Be sure to correct the dot position after altering the print head height. Thisoriginal printhead is delivered in a sealed package, with the Head ID, but without the Head Memory Board for Mimaki printers (you can safely re-use the Head Memory Board of the printhead you are replacing). As the DAS automatically performs these operations, printing can be performed without any labor or variations in adjustments by the operator. Eigenschaften Menge: 75Stck / Pack AlphaWipe TX1009 von Texwipe sind 100% Polyester Reinigungstcher, welche Reinraum gewaschen und verpackt sind. This product hasn't received any reviews yet. It is highly recommended to replace the head cables together with a new printhead. Select [Station] > [Carriage Out] > [Move To Platen Right End], then press the [ENTER] key. With two newly developed heads, the JV100-160 has pursued high quality, high productivity, and stable operation as a eco-solvent inkjet printer.The new DAS (Dot Adjustment System) is also provided with the new Dot position correction and feed amount correction, which used to be manual operations and require time and effort, can be automated, reducing the workload on the operator. [LA-W Series] is a warm laminator achieved the maximum laminating speed 7,500mm/min. The desired color can be easily selected in RIP Software "RasterLink6. Just load the printed sheet into the CG FXII Plus and the printed barcode will be scanned to download print data from Rasterlink. Mimaki part number for this printhead is M007947. Original Mimaki Zubehr: Das "Wiper Kit" wird im 10er-Pack geliefert. This original Mimaki JV33/JV5 printhead is suitable for the Mimaki CJV / JV33 / JV5 solvent printer seriesper the compatibility list. This printhead has a native resolution of 1440dpi, 8 nozzle lines (corresponding with 8 independent ink channels) and 180 nozzles per line. Granthams GT LtdGraphic Technology4Hope StreetPrestonPR1 2BFPhone:01772, 2022 Granthams GT Ltd | Mimakis schnell trocknende Lsemitteltinten, die fr ihre hervorragende Witterungsbestndigkeit und Reibefestigkeit bekannt sind, sind fr den JV100-160 in den 4 Farben der Tinten BS4 sowie in den 8 Farben der Tinte SS21 und der neu entwickelten preisgnstigen Tinte AS5 erhltlich. The new DAS (Dot Adjustment System) is also provided with the new Dot position correction and feed amount correction, which used to be manual operations and require time and effort, can be automated, reducing the workload on the operator. *2 Optional Mimaki bulk ink system 3 (MBIS3) is required for using 2L Ink pack. The Mimaki printhead with the memory boardis sku M007947. "High Contrast Series" is a color profile specialized for photographs that suppress graininess and require smooth gradation expression.The desired color can be easily selected in RIP Software "RasterLink6.". Ihre personenbezogenen Daten werden durch den verschlsselten Transaktionsdienst geschtzt. (*1) and usable for UV print laminating, too. Some of the screens and printing samples in this website are artificial renderings. This is the second part in our series detailing getting started in producing , Looking to get started in the business of producing printed sports apparel and , For international Star Wars day we thought it would be fun to use our , Copyright 2022 American Print Consultants. Mimaki-Inkjet-Rollendrucker berzeugen durch fortschrittliche Technologie, robuste Verarbeitung und ihr einzigartiges Preis-/Leistungsverhltnis. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in den Privatsphre-Einstellungen, dort knnen Sie Ihre Auswahl auch jederzeit ndern. The typical firing frequency for this print head is 8 kHz. 600ml ink cartridges with replaceable pouches. Thisgeneration of printheads allows fast speed, high resolution printing with eco-solvent and mild solvent inks. The JV100-160 is an affordable, professional grade eco-solvent roll-to-roll printer designed to produce a wide variety of graphics from high quality, fine art reproduction to vehicle wrap printing and much more! We use cookies in order to offer you a better experience in our website.
