Permanent Residents (PRs), Dependent Pass (DP) or Student Pass (STP) holders may also have Re-Entry Permits, DP or STP revoked or shortened. Your child may resume daily activities after the 72 hours of self-isolation, including returning to school, if the second ART is negative and he/she is well. Travellers can check their required SHN duration and required COVID-19 tests on the individual SafeTravel Lanes pages. Students and staff who are unwell know that they should not be going to school. We had shifted all primary/secondary schools and JCs/MI to Full HBL in May 2021 for 1.5 weeks, as part of a stepping up of precautionary measures to safeguard the well-being of all students and staff, given the sharp increase in the number of community cases and our students were not eligible for vaccinations then. GoBusiness, Last Updated 28 Jul 2022, nation-wide general requirements for workplaces, Updated Advisory on COVID-19 Vaccination at the Workplace. Here are some helpful tips: You may also refer to MOE Parent Kit for tips on how to support your child emotionally. Schools may also ask students to go through online materials in the Singapore Student Learning Space or the Learning Management Systems. For example, students with multiple disabilities may need staff to help move them from a wheelchair to another piece of equipment. This would include teachers and lecturers in schools and IHLs respectively, when they are in their classrooms and lecture halls. TraceTogether-only SafeEntry check-ins in IHLs are no longer required.
Non-MOE staff who work in schools or with school students will need to bring along a letter of identification from the school and a form of identification with their NRIC/FIN number. The Stay-Home Notice (SHN) is a legal notice issued under the Infectious Diseases Act that requires travellers to remain in their place of residence or SHN Dedicated Facility (SDF) for a stipulated period. As with tuition and enrichment centres (see this FAQ), private tutors providing in-person classes operating out of private residences will no longer need to implement TraceTogether-only SafeEntry from 26 April 2022. The use of face shields instead of masks is allowed for the following groups or in the following settings: Persons who have health conditions that may result in breathing or medical difficulties when a mask is worn for a prolonged period of time; and. In line with the further easing of community measures, the following adjustments will be implemented from 26 Apr 2022: Safe management measures in primary and secondary schools (including SPED schools) and JCs/MI will continue to include the following: The perception and articulation of speech sounds is an important aspect of early language development. Motegi Toshimitsu on the Resumption of Essential Business Travel Between Singapore and Japan[, MOM Press Release - Multi-Layered Approach to Ensure Safe Restart of Work[, MOM Press Release - All dormitories declared cleared of COVID-19 [, Enterprise Singapore Advisory for Phase Two Re-opening of Retail establishments and lifestyle-related services [, MOM Press Release - Foreign Worker Levy Waiver and Rebates Extended for Construction, Marine Shipyard and Process Sectors [, Joint Press Statement by H.E. 0H1W`y9Yo8lccm.1B93EoZaD36Vg_gM@&0g%mJ]{o
LHN98Z >YM4(JL%y-m\s8,Y~U'R`!Mv5iYOTln?n WVIMo4|QNIr^DA6@H!fcY9Cu2!0B$c1~O-Ql. In general, travellers under SHN are required to take a mandatory COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction test (PCR Test) towards the end of their SHN. information on prevailing health protocols and the entry process. Consistent with usual school practice, students who are unable to attend CCA due to valid reasons can be excused.
COVID-19 vaccination is not a requirement for physical attendance). _l]
All participating schools will continue to receive feedback from the panel of adjudicators. In addition to school sanctions, they may also be prosecuted under Section 21A of the Infectious Diseases Act. Students will continue to practise frequent hand-washing throughout the school day and wipe down of tables and shared equipment after use. For more information on TraceTogether, you may refer to the. For SPED students who do not have computing devices or internet access schools will assist them in securing them or arrange for students to return to school. Where necessary, MOE will apply it to selected classes, levels or individual schools on a temporary basis to stem the spread of infection, or as a practical option to ensure continuity of learning with high absentee numbers. Hence we will exercise flexibility in enforcement. 633IqziS5ipt}^v%?Zi |NNyf_T7i`:g2u^t2Mkd Student can end self-isolation and return to school when a negative ART result is obtained. They should remind staff to adhere to these protocols to avoid potential security issues.
CCAs and large-scale student activities in the IHLs may resume in line with prevailing national guidelines on event sizes, group sizes, and Vaccination Differentiated Safe Management Measures (VDS). We would like to reassure parents that schools would be making every effort to implement the various safe management measures to ensure the safety of all students and staff. Our schools and teachers will continue to implement the necessary safe management and precautionary measures, to reduce risks as much as possible. pWoyy~LyG-<8NA>'/a ,o umV4hJ3h8..yL?yz|Pe2"8Kn Schools will adhere to guidelines on ventilation for regular air flow exchange and the use of air purifiers in air-conditioned venues. Schools and teachers can exercise flexibility on mask wearing for language and literacy classes according to their students' needs. [With effect from 26 April 2022] Individuals who visit private residences to provide tuition and enrichment are advised to only visit other residences if they are fully vaccinated, so as to protect those who are unvaccinated from exposure to the virus. Work out a daily schedule/routine with your child - guide your child in setting goals and scheduling tasks, as part of developing the valuable life skills of time management and self-discipline which your child can acquire when doing Home-Based Learning (HBL). Any applicable sector-specific requirements, 2022 You may refer to MOE Parent Kit for more tips on how you can support your child's learning from home. 2022 Government of Singapore. Parents and members of the public attending concerts held in schools involving more than 500 pax will need to be vaccinated or be medically ineligible for COVID-19 vaccinations. Adjusting to a new school routine may be a stressful experience for your child. These measures have proven to be effective in limiting the transmission of virus in our schools. For employees (and contractors and vendors) who are physically onsite at the workplace, mask wearing is required indoor except when (i) persons are not interacting with others and (ii) not in customer-facing areas where interaction is likely to happen.
