Tyler of Wyaconda, 24. 99 Fulton, Salisbury, First Friday' Perry, R. D. L., Express agent. Koldewey, F., Merchant. Washington square. Marion, 70; Marion chap., Brewer, Wm. of Burton, William, Carpenter. Specimen copies sent on application. Eastern Star, 227, NewYork. Shidle, Peter C., Clerk. Cambridge Valley, Cambridge, Washington co H-ermann, 125; Columbia Mark, 91. 1960 Ellesmere, Royal Hotel, Runcorn, Monday on or bef. Green, J. H., Physician and Surgeon. 86 Kaskaskia, Kaskaskia, 1st and 3d Saturdays Hope, Crow, E H. Talbott, J. W. Dean, James A. TIME OF MFETING. Boston, B. Satterthwaite, J. W. Craig, James B., Lawyer, 68 William st. Lexington, 310. Rogers, John, Brush Manufactory. P. M. St. John's, 6; P. H. P. Washington chap., 25; G. M. Clinton encpt., 3; P. G. M. Grand Lodge; 34 Olive Branch, Williamsburg, Covington, First Saturday 99 Mt. 90 Franklin, Ballston Spa, Saratoga co Every Tuesday Congress and Drayton sts. Fairfield, 261. Taylor, A. E. Bolton, Jas. f. m. Wicks, James, Police Officer, Great Western Railway, Clifton St. TIME OF MEETING. Loge von Schlesien, Breslau Maynard, Charles N., Con. Brown, Luther, Sec. P., Agent American Express Co. Central City, 305; Cornelius, Julius, S. D. Chearnley, John, Murison, Jas.
106 Fellowship, New Paris, Preble co Saturday pre. 269 Mount Sterling, Mount Sterling, Madison, Thursday on or aft. Lyon, John A., Steamer Broadway. chap. the seller. before 4th Sabbath WARREN and STONE, of New-Orleans, COL. PIERPONT, Millinsbury chap., 16 Warwick, Greenville, Warwick, Friday before f. m. San Francisco, San Francisco, First Wednesday 492 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. 1. W. M. Tucker, U. D.; P. M. Mount Anthony, 13; C. of H. Temple chap., 8. 390 Thurston, Thurston, Steuben co 3 Strict Observance, Detroit, Monday on or before f. m. Frankford, 292. Mlonumental, 374. Lima, 205; M. M. Mason. 60 Union, Baltimore,. 1825 Orphan's Hope, Weymouth, Wed. on or b. f. m. -lohenlinden, 56. lodge, Kingston, Jamaica, Prince of Jerusalem. Cottingham, John C., Block and Pump Maker, foot of William st., 439 Delhi, Delhi, Delaware co Golden Rule, 16; Knightstown chap., 33. St. George, 15. AmAicable, 25. M. Walhalla, 66; H. P. Germania chap., 12; South Carolina encpt., 1. TIME OF MEETING. 104 Jefferson, New Albany, 1st and 3d Thursdays 201 Eagle Rock, Eagle Rock, Wake co Third Saturday M. M. Mason. 370 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Newark, 7.
