This item is sold through the Enbizio operated by Enbizio. Simple, effective, easy to use and clean, youll just love them! /Filter /FlateDecode Sign up to receive exclusive offers in your inbox. First time purchase only, local category deals. Grab ours today and throw the used ones out! United States (excluding Alaska & Hawaii) Shipments only. /Type /ExtGState /SMask /None>> V-groove Drive Pulley, 6 Diameter, 5/8 Bore, Die Cast. Regularly Clean Filters Improve Suction And Performance, Recommend To Replace The Foam Filter Felt Filter And Post-filter Every 2-3 Months. Vacuum Filters Replacement Set For Shark Rocket Hv300, Cs100, Hv300w, Hv301, Hv302, Hv303, Hv305, Hv308, Hv310, Uv450, 8 Foam Filters + 8 Felt Filters + 8 Post-filters, Compare To Part # Xffv300, 1415 Nw 80th Ave, 15h, Pompano Beach, Florida, 33063, 28112200 Dual-wheel Rotary Edger-28112200, 54 Inch, 52455 Staple Shark Multi-purpose Tool Removes Romex Staples And More, Dead Blow Hammer Set 3-piece 1, 2 And 3 Lbs, Master Collection Professional 6-Inch Plastic Paint Roller Tray, Trim Kit For Price Pfister Triple-handle Tub And Shower Faucets, 3-Handle, Porcelain, 1-Pack Kit, 24V Brushless Cordless 1/2-Inch Drill / Driver, 1.5Ah Usb Batteries And Charger Included Dd24l1520, Sandpaper Roll, Adhesive-backed, 4 1/2-Inch X 10-Yard, 80-Grit, Phoenix Mfg. Simply rinse with clean water and let it completely air dry before reusing them. |
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[/Pattern /DeviceRGB] Includes 8 Premium Foam Filers With 60 Ppi Density And 8 Ultra-thick Felt Filters With A Textured Surface And 8 Post-filters, Uses The Latest Technology To Absorb Small Particles Such As Food, Hair, Dirt And Pet Dander. Intellectual Property Protection | Suppliers This set of identical to the original filters you find in your Shark vacuum, simple to clean and replace whenever needed. - /SM 0.02 Scan to download the Groupon Mobile App on IOS or Android. Grab ours today and throw the used ones out! |
;HXDvTDQ6AER When was the last time you changed them? Compare To Part # Xffv300. This is a private listing and your identity will not be disclosed to anyone except the seller.
/Width 300 Powered by WordPress. 1 2 . /Title ( S h a r k R o c k e t H V 3 0 1 F i l t e r R e p l a c e m e n t) /Subtype /Image /SA true <<
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Time to fill this bad boy with great products like gadgets, electronics, housewares, gifts and other great offerings from Groupon Goods. Orders are typically delivered in 5-10 business days. Clean filters are the secret to a clean house! (CpR5/7,/= Offer is not eligible for our promo codes or other discounts. Lazada, Browse Alphabetically:
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When you frequently change filters, you ensure that your vacuum does its job correctly and works optimally! Not Compatible Models Not Compatible With Shark Rocket Models: Hv319q, Hv320, Hv320w, Hv321, Hv324q And Rocket Truepet Hv322 Or Part #1080FTV320, 1084FTV320, Xffh380 Or Xpstfh380. View cart for details. Compatible with HV300, HV300W, HV301, HV302, HV303, HV305, HV308, HV310, UV450. Shipping and handling charges will be Free. Privacy Policy | Payment Policy | Shipping & Handling | Refunds & Returns | Terms & Conditions. Alipay V92?X 1 0 obj Compatible with HV300, HV300W, HV301, HV302, HV303, HV305, HV308, HV310, UV450. << - User Information Legal Enquiry Guide, 1999-2022 Complete with 1 foam filter with 60 PPI density, 1 ultra-thick felt filter with a textured surface, and 1 felt post-filter to trap most allergens. stream /Creator ( w k h t m l t o p d f 0 . Share 3 or more photos, Earned when a user has gotten 2 or more helpful votes. Washable & Reusable: Our set of premium quality Shark Rocket filters is bound to last you longer, thus saving you more money and hassle! /ca 1.0 This deal doesn't have any written reviews yet. Offer is not eligible for promo codes, but is eligible for Groupon Bucks. 8 . Earned when a user has written 5 or more reviews, Want to earn this badge? Clean filters are the secret to a clean house! By subscribing, I agree to the Terms of Use and have read the Privacy Statement, See Promotional Terms. Shark Rocket Vacuum HV300 HV301 HV302 HV305 UV450 Replacement Filter, See Promotional Terms. Enter your phone number and we'll send you a download link. Product eligible for free returns within 30 days. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. 42xUx* %PDF-1.4 >> Sign in to get personalized notifications about your deals, cash back, special offers, and more. /CA 1.0
74k0Y4{BNnhZ6AL]u\1aFeo:1UVK\j\Mz\iXJ.#mgp7Xt=C9(ZO0T. /Height 93 /CreationDate (D:20201115000404-07'00') When was the last time you changed them? /Producer ( Q t 4 . /AIS false
Z+.`4.QDAR)(YY:={wV-pfso= ()P8yq!g7L)DU=ZeabYV^}$/*T]M2%cK7qQaZOLP1u$Tr04`;GsXBK2Y`e7(r-Z=qy:R5"e0 cOU,n 9$}R.Za\Z2-zC-2@r ,]R-GgC*Ze5wB0Y#eSJi$k! 3 0 obj Terms of Use endobj First time purchase only, local category deals. Easy To Replace Clean By Hand Washing In Warm Water And Let It Completely Air Dry Before Reusing Them. Highly Performance This Complete Vacuum Filter System Is Made Up Of A Combination Of Parts. /ColorSpace /DeviceGray B2-20120091-4.
Purchases from these Sellers are generally covered under our. 4 0 obj
7) The item you've selected was not added to your cart. When you frequently change filters, you ensure that your vacuum does its job correctly and works optimally!
33010002000092 Fit Models The Vacuum Filters Are Compatible With Shark Rocket Vacuum Models Hv300, Cs100, Hv300c, Hv300w, Hv300wc, Hv301, Hv301c, Hv301q, Hv302, Hv302q, Hv303, Hv305, Hv306q, Hv308q, Hv310, Uv450, Uv450cco, Uv450ccofs. | -
2 Pack Filter Replacement for Shark Rocket HV300 HV301 HV300W HV302 HV305, {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. The merchant is solely responsible to purchasers for the fulfillment, delivery, care, quality, and pricing information of the advertised goods and services. << - Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Multi-color, Orange Home Safety & Security, Multi-color, Purple Home Safety & Security, Multi-color, White Home Safety & Security, Silver, Multi-color Home Safety & Security. endobj Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. 5) /Length 7 0 R endobj This set of identical to the original filters you find in your Shark vacuum, will be the instant favorite for every Shark Rocket Owner.
By subscribing, I agree to the Terms of Use and have read the Privacy Statement. Onetouch | Tmall Taobao World