d4 Students must also be responsible users of technology and play their part by observing appropriate behaviour when video conferencing (e.g. prolonged fever, worsening cough, breathing difficulties etc.) Although HRN will no longer be issued from 26 April 2022 onwards, students are strongly encouraged to hold on to their TraceTogether token or keep the TraceTogether application on their phones, in the event that contact tracing and VDS checks in external venues be needed. They may need to repeat the ART daily over a few days to rule out the possibility of false negatives in the early stages of an infection.
time spent on video games and social media. Schools will remain open for students who require additional support. 351 0 obj <>stream The table below provides an overview of the updated categories of precautionary measures in schools and IHLs, in effect from 26 April 2022: In living with COVID-19, the emphasis is on social responsibility. All fully vaccinated travellers and non-fully vaccinated children aged 12 and below may travel to Singapore without applying for entry approvals.
Motegi Toshimitsu Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan and H.E. For further tips on guiding your child in setting goals, please refer to the, Have an agreement with your child on managing screen time. Frequent cleaning of high-touch surfaces and disinfection of the premises.
Schools will continue to work with their school bus operators to ensure they check with students if they feel unwell, or have flu-like symptoms. For those with mild symptoms and tested positive, you may consider self-recovery at home, under MOHs Protocol 2. ~oE},SbYUJx\BitrU=%l0"aX\ iub38d7Rxf dA>D3)R%HxbqhP7"m These include activities held externally where VDS are applicable.
Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. lock () Further details on these requirements can be found at SSG CIRCULAR. Share sensitive information only on official, secure The affected schools will also be cleaned and disinfected as required in line with NEA's guidelines. We will be looking into testing staff who work closely with the more vulnerable students. For MOE Kindergartens / Primary Schools/ Secondary Schools/Junior Colleges/Millennia Institute/SPED schools. It is important that all persons issued with SHN comply strictly with its requirements, in order to limit the risk from potential imported cases and to safeguard our community. Unvaccinated students are required to test negative under a weekly self-administered Antigen Rapid Test (ART) in order to dine in. PEIs with clarifications should approach SkillsFuture Singapore at [emailprotected]. No group size and safe distancing requirements; Mask-wearing will be required indoors as a default. Safe distancing between individuals or between groups is also no longer required. Thereafter, they would be expected to complete their vaccination within 2 months of arrival if medically eligible. For more information on the prevailing measures, please refer to ICA's website.
All businesses should take note of the following: All employees can now return to the workplace. MOE and SportSG will continue to review the DUS arrangements as the COVID-19 situation evolves. lock () Unmasking indoors is only allowed for Physical Education, sports, singing, wind instrument playing, speech & drama, dancing and specific groups of students in language/literacy lessons. To ensure a safe working environment, businesses are required to abide by the nation-wide general requirements for workplaces. MOE has implemented a set of measures to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on students' 2022 co-curricular records, including secondary school students' LEAPS 2.0 attainment. For those with any of the underlying conditions as stated in MOH Press release, they should see a doctor if they did a self-swab ART.
More student activities and large scale student events will resume in line with national guidelines on group sizes and event sizes. Students are expected to attend CCA sessions that have been scheduled whether these are in-person or online. Fans can be used to promote air circulation when needed. No group size and safe distancing requirements for school activities including recess; All students will be able to participate in activities regardless of their vaccination status; TraceTogether-only SafeEntry check-ins in schools are no longer required. Symptomatic persons are encouraged to test themselves using an Antigen Rapid Test (ART). Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Singapore -, Singapore welcomes new members to Joint Ministerial Statement on Ensuring Supply Chain Connectivity [, Fines issued to F&B and Retail outlets by Enterprise Singapore in Phase Two Reopening [, STB - Gradual reopening of tourism establishments [, STB - Advisory On Safe Management Measures Required For Tours Re-opening in Phase Two [, Joint Press Release -Foreign Worker Levy rebates extended for Construction, Marine Shipyard and Process sectors [, BCA Press Release - $1.36b Construction Support Package to help firms resume work quickly and safely [, BCA - Latest updates on the restart of the construction sector[, STB advisory on Safe Management Measures required for Attractions Re-Opening in Phase Two [, Enterprise Singapore - New standards to be developed to support resilience and sustainability[, NAC advisory onPhase Two of Re-opening for Arts and Culture Stakeholders[, NHB advisory on Phase Two of Re-opening for Museum Stakeholders [, IMDA industry-specific advisories for the COVID-19 situation [, EDB Advisory on the COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) for businesses [, Infographic on Safe Management Measures at Retail establishments and lifestyle-related services [, Infographic on Safe Management Measures at F&B Establishments [, Helping businesses adjust and adapt to the new normal continues to be a priority [, MOH press release on moving into Phase Two of re-opening [, MOH press release on gradual re-opening of travel and changes to border measures [, MAS press release on Safe Transition to Phase Two of re-opening for the Financial Sector [, NEA circular on measures to be taken when re-opening/re-starting of swimming pools and water fountains [, BCA press release on resumption of all renovation projects, subject