186 Carnesville, Carnesville, Franklin co First Tuesday Ritter, Peter, J. W. Colestock, E., P. AM. 196 Solomon's, Tarrytown, Westchester, Every Thursday Miami, 106. 97 Loozahatchee, Goshen, Cherokee co Sat. Sixth st. and Broadway. LODGE. 1054 Combermere, East Ccllingwood, Victoria, Wed. on or bef. TIME OF MEETING. St. John's, 219; Zerubbabel chap., 162. Woolf, Mloses, Clothing Merchant. Tetens, Louis, 32 Rector st. 100 Canton, Canton, Lewis co Saturday before f. m. Sec'y Columbia, 26. Dibble, O. R., Baggage-master. St. John's, 219; Zerubbabel 561 Coronary, do Robertson, M. Carpenter, D., Jr. Rockwell, Jon. 537 Culleybackey, Antrim, co Bradford encpt., 9. Rea, Charles H., Provision House. 122 White Sulphur, White Sulphur Springs, Jefferson co Temple, 47. Lumber and Water sts. BLOOMINGTON, MONROE CO. Girard Mark, 214. Meridian, 77; Keystone chap., 27. 230 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Powers st. and Graham av. 76 Longford, 276 Hobah, Brookville, Jefferson co Tues. aft. 40 Hiram, Raleigh, Third Monday Henderson, John, Shipwright, Greenpoint av. Zion, 311. Pythagoras, 86. 1803 St. Mark's, Newburyport, Tuesday on or bef. Adelphic, 348; H. P. Buchanan Stone, 367; Zetland chap., 141. St. John's, 6. Pacific, 159. Miorris encpt. Murray, WMm., P. M. Cochrane, Fitzgerald, Strong, John, Wood, Eli C., Flour and Grain Dealer, 10 Lewis st. Marshall Mount
242 Rising Sun, Fort Marlborough, f. m. Page 88 Sommers, J. Wilkinson, F., Chap. Phelps, C. H., Jeweller and Watch Maker, 193 Sixth av. Page 490 173 Hope, Lebanon, Russell co Howells, H. C., 120 Duane st. S. D. Mariners, 67. chap., 160. encpt., 2. Peyton R., Missionary Baptist, Monticello. Lafayette coun., 10; Reed cor., 6. fW., Senator. Salem Town cor., 16. Hafer, George, Miller. Gano, S. F., Physician. ; Mystic Tie, 272. 53 Greening, Sparta, Conecuh co Sat. Whitehead, Charles Henry, Deputy Registrar for Oxford County, 147; Shelby chap., 20. 173 Mound Prairie, Mound Prairie, Anderson, First Monday Dey st. J. W. King Solomon, 279. G. L., nd. 1st G'. Willmer, Ferdinand, Practical Physician. 829 Hammond, Guernsey, First Tuesday. Coake, Richd. La Fayette, 14. Huxthal, Benj., 118 and 120 Duane st. Holland, 8. TIME OF MEETING. Enos, Geo.
204 And. Bullard, J. Holton, J. L., Proprietor Holton House.
Fire Department, Spaulding, Franklin. Williams, David L., Book-keeper. No. Thorp, Theodore W., Coach, Sign and Fire Engine Painter, 13 Downing st. -sts. Hawley, John, 134 Suffolk st. P. M. and Treas. coun. Ulster, 193, Saugerties, N. Y. Cox, J. T., Livery Stable. Medsker, David, Cabinet-maker and Co, Treasurer. Spinning, D. C. Laihbert, Adam, Bosworth, Hazard P., Hotel Keeper, Bethel. Taylor, Richard, Commercial Saloon, c. Green and Montgomery sts. TIME OF MEETING. Still need help? Farmers' Bank, and ISLE/ OF JERSEY. 237 Pleasant Hill, Pleasant Hill, Itawamba, Second Saturday Healy, P., Bookkeeper, Gardner's Hotel, cor. Mather, John G., Carpet Dealer, 76 Henry st. Keystone, U. D. P. o. Montgomery, 50; P. S. Crawfordsville chap., 40. f. m. Loomis, N. B., Hotel.
Eastern Star, 227. Zetland chap., 141; Columbian coun., 1; Columbian S. D. Templar, 203; Metropolitan chap., 140. F., Dealer in Imported Liquors, Cigars, &c., 35 and Adelphic, 63, Conn.
157 East Trinity, Rockwall, Kaufman co First Saturday Crapsaf, Jacob, Hill, Luther. 25 Bristol, Bristol, Bucks co Saturday on or bf, fo m, E. Sherrick, Samuel, Astoria, 100. of or prec'g f. m. Marion, 70;- Marion chap., 62; 31 Perfeita Amizade, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) Hiram, 70. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. 108 Tadmor, Warsaw, Second Monday 690 Trinidad Lodge, 3; Girard Mark, 214. 1018 Mount Franklin on or bf. 287 Millnor, Pittsburg, Third Tuesday W. M. Anchor, S. 0., 87; Mount Vernon, 64; Huron Barnes,- Smith, Carpenter, New-York Central Railroad, 115 Carrol st. 145 Trimble, Grayson, Second Monday Smith, Samuel, Foreman, Penn's Stove Works, Germantown Road, Lancaster coun., 2. Mount Vernon chap. Main and Ohio sts.
Sedwick, R. H., Prel. K. Author of a Monitor of the Ancient and Accepted Rite. LODGE. Gott, Jno. 249 Newton, Newton, Union co Tuesday on or bef. Bassinger, Jacob C., Butcher.
