All Rights Reserved. 0000211982 00000 n
0000046602 00000 n
2. Design life of 15 years with spring replacement every 7.5 years. 0000276066 00000 n
Installation Flexibility - Installs horizontally, vertically, or even upside-down. , [ : (, )] 2014-2022, All right Reserved. This item can be returned within 30 days of order. 0000235121 00000 n 0000033767 00000 n 0000098787 00000 n Privacy PolicyTerms & ConditionsImage Copyright, Above Ground Pump & Filter Equipment Set Parts, Combined functionality of Flow Meter and Check Valve, Installation flexibility - far less space required than other flow meters. 0000034340 00000 n 0000022621 00000 n 0000007257 00000 n Minimum/maximum operating temperature: 32 degrees F / 140 degrees F. Installs quickly and easily with no calibration required. Returns are authorized at the discretion of the manufacturer within 180 days from delivery. Inthis video, I show you how to plumb in the completeFlowVis valve. 0000035057 00000 n In this video I show you where you can use the Retrofit kit - it will replace an existing Jandy Check Valve in your pool. I have installed and tested this product and it works as great. Phone: 800.437.8072 Local: 701.222.4860, 2022 Recreation Supply Company, All Rights Reserved, Poles & Handles (Eligible for Free Shipping), Diatomaceous Earth (D.E.) Combining multiple items onto the same order can change the delivery date and expedited shipping costs, especially if the other items are not available for immediate shipment. choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Whether you're a first-time customer or need some new supplies, Poolweb has exactly what your looking for. startxref 0000035138 00000 n 0000034410 00000 n The FlowVis is a must have a tool to do this without just guessing or estimating. , . I also go over the different product lines available and touch on the finer points of the FlowVis. 0000243570 00000 n endstream endobj 115 0 obj <>]/Pages 110 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 116 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 396.0 612.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 117 0 obj <> endobj 118 0 obj [/Indexed/DeviceCMYK 0 149 0 R] endobj 119 0 obj [/Indexed/DeviceCMYK 0 157 0 R] endobj 120 0 obj [/Indexed/DeviceCMYK 0 148 0 R] endobj 121 0 obj <> endobj 122 0 obj [145 0 R] endobj 123 0 obj <>stream must arrive to you by a certain day, please contact us first. 114 0 obj <> endobj %PDF-1.3 % Installation flexibility - far less space required than other flow meters. 3PL .
0000034030 00000 n HW7WX0H9A!GIU%hEI#)q?r%C5&9N>b)uoDW@vXMbF?k "(;"#"UEzrZ;[49G\$.sa=$Dv&_B%IWxqz#O@.DO~3L0VMNsAq t8MRF0reI:4m>;)Z|cyxO Y! 182 0 obj <>stream See the Poolweb Guarantee for more details. } 0000005831 00000 n "FlowVis is the most advanced, affordable, and reliable precision Flow Meter designed specifically for pools, spas, fountains, and water features. If you want to save money in electrical bill and prolong the life of your water pool pump.