to availability of workers[, BCA advisory on resumption of all renovation works from 15 June 2020 [, BCA advisory on resumption of all renovation works from 15 June 2020, Joint Press Release - Electronic Signing of Digital Economy Partnership Agreement[, MOM press release on workers in dormitories returning to work and updates on AccessCode [, Annex to MOM press release - AccessCode conditions for migrant workers [, 58 fines issued by Enterprise Singaporeand STB in the first week of Phase One post Circuit Breaker [, BCA updated FAQs for a safe and controlled restart of the construction sector from 2 June 2020 [, Singapore and France affirm intent to maintain supply chain connectivity for essential food supplies amidst COVID-19 [, Singapore imports first shipment of eggs from Poland [, EDBI and SEEDS Capital to provide S$285 million in financing to promising startups to tide through COVID-19 period [, Minister Chan Chun Sing participates in Special Meetings of ASEAN Economic Ministers and ASEAN Plus Three Economic Ministers [, Joint press statement by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Trade and Industry on the Singapore-China Fast Lane for Essential Travel [, Additional loan and cashflow support for landlords and businesses affected by COVID-19 [, BCA press release -More than 5,400 renovation projects approved to start work from 2 June [, BCA advisory on updated application requirements for renovation works [, MOM advisory on requirements for Safe Management Measures at the workplace after circuit breaker period [, [Updated] Joint Ministerial Statement on Action Plans to Facilitate the Flow of Goods and Services As Well As the Essential Movement of People [, ASEAN-China Economic Ministers Joint Statement on Combating the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and Enhancing ACFTA Cooperation [, Singapore and Poland agree to strengthen economic cooperation and connectivity to tackle COVID-19 [, BCA press release on suspended renovation works and building works for landed residential properties (single dwelling unit) to resume from 2 June in a safe and controlled manner [, Ministerial Statement on the Fortitude Budget 2020 by DPM and Minister for Finance, Mr Heng Swee Keat [, ISCA-SAC Advisory: Safe Management Measures for Accounting Practices in the post Covid-19 Circuit Breaker period [, CEA Advisory on Phase One resumption of property transaction activities by Estate Agents (EAs) and Real Estate Salespersons (RESs) after the circuit breaker period, andGuide for EAs and RESs on resumption of activities during Phase One [, BCA advisory for a safe and controlled restart of the construction sector from 2 June 2020 [, Gradual Resumption for Museum stakeholders [, End of Circuit Breaker, phased approach to resuming activities safely [, Advisory on gradual resumption of business activities in phases starting from 2 June 2020 [, MAS advisory on Safe Re-Opening of more customer services in the Financial Sector [, NEA circular on measures to be taken when re-starting cooling towers [, NParks guidelines for COVID-Safe Landscaping [, Over 140,000 employers to receive $4 billion in next Jobs Support Scheme payout from 28 May [, Minister for Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing participates in second G20 Extraordinary Trade Ministers Meeting [, Germany and Singapore reaffirm collaboration on startups amid COVID-19 [, Response to public complaints of profiteering by online seller EKSK Mall [, Safe Management Measures for F&B establishments [, Safe Management Measures for retail establishments [, Guidelines for gradual resumption of business operations [, Enterprise Singapore expands E-Commerce Booster Package [, Enterprise Singapore issues composition fines on 2 companies for breaching Safe Distancing Measures at workplace [, [Updated] Joint Ministerial Statement on supply chain connectivity [, (Updated) Safe distancing measures for retail establishments [, (Updated) Safe distancing measures for F&B establishments [, Easing the tighter circuit breaker measures, preparing for gradual resumption of activity after 1 June [, Singapore and Japan agree to deepen bilateral cooperation to combat COVID-19 [, Singapore reaffirms commitment to facilitate cross-border flows with Australia, Canada, Republic of Korea and New Zealand [, MAS and financial industry provide additional support for individuals [, MOM advisory on salary and leave arrangements during Circuit Breaker [, STB launches new initiatives to further support tourism businesses and workers [, Inter-agency advisory on supporting mental well-being of workers under COVID-19 work arrangements [, Joint Ministerial Statement on supply chain connectivity [, Singapore receives essential supplies from New Zealand [, Government to continue support measures to protect livelihoods and stabilise businesses during extended Circuit Breaker period [, Tightened list of essential services and measures for workplaces which remain open [, New Facility at interest rate of 0.1% to help banks and finance companies lower cost of loans to SMEs [, Support for businesses and individuals to defray third-party professional cleaning and disinfection costs for premises with confirmed COVID-19 cases [, More subsidised solutions to support working from home for businesses [, Hostel fined for breach of COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act [, Tightening safe distancing measures for F&B and online retail delivery [, Ensuring adherence to safe distancing measures amongst food delivery personnel [, Singapore concludes negotiations with New Zealand for Declaration on Trade in essential goods for Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic [, More than 140,000 employers will receive over $7 billion payouts to cover wages of over 1.9 million local employees [, 30 businesses instructed to cease operations and five composition fines issued for flouting safe distancing measures [, (Updated) Tightening safe distancing measures at F&B establishments, (Updated) Tightening safe distancing measures at retail establishments, (Updated) Tightening safe distancing measures at shopping malls and standalone stores [, Tighter safe distancing measures for F&B and online retail delivery, MOM's advisory on safe distancing measures for workers ferried by