Columbia, 286; chap., 43. W. M. Cohoes, 116; Cohoes chap., 168. Back, Chas. Cyrus, 208. St. George, 15. Fitzgerald, Patrick, Paper-maker. f. m. Charter Oak, 249. 52 Londonderry, 2d Tuesday Columbus, 264; Yestern Star chap., Edgerton, Theo. Washington, 253. 166, Fredonia, N. Y. 211; Girard Mark, 214. St. John's, 115. Peterson, Geo. Page 447 Page 231 S. M. Roceived degrees of Knighthood at Lebanon, 0. "ZSTORY OFP FRIStE ASON1VY, 3; Girard Mark, 214. 265 Caroline, Caroline, Tompkins co Riley, John M., Clerk, 903 Poplar st. Phoenix, 130. 115; Girard Mark, 214. No. 482 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. 275 Sylvan Grove, do 2d and 4th Tuesdays 100 Campo Seco, Campo Seco, Calaveras co First Wednesday Jerusalem, 26. Mitchell, T. T., Saddle and Harness Maker. 140 Cool Spring, Cool Spring Academy, Claiborne parish Page 236 B., Steward, Ford, James, Ross, Levi, 115 Shreveport, Shreveport, Caddo parish, 186 West Fork, Taylorsville, Wise co Second Saturday 149 Woodbury, Woodbury, Meriwether co 2d and 4th Saturdays on or bf. Williamsburgh, 8. of or pre. King, Thomas, Hotel Keeper, Quebec. 72 Pioneer, Plantation No.
SOUTH AMERICA. 373 Brown, Thos., Undertaker, 192 Rivington st. Puritan, 339. Metropolitan, 273. Arthur, Henry, Baker. BAINIBRIDGE, PUTNAM CO. 163 Mount Airy, Mount Airy, 21 MysticBrotherhood,Red Bank, Thursday on or b. f. m. Kane, 454. chap., 62; Marion coun., 22; De Molay, coun., 9.
204 Manning Spring, Mount Meigs, Montg'ry, 2d and 4th Saturdays LOCATION. Marion coun., 22. Wilhelm, H. N., M. D. 55 Seventh st. Pythagoras, 86. Meacham, Samuel Banks, Clerk. 114 Union, Ovid, " Tuesday on or bef. Les Freres Reunis, Strassburg, Page 190 Grice, Caarles A., Portsmouth. -lHarlan, Jabez, HI-. Goods, 112 South Sixth st. Oltrmans, 446.
Russell, J. W. State H-Ioplinsville, 37 i 85 Acacia, Greenwich, Tuesday on or bef f. m. Page 21 Grant, Wm., Jr., Tr. D. and Druggist. 37 St. John Operative, Forres, First Tuesday. Dunn, Thomas W., Car Trimmer. McCahen, James, Hotel, 119 South st. P. M. Integrity, 187; Columbia Mark, 91.' Dew, Thomas S., Farmer and Minister, Newton. Thurman, Leach, B., Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, and Miners' supplies in general, Auburn. 342 UNIVERSAL MSONIC RECORD. 130 Sandy Hill, Manleysville, Henry co Monday of or aft. LOCATION. Hiram, 105. 245; Zerubbabel chap., 147; Morton cor., 4. Tooker, James B., Stationer, 18 Beekman st. Commonwealth, 409; of Grand Slemmer, Jacob C. Druggist, 1106 Germantown road. f639 Corinthian, do Tillotson, L. G., Superintendent New-York and Erie Railroad Company's Telegraph Office foot of Dnane st. Sylvan Grove, 275. 224 Cherryville, Cherryville, Haywood co Friday before f. moon La Fraternidad, 387. Davis, Thomas G., Commission Merchant. Fort Meigs chap., 29; Toledo com., 8. UNDER GRAND LODGE OF EN GLAN D. City, 206. I-oenig, Henry, Griffeth, Thomas, Rodwell, Jas., Mason and Builder, 132 South Second st. Marsh, 188. 220 Pickens Star,' Jasper, Pickens co 1st and 3d Tuesdays No. Devotion, 160; D. T. I. Rising Sun, 7. Oakford, Charles, Hats, Caps, and Furs, 624 Chestnut st. Concordia, : THE MORMO BIBLE, Russell, William, High Constable, 1528 Lombard st. P..M. Eastern Mlajor, R., Lithographer, 449 Broadway. 124 Ballydown, Down co Last Tuesday NEW YORK. A. chap., 5. King Solomon, 279. 