Alubeutel Inhalt: 600 ml AS5-x-60 Farbe: bitte whlen Verwendung nur in Verbindung mit Eco-Case mglich! Inhalt: 8Stck geeignet fr:JV300/CJV30/CJV150/CJV300/TS300/TX300 Reinigungsstbchen fr Mimaki-Systeme Inhalt: 50 Stck / Pack SPC-0527. When media or printing conditions are changed, an adjustment of ink dot position and media feed amount to suit is necessary. Kong Bundle Deal - Strictly limited stock and time offer. Available in 64 with print speeds up to 677 Sq Ft/Hr, Eco-solvent: 4 color and 8 color options including Orange and Light Black inks, NEW Dot Adjustment System (DAS) automatically aligns to ensure consistent quality and repeatability, Nozzle Check Unit (NCU), automatically monitors printhead performance and detects clogged nozzles, The Nozzle Recovery System (NRS), automatically substitutes unproductive nozzles, avoiding unnecessary downtime and poor image quality, NEW, easier to use RIP software, RasterLink7, included; reduces RIP time by 25%, Print resolutions: 360dpi, 540dpi, 600dpi, 720dpi, 900dpi, 1080dpi and 1200dpi, Print speed (4-color mode): 677.05sqft/hr, Ink type: U.S. & Canada - SS21 eco-solvent; C,M,Y,K,Lc,Lm,Lk,Or, Interface: 1000-base T ethernet cable or USB2.0 cable, Power supply: AC100~120V/200~240V (+/- 10%), 50-60Hz (+/- 1Hz), Operational enviroment: Temperature 20-30 degrees C with Humidity at 35-65% RH (non-condensing), Mimaki UJV100-160 Series UV Roll-To-Roll Printer, Mimaki JV330-130 Series, 54" Solvent Roll to Roll Printer with integrated XY Slitter, Mimaki JV330-160 Series, 63" Solvent Roll to Roll Printer with integrated XY Slitter, Mimaki CJV330-130 Series, 54" Solvent Roll to Roll Printer/Cutter with integrated XY Slitter, Mimaki CJV330-160 Series, 63" Solvent Roll to Roll Printer/Cutter with integrated XY Slitter, Mimaki CJV150-160 Integrated Printer/Cutter - (64" Wide), Mimaki CJV150-75 Integrated Printer/Cutter - (32" Wide), Mimaki CJV150-130 Integrated Printer/Cutter - (54" Wide), Mimaki UCJV300-107 UV LED Printer/Cutter (42.9" Wide), Mimaki JV100-160 Series Solvent Roll-to-Roll Printer, Made in America! The 300 Plus prints bar codes that can be read by the latest Mimaki CG-FXII Plus cutters. Kontaktieren Sie uns!
Prints orange ink with 20% lower cost. Bestellen Sie vor 16:30 Uhr, damit Ihre Artikel noch am selben Tag versendet werden. * Alle Preise verstehen sich zzgl. Be the first to review this product! The Mutoh Valuejet 1604 printhead is skuDF-49684. (RasterLink / CS250 ink), New Profiles are uploaded. Die Mimaki Reinigungskartusche ML014-Z-22 (SPC-0294) ist kompatibel mit folgenden Tinten: ES3-Tinten,HS-Tinten, SS21-Tinten,Direct-One-Tinten Inhalt: 220 ml Mimaki SS21 sind schnelltrocknende Solvent-Tinten mit hervorragender Haftung auf Medien, gepaart mit einer brillanten Farbwiedergabe. No operator adjustments required. This printhead is either used in 4-colours or 6-colours and has a minimum, variable droplet size of 1.5 pico litre (max. Purchase a JV100-160 during the promotional period outlined above and receive: Three (3) years of warranty coverage broken down as follows: Remaining (24) months of PARTS PLUS coverage (Onsite and travel time NOT included). Laminating with heating improves the adhesion of lamination to reduce Silvering caused by unevenness of print surface due to property of ink. Folgende Cookies akzeptieren Sie mit einem Klick auf Alle akzeptieren. MIMAKI DO BRASIL COMRCIO E IMPORTAO LTDA, TOKYO HYOSHIKI Inc. (Suginami-ku, Tokyo): JV100-160 [from the monthly magazine Signs&Displays August 2021 issue], New Profiles are uploaded. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. The temperature of warming function can be set to suit media up to 60 degree by every one degree from the operation panel and the laminating pressure is easily modified by handle.Taking-up function of laminated media enables one-man operation. This printhead is the original Mimakiprinthead (green board). Promotional Period - July 1, 2022 through August 26, 2022. Each media width and the distance between the two media rolls are automatically detected.Note: The same media type should be used when printing on two media rolls simultaneously. Taking advantage of the 3,200 mm printing width, two media rolls can be mounted and can be printed on simultaneously*. Operation speed of lamination is max. With two newly developed heads, the JV100-160 has pursued high quality, high productivity, and stable operation as a eco-solvent inkjet printer.In addition to NCU (Nozzle Check Unit), NRS (Nozzle Recovery System), and MAPS4 (Mimaki Advanced Pass System4) that enable stable and high-quality printing, DAS (Dot Adjustment System) is also provided to new 100 series printers. Amount of Nozzles: 1440 (8 lines x 180 nozzles), Ink Compatibility: eco-solvent and mild solvent, Schneideklingen, Stifte & Tampondruck-Cutter. "High Contrast Series" is a color profile specialized for photographs that suppress graininess and require smooth gradation expression. Eco cartridges can be used repeatedly by replacing ink packs. Abonnieren Sie den kostenlosen Newsletter und verpassen Sie keine Neuigkeit oder Aktion mehr von DP Solutions Online-Shop. - New and improved genuine RIP (RasterLink 7) provides faster RIP processing and increased productivity. Use a flathead screwdriver to unscrew by approximately one turn. PSDCenter. B2-20120091-4. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Mit der neuesten Version von Mimakis Advanced Pass System (MAPS4) druckt der neue JV300-160 Plus mit besserer Druckqualitt bei hherer Druckgeschwindigkeit. Fr den JV100-160 gibt es eine groe Auswahl an Solventtinten, von 4 Farben bis zu 8 Farben. Sie verarbeiten u. a. Vinyl, transparentes PET, Transferpapiere, Flockmaterialien, Sandstrahlfolie, Maskierfilm, Blueback-Papier und vieles mehr. A new functionID Cut, useful for labor-saving process and efficient printing, has been added as Plus feature. *1 600 ml ink pack requires eco cartridge (OPT-J0361). For product pricing, customization, or other inquiries. With the original half cut function, the backing sheet can be cut leaving a little bit of half cut connecting points, which can be easily detached when necessary. Nachnahmegebhren, wenn nicht anders beschrieben. Mit den preisgnstigen Tinten in 4 und sogar 8 Farben ist der JV100-160 der wettbewerbsfhigste Drucker auf dem Markt und garantiert Ihnen den hchsten Ertrag. Der Tausch erfolgt nach Bedarf. Also note that if using multiple printer units, colors may vary slightly among the units due to slight individual differences among the units. This original Mimaki JV33/JV5 printhead is suitable for the Mimaki CJV / JV33 / JV5 solvent printer seriesper the compatibility list. fr den Warenkorb), andere helfen uns, unser Angebot zu verbessern und Ihnen ein besseres Nutzererlebnis zu bieten. It is also possible to provide cut out characters through cutting a cutting sheet.Seals, stickers, and labels can also be created through cutting along the contours of graphics printed by the inkjet printer. JV100-160 pricing does not include taxes (If applicable), freight or installation - Contact APC for an all inclusive, installed price! BigCommerce Themes by Melden Sie sich an, um ber News und Angebote informiert zu werden und Belohnungspunkte zu erhalten! Das Druckergebnis erzeugt, gerade bei der Verwendung Wir verwenden Cookies. New AS5 Eco-Sol ink. Outstanding Value:RRP: AS5 Ink (600ml bladders) = $140+gst per bladder. Product Specifications. (RasterLink / BS4 ink), On-demand piezo head (2 staggered layout), 360 dpi, 600 dpi, 720 dpi, 900 dpi, 1200 dpi, Single-phase (AC100-120 / 200-240V10%, 50/60Hz1Hz) x2, 2,775 x 700 x 1,392 mm (109.3 x 27.6 x 54.8 in), 2,775 x 700 x 1,475 mm (109.3 x 27.6 x 58.1 in). The Mutoh Valuejet 1604 printhead is skuDF-49684.This printhead carries a one year manufacturer warranty. Menge: 1 Stck Mimaki Artikel-Nr. Geeignet fr MimakiJV33/CJV30/JV5. Sitemap | All trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Specifications are subject to change without notice. It specializes in printing on "solvent media" such as PVC films and banner materials, thus meeting solvent ink users' desire for a little more here.
cutting speed: 73cm/s | Supports Fully cutting cardboad / ID-cut, 2182-3 Shigeno-Otsu, Tomi-city, Nagano, Japan.