lorries [, Enterprise Singapore expands its Food Delivery Booster Package [, Enterprise Singapore and STB order 85 businesses to cease operations[, Enterprise Singapore and STB conducted over 10000 enforcement checks; 10 businesses instructed to cease operations [, COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Control Order) Regulations 2020 Come into force on 8 April [, Eight establishments warned for non-compliance with safe distancing measures [, Ministerial Statement on the Solidarity Budget 2020 by DPM and Minister for Finance, Mr Heng Swee Keat [, Joint ministerial statement by Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Lao PDR, Myanmar, New Zealand, Singapore and Uruguay affirming commitment to ensuring supply chain connectivity amidst the COVID-19 situation [, (Updated) Tightening Safe Distancing Measures at Retail Establishments, (Updated) Tightening Safe Distancing Measures at Shopping Malls and Standalone Stores [, Food Delivery Booster Package to support F&B businesses with delivery orders [, (Updated) Tightening Safe Distancing Measures at Food & Beverage Establishments, Suspension of activities at workplace premises to reduce COVID-19 transmission [, MOM press release on additional safe distancing measures at the workplace [, Financial Services Remain Open and Available [, Port of Singapore Remains Open Amidst Additional Precautionary Measures [, Advisory for the Construction Industry - Suspension of Activities at Workplace Premises to Reduce COVID-19 Transmission [, Advisory for Companies Providing Facilities Management Service [, Infographic on essential services exempted from suspension [, COVID-19 relief measures: Upcoming legislative provisions to impose obligation on property owners to pass on the property tax rebate in full to tenants [, Enterprise Singapore rolls out e-commerce booster package to drive business transformation and diversification of revenue streams among retailers [, Temporary relief for inability to perform contractual obligations due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) situation [, Expansion of temporary scheme to help businesses manage manpower needs [, MAS and financial industry to support individuals and SMEs affected by the COVID-19 pandemic [, Closure of public entertainment venues and suspension of events [, Minister Chan Chun Sing participates in G20 Trade Ministers Videoconference [, Entry approval required for all Long-Term Pass holders [, Joint statement by Enterprise Singapore and Singapore Food Agency on enforcement measures for safe distancing [, Minister Chan Chun Sing holds videoconference with Republic of Korea Trade Minister Yoo Myung-Hee [, Multiagency effort to support private bus industry impacted by COVID-19 [, Advisory on implementing safe distancing measures at shopping malls and standalone stores, Advisory on safe distancing measures at the workplace, Advisory on implementing safe distancing at retail establishments, Advisory on implementing safe distancing measures at F&B establishments, Employers advised to plan for more sustainable housing options for their workers usually housed in Malaysia [, MOM entry approval and Stay-Home Notice requirements for work pass holders from Malaysia [, Joint statement by the Singapore Tourism Board, Enterprise Singapore and Singapore Police Force [, Joint ministerial statement by Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, New Zealand and Singapore affirming commitment to ensuring supply chain connectivity amidst the COVID-19 situation [, Further measures to help companies cope with COVID-19 situation [, Tighter measures to minimise further spread of COVID-19 [, MOM mounts enforcement operation to ensure workplaces comply with safe distancing measures [, 89 Work Passes revoked for breach of entry approval and Stay-Home Notice requirements [, Joint Ministerial Statement by Singapore and New Zealand affirmingcommitment to ensuring supply chain connectivity amidst COVID-19 situation [, Companies encouraged to impose Leave of Absence for employees returning between 14 And 20 March 2020 [, Advisory on COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) for businesses [, Temporary housing support for employers affected by Malaysia's Movement Control Order [, MOM entry approval and Stay-Home Notices now covers all new and existing work pass holders [, Accomodating Workers Affected by Lockdown in Malaysia [, MOM entry approval and Stay-Home Notices extended to ASEAN countries, Japan, Switzerland and the United Kingdom [, MOM entry approval and Stay-Home Notices extended to Italy, France, Spain and Germany [, SG Clean Quality Mark extended to tourism and lifestyle businesses as part of nationwide efforts to uplift sanitation and hygiene [, Tripartite partners update advisory on managing excess manpower and responsible retrenchment in view of COVID-19 [, MOM entry approval and Stay-Home Notices extended to more countries [, Entry approval requirement for employers with work pass holders with travel history to Daegu city and Cheongdo county [, Temporary scheme to help manufacturing and services sectors manage manpower needs [, Press release on outcome of inspections of 3 Stars' premises under the Price Control Act [, More workers and employers taken to task for breaching Leave of Absence requirements [, Majority of employers compliant with entry approval requirements for work pass holders [, Concerted tripartite effort in line with the Stabilisation and Support Package to help tourism sector affected by COVID-19 [, Singapore's FY2020 Budget Statement by DPM and Minister for Finance, Mr Heng Swee Keat [, Leave of Absence Support Programme extended to those serving Stay-Home Notice[, Mandatory Stay-Home Notice for work pass holders with travel history to mainland China[, Press release on inspections of 3 Stars premises under the Price Control Act [, "SG Clean" Campaign Launched To Rally Public And Businesses To Work Together To Keep Singapore Clean [, Advisory for businesses on large-scale events amidst the COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) situation [, Supporting healthcare workers whose leave and holiday plans have been cancelled [, Two work passes revoked for re-entry into Singapore without prior approval [, Leave of Absence Support Programme (LOASP) [, Price Control