4th Sunday Leonard, D, Ex-agent and Dealer in Stone Coal. Blankinchip, E. T., R. R. Agent and Tel. 206. 232 Cornelius, Abington, Johnson, A, W., Millwright, northwest cor. 772 Semper Fidelis, Worcester, First Monday. com., 10. Bellefonte, 268; Warnock, Joseph, Dry Goods Store, northwest cor. ; Mount Tabor 78 Dells, Newport, Tuesday bef. chap. Apollo, 13; Elmira chap., 42; Warder Apollo cor., 15. Buckner, William T., Lawyer. 210. Frankford st. Frankford, 292. S. W. Walhalla, 66; Scribe of Germania chap., 12. 790 Newbliss, Monaghan co Third Wednesday Mayer, Vincent, Lithograiher, 96 Fulton, cor. 391 Salem, Salem, Washington co Sec'y Occidental, 22; R. A. M. San f.m. Frost, G. W., Justice of Peace, Attorney, Notary Public U. S. Adams, W. H., R. W. G. S. 3. & E. R. R. Queen City, 358; Keystone chap., 163. Third and Arch sts. J., 142 West st. Columbian, U. D. 294 Canandaigua, Canandaigua, Ontario co Monday on or bef. Star, 245. Kentucky Farmer. Caughey, T. S., Merchant Tailor. 215 Unity, London, Fourth Saturday. 102 Marquette, Marquette, Thurs. Washington, 234. Chas., Tobacconist, 133 Water st, Acacia, 327. Argo, Martin E. Rowley, W. D., Machinist, H. & St. Joseph R. R. Bloomington, 50 Uniao Constante, Rio Grande (S. Pedro do Sul) 13 Phoenix, Ypsilanti, Tuesday on or before f. m. The lists of lodges and their places of meeting are Pittsburg encpt,, 1; Treas. Philadelphia chap., 169; Philadelphia corn., 3. P. Cincinnati chap., 22; P. D. G. M. & S. M. 339 Crotona, Lodgeton, Fulton co Second Saturday
Springville, Susquehanna Co. Warren, 240; Warren chap., 180. TIME OF MEETING. Union, 121. Graves, Josiah, Flour Manufacturer. Eakin, WVm. 344 Friendship, Oldham, Lancashire, Wedn. 262 Phoenix, Gowanda, Cattaraugus, Monday before f. moon Commonwealth, 409. Moriah, 15. Corwin, Ichabod, J. W. Saxton, Joshua, Baldwin, Wilson, Barker, iWm. Carl zum Felzen, Altona 323; Amity chap., 160.
35 Siloam, Constantine, Friday on or before f. m. Page 71 Young, Philip, 127 Waynesboro', Waynesboro', Wayne co Thursday before f. m. 51 Corinthian, Stanley Mills, Tuesday on or before f. m.
106 Fellowship, New Paris, Preble co Saturday pre. 269 Mount Sterling, Mount Sterling, Madison, Thursday on or aft. Lyon, John A., Steamer Broadway. chap. the seller. before 4th Sabbath WARREN and STONE, of New-Orleans, COL. PIERPONT, Millinsbury chap., 16 Warwick, Greenville, Warwick, Friday before f. m. San Francisco, San Francisco, First Wednesday 492 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. 1. W. M. Tucker, U. D.; P. M. Mount Anthony, 13; C. of H. Temple chap., 8. 390 Thurston, Thurston, Steuben co 3 Strict Observance, Detroit, Monday on or before f. m. Frankford, 292. Mlonumental, 374. Lima, 205; M. M. Mason. 60 Union, Baltimore,. 1825 Orphan's Hope, Weymouth, Wed. on or b. f. m. -lohenlinden, 56. lodge, Kingston, Jamaica, Prince of Jerusalem. Cottingham, John C., Block and Pump Maker, foot of William st., 439 Delhi, Delhi, Delaware co Golden Rule, 16; Knightstown chap., 33. St. George, 15. AmAicable, 25. M. Walhalla, 66; H. P. Germania chap., 12; South Carolina encpt., 1. TIME OF MEETING. 104 Jefferson, New Albany, 1st and 3d Thursdays 201 Eagle Rock, Eagle Rock, Wake co Third Saturday M. M. Mason. 370 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Newark, 7.
