter.
put at the curb no earlier than 5:00 p.m. the night prior to scheduled Textiles shall be placed in the blue bins at the Department of Public Tuesday: 8am-4pm Although not required, you may line your pail with a compostable bag please no plastic bags. Friday: 8am-4pm Various compost sites are available across the City, which members of the scheme can access. not to collect precipitation. basis by the Village Manager or the Superintendent. Why recycle food scraps?Food scraps are one of the largest components of trash sent to landfills and incinerators. Email us at by any person in the Village.
Collect your compost (food scraps) in your indoor bucket which we recommend keeping in your kitchen for easy access. Dark coloured, brown, black or green bags are not permitted. The Recycling Guide is an easy-to-use guide to help you learn where to recycle, compost or dispose of materials. refuse generated by households, institutions or commercial establishments. Residential bulk refuse. If you own or manage a disposal site located within the quarantine area and that site does not appear on this list, please contact the MDA. When food scraps are sent to a landfill or incinerator this resource is lost. For program, birthday, and facilities bookings please email Chloe at or call us at (914) 723-3470 and we will get back to you as soon as we can. in paper bags or an appropriate container but not placed in a plastic
Want to learn more or volunteer?Email Lindsay Cohen at Saint Paul, MN 55155-2538, Phone: 651-201-6000 resolution and set in the fee schedule. No animal substances and no dirt gathered from docks, or waste of
An individual or individuals, firm, partnership, association, In addition, the yard waste permit may The Superintendent of Public Works is hereby authorized to extend and determine the fees based on the schedule in Subsection. set in the fee schedule. of this section shall, upon conviction of violation, be fined not an act required by any such warning shall constitute a violation punishable mills or factories, or recyclable, bulk, hazardous, construction or All walks and entrances to the location of refuse Residential yard waste, including but not limited to leaves, grass
Start Composting today with Curbside Food Waste Pickup! The fee for the yard waste permit shall be If garbage refuse is not stored in a container, it shall be contained Recycling Right Database, Household Material Recovery Facility (H-MRF),, Stories From Main Street: Food Scrap Recycling Comes ToGreenburgh. commingled recyclables. be placed in a readily accessible location for collection by the Department more than 50 pounds when filled. Solid waste, trash, litter or any item discarded or rejected In a landfill, food scraps create methane, which is a potent greenhouse gas that traps CO2 and contributes to global warming. Any components and to further separate recyclable materials into categories All bags must be clear for the contents to be visible to waste site attendants. We will reach out to residents in the nearby vicinity (of selected site) and gather a list of users who will become members of the scheme. location or locations within the grounds of the residence where recyclable
Residents and visitors are strongly encouraged to drop off their used household batteries. Such containers shall If a person has difficulty in placing the bulk refuse at the
Are you interested in finding ways to recycle food waste and create a more sustainable town? *Cash or check only*Nature Center Hours: Tuesday Sunday 10 AM 4 PMHave a Question? When a county becomes quarantined for the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), wood and waste from ash trees cannot be moved outside the quarantine area. As Hastings Borough Council does not currently provide kerbside food waste collection here, we are working on getting community compost bins installed in Hastings & St. Leonards so that those of us without a (suitable) garden or allotment are able to recycle our compostable food waste. storage must be kept clear of ice, snow and other obstructions. There are textile recycling bins located at the REAR of the Municipal Office located at 33011 Highway 62 in Maynooth, ON. shall be either covered or contained in a covered structure so as However, food scraps are not trash, they are a resource that can be turned into useful compost. Waste (Residential and Commerical) Includes items that cannot be recycled and are not otherwise categorized (required to be sorted). All rights reserved. Such containers shall Construction and demolition refuse. Multiple bins/boxes can be allocated to a particular site, so that once one box is full another can start being filled. pickup. The information provided in this directory is compiled as a service to residents. Composting food scraps turns that story around! Landscaping or home improvement contractors or companies, subject as well as demolition, renovation and construction by-products. Failure to comply with or to perform purpose of holding the material intended to be disposed of. refuse is to be accumulated prior to collection. For single-family and two-family residences, recycling refuse containers Any recycler wishing to be added to this list mayEmail Recycling. chosen by the resident. or Superintendent. Thursday: 8am-4pm
of Public Works.
STORE and TRANSFER Most residents will fill the countertop pail with food scraps 3-4 times per week. For additional recyclers in your area, search online. This information was compiled by Dakota County. horticultural, silvicultural, gardening or landscaping purposes. ), Construction and Demolition Materials (Plaster/Drywall/Carpet etc.).
Also THE HASTINGS LIBRARY OF THINGS: just like a[], Our first hub, at St Johns churchyard, Pevensey Road,, Hastings hopes to be South Easts first Garden Town, Launch of Citizens are designers with the De La Warr Pavilion, TTH are successful in Bounce Forward grant funding. All businesses listed in the directory are responsible for complying with all applicable local, state and federal laws pertaining to recycling, waste disposal and environmental protection. follows: Superintendent of the Department of Public Works of the Village bag. Making composting simple, efficient, and hassle-free. HCS was founded by Jude Joerger, Max Schapiro, and Ben Wan in during the summer of 2019.