Act letter of demand issued to retailer 3 Stars [, Actions taken by the Ministry of Manpower following confirmed COVID-19 case of Work Permit holder[, MOM issues updated advisory on enhanced precautionary measures for dormitories[, Transcript of Minister Chan Chun Sing's remarks at Ministerial Community Walkabout at Jurong Spring Division[, Work passes cancelled and employers work pass privileges revoked for breaching Leave of Absence requirements [, New requirements for employers who have work pass holders with travel history to mainland China entering or returning to Singapore[, General advisory for workplaces and frontline workers in response to confirmed cases of local transmission of novel coronavirus in Singapore[, Joint statement by Ministry of National Development, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Manpower on persons placed on Home Quarantined Orders and Leave of Absence [, Transcript of Minister Chan Chun Sing's remarks at Oasia Hotel Downtown[, MOF-MTI Media Release on Government support for firms and workers[, Advisory on the Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) for Businesses, Update on additional measures by the Ministry of Manpower to minimise the risk of community spread of COVID-19[, Transcript of Minister Chan Chun Sings Remarks at Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) Press Conference[, Issuance of Letters by the Price Controller to Sellers that have received consumer complaints[, Additional measures to contain spread of COVID-19 [, For the latest advisories and actions to be taken by, If you would like to find out more about the, If you would like to support the different.
COVID-19 vaccination is not a requirement for physical attendance). _l]
All participating schools will continue to receive feedback from the panel of adjudicators. In addition to school sanctions, they may also be prosecuted under Section 21A of the Infectious Diseases Act. Students will continue to practise frequent hand-washing throughout the school day and wipe down of tables and shared equipment after use. For more information on TraceTogether, you may refer to the. For SPED students who do not have computing devices or internet access schools will assist them in securing them or arrange for students to return to school. Where necessary, MOE will apply it to selected classes, levels or individual schools on a temporary basis to stem the spread of infection, or as a practical option to ensure continuity of learning with high absentee numbers. Hence we will exercise flexibility in enforcement. 633IqziS5ipt}^v%?Zi |NNyf_T7i`:g2u^t2Mkd Student can end self-isolation and return to school when a negative ART result is obtained. They should remind staff to adhere to these protocols to avoid potential security issues.
CCAs and large-scale student activities in the IHLs may resume in line with prevailing national guidelines on event sizes, group sizes, and Vaccination Differentiated Safe Management Measures (VDS). We would like to reassure parents that schools would be making every effort to implement the various safe management measures to ensure the safety of all students and staff. Our schools and teachers will continue to implement the necessary safe management and precautionary measures, to reduce risks as much as possible. pWoyy~LyG-<8NA>'/a ,o umV4hJ3h8..yL?yz|Pe2"8Kn Schools will adhere to guidelines on ventilation for regular air flow exchange and the use of air purifiers in air-conditioned venues. Schools and teachers can exercise flexibility on mask wearing for language and literacy classes according to their students' needs. [With effect from 26 April 2022] Individuals who visit private residences to provide tuition and enrichment are advised to only visit other residences if they are fully vaccinated, so as to protect those who are unvaccinated from exposure to the virus. Work out a daily schedule/routine with your child - guide your child in setting goals and scheduling tasks, as part of developing the valuable life skills of time management and self-discipline which your child can acquire when doing Home-Based Learning (HBL). Any applicable sector-specific requirements, 2022 You may refer to MOE Parent Kit for more tips on how you can support your child's learning from home. 2022 Government of Singapore. Parents and members of the public attending concerts held in schools involving more than 500 pax will need to be vaccinated or be medically ineligible for COVID-19 vaccinations. Adjusting to a new school routine may be a stressful experience for your child. These measures have proven to be effective in limiting the transmission of virus in our schools. For employees (and contractors and vendors) who are physically onsite at the workplace, mask wearing is required indoor except when (i) persons are not interacting with others and (ii) not in customer-facing areas where interaction is likely to happen.
d4 Students must also be responsible users of technology and play their part by observing appropriate behaviour when video conferencing (e.g. prolonged fever, worsening cough, breathing difficulties etc.) Although HRN will no longer be issued from 26 April 2022 onwards, students are strongly encouraged to hold on to their TraceTogether token or keep the TraceTogether application on their phones, in the event that contact tracing and VDS checks in external venues be needed. They may need to repeat the ART daily over a few days to rule out the possibility of false negatives in the early stages of an infection.
time spent on video games and social media. Schools will remain open for students who require additional support. 351 0 obj <>stream The table below provides an overview of the updated categories of precautionary measures in schools and IHLs, in effect from 26 April 2022: In living with COVID-19, the emphasis is on social responsibility. All fully vaccinated travellers and non-fully vaccinated children aged 12 and below may travel to Singapore without applying for entry approvals.
Motegi Toshimitsu Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan and H.E. For further tips on guiding your child in setting goals, please refer to the, Have an agreement with your child on managing screen time. Frequent cleaning of high-touch surfaces and disinfection of the premises.