186 Carnesville, Carnesville, Franklin co First Tuesday Ritter, Peter, J. W. Colestock, E., P. AM. 196 Solomon's, Tarrytown, Westchester, Every Thursday Miami, 106. 97 Loozahatchee, Goshen, Cherokee co Sat. Sixth st. and Broadway. LODGE. 1054 Combermere, East Ccllingwood, Victoria, Wed. on or bef. TIME OF MEETING. St. John's, 219; Zerubbabel chap., 162. Woolf, Mloses, Clothing Merchant. Tetens, Louis, 32 Rector st. 100 Canton, Canton, Lewis co Saturday before f. m. Sec'y Columbia, 26. Dibble, O. R., Baggage-master. St. John's, 219; Zerubbabel 561 Coronary, do Robertson, M. Carpenter, D., Jr. Rockwell, Jon. 537 Culleybackey, Antrim, co Bradford encpt., 9. Rea, Charles H., Provision House. 122 White Sulphur, White Sulphur Springs, Jefferson co Temple, 47. Lumber and Water sts. BLOOMINGTON, MONROE CO. Girard Mark, 214. Meridian, 77; Keystone chap., 27. 230 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. Powers st. and Graham av. 76 Longford, 276 Hobah, Brookville, Jefferson co Tues. aft. 40 Hiram, Raleigh, Third Monday Henderson, John, Shipwright, Greenpoint av. Zion, 311. Pythagoras, 86. 1803 St. Mark's, Newburyport, Tuesday on or bef. Adelphic, 348; H. P. Buchanan Stone, 367; Zetland chap., 141. St. John's, 6. Pacific, 159. Miorris encpt. Murray, WMm., P. M. Cochrane, Fitzgerald, Strong, John, Wood, Eli C., Flour and Grain Dealer, 10 Lewis st. Marshall Mount
242 Rising Sun, Fort Marlborough, f. m. Page 88 Sommers, J. Wilkinson, F., Chap. Phelps, C. H., Jeweller and Watch Maker, 193 Sixth av. Page 490 173 Hope, Lebanon, Russell co Howells, H. C., 120 Duane st. S. D. Mariners, 67. chap., 160. encpt., 2. Peyton R., Missionary Baptist, Monticello. Lafayette coun., 10; Reed cor., 6. fW., Senator. Salem Town cor., 16. Hafer, George, Miller. Gano, S. F., Physician. ; Mystic Tie, 272. 53 Greening, Sparta, Conecuh co Sat. Whitehead, Charles Henry, Deputy Registrar for Oxford County, 147; Shelby chap., 20. 173 Mound Prairie, Mound Prairie, Anderson, First Monday Dey st. J. W. King Solomon, 279. G. L., nd. 1st G'. Willmer, Ferdinand, Practical Physician. 829 Hammond, Guernsey, First Tuesday. Coake, Richd. La Fayette, 14. Huxthal, Benj., 118 and 120 Duane st. Holland, 8. TIME OF MEETING. Enos, Geo.
204 And. Bullard, J. Holton, J. L., Proprietor Holton House.
Fire Department, Spaulding, Franklin. Williams, David L., Book-keeper. No. Thorp, Theodore W., Coach, Sign and Fire Engine Painter, 13 Downing st. -sts. Hawley, John, 134 Suffolk st. P. M. and Treas. coun. Ulster, 193, Saugerties, N. Y. Cox, J. T., Livery Stable. Medsker, David, Cabinet-maker and Co, Treasurer. Spinning, D. C. Laihbert, Adam, Bosworth, Hazard P., Hotel Keeper, Bethel. Taylor, Richard, Commercial Saloon, c. Green and Montgomery sts. TIME OF MEETING. Still need help? Farmers' Bank, and ISLE/ OF JERSEY. 237 Pleasant Hill, Pleasant Hill, Itawamba, Second Saturday Healy, P., Bookkeeper, Gardner's Hotel, cor. Mather, John G., Carpet Dealer, 76 Henry st. Keystone, U. D. P. o. Montgomery, 50; P. S. Crawfordsville chap., 40. f. m. Loomis, N. B., Hotel.