| Powered by Shopify, TO ADD MULTIPLE ITEMS TO YOUR QUOTE, PLEASE FILL QTY FIELD THEN CLICK ON "ADD TO QUOTE", - High-speed printing at a maximum of 62.9m/h.*. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2022 DIGIPRINT SUPPLIES. This printhead has a native resolution of 1440dpi, 8 nozzle lines (corresponding with 8 independent ink channels) and 180 nozzles per line.This printhead is either used in 4-colours or 6-colours and has a minimum, variable droplet size of 1.5 pico litre (max. Adjust the print head height to suit media thickness. droplet size is 21 pico litre). Software included: Ships with Rasterlink 6 RIP software. Inkjet printers print using extremely fine dots, thus colors may vary slightly following replacement of the printing heads. Finance from $30.61 ex gst per day Conditions Apply, 1 set of AS5 Eco-Solvent Ink (600ml x 8 cart), Installation & Operator Training (total 3 days), *Forklift requirement is the cost andresponsibility. Light pointer easily adjust the head position to crop marks. On the LOCAL mode screen, select [MENU] > [Maintenance], then press the [ENTER] key. JV33 / JV5 Head Data Cable - M007622 / E300775, Mimaki JV33 / JV5 Print Head with memory board - M007947, JV33 / JV5 Compression Damper SP Assy - M006579. Technisch notwendige Cookies ermglichen es einer Webseite, bereits gettigte Angaben (wie zum Beispiel Benutzernamen oder Sprachauswahl) zu speichern und dem Nutzer verbesserte, persnlichere Funktionen anzubieten. Nachfllbeutel fr MBIS Inhalt: 2000 ml AS5-x-2L Farbe: bitte whlen. Mimaki part number for this printhead is M007947. Nachfllbeutel Mimaki SS21 sind schnelltrocknende Solvent-Tinten mit hervorragender Haftung auf Medien, gepaart mit einer brillanten Farbwiedergabe. Original Mimaki Zubehr: Abschneidemesser fr Ihre Mimaki Print & Cut System. Equipped with warm function available to heat up to max. - Equipped with 600ml ink sacks which cuts down on ink cost. With two newly developed heads the UJV100-160 has pursued high quality high productivity and stable operation as a eco-solvent inkjet printer. Click the button below to add the Mimaki JV100-160 Series Solvent Roll-to-Roll Printer to your wish list. The Mimaki printhead with the memory boardis sku M007947. Getting started in Printed Sports Apparel - Part 2, Made in America! Dot position correction and feed amount correction, which used to be manual operations and require time and effort, can be automated, reducing the workload on the operator. Original Mimaki Zubehr: Cap Assy fr JV/UJV100-160, TS100-1600, TS55-1800 Inhalt: 1 Stck Mimaki Art-Nr. The user may select the preferable widths separately for each roll within a specified range from 210 to 1,524 mm. RRP: AS5 Ink (600ml bladders) = $140+gst per bladder. Wide Format Inkjet Printer | Size: 1.3 / 1.6m | Ink: Solvent | Max.speed: 100.0m/h | Orange & Light black | Supports ID-cut | XY slitter & Media changer, Wide Format Inkjet Printer | Size: 1.6m | Ink: UV | Max.speed: 23m/h | Supports ID-cut, Wide Format Inkjet Printer | Size: 1.3 / 1.6m | Ink: Solvent / Sublimation | Max.speed: 105.9m/h | Orange & Light black ink | Eco cartridge | Supports ID-cut, Entry Model Sublimation Transfer Inkjet Printer | Size: 1.6m | Ink: Sublimation | Max.speed: 70m/h, Roll type cutting plotter | Size: 0.6 / 1.0 / 1.3 m | Max. An optical sensor enables automatic consecutive detection of crop marks throughout the nested image which the Inkjet printer prints, in combination with the automatic adjustment function to obtain precise contour cutting.Crop mark position data, which are received by command from standard attached plugin software FineCut, enables quick movement between the crop marks. With two newly developed heads, the JV100-160 has pursued high quality, high productivity, and stable operation as a eco-solvent inkjet printer. With inkjet printers, if the gap between the print, and media increases, the ink droplets may vaporize before they reach the media. ", Max. Die Mimaki UJV55-320 ist ein UV-LED Tintenstrahldrucker mit einer sagenhaften Druckbreite von 3 Metern und 20 Zentimetern. Use the height adjustment lever to adjust the height. Alubeutel AlphaWipe TX1009 von Texwipe sind 100% Polyester Reinigungstcher, welche Reinraum gewaschen und verpackt sind. 7,500mm/min., steplessly adjustable by dial. Mehrwertsteuer und Versandkosten und ggf. The UJV100-160 is equipped with the DAS, a function to automatically adjust the dot position and feeding amount that affect print quality.When media or