Schools will continue to work with their school bus operators to ensure they check with students if they feel unwell, or have flu-like symptoms. For those with mild symptoms and tested positive, you may consider self-recovery at home, under MOHs Protocol 2. ~oE},SbYUJx\BitrU=%l0"aX\ iub38d7Rxf dA>D3)R%HxbqhP7"m These include activities held externally where VDS are applicable.
Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. lock () Further details on these requirements can be found at SSG CIRCULAR. Share sensitive information only on official, secure The affected schools will also be cleaned and disinfected as required in line with NEA's guidelines. We will be looking into testing staff who work closely with the more vulnerable students. For MOE Kindergartens / Primary Schools/ Secondary Schools/Junior Colleges/Millennia Institute/SPED schools. It is important that all persons issued with SHN comply strictly with its requirements, in order to limit the risk from potential imported cases and to safeguard our community. Unvaccinated students are required to test negative under a weekly self-administered Antigen Rapid Test (ART) in order to dine in. PEIs with clarifications should approach SkillsFuture Singapore at [emailprotected]. No group size and safe distancing requirements; Mask-wearing will be required indoors as a default. Safe distancing between individuals or between groups is also no longer required. Thereafter, they would be expected to complete their vaccination within 2 months of arrival if medically eligible. For more information on the prevailing measures, please refer to ICA's website.
All businesses should take note of the following: All employees can now return to the workplace. MOE and SportSG will continue to review the DUS arrangements as the COVID-19 situation evolves. lock () Unmasking indoors is only allowed for Physical Education, sports, singing, wind instrument playing, speech & drama, dancing and specific groups of students in language/literacy lessons. To ensure a safe working environment, businesses are required to abide by the nation-wide general requirements for workplaces. MOE has implemented a set of measures to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on students' 2022 co-curricular records, including secondary school students' LEAPS 2.0 attainment. For those with any of the underlying conditions as stated in MOH Press release, they should see a doctor if they did a self-swab ART.
More student activities and large scale student events will resume in line with national guidelines on group sizes and event sizes. Students are expected to attend CCA sessions that have been scheduled whether these are in-person or online. Fans can be used to promote air circulation when needed. No group size and safe distancing requirements for school activities including recess; All students will be able to participate in activities regardless of their vaccination status; TraceTogether-only SafeEntry check-ins in schools are no longer required. Symptomatic persons are encouraged to test themselves using an Antigen Rapid Test (ART). Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Singapore -, Singapore welcomes new members to Joint Ministerial Statement on Ensuring Supply Chain Connectivity [, Fines issued to F&B and Retail outlets by Enterprise Singapore in Phase Two Reopening [, STB - Gradual reopening of tourism establishments [, STB - Advisory On Safe Management Measures Required For Tours Re-opening in Phase Two [, Joint Press Release -Foreign Worker Levy rebates extended for Construction, Marine Shipyard and Process sectors [, BCA Press Release - $1.36b Construction Support Package to help firms resume work quickly and safely [, BCA - Latest updates on the restart of the construction sector[, STB advisory on Safe Management Measures required for Attractions Re-Opening in Phase Two [, Enterprise Singapore - New standards to be developed to support resilience and sustainability[, NAC advisory onPhase Two of Re-opening for Arts and Culture Stakeholders[, NHB advisory on Phase Two of Re-opening for Museum Stakeholders [, IMDA industry-specific advisories for the COVID-19 situation [, EDB Advisory on the COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) for businesses [, Infographic on Safe Management Measures at Retail establishments and lifestyle-related services [, Infographic on Safe Management Measures at F&B Establishments [, Helping businesses adjust and adapt to the new normal continues to be a priority [, MOH press release on moving into Phase Two of re-opening [, MOH press release on gradual re-opening of travel and changes to border measures [, MAS press release on Safe Transition to Phase Two of re-opening for the Financial Sector [, NEA circular on measures to be taken when re-opening/re-starting of swimming pools and water fountains [, BCA press release on resumption of all renovation projects, subject to availability of workers[, BCA advisory on resumption of all renovation works from 15 June 2020 [, BCA advisory on resumption of all renovation works from 15 June 2020, Joint Press Release - Electronic Signing of Digital Economy Partnership Agreement[, MOM press release on workers in dormitories returning to work and updates on AccessCode [, Annex to MOM press release - AccessCode conditions for migrant workers [, 58 fines issued by Enterprise Singaporeand STB in the first week of Phase One post Circuit Breaker [, BCA updated FAQs for a safe and controlled restart of the construction sector from 2 June 2020 [, Singapore and France affirm intent to maintain supply chain connectivity for essential food supplies amidst COVID-19 [, Singapore imports first shipment of eggs from Poland [, EDBI and SEEDS Capital to provide S$285 million in financing to promising startups to tide through COVID-19 period [, Minister Chan Chun Sing participates in Special Meetings of ASEAN Economic Ministers and ASEAN Plus Three Economic Ministers [, Joint press statement by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Trade and Industry on the Singapore-China Fast Lane for Essential Travel [, Additional loan and cashflow support for landlords and businesses affected by COVID-19 [, BCA press release -More than 5,400 renovation projects approved to start work from 2 June [, BCA advisory on updated application requirements for renovation works [, MOM advisory on requirements