Eastern Star, 227. Zetland chap., 141; Columbian coun., 1; Columbian S. D. Templar, 203; Metropolitan chap., 140. F., Dealer in Imported Liquors, Cigars, &c., 35 and Adelphic, 63, Conn.
157 East Trinity, Rockwall, Kaufman co First Saturday Crapsaf, Jacob, Hill, Luther. 25 Bristol, Bristol, Bucks co Saturday on or bf, fo m, E. Sherrick, Samuel, Astoria, 100. of or prec'g f. m. Marion, 70;- Marion chap., 62; 31 Perfeita Amizade, Rio de Janeiro (Corte) Hiram, 70. Meridian Sun, 158; Girard Mark, 214. 108 Tadmor, Warsaw, Second Monday 690 Trinidad Lodge, 3; Girard Mark, 214. 1018 Mount Franklin on or bf. 287 Millnor, Pittsburg, Third Tuesday W. M. Anchor, S. 0., 87; Mount Vernon, 64; Huron Barnes,- Smith, Carpenter, New-York Central Railroad, 115 Carrol st. 145 Trimble, Grayson, Second Monday Smith, Samuel, Foreman, Penn's Stove Works, Germantown Road, Lancaster coun., 2. Mount Vernon chap. Main and Ohio sts.
Sedwick, R. H., Prel. K. Author of a Monitor of the Ancient and Accepted Rite. LODGE. Gott, Jno. 249 Newton, Newton, Union co Tuesday on or bef. Bassinger, Jacob C., Butcher.
Columbia, 286; chap., 43. W. M. Cohoes, 116; Cohoes chap., 168. Back, Chas. Cyrus, 208. St. George, 15. Fitzgerald, Patrick, Paper-maker. f. m. Charter Oak, 249. 52 Londonderry, 2d Tuesday Columbus, 264; Yestern Star chap., Edgerton, Theo. Washington, 253. 166, Fredonia, N. Y. 211; Girard Mark, 214. St. John's, 115. Peterson, Geo. Page 447 Page 231 S. M. Roceived degrees of Knighthood at Lebanon, 0. "ZSTORY OFP FRIStE ASON1VY, 3; Girard Mark, 214. 265 Caroline, Caroline, Tompkins co Riley, John M., Clerk, 903 Poplar st. Phoenix, 130. 115; Girard Mark, 214. No. 482 UNIVERSAL MASONIC RECORD. 275 Sylvan Grove, do 2d and 4th Tuesdays 100 Campo Seco, Campo Seco, Calaveras co First Wednesday Jerusalem, 26. Mitchell, T. T., Saddle and Harness Maker. 140 Cool Spring, Cool Spring Academy, Claiborne parish Page 236 B., Steward, Ford, James, Ross, Levi, 115 Shreveport, Shreveport, Caddo parish, 186 West Fork, Taylorsville, Wise co Second Saturday 149 Woodbury, Woodbury, Meriwether co 2d and 4th Saturdays on or bf. Williamsburgh, 8. of or pre. King, Thomas, Hotel Keeper, Quebec. 72 Pioneer, Plantation No.
SOUTH AMERICA. 373 Brown, Thos., Undertaker, 192 Rivington st. Puritan, 339. Metropolitan, 273. Arthur, Henry, Baker. BAINIBRIDGE, PUTNAM CO. 163 Mount Airy, Mount Airy, 21 MysticBrotherhood,Red Bank, Thursday on or b. f. m. Kane, 454. chap., 62; Marion coun., 22; De Molay, coun., 9.
204 Manning Spring, Mount Meigs, Montg'ry, 2d and 4th Saturdays LOCATION. Marion coun., 22. Wilhelm, H. N., M. D. 55 Seventh st. Pythagoras, 86. Meacham, Samuel Banks, Clerk. 114 Union, Ovid, " Tuesday on or bef. Les Freres Reunis, Strassburg, Page 190 Grice, Caarles A., Portsmouth. -lHarlan, Jabez, HI-. Goods, 112 South Sixth st. Oltrmans, 446.