Combined functionality of Flow Meter and Check Valve. All articles and videos by David Van Brunt. 0000015090 00000 n We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. , . 0000002346 00000 n 0000046439 00000 n FlowVis provides a precise, easy-to-read flow rate, Maximize energy savings by slowing the pump to its lowest required speed for pool sanitation, Allows precise and repeatable valve positioning for perfect water feature operation, Design life of 15 years with spring replacement every 7.5 years. FlowVis is available in two configurations: Join our email list to hear about new products, store specials and promotions. H\0}l/ B-x?`(^sJ6199Tn&N7noNr[qL3n/i6mpMo*-}g=S@yN z|{&vec22ECQCX+6]=z@vmwm^(W Here is a set of videos on the FlowVis including the installation of the Complete FlowVis and the RetroFit Kit. 0000034933 00000 n 0000047426 00000 n 114 69 w {:=cVyp0U+ Suite #2 . 0000007874 00000 n Its not always possible to get your head in the right position. 0000005693 00000 n System .note-highlight { 0000022463 00000 n 0000003652 00000 n hb```b``_A, - >Y'!?fy^*1sDL|0y LivdkP xE I q-91edSZq/I( +gXg;WIW97/1nk5 Lb'r((cc+j%wX;aZGEr? ERP 0000200244 00000 n 0000003793 00000 n endstream endobj 124 0 obj <>stream . and Cellulose Fiber Media, Grate Ideas America-The-Grate PVC Grating, Parts - Racing Lane Lines and Storage Reels, FlowVis Flow Meter 1.5", Check Valve Style, Installation flexibility; installs horizontally, vertically, or even upside-down, Can be installed right next to other plumbing fittings such as elbows with no effect on accuracy, =97.9% accuracy across the entire model range, NSF 50 Level 1 for several models/configurations, Doubles as a check valve (1.5", 2", 2.5" models), Installs quickly and easily with no calibration required. 0000006584 00000 n See return policy for details and how to place a return. 0000266579 00000 n 0000005550 00000 n 0000155410 00000 n 0000007689 00000 n Kaysville, UT 84037, Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved. With over 50k items online and The Poolweb Product Guarantee to back them up - it's no wonder that this is the internet's fastest growing commercial pool supply store! Ingenious in concept and flawless in operation, FlowVis is revolutionizing the way pool pumps operate.". Ingenious in concept and flawless in operation, FlowVis is a revolution in reliable flow measurement. But FlowVis is more than just a flow meter; it's also a fully functioning check valve! 0000005970 00000 n Know exactly how many gpm you are flowing at different rpm. 0000007716 00000 n 2Qi~NV-;cs-VAax`JPj~wZi+T6kkV0C7p?]kX6W?#GWu/KvnZkPM{-(KB` h^>Kmb:t1>=gCsli=T`z`O1t4nQs5DCnGng"[sj{>u5kG oQ1vANe:r(F^iG&AB!\Bh/1uPJy|fr.u~EJh';ZS9- 9jxIZ. , 0000001676 00000 n We are using it in our 28,300 gallon in ground pool and it is a huge improvement over our old flow meter. 20 NSF 50 Accuracy Level L1 - 98% accurate (no other brand has L1 accuracy). Easy to install, directions are clear.
0000178119 00000 n Unique design results in maintained accuracy even with entrained air caused by suction leaks. 0000022702 00000 n FlowVis Flow Meter by H2Flow - Know the Flow, Setting Your Pump Run Time with the FlowVis, FlowVis Flow Meter - Plumbing the Complete Valve, FlowVis Flow Meter Retrofit Kit Installation. I took off one star for two reasons. Excellent product. '=rqsZJJ [U\Z*.zN tU Due to significant demand on swimming pool parts and equipment, we cannot guarantee out of stock items will be available for immediate shipment. 0000000016 00000 n Pool Flowmeter for 1-1/2 Inch Pipe - 25 to 60 GPM, Pool Flowmeter for 2 Inch Pipe - 40 to 140 GPM, Pool Flowmeter for 2-1/2 Inch Pipe - 70 to 240 GPM, Pool Flowmeter for 3 Inch Pipe - 100 to 300 GPM, Pool Flowmeter for 4 Inch Pipe - 175 to 500 GPM, Pool Flowmeter for 6 Inch Pipe - 400 to 1050 GPM, Pool Flowmeter for 8 Inch Pipe - 700 to 1900 GPM, F-300 Acrylic Flowmeter for 1-1/2 Inch Schedule 40/80 Horizontal Pipe - 10-70 GPM. 3. 0000005858 00000 n 0000050049 00000 n 0000244058 00000 n Copyright 2022 PST Pool Supplies | 1841 E. Piper Street, Suite B, Idaho Falls, ID 83401 | 0000003505 00000 n 0000248269 00000 n , A complete pre-assembled Check Valve assembly with FlowVis Unlike other Flow Meters, the position in which FlowVis is installed (horizontal, vertical, or relative to elbows and tees), has only a minimal effect on accuracy. In this video I walk you through how to read the flow and how to set your pool's run time accordingly to achieve one cycle of water - basically all your pool needs to run is long enough for all of the water in the pool to go through the filter and back into the pool one time per day.