for Safe Management Measures at the workplace after circuit breaker period [, [Updated] Joint Ministerial Statement on Action Plans to Facilitate the Flow of Goods and Services As Well As the Essential Movement of People [, ASEAN-China Economic Ministers Joint Statement on Combating the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and Enhancing ACFTA Cooperation [, Singapore and Poland agree to strengthen economic cooperation and connectivity to tackle COVID-19 [, BCA press release on suspended renovation works and building works for landed residential properties (single dwelling unit) to resume from 2 June in a safe and controlled manner [, Ministerial Statement on the Fortitude Budget 2020 by DPM and Minister for Finance, Mr Heng Swee Keat [, ISCA-SAC Advisory: Safe Management Measures for Accounting Practices in the post Covid-19 Circuit Breaker period [, CEA Advisory on Phase One resumption of property transaction activities by Estate Agents (EAs) and Real Estate Salespersons (RESs) after the circuit breaker period, andGuide for EAs and RESs on resumption of activities during Phase One [, BCA advisory for a safe and controlled restart of the construction sector from 2 June 2020 [, Gradual Resumption for Museum stakeholders [, End of Circuit Breaker, phased approach to resuming activities safely [, Advisory on gradual resumption of business activities in phases starting from 2 June 2020 [, MAS advisory on Safe Re-Opening of more customer services in the Financial Sector [, NEA circular on measures to be taken when re-starting cooling towers [, NParks guidelines for COVID-Safe Landscaping [, Over 140,000 employers to receive $4 billion in next Jobs Support Scheme payout from 28 May [, Minister for Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing participates in second G20 Extraordinary Trade Ministers Meeting [, Germany and Singapore reaffirm collaboration on startups amid COVID-19 [, Response to public complaints of profiteering by online seller EKSK Mall [, Safe Management Measures for F&B establishments [, Safe Management Measures for retail establishments [, Guidelines for gradual resumption of business operations [, Enterprise Singapore expands E-Commerce Booster Package [, Enterprise Singapore issues composition fines on 2 companies for breaching Safe Distancing Measures at workplace [, [Updated] Joint Ministerial Statement on supply chain connectivity [, (Updated) Safe distancing measures for retail establishments [, (Updated) Safe distancing measures for F&B establishments [, Easing the tighter circuit breaker measures, preparing for gradual resumption of activity after 1 June [, Singapore and Japan agree to deepen bilateral cooperation to combat COVID-19 [, Singapore reaffirms commitment to facilitate cross-border flows with Australia, Canada, Republic of Korea and New Zealand [, MAS and financial industry provide additional support for individuals [, MOM advisory on salary and leave arrangements during Circuit Breaker [, STB launches new initiatives to further support tourism businesses and workers [, Inter-agency advisory on supporting mental well-being of workers under COVID-19 work arrangements [, Joint Ministerial Statement on supply chain connectivity [, Singapore receives essential supplies from New Zealand [, Government to continue support measures to protect livelihoods and stabilise businesses during extended Circuit Breaker period [, Tightened list of essential services and measures for workplaces which remain open [, New Facility at interest rate of 0.1% to help banks and finance companies lower cost of loans to SMEs [, Support for businesses and individuals to defray third-party professional cleaning and disinfection costs for premises with confirmed COVID-19 cases [, More subsidised solutions to support working from home for businesses [, Hostel fined for breach of COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act [, Tightening safe distancing measures for F&B and online retail delivery [, Ensuring adherence to safe distancing measures amongst food delivery personnel [, Singapore concludes negotiations with New Zealand for Declaration on Trade in essential goods for Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic [, More than 140,000 employers will receive over $7 billion payouts to cover wages of over 1.9 million local employees [, 30 businesses instructed to cease operations and five composition fines issued for flouting safe distancing measures [, (Updated) Tightening safe distancing measures at F&B establishments, (Updated) Tightening safe distancing measures at retail establishments, (Updated) Tightening safe distancing measures at shopping malls and standalone stores [, Tighter safe distancing measures for F&B and online retail delivery, MOM's advisory on safe distancing measures for workers ferried by lorries [, Enterprise Singapore expands its Food Delivery Booster Package [, Enterprise Singapore and STB order 85 businesses to cease operations[, Enterprise Singapore and STB conducted over 10000 enforcement checks; 10 businesses instructed to cease operations [, COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Control Order) Regulations 2020 Come into force on 8 April [, Eight establishments warned for non-compliance with safe distancing measures [, Ministerial Statement on the Solidarity Budget 2020 by DPM and Minister for Finance, Mr Heng Swee Keat [, Joint ministerial statement by Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Lao PDR, Myanmar, New Zealand, Singapore and Uruguay affirming commitment to ensuring supply chain connectivity amidst the COVID-19 situation [, (Updated) Tightening Safe Distancing Measures at Retail Establishments, (Updated) Tightening Safe Distancing Measures at Shopping Malls and Standalone Stores [, Food Delivery Booster Package to support F&B businesses with delivery orders [, (Updated) Tightening Safe Distancing Measures at Food & Beverage Establishments, Suspension of activities at workplace premises to reduce COVID-19 transmission [, MOM press release on additional safe distancing measures at the workplace [, Financial Services Remain Open and Available [, Port of Singapore Remains Open Amidst Additional Precautionary Measures [, Advisory for the Construction Industry - Suspension of Activities at Workplace Premises to Reduce COVID-19 Transmission [, Advisory for Companies Providing Facilities Management Service [, Infographic on essential services exempted from suspension [, COVID-19 relief measures: Upcoming legislative provisions to impose obligation on property owners to pass on the property tax rebate in full to tenants [, Enterprise Singapore rolls out e-commerce booster package to drive business transformation and diversification of revenue streams among retailers [, Temporary relief for inability to perform contractual obligations due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) situation [, Expansion of temporary scheme to help businesses manage manpower needs [, MAS and financial industry to support individuals and SMEs affected by the COVID-19 pandemic [, Closure of public entertainment venues and suspension of events [, Minister Chan Chun Sing participates in G20 Trade Ministers Videoconference [, Entry approval required for all Long-Term Pass holders [, Joint statement by Enterprise Singapore and Singapore Food Agency on enforcement measures for safe distancing [, Minister Chan Chun Sing holds videoconference with Republic of Korea Trade Minister Yoo Myung-Hee [, Multiagency effort to support private bus industry impacted by COVID-19 [, Advisory on implementing safe distancing measures at shopping malls and standalone stores, Advisory on safe distancing measures at the workplace, Advisory on implementing safe distancing at retail establishments, Advisory on implementing safe distancing measures at F&B establishments, Employers advised to plan for more sustainable housing options for their workers usually housed in Malaysia [, MOM entry approval and Stay-Home Notice requirements for work pass holders from Malaysia [, Joint statement by the Singapore Tourism Board, Enterprise Singapore and Singapore Police Force [, Joint ministerial statement by Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, New Zealand and Singapore affirming commitment to ensuring supply chain connectivity amidst the COVID-19 situation [, Further measures to help companies cope with COVID-19 situation [, Tighter measures to minimise further spread of COVID-19 [, MOM mounts enforcement operation to ensure workplaces comply with safe distancing measures [, 89 Work Passes revoked for breach of entry approval and Stay-Home Notice requirements [, Joint Ministerial Statement by Singapore and New Zealand affirmingcommitment to ensuring supply chain connectivity amidst COVID-19 situation [, Companies encouraged to impose Leave of Absence for employees returning between 14 And 20 March 2020 [, Advisory on COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) for businesses [, Temporary housing support for employers affected by Malaysia's Movement Control Order [, MOM entry approval and Stay-Home Notices now covers all new and existing work pass holders [, Accomodating Workers Affected by Lockdown in Malaysia [, MOM entry approval and Stay-Home Notices extended to ASEAN countries, Japan, Switzerland and the United Kingdom [, MOM entry approval and Stay-Home Notices extended to Italy, France, Spain and Germany [, SG Clean Quality Mark extended to tourism and lifestyle businesses as part of nationwide efforts to uplift sanitation and hygiene [, Tripartite partners update advisory on managing excess manpower and responsible retrenchment in view of COVID-19 [, MOM entry approval and Stay-Home Notices extended to more countries [, Entry approval requirement for employers with work pass holders with travel history to Daegu city and Cheongdo county [, Temporary scheme to help manufacturing and services sectors manage manpower needs [, Press release on outcome of inspections of 3 Stars' premises under the Price Control Act [, More workers and employers taken to task for breaching Leave of Absence requirements [, Majority of employers compliant with entry approval requirements for work pass holders [, Concerted tripartite effort in line with the Stabilisation and Support Package to help tourism sector affected by COVID-19 [, Singapore's FY2020 Budget Statement by DPM and Minister for Finance, Mr Heng Swee Keat [, Leave of Absence Support Programme extended to those serving Stay-Home Notice[, Mandatory Stay-Home Notice for work pass holders with travel history to mainland China[, Press release on inspections of 3 Stars premises under the Price Control Act [, "SG Clean" Campaign Launched To Rally Public And Businesses To Work Together To Keep Singapore Clean [, Advisory for businesses on large-scale events amidst the COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) situation [, Supporting healthcare workers whose leave and holiday plans have been cancelled [, Two work passes revoked for re-entry into Singapore without prior approval [, Leave of Absence Support Programme (LOASP) [, Price Control Act letter of demand issued to retailer 3 Stars [, Actions taken by the Ministry of Manpower following confirmed COVID-19 case of Work Permit holder[, MOM issues updated advisory on enhanced precautionary measures for dormitories[, Transcript of Minister Chan Chun Sing's remarks at Ministerial Community Walkabout at Jurong Spring Division[, Work passes cancelled and employers work pass privileges revoked for breaching Leave of Absence requirements [, New requirements for employers who have work pass holders with travel history to mainland China entering or returning to Singapore[, General advisory for workplaces and frontline workers in response to confirmed cases of local transmission of novel coronavirus in Singapore[, Joint statement by Ministry of National Development, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Manpower on persons placed on Home Quarantined Orders and Leave of Absence [, Transcript of Minister Chan Chun Sing's remarks at Oasia Hotel Downtown[, MOF-MTI Media Release on Government support for firms and workers[, Advisory on the Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) for Businesses, Update on additional measures by the Ministry of Manpower to minimise the risk of community spread of COVID-19[, Transcript of Minister Chan Chun Sings Remarks at Novel Coronavirus (nCoV) Press Conference[, Issuance of Letters by the Price Controller to Sellers that have received consumer complaints[, Additional measures to contain spread of COVID-19 [, For the latest advisories and actions to be taken by, If you would like to find out more about the, If you would like to support the different.