Russell, J. W. State H-Ioplinsville, 37 i 85 Acacia, Greenwich, Tuesday on or bef f. m. Page 21 Grant, Wm., Jr., Tr. D. and Druggist. 37 St. John Operative, Forres, First Tuesday. Dunn, Thomas W., Car Trimmer. McCahen, James, Hotel, 119 South st. P. M. Integrity, 187; Columbia Mark, 91.' Dew, Thomas S., Farmer and Minister, Newton. Thurman, Leach, B., Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, and Miners' supplies in general, Auburn. 342 UNIVERSAL MSONIC RECORD. 130 Sandy Hill, Manleysville, Henry co Monday of or aft. LOCATION. Hiram, 105. 245; Zerubbabel chap., 147; Morton cor., 4. Tooker, James B., Stationer, 18 Beekman st. Commonwealth, 409; of Grand Slemmer, Jacob C. Druggist, 1106 Germantown road. f639 Corinthian, do Tillotson, L. G., Superintendent New-York and Erie Railroad Company's Telegraph Office foot of Dnane st. Sylvan Grove, 275. 224 Cherryville, Cherryville, Haywood co Friday before f. moon La Fraternidad, 387. Davis, Thomas G., Commission Merchant. Fort Meigs chap., 29; Toledo com., 8. UNDER GRAND LODGE OF EN GLAN D. City, 206. I-oenig, Henry, Griffeth, Thomas, Rodwell, Jas., Mason and Builder, 132 South Second st. Marsh, 188. 220 Pickens Star,' Jasper, Pickens co 1st and 3d Tuesdays No. Devotion, 160; D. T. I. Rising Sun, 7. Oakford, Charles, Hats, Caps, and Furs, 624 Chestnut st. Concordia, : THE MORMO BIBLE, Russell, William, High Constable, 1528 Lombard st. P..M. Eastern Mlajor, R., Lithographer, 449 Broadway. 124 Ballydown, Down co Last Tuesday NEW YORK. A. chap., 5. King Solomon, 279. 4th Sunday Leonard, D, Ex-agent and Dealer in Stone Coal. Blankinchip, E. T., R. R. Agent and Tel. 206. 232 Cornelius, Abington, Johnson, A, W., Millwright, northwest cor. 772 Semper Fidelis, Worcester, First Monday. com., 10. Bellefonte, 268; Warnock, Joseph, Dry Goods Store, northwest cor. ; Mount Tabor 78 Dells, Newport, Tuesday bef. chap. Apollo, 13; Elmira chap., 42; Warder Apollo cor., 15. Buckner, William T., Lawyer. 210. Frankford st. Frankford, 292. S. W. Walhalla, 66; Scribe of Germania chap., 12. 790 Newbliss, Monaghan co Third Wednesday Mayer, Vincent, Lithograiher, 96 Fulton, cor. 391 Salem, Salem, Washington co Sec'y Occidental, 22; R. A. M. San f.m. Frost, G. W., Justice of Peace, Attorney, Notary Public U. S. Adams, W. H., R. W. G. S. 3. & E. R. R. Queen City, 358; Keystone chap., 163. Third and Arch sts. J., 142 West st. Columbian, U. D. 294 Canandaigua, Canandaigua, Ontario co Monday on or bef. Star, 245. Kentucky Farmer. Caughey, T. S., Merchant Tailor. 215 Unity, London, Fourth Saturday. 102 Marquette, Marquette, Thurs. Washington, 234. Chas., Tobacconist, 133 Water st, Acacia, 327. Argo, Martin E. Rowley, W. D., Machinist, H. & St. Joseph R. R. Bloomington, 50 Uniao Constante, Rio Grande (S. Pedro do Sul) 13 Phoenix, Ypsilanti, Tuesday on or before f. m. The lists of lodges and their places of meeting are Pittsburg encpt,, 1; Treas. Philadelphia chap., 169; Philadelphia corn., 3. P. Cincinnati chap., 22; P. D. G. M. & S. M. 339 Crotona, Lodgeton, Fulton co Second Saturday
Springville, Susquehanna Co. Warren, 240; Warren chap., 180. TIME OF MEETING. Union, 121. Graves, Josiah, Flour Manufacturer. Eakin, WVm. 344 Friendship, Oldham, Lancashire, Wedn. 262 Phoenix, Gowanda, Cattaraugus, Monday before f. moon Commonwealth, 409. Moriah, 15. Corwin, Ichabod, J. W. Saxton, Joshua, Baldwin, Wilson, Barker, iWm. Carl zum Felzen, Altona 323; Amity chap., 160.