, xref 3PL . This item qualifies for a one-year guarantee. System , , . In this video, I go over the FlowVis and show you some of the features of the product including some flow readings from a variable speed pump as well as a standard speed pump. And secondly because there is no back pressure published for the 1 1/2 inch version, and all the published back pressures should go down to 10 GPM. A retrofit kit that installs to a pre-existing Jandy or Praher 2" x 2.5" Check Valve assembly. 471 S Deseret Dr 0000093493 00000 n zjJpl^,@uhJJ!xx#)3)cAaKKKC`S `IN@ d`: LJe.8#,{ B[,.Y 2cbAK}"S}|W =(xmD3G[YQ=LbFCk71]`Md!p"P @ nk9 0000243142 00000 n 0000046176 00000 n
2 Products in 1: Flowmeter and Velocity Meter. 0000003766 00000 n Enter your email to sign up for our newsletter! It is so easy to read and we are much more confident we are getting the flow required by our state for our semi-public pool that serves our condo association. 4. 0 0000263326 00000 n Highly recommended. 0000229106 00000 n 6.
Returns must be received in original, resaleable condition. Everyone with a pool should have one. 0000007786 00000 n . (I use my phone camera.) Flowvis Flow Meter, Including Complete Valve Body, 2"-2.5", FV-C, Flowvis Flow Meter, Retrofit Kit For Jandy Check Valve 1.5", FVJ-R-15, GPM, Flowvis Flow Meter, Including Complete Valve Body, 2"-2.5", FV-C-L, LPM, Flowvis Flow Meter, Including Complete Valve Body, 1.5", FV-C-15-L, LPM, Flowvis Flow Meter, Including Complete Valve Body, 2"-2.5", FV-C-L, LPM - OPEN BOX, Flow Meter, Pulsafeeder, 1-1/2", 20-80 gpm, Flow Meter/Check Valve, FlowVis, Jandy/Praher Retro, 2"s/2-1/2"spg. All prices are in USD. California Residents WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm.
0000015372 00000 n 0000216600 00000 n Standard ground shipments may be delivered sooner depending on where you are located, and the shipping method used to ship your order. 0000118691 00000 n Transit time is calculated in business days and does not include Saturday and Sunday. 0000052049 00000 n 0000047096 00000 n %%EOF 1. 0000003373 00000 n 0000022551 00000 n If the Retrofit kit wouldn't work in your situation then you would need to plumb in the FlowVis. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. I show you how to properly install the FlowVis and to pick the best location on your pool's plumbing. I would recommend this flow meter to anyone who wants a flow meter in their system. 20, , 40 , Unique design results in maintained accuracy even with entrained air caused by suction leaks. trailer ?N{ It is of great quality and overall great product. 0000004211 00000 n 0000242898 00000 n If your order must arrive to you by a certain day, please contact us first and we will provide you with a more definitive shipping and receipt of your order. We are very happy with this replacement flow meter. The gauge is hard to read because of the distance between the needle and the scale. 0000007230 00000 n 0000003603 00000 n background: #ffff7d; . . A must have for any pool owner who wants to know the exact run time to save money on your electricity bill. (SECOM) MAS International Co., Ltd. FlowVis is the most advanced, affordable, and reliable precision flow meter designed specifically for pools, spas, fountains, and water features. Leslie's Pool Supplies a division of Leslie's Poolmart, Inc. pays a fee to have their banner ads displayed on this site. 0000256179 00000 n 0000167970 00000 n 0000003554 00000 n 0000047372 00000 n Returns are subject to the following restocking fees: Contact us for more information regarding your specific return request. 0000243350 00000 n 0000034987 00000 n =p`zd51Oc[!c>|{C@.PmxRMV!f\8 I will go over some possible locations for the kit and show the installation process in detail for you. 8%h(A5ZT t!D: d dIE=_?qd:"N_ . 0000034879 00000 n <<4BC27229812FF544B21A4BAE8B327284>]/Prev 1273172>>
Poolweb guarantees that the item you receive will function as advertised for one year. 0000002632 00000 n 0000007389 00000 n