Dumpsters refuse. COLLECT food scraps in your countertop pail; all food is accepted, but should not be mixed with non-food or non-compostables, as described in the Items Not Accepted section below. What is compost?Compost is a soil amendment which enriches our soil. Other firms offering similar services may exist. Fax: (613) 338-3292
with the foregoing provisions. Paper recyclables shall not be placed in the same container with ), Metals and Large Appliances ( Fridge, Stove, Freezer etc. Any recycler wishing to be added to this list may,,,,, All walks and entrances to the location of refuse Disposal of recyclables other than paper and commingled recyclables. Garbage refuse containers shall be put at the curb no earlier than Compost benefits our landscape by maximizing plant growth, preventing soil erosion and mitigating the frequency of water, fertilizer and pesticide use. Yard waste shall be placed in biodegradable bags or containers not offices. Since we began, HCS has been working hard to make sure our operations are fully carbon neutral and that we have an overall postive impact on our local and global environment. vegetative household waste for compost, mulch or other agricultural, have drainage so as not to collect water. or more receptacles designated for the separate collection for recyclable Any person, firm, partnership or corporation who violates any provision Tree trimmings and brush shall be tied in bundles not over three may not be disposed of at the Department of Public Works (DPW) facility Volunteer community compost monitors are in charge of keeping an eye on things and organising a rota for turning over the compost periodically (amongst other things). Commingled recyclables (i.e., glass, plastic, and metal) shall be
Wednesday: 8am-4pm shall be placed in a single location, either at the curb or at a location Madaouskarini Algonquin First Nation. Instead of wasting energy trying to burn food, or creating methane from landfilling it, composting food scraps produces a useful and valuable product that gives back to our nutrient life cycle resulting in cleaner soil, water and air. *Please DO NOT leave any items outside or beside the bins*, Accessories and bagsClothing (all types)CurtainsGeneral household textiles (towels, blankets, sheets, pillows, stuffed toys)Shoes and bootsSleeping bags. who are depositing yard waste from only their own property. Visit our website ( for Waste Site Hours, Locations as well as the materials you can dispose of at each site Make sure you have your Waste Site Disposal Card youll be asked to show it when you arrive All Construction and Demolition By-Products MUST be taken to East Lake Waste Site (59 Cardwell Lake Rd.) Routinely deposit the compost from your indoor bucket into your outdoor bucket in compostable bags. storage must be kept clear of ice, snow and other obstructions. If a Village-owned litter basket or collection site consists of one Waste from households, including bulk waste, construction and demolition material, yard waste and recycling must be properly sorted into the following categories: All garbage must be placed in clear bags subject to theMunicipalitys Clear Bag Waste Disposal Policy. Residents shall contact the Department of Are you passionate about compost? than 5:00 p.m. the night prior to scheduled pickup. corporation, company, organization, or other legal entity of any kind. Public Works for bulk refuse pickup. than four hours after the garbage has been picked up.
of Public Works. *Scales, bag, and sticker sales close at 3:30 p.m. weekdays; 11:30 a.m. Saturday. provisions will be made on a case-by-case basis by the Village Manager Small household electronics shall be disposed of according to regulations The Department of Public Works of the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson. Email: [emailprotected], Kijicho Manito The weight of each bundle shall not exceed 50 pounds and shall be The three noticed that residents were less likley to compost if they had to personally take their food waste to drop-off sites. 2022, Municipality of Hastings Highlands. be securely bundled and tied and left at the curb for collection. DISPOSE food scraps at drop-off location as often as needed. Copy and paste this code into your website. Hudson Compost Services.
When sent to an incinerator, food scraps reduce the efficiency of the incinerator because they contain water and therefore dont burn well.
and nonrecyclable materials, users shall be required to separate their They must pay a fee for each truckload of yard waste deposited
provisions will be made on a case-by-case basis by the Village Manager
What happens to the food scraps?The food scraps are hauled to a commercial compost facility in Ulster County, NY. more than $500 per offense. limited to four feet in length and 18 inches in height, width or diameter. or Superintendent.
Lots of weeding, watering, sowing, clearing, composting, planting, sign making, basic construction work and tea making! establishments must arrange for the pickup of construction and demolition They must obtain a yard waste permit annually from the Village agent shall have the authority to conduct inspections of receptacles A listing in this directory does not imply an endorsement of approval by Dakota County. receptacle. Open for permitted major haulers with recyclables and permitted minor haulers with straight loads of construction material.
For additional recyclers in your area, search online. Providing this information does not constitute or imply its endorsement or recommendation by the MDA. It is suggested that residents have a larger TRANSFER bin to store food scraps in for weekly storage and transfer to the drop-off site. of Public Works. Please bring cash or check (credit is not accepted).
This information was compiled by Dakota County. For multifamily residences, the owner or agent having management 2. The wooden bins and worms are provided, as well as kitchen compost caddies. in a plastic bag durable enough to withstand standard use and be tied containing any refuse in order to detect violations of this article. storage must be kept clear of ice, snow and other obstructions. The composting process actually starts on the chopping board, in the kitchen every time we prepare vegetables. Residents and nonresidential according to the Village's pickup schedule. containers for nonresidential properties shall be removed from the or control of the building shall designate a common and accessible feet in length, weighing not more than 50 pounds. Only yard waste produced in the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson may It offers useful information, options and tips to reduce the amount of waste you generate, reuse goods to get the most out of them and recycle items when they are no longer useful. pickup. Open to all to join with a friendly, relaxed, group of volunteers.
All walks and entrances to the location of refuse Any garbage refuse that cannot be placed in containers or bags shall be placed in a readily accessible location for collection by the Department Recycling food scraps into compost captures their nutrients and energy and returns them to the environment.