printing conditions are changed, an adjustment of ink dot position and media feed amount to suit is necessary.As the DAS automatically performs these operations, printing can be performed without any labor or variations in adjustments by the operator. By continuously detecting a maximum of 4 points, nested images in both X axis and Y axis can be cut aligning each image automatically. This printhead has a native resolution of 1440dpi, 8 nozzle lines (corresponding with 8 independent ink channels) and 180 nozzles per line. Original Mimaki Zubehr: Der"Rubber stopper for 2L case" wird im 8er-Pack geliefert. If the lever is not set to the, correct position, problems such as media jamming and misting may occur, resulting in impaired, Manual will be automatically added to "My Manuals", MIMAKI JV100-160 Requests For Care And Maintenance, Printer MIMAKI JV150-130 Operation Manual, Printer Mimaki JV5-130S Mechanical Drawing, Printer MIMAKI JV3-75SPII Operation Manual, UCJV300 Series Adjusting Print Head Height, UJV55-320 Adjusting The Head Height And Jam Sensor Height. *JV100-160: 20.0m/hJV150-160: 11.1m/h (Media: PVC, Y resolution: 720dpi 6P. Einige davon sind technisch notwendig (z.B. By your continuation of browsing, we will regard that you have agreed to the use of cookies. Um DP Solutions Online-Shop in vollem Umfang nutzen zu knnen, empfehlen wir Ihnen Javascript in Ihrem Browser zu aktiveren. High productivity supported by high functionality allows for more order processing of short-duration work. CG-FXII Plus is a new model standing as successor of CG-FXII. CALL APC AT (855) 927-2465 FOR AN INSTALLED PRICE! Getting started in Printed Sports Apparel - Part 1, May the 4th be with you! Sie brauchen Hilfe? Various media without backing sheets can be also cut. Geeignet fr Mimaki JV100-160. Geeignet fr Mimaki JV100-160. - Up to 150% faster than the Mimaki JV150-160 Printer. On-demand piezo head (2 staggered layout), 360 dpi, 600 dpi, 720 dpi, 900 dpi, 1200 dpi, Single-phase (AC100-120 / 200-240V10%, 50/60Hz1Hz) x2, 2,775 x 700 x 1,392 mm (109.3 x 27.6 x 54.8 in), 2,775 x 700 x 1,475 mm (109.3 x 27.6 x 58.1 in). NEXT DAY DELIVERY - Please place orders before 2:30pm, I Agree with the Terms & Conditions [View Terms]. Zu unseren Datenschutzbestimmungen. This function enables operating different print jobs at once. This function enables stress-reduced cutting. This original Mimaki JV33/JV5 printhead is suitable for the Mimaki CJV / JV33-JV5 solvent printer series. 2020 Embroidery Source Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Printing a "Yoda Mat" on Mimaki JFX. Geeignet fr Mimaki JV100/JV300/CJV300. Inks: One (1) set of SS21 Solvent inks with Eco Cases! CG-FXII Plus is a new model standing as successor of CG-FXII. print speed - 105-9 sq mtrs per hour, Mimaki continues to introduce new developments in the sign industry with the unveiling of a new standard for sign manufacturers; Solvent UV, EPACC - embroidery cost & productivity program, Automatic pinch roller pressure adjustment, The warm lamination function helps to eliminate silvering especially on UV prints, Operation speed equivalent with the high class models. Adjust the print head height to suit the media. This printhead is the original Mimakiprinthead (green board). DP Solutions GmbH & Co. KGVogesenstrae 1177871 Renchen, Beratung & Vertrieb+49 7843, Technischer Kundenservice+49 7843 60 degrees. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. The typical firing frequency for this print head is 8 kHz.Thisgeneration of printheads allows fast speed, high resolution printing with eco-solvent and mild solvent inks. droplet size is 21 pico litre). Tot. Thisoriginal printhead is delivered in a sealed package, with the Head ID, but without the Head Memory Board for Mimaki printers (you can safely re-use the Head Memory Board of the printhead you are replacing). Bei Fragen oder Interesse melden Sie sich gerne bei uns. We promise to never spam you, and just use your email address to identify you as a valid customer. Vaporized ink, may adhere to the print head nozzle surface and media, affecting print quality and causing. Durch die groe Auswahl an verschiedenen Tintentypen und Tintekonfigurationen bietet Mimaki mit diesem neuen Drucker eine Lsung fr jeden Kunden. Rufen Sie dazu einfach die Seite mit der Datenschutzerklrung auf. Set the height adjustment lever so that the desired height is at the top. *Silvering: Whitening phenomenon of graphic by engulfing air